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Selvbiografier: kongelige

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  • - Med forord af Dorrit Willumsen
    af Leonora Christina
    72,95 - 177,95 kr.

    Christian IV’s datter, Leonora Christina (1621-1698), der i en alder af bare 15 år giftede sig med den senere rigshofmester og landsforræder Corfitz Ulfeldt,  led den forfærdelige skæbne at blive indsat i Blåtårn i 22 år. Hun sad i dette fangehul på Københavns Slot fra den 8. august 1663 til den 18. maj 1685, i begyndelsen i et rum på seks gange syv skridt, uden vindue, uden varme, med et tykt lag møg på gulvet, lus og lopper overalt og med forbud mod at beskæftige sig med noget som helst. Efter en forståelig depression, hvor hun lå i sengen i ca. ni måneder, blev hendes stolthed og kampgejst vakt og i de resterende mange, mange år udholdt hun sin skæbne og takkede endda Gud for hans godhed. Det lykkedes hende – med brug af sod og øl – at lave noget blæk, og med en tilspidset hønsefjer lavede hun et skriveredskab, og med det begyndte hun at skrive sit Jammers Minde. Hendes vilkår lempedes efterhånden, så hun endte med to små værelser, lommepenge og alle de synåle, strikkepinde, bøger og skriveredskaber, hun ønskede, men hun kom aldrig uden for cellen, så og mærkede ikke dagslys, fik ingen motion og var henvist til fængselspersonalet og deres fuldemandssnak. Hun fik dog under hele sit fængselsophold ordentlig mad, og hendes høje stand medførte, at hun altid havde en tjenestepige hos sig (der samtidig fungerede som vogterske og spion).Line Krogh har skrevet teksten igennem, så den på en gang er tro mod originalen, læselig for et nutidigt publikum og samtidig fuld af patina og tone. Bogen er forsynet med et introducerende forord og relevante kommentarer ved Line Krogh og ledsaget af ca. 15 blyantstegninger, udført af Hans Ovesen.Her med nyt forord af Dorrit Willumsen.

  • af Hugo Vickers & HRH The Duke of Kent
    125,95 - 245,95 kr.

  • af Prince Harry
    203,95 - 267,95 kr.

    It was one of the most searing images of the twentieth century: two young boys, two princes, walking behind their mother's coffin as the world watched in sorrow-and horror. As Princess Diana was laid to rest, billions wondered what Prince William and Prince Harry must be thinking and feeling-and how their lives would play out from that point on.For Harry, this is that story at last.Before losing his mother, twelve-year-old Prince Harry was known as the carefree one, the happy-go-lucky Spare to the more serious Heir. Grief changed everything. He struggled at school, struggled with anger, with loneliness-and, because he blamed the press for his mother's death, he struggled to accept life in the spotlight.At twenty-one, he joined the British Army. The discipline gave him structure, and two combat tours made him a hero at home. But he soon felt more lost than ever, suffering from post-traumatic stress and prone to crippling panic attacks. Above all, he couldn't find true love.Then he met Meghan. The world was swept away by the couple's cinematic romance and rejoiced in their fairy-tale wedding. But from the beginning, Harry and Meghan were preyed upon by the press, subjected to waves of abuse, racism, and lies. Watching his wife suffer, their safety and mental health at risk, Harry saw no other way to prevent the tragedy of history repeating itself but to flee his mother country. Over the centuries, leaving the Royal Family was an act few had dared. The last to try, in fact, had been his mother. . . .For the first time, Prince Harry tells his own story, chronicling his journey with raw, unflinching honesty. A landmark publication, Spare is full of insight, revelation, self-examination, and hard-won wisdom about the eternal power of love over grief.

  • - A Celebration of the One and Only Queen Elizabeth II on her Platinum Jubilee
    af Joanna Lumley
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

    A sparkling celebration of our much-loved Queen Elizabeth II for her Platinum Jubilee including special writings and illuminating insights around key moments in her 70-year reign, introduced and edited by her biggest fan Joanna Lumley.

  • af Anonymous
    127,95 kr.

    An upcoming title for Penguin, an imprint of Penguin Random House UK

  • af Prins Aage
    227,95 kr.

    "Nu håber franskmændene på en stor fremtid i Marokko. Vil deres forhåbninger lide samme skæbne som forgængernes?Det er imidlertid ikke min hensigt at være politisk spåmand. Erfaringen har overbevist mig om, at Frankrig har regeret landet klogt og godt. Den indre politik er næsten udelukkende i sultanens hænder, og udenrigspolitikken har ikke lidt under Lyauteys ledelse. Uden at forsøge at påtrykke Marokko vestens skikke har den franske administration indført moderne agerbrugs- og afsætningsmetoder og dermed i høj grad forøget den nationale velstand."Den danske prins Aage fortæller om sine oplevelser og overvejelser i Fremmedlegionen i mellemkrigstiden. Hans fortælling er både et spændende historisk dokument og en indføring i den kolonialistiske tankegangs tilstand, da den sang på sidste vers.NB! Bogen er skrevet med samtidens sprogbrug og menneskesyn og repræsenterer ikke forlagets holdninger.Den danske prins Aage (1887-1940) var greve af Rosenborg, men mistede i 1922 hele sin formue ved Landmandsbankens krak. Prins Aage var uddannet officer og havde i 1913 deltaget i den græske frihedskamp. I 1923 blev han kaptajn i den franske fremmedlegion og udgav senere flere bøger om sin tid i den specielle franske elitestyrke og de mennesker, han mødte der.

  • af HRH Prince Andrew of Greece
    467,95 kr.

    In the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922, Prince Andrew of Greece was given command of the 2nd Army Corps during the Battle of the Sakarya. He was commanded to lead his troops in attacking the Turkish positions, though, to the consternation of his commanding general, Anastasios Papoulas, he elected to follow his own battle plan. Following three weeks of bitter fighting, Papoulas ordered a retreat, placing the blame of the defeat directly on Prince Andrew. The 11 September 1922 Revolution caused by the defeat of the Greek army in Asia Minor in August 1922 eventually led to Prince Andrew's lifelong banishment and exile. Towards Disaster is Prince Andrew's own account of the campaign in Asia Minor, in which he defends his decisions and actions during the Battle of the Sakarya, when he was intent on avoiding needless loss of life in a hopeless battle.

  • af Harry Beaufort
    245,95 kr.

    A lively portrait of life within the mad world of aristocratic privilege and inheritance, from the unlikely 12th Duke of Beaufort.

  • af Jane Marguerite Tippett
    165,95 - 245,95 kr.

  • af Muick The Queen's Corgi
    117,95 kr.

    The heartfelt story of love and loss, told by Muick, the Queen's Corgi. Illustrated with 15 original black and white drawings by Madeleine Floyd.

  • af Arthur Edwards
    245,95 kr.

    For 45 years I¿ve chronicled the Royal Family for the Sun newspaper with my camera. I¿ve witnessed their triumphs and disasters, their laughter and tears, when they¿ve found love and when their relationships splinter. I¿m there when they emerge from the maternity wing as wailing newborns and I¿m there again when they marry before a joyous nation. And when they¿re laid to rest on those solemn occasions that this country marks so well, I¿m on hand to capture history being made.Arthur Edwards has been the Sun¿s Royal Photographer for over 45 years; the longest-serving of any newspaper. Originally from the East End of London, he is the man behind the most iconic photographs of the most famous family in the world. With commensurate skill and unprecedented access, he has captured the candid moments when protocol is put aside, revealing the true personalities behind the Crown.This beautiful book is a treasure trove of glorious photography, along with Arthur¿s own warm recollections of the stories behind his iconic shots. It is the perfect glimpse behind the scenes of the last 50 years of the British monarchy, from a truly unique perspective.

  • af Emma Manners Rutland
    127,95 - 215,95 kr.

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