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Biblioteksadministration, arkivadministration og informationshåndtering

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  • - Hvem Hvad Hvordan
    af Antologi (25 bidragydere)
    164,95 kr.

    Bogens verden udvikler sig i rasende tempo. 25 danske forfattere og bogbranchefolk deler (en gang om året) aktuel viden og erfaringer om bogbranche og bogproduktion.SKRIV & UDGIV - HVEM HVAD HVORDAN er henvendt til alle som skriver med tanke på at udkomme, og til forfattere og bogfolk som søger den nyeste viden om hvordan man producerer, udgiver og synliggør bøger.Bogen rummer bl.a. artikler om tekstfeedback, redaktion, stiftelse af forlag, distribution, markedsføring, produktion af e-bog, lydbog og print, og interviews med seks selvudgiver-forfattere der har haft bemærkelsesværdig succes i året der gik. Skriv og Udgiv - Hvem Hvad Hvordan

  • - Forskningsbibliotekers funktioner i forandring
    af Helene Høyrup, Birger Hjørland & Hans Jørn Nielsen
    87,95 kr.

    Det er et almindeligt synspunkt i dag, at forskningsbiblioteker er stærkt udfordret af det digitale paradigme. Forskningsbibliotekernes funktioner er i spil i forhold til Open Access og forlagenes direkte formidling til brugerne. Bibliotekerne har stadig handlemuligheder i relation til at bevare en række funktioner og udvikle nye, der er nødvendige i det digitale vidensamfund. I takt med den digitale medieudvikling er der brug for, at informationsformidling udvikler sig fra en identitet som adgangsgiver til information til også at have en selvforståelse som aktiv med-skaber af viden. En bærende tanke i denne bog er, at der kræves et tættere samspil mellem teori og praksis for at kunne udvikle de nye funktioner for forskningsbiblioteker i det digitale vidensamfund. Antologien rummer baggrundsanalyser af de radikale udfordringer, som forskningsbiblioteker aktuelt befinder sig i. Desuden bringer bogen en række eksempler på fremadrettede funktioner for informationsformidlingen – i spektret mellem forskningssupport og forskningsanalyse, digital formidling, højere informationskompetencer og modeller for integration af information og læring. Bogen henvender sig især til studerende, forskere, udviklere og praktikere inden for forsknings- og uddannelsesrelateret informationsformidling, på og uden for bibliotekerne.

  • af Jacob Hundu
    643,95 kr.

    ¿Library and Information Science: Fundamental Principles for the Digital Era" is a comprehensive exploration of the evolving landscape of libraries and information science in the digital age. This book delves into the fundamental principles that underpin the field, addressing the challenges and opportunities posed by the rapid advancements in technology. It covers essential topics such as digital archiving, information retrieval, data management, and the integration of emerging technologies within library services. With a focus on adapting traditional principles to the contemporary digital context, the book aims to provide valuable insights for librarians, information professionals, and educators navigating the dynamic realm of information science in the 21st century.

  • af Ian Milligan
    437,95 kr.

    How the internet's memory infrastructure developed--averting a "digital dark age"--and introduced a golden age of historical memory.In early 1996, the web was ephemeral. But by 2001, the internet was forever. How did websites transform from having a brief life to becoming long-lasting? Drawing on archival material in the Internet Archive and exclusive interviews, Ian Milligan's Averting the Digital Dark Age explores how western society evolved from fearing a digital dark age to building the robust digital memory we rely on today. By the mid-1990s, the specter of a "digital dark age" haunted libraries, portending a bleak future with no historical record that threatened cyber obsolescence, deletion, and apathy. People around the world worked to solve this impending problem. In San Francisco, technology entrepreneur Brewster Kahle launched his scrappy nonprofit, Internet Archive, filling tape drives with internet content. Elsewhere, in Washington, Canberra, Ottawa, and Stockholm, librarians developed innovative new programs to safeguard digital heritage. Cataloging worries among librarians, technologists, futurists, and writers from WWII onward, through early practitioners, to an extended case study of how September 11 prompted institutions to preserve thousands of digital artifacts related to the attacks, Averting the Digital Dark Age explores how the web gained a long-lasting memory. By understanding this history, we can equip our society to better grapple with future internet shifts.

  • af Jessie Lymn
    592,95 kr.

    Archives and Manuscripts is the professional and scholarly journal of the Australian Society of Archivists, publishing articles, reviews, and information about the theory and practice of archives and recordkeeping in Australasia and around the world. Its target audiences are archivists and other recordkeeping professionals, the academic community, and all involved in the study and interpretation of archives.

  • af Benoît Mbaya Kabambi
    1.537,95 kr.

    Underground literature, despite its importance thanks to its first-hand information, often remains difficult to access because of its character, i.e. its mode of production which escapes the normal circuit of document distribution. This annotated bibliography of theses defended at the University of Kisangani has been compiled to compensate for this shortcoming. Its aim is to give an international account of the great wealth of underground literature produced at the University of Kisangani, particularly as regards theses in the social sciences and humanities. It contains 112 doctoral dissertations in philosophy, history, communication, African linguistics, French linguistics, African literature, French literature, pedagogy, psychology, sociology, politics, law and economics. Researchers, teachers and students in these different fields will be able to consult this bibliography to enrich their documentation or draw inspiration from it for their teaching and research.

  • af Sangeeta Gaikwad
    467,95 kr.

    Os professores são os pilares da sociedade, que ajudam os estudantes a crescer e a assumir a responsabilidade de levar a sua nação à frente das outras. Desejam segurança, reconhecimento, novas experiências e independência. Quando estas necessidades não são satisfeitas, tornam-se tensos. A insatisfação dos trabalhadores é indesejável e perigosa em qualquer profissão; é suicida se ocorrer na profissão docente. Se os factores responsáveis pela insatisfação puderem ser diferenciados, podem ser feitas tentativas para alterar essas condições ou para reduzir a sua intensidade, de modo a aumentar o poder de retenção da profissão. Este estudo procura descobrir qual a faceta ou dimensão que mais afecta a satisfação profissional dos professores universitários. O presente estudo tem em conta factores intrínsecos e extrínsecos para determinar o nível de satisfação no trabalho e para ver o efeito da idade, do sexo, do estado civil, das habilitações literárias, do nível profissional e da duração do emprego na satisfação profissional dos universitários. Este documento tem por objetivo identificar as facetas que afectam a satisfação profissional de um professor por ordem de importância e, consequentemente, sugere acções estratégicas para criar e manter a sua satisfação profissional.

  • af Salwa Elmeawad
    287,95 kr.

    In the labyrinth of human history, libraries have always been revered sanctuaries of knowledge. They have witnessed civilizations rise and fall, regimes change, and cultures evolve. Through all these transformative epochs, libraries have remained steadfast, not just as keepers of knowledge, but as centers of community, learning, and innovation. Yet, like all institutions, libraries are not impervious to change. The digital age has ushered in a new era for these venerable institutions, challenging their traditional roles and pushing them into uncharted territories."The Use of AI in Libraries to Predict the Users' Needs in Different Communities" is born out of the confluence of two powerful streams of innovation - artificial intelligence (AI) and the ever-evolving realm of libraries. This book is not just an exploration, but a testament to the harmonious marriage of technology and tradition, illustrating how AI can enhance, rather than replace, the human elements of a library.In the following chapters, readers will embark on a journey that delves deep into the intricacies of AI, demystifying its complexities and highlighting its potential. From its early integration into library systems to the profound ways in which it can shape the future of libraries, this book offers a comprehensive overview for both novices and experts alike. We will explore the myriad ways in which AI is revolutionizing library operations, from predictive analysis to personalized recommendations, all while emphasizing the ethical considerations that are paramount in this digital age.Furthermore, at the heart of this exploration is the community. Libraries are more than just repositories of books; they are hubs that cater to the diverse needs of their patrons. As we venture into discussions about how AI can be harnessed to understand and cater to various communities, it becomes evident that technology's true power lies in its ability to bring people together, to anticipate their needs, and to serve them better.However, this book also acknowledges and addresses the challenges that come with the union of AI and libraries. As with all technological advancements, there are hurdles to overcome, ethical dilemmas to navigate, and biases to confront. These issues are approached with a balanced perspective, offering insights, solutions, and reflections.As the author of this work, my hope is that "The Use of AI in Libraries to Predict the Patrons' Needs in Different Communities" serves as both a guide and a catalyst. A guide for library professionals, AI enthusiasts, students, and community leaders to navigate the evolving landscape of libraries in the digital age. And a catalyst to inspire further innovations, discussions, and collaborations in this exciting intersection of technology and tradition.Welcome to a journey of discovery, innovation, and inspiration.With warm regards, Dr. Salwa Elmeawad

  • af Mavuto Mpulula
    346,95 kr.

    "Identifying the Records Management Practices that focuses at Mzuzu Prison in Malawi" is an insightful and thought-provoking book that takes readers on a journey to better understand how organizations can effectively manage their records. This book provides a comprehensive approach to understanding the principles and practices of records management, to ensure that documents and information are not lost or destroyed. It is a must-read for anyone in the business world who wants to gain an edge by effectively managing their records and ultimately boosting their bottom line. This book will help organizations to identify their strengths and weaknesses, and to optimize their records management processes across the board. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting out in the field of records management, this book is an invaluable resource that will inspire you to take action and achieve your goals.

  • af Rahul Deshmukh
    672,95 kr.

    College librarians in rural areas Research Publications. All creations of the author by considering books, articles etc. means publication of the authors. In recent years, several formal analytical rural college librarian predictive models have been introduced in the literature that describe productivity phenomena. The number of publications of an individual author is considered here as a measure of author productivity, measured in terms of published output in the form of research papers, patents, etc. Study rural area college librarian research writer productivity sector quality. Dr. Bamu, Aurangabad.

  • af S. B. Patil
    346,95 kr.

    Self-archiving is a simple and effectual way to increase the visibility and impact of an individual research, and to make it more accessible to the broader scholarly community. It helps to ensure that scholarly work is preserved for future generations. The main objective of this book is to know the self-archiving policies of the University Grants Commission (UGC) - Consortium for Academic Research Ethics (CARE) listed ¿Science¿ journals using Sherpa Romeo database.In this book, we have discussed the background of the present study, its scope, limitations, objectives, methodology and scholarly landscape. We have provided a brief conceptual framework of ¿Self-archiving¿ along data analysis and its interpretation. Major findings and takeaways are also reported. We have put our best efforts to make this book valuable, useful and enrich it with our findings so that it give a complete picture of the present study and provide the benefits to the readers. I hope who goes through it will find it interesting and worth reading. Suggestions to new ideas for further improvement of this book shall be greatly appreciated and acknowledged.

  • af Phyllis L Elin
    397,95 kr.

    This book was written to demystify critical standards related to information security, records management privacy information management for the modern librarian and archival professional.In the digital age, librarians and archival professionals play a crucial role in safeguarding the world's knowledge. A Librarian's Guide to ISO Standards for Information Governance, Privacy, and Security is a curated resource for librarians, presenting core ISO standards related to information governance, data privacy, and security.The book provides detailed summaries of these standards, along with case studies and advice on applying them in the modern digital age. It empowers library staff and patrons to prioritize data security and privacy, ensuring trust and confidentiality in their services. The purpose is to demystify critical standards related to information security, records management privacy information management for the modern librarian and archival professional.Inside, you will find detailed summaries of the core ISO standards, descriptions, and case studies illustrating how these standards can apply to librarians in the modern digital age, advice on how to cultivate a culture of data security, and privacy awareness among library staff and patrons.

  • af Dale Carpenter
    247,95 kr.

    In his 40 plus years as a librarian, Dale Carpenter worked in academic, corporate, government, private, public, and special libraries and had sex in several of them.He worked as a one-person library and in a library network of over 135. He created 3, modernized 5 and moved 4 corporate libraries in the aerospace/defense, telecommunications, pharmaceutical, and outplacement industries. From card catalogs and mainframe computers to computer tablets and smartphones, Dale performed almost all library positions, including creating library home web pages, writing policies and procedures, and reviewing, rating and selecting document management software for a new pharmaceutical library. This last task was described in "Computer Software Evaluation: Balancing User's Needs and Wants." Dale also has over 30 years experience designing and presenting corporate training programs on research skills and the use of online resources to all disciplines and management levelsIn this book Dale discusses corporate leadership and management styles and how to work with and around them, managing your manager, essential and useful skills one needs, career survival tactics, and creative ways to market and sell your skills and your library's resources & services.

  • af Mikally Alves de Andrade Amanajás
    712,95 kr.

    It addresses the evaluation that indexers make of the Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Human Sciences through bibliometric indicators and citation analysis, which revealed that the publication under study is currently available in six indexing databases: Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades (CLASE), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS), Sistema Regional de Información en Línea para Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, Espanã y Portugal (LATINDEX), Scopus Elsevier and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO). Based on the criteria used by the latter (SciELO), the journal was evaluated for the purposes of exemplification, noting that it plays a fundamentally important role in the development of the Human Sciences worldwide, as it publishes unpublished works in this line of research and is linked to a centenary institution as active in the context of scientific communication as the Emílio Goeldi Museum of Pará.

  • af Deborah Eddy-Ugorji
    527,95 kr.

    Libraries all over the world are regarded as the memory base of the society as they play a vital role in societal development. The national library which serves as the apex library of any country, is mandated by law to serve as the repository of information resources. Legal deposit is crucial as a statutory obligation for effective collection and preservation of a country¿s published heritage. The legal deposit law ensures the intellectual and cultural heritage of a nation is collected, accessioned, stored, protected, preserved and made accessible to its citizens and future generations. Deposited publications are used to estimate statistical data output, immortalize publishers and measure the Human Development Index (HDI) of a country. Therefore, legal deposit law compliance is very vital in every nation. The emphasis is on building a national heritage. Hence this book is recommended for authors, publishers, researchers, librarians, nation policy makers and those in the book trade, as a guide to building a cultural and intellectual heritage for present and future generations. Though the book uses Nigeria as a case study, the principle is applicable anywhere.

  • af Vijay Ganeshrao Wardikar
    527,95 kr.

    The purpose of publishing the book is to identify the characteristics and various features of the library software "WINSIS" which is very user-friendly software and available free of cost. The present project is the original work of an author which is very advantageous for the forthcoming library professionals to develop various databases through WINSIS. This described details steps to develop a database.

  • af S N Chari
    672,95 kr.

    "Unleashing Potential: Role of E-Resources Consortium in the Enhancement of Social Sciences Research" delves into the dynamic intersection of electronic information resources, library consortia, and their transformative impact on social science research. This book illuminates the pivotal role that consortium-based access to digital resources plays in elevating research endeavors across the social sciences. Through insightful analysis and practical recommendations, it explores how these consortia have revolutionized the scholarly landscape, providing scholars with unprecedented access to vast digital libraries. With a focus on research enhancement, this book serves as an indispensable guide for academicians, researchers, and institutions seeking to harness the full potential of electronic resources to advance social sciences knowledge and innovation.

  • af Caitlin Gerrity
    432,95 kr.

    A concise manual for professionals in the field, this book helps librarians master the skills to conduct, interpret, and analyze their own original research.Many working librarians discover that original research would help them advocate for their libraries, but some graduate programs teach only limited research skills. Designed for all librarians, this book is a practical guide to engaging with the research process, from identifying a problem to sharing findings with others. Authors Kaitlin Gerrity and Scott Lanning have packed this introductory guide and reference book with short, to-the-point information that librarians will refer to often at all stages of a research project. From research ethics to statistical significance and everything in between, this primer is the point-of-need resource for librarians in public, academic, and school libraries who wish to use original research to support the profession.

  • af Moses Jonathan Ehindero
    288,95 kr.

    This research work was designed to examine the utilization of information resources in academic libraries by staff and students of Kogi state polytechnic, Lokoja. The specific objectives of the study is to find out the type of information resources users consult most, and determine the extent of use of the materials by lecturers. It is also to find out the factors that impede lecturer¿s use of the library and make recommendations for improvement of library use. Six research questions guided this study. A descriptive survey research design was used for the study. The population of this study comprises all lecturers and students in Kogi state Polytechnic, Lokoja whose number is put at 12,137. Out of the 200 questionnaire administered 167 were filled and returned representing 84% response rate. Statistical tools used for the analysis were tables and percentage. The major finding of the study is that there are many library resources such as books, journals, bulletin, research monographs, research reports patents, technical bulletin, student projects, indexes/abstracts, biographies, dictionaries, and encyclopedias amongst others, in the Kogi State Polytechnic, Lokoja.

  • af S N Chari
    672,95 kr.

    The book "Changing Landscapes of Libraries: Emerging Trends in ICT" delves into the profound significance of libraries and their evolving role in the digital age, fueled by the transformative force of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). As repositories of knowledge and hubs of intellectual exchange, libraries have historically played a pivotal role in fostering education, culture, and community engagement. However, the rapid advancement of technology has ushered in a new era, compelling libraries to adapt and integrate ICT to remain relevant and effective. One of the most significant outcomes of this ICT transformation is the profound social and cultural impact it engenders. This book serves as a guide for library science professionals, educators, and students, empowering them to navigate the ever-changing landscape of libraries while harnessing the full potential of ICT to enrich education, culture, and society.

  • af Mary Schreiber
    495,95 kr.

    Begins where diversity audits end, informing and supporting academic, school, and public librarians in the quest to embed diversity, equity, and inclusion in a meaningful and sustainable manner throughout collections, policies, and practices.A primary question for many librarians, directors, and board members is how to evaluate diversity in a collection on an ongoing basis.Curating Community Collections provides librarians with the tools they need to understand the results of diversity audits and to formulate a reasonable, achievable plan for increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion not only in the collection itself, but also in library collection policies and practices. Information on ways to make diversity, equity, and inclusion part of a library's everyday workflow will help ensure the sustainability of these principles.Mary Schreiber and Wendy Bartlett teach readers how to increase the number of diverse materials in their collections and make them more discoverable to library patrons through the implementation of a community collections program. Stories from librarians around the United States and Canada who are auditing and improving the diversity of their collections add broad, scalable perspectives for libraries of any size, budget, and mission. Action steps provided at the end of each section offer a practical road map for all types of libraries to curate a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community collection.

  • af Etienne Baluze
    397,95 - 547,95 kr.

  • af Parviz Kazimi
    527,95 kr.

    The reign of the Safavids is of particular importance in the cultural history of Azerbaijan. As in the general cultural processes of Azerbaijan at the end of the 15th and beginning of the 18th century, we are witnessing the development of book andlibrary culture. With the coming to power of Shah Ismail Safavi, the book business and the activities of libraries began to expand and receive state guardianship. Famous masters and artists are involved in the preparation of valuable manuscripts in the workshops of the library. The monograph reflects the ongoing reforms in this area and the attitude of the state to the book business and library culture. The monograph reflects the interest shown in the historical development of bookart in Azerbaijan, the library profession, the study of rich book collections and their multicultural repertoire. Here, the few existing studies in the field of studying, evaluating and disseminating the medieval book heritage are studied and analyzed. Also at the last historical stages, there are such trends as the preservation of traditions in the field of book business and library culture.

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