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Bøger om Teenageårene

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  • af Sophie Souid
    355,95 kr.

    Sivert har plaget og plaget. Han har det lidt svært med, at MØGMIS får sååå meget opmærksomhed - så nu får han sin helt egen serie.For han har det faktisk også ret hårdt: Han er ikke længere i et fast forhold til Petra, der slog op efter fem dage, hans far laver verdens værste mad, hans kat MØGMIS er meget lidt empatisk, hans mor er lige holdt op med at ryge (eller not) og er derfor blevet grebet af en ustyrlig energi, som kaster hende fra projekt til projekt.Som projekt muge-ud-på-Siverts-værelse-uden-at-spørge-Sivert ... og smide kommoden ud! Kommoden, der indeholder Siverts allerstørste hemmelighed, en hemmelighed, der for enhver pris ikke må se dagens lys.Sivert må alliere sig med Petra og Ronnie Romkugle (ikke helt frivilligt), så han kan få kommoden tilbage og redde sit liv.Møgmis: Hævnen er sød og stinker af fisk vandt ORLAPRISEN 2023 i kategorien BOGEN, DER FIK MIG TIL AT TISSE I BUKSERNE AF GRIN.

  • af Alexander Kielland Krag
    347,95 kr.

    MAN KAN TÆNKE SIG TIL “SORG”, FORESTILLE SIG “SORG”, MEN NU ER DEN DER, SORGEN, OG ALT DET, MAN HAVDE FORESTILLET SIG, BLEGNER.Jakob er død, 17 år gammel. Tilbage står hans bedste ven, Lucas, og Jakobs ekskæreste, Emma, som på hver deres måde prøver at finde vej gennem sorgen.Kunne de have forhindret Jakobs selvmord? Burde de have indset, at der var noget galt? Kan man nogensinde få det godt igen, når tabet føles så stort? Bliver det aldrig bedre?ALDRIG BEDRE er en mørk, sørgelig og håbefuld ungdomsroman om sorg, om kærlighed og om at finde en vej videre.

  • af Kevin James Joseph McNamara
    90,95 kr.

    In the tapestry of humanity, there exists a multitude of experiences, each thread weaving a unique narrative of resilience, identity, and advocacy. The stories you are about to encounter are a celebration of these threads, a collection of voices that rise above the ordinary, each one echoing with the resonance of inspiration.These are the stories of young individuals, navigating the complexities of life in diverse corners of the world. From the bustling streets of New York City to the serene landscapes of the Arctic, from the vibrant cultures of Africa to the ancient traditions of Asia, their journeys are as diverse as the human experience itself.Each protagonist is a reflection of the rich tapestry of our world, representing a spectrum of backgrounds, identities, and challenges. They are biracial and multiethnic, indigenous and immigrant, LGBTQ+ and genderqueer, and they carry the weight of their cultural heritage, the burdens of societal expectations, and the joys of self-discovery.Yet, amidst the struggles and triumphs, these young voices share a common thread-a deep commitment to creating change, fostering understanding, and inspiring others. They stand as beacons of hope, champions of inclusivity, and advocates for justice, both within their own communities and on the global stage.As you embark on this journey through their lives, you will witness the power of resilience in the face of adversity, the beauty of diversity in a world that often seeks uniformity, and the unwavering determination to overcome obstacles and make a positive impact.These stories are a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit and the potential for change that lies within each of us. They serve as a reminder that, no matter where we come from or who we are, we have the capacity to shape our own narratives and inspire those around us.So, step into the world of these remarkable young individuals, and allow their voices to resonate within you. For in their stories, you may find echoes of your own journey, sparks of inspiration, and a renewed belief in the power of compassion, understanding, and the indomitable human will.

  • af Silveer Niehaus
    172,95 - 248,95 kr.

  • af Maria Thiele
    122,95 - 172,95 kr.

  • af Hillary Gonzalez
    95,95 kr.

    "Seasons" is an exploration of grief, love, abuse, bisexuality, and the neurodivergent experience. This is the debut poetry book of Hillary Gonzalez."Seasons" is divided into four sections, according to the seasons of the year. Each season corresponds with a life event reflecting the beauty of spring and summer, the harsh chill of winter, or the retrospective contemplation of autumn. "Seasons" is a journey that will lift the reader up, make them cry, and act as a light in the dark for others who have felt abandoned in the shadows.

  • af Stephanie Brick
    121,95 kr.

    An outcast girl looking to belong discovers a secret doorway to other realms in a thrilling portal fantasy novel for middle-grade readers. When twelve-year-old Adeline Perle's transient military family finally plants roots in an old, creaky mansion - Cannondale - the girl craves to build the lasting friendships that she, as a constant outsider, never had. At last, on the cusp of bonding with a new group of affable teens on Cannondale's grounds, Adeline discovers an unusual treasure behind a secret door, unveiling portals to extraordinary realms where she is confronted with disappearing creatures and magical people, good and evil, and a boy who's desperate to help her find her way back home. But not all friends are as they seem. Some will go to any length to get what they want, including a secret Adeline does not even know she possesses. It is a secret so important, all the magic in the universe is at stake. Wars have been waged over it, and Adeline finds herself right in the middle of it all. She must overcome all inhibitions and face her greatest fears not only to survive but - after a lifetime of wanting - to find her place and way home.

  • af Maria Thiele
    122,95 - 172,95 kr.

  • af K B Hoyle
    182,95 kr.

    He was a prince, dying from a shard of cursed glass. She was a gardener, bound to save him. Theirs was a love that could thaw a kingdom doomed to an icy end.

  • af Lize Meddings
    357,95 kr.

    THE SAD GHOST CLUB er en hemmelig klub for dig, der nogle gange føler dig usynlig. Dig, hvis tanker fylder alt for meget og nogle gange stikker af med dig og gør dig usikker på dig selv. Du er ikke alene.Denne historie handler om, hvad der sker, når man har fundet sine sjælevenner ....For folk er fantastiske, men ... det er også indviklet at være sammen med dem, især når man er vant til at være alene.Meld dig ind i The Sad Ghost Club, og lær at tackle verden et skridt ad gangen.Til Heartstopper- og Jennifier Niven fans – og til alle dem, der har prøvet at føle sig alene.VÆR IKKE BANGE FOR AT TALE MED DINE VENNER OM SVÆRE TING.DET KAN FØLES SKRÆMMENDE, MEN DET ER DET HELE VÆRD.YOU GOT THIS, GHOSTIES!Lize Meddings har skrevet og illustreret THE SAD GHOST CLUB. Hun bor i Bristol, hvor hun arbejder med design og tegneserier og forsøger at skabe positiv opmærksomhed om, hvordan det mentale helbred påvirker os alle på forskellig vis.En virkelig fin og vigtig graphic novel holdt i sort/hvid og enkel i sin streg. Hovedpersonerne fremstår som spøgelser, med et lagen over hovederne, hvilket effektfuldt underbygger og beskriver følelsen af at være usynlig, og om ikke at føle sig som en del af fællesskabet. Ikke at blive set og hørt. En fortælling om håb, om at finde andre, som man kan spejle sig i og åbne sig for. Anbefales helt klar til såvel ungdomshylderne som til PLC.Lektørudtalelsen på første bind

  • af Morten Dürr
    307,95 kr.

    "Vand til Ganesha" er en flot, farvestrålende graphic novel som udspiller sig i Indien. Bogen egner sig til læsere i alle aldre – fra 9 år og op. Det er sommer i megabyen. Ravi er storebror. Det er ham, som skal hente vand. Ravi løber ud i storbyens labyrint. Ud i støvet og ud i sommerens ulidelige hede. Han løber af smalle dunkle gyder. Dér! Ravi kan høre vandvognens horn. Men han kan ikke se den. Så er der pludselig helt stille igen. Heden svider og stikker. Hvornår finder Ravi vand?

  • af Melinda Wenner Moyer
    212,95 kr.

  • af T H Lehnen
    182,95 - 367,95 kr.

  • af Stephanie Brick
    222,95 kr.

    An outcast girl looking to belong discovers a secret doorway to other realms in a thrilling portal fantasy novel for middle-grade readers. When twelve-year-old Adeline Perle's transient military family finally plants roots in an old, creaky mansion - Cannondale - the girl craves to build the lasting friendships that she, as a constant outsider, never had. At last, on the cusp of bonding with a new group of affable teens on Cannondale's grounds, Adeline discovers an unusual treasure behind a secret door, unveiling portals to extraordinary realms where she is confronted with disappearing creatures and magical people, good and evil, and a boy who's desperate to help her find her way back home. But not all friends are as they seem. Some will go to any length to get what they want, including a secret Adeline does not even know she possesses. It is a secret so important, all the magic in the universe is at stake. Wars have been waged over it, and Adeline finds herself right in the middle of it all. She must overcome all inhibitions and face her greatest fears not only to survive but - after a lifetime of wanting - to find her place and way home.

  • af Aariona Harris
    197,95 kr.

    Loss X Mental Illness is a collection of poems written by Aariona Harris during one of the most emotionally and mentally challenging times of her life. The goal with these poems was to offer solidarity to other readers who may go through something similar and ensure they knew they were not alone. While doing so Harris addressed her grief and to expel all the feelings associated with it, with the emotional reactions caused by her diagnoses. What reviewers say:¿¿There were moments reading this when I could see the 13 year old I was sure would be a lawyer, throwing out a witty retort to any would be offensive adult, and there were times I saw the young woman clinging desperately to a hand she would never get to hold again, which remains the single most heartbreaking thing I have ever witnessed. Her mother was a huge fan of poetry, and meaningful lyrics; and she was incredible at spoken word, and I think she'd be really proud of what her daughter has accomplished here. I can't wait for the next book.Christeena L. Putzer¿¿¿Aariona Harris' captured so many emotions and feelings in her book "Loss X Mental Illness". With each poem you can feel the emotions that are wrapped around every word. You can tell that the author has gone through so much in her short life. While reading I was shocked and amazed by what she has faced in a short amount of time. Not only does she bring attention to very important topics, she expands on them. This is a raw and honest view of mental health struggles at a young age. Grappling with life challenges that seem almost insurmountable including the loss of a mother, this narrative resonates deeply as it mirrors the silent battles that many young individuals face into today's world. Aariona's writing is viewed with a sense of resilience and hope as she navigates these challenges. It encourages a deeper understanding and empathy of those who battle mental health issues often in silence. The book is a beacon of hope and understanding. A reminder that even in our darkest time there is light to be found.¿¿¿¿Rebecca Durgin¿¿In Loss X Mental Illness, Harris bares her scarred and beautiful soul. Her poetry could not be more honest as she has sought to understand herself in the context of painful losses. John Zimmerman

  • af Patrick D Joyce
    147,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af L J Baines
    212,95 - 307,95 kr.

  • af Glenda Faye Mathes
    162,95 kr.

    Spring break promises 12-year-old Emily Hanford a long-awaited vacation, basking in the sun on Cancun's white beaches. But a global pandemic sweeps away her holiday dream and surges into her daily reality. Waves of change overwhelm her, especially as Dad's remarriage looms. How can Emily live in the same house as an unpopular boy in her class? Isolated from her other classmates, will Emily find her truest friend?

  • af Holly Cotton
    97,95 kr.

    Welcome to a world where the magic lies in your thoughts and the power is all in your mind.Unlock the secrets to reshaping your mindset, empowering you to take control of your thoughts, and master the art of mental resilience. With affirmations that resonate and are tailored for the vibrant energy of adolescence, this book serves as your compass in navigating the challenges and triumphs of teenhood.Discover the blueprint to own your thoughts, reset your mind, and unleash the superpower that is your unique mindset. Each page is a roadmap to transform your thinking patterns, offering a fresh perspective on how to navigate the exciting journey of self-discovery during the teen years.

  • af Melody Farrell
    197,95 kr.

    We are all travelers, journeying onward toward the culmination of our stories. Some travelers are merely passengers, drifting along with the currents of circumstance. Some travelers are faithful followers, moving toward a mission that someone has laid out for them. Some travelers are pioneers, forging a way through the uncharted wilderness for the good of their own stories and the communities who follow. Are you sensing a change in the terrain ahead? Are you troubled by the lack of hope and wonder that once filled our world? Are you aware of a dreary darkness that seeks to cast a shadow over what is good, true, and beautiful? If so, Young Traveler, then you are a pioneer. Pioneers travel together, and this book may serve as your guide on the path ahead. Come, warm yourself by the light of the fire, and listen to the tellings of the True Story. Author Melody Farrell weaves together parables, poetry, ancient wisdom, and modern tales, inviting young pioneers on the great adventure of their becoming.

  • af Tom Palmer
    96,95 kr.

    Can Rocky Race lead her team to victory? Rocky is so excited: she is going to the California Soccer Championships! With only weeks to go until the big match, Rocky is starting to... get nervous? Why is she having nightmares, and dreading training after school? Everyone is counting on her, and she knows that winning the championship gives her a better chance of going pro. With so much pressure, will Rocky be able to step up and take the winning shot? The exciting sequel in The Soccer Diaries series starring Rocky Race, a British footballer looking to make it big. Perfect for fans of Up For Air and The Kicks!

  • af Lori Knowles
    212,95 kr.

    "For dock lovers and daydreamers"One wealthy family.One beautiful cottage.Many summers of secrets.More than a decade after tragedy strikes, Colin Montgomery returns to the Wynward's Muskoka cottage to spend one last summer with the marvelous Miss Elizabeth. As a child, he was saved by the Wynward family. Ultimately it's Colin who saves the Wynwards.Shy, orphaned Colin Montgomery appears to finally have it all: an ivy-league education, a century-old, lakeside cottage in Muskoka, and a benefactor in the marvelous "Miss Elizabeth" Wynward, the shrewd, champagne-swilling mistress of Pittsburgh's Wynward Steel. Colin spends idyllic summers of the 1970s alongside the spirited yet troubled Wynward grandchildren. They swim, they sail, they fall in love, they ride in glossy wooden launches. But when tragedy strikes, the Wynwards are ripped away from the lake, away from each other. Fifteen years later, with the grand lady's health failing, it's up to Colin to bring them together. With help from old family photographs, he must take on the charming force that is Miss Elizabeth to unravel family secrets and uncover what really happened.By welcoming him into the family as a child, the Wynwards rescued Colin. Ultimately it's Colin who rescues the Wynwards.loriknowles.comPRAISE FOR SUMMERS WITH MISS ELIZABETH!"For dock lovers and daydreamers."-Wendie Donabie, Muskoka Author & Artist "This novel is a must-read, powerful tour de force. Knowles skillfully explores the strength and fragility of the human condition, effortlessly weaving themes of love & loss, family, class, and the destructive power of secrets. The writing is rich and lush, taking you on a compelling whirlwind journey of discovery that will leave you breathless."-Cindy Watson, award-winning and best-selling author of The Art of Feminine Negotiation and Out of Darkness"With unforgettable characters, Summers With Miss Elizabeth is an emotionally charged saga in which to lose yourself.-Beverley Brewer, author of Dance Into The Light: a memoir

  • af Federico Pacchioni
    154,95 kr.

    Stanzas for a Travel Memoir. Southwest of Italy is an ode to the deep value of the things that are out of our control-history, place, emotion, coincidence, the community of friendship. The title refers to one of the most apparent intents of the text, which is to trace the relationship between Sardinia and the American Southwest, particularly in the layering of time and culture. Though this relationship is subtly played, even understated, because the book also aims at tracing deeper themes, such as those of hope, illusion, and cultural mediation. It is densely composed in a hybrid style, merging lyrical prose and travel essay. Narrative,

  • af Chris Volkmann
    257,95 kr.

  • af Grace Lebow
    192,95 kr.

    Do You Have An Aging Parent Who --Blames you for everything that goes wrong?Cannot tolerate being alone, wants you all the time?Is obsessed with health problems, real, or imagined?Make unreasonable and/or irrational demands of you?Is hostile, negative and critical? Coping with these traits in parents is an endless high-stress battle for their children. Though there's no medical defination for "difficult" parents, you know when you have one. While it's rare for adults to change their ways late in life, you can stop the vicious merry-go-round of anger, blame, guilt and frustration.For the first time, here's a common-sense guide from professionals, with more than two decades in the field, on how to smooth communications with a challenging parent. Filled with practical tips for handling contentious behaviors and sample dialogues for some of the most troubling situations, this book addresses many hard issues, including: How to tell your parent he or she cannot live with you. How to avoid the cycle of nagging and recriminations How to prevent your parent's negativity from overwhelming you. How to deal with an impaired parent who refuses to stop driving. How to asses the risk factors in deciding whether a parent is still able to live alone.

  • af F. Lockhaven
    147,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Roland E. Ruf
    173,95 kr.

    Fünf Jahre alt ist Roland, als er in einer kalten Kriegsnacht 1945 mit seiner Familie von Breslau nach Westen fliehen muss.Mangel, Improvisation und Orientierungslosigkeit begleiten fortan seine Kindheit im Karlsruhe der unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit bis ins frühe Erwachsenenalter hinein.Beharrlich sucht und seinen Weg zwischen verkrusteten Ordnungsvorstellungen und Selbstbestimmung.Das Bild, das er dabei von seiner Familie zeichnet, offenbart den Konflikt zwischen Kriegs- und Nachkriegsgeneration im schlichten bürgerlichen Milieu.Dem ¿Gespenst Ordnung¿ begegnet er auf seine Weise: ¿ Vor allem war es das Spielerische und Zufällige, das mich in seinen Bann zog, was es in Gang setzte, welche Welten es erschloss und welche Spielräume sich meiner Neugier und Phantasie öffneten.¿Präzise, in oft ironisch-kritischen Beobachtungen und Reflexionen beleuchtet der Erzähler, bisweilen mit umwerfender Komik, die Gesellschaft der jungen Bundesrepublik, eng verwoben mit seinen eigenen Lebensentscheidungen.Authentisch und von verblüffender Aktualität!

  • af Almut Halaski
    400,95 kr.

  • af Triffawna Witt
    197,95 kr.

    "you're why the book can't be shut": Collection of Love Poems, Prose, Thoughts for Heartbreak, Relationships, Trauma Healing. A book of mixed structured traditional and free verse poetry which have both rhythm/rhyming and a bit of "Insta-poetry" thrown in there for the die hard social media enthusiasts, no cap.Let's get lost between the lines in this first book author debut "you're why the book can't be shut", released by Witt as she lays out the emotions of crush to love on a level we can simply just understand for the casual or serious reader. This book would appeal to high school coming of age and older into adulthood. It is laid out in a order somewhat as the feelings grow beyond first looks and first meetings and missed connections imaginary or not. Witt has been published twice in The American Library of Poetry as an adolescent and has compiled her emotional journey of love throughout her life thus far to bring you a sense of relatability, empathetic growth, letting go, blossoming inner feelings you hope to manifest into love.~all the things I didn't say. xoxo¿Entry sneak peak from the book:And there you areBack again after last seasonSwore it wouldn't be too farComing back with such reasonAs if winter could forget summerEntry from her Instagram and Website:Dear Readers and Wondering Souls,May what you read hereFill in the negative spaceDrawing the emotions nearWhen you need another placeSincerely,Triffawna Witt@letsgetlostbetweenthelines, Instagram Handle

  • af Eva Lovett
    362,95 kr.

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