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  • af Jacob Wendt Jensen & Christian Monggaard
    397,95 kr.

    Lise Nørgaard fik ideen. Erik Balling forløste den. Danmarks Radio udsendte den til de danske tv-seere i årene 1978-1981 – og har gjort det adskillige gange siden. Matador er ikke alene en fantastisk tv-serie. Den er også blevet en uomgængelig del af den kollektive fortælling om Danmark i tiden før og under Anden Verdenskrig. På baggrund af mere end 40 nye interview med menneskene foran og bag kameraet, avisartikler, arkivmateriale og brevvekslinger fortæller Christian Monggaard og Jacob Wendt Jensen nu den definitive historie om skabelsen af ’verdens bedste tv-serie’. Rigt illustreret med velkendte stillfotografier fra serien og sjældent sete billeder fra optagelserne, fotografier af rekvisitter, produktionstegninger og kostumeskitser.

  • - møgkællinger har det sjovere
    af Michael Holbek, Linse & Didde Skjelmose
    187,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Didde: Jeg var så bange, da jeg mødte dig første gang. Linse: Det kan jeg godt forstå.Didde: Jeg var så bange, for jeg var overbevist om, at du ville slå mig ihjel.Linse: Det ville jeg også …Linse og Didde mødte hinanden i 1995 på dramatisk vis, da Linse var 29 år, og Didde bare 21, men siden første dag har de været uadskillelige og haft hinandens ryg som veninder.I bogen fortæller de to seje Brygge-tøser filterløst og ærligt om deres venskab. Om op- og nedture, om hvor forskellige de er og om at arbejde sammen i tv-serien Familien fra Bryggen. 25 års venskab udrullet i et gribende og særegent smittende sprog og med fandenivoldsk humor.Her beretter Didde også for første gang sin historie. Om en barsk barndom og opvækst på Bryggens brosten. Hun fortæller om alle stofferne, og hvorfor hun tog dem. Om utroskab, manglende selvværd og ensomhed. Men også om en kvinde, der kan lide gang i gaden, giver pokker i, hvad andre tænker, og er blevet Reality Award-kåret som Årets Bedste Kvindelige Realitydeltager.Linse og Ditte - møgkællinger har det sjovere tager læseren med ind i et hjertevarmt til-verdens-ende-venskab, hvor Linse og Didde udveksler historier om mænd, sex og kærlighed samt børn, skønhed og bryster. Og bogen bringer læserne om bag kulisserne, når de optager Familien fra Bryggen, der i år runder sæson 20 på TV3.Tilsammen har Linse og Didde mere end 1 million følgere på Instagram og Facebook. De er naturtalenter på sociale medier og er ikke nærige med at dele ud af sig selv og lade deres fans følge med. Bogen er skrevet i samarbejde med Michael Holbek, der også har skrevet Linses andre bøger.

  • af Jacob Wendt Jensen & Christian Monggaard
    447,95 kr.

    Næsten tre millioner mennesker kiggede med hver uge når beboerne i Amagergade 7-9 - Flyttemand Olsen og frue, dyrehandler Clausen og fru Clausen, Larsen, Tue, Rikke, Egon, Karla, Meyer og Emma fra Rottehullet overfor - sloges med tilværelsens og tidens store og små problemer i komedieserien Huset på Christianshavn.I alt 14 sæsoner og 84 afsnit blev der produceret af den populære serie i årene 1970-77.Jacob Wendt Jensen og Christian Monggaard dykker ned i historien om Danmarks første sitcom. De har endevendt arkiverne og talt med mere end 40 mennesker, der arbejdede på Huset på Christianshavn. Resultatet er en unik fortælling om det første store samarbejde mellem tv- og filmbranchen - spækket med fyldige portrætter af skuespillerne, instruktørerne og forfatterne, sjældne fotos fra tilblivelsen af serien samt aldrig før offentliggjorte breve, kontrakter og skitser.Indbinding: Hardcover med stofryg og folieprægPapir: 140 gr. amber graphic

  • af Elena Craig
    347,95 kr.

    "Gilmore Girls: The Official Cookbook features dishes from every corner of Stars Hollow and beyond, including the Dragonfly Inn, Weston's Bakery, Al's Pancake World, Luke's Diner, and Emily and Richard's dinner table. Fans will delight in recreating iconic dishes from the beloved series, such as Sookie's Risotto, Mrs. Kim's Flaxseed Muffins, Luke's Cheeseburger and Fries, and, of course, the perfect cup of coffee! This official cookbook also includes clever cooking tips from Sookie, hosting tips from Michel, etiquette tips from Emily Gilmore, and the wisdom from Lorelai and Rory for cooking fast and talking faster"--

  • af Liz Marsham
    282,95 kr.

    "Sixty recipes inspired by the world of Critical Role, accompanied by the histories of the show's four imaginary continents and iconic culinary capers by Vox Machina, the Mighty Nein, Bells Hells, and more. Enjoy Percival de Rolo's revenge pasta, stuffed with enough garlic to ward off even the strongest vampires, and blackberry and lemon hand pies inspired by Scanlan's favorite spell. Prepare for battle with Jester's sweet feast, a platter of pastries made complete with a dash of cinnamon and a covert sprinkle of the Dust of Deliciousness. And as the night comes to a close, settle down with Lord Eshteross's maple ginger cookies"--

  • af Brian Iskov
    327,95 kr.

    Fra 1970 til 1978 trak sengekant- og stjernetegnserierne fulde huse i biograferne, både herhjemme og i udlandet. De i alt 14 film parrede folkekomedie og sex i et blandingsforhold, man hverken har set før eller siden. Mange kendte navne arbejdede på de erotiske lystspil, og nye stjerner som Ole Søltoft og Birte Tove opnåede idolstatus. Men succesen havde sin pris, for danskernes frisind kendte sine grænser. Danmark på sengekanten dykker ned i den unikke filmgenre, der opstod i kølvandet på pornoens frigivelse i 1969. Gennem nye interviews, hidtil uset arkivmateriale og mere end 100 udvalgte illlustrationer går bogen tæt på tiden og de medvirkende: Hvem var de, hvad motiverede dem, og hvilke følger fik filmene for deres liv og karriere?

  • af Palle Schantz Lauridsen
    114,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Tv-serier er blevet finkultur. I hvert fald nogle af serierne. Sådan har det ikke altid været: Der gik fx 14 år fra den første danske tv-udsendelse, til Danmarks Radio producerede sin første tv-serie. I dag er danske tv-serier internationalt i høj kurs, samtidig med at internationale streamingtjenester for alvor er på vej ind på markedet for audiovisuel seriefiktion. Denne bog skildrer tv-seriernes historie fra et dansk perspektiv. Danskproducerede serier står i centrum, men også udenlandske serier, som er blevet set i Danmark, bliver analyseret i den historiske sammenhæng, de indgår i. Bogen henvender sig til mediestuderende, men kan også læses af andre, der ønsker en kort og samlet introduktion til tv-seriens historie, genrer og formater. PALLE SCHANTZ LAURIDSEN er lektor i audiovisuelle medier på danskstudiet ved Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet

  • af Michelle Morgan
    147,95 kr.

    In a new and exciting format for Running Press, the trend for seek-and-find books for adults meets the mega-successful Friends franchise with this officially licensed activity book for fans of the series.

    217,95 kr.

    Write down your big ideas, work tasks, jokes, and pranks like a boss in this stylish journal modeled after Michael G. Scott’s best-selling memoir, Somehow I Managed.You miss 100 percent of the notes you don’t take! Keep all your ideas and inspirations in one place using this awkwardly funny journal inspired by Michael Scott’s manifesto, Somehow I Managed, from the hit comedy show The Office. JOURNAL LIKE A BOSS: The durable vegan faux-leather cover makes this journal the perfect place to record ideas and inspirations. WORDS OF WISDOM: Includes memorable quotes from Dunder Mifflin’s infamous boss. CONVENIENT SIZE: This 5.75 x 8.25-inch journal is a comfortable size to journal anywhere and easy to throw in a bag or backpack to take with you on the go. 184 RULED PAGES: With lined pages throughout, there is ample room for all your notes and thoughts.  COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION: Collect more great stationery products inspired by The Office, including The Office: Weekly Planner Notepad, The Office: World's Best Boss Enamel Charm Bookmark, and The Office: Dundee Award Trophy Enamel Charm Bookmark. PERFECT FOR STUDENTS AND ADULTS: Become the manager Michael Scott expects you to be–a manager just like him. This softcover journal is the perfect writing format for both students and adults.

  • af Michelle Morgan
    180,95 kr.

    "Celebrate and relive the joy of Friends with this ultimate fan guide packed with trivia, facts, and memories from all ten seasons. Explore the show in a new way (or test your superfan knowledge) through these fun groupings of the big moments, inside jokes, running themes, beloved sets and scenes, and so much more -- from the characters and relationships that made us fall in love with the show to the most minute details that made it the stuff of sitcom legend"--

  • af Emily Timberlake
    195,95 kr.

    "Be the talk of the Ton with this first official Bridgerton cookbook from the hugely popular Netflix series. Whether it's a lawn party, a high tea, or a boozy late-night salon, this gorgeous cookbook delivers recipes for finger food, cocktails, mocktails, and entertaining ideas that help you recreate the high society of Regency London in your own home. These forty recipes have been developed with a modern audience in mind, offering mocktail, vegetarian, and gluten-free options to ensure that no fan is left hungry. They are presented alongside mouth-watering food photography, stills from the show, and sidebars explaining essential expertise"--

  • af Adam Kay
    97,95 kr.

  • af NETFLIX
    137,95 kr.

    Join Eddie Munson and the rest of the Hellfire Club with this official multi-purpose blank notebook from the hit Netflix series Stranger Things!Stash all your ideas, notes, to-dos, and even your RPG campaign details in your sturdy Hellfire Club Journal. Great for doodling, sketching, map-making, and world-building, this fully customizable journal with a removeable half-jacket features the Hellfire Club logo on the journal cover and includes smooth writing paper with a gridded design.

  • af Julian Fellowes
    207,95 kr.

    The full scripts of award-winning Downton Abbey, season one including previously unseen materialDownton Abbey has become an international phenomenon and the most successful British drama of our time. Created by Oscar-winning writer Julian Fellowes, the first season delighted viewers and critics alike with stellar performances, ravishing costumes, and a gripping plot. Set in a grand country house during the late Edwardian era, season one of Downton Abbey follows the lives of the Crawley family upstairs and their servants downstairs as they approach the announcement of the First World War. Fellowes succeeds in not only entertaining his audience with a combination of sustained storylines and sharp one-liners but also in delivering a social commentary of British life. The scripts from season one give readers the opportunity to read the work in more detail and to study the characters, pace, and themes in depth. With extended commentary from Fellowes, highlighting key historical or dramatic details, this book gives invaluable insight, particularly for would-be screenwriters, into how Fellowes researched and crafted the world of Downton Abbey.Featuring full-color photographs

  • af Rikke Hyldgaard, Hans Pilgaard, Jobbe Pilgaard, mfl.
    236,95 kr.

    En samtalebog om vennevanvid, tryghedstimer og stjernestunder.De er larmende, udadvendte, inspirerende – og ofte lidt for meget.En personlighedstest har vist, at alle i parrene Fisker og Pilgaard er gule typer. Når de mødes, går snakken, og der er plads til alt. ALT.Den gule bog inviterer læseren med i sommerhus, hvor parrene snakker hæmningsløst og nysgerrigt om at være venner.Med meget på hjerte runder de kunsten at lytte og rumme. På tværs af alder, køn og familieliv har parrene bygget et ubrydeligt bånd, hvor kernen er accept.De blotter sig og deler tanker og oplevelser om at være hinandens livsvidner, når de taler om svigt, konflikter og tilgivelse. Om børn og barnløshed. Om at finde sin sti og vælge sin egen familie. Om loyalitet, aldersforskel, selvværd, usikkerhed – og om at blive ved med at lege.Undervejs lærer de nyt om hinanden og sig selv, overvældes af frygt for at miste og erfarer endnu engang, at de stærkeste relationer er aldeles uperfekte.

  • af Michael Meyerheim
    253,95 kr.

    Michael Meyerheim har gennem fire årtier været en af dansk tv’s mest markante profiler. Han har introduceret seerne for Lykkehjulet, morgen-tv og det klassiske talkshow, og som tv-vært har han i tusindvis af interviews forfinet samtalens kunst.Som efterkommer af jødiske flygtninge er han præget af en voldsom familiehistorie. Den historie deler han her for første gang. Trods en stor usikkerhed og en stærk frygt for at fejle har han altid kæmpet for ikke at gå glip af noget. For når andre har ofret sig for ens frihed skylder man at få det bedste ud af livet.Han fortæller om tre ægteskaber og om at træffe svære valg som far. Om skiftet fra USA-korrespondent for Politiken til vært på det nye TV 2. Om alt det, der har gjort indtryk, fra en fest hos Ronald Reagan over et lærerigt møde med Tina Turner til at besøge sit idol Victor Borge.Ellers ville jeg fortryde er Michael Meyerheims generøse erindringsbog, der – som hans liv – spænder fra det dybt alvorlige til det humoristiske.

  • af Jacob Wendt Jensen & Christian Monggaard
    997,95 kr.

    Denne bog er én ud af kun 300 eksemplarer af MATADOR LIMITED EDITION. Den er produceret i en særlig farve, nummereret, signeret af forfatterne og udgivet i en særlig specialdesignet kassette.Lise Nørgaard fik ideen. Erik Balling forløste den. Danmarks Radio udsendte den til de danske tv-seere i årene 1978-1982 – og har gjort det adskillige gange siden. Matador er ikke alene en fantastisk tv-serie. Den er også blevet en uomgængelig del af den kollektive fortælling om Danmark i tiden før og under Anden Verdenskrig.På baggrund af mere end 40 nye interview med menneskene foran og bag kameraet, avisartikler, arkivmateriale og brevvekslinger fortæller Christian Monggaard og Jacob Wendt Jensen nu den definitive historie om skabelsen af ’verdens bedste tv-serie’. Rigt illustreret med velkendte stillfotografier fra serien og sjældent sete billeder fra optagelserne, fotografier af rekvisitter, produktionstegninger og kostumeskitser.indbinding: hardcover med stofovertræk. serigrafisk tryk og foliepræg. ilagt en specialdesignet boks med popup illustrationpapir: 140 gr. amber graphic

  • af Ian Jackman
    232,95 kr.

    The authorized guide to the television phenomenon House, M.D.For the last six years House, M.D. has been one of the most popular and captivating shows on television. Following the stories of a misanthropic genius doctor named Gregory House and his team of specialists, each week the show confronts medical mysteries that have baffled the best minds in medicine. Centered around one of the most compelling characters on television?brilliantly portrayed by actor Hugh Laurie?the Emmy Award?winning TV drama has been keeping millions of viewers intrigued and enthralled since it began, always offering an entertaining mixture of drama and humor. Based on unprecedented access to the show's cast members and creative staff, House, M.D. is the first fully authorized guide to the hit medical drama, offering a close-up view inside the world of House. From the show's genesis to today, this companion provides unique insight into the TV drama, as the actors, writers, and producers who've created these characters describe in their own words what the show means to them. This book also delves into fascinating discussions of the show's medical science and controversial ethical issues, as well as includes exclusive photographs from the set and an intimately detailed look at the making of an episode. Essential reading for any House fan, House, M.D. is the ultimate behind-the-scenes guide to TV's most captivating show.

  • af K V Laxminarayan aka LAX
    217,95 kr.

    This Day That Year as a title came from a TV program of the 90s called "This Week That Year", that I used to watch on TV. I could relate to it very well as I remembered the release dates of most of the movies of the late 60s and early 70s and when the host spoke about it, I went down my memory lane and loved the experience. Once I became part of Facebook in 2009, I found a great forum to share my experiences of movie releases in Bombay then and now Mumbai. I found a lot of like-minded people who could relate to my post and shared their experiences and thoughts as comments. Quite a few of them encouraged me to share it with a larger audience and hence suggested publishing it. I never thought of doing it but when people kept telling me regularly to do it, I decided to give it a try, and here comes my experiences and thoughts of the movies released in the late 60s and early 70s. Hope you like what you read, though many of the statements would look repetitive. But do accept the experiences of a teenager who turns into a man in 1973.

  • af Gary Earl Ross
    232,95 kr.

    Killing Grounds: Three Stage Thrillers and One Anti-War Play collects four stage plays by award-winning playwright and novelist Gary Earl Ross. Picture Perfect--Executed serial killer Gunther Creel leaves an unusual gift for the psychologist who spent hours interviewing him. What happens to the psychologist, his mystery writer wife, and their friends is an examination of the metastasis of evil. Split Wit--When the only witness to a murder suffers from Split Brain Syndrome, Detective Maxine Travis must find a way to get the witness to reveal what he saw. Stoker's Guest--on holiday in the seaside town of Whitby, writer Bram Stoker uncovers a terrifying inspiration for what will become his most famous book, Dracula. The Guns of Christmas--On Christmas Eve 1914, two squads of soldiers facing each other across No Man's Land must decide what to do when someone starts singing "Silent Night."

  • af Holly Willson Holladay
    271,95 kr.

  • af Sally Rooney
    317,95 kr.

    A collection of the scripts of episodes 1-12 of the television series Normal people, accompanied by behind-the-scenes photos and an introduction by director Lenny Abrahamson.

  • af Michelle Leigh Gompf
    548,95 kr.

    Much has been written about the aesthetics of the television series Hannibal and its devoted fans, and some have discussed its philosophical ideas and its Gothic characteristics, but until now there has been no in-depth reading of the show as a fairy tale. However, the show positions itself as a fairy tale in its third season. Recognizing it as a fairy tale provides an understanding of its appeal and forces us to consider its lessons. Like a fairy tale, Hannibal plays with time and reality and teaches its audience about their world and how to survive in it. From the show, the audience learns both the importance and the danger of family and friends, the complicated nature of humanity containing the capability for good and evil, and the arbitrariness of society's definitions and taboos. As a fairy tale, it draws its viewers in and encourages them not only to come back time and again but to retell and even add to the story.

  • af Shannon & Thompson Family
    212,95 kr.

  • af Lise Nørgaard
    122,95 - 187,95 kr.

    I Et liv med Matador gør Lise Nørgaard den ikoniske tv-serie og alle de berømte karakterer levende. Hun tager os med tilbage til 1970’ernes Danmark, hvor Matador blev skabt og giver os et enestående indblik i den kreative proces, hvor karaktererne tog deres form og hvordan historierne blev til.Bogen er et must-read for enhver Matador-entusiast og for alle, der ønsker at dykke ned i et stykke dansk tv-historie. Det er en hyldest til en serie, der har givet os uforglemmelige øjeblikke og karakterer, der har berørt os dybt.Et liv med Matador er en klassiker og har i denne nye udgave fået tilføjet kapitler om tilblivelsen af Matador-musicalen, som Lise Nørgaard selv var med til at skabe før sin død med blandt andre Susanne Bier.

  • af Dave Marinaccio
    162,95 kr.

    This life-enhancing handbook, which has sold more than 100,000 hardcover copies, features Marinaccio's down-to-earth philosophy on subjects ranging from skydiving to decision-making, from dealing with authority to making true friends.

  • af Stephen Tropiano
    322,95 kr.

    The SNL Companion is the ultimate SNL fan's bible, timed to coincide with the show's historic 50th season.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    297,95 kr.

    "C-Section Realities: What to Expect and How to Prepare" offers a comprehensive guide to demystify the experience of cesarean section (C-section) deliveries, providing invaluable insights for expectant parents. This insightful resource navigates the journey through the unique aspects of C-section births, shedding light on the realities, considerations, and preparations involved.The guide begins by exploring the various reasons why a C-section might be recommended, addressing medical indications and the decision-making process. It then delves into the actual procedure, demystifying the surgical aspects, and outlining the steps involved in a C-section delivery. Expectant parents will gain a thorough understanding of the surgical environment, anesthesia options, and what to expect during the operation.Beyond the surgical details, the guide goes on to illuminate the recovery process, offering practical advice on post-operative care for both the birthing parent and the newborn. From managing pain and wound care to breastfeeding considerations, the guide provides a roadmap for navigating the initial days and weeks after a C-section.In addition to the physical aspects, "C-Section Realities" explores the emotional and psychological dimensions of undergoing a cesarean delivery. It addresses common concerns, fears, and feelings that may arise, offering support and guidance to help parents cope with the emotional aspects of the experience.The preparation section of the guide equips readers with essential information on creating a birth plan that accommodates the possibility of a C-section, discussing communication with healthcare providers, and understanding the role of support networks during the process. Practical tips for pre-operative preparations, such as what to pack for the hospital and how to arrange for postpartum support, are also included.Overall, "C-Section Realities" empowers expectant parents with knowledge, guidance, and a sense of readiness for the unique aspects of a C-section delivery. Whether facing this option by choice or necessity, this resource serves as a reliable companion, ensuring that individuals and couples approach the experience with confidence and informed decision-making.

  • af James Shy Freeman
    337,95 kr.

    Travel back in time with Claire and Jamie, drinking—and eating—your way through their adventures from the Scottish Highlands to the New World in this gorgeous book featuring 90 recipes for cocktails, nonalcoholic offerings, and plenty of bar bites.Grab your cocktail shaker and dive into Outlander Cocktails!Whether you’re just learning to make cocktails at home, looking for creative ways to expand your cocktail knowledge, or throwing an Outlander watch party, this book will be your perfect guide.Inspired by Diana Gabaldon’s wildly popular book series, Outlander Cocktails presents the historical perspective on drinking culture in the eighteenth and twentieth centuries as well as the origins of different spirits such as scotch, whiskey, rum, and ale. You’ll find:• Thorough background pertaining to each type of spirit involved.• Drinks organized by category such as aperitifs, spirit-forward, after-dinner, and nonalcoholic options.• 75 cocktail recipes inspired by the series and by history, like the Bobby Burns and Angelus Bells and the Brandy and Splash that Claire and Roger first drank at the pub at Inverness, plus modern drinks like Collecting the Rents and Pink Linen Gown.• 15 recipes for food pairings, like Deviled Scotch Eggs, Crispy Fish Cakes with Saffron Aioli, and Chocolate Almond Shortbread.Outlander Cocktails offers something for any fan who wants to spend more time in the rich world of Outlander, drinking and eating with everyone’s favorite Highlanders.

  • af Chris "Sampo" Cornell
    457,95 kr.

    One of MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000'S most devoted fans, Chris "Sampo" Cornell, has created a combination memoir and episode guide, offering a fascinating perspective on the cult TV gem. Volume 2!

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