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Science fiction: steampunk

Her finder du spændende bøger om Science fiction: steampunk. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 323 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Science fiction som er baseret på en alternativ fremtid, hvor dampmaskiner, luftballoner, mekaniske regnemaskiner og anden teknik fra 1800-tallet er genopstået som dominerende teknologi.
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  • af Philip Reeve
    127,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Højt over den rullende isby Anchorage falder et lille luftskib fra himlen … Tom og Hester blev bragt sammen under dramatiske begivenheder. Begge har de mistet deres hjem, venner og familie. Nu strejfer de omkring på luftskibet Jenny Haniver, taknemmelige over at være sammen og lykkelige for at være i live. Men fjenderne ligger stadig på lur. Så Tom og Hester må søge tilflugt i en by hærget af pest, hjemsøgt af spøgelser og fuld af dødelige hemmeligheder … "Mortal Engines"-bøgerne foregår i et fantastisk univers, hvor verdens byer er blevet mobile. På gigantiske hjul kører de største byer rundt og forfølger de små i en evig jagt efter brændstof og ressourcer. Drengen Tom bor i London og arbejder med "byfangst". Da han møder flygtningepigen Hester fra en af de byer, han har "skraldet", ændres hans liv drastisk. Første bog kommer som biograffilm instrueret af Peter Jackson – manden bag RINGENES HERRE og HOBITTEN.

  • af Philip Reeve
    Stream i AppenFysisk bog

    London har længe gemt sig for de større, hurtigere og mere sultne rullende byer. Men nu er det tid til at komme ud i lyset igen og finde nye, svagere byer at jage og fortære. Under en hektisk jagt på en mindre by bliver Tom Natsworthy kastet ned fra Londons gigantiske stålkonstruktion. Sammen med Hester Shaw – en pige med et morderisk temperament og ar på både krop og sjæl – må han nu kæmpe for at komme tilbage til byen. Det bliver en skæbnesvanger rejse, og Tom erfarer snart, at det ikke er helt ligetil at skelne ven fra fjende … Læs bogen – se filmen! Første bog kommer nu som biograffilm med PETER JACKSON – manden bag RINGENES HERRE- og HOBITTEN-trilogierne – bag roret. Anden bog i Mortal Engines-serien udkommer efterår 2018. Tredje og fjerde bog er under forberedelse.

    Stream i AppenFysisk bog
  • af Philip Reeve
    127,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Hester og Tom har slået sig ned i den statiske by Anchorage, langt fra deres ungdoms farefulde trækbyer og højtflyvende luftskibe. Deres datter, Wren, drømmer om at følge i forældrenes fodspor og rejse væk på eventyr. Så da en charmerende pirat dukker op, griber Wren chancen for at slå en handel af. Hvis hun får en plads om bord på piratens ubåd, vil hun hjælpe ham med at stjæle en mystisk bog fra Anchorages bibliotek. En bog, der kan blive meget farlig i de forkerte hænder … SE FILMEN - LÆS FORTSÆTTELSEN HER!

  • af Philip Reeve
    127,95 - 187,95 kr.

    "MEDRIVENDE OG INTELLIGENT." THE SUNDAY TIMES I trækbyernes storhedstid var London både frygtet og beundret. Nu står byen tilbage som et ensomt, ødelagt vrag … Tom Natsworthy og hans datter, Wren, flyver omkring på Fugleruten og prøver at glemme Hesters svigt og bedrag. Deres rejse fører dem til London, og her gør far og datter en enestående opdagelse: en hemmelighed, som kan vende op og ned på kampen mellem trækbyerne og de statiske byer. Hester hjemsøges af fortidens spøgelser og må stå ansigt til ansigt med en fjende, der truer med at udrydde hele menneskeheden … Se filmen – læs fortsættelsen her! Byernes kamp er fjerde og sidste bog i Mortal Engines-serien. Bog 1, De rullende byer, er filmatiseret af Peter Jackson, manden bag Ringenes Herre-filmene. Læs også bog 2, Forrædernes fest, og bog 3, Helvedesmaskiner.

  • - Mekaniske Hjerter
    af Stine Bahrt
    58,95 - 246,95 kr.

    Med tilbageholdt åndedræt rører jeg ved den næsten usynlige cirkel. Det summer i fingerspidserne og i mit hoved. Evnen ligger efterhånden som en forlængelse af mine tanker, og jeg behøver ikke engang koncentrere mig. Portalen åbner sig.Splittelsen mellem urværkere og evneløse vokser. Nil er fanget i konfliktens midtpunkt, og hvis hun skal redde dem, hun elsker, må hun få kontrol over sine feyevner.Dorian har lært, at han må passe på sit hjerte, selv hvis det betyder, at han må give slip på Nil. Og da menneskehedens overlevelse trues, står han over for en skæbnesvanger beslutning.Men Kuppelbyens fjender er langt farligere, end nogen af dem kunne forestille sig.Mekaniske Hjerter er andet bind i den dystopiske steampunkserie URVÆRKERNE.Første bind i serien blev nomineret til Årets Danske Fantasydebut 2022.

  • - Kuppelbyens hemmelighed
    af Stine Bahrt
    73,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Jeg ligger på ryggen i græsset og studerer mit værk, en lille kobberfugl med blågrønne vinger og en elegant nøgle til at trække den op med. Urværksfuglen flyver over mit hoved. Den pipper i takt med de klikkende tandhjul, som får vingerne til at bevæge sig. Jeg lukker øjnene og prøver at lade, som om fuglen ikke er der, at det ikke er mig, der har samlet den, og at jeg stadig er normal. 15-årige Nil bor under en gigantisk kuppel, som beskytter de sidste mennesker på Jorden mod en ødelagt verden. Befolkningen i Kuppelbyen er opdelt i evneløse og urværkere, for i Kuppelbyen er moderne teknologi bandlyst, og alt drives i stedet af mekaniske urværker. Da Nil opdager, at hun har urværksevner, må hun forlade sin familie og begynde på Urværkerskolen. Men noget er helt galt i Kuppelbyen, og snart er Nil hvirvlet ind i begivenheder, der truer det lille samfunds skrøbelige eksistens. Samtidig skal hun forholde sig til sine første svære oplevelser med kærligheden og en voksende forvirring omkring sin seksualitet. URVÆRKERNE er første bind i en medrivende steampunk-serie, hvor tandhjulene drejer og fortæller om kærlighed, at finde sig selv og opdage, at man har skjulte evner i en forunderlig og dystopisk verden.

  • af Priest
    192,95 kr.

    CAPITAL UNDER SIEGEWith the Westerners and their allies pressing in on all sides, the empire of Great Liang enters its darkest hour. Under these desperate conditions, Gu Yun leads the beleaguered Black Iron Battalion to hold the borders. Meanwhile, Chang Geng makes his move in the imperial court, sweeping corrupt officials aside in an effort to stabilize the nation before it’s too late.As the two struggle to hold the tattered pieces of the empire together, Gu Yun uncovers a shocking truth about the curse slowly tightening its grip on Chang Geng’s mind. But are the deepest secrets of Cheng Geng’s past enough to move even the iron heart of the nation’s most fearsome general?

  • af Priest
    175,95 kr.

    ENEMIES FROM WITHOUT AND WITHINFour years ago, Chang Geng and Gu Yun parted in anger. When fate draws them together again, Chang Geng, a once-awkward teen, is now an elegant and adroit young man.But storms lie ahead. As Great Liang faces foreign pressure from without, Gu Yun finds himself embroiled in turmoil within the imperial court. Meanwhile, as the curse in Chang Geng’s blood grows, his feelings for his godfather become more painful to subdue by the day. How much longer can he keep Gu Yun from learning his secret…and what will happen when he can hide it no more?

  • af Priest
    175,95 kr.

    The discovery of violet gold, a vital fuel for steam-powered machines, propelled the empire of Great Liang into an age of prosperity. But for Chang Geng, a young man raised on the impoverished northern border, the concerns of the empire are as distant as the stars above. When raiders from the north attack Chang Geng's small village, he discovers that the life he knows is a lie. His mother, his teacher, and even his godfather whom he trusted more than any other, Shen Shiliu, are not what they seem. As enemy nations close in, Chang Geng follows his godfather to the heart of the imperial capital, where a greater fate lies in store for him.

  • af Jay Kristoff
    212,95 kr.

    The second thrilling installment of the award-winning Nevernight Chronicle, from New York Times bestselling author Jay Kristoff.In a land where three suns almost never set, a ruthless assassin continues her quest for vengeance against the powers who destroyed her family.Mia Corvere has found her place among the Blades of Our Lady of Blessed Murder, but many in the Red Church hierarchy think she's far from earned it. Plying her bloody trade in a backwater of the Republic, she's no closer to ending the men who destroyed her familia; in fact, she's told directly that Consul Scaeva is off limits. But after a deadly confrontation with an old enemy, Mia's suspicions about the Red Church's true motives begin to grow.When it's announced that Scaeva will be making a rare public appearance at the conclusion of the grand games in Godsgrave, Mia defies the Church and sells herself to a gladiatorial collegium for a chance to finally end him. Upon the sands of the arena, Mia finds new allies, bitter rivals, and more questions about her strange affinity for the shadows. But as conspiracies unfold within the collegium walls, and the body count rises, Mia will be forced to choose between love and revenge, and uncover a secret that could change the very face of her world.

  • af Stine Bahrt
    58,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Forfatter Stine BahrtForsideillustrator Betina DrewsDa skyggedæmonen lægger sine hænder over mit håndled, tiltager den pulserende fornemmelse.”Hvad vil det koste?” spørger jeg og forsøger igen at trække hånden til mig.Denne gang slipper han ikke. I stedet ser han sultent på mig, og et gådefuldt smil kruser om hans læber. ”Ingenting.” Penny efterlades ubeskyttet på himmelskibet, da hendes forældre forsvinder i Londals tågede gader. Hun og barndomsvennen, James, forsøger at skaffe mandskab, men ingen vil flyve under en kvindelig, uvelsignet kaptajn. Samtidig ånder Skyggeparlamentet dem i nakken med forældede krav, trusler og skæbnesvangre hemmeligheder. Desperation tvinger Penny til at indgå en farefuld alliance, som vækker ukendte længsler og rykker hendes forestillinger om rigtigt og forkert. Vinger af skygger & torden er første bind i en dark fantasyserie fyldt med steampunk og romantik. Her kæmper attenårige Penny for at navigere i et net af mystik, lidenskab og væsner fra underverdenen.

  • af D. L. Narrol
    174,95 kr.

    The fifth book of D.L. Narrol's time travel series has the same steampunk 1912 time-travelers venture again via Dr. Dimitrikov's time machine. They've somehow adopted a misplaced cave lion, an ill-behaved Neanderthal and Olga, the assistant commander of the KGB from their future; The Soveiet Union (1970). Captain Limmerick, tries to have his new companions assisted back to their time periods, but not all goes as planned. Dr. Dimitrikov discovered nuclear fuel when they had previously traveled to the U.S.S.R, in previous book Arctic Quest, but is inept on how to use it. They land in 1992, to discover the KGB has been over-run with corrupt pseudo-capitalism.The time machine's control panel is, by mistake, tampered with by the hostile Neanderthal, which leads the time travelers to Johannesburg, South Africa (1900), during the Anglo-Boer War. Captain Limmerick evaded this war twelve years prior, in his own time period; but, is compelled to involve himself because of his religious beliefs and his love and admiration for a victimized Zulu woman. Limmerick's distaste for war comes into play, where he changes history forever.

  • af Charles Eugene Anderson
    150,95 kr.

    In the gritty, divided city of New Aurora, Ula Ikem leads a rebel faction seeking justice against the tyrannical upper-class Steamers who rule with an iron fist. When Ula uncovers a vast conspiracy around hoarded resources, she infiltrates facilities, gathers forbidden intel, and builds an unlikely crew of informants to help expose the government's lies.Facing off against ruthless leaders like Tribune Jamuike, who wield experimental weapons and limitless authority, Ula resorts to bold heists and rallies public dissent through daring broadcasts. But machinations run deeper than she realized, and the risks for her and her allies soar ever higher in this kinetic fantasy of rebellion versus oppression.With New Aurora itself at a tipping point, Ula confronts the limits of loyalty and sacrifice central to her crusade. Unimaginable loss haunts her attempts to spark revolution while balancing diplomacy and driving out corruption. If she fails, generations will continue languishing under the Steam Council's dominant rule. But exposing the shocking truth could cost Ula everything-or help transform their society forever through cooperation across bitter divides.

  • af Nikolas Rovint
    215,95 kr.

    Tauche ein in diesen Hochspannungs-Thriller, der dich in ein faszinierendes Labyrinth aus Zeitreisen, geheimnisvollen Agenten und verwobenen Intrigen führt.Was, wenn du deine Eltern in der Vergangenheit treffen würdest?Und was, wenn sie in tödlicher Gefahr schwebten, und nur du sie retten könntest?Klappentext2051: Die Zukunft birgt bahnbrechende Technologien, die die Gesetze von Raum und Zeit neu definieren. Als Spezialist für Zeitreisen erlangte Agent David Singer internationale Berühmtheit.Sein Leben ändert sich schlagartig, als er während einer Mission ins Jahr 1969 in einen Hinterhalt gerät.Gefangen in einer Zeit, die nicht die seine ist, stößt Singer auf eine düstere Verschwörung, die nicht nur sein eigenes Leben aufs Spiel setzt, sondern auch das Schicksal seiner zukünftigen Eltern bedroht.Singer muss Entscheidungen treffen, die das fragile Gewebe von Vergangenheit und Zukunft gleichermaßen umgestalten könnten...Erlebe einen Action-Thriller der Superlative, den du nicht mehr aus den Händen legen wirst, während du zusammen mit Singer ins München des Jahres 1969 reist.Wird Singer seine Eltern und damit sich selbst retten können? Finde es heraus, in dem du dir WESTER jetzt holst!

  • - Bogpakke
    af Stine Bahrt
    567,95 kr.

    Forfatter: Stine BahrtForsideillustrator Rasmus JensenLæs de første to kapitler på forlagets hjemmeside mellem urværkere og evneløse vokser. Nil er fanget i konfliktens midtpunkt, og hvis hun skal redde dem, hun elsker, må hun få kontrol over sine feyevner.Dorian har lært, at han må passe på sit hjerte, selv hvis det betyder, at han må give slip på Nil. Og da menneskehedens overlevelse trues, står han over for en skæbnesvanger beslutning.Men Kuppelbyens fjender er langt farligere, end nogen af dem kunne forestille sig.Første bind i serien blev nomineret til Årets Danske Fantasydebut 2022. Om bogenTidsrejser, mysterier, kjoler og korsetter, cyborgs, feer, dystopisk steampunk og forvirrende kærlighedHvis du kan lide ”Urværksprinsen” og ”Doctor Who” vil du også kunne lide Urværkerne AnmeldelserBibliotekernes materialevurdering: "Historien er både spændende og medrivende. Forsiden er indbydende og man har virkelig lyst til at tage den op og begynde at læse. Anbefales til bredt indkøb."Himmelskibet: "Mekaniske hjerter er den fine opfølger til Kuppelbyen Hemmeligheder fra den dystopiske steampunk ungdomsserie Urværkerne. Jeg har altid elsket genrebending – og det gør Stine Bahrt mesterligt." @boegernes_verden : "Den havde alle de ting jeg værdsætter ved bøger."★★★★★ Youlooklikeabook: "Hold på hat og sixpence for i denne bog kommer du virkelig på den vildeste portalrejse. Forfatterens fantasi, kreativitet og opfindsomhed er mind-blowing. Hun har formået at skabe et univers, som jeg aldrig har set mage nogle steder før. Det er en bog om ægte sammenhold, venskab og kærlighed samt hvor langt, man er villig til at gå for at redde hinanden. Urværkerne 2 er en hjerteskærende, nervepirrende, romantisk og imponerende steampunk dystopi. Bogen har en superflot forside. Jeg ser meget frem til at læse videre i serien." ★★★★★ Forestilling om paradis: "Forfatteren har virkelig formået at skrive en kompliceret historie med mange informationer, tidslinjer og ja, nærmest hovedbrud over hvad der kan lade sig gøre og hvad der ikke kan. Det er rigtig godt fundet på – og endnu vigtigere, rigtig godt udført! Cadeau for det! Jeg håber ikke at dette er sidste bind i serien – jeg er i hvert fald klar på flere eventyr!" ★★★★★ @bookworm_dk: "Jeg er vild med det lidt skæve persongalleri, og deres amaze personligheder." ★★★★★ Gizmoamh: "Denne serie er en skøn steampunk-serie fuld af magiske væsner, mysterier, personlig udvikling og skræmmende rejser."★★★★ @bogormens_verden: "Stine Bahrt skriver fabelagtigt og fortryllende."

  • af Alexey Osadchuk
    297,95 kr.

    Having returned to Herouxville, capital of Vestonia, Max Renard has found himself drawn into the dangerous game of courtly intrigue.King Carl III is ill and weakened by his wounds. This leads to tensions between the various princely parties at court. The struggle for influence inside the country is spilling over onto a whole new level. Carl III's foreign enemies are taking advantage of his weakness and ramping up their pressure.The stakes are high, and Max has to find a delicate balance between his own personal interests and those of the powerful people in this new world. He'll have to use all the cunning and mastery at his disposal if he's going to raise his own profile and stay alive at the same time.Besides that, Max has a powerful new enemy, one against whom the usual methods are useless. Max will have to remember everything he learned from his adoptive mother if he's going to win this fight.

  • af Victor Newsom
    272,95 kr.

    About the book: Join the Destabilizers and their allies as they battle the Executive Team of the Molusk Corporation. Witness their use of collaboration, spiritual enlightenment, and ancient wisdom to combat corporate greed, a lust for power, and the ambition to control the planet at any cost! Discover that absolute power is futile without the wisdom to use it effectively. Realize that those who are lost may be found again. Uncover ancient secrets, experience the magic of technology, and feel the spirit that unites us all. Embark on a timeless journey, one that has been unfolding for longer than we can imagine and that takes us further than we ever dreamed possible.Come explore SYNTHTOPIA, in the Rise of the War Twins. For more information - visit In the Realm of Synthtopia: An oppressive system uses mind control to instill fear and conformity. Bound together by their passion for justice, trust, and autonomy, the Destabilizers, a band of renegades, armed with art, music, and code, rise to challenge the sinister oppressors with a solid quest: to decrypt the enigmatic vault and establish a decentralized nation where the pillars of wisdom, wealth, and freedom stand tall.These warriors of truth and freedom fight not with physical weapons, but with creativity, intellect, and AI. Harnessing the power of the source, they ignite a spark within the hearts of Synthtopians, empowering them to remember who they truly are and break free from their chains.Their higher purpose: to unite, establish fair systems of exchange, harmonize with nature, and guide the world towards and the metaverse-the digital realm of boundless freedom and infinite possibilities. Here, they forge alliances with fellow firestarters and visionaries, forging a new society where creativity, intellect, enlightenment, and expression reign supreme.It's a battle of wits, skill, and determination as the Destabilizers face off against the forces of masked control that masquerade as justice to maintain a stranglehold on humanity. In this brave new world where the ethereal and the tangible collide, will the crypto revolution reach the victory it seeks - or will the glory be snatched by the dark, oppressive forces hidden in daylight, ready to sabotage their every move?Only time will tell as the ultimate showdown for the soul of society unfolds in the electrifying saga of SYNTHTOPIA.

  • af Mike Breza
    172,95 kr.

    1755, England. Ash and James join a ship's crew and find themselves heading to the moon.They learn that alchemists will transmute the moon rocks they bring back into a devastating weapon to be used by England to defeat her enemies. The vast aether they sail in looks empty, until the attacks start. Their enemies want to destroy them. James and Ash not only battle their growing love, but pirates, mesmerists, and undead using Ben Franklin's ray gun.They attempt the impossible while the aether tears their ship apart. If they fail, England will fall. If they survive, what kind of life can Ash and James have together? And James has a huge secret: he is a woman.

  • af Megan E. O'Keefe
    97,95 kr.

  • af Cardona
    147,95 kr.

    This steampunk science fiction novel is a darkly alluring period romance with elements of magical realism featuring a fierce socialite and and a mysterious, mechanically ambivalent hero.

  • af Brian Gallagher
    297,95 kr.

    The fate of the mysterious criminal mastermind known as Dr. Cornelius was left uncertain at the end of Gustave Le Rouge's 1913 classic The Mysterious Doctor Cornelius. Now, Brian Gallagher reveals how the diabolical Doctor escaped justice, selling his surgical skills to whomever pays best.World War One has arrived, and the Great Powers of Europe are all eager to use the services of the infamous "Sculptor of flesh" to gain a decisive advantage in the upcoming conflict. But Dr. Cornelius will soon meet his most implacable enemy yet: Countess Irina Petrovska, a Polish patriot and loyal agent of the Habsburg Empire, who from Sarajevo to Vienna, will thwart his devilish schemes again and again.With alien artifacts, super-weapons, and strange inhuman powers at stake, the conflict between the Doctor and the Countess threatens to tear the Earth asunder and reshape the 20th century.A bonus story by Brian Stableford casts a new eye on Dr. Cornelius's sinister wartime activities.

  • af D. L. Narrol
    197,95 kr.

    The third steam punk adventure of the Prehistoric Journey series takes the four time travelers to the unexpected once again. It's 1910, Captain Limmerick, Dr. Dimitrikov, Rosa, and Amoli mistakably time travel to 1487 England just after The War of the Roses. The queen is enchanted with Limmerick and has him knighted, where he must undergo challenging jousting tournaments, and prove his abilities as a skilled archer. He becomes entangled with the king's rivals and finds himself in near death situations. He uses his position, as part of the king's court, to rescue his friends from the castle dungeon, but struggles with the crown's idea of chivalry.During this voyage, they discover prehistoric mammals have been misplaced from when they tried to close the passage through time in Celtic Odyssey. The four time-travelers attempt to return to 1910, but another error occurs and for the first time, they travel to their future - 1970.

  • af Dave Welch
    317,95 - 327,95 kr.

    The hunt for an alien butcher expands the Xaris' reach.But when the automatons claim Earth, an evil Clydesdale is born.War erupts behind the steed, forcing our allies into a fight that they may not survive.

  • af Meljean Brook
    232,95 kr.

    Journey to New York Times bestelling author Meljean Brook's gritty, alluring world of the Iron Seas, and gear up for passionate steampunk adventure...As the mercenary captain of the Lady Corsair, Yasmeen has learned to keep her heart as cold as steel, her only loyalty bound to her ship and her crew. So when a man who once tried to seize her airship returns from the dead, Yasmeen will be damned if she gives him another opportunity to take control.Treasure-hunter Archimedes Fox isn't interested in the Lady Corsair-he wants her coldhearted captain and the valuable da Vinci sketch she stole from him. To reclaim it, Archimedes is determined to seduce the stubborn woman who once tossed him to a ravenous pack of zombies, but she's no easy conquest.When da Vinci's sketch attracts a dangerous amount of attention, Yasmeen and Archimedes journey to Horde-occupied Morocco-and straight into their enemy's hands. But as they fight to save themselves and a city on the brink of rebellion, the greatest peril Yasmeen faces is from the man who seeks to melt her icy heart…

  • af Oxley
    147,95 kr.

    "A fast paced thriller-cum-horror-cum-snarky-dark-comedy with two of the most interesting protagonists I've ever encountered."Victorian London's most incompetent crooks - turned demon hunters - are back.When Tess Marchant gets a plea for help from an old childhood friend, The Great Big Demon Hunting Agency finds itself heading out to the countryside, to solve a mystery involving a Manor House and its wealthy family cursed by a malevolent demon.Spencer and Bart find themselves in a world totally unfamiliar to them: of landed gentry, fearful poachers, and strange creatures which stalk the land at night. Not to mention unwelcome visitors in the form of the mysterious magician Thaddeus, and the ever-present Inspector Jones, just waiting for them to slip up.Meanwhile, Tess finds herself struggling with a terrifying face from the past - but can this be the clue which unlocks the mystery of Flint Hall?The Great Big Demon of Flint Hall is the sequel to The Great Big Demon Hunting Agency, and the second book in the Spencer & Bart series, described by readers as:"A terrifying, thrilling, almost non-stop journey into magic, privilege, and mystery. Absolutely brilliant.""A fantastic, fun and demonic treat.""A fast paced mystery adventure"

  • af Gargoyle Collective
    307,95 kr.

  • af Kallen Samuels
    307,95 kr.

    A ring of reverse gravity encircles the globe. The shocking reason lies hidden within the world's outcasts. "An extraordinary work of science fiction worldbuilding" - The BookLife Prize, Publishers Weekly

  • af Lj Green
    107,95 kr.

    A widow ventures to the tropical paradise of Cuba for a vacation with her niece. Reunited with a former friend of her husband's, her heart gets involved. Will she get a second chance at love? Diane and her niece, Janie, have been traveling together, saving political figures, solving crimes and capturing spies for the last couple of years. Now they are going on a tropical vacation in Cuba. Diane will be confronting her past and Janie is coming along for the ride.

  • af Charles Eugene Anderson
    182,95 kr.

    In the midst of the American Revolution, a bold plan emerges among the Continental forces: to construct the Minnow, a clandestine submarine aiming to undermine British naval dominance from below the ocean's surface. This secretive endeavor is led by Captain Elias B. Strong, who gathers a diverse team, including the determined Lieutenant Abigail Mercer and the innovative Dr. Amelia Hart.On the other side, Captain Richard Shaw oversees the formidable British fleet, a steadfast defense against the rising rebellion. As the Minnow begins its covert assaults, increasing the tension, Shaw collaborates with intelligence agent Isabel Montfort and the astute Commander Edward Hawthorne to thwart this hidden menace.Amidst the clandestine world of espionage and the vast battlefield of naval warfare, a strategic game unfolds between veteran leaders and unexpected champions. With groundbreaking technology and unwavering bravery, each side strives to gain dominance in a conflict that is about more than just victory-it's about the very identity of a nascent nation.Tide Of Treason is a riveting blend of historical fiction and intense battle drama set during the American Revolution. Packed with gripping action, the novel immerses readers in an era of innovation and turmoil. Exploring themes of innovation, allegiance, and the cost of war, it delves into the complex moral landscape that defines the line between triumph and loss in the throes of battle.

  • af D. L. Narrol
    232,95 kr.

    Colin Limmerick lives a double life. His rugged good looks and merchant fishing trade don't coincide with his desire to continue his higher education at a London university. His Irish working-class pirate-like behavior repulses his stuffy elitist professor making it difficult for his research to be taken seriously. Looks are deceiving when his research idea to prove Darwin by demonstrating the great Irish deer megaloceros giganticus was sexually selected against. He meets physicist, Dr. Sasha Dimitrikov, an eccentric escapee from the Russian Revolution, who has developed a time travel theory. The only way Limmerick can prove his research is to venture through a prehistory journey.In the midst of his frustration, he becomes enchanted with a lovely research student, Rosa, who he manages to woo with great difficulty. Her Edwardian prudish scowl continuously pushes him away, despite her stimulated attraction for him. She mistakenly tosses Limmerick aside and is lured into Dr. Dimitrikov's arms. This occurs when the three scholars are on the first prehistoric expedition 10,000 years in the past in search of megaloceros. They encounter a prehistoric environment that is too unknown and unmanageable for modern people to survive. They are faced with several challenges but manage to conquer by survival of the fittest.Limmerick's research on prehistoric evolution is greatly admired by a foreign professor from India, Dr. Sharma, who introduces his voluptuous daughter, Amoli. She falls instantly in love with Limmerick where he is at first reluctant but succumbs to her seduction dance not realizing the clash of the cultures that lie ahead. At the same time, he is faced with a new challenge recognizing the first expedition left unexpected damage. He must time travel again in order to mend the chaotic mess he left the first time. He and Dr. Dimitrikov are faced with another prehistoric expedition, which is more life threatening than the first especially when they are violently confronted by a family of Neanderthals. His excessive drinking carries through the novel but heightens with his destructive behavior when he finally comes to terms knowing two 20th century men can't play God and that he must fight for what he truly loves.

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