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Fredsstudier og konfliktløsning

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  • af The Arbinger Institute
    206,95 kr.

    En bog, som tager fat i roden af alle konflikter: hvordan vi ser hinanden. De fleste konflikter opstår, fordi vi ikke har tilstrækkelig fornemmelse for den person, vi står over for, eller fordi vi selv i forvejen er præget af forventninger og krav.Forretningsmanden Lou er, hårdt presset af sine kone, taget til Arizona for at deltage i et forældrekursus på et behandlingssted for belastede unge. Lou håber på, at behandlingen vil fikse hans søn, men filosofien på stedet er, at forældrene også skal forandre sig, hvis de unges forandring skal vare ved.Lou er kritisk og negativ, men gennem kurset får han mulighed for at se på sit liv med nye øjne og opdager, at han selv bærer en stor del af ansvaret for konflikterne i sit liv. Og derfor også har nøglen til at gå i gang med at løse dem.Gennem fortællingen om Lou peger Konfliktens anatomi på det helt grundlæggende problem, at vi ikke kan se, at det er os selv, der har et problem – og ikke kun alle de andre. Når vi opdager det, behøver vi ikke længere at opfatte os selv som ofre for det, vi ser som andres inkompetence og urimeligheder, men kan finde bedre og overraskende enkle løsninger på vores problemer.

  • af Marion Thorning
    241,95 - 267,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er nogle mennesker gode til at løse konflikter? Hvordan får man mod til at turde gå ind i en konflikt? Hvilke reskaber kan man med fordel anvende, når man står midt i kaos? »Lær at løse konflikter« definerer hvad en konflikt er og beskriver forskellige konflikttemaer og -modeller, desuden beskrives de forhold, der typisk ligger bag en konflikt. Hvad der er den typiske konfliktadfærd. Hvad det vil sige at være hjælper i andres konflikter og hvordan man kan bearbejde sin måde at møde konflikter på, således at det giver udviklingsmuligheder både på det personlige og det arbejdsmæssige plan.

  • - høst frugten af din egen og andres vrede
    af Marshall B. Rosenberg
    88,94 kr.

    Læs hvordan du kan håndtere både din egen og andres vrede konstruktivt, ved at skifte fokus fra skyld til behov.Hvad fortæller din vrede dig?Du kan mærke, når den rammer dig. Dit ansigt blusser op, og dit synsfelt indsnævres. Din puls øges i takt med at dømmende tanker skyller gennem dit sind. Din vrede er blevet udløst, og du er på vej til at sige eller gøre noget, som sandsynligvis vil gøre det værre.• Vreden er en alarmklokke, der fortæller, at behov ikke er opfyldt.• Du kan bruge vreden til at nå dine mål og få opfyldt dine behov uden at råbe og skrige og fægte med armene.• Ved at blive klar over dine og andres behov, kan du finde løsninger, der er tilfredsstillende for alle parter.• Strategier, der har til formål at opfylde dine behov, kan transformere vrede til positive handlinger.Processerne, der beskrives i denne bog, kan bruges i forbindelse med:• uddannelse• erhvervslivet• socialt arbejde• politik• familie• personlige forhold"Tal i vrede, og du holder den bedste tale, du nogensinde har fortrudt." Winston Churchill»Vrede er et tragisk udtryk for uopfyldte behov.«- Marshall B. Rosenberg.

  • af Marion Thorning
    267,95 kr.

    »God konfliktløsning handler både om at tage ansvar for at opnå den og om faglig viden om metoder – det giver bogen en supergod og klog hjælp til. Derfor er det klart en bog, der kan anbefales til alle, der lever i en familie og arbejder på at gøre den bedre«. Per Schultz Jørgensen, professor emeritus, dr.phil.Nogle familier er gode til at sætte sig sammen og få talt konflikter igennem, andre familier ønsker ’fred for enhver pris’, og i atter andre råber og skriger man ad hinanden. Det, man lærer i sit barndomshjem, vil man for det meste bringe videre med sig ud i livet. Selvom man har lyst til at prøve noget andet, end det man lærte i barndommen, er det svært at finde ud af, hvilken vej man så skal gå.LÆR AT LØSE KONFLIKTER – I FAMILIEN giver råd og vejledning til, hvad man kan gøre, når der opstår konflikter i en familie, og den giver indblik i, hvordan konflikter opstår og udvikler sig. Bogens grundtanke er, at man ikke skal forsøge at ændre modparten. Men man kan påvirke den anden og situationen ved selv at gøre noget klogt.Bogens råd giver svar på spørgsmål som: Hvad stiller jeg op med min vrede og frustration? Hvorfor skal jeg blive på min egen banehalvdel? Hvad gør man, når man helt har mistet tilliden til den anden? Hvilke strategier er hensigtsmæssige?Marion Thorning er selvstændig konsulent og master i Konfliktmægling (KU). Hun har arbejdet med konflikthåndtering og -mægling i over 20 år og har erfaring med mægling på arbejdspladser, i organisationer og familier. Hun er forfatter til flere artikler, kronikker og bøger om arbejdsliv, familie, vejledning og konflikthåndtering.

  • af Lin Adrian
    297,95 kr.

    Konflikter og konflikthåndtering skal hjælpe dig til at forstå konflikter og give inspiration til at håndtere konflikter konstruktivt på arbejdspladsen, i undervisningslokalet, i bestyrelsen, i kundekontakten mv. Bogen har tre dele. I første del behandles grundlæggende konfliktforståelse og besvarer spørgsmål som: Hvad er konflikter? Hvordan udvikler de sig? Hvilke strategier findes i konflikter? I anden del behandles en række temaer, der er relevante i konfliktsituationer som kommunikation, følelser, blinde vinkler, retfærdighed og magt. Tredje del er et nedslag i de vigtigste konflikthåndteringsformer og spænder fra konfliktvejledning over forhandling til mægling og afgørelsesvirksomhed. Bogen henvender sig primært til studerende på alle slags videregående uddannelser og efteruddannelser, hvor konflikthåndtering er et selvstændigt fag eller indgår som en del af andre fag. Den henvender sig også til fagprofessionelle, der har lyst til at vide mere om konflikter og konflikthåndtering.

  • - en metodebog om æresrelaterede konflikter i Danmark
    af Susanne Willaume Fabricius
    287,95 kr.

    Udsatte i æresrelaterede konflikter sætter ofte egen sikkerhed og alle relationer over styr, når de beder om hjælp. Derfor skal man som fagperson give den mest kompetente hjælp overhovedet mulig. Når ære er på spil giver metoder og redskaber.Æresrelaterede konflikter kan ramme både mænd og kvinder, og de kan ske inden for alle religioner og etniciteter. Bogen fortæller, hvordan man som fagperson kan hjælpe i sager om social kontrol, vold og udskamning.Bogen bidrager til at nuancere et komplekst felt, som ofte bliver forenklet af politikere og i medierne. Det handler om at sætte sig ind i tanke­sættet bag konflikten uden at ende i fordømmelse og stigmatisering. For hvis man tvinger et vestligt tankesæt ned over en æresrelation, kan man skade mere end gavne, og den udsattes liv kan ende i fare.Når ære er på spil sætter fokus på kulturelle aspekter af æresrelaterede konflikter, de ty­piske tankesæt hos unge, forældre og familier i konflikterne samt definitioner og begreber. Bogen gennemgår også metodiske greb som samtaleteknik, risikovurderinger, anbringelser, supervision, tolkesamarbejde og lovstof.Den er skrevet til studerende og fagpersoner inden for det socialfaglige og pædagogiske om­råde og undervisning, i sundhedssystemet, politibetjente og til alle andre, der beskæftiger sig med æres­relaterede konflikter.Susanne Willaume Fabricius er uddannet ved Den Sociale Højskole og arbejder i Etnisk Ung. Hun har i mere end 20 år arbejdet med og hjulpet personer fanget i æresrelaterede konflikter.

  • - en introduktion
    af Vibeke Vindeløv, Jørn Boye Nielsen & Isabel Bramsen
    97,95 - 257,95 kr.

    Denne bog er en grundlæggende indføring i konfliktløsningstilgangen til internationale konflikter fra konfliktoptrapning til deeskalering på elite- såvel som græsrodsniveau. Bogen introducerer afgørende spørgsmål om konfliktdynamikker, magt, følelser, vold og ikke-vold og beskriver konfliktløsningstilgange fra forebyggelse og fredsbevaring til mægling, fredsopbygning og forsoning. Endelig fremhæves særligt relevante temaer om medier, køn, civilsamfund og globalt ansvar i forhold til international konfliktløsning. Undervejs eksemplificeres der med relevante cases og præsenteres forskellige teoretiske synspunkter fra psykologi, sociologi, antropologi, jura og statskundskab. International Konfliktløsning – en introduktion er væsentlig læsning til undervisning, oplysning og arbejde indenfor fred, konflikt, sikkerhed, journalistik og international politik.

  • - A Study of the International Armament Industry
    af H. C. Engelbrecht & F. C. Hanighen
    365,95 - 1.441,95 kr.

    Merchants of death was an epithet used in the USA in the 1930s to attack industries and banks that supplied and funded the First World War (then called the Great War). Originally published in 1934, this book uses the term to expose the international arms industry at the time.

  • af Marc Lynch
    422,95 kr.

    "This book examines the one state reality in the territories controlled by the state of Israel. The two state solution remains the dominant frame for discussing the present and future relationship between Israel and the Palestinians. In this book we start not with hopes but the reality of an Israel that controls Palestine and the Palestinians and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Starting with the one state reality reshapes how we see the conflict, consider acceptable and unacceptable solutions, and discuss difficult normative questions"--

  • af Paul D Williams
    412,95 kr.

    Security Studies: An Introduction, 4th edition, is the most comprehensive textbook available on the subject, providing students with in-depth coverage of traditional and critical approaches and an essential grounding in the debates, frameworks, and issues of the contemporary security agenda.

  • af Michael Nwankpa
    471,95 - 1.556,95 kr.

  • af Stacey Henderson
    471,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

  • af N. N.
    218,95 kr.

    A book for men and women from middle age to advanced years who have suddenly and unexpectedly become confronted with the huge effects that the male prostate can have on the body. It is a tale of what can happen to both men and women when the prostate transforms over time as the body changes, free of any of the minor or major taboos surrounding those involved.The book presents both a subjective and an objective account, from a female and a male perspective, of what the prostate is and of the physical, psychological and social effects that changes to the prostate can bring as one ages or reaches old age. The latest medical, psychotherapeutic and social measures available to help men with prostate issues and their partners are discussed. It also addresses the therapeutic taboos that have previously prevented us from attempting a systemic approach to the physical, psychological and social transformation that men and women undergo when they reach middle age and beyond.

  • af Dhiego de Moura Mapa
    433,95 kr.

    The development of democratic institutions since the 1990s has restructured the decision-making process of national diplomacy, generating the politicisation of foreign policy. The apex of the movement came during the Lula administration, given the divergent perceptions about the pragmatism/rightness or ideologisation/equivocation of Brazil's foreign conduct. Monitoring the debate is the aim of this paper, whose research focused on the different opinions expressed about the Lula government's international insertion project by various social sectors (bureaucrats linked to Itamaraty, academic researchers and journalists). The data collected shows that the politicisation of foreign policy is deepening and even affects sectors linked to the foreign policy decision-making process.

  • af Matthew Fuhrmann
    226,95 - 713,95 kr.

  • af Devarajan Pillai G
    305,95 kr.

    In the fast-paced and unpredictable journey of life, challenges and adversities are inevitable. "Mindful Resilience: Crisis-Proof Your Life for Lasting Happiness" is a profound guide that illuminates the path to not only surviving but thriving in the face of life's storms. Written with wisdom, compassion, and practical insights, this transformative book invites readers on a journey toward enduring happiness through the cultivation of mindful resilience.Drawing from a rich tapestry of psychological principles, mindfulness practices, and real-life stories, "Mindful Resilience" is more than just a self-help book-it is a comprehensive manual for navigating life's complexities with grace and adaptability. The author, an expert in the fields of psychology and well-being, offers a holistic approach that encompasses various facets of life, providing readers with a roadmap to crisis-proof their lives for sustained happiness."Mindful Resilience" is more than a book; it's a holistic guide that empowers readers to not only face challenges head-on but to thrive amidst them. With its practical tools, transformative practices, and inspiring narratives, this book is a valuable companion for anyone seeking to crisis-proof their life and cultivate lasting happiness. The wisdom contained within these pages serves as a beacon, guiding readers toward a resilient future filled with joy, purpose, and a deep sense of well-being.

  • - In Peace And Revolution (1917)
    af Alden Buell Case
    272,95 - 311,95 kr.

    Thirty Years With The Mexicans: In Peace And Revolution is a book written by Alden Buell Case and published in 1917. The book is a memoir of Case's experiences living and working in Mexico for thirty years, from the late 1800s to the early 1900s. Case was an American businessman who worked in various industries, including mining, agriculture, and transportation.The book covers a wide range of topics, including Mexican culture, politics, and history. Case provides detailed descriptions of the people he met, the places he visited, and the events he witnessed. He also discusses the impact of the Mexican Revolution, which began in 1910 and lasted for a decade.Throughout the book, Case shares his observations and opinions on Mexican society and politics. He describes the corruption and violence that he witnessed, as well as the resilience and resourcefulness of the Mexican people. He also discusses the role of the United States in Mexican affairs, particularly during the revolution.Overall, Thirty Years With The Mexicans: In Peace And Revolution is a fascinating account of a pivotal period in Mexican history, as seen through the eyes of an American expatriate. It provides valuable insights into the complex relationship between the United States and Mexico, as well as the challenges and opportunities of living and working in a foreign culture.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af George Davis Herron
    207,95 - 251,95 kr.

    ""Woodrow Wilson and the World's Peace"" is a historical account of the efforts made by President Woodrow Wilson to bring about peace during World War I. Written by George Davis Herron, a professor of Applied Christianity at Grinnell College, the book was first published in 1917. It covers Wilson's speeches, diplomatic initiatives, and negotiations with European leaders, as well as his vision for a new international order based on democracy, self-determination, and collective security. The book also explores the reactions of other countries, including Germany, to Wilson's proposals, and the eventual outcome of the war. Overall, ""Woodrow Wilson and the World's Peace"" provides a detailed and insightful analysis of one of the most important periods in modern history, and sheds light on the challenges and opportunities of international diplomacy.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - At The Hague, 1899 And 1907 (1908)
    af James Brown Scott
    399,95 - 402,95 kr.

    ""Texts of the Peace Conferences: At The Hague, 1899 and 1907"" is a book written by James Brown Scott and published in 1908. The book provides a comprehensive collection of the texts of the two peace conferences held in The Hague in 1899 and 1907. These conferences were significant events in the history of international relations, as they aimed to establish a framework for peaceful resolution of conflicts between nations. The book includes the texts of the conventions, declarations, and resolutions adopted by the conferences, as well as the reports of the committees and commissions that were formed to study various issues related to peace and international law. The book also includes an introduction by the author, which provides an overview of the conferences and their significance. This book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of international law and diplomacy, and the efforts to promote peace and stability in the world.""This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • - From Its Commencement In 1897 To The Peace Of Vereeniging In 1902 (1906)
    af William Basil Worsfold
    397,95 - 469,95 kr.

    Lord Milner�������s Work in South Africa: From Its Commencement in 1897 to the Peace of Vereeniging in 1902 (1906) is a historical account of the role played by Lord Alfred Milner in the Boer War in South Africa. Written by William Basil Worsfold, the book provides a detailed analysis of Milner's political and military strategy during the war, as well as his efforts towards the reconstruction of South Africa after the war. The book covers Milner's appointment as High Commissioner for South Africa in 1897, his involvement in the Jameson Raid, and his work towards the unification of South Africa. It also examines Milner's policies towards the Boer population and his efforts to promote British imperialism in the region. The book is a valuable resource for those interested in the history of South Africa, the Boer War, and the role played by Lord Milner in shaping the country's political landscape.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Philipp Kastner
    273,95 - 1.094,95 kr.

    This book provides a critical introduction to the complex relationship between law and peace.

  • af Tapio Nykänen
    436,95 - 1.466,95 kr.

    This volume explores the shifts in how civil disobedience has come to be theorized, defined, understood and practiced in contemporary politics. How civil disobedience operates has changed over the years, and this volume unpacks its many contemporary lives.

  • af Assefa Fiseha
    1.227,95 kr.

    This book explores the relationship between federalism, social divides and conflict in African countries. It details the origins, design and performance of major federal and quasi-federal states to assess their performance and propose new methods for managing these divides. Drawing on evidence from countries such as Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria and South Africa, the book examines the nature and causes of ethnonationalism, mobilisation and confrontation with the nation state. The book is a comprehensive treatment of the five major federal and devolved systems in Africa. It explains their origin, design and operation, and assesses their performance. More importantly, the book explains the distinct nature of federal and devolved systems in the Global South. Federal and devolved systems in Africa cannot be understood in isolation from the nature of state power on the continent. The book explains the impact of unregulated state power on the dynamics of federal and devolved systems in Africa. Federalism and devolution have not failed but have been betrayed ¿ both in the past and the present ¿ in serving as a venue for accommodation, intergovernmental bargaining and negotiated reform.

  • af Benjamin Tallis
    1.051,95 kr.

  • af Marloes Janson
    1.037,95 kr.

    Explores similarity and difference, rapprochement and detachment, and divergence and competition between practitioners of Christianity, Islam and African religious traditions.

  • af Samuel Decresci
    542,95 kr.

    The aim of this work is to unveil the political situation of 1932-37 in the city of Monte Alto-SP; in particular to understand, in the midst of an effervescent scenario both nationally and internationally, the emergence and actions of two antagonistic political groups, the "Integralists" and the "Constitutionalists." In order to fulfil these aims, the work was divided into two parts. The first part analyses the troubled historical context (national and international) and the ideologies and mentalities that emerged as salvationist, with Integralism standing out. In the second part, based on an analysis of texts from two local periodicals, the focus of the monograph becomes a description of the socio-political events that took place in the city of Monte Alto-SP within the delimited section. Thus, the work shows that local politics had an ambivalent situation in which real politics took place, practised in the democratic political game based on parties, representation, debate, elections, etc. and an ideal one, in which a group was catechised and moulded in an effort to realise a political project for the future with strong teleological overtones.

  • af Oshri Hakak
    292,95 kr.

    Listen to the Land: A Tale of Two Flowers, is a book about to flowers, who are in animosity, and other than guided by natural elements into a space of healing, mutual respect, and reconciliation.

  • af Richard E Evans
    192,95 kr.

    Why Men Make War shows that men inherit a propensity for violence and war, and women do not. To reduce the number of wars, women must have at least as much political power as men.

  • af Ayyoob Sharifi
    1.127,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

    This book provides new insights into the development of integrated approaches to peace and sustainability in the era of global change. Since the late 1980s, and in order to regulate the increasingly detrimental impacts of humans on the environment, the transition towards sustainability has been high on the agenda of researchers and policymakers alike. Meanwhile, peace considerations have expanded in recent decades to include the varied types and sources of conflict, from inter-state to intra-state conflicts due to various social, political, economic, and environmental factors. Through providing theoretical and empirical insights, this book demonstrates that sustainability and peace as intrinsically interrelated. The book elaborates on the multi-dimensional and constantly evolving concepts of sustainability and peace. In addition, the book contributes to a better understanding of the complex and dynamic interlinkages between peace and sustainability by presenting examples of pathways where sustainability and peace interact considering the different factors and contexts that are constantly shaping and reshaping the conditions for sustainable and peaceful societies.

  • af Bjorn Krondorfer
    930,95 kr.

    A transdisciplinary approach to reconciliation practices and policies by an international team of scholars and scholar-practitioners.

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