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Bøger om Canada

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  • af Juliana Leveille-Trudel
    257,95 kr.

    ”Hjerteskærende” ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Politiken”Et nødblus fra en, der har tabt sit hjerte til inuitterne ved verdens ende” Jyllands-Posten”På alle måder en vild, smuk og smertelig bog” En ung, kvindelig socialarbejder fra Quebec arbejder hver sommer i Salluit, en nordlig inuit-landsby. Romanen er fortalt som kvindens indre beretning til Eva – Eva er der ikke mere, hun blev dræbt af sin kæreste og smidt i havet – og til Salluit i det hele taget. Et lavmælt, lyrisk skrig af afmagt, såvel som en kærlighedserklæring til indbyggerne, mest af alt børnene, i den korte barndom de har. Nirliit er også et litterært spejl i hvilket nutidens inuitters muligheder og vilkår står krystalklart aftegnet. En roman om venskab, kærlighed, tilhørsforhold, rastløshed, natur og kultur. Og skyld.

  • af Fodor's Travel Guides
    175,95 - 212,95 kr.

    Detachable, pull-out color map attached to page [3] of cover.

  • af Jack London
    287,95 kr.

    I "Ulvehunden" af Jack London er hovedpersonen vildhunden Hvidtand, der lever i den barske canadiske vildmark. Sammen med sin mor bor den hos nogle indfødte indianere, men Hvidtand gør sig uvenner med alt og alle, da hans følsomme natur ikke passer sammen med resten af spandet. Eksklusionen gør Hvidtand hårdhjertet og til en slagsbror. En dag træffer Hvidtand dog et menneske med en overmenneskelig tålmodig. Et menneske, der bliver hans redningsplanke tilbage til sit egentlig, gode hunde-jeg

  • af Betty Frank Simonsen
    152,95 kr.

    Bogen dækker Vancouver og ­British Columbia, Calgary og Alberta, Winnipeg og Manitoba, Toronto og Ontario, Montréal og Québec City samt Østkysten. Bogen giver et indblik i dagligdagen i Canada og forklarer politiske og kulturelle problemstillinger. En række artikler går bag om Canadas historie, kunst og kultur, mad og drikke samt natur og geografi. Guiden er desuden rigt illustreret med fotos og kort.TUREN GÅR TIL har eksisteret siden 1952 og er blandt verdens hyppigst opdaterede rejsebogsserier. Serien dækker hele verden fra Nordatlanten til Australien. Bøgerne skrives på dansk af forfattere og journalister med et særligt indgående kendskab til de enkelte destinationer. Med nøje udvalgte attraktioner, herunder spisesteder, viser vi vej til de største oplevelser.

  • af Anne Carson
    198,95 kr.

  • af Robert Fisker
    45,95 - 199,95 kr.

    "Julemand på glat is og andre vinterhistorier" er fire historier, der alle foregår midt på vinteren, men i vidt forskellige år. I "Julemand på glat is" kommer en mand galt afsted, da han forsøger sig julemand for familiens børn. "Arven efter onkel Joshua" er historien om en gruppe canadiske spejdere, der vil gøre alt for at blive i deres dejlige spejderhytte. I "På isen efter ål" hører man om den forræderiske is i Limfjorden, der gerne snupper de stakkels mennesker, der bevæger sig ud på den for at fange ål. "Djævelen og hans knægt" er en fortælling fra 1400-tallets Aalborg om en kulsvier og hans søn, der oplever mystiske ting ved juletid. Robert Fisker (1913-1991) var en dansk forfatter, der hovedsageligt skrev bøger til børn og unge. Robert Fisker debuterede i 1935 og udgav i løbet af sin karriere i omegnen af 150 bøger.

  • af Eric Chacour
    274,95 kr.

    I 1980’ernes Kairo lever Tariq op til alle de forventninger, samfundet stiller til ham. Som nygift, ung læge overtager han sin fars praksis og den polyklinik, som de sammen har skabt i et af byens slumkvarterer. Men en dag møder han en person, der kommer til at ændre hans liv for altid. Han bliver nødt til at træffe store beslutninger og emigrerer til Canada.20 år senere vender han tilbage til Kairo, men er der stadig noget, der binder ham til det land, han har forladt?Éric Chacours debutroman var en af de store sensationer, da den i 2023 udkom først i Canada og siden i Frankrig, hvor bogen blev belønnet med flere priser.

  • af Louise Penny
    123,95 kr.

    Kriminalkommissær Armand Gamache og familien er i Paris og samles på deres første aften til en middag. Da Armands gudfar, milliardæren Stephen Horowitz, bliver kørt ned, er Armand overbevist om, at det ikke er et uheld, men derimod et drabsforsøg mod den aldrende mand. En mærkværdig nøgle dukker op blandt Stephens ejendele, og det bliver startskuddet til en hæsblæsende jagt gennem Paris, hvor Armand, hans kone Reine-Marie og hans tidligere næstkommanderende Jean-Guy Beauvoir må søge højt og lavt for at afsløre hemmeligheder, som gudfaren gennem årtier har holdt skjult for alle.Da et lig bliver opdaget i Stephens lejlighed, er hele familien pludselig fanget i et spind af løgne og bedrag, alt imens Armand må indse, at faren hele tiden har været nærmere og langt mere alvorlig end først antaget. For selv i Lysenes by er skyggerne lange. Og i dette mørke springer djævlene frem

  • - Rejseeventyr i Nordcanada
    af Peter Bang
    297,95 kr.

    Vildmarksklassikeren AFSTED handler om skov, flod og stilhed, jagtmarker og fiskevande, eventyrlyst og naturglæde. Og om at tage afsted, gøre det man har lyst til og leve livet, mens man har det. Det er beretningen om to unge danskere, udstyret med med det, der er plads til i en kano - og omgivet af tusinder kvadratkilometer canadisk vildmark. Det er en bog om at være alene - og om, hvad der kan ske - midt i en stor natur, uden kontakt med omverdenen. - Jeg ville ud i en ren og vild natur, ud og høre stilhedens sang, tænke klare, rene tanker, være tæt på alting og mærke sundhed i hjertet...Pressen skrev:"Bogen er elementært spændende og giver også en fin beskrivelse af den storslåede canadiske natur." / Kristeligt Dagblad"Bogen giver en forståelse af den urgamle drivkraft, som kan få mennesker til at foretage sig ting, der bringer både livet og døden ind på helt tæt hold." / JyllandsPosten"Det er en spændende, dramatisk og flot bog. Oplagt til gavebrug. For alle som drømmer om vildmarksliv må det være en ønskebog." / BTBogen er rigt illustreret med farvefotos.

  • af Richard Marsh
    144,95 kr.

    Ethel M. Chapman's "God's Green Country: A Novel of Canadian Rural Life" is a poignant depiction of rural Canadian life that captures the spirit of community, resiliency, and the splendour of the natural world. The story, which is set against the backdrop of rural Canada, follows a number of characters as they deal with the pleasures and difficulties of rural life. Fundamentally, the narrative honours the strong ties that are created in a tiny farming community where neighbours depend on one another for companionship and support. Through the experiences of the people, Chapman delves into issues of endurance, hard work, and the close ties to the land that characterise rural life. Readers will be gripped by Marsh's skilful tension-building throughout the book as the mystery around Helen's identity and intentions gradually comes to light. The book offers a provocative reflection on the nature of evil and the attraction of the forbidden as it tackles topics of obsession, desire, and the darker side of human nature.

  • af R. E. Vernede
    143,95 kr.

    "The Fair Dominion" is an ancient Canadian History story book written by R. E. Vernede. The Fair Dominion is both a travel manual and an intellectual statement, imparting readers with a complicated evaluate of Canada's rich past. Whether you are a pro visitor or an armchair explorer, The Fair Dominion gives a fascinating glimpse into the heart and soul of Canada, imparting readers with an easy appreciation for this massive and first-rate us of a. Vernede's writing is both informative and exciting, allowing readers to enjoy the sights, sounds, and flavors of Canada from the consolation in their very personal houses. The Fair Dominion celebrates Canada's ethnic variety by manner of demonstrating its multiculturalism and feel of inclusivity. Vernede describes Canada's physical beauty while additionally offering insights into its cultural tapestry, highlighting the contributions of Indigenous peoples, immigrants, and different corporations.

  • af Megan Stine
    67,95 kr.

    While traveling through Canada in 1678, a French priest came across the most gigantic waterfalls he'd ever seen. Stricken with both awe and fear, he began to shake, fell to his knees, and prayed. Ever since, people from all over the world have come to explore Niagara: among them the daredevils determined to tumble down or walk across the falls on tightrope. Kids will get a kick reading about the hare-brained stunts and will also learn how the falls were formed and how--one day--they will disappear.

  • af Haley Healey
    212,95 kr.

  • af Haley Healey
    212,95 kr.

  • af Pat McDermott Michener
    242,95 kr.

    When she ran away in 1947, Jasmine Holmes was beautiful. Now she's back: sick, broke, divorced, her life in ruins-a perfect project for her aunt Emma Madison, master meddler. But small-town secrets live long in darkness, and the ones that Jasmine Holmes guards might be the darkest of all. How to fix Jasmine? True, her reputation as the town tramp was well deserved. When she fled tiny Medford for Las Vegas nine years ago, it was in a cloud of scandal. Once Emma rescues Jasmine from a hospital bed and her niece's eight-year-old daughter from foster care, townspeople are dismayed at their return. And when Jasmine, after she recovers, begins nursing the dying wife of her once-supposed lover, Medford erupts in a veritable volcano of gossip. Lovers from a decade ago appear, then a new suitor. Soon emotions of desire, jealousy, spite and fear roil the once-peaceful community. During her brief stay, Jasmine sets the lives of many on trajectories they never could have expected. And although her own journey may be long and arduous, love and joy wait at the end, thanks in large part to an elderly lady with the remarkable ability to take things gone wrong and set them to rights. Subtly influencing the course of events-watching, waiting, and then pulling the strings with perfect timing, is Jasmine's sage and savvy aunt-the redoubtable Emma Madison.

  • af M Alayne Sullivan
    96,95 kr.

    A riptide of circumstances engulfs the maritime Atlantic fishing village of Herring Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada. It's a time of peace and war, love and loss, life and death, all amidst underlying racial temperatures. Time moves through three generations. Memories of the past submerge the present. And stories are born. After a pilot boat went down in March of 1940, people in the fishing villages remember that fateful night over all of their years, generation after generation. And the fates of others are carried into the war years of WWII as the all-black community of Africville comes to play an important role in all of the times that move along with Herring Cove and its characters.

  • af Simon Tourigny
    112,95 kr.

    From the Arctic tundra to the forested hills of the Klondike Plateau, this collection of Northern Short Stories hurls the reader into a maelstrom of wilderness adventure and survival. From a brutal fight to the death with the wolves and bears to the streets and saloons of scattered frontier towns slinging guns with outlaws and falling in love with beautiful women.From the early explorers to modern times, driving dog teams of half wild huskies across the windblown wastelands and riding in the saddle with a Winchester under one leg, Simon Tourigny's raw, rough characters roam the northern wilderness, hunting, hiding, fighting, and surviving in a land of rugged mountains, swift glacial rivers, and trackless forests.Guns and Horses will take you to the razor edge of death and back again in time for tea and bannock. A blend of Jack London and Louis L'Amour with a dash of Tarantino and his own unique flair, this collection of stories will inspire you to keep going to the final, bitter end.After all, what is life without love? While there is love there is hope, and while there is hope there is a chance...

  • af David Waltner-Toews
    76,95 kr.

    Tante Tina is a stage and poetic persona created to share stories told by my mother and one of her sisters about their lives in Canada after fleeing Ukraine in 1926.

  • af Rama Kaba
    89,95 - 209,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Brady
    137,95 kr.

    Thomas D'Arcy McGee, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is clear and readable. This remarkable book falls within the genres of North America local history, Canada

  • af J. Andersen
    109,95 - 200,95 kr.

  • af Raymond C. Aldred
    150,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af D M Roy
    104,95 - 160,95 kr.

  • af Jean Marie Norman
    202,95 - 269,95 kr.

  • af Katherine Fierlbeck
    401,95 kr.

    Katherine Fierlbeck and Gregory Marchildon examine public health services and coverage in Canada that predate or have developed in parallel to the Canada Health Act. Explaining their logic, operation, and internal political tensions, The Boundaries of Medicare sheds light on the challenges and opportunities facing Medicare in Canada today.

  • af Marty Gervais
    183,95 kr.

    The Sky Above is an engaging book that follows a long and colourful career of an award-winning poet, journalist and photographer intent upon spinning stories, whether they be as momentous as meeting up with Mother Teresa in the basement of a Detroit church or as ordinary as driving through winter storms to watch his sons play hockey.

  • af Evan Jones
    167,95 kr.

    " If I can impart one final message, beyond the usual declarative to read poetry and buy poetry books," writes Evan Jones in his introduction to The Civilizing Discourse, " it is to listen to poets. The real ones offer wisdom and a perspective at odds with prevalent visions." In a series of passionate, enlightening, frank, engaging, and sometimes astonishing conversations, thirteen poets-- many acknowledged masters-- open up about their writing processes, their childhoods and marriages, their regrets, as well as their hopes for and frustration with poetry. From Norm Sibum describing his affinity with a waitresses and cabbies to Nyla Matuk's wrenching investigations into the Palestinian side of her family; from Don Coles's obsession with alternative universes to Robyn Sarah's praise for discarded things; from Elise Partridge describing her shift in priorities after a cancer diagnosis to Steven Heighton's interest in remaining childlike, The Civilizing Discourse is not only a highly readable record of the literary scene today, but, in its celebration of language, will appeal to poetry readers and poets alike.

  • af Donald McKay
    98,95 - 184,95 kr.

  • af Benjamin Bryce
    401,95 kr.

    Benjamin Bryce considers what it meant to be German in Ontario between 1880 and 1930. For the Germans who make up the core of this study, the distinction between insiders and outsiders was often unclear. The Boundaries of Ethnicity uncovers some of the origins of Canadian multiculturalism, and government's attempts to manage this diversity.

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