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Semiotik / semiologi

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  • af Felix Guattari
    147,95 kr.

    Den franske psykoanalytiker, filosof og semiotiker Félix Guattari udvider i sit essay De tre økologier definitionen af økologi til at omfatte sociale relationer og menneskelig subjektivitet, samt naturligvis miljøhensyn. I essayet argumenterer han for, at de økologiske kriser, der truer vores planet, er et direkte resultat af en ny udvidet form for kapitalisme, og at der må etableres en ny økosofisk tilgang, der respekterer forskellene mellem alle levende systemer. Bogen rummer en markant kapitalismekritik og er et manifest for en ny måde at tænke på. Desuden er bogen en ideel introduktion til en af Europas mest radikale tænkere. De tre økologier blev udgivet 1989, og er på 30 års afstand uhyggeligt vedkommende og profetisk, set i lyset af datidens økologiske kriser og de aktuelle problemstillinger i 2019.*De tre økologier — Félix GuattariappendiksEfterord — Anders AbildgaardEksistentielle territorier — Peter BorumMaskinel Animisme — Angela Melitopoulos & Maurizio Lazzarato

  • - En antologi
    206,95 kr.

    For første gang foreligger nu en bredere dansk introduktion til den franske tænker Roland Barthes´ (1915-1980) mangesidige forfatterskab.Som sociolog, ideologikritiker, semiolog, strukturalist og essayist var Barthes en hovedfigur i efterkrigstidens franske åndsliv: fra eksistentialismen over den semiotiske strukturalisme til postmodernismens begærsanalyse og kropsforståelse. Det er især inden for den poststrukturalistiske retning, at Barthes i 70´erne fik en betydelig rolle med indflydelsesrige bøger såsom I tegnenes vold og Nydelsen ved teksten.Det vidner om Barthes´ popularitet, at han i modsætning til andre franske tænkere som Foucault eller Derrida blev oversat forholdsvis hurtigt til dansk. I modsætning til dem er der imidlertid ikke indtil nu udgivet en introduktion til hele forfatterskabet.Antologien har et dobbelt sigte. For det første introduceres de forskellige faser i forfatterskabet. For det andet dækker de ni artikler de vigtigste tematikker på tværs af værkerne og giver dermed et fyldestgørende billede af hele Barthes´ produktion. Tematikkerne er: utopiens former, skriftens væsen, forfatterkategoriens status, tegnets videnskab, institutionens magt, fotoets identitet, den teatralske tankemodus, romanens fristelser og amatørens aktiviteter.Artiklerne er skrevet af nordiske forskere:Jørn Boisen (Københavns Univ.), Peter Borum (Københavns Univ.), Arnfinn Bø-Rygg (Universitetet i Oslo), Julio Hans C. Jensen (Københavns Univ.), Peter Larsen (Universitetet i Bergen), Nikolaj Lübecker (University of Aberdeen), Carsten Meiner (Københavns Univ.), John Thobo-Carlsen (Syddansk Univ.), Anders Toftgaard (Københavns Univ.) og Frederik Tygstrup (Københavns Univ.).Bogen henvender sig til læsere med interesse for filosofi, sprog, litteratur- og kulturstudier.Udtaget til Årets Bedste Bogarbejde 2007 af Foreningen for Boghaandværk »Denne bogs design er et eksempel på det klassiske ideal, at typografiens ro

  • af Lea Liese
    1.287,95 kr.

    Kleine Formen sind jüngst in das Blickfeld literatur-, medien- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen geraten. Dabei wird oft das politische Potenzial kleiner Formen verkannt. Eingebettet in fluide Publikationsorgane und insbesondere im digitalen Kontext können sie unterschwellig kollektive Dynamiken bündeln, kritisch-subversiv den gesellschaftspolitischen Status quo infrage stellen und alternative Gemeinschaftsbildung entwerfen - auch in gattungspolitischer Hinsicht: So lenkt das Prekäre und Randständige kleiner Formen den Blick auf die Unabgeschlossenheit von Gattungen und lässt die dynamischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen Genres, Schreibweisen und Medien hervortreten. In drei Sektionen behandelt der Band die politische Kommunikation kleiner Formen: als Teil einer digitalen Streit- und Protestkultur; als diskursive Plattform für Zeitgeschichte sowie als kreative Ausdrucksregime, die - etwa als Paratexte - auch formalästhetisch hegemoniale Sichtweisen und Wahrnehmungsmodi entthronen können. Es sind Fragen von ästhetischer und politischer Gemeinschaftsbildung, die der Sammelband epochen- und medienübergreifend behandeln möchte und die interdisziplinäre Anschlüsse für die Forschung bilden.

  • af Michael Cherlin
    930,95 kr.

    A personal voyage of discovery drawing on musicology, literary theory, Jewish studies, and philosophical phenomenology.

  • af Patriann Smith
    1.031,95 kr.

    "Centering race across geographies, this book paints imaginaries about how Black Caribbean immigrant and transnational youth use translanguaging and semiotics to reflect a broad range of literacies. Scholars, teachers, librarians and parents can better understand and address the urgent needs of these youth through the compelling narratives presented"--

  • af William West
    267,95 kr.

    "Unveil the Truth Behind "The Chameleon Theory"Dive into the labyrinthine psychology of chameleon-like behavior with "The Chameleon Theory: Unmasking the Hidden Pursuit of Approval." This riveting exploration delves deep into the roots, consequences, and the path to liberation from the chameleon within. Melding rigorous scientific research, gripping personal narratives, and actionable advice, this book isn't just a guide-it's a compass for anyone yearning to fathom the enigma of their own chameleon tendencies or those of the people they cherish. Embark on a journey to decipher the intricate maze of the human psyche and emerge enlightened, liberated, and more authentically connected than ever before.

  • af Oded Nir
    930,95 kr.

    A Marxist history of Israeli literature, tracing the relations between economic, social, and aesthetic transformations.

  • af Daniel Fried
    930,95 kr.

    Provides a new perspective on important linguistic issues in philosophical and religious Daoism through the comparative lens of twentieth-century European philosophies of language.

  • af Tim Ireland
    1.136,95 kr.

    The book establishes a correlation between architectural theory and the biosemiotic project, and suggest how this coupling establishes a framework leading to an architectural-biosemiotic paradigm that puts biosemiotic theory at the heart of cognising the built environment, and offers an approach to understanding and shaping the built environment that supports (and benefits) human, and organismic, spatial intelligence.

  • af Ben Yagoda
    252,95 kr.

  • af Jan M. Broekman
    1.227,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Lukas Daum
    589,95 kr.

    Das Buch stellt Mittel der multimodalen Kommunikation über Wissen der Physik für Kinder überblicksartig vor. Dabei steht die Texteigenschaft der Verständlichkeit im Zentrum. Der Überblick wird inhaltsanalytisch durch den Vergleich der Textsorten Schul- und Sachbuch erlangt. Die Analyseergebnisse erhalten ihre Schärfe durch Erkenntnisse der Semiotik, der Textlinguistik, der Didaktik und der Psychologie. Die Ergebnisse zu konkreten multimodalen Textgestaltungsmitteln aus Sprache, Bild und Typografie werden katalogartig systematisiert und die Ergebnisse zu den Textsorten durch exemplarische Teiltextanalysen gewonnen. Der Band zeichnet sich durch ein Fundament der pragmatischen Varietätenlinguistik aus, welches den Blick über die Textsorten des Korpus hinaus nahelegt.

  • af Dorothea Lasky
    172,95 kr.

    Poetry as both a form and genre has many possibilities to exist within; however, poetry too oftentimes has the burden to have an argument and a set of imagery and meanings that are preconceived and placed within the poem. In this way, poetry gets conflated with writing a thesis or project, and the poet simply the presenter of perfectly argued language. In addition, when poets attempt to bridge the gap between genres and write within the contemporary essay form, they are tasked to construct perfect arguments there as well and avoid the associative and aesthetic logic that makes poems important. The term essay itself was coined by Michel de Montaigne in the 1500s, and it comes from the French word, essai, which means to test or experiment with what one knows as a learning tool (and is in some opposition to the terms we use to discuss the essay now, such as thesis). As we move forward, deeper into this new century, I want our thinkers and writers to move beyond this linear thinking into the realm of what an essay by someone like Montaigne might do. His essays do as they say they will--they test out ideas, they are unafraid to get messy in their execution, they are brave enough to go forward into the uncharted waters. In them, it's completely beside the point to get back to where they started, let alone where they'd say they would go. They are simply beside the point. It's true.Contributors Include: Ariel Goldberg, Ken Chen, Wayne Koestenbaum, Tracie Morris, Anaïs Duplan, Raquel Salas Rivera, Brandon Shimoda, Cecilia Vicuña, Fred Moten, and Mónica de la Torre Nonfiction. Essays. Literary Criticism

  • af Isaac Mhute
    1.179,95 kr.

    This two-volume set charts a cross-disciplinary discursive terrain that proffers rich insights about deceit in contemporary postcolonial Sub-Saharan African politics. In an attempt to produce a nuanced and multifaceted academic dialoguing platform, the two volumes have a particular focus on the aspects of treachery, fear of difference (oppositional politics), and discourses/semiotics of mis/self-representation. The major aim of the proposed volumes is to contribute toward the often problematised conversations about the unfolding (post)colonial Sub-Saharan world which is topical in decolonial and Pan-African studies.The volumes seek to place political thinking and postcolonial political systems under the scholarly gaze with the view to highlight and enhance the participation of African cross-disciplinary scholarship in the postcolonial political processes of the continent. Most significantly, it is through such probing of the limitations of our own disciplinary perspectives which can help us appreciate the complexity of the postcolonial Sub-Saharan African politics. The first volume uses Zimbabwe as a case study, while the second volume examines postcolonial politics in Sub-Saharan Africa more broadly.The first volume uses Zimbabwe as a case study, while the second volume examines postcolonial politics in Sub-Saharan Africa more broadly.The first volume uses Zimbabwe as a case study, while the second volume examines postcolonial politics in Sub-Saharan Africa more broadly.

  • af Dmitry Vostokov
    847,95 kr.

    A pattern language to cover from a small debugging trace to a distributed log with billions of messages from hundreds of computers, thousands of components, threads, and processes.

  • af Mick Howard
    1.094,95 kr.

    In this book, Mick Howard uses a Saussurean framework to explore how bodies and technologies intermingle through a theory of cyborg semiotics. Howard argues that, like words, this combination follows rules of language and can be fruitfully analyzed through the lens of the cyborg. Just as spelling and grammar dictate which words may be formed and in which order they may be sequenced, cyborg semiotics unveils the underlying rules governing how technologies and bodies can be combined to make meaning and how these cyborgs are permitted to interact with each other. This intersectional theory, Howard posits, provides a unique perspective on power and the human condition.

  • af Marilena Fatigante
    1.127,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

    This book provides qualitative analyses of intercultural sense making in a variety of institutional contexts. It relies on the assumption that in an increasingly culturally diverse world, individuals often enter contexts that have communal, historically determined and stable sets of values, norms and expected identities, with little cultural compass to find their bearings in them. The book goes beyond interpreting differences in people's ethnic or linguistic roots and discusses instead people's interpretive efforts to navigate different sociocultural situations. The contributors examine such situations in educational, organizational, medical and community settings and look at how participants with different levels of sociocultural competences (such as, migrant patients, migrant adult learners, children) try to cope with institutional constraints and expectations, how they understand symbols, practices and identities in institutional contexts, and how their creative adjustments come to light. This book provides insights from the fields of psychology, education, anthropology and linguistics, and is for a wide readership interested in cultural meaning-making.

  • af Keiji Hirata
    1.563,95 kr.

    This book presents a new approach to computational musicology in which music becomes a computational entity based on human cognition, allowing us to calculate music like numbers. Does music have semantics? Can the meaning of music be revealed using symbols and described using language? The authors seek to answer these questions in order to reveal the essence of music. Chapter 1 addresses a very fundamental point, the meaning of music, while referring to semiotics, gestalt, Schenkerian analysis and cognitive reality. Chapter 2 considers why the 12-tone equal temperament came to be prevalent. This chapter serves as an introduction to the mathematical definition of harmony, which concerns the ratios of frequency in tonic waves. Chapter 3, "e;Music and Language,"e; explains the fundamentals of grammar theory and the compositionality principle, which states that the semantics of a sentence can be composed in parallel to its syntactic structure. In turn, Chapter 4 explains the most prevalent score notation - the Berklee method, which originated at the Berklee School of Music in Boston - from a different point of view, namely, symbolic computation based on music theory. Chapters 5 and 6 introduce readers to two important theories, the implication-realization model and generative theory of tonal music (GTTM), and explain the essence of these theories, also from a computational standpoint. The authors seek to reinterpret these theories, aiming at their formalization and implementation on a computer. Chapter 7 presents the outcomes of this attempt, describing the framework that the authors have developed, in which music is formalized and becomes computable. Chapters 8 and 9 are devoted to GTTM analyzers and the applications of GTTM. Lastly, Chapter 10 discusses the future of music in connection with computation and artificial intelligence.This book is intended both for general readers who are interested in music, and scientists whose research focuses on music information processing. In order to make the content as accessible as possible, each chapter is self-contained.

  • af Olimpia G. Loddo
    1.227,95 kr.

    The translation of legal documents in today¿s globally interconnected world calls for novel approaches to overcoming traditional language barriers. The verbal language used in legal documents can be accompanied or even replaced by various types of semiotic resource, such as symbols, diagrams, and icons, while the advancement of digital tools and the introduction of new technologies offer those drafting contracts and other legal documents access to an ever-expanding toolbox for the translation process.This book makes a significant contribution to the existing literature on legal translation and intersemiotic translation by sharing valuable insights and opening up new avenues of inquiry, fostering further exploration of this evolving domain and enabling practitioners to use these diverse communication tools responsibly and effectively.Given the book¿s structured multidisciplinary approach and extensive analyses of the characteristics of intersemiotic legal translation, its potential, and the complexities that arise at the intersection of law, language, and semiotics, it will appeal to legal practitioners, translators, semiotic scholars, and legal philosophers alike.Whether you are a legal professional aiming to expand your expertise, an academic seeking a new research direction, or are simply intrigued by the fascinating interplay of law, language, and semiotics, this book offers a valuable resource that sheds light on the unique dynamics of translating legal concepts using approaches other than traditional verbal communication. As such, it is an essential read for anyone who is interested in the changing landscape of law, language, and translation.

  • af Sharrona Pearl
    162,95 kr.

    Object Lessons is a series of short, beautifully designed books about the hidden lives of ordinary things.From the theater mask and masquerade to the masked criminal and the rise of facial recognition software, masks have long performed as an instrument for the protection and concealment of identity. Even as they conceal and protect, masks - as faces - are an extension of the self. At the same time, they are a part of material culture: what are masks made of? What traces do they leave behind? Acknowledging that that mask-wearing has become increasingly weaponized and politicized, Sharrona Pearl looks at the politics of the mask, exploring how identity itself is read on this object.By exploring who we do (and do not) seek to protect through different forms of masking, Sharrona Pearl's long history of masks helps us to better understand what it is we value. Object Lessons is published in partnership with an essay series in The Atlantic.

  • af Tobias Gretenkort
    589,95 kr.

    This book draws from graph theory and a semiotic comparison between language and distributed ledger technologies (also known as Blockchains) to motivate three experiments on language and network structure. The work explores the importance of this concept in different areas of linguistic research and establishes elements of a tentative linguistics of networks. Its empirical investigation is based on data from threads posted to the imageboard Hispachan, which often displays radicalized language and hate speech. The experiments (based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis) reveal an impact of the network structure of interaction on the interaction itself as well as the use of ingroup signalling and emotionally charged vocabulary to expand the network of interaction..

  • af Laurence R. Horn
    297,95 - 1.727,95 kr.

    What is the boundary between lying and (intentionally) misleading? How does perjury differ from a garden-variety lie? In these fourteen essays, distinguished linguists, philosophers, cognitive scientists, and legal scholars draw on theoretical and empirical studies to map the landscape of falsehood, deception, and perjury and to survey practices of manipulation through puffery, bluffing and bullshit in courtrooms, politics, and everyday life.

  • af Ivo Assad Ibri
    880,95 kr.

    This collection of essays brings together a selection of some of the most important studies of Professor Ivo Assad Ibri about the work of Charles Sanders Peirce. In the last decades, Prof. Ibri made important contributions to Peirce studies by showing that the various individual aspects of Peirce's work actually form a coherent philosophical system, a metaphysical architecture, as he describes it in his previous book Kosmos Noetos (Springer, 2017). Now this new book brings together a selection of 24 articles and book chapters originally published in both Portuguese and English on different topics and aspects of Peirce's work, such as philosophy of art, heuristic logic, theories of beliefs and habits, objective idealism, pragmatism and pragmaticism. By bringing together this collection of essays in a single publication, Semiotics and Pragmatism: Theoretical Interfaces will be a valuable source for scholars interested in Prof. Ibri's unique contributions to the study of the philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce. "e;In recognizing Ivo Assad Ibri as one the leading exponents of qualitative interpretations of Peirce in the world today, I refer especially to Ibri's concentration on Peirce's later-phase metaphysical writings. Ibri's expertise will be seen to consist in his precise reformulations of Peirce's full-fledged philosophy, not just pursuing specialized minor topics."e; David A. Dilworth Professor of Philosophy, Stonybrook University"e;Ivo Ibri's collected essays brims with clarifying insights from beginning to end. He manages to reveal plenty of aspects of Peirce's thought from angles the traditional scholarship has not been equipped to notice. How not to miss such kairotic theoretical opportunities and how to exploit them to heuristic advantage is a lesson well taught in this outstanding book."e; Andr De TienneProfessor of Philosophy and Director of the Peirce Edition Project, Indiana University

  • af Smrutirekha Mishra
    197,95 kr.

    ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿'¿ ¿¿¿¿ '¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿'¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿, ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿'¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿ "¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿" ¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿ ¿

  • af Yong Xia
    880,95 kr.

    This book mainly focuses on the roles of engraved symbols and ornamentation in Liangzhu culture. It categorizes the engraved symbols discovered in Liangzhu culture as means of ideographical expression and decoration, aspects that are explored in detail. Further, the engraved symbols and ornamentation are subdivided in terms of certain similarities, including the dragon and bird systems. A separate chapter is especially designed to help readers appreciate the typical paintings and symbols in selected objects and vessels. In this way, the book seeks to analyze and generate a particular formula so as to explore patterns in the thinking of Liangzhu's people, thus deciphering the spiritual code of the Liangzhu world.

  • af Oana Andreica
    987,95 - 1.096,95 kr.

    This book provides a multifaceted view on the relation between the old and the new in music, between tradition and innovation. This is a much-debated issue, generating various ideas and theories, which rarely come to unanimous conclusions. Therefore, the book offers diverse perspectives on topics such as national identities, narrative strategies, the question of musical performance and musical meaning. Alongside themes of general interest, such as classical repertoire, the music of well-established composers and musical topics, the chapters of the book also touch on specific, but equally interesting subjects, like Brazilian traditions, Serbian and Romanian composers and the lullaby. While the book is mostly addressed to researchers, it can also be recommended to students in musicology, ethnomusicology, musical performance, and musical semiotics.

  • af Willam H. McMasters
    177,95 - 342,95 kr.

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