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Befolkning og demografi

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  • - et portræt af det danske klassesamfund
    af Jørgen Goul Andersen, Lars Olsen, Lars Andersen, mfl.
    118,95 - 237,95 kr.

    Til overraskelse for mange er arbejderklassen stadig langt den største klasse i Danmark. 41 procent er faglærte og ufaglærte med almindelige job. Og 21 procent af danskerne i den erhvervsaktive alder står langvarigt uden for arbejdsmarkedet.Det er kun 1,6 %, der tilhører overklassen: selvstændige, topledere og nøglemedarbejdere med indkomster over 1,2 million. Men det er dem, der bestemmer på de store arbejdspladser, i kultur og medier og generelt i samfundslivet. De bor for sig selv i parallelsamfund især omkring Københavnsområdet og foretrækker skattelettelser frem for velfærd, regner debatten om fattigdom for noget pjat og tror ikke på velfærdsstatens fremtid. Toppen i beslutninger og meningsdannelse har med andre ord mistet troen på den samfundsmodel, som det store flertal sætter deres lid til.Gennem data og egne journalistiske reportager zoomer forfatterne ind på forskellige bydele i Danmark, deres sociale klasser og om bydelene før og nu. Især går de i dybden med Als og Aalborg. Her ligger Hasseris, det klassiske villakvarter for overklasse og højere middelklasse, og Aalborg Øst, et arbejderkvarter i fare for ghettoisering. Vi kommer tæt på områdernes skoler og kultur og indbyggernes sundhedstilstand og får dermed tegnet et konkret billede af de forskelle – økonomisk, geografisk og holdningsmæssigt – der præger vores land. 

  • - A humorous guide for foreigners and their Danish Friends
    af Kay Xander Mellish
    167,95 kr.

    An updated version of the popular book based on the "How to Live in Denmark" podcast, with 8 new chapters.In this fun, easy-to-read book, Kay draws on her own experience as a foreigner in Denmark when it comes to learning Danish, trying to find a job in Denmark, and looking for a place to live in Copenhagen. She also touches on dating in Denmark, Danish drinking culture, Danish childraising, and how you can guess a Danish person's age from their first name alone. This entertaining look at life as an outsider in Denmark draws on gentle humor and can be enjoyed by both foreigners and their Danish friends.

  • af Oded Galor
    127,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af Peter Gundelach
    106,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Bogen henvender sig til alle, der vil arbejde med enkle analyser af kvantitative data og er især relevant for humanistiske, samfundsvidenskabelige og sundhedsvidenskabelige studerende på introducerende metodekurser. Bogen kræver ikke statistiske forudsætninger, men giver simple anvisninger i, hvordan en god analyse kan gennemføres. Simpel tabelanalyse giver en systematisk indføring i analysens teknikker og begreber og viser, hvordan man med tabelanalyser kan foretage spændende og gode analyser af kvantitative data på en enkel og overskuelig måde. En forståelse af tabelanalysen er desuden en forudsætning for at forstå og anvende mere komplicerede teknikker i kvantitative analyser. Bogen er skrevet af professor Peter Gundelach og er fyldt med konkrete og illustrative eksempler hentet fra forfatterens egen forskning.

  • af Marc Auge
    117,95 kr.

    A provocative study of the ‘non-space’ which defines our age’s love for excess of information and space

  • af Neil Howe
    195,95 kr.

    "The visionary behind the bestselling phenomenon The Fourth Turning looks once again to America's past to predict our future in this startling and hopeful prophecy for how our present era of civil unrest will resolve over the next ten years--and what our lives will look like once it has"--

  • - Guide til statistik
    af Erik Møllmann Bøye
    142,95 kr.

    Denne lille bog er en håndsrækning til brugere af lærebøger i statistik, som ofte hvad angår facon og vægt minder om mursten - og desuden ofte er skrevet på engelsk. "Murstenene" virker afskrækkende, og for mange studerende forbliver de næsten i bogstaveligste forstand en lukket bog.De vigtigste begreber inden for teoretisk statistik er vist i oversættelse fra engelsk til dansk, og indholdet af begreberne er forklaret. Trykfejl fra 2. udgave er rettet, teksten er visse steder shinet up, og der er tilføjet et kort afsnit om andre udvælgelsesmetoder end simpel, tilfældig udvælgelse.PS: Statistik-hjælperen med Excelvejledning er oversat til engelsk med titlen Statistics Companion - Including Excel Guidance.PS: Statistik-hjælperen udgives også med en SPSS-vejledning.

  • - Yderområder, købstæder og det aparte København
    af Lars Olsen & Bjørn Brandenborg
    232,95 kr.

    Med helt ny statistik, underholdende cases, et samfundsvidenskabeligt fundament og stærke holdninger bidrager Bjørn Brandenborg og Lars Olsen til debatten om forskellene mellem by og land.De to forfattere skriver fra hver deres aldersgruppe – hhv. 32 og 69 år – og fra hver deres geografiske perspektiv – Bjørn Brandenborg er født i Svendborg, hvor han også bor, mens Lars Olsen er født og opvokset i København, men bor nu i Holbæk –  men de mødes i en enighed om, at vilkårene for at bo uden for de store byer er vanskelige og bidrager til unødvendig forskelsbehandling. Det handler om adgang til sundhedsbehandling, mulighed for realkreditlån, offentlig transport og meget andet.Bogen er dog langt fra en klagesang. Den er også en hyldest til livet i provinsen med natur, sammenhold og aktivt foreningsliv. Brandenborg og Olsen sætter fokus på mange af de fremmende initiativer, der er taget de senere år, bl.a. udflytning af arbejdspladser og undervisningsinstitutioner.

  • af Tamara Draut
    222,95 kr.

  • af Aparajita Chattopadhyay
    1.136,95 kr.

  • af Anya Kamenetz
    252,95 kr.

  • af Pengjun Zhao
    1.127,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

    This book is the first book that investigates aging and its impacts on transport system in China. Using various data, this book covers, but is not limited to, the development of population aging, the changes of travel demand, the features of travel behavior of Chinäs elderly, progress and prospect of age-friendly transport in China. The book has international academic novelty in three points. Firstly, it discovers the long-term supply-demand relationship between population aging and transport infrastructure development. Secondly, it finds the changes and factors in travel behavior of the elderly people. Thirdly, it discusses the advantages or disadvantages of age-friendly transport policy. The findings in the book provide fresh evidences for the challenges posed by aging to transport and enhance readers¿ existing knowledge of the elderly people¿s travel behavior and the related determinants. These findings are helpful for planners and politicians to make age-friendly transport policies and useful for investors and enterprises to supply proper transport services to the elderly people. This book is of great interest to scholars and practitioners interested in transport development, transport policy, social transition, sustainable mobility, urban planning, urban governance and is relevant to China and other developing countries.

  • af Claudia Andrea Mikkelsen
    1.051,95 kr.

    This book studies inequalities in the quality of life of the Argentine population at the regional level. It considers the six regions of the National Statistical System: Northwest, Northeast, Cuyo, Pampa, Metropolitan, and Patagonia. A series of thematic maps is provided and interpreted, which are related to: a. socioeconomic issues (education, health, housing) and b. environmental aspects (environmental problems and recreational resources). These dimensions (socioeconomic and environmental) are integrated into quality of life indexes that allow the comparison of the situation of the population residing in any region of the national territory.

  • af Marcus Garvey
    337,95 - 392,95 kr.

    Marcus Garvey's solution to centuries of oppression-full separation from whites-was a touchstone for the Black Power Movement, among others. Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey details his thoughts on Blacks in America.

  • af Jacqueline L. Angel
    1.051,95 kr.

    This book delves into the consequences of rapid population aging for Mexico and U.S. Latinos, impacting various institutions, including families, the labor force, and healthcare systems. It examines in depth the causes and consequences of the increasing prevalence of cognitive impairment and dementia, especially early-onset decline in the Mexican-origin population.The book identifies resilience factors as critical to successful aging and health in the Mexican and Mexican-American populations from a transdisciplinary perspective. It also examines the diversity in the experiences of older adults with dementia and related disorders and that of their families in Mexico and the United States. The book also helps to better understand the levels of need and support capacity in both nations and the organizational contexts of long-term care in both countries.The ultimate goal of this sixth volume in the series on aging in the Americas is to identify critical sources of vulnerability and possible policy options for closing the gap in affordable and sustainable long-term care and financial wellbeing for low-resource populations living with dementia and other medical conditions in both countries.The volume presents new information, consensus data, potential venues for intervention, and action frameworks to advance current knowledge grounded in global aging health systems research of closing disparities in vulnerable populations at high risk of declining cognitive and physical health in two different political contexts. As such, the book provides a wealth of information for researchers, policy makers and professionals in the field of population aging.

  • af R. Sooryamoorthy
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book explores the connection between family structure and circumstances, parental engagement, and adolescent sexual behavior. Given that South Africa contains the highest portion of the global HIV epidemic within a single country, a comprehensive, book-length investigation intösometimes risky¿adolescent sexual behaviour is necessary. Drawing from the longitudinal Cape Area Panel Study (CAPS) of more than 4,000 adolescents between the ages of fourteen and twenty-two, as well as qualitative interviews and focus group discussions with parents and adolescents, this study pioneers empirical investigation of adolescent sexual behavior within the intricate framework of family dynamics in South Africa.

  • af Christophe Z. Guilmoto
    1.051,95 kr.

    How will the world's largest population approach its inequality challenges? This volume addresses this question by unraveling different strands of India's emerging health and gender geographies. It is the first book to offer a comparative study of these disparities in India, stressing the deep interaction between health challenges and patriarchal features. Most themes explored in this book illustrate the entangled nature of the social and regional determinants of gender and health imbalances in India.Through its rich cartography of contemporary India, the book represents the first Atlas exploiting district-level figures drawn from the latest sociodemographic survey conducted in 2019-21. After an initial methodological synopsis, the book is built around twenty chapters¿illustrated by 75 original maps, figures, and tables prepared by thirty authors¿and concludes with a synthesis of India's spatial patterns. Chapters engage with major themes of gender and health inequalities and explore an array of innovative indicators such as access to menstrual hygiene, cesarean deliveries, health insurance, son preference in fertility, female landownership, patrilocal systems, hypertension, anemia, hysterectomy, girl-only or single-child families, or traditional contraception. Together, they provide an often surprising glimpse into the present and future of India's gender and health landscape, highlighting the considerable progress accomplished over the last two decades alongside persistent gaps and emerging issues.

  • af Maria João Guardado Moreira
    2.347,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Chamie
    734,95 - 1.097,95 kr.

  • af Alex Simpson
    877,95 kr.

    Drawing on affect theory and the key themes of attachment, disruption and belonging, this book examines the ways in which our placed surroundings - whether urban design, border management or organisations - shape and form experiences of gender. Bringing together key debates across the fields of sociology, geography and organisation studies, the book sets out new theoretical ground to examine and consolidate shared experiences of what it means to be in or out of place. Contributors explore how our gendered selves encounter place, and critically examine the way in which experiences of gender shape meanings and attachments, as well as how place produces gendered modes of identity, inclusion and belonging. Emphasizing the intertwined dynamics of affect and being affected, the book examines the gendering of place and the placing of gender.

  • af Wei-Ta Fang
    1.051,95 kr.

    This book bridges the gap on the critical issues of ecotourism and direct economic assistance to the conservation of local ecological and human resources. It covers various topics and case studies by ecotourism destination and ecotourism route from Sinophone and Taiwanese perspectives. Each chapter of this book includes comprehensive proposes as an important core value for planning and operating ecotourism. According to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), this book highlights our balanced understanding of sustainable tourism from the perspective of human ecology. Ecotourism needs to integrate the perspectives of population biology, bioanthropology, biomedicine, and public health and strengthen the connection between human ecology and disease. It is here to provide a comprehensive guide to all fascinating places for ecotourism courses. We encourage the following persons to read relevant chapters: (1) ecotourism entrepreneurs: business operators such as homestays, hot springs, ecological farms, and travel agencies; (2) ecotourism researchers: scholars and experts, university (specialized) college students, primary and secondary school teachers, and other ecotourism, environmental education, resource conservation, tourism and dining, leisure and recreation, other related fields researchers; and (3) ecotourism practice management and planners.

  • af Toru Suzuki
    1.051,95 kr.

    This book compares the population history of Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and China to understand such emergent changes as extremely low fertility in Korea and Taiwan, compressed urbanization and a massive diaspora from Korea, early population aging relative to economic development in China, and changing patterns of cross-border migration in the region. After discussing the origin of each ethnic group, premodern population changes are examined by reviewing historical demographic studies including those written in local languages. A new population estimation for premodern Korea is also presented. Topics covered in this book include population growth, fertility, mortality, domestic and cross-border migration, marriage, divorce, and households. Contrasts between economic and population giants (China and Japan), former Japanese colonies (Korea and Taiwan), feudalism and Confucianism (Japan and others), and capitalism and socialism of the same ethnic groups (South and North Korea, Taiwan, and China) provide a fresh view of population dynamics in relation to political, economic, and cultural changes. The population study of Eastern Asia has great importance. If economic development is checked by early and rapid aging, it functions to preserve the conventional Euro-centric world system and Pax Americana. On the other hand, if China succeeds in further development while sustaining a socialist dictatorship, it is a challenge to the authority of liberal democracy. If the institution of marriage remains robust and extramarital births do not increase in Eastern Asia, it implies that an aspect of family change is culturally dependent. This book provides clues to help answer such important questions.

  • af Sybil L Hart
    205,95 - 617,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Dinale
    1.051,95 kr.

    This book discusses the relationship between women's labour force participation and fertility rates in developed nations. It shows a positive relationship between women's workforce participation and childbirth. It theorises a new approach to explaining this 'fertility paradox' that looks at institutional factors influencing gender equality in developed nations. The book analyses a range of institutional variables that impact the positive relationship between female employment and fertility rates, including labour market institutions, social policies and welfare state institutions (family policies, active labour market programs and public sector employment) as well as household gender dynamics. Written for both academics and policy-makers, this book has theoretical relevance for research on gender and work, and also for policies aimed at increasing women's employment and redressing low fertility, which are important issues in many developed nations.

  • af Eduard Vlad
    704,95 kr.

    The book explores the key concerns in the United States of America, as well as around the world today, related to the significance of ecology, eco-consciousness and climate change.The chapters by individual authors reflect the topics both from a theoretical and from an ecocritical perspective. In the former case, they analyze effects of the present ecological crises (i.e. climate change and pandemics), the emergence and development of environmental humanities, posthumanism, ecocriticism, ecofeminism, and ecotheology. In the latter case, they offer readings of American literary texts of the 20th and 21st centuries as significant case studies.

  • af Zhu Lingfei
    662,95 kr.

    Located in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, Yushichang is a typical village of the Pumi ethnic group. With a current population of more than 360, the village has been home to the Pumi people for more than 500 years. Over the first six decades of the People¿s Republic of China, Yushichang village has managed to protect both its ecological environment and the Pumi culture. Drawing on a rich trove of oral history and ethnographic studies, this book tries to understand, at both the micro and macro levels, how this population has navigated the tension between tradition and modernity and what resources it might bring to bear to meet future challenges.

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