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Bøger om Alaska

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  • af Jack London
    174,95 kr.

    1890’erne. Guldfeberen raser i Klondike. Buck, et velvoksent gadekryds, bliver stjålet fra sine velhavende ejere og sit behagelige liv og fragtet til Alaska for at tjene som slædehund. På turene over de frosne floder, mellem lejrenes snedriver og i de dybe skove stifter han bekendtskab med en brutal verden, hvor kun de stærkeste overlever. Her gælder loven om kølle og tand, og hverdagen i hundespandet er en kamp på liv og død. Men naturen kalder på Buck og vækker hans instinkter, og gennem prøvelser og modgang lærer han at tilpasse sig, overleve – og leve.Når naturen kalder er en barsk, men også smuk roman om heltemod, overlevelse og det vilde, der bor i os. Den udkom i 1903 og er siden da blevet genudgivet og filmatiseret et utal af gange, og i dag har den status som en af verdenslitteraturens mest­ læste og el­skede klassikere.Jack London (1876-1916) blev født i Californien og havde allerede som teenager set mere af verden og dens strabadser, end mange får set på et helt liv. Han har været både østerspirat, sømand, sæljæger, vagabond og guldgraver i Klondike under Guldfeberen 1896-1899. Når naturen kalder udkom i 1903 og blev Londons første bestseller.

  • af C. J. Tudor
    172,95 kr.

    **THE CHILLING NEW THRILLER FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR - PRE-ORDER NOW**'C.J. Tudor is getting better and bolder with every novel, and the bar was pretty high to start with. THE GATHERING is an incredibly exciting novel, tightly plotted and brilliantly tense, with an atmosphere you could eat with a spoon' STUART TURTON'A crime thriller with a vampiric twist. What a cracking read and such assured writing. She just gets better and better!' SARAH PINBOROUGH'Tudor slays with this brilliantly imaginative take on the vampire genre. This genre is tailor made for her. It's as if it's her own invention. There's nothing she can't turn her hand to. Fangbloodytastic' JOHN MARRS'CJ Tudor is a genius. The Gathering kept me on the edge of my seat to the very last page. A tour de force!' AVA GLASS'My first vampire book but it definitely won't be my last! Really enjoyed The Gathering, a chilling and claustrophobic story set in the snowy wilderness of Alaska' B.A. PARIS'So menacing and claustrophobic. Ice cold and darkly bloody. I loved it. Bravo, C.J. Tudor, you are the Queen of Horror' LOUISE SWANSON'A peerless blend of thriller and horror, with darkness and danger pouring from every page. Powered through it in twenty-four hours' ROBERT RUTHERFORDA small Alaskan town.A missing boy.A brutal murder.A detective brought in from out of state to assist the former sherriff who investigated a similar murder twenty-five years ago.But are they hunting a twisted psychopath - or something even more terrifying?Praise for C. J. Tudor:'A truly terrifying, ice-cold chiller from the master of macabre. C.J. Tudor should be on everyone's must-read list' Chris Whitaker'The wildest thriller of the year is three thrillers in one. Buckle up' Linwood Barclay'An exceptional thriller. Original, high-octane plot, jaw-dropping twists . . . A writer at the top of her game' Claire Douglas'C. J. Tudor is terrific. I can't wait to see what she does next' Harlan Coben'Britain's female Stephen King' Daily Mail'Some writers have it, and some don't. C. J. Tudor has it big time' Lee Child'A mesmerizingly chilling and atmospheric page-turner' J.P. Delaney'Her books have the ability to simultaneously make you unable to stop reading while wishing you could bury the book somewhere deep underground where it can't be found. Compelling and haunting' Sunday Express'A dark star is born' A. J. Finn

  • - Beretninger fra klimafronten
    af Robert Zola Christensen & Sebastian H. Mernild
    118,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Gennem mere end 10 år har forfatteren Robert Zola Christensen rejst i hælene på den kendte danske klimaforsker Sebastian H. Mernild. Sammen har de to været på ekspedition til nogle af verdens mest fjerne egne for at dokumentere, hvad det forandrende klima gør ved vores klode. For der hersker ingen tvivl. Klimaet er under enorme forandringer. Der bliver målt stigende vandstande mange steder, det er blevet varmere, og isen smelter på polerne. Konsekvenserne er enorme.I Da kulden forsvandt tager Sebastian H.  Mernild og Robert Zola Christensen os med ud på Indlandsisen for at bore efter is i flere kilometers dybde, vi er fanget i en snestorm højt oppe i Andesbjergene, og så møder vi de mennesker, der må forlade deres hjem, fordi klimaet tvinger dem væk.Bogen er en barsk og samtidig livsbekræftende reportagerejse til klimafronten, hvor to venner – naturvidenskabsmanden og humanisten – dokumenterer den brutale og uundgåelige udvikling, vi alle er vidne til, og sammen reflekterer de to over, hvad der skal til for at fylde fremtiden med håb.

  • - jagt uden foræringer i Alaska, New Zealand og Canada
    af Claus Ballisager
    246,95 kr.

    "Det er nu eller aldrig" er en bestseller indenfor jagtlitteratur. Det er den første i en række af udgivelser fra Claus Ballisager - mest af alt handler den om hvad der skulle vise sig at blive forfatterens levevej. Kom med Claus Ballisager på usædvanlige jagtoplevelser i Alaska, New Zealand og Canada - til steder hvor han har arbejdet for jagtguider af adskillige måneders varighed, og derigennem fået et dybt indblik i jagten på stedet. Det er blevet til en anmelderrost bog på 256 sider med ca. 100 billeder i. Læs bl.a. de fascinerende beretninger om: - Jagten på Alaskas kæmpe elgtyr. - Bjørnejagt, hvor man i dagevis spejder efter dyret og pludselig er den der - måske tættere på, end man tror! - Jagt i orkan efter The Rocky Mountain Goat, samt på Kodiak Island, hvor de har verdens tætteste bestand af brunbjørne. - Jagten i New Zealands bjerge efter thar og gemser - samt vildsvinejagt med kniv. - Oplevelser fra Yukon hvor det bl.a. blev til ulvejagt, jagt på Dall-sheep, elg og caribou. Anmeldelser: "Uhyggelig virkelighed for eventyrlystne. En vildmarksgyser. Jagtbogen, og dens illustrationer på forfatterens hjemmeside, er en ny form for beretning"(Nordjyske Stiftstidende) "CB tager i sin jagtbog læserne med på en fascinerende rejse til verdens største jagtmarker"(Berlingske Tidende) "Han er en god iagttager og fortæller i fin stil. Sådan gør en ægte eventyrer. Respekt!"(JÆGER) "Det er en flot og velskrevet bog"(Vejle Amts Folkeblad) "God at læse, hvis man selv vil et af stederne hen, med eller uden riffel, eller hvis man bare vil drømme om det"(Jyllands-Posten) "Jeg kan varmt anbefale CBs bog. Det er næsten som at være der selv"( "Det er fantastisk inspirerende læsning, og man bliver straks grebet. CB beskriver med ord og masser af billeder, og han gør det godt"(Østhimmerland Folkeblad) "Det er en pragtfuld bog"(JAGT (Dansk Land- og Strandjagt) Signeret udgave kan købes på forfatterens hjemmeside: Her kan du også læse om jagt i Alaska, spændende vildmarksture med trekking og rafting samt følge i hælene på forfatteren.

  • - Alaska, Yukon og Californien
    af Lars Nielsen
    187,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Navnene Alaska, Yukon og Californien emmer af GULDFEBER, uspoleret vild natur og eventyrlyst. Forfatteren af denne bog har siden midten af 80’erne været draget af disse egne af Nordamerika og cyklet utallige gange rundt ”over there”. Mutters alene over bjerge, gennem skove og ørkener. I snestorme og brændende hede. Ofte i selskab med eksemplarer af det lokale dyreliv! Denne bog handler om, hvad der nemt kan ske, når man som cyklist prøver kræfter med et kraftfuldt vejr og vild natur. Hjælpen har ikke altid været ”lige om hjørnet”. Uddrag af bogen Jeg har sommetider vel travlt, når jeg er på cykeltur! Det var gået godt hidtil på denne dag. Jeg kunne se ind mod lufthavnen og centrum på min vej mod Henderson. Pludselig kunne jeg via mit simple vejkort på styrtasken ikke finde vej uden om motorvejen. Da jeg havde prøvet flere villaveje omkring til-/frakørslerne til denne ”freeway” mistede jeg tålmodigheden! Der var da for pokker kun en håndfuld kilometer hen til den del af vejstrækningen, hvor jeg vidste, at jeg måtte cykle. Hvad kunne der ske … ? Så det gjorde jeg! Jeg aner ikke, hvordan de gør det, amerikanerne, men der er aldrig gået mere end få sekunder med min motorvejscykling, før end at der har siddet mindst to betjente i røven af mig! Således også denne gang! Om forfatteren Lars Nielsen (f. 1955) tog realeksamen på Hobro Gymnasium i 1973. Arbejdede som slagteriarbejder fra 1973 til 2017, hvor han gik på efterløn. Han har cyklet siden 1980 og har været jorden rundt fire gange. Han holder foredrag om sit cykelliv og er blevet hædret ved at blive optaget i ”Travellers Club, Oslo” og ”Adventurers Club, Los Angeles”, ligesom han har været medlem hos ”De berejstes Klub, Danmark”.

  • af Fodor's Travel Guides
    179,95 kr.

    Whether you want to spot wildlife in Denali National Park, cruise past glaciers in Glacier Bay, or experience the Northern Lights, the local Fodor's travel experts in Alaska are here to help! Fodor's Alaska guidebook is packed with maps, carefully curated recommendations, and everything else you need to simplify your trip-planning process and make the most of your time. This new edition has an easy-to-read layout, fresh information, and beautiful color photos. Fodor's Alaska travel guide includes: AN ILLUSTRATED ULTIMATE EXPERIENCES GUIDE to the top things to see and doMULTIPLE ITINERARIES to effectively organize your days and maximize your timeMORE THAN 30 DETAILED MAPS and a FREE PULL-OUT MAP to help you navigate confidentlyCOLOR PHOTOS throughout to spark your wanderlust!HONEST RECOMMENDATIONS FROM LOCALS on the best sights, restaurants, hotels, nightlife, shopping, performing arts, activities, side-trips, and morePHOTO-FILLED "BEST OF" FEATURES on "Alaska's Best Outdoor Adventures", "Alaska's Best Wildlife Adventures", "Alaska's Best Shore Excursions", and more.TRIP-PLANNING TOOLS AND PRACTICAL TIPS including when to go, getting around, beating the crowds, and saving time and moneyHISTORICAL AND CULTURAL INSIGHTS providing rich context on the local people, politics, art, architecture, cuisine, geography and moreSPECIAL FEATURES on "Alaska Cruises 101", "Alaska's Glaciers", "Native Arts and Crafts", and more.LOCAL WRITERS to help you find the under-the-radar gemsUP-TO-DATE COVERAGE ON: Juneau, Denali National Park, Anchorage, Fairbanks, the Kenai Peninsula, Skagway, Ketchikan, Glacier Bay, Haines, Homer, Kodiak Island, the Yukon, and more.Planning on taking an Alaskan cruise? Check out Fodor's The Complete Guide to Alaska Cruises. *Important note for digital editions: The digital edition of this guide does not contain all the images or text included in the physical edition.ABOUT FODOR'S AUTHORS: Each Fodor's Travel Guide is researched and written by local experts. Fodor's has been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for over 80 years. For more travel inspiration, you can sign up for our travel newsletter at, or follow us @FodorsTravel on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We invite you to join our friendly community of travel experts at to ask any other questions and share your experience with us!

  • af Larry Kaniut
    262,95 kr.

    Nothing prepares you for a bear encounter better than learning from those who have experienced bears first-hand. Alaska Bear Tales is a collection of more than 200 real-life accounts filled with all the horror, courage, and even humor inherent when man meets bear. These bear tales are so intriguing-so unbelievable-that they often read like fiction.

  • af Toby Spribille
    796,95 kr.

    This open access publication is released under the "CC BY NC" license. Download paper for free For institutions and libraries which require a printed version of this work, we offer a high quality printed and bound paper edition, which may be ordered online above. This option (OA plus a printed edition) is available to all authors of Bibliotheca Lichenologica from now on. Publications on the lichens of Alaska go back 182 years, but a modern, comprehensive review of literature on the diversity of Alaskan lichens has been lacking. The authors present a compendium of 2126 accepted taxa fully referenced with published reports from Alaska and their exact localities. Of these 2126 taxa, 1827 are lichen fungi, 277 are lichen-associated fungi and 22 are putatively saprotrophic fungi usually treated in lichenological studies. Nearly half of all species have been first reported since 1997. A total of 1594 names are treated as synonyms or misapplications, and 140 further taxa are excluded as erroneous or doubtful.

  • af Kristin Hannah
    227,95 kr.

    I ALASKA KAN MAN DØ PÅ HUNDREDE MÅDER, MEN DET ER IKKE ALTID NATUREN, DER ER DEN FARLIGSTE …Leni er tretten år, da hendes impulsive far beslutter, at familien skal flytte til Alaska. I vildmarken kan de endelig leve, som de selv vil, være frie og uafhængige. I første omgang lader Alaska til at være svaret på deres bønner. De lange solskinsdage og de lokales sammenhold og generøsitet opvejer familiens manglende forberedelse og svindende ressourcer. Leni begynder at tro på en bedre fremtid for sig selv og sin familie, og følelsen af at høre til vokser, da hun bliver venner med den betænksomme Matthew.Men efterhånden som vinteren nærmer sig, og mørket sænker sig over Alaska, bliver forældrenes i forvejen vanskelige forhold forværret. I deres lille hytte – dækket af sne og indhyllet i atten timers mørke – går den frygtelige sandhed op for Leni og hendes mor: De er alene, og der er ingen, som kan hjælpe dem.Himlen over vildmarken er en smuk og barsk fortælling om jagten på et bedre liv, kærlighed, overlevelse og den rå vildskab, der skjuler sig i både mennesket og naturen.

  • af Sarah Elmeligi
    367,95 - 467,95 kr.

    Now available in paperback, this lavishly illustrated book explores the complex behavioural characteristics of North Americäs largest land carnivores by examining the bear¿human relationship from the bear¿s perspective.From the first moment Sarah Elmeligi came eye to eye with a grizzly bear, her life changed. In a moment that lasted mere seconds, she began to question everything she thought she knew about bears. How could this docile creature be the same one with a fearsome reputation for vicious attacks? Through years of research, Elmeligi grew to appreciate that bears are so much more than data points, stunning photos, and sensational online stories. Elmeligi expertly weaves the science of bear behaviour with her passionate account of personal encounters. Dive into the life of a bear biologist as Sarah¿s colleagues recount their own ¿stories from the field¿ ¿ intimate moments with bears where they were connected to an animal with personality, decision-making capabilities, and a host of engaging behaviours.Join Elmeligi and Marriott on a journey that examines and shares the behaviour of black, grizzly, and polar bears in North America in a way you¿ve never seen before. What Bears Teach Us will surprise you, inspire you, foster your curiosity, and teach you something new about bears and maybe even yourself.

  • af Buddy Levy
    212,95 - 246,95 kr.

    The true, harrowing story of the ill-fated 1913 Canadian Arctic Expedition and the two men who came to define it.In the summer of 1913, the wooden-hulled brigantine Karluk departed Canada for the Arctic Ocean. At the helm was Captain Bob Bartlett, considered the world's greatest living ice navigator. The expedition's visionary leader was a flamboyant impresario named Vilhjalmur Stefansson hungry for fame.Just six weeks after the Karluk departed, giant ice floes closed in around her. As the ship became icebound, Stefansson disembarked with five companions and struck out on what he claimed was a 10-day caribou hunting trip. Most on board would never see him again.Twenty-two men and an Inuit woman with two small daughters now stood on a mile-square ice floe, their ship and their original leader gone. Under Bartlett's leadership they built make-shift shelters, surviving the freezing darkness of Polar night. Captain Bartlett now made a difficult and courageous decision. He would take one of the young Inuit hunters and attempt a 1000-mile journey to save the shipwrecked survivors. It was their only hope.Set against the backdrop of the Titanic disaster and World War I, filled with heroism, tragedy, and scientific discovery, Buddy Levy's Empire of Ice and Stone tells the story of two men and two distinctively different brands of leadership-one selfless, one self-serving-and how they would forever be bound by one of the most audacious and disastrous expeditions in polar history, considered the last great voyage of the Heroic Age of Discovery.

  • af Tricia Brown
    182,95 kr.

    Patsy Ann was the friendliest dog on the docks in 1930s Juneau, Alaska, but she refused tobelong to anyone. Still, the whole town adopted the hearing-impaired terrier, naming her "Official BoatGreeter."

  • af Nora Roberts
    174,95 kr.

    Ny udgave med nyt omslag.Lunacy, Alaska – indbyggertal: 506Politibetjenten Nate Burke så sin kollega omkomme i tjenesten, og han flygter derfor til den lille, afsides by, Lunacy, midt i Alaskas barske natur. Livet som politimester i en lille soveby lyder tillokkende. Men alt er ikke, som det ser ud i Lunacy, hvor vintersolen kun kigger frem et par timer om dagen, og kulden finder vej helt ind i knoglerne.Da liget af en mand dukker op i bjergene, må Nate vinke farvel til det stille liv. Mordet skal opklares, og det bliver ikke nemmere, da Nate falder for Meg Galloway, den afdødes datter.Den fængslende, romantiske spændingsroman og #1 New York Times-bestseller Nordlys er nu tilbage i en ny udgave.

  • af Margaret Merritt
    327,95 kr.

    An Alaskan woman biologist studies wildlife under often harrowing conditions, overcoming obstacles to ensure conservation measures sustain fish and game for the community's well-being.

  • af Polly Evans
    106,95 kr.

  • af Emma Teal Laukitis
    344,95 kr.

    "The book will be organized with an introduction and four parts: Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter. In each section, readers will find an essay to orient themselves to the season, stories from Alaskans on living and eating well during this time of year, an illustrated guide to seasonal rituals and traditions, a Solstice or Equinox menu meant to be prepared and shared with family & friends as a celebration of the seasonal harvest, and recipes accompanying them"--

  • af National Geographic
    185,95 kr.

    National Geographic Traveler guidebooks are focused on experiential travel. Each book provides inspiring photography, insider tips, and expert advice for a more authentic, enriching experience of the destination. These books serve a readership of active, discerning travelers and supply information, historical context, and cultural interpretation not available on the Internet.National Geographic Traveler: Alaska is the travel partner you need to organize a visit to the boundless uncontaminated spaces of “the Great Land” of Alaska, the largest American state, where nature dominates with the highest number of mountains, glaciers, and pristine wildlife in the world. You can travel around Alaska in many ways, but more than half of visitors choose cruises to begin their adventure among glaciers, wildlife, and national parks, especially along the southern coasts in the panhandle, where it’s possible to travel through the legendary Inside Passage. Travelers can reach remote places on the mainland, the islands, and the mainland coast from Ketchikan to Skagway, as well as Vancouver or Seattle, from various landing ports. Visitors can rent cars, vans, and campers or use the Alaska Railroad to explore the immense hinterland or reach Denali National Park and Preserve, where caribou, wolves, moose, white bighorn sheep, and the iconic grizzly bear roam. Admire the unique scenery of the majestic Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve, home to numerous glaciers overlooking the sea, on an unforgettable cruise or local ferry during the summer.

  • af Constance Taylor & Wendy Kenny
    142,95 - 212,95 kr.

  • af Marie Vingtras
    127,95 kr.

    In a harsh, Alaskan landscape, four solitary characters are brought together by a desperate hunt to find a missing child. Winner of Prix Des Libraires, the French Booksellers' Prize for Best Novel of the Year.

  • af Denise Lawson
    242,95 kr.

    Tails from the Bush, Another Black Bear Sled Dog Adventure highlights life in the Alaskan bush through colorful illustrations and lyrical verse.

  • af Rebecca Rukeyser
    117,95 kr.

  • af Dana Stabenow
    106,95 kr.

    A ten-year-old boy 'hires' native Alaskan investigator Kate Shugak to find her missing father and when Kate stumbles across a body in the woods she fears she may have found him. Finding out what happened will lead Kate to a right-wing religious sect, a conspiracy of silence and a smouldering evil.

  • af Dana Stabenow
    127,95 kr.

    Alaskan detective Kate Shugak, working as a deckhand on Old Sam Dementieff's fishing boat Freya, finds a body in the water. It's a fisherman who has been beaten, stabbed, strangled and drowned. Overkill. But why?

  • af Dana Stabenow
    106,95 kr.

    Kate Shugak guides a group of big game hunters. But she rapidly discovers that some in the party may have more than four-legged prey on their trophy list.

  • af Dana Stabenow
    117,95 kr.

    The award-winning, Alaska-based crime series featuring native Aleut private investigator Kate Shugak.

  • af Dana Stabenow
    117,95 kr.

    Breakup is the season of early Spring, when the rivers thaw and the bears wake up... Alaskan private investigator Kate Shugak looks into the death of a woman by a bear that doesn't quite add up.

  • af Dana Stabenow
    117,95 kr.

    Disputed tribal lands see Alaskan investigator Kate Shugak swap the Bush for Anchorage and the Alaska Federation of Natives convention. She wears a dress! And then someone tries to kill her...

  • af Dana Stabenow
    117,95 kr.

    The award-winning, Alaska-based crime series featuring native Aleut private investigator Kate Shugak.

  • af Dana Stabenow
    106,95 kr.

    The award-winning, Alaska-based crime series featuring native Aleut private investigator Kate Shugak.

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