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Sociologi: sport og fritid

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  • - The History of Football Tactics
    af Jonathan Wilson
    125,95 kr.

    Jonathan Wilson's modern classic on football tactics has now been updated for its fifth-anniversary edition and includes an analysis of the great Barcelona, arguably the best club side of all time.

  • af Else Borch
    167,95 - 192,95 kr.

    Opfatter du den 3. alder som en gave? Livsfasen, hvor vi ikke længere behøver at arbejde, giver stor frihed og overvældende mange muligheder. Denne bog giver seniorer inspiration til at se nye muligheder og finde sig godt til rette med den store forandring, som arbejdslivets ophør er. Det er et privilegium, at vi i dag kan tale om den 3. alder. Tænk blot på sangen om Jens Vejmand, som tabte ham'ren brat – han måtte arbejde for føden, indtil han døde. I Danmark har efterlønnere eller pensionister mulighed for at nyde en periode i livet uden at være tvunget til at arbejde. Om den 3. alder opleves positivt afhænger i høj grad af den enkelte seniors forberedelse og indstilling. Det gælder om at udnytte mulighederne, før man eventuelt kommer i den 4. alder, hvor man er afhængig af andres hjælp. Mange seniorer på vej til at forlade arbejdsmarkedet stiller sig spørgsmålene: Hvordan vil det gå mig, når jeg ikke skal arbejde? Hvad skal jeg foretage mig i min 3. alder? Nogle frygter at forlade arbejdsmarkedet, andre glæder sig og har store forventninger. Seniorer er lige så forskellige som alle andre aldersgrupper. Bogen giver derfor ikke nogen standardsvar, men en mangfoldighed af eksempler og ideer, så læseren kan vælge sin egen vej. Bogen er en introduktion til emnet den 3. alder med sin uformelle blanding af fakta, erfaringer og synspunkter. Der er interviews med udvalgte seniorer, der inspirerer med deres personlige valg og engagement, samt referencer til litteratur, undersøgelser m.v. om den 3. alder, hvor læseren kan finde mere information. Om forfatteren Else Borch er startet som selvstændig i sin 3. alder, hvor hun tilbyder foredrag, workshops og coaching af seniorer. Efter at have lagt en lang it-konsulent-karriere bag sig, har hun taget coach-uddannelser og interesserer sig nu for emnet livskvalitet med fokus på den 3. alder. Hun er desuden engageret i frivilligt socialt arbejde for forskellige grupper: ensomme voksne, ældre, sårbare unge kvinder.

  • af Ibrahim Faour & Alper Sahin
    88,95 - 152,95 kr.

    Hvordan får vi flere unikke personligheder i sport og erhvervsliv, som tør bryde med Janteloven Det spørgsmål stiller denne bogs to forfattere. De kalder vejen frem for ­mangfoldighedsledelse og kommer med flere bud på, hvordan man i Danmark kan frembringe unikke personligheder med kant og kreativitet, Zlatan-typer, som uforfærdede tør gå efter guldet. Forfatterne går samtidig i dialog med en række kendte fodboldikoner, som f.eks. Nicklas Bendtner og ­Nadia Nadim, og interviewer succesfulde topledere fra erhvervslivet for at undersøge, hvordan for eksempel DBU og de danske fodboldklubber kan lære af de erhvervsvirksomheder, som klarer sig allerbedst i den knivskarpe, internationale konkurrence. HER ER KORT SAGT en nytænkende og provokerende bog om ledelsesfilosofi – og om vigtigheden af at se potentiale og talent, der hvor andre kun ser problemer og besvær.

  • af Tifo - The Athletic
    125,95 kr.

    'I love Tifo' Ian Wright 'Tifo are great' Alan Shearer'Tifo have changed the game when it comes to football analysis' Elis JamesRULE #1: DON'T WATCH THE BALLYes, football is about stars, goals and glory. But it's also about the intense calculations and movements being made by the twenty-one other players on the pitch. It's about the ticking clock, and the bellowing fans, and their impact on player psychology. It's about the coach, the club owner, and the director of football, who are watching, scouting and scheming from the side-lines. It's about money and data, about geopolitics and architecture, and even about climate change.Football is the most popular sport in the world, and Tifo Football is one of the world's most popular football channels. In this short, illustrated guide, its creators share fifty-two simple 'rules' for understanding and enjoying the beautiful game-both on and off the pitch.Covering the key concepts, tactics and philosophies that are shaping the sport today, How to Watch Football reveals surprising new perspectives on familiar elements of gameplay, while highlighting lesser-known aspects of the industry and its history.Whether you're a casual fan or a football obsessive, the fifty-two golden rules in this pocket-size guide will deepen your delight in the world's favourite sport.

  • af Kevin Baker
    367,95 kr.

    "A hugely entertaining history of baseball in New York City, bursting with bigger than life figures, and long-forgotten heroes, spanning the game's founding to the early 1940s"--

  • af Ian McDonnell, Glenn Bowdin, Johnny Allen, mfl.
    559,95 - 1.587,95 kr.

  • af Niklas Rådström
    237,95 kr.

    ”Jeg blev uventet opmuntret af Rådströms refleksioner. Han har en sans for ideer og ironi, der holder det hele på sporet” – Dagens NyheterN.B:Denne lille bog kan læses både af de, der ikke helt kan se pointen med fodbold, og de der ikke forstår førstnævnte gruppe. En lille bog om fodbold er på én gang en lidenskabelig kærlighedserklæring til fodbold og et glødende forsvar for demokratiet. Fodboldspillet betragtes som et eksperimenterende rum, der gang på gang tester, hvordan et velfungerende samfund kan skabes.Demokrati og åbne samfund er drevet af den samme dynamik som fodbold; paratheden til at revurdere holdninger og strategier i lyset af en verden i konstant forandring. Mange af bogens tanker er opstået på Söderstadions ståpladser – hvorfra de relaterer sig til foldboldens natur på globalt plan.Niklas Rådström (f. 1953 i Stockholm) er forfatter til en lang række udgivelser indenfor lyrik, prosa, skuespil, essay m.m.; I 2019 modtog han den prestigefulde Övralidspriset for ”sin evne til at rejse i alle litteraturens retninger” og i 2021 modtog Selma Lagerlöfs litteraturpris "for et fantastisk forfatterskab, en hyldest til fantasiens evne til at genoplade vores gejst og få os til at leve videre".

  • af Norman Mailer
    791,95 kr.

    "Ich sehe Alligatoren mit Posaunen!" - Muhammad Ali; Kinshasa, 1974Die Zutaten hätten dramatischer nicht sein können: Inszeniert von einem kriminellen Boxpromoter mit Sturmfrisur (Don King) im Reich eines Diktators mit Leopardenfellmütze (Mobutu), trafen am 30. Oktober 1974 in Kinshasa im damaligen Zaire zwei Boxer aufeinander, um sich einen epischen Kampf zu liefern. Der eine war Muhammad Ali, der seine besten Jahre hinter sich hatte, aber entschlossen war, den verlorenen Weltmeistertitel zurückzuerobern. Der andere war George Foreman, der so wortkarg war wie Ali wortgewaltig und als klarer Favorit gehandelt wurde. Millionen Fernsehzuschauer auf der ganzen Welt verfolgten diese spektakuläre Titanenschlacht mit überraschendem Ausgang, die als Rumble in the Jungle in die Geschichte einging.In Kinshasa mit dabei war auch das "Enfant terrible" der amerikanischen Literaturszene, der Starautor und Pulitzer-Preisträger Norman Mailer, der seine Eindrücke und Beobachtungen ein Jahr später unter dem Titel The Fight veröffentlichte, eine literarische Reportage von rund 250 Seiten.In unserer Hommage an das legendärste Boxereignis aller Zeiten erscheint Mailers Text in einer gekürzten Fassung, eingeleitet von einem Essay des Mailer-Experten J. Michael Lennon und erstmals bebildert mit Farb- und Schwarz-Weiß-Fotografien jener beiden Männer, die wie keine anderen Ali sowohl im Ring als auch im Privatleben im Bild festhielten: Howard L. Bingham und Neil Leifer.

  • - En sæson i cykelsportens verdenstop
    af Rasmus M. Bech
    147,95 kr.

    "Michael Valgren" Danmark har de senere år fostret en lang række særdeles dygtige cykelryttere, der har gjort sig flot bemærket i flere udenlandske, store løb. Således også i Tour de France, hvor Michael Valgren efterhånden med de fem deltagelser, kan betragtes som "veteran". Inden Valgrens helt store gennembrud for få år siden udkom hans biografi, forfattet af Rasmus Bech, og i denne kommer man bagom den tidligere "tykke" dreng fra folkeskolens baggrund for dennes opstigen til cykelrytter i verdenstoppen. Legimus og Rasmus Bech har valgt at sende bogen på gaden igen, da interessen for Valgren ikke er blevet mindre med årene.

  • - Aage Jensen: Naturverdfilosofien og vegledning i friluftsliv og Petter Erik Leirhaug: Friluftsliv i Nils Faarlunds tekster
    af Nils Faarlund
    88,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Dette bindet i serien av Nils Faarlunds 'Samlede Verker' er tilegnet to akademiske oppgaver, der hver på deres måte tegner et bilde av Nils Faarlund og det han har stått for i alle årene fra midt på 1960-tallet til i dag. Første delen er Aage Jensen avhandling om veglederpedagogikken og dens forankring i den dype økologiske bevegelse. Andre delen er Petter Erik Leirhaug idéhistoriske avhandling om Nils Faarlunds skrifter primært med fokus på deres forståelse av friluftslivet. Til sammen gir de to avhandlinger både overblikk over og fordypelse i personen Nils Faarlund og hans handlinger og tanker.

    227,95 kr.

    Hårde bokseslag i ansigtet, vandring gennem fossende floder og muskelkramper i benene efter 42 kilometers maratonløb. Mange mennesker er drevet af en lyst til at udfordre sig selv, og idræt giver mulighed for at overskride kropslige og mentale grænser på en måde, som kan føre til større velvære og livsmening. I Lidenskab og livskvalitet gennem idræt fortæller idrætsforskere og udøvere, hvordan forskellige idrætsgrene trods krav om store anstrengelser kan gøre en positiv forskel i menneskers liv. Vi går på banen med eksmisbrugerne, der finder et frirum i fodbolden med ligesindede. Vi løfter vægte i motionscentret, hvor unge mænd bygger deres kroppe og selvtillid op. Og vi cykler op ad bjerget med den midaldrende motionsrytter i lycra. Forfatterne undersøger idrætsudøvernes motivation, øjeblikkenes intensitet og idrættens socialiserende og identitetsdannende potentiale for den enkelte og for fællesskaber – i en tid, hvor vi konstant presser os selv i en foranderlig jagt på livskvalitet. Højere, dybere, bedre.

  • af Amit Singh
    448,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

  • af Clive Palmer
    368,95 kr.

    Welcome to Volume 17 (2023) Journal of Qualitative Research in Sports Studies (JQRSS) comprising papers from first-time authors alongside more experienced writers, all wishing to share their ideas stemming from primary research or through critical discussion articles. A glance down the contents page reveals a range of contributions which may be informative and thought provoking for people at different points on their journey through education and/or research experience. Reviewers' comments have been incorporated at the end of papers with a view to stimulating further discussion about a given topic. I hope readers will gain as much from browsing the experiences of others formulated through these pages as much as I have enjoyed working with the authors and editing this volume.

  • af Mike Schmidt
    192,95 kr.

    Clearing the Bases is a much-needed call to arms by one of baseball's most respected players. Drawing on his experiences as a third baseman, a manager, and, most recently, a fan, Mike Schmidt takes on everything from skyrocketing payrolls, callous owners, and unapproachable players to inflated statistics, and, of course, ersatz home run kings. But Schmidt's book goes beyond the Balco investigation and never-ending free-agent bonanzas that dominate the back pages. It also examines all that's right with our national pastime, including interleague play, expansion, and, most surprisingly, better all-around hitters. Riveting, wise, and illuminating, Clearing the Bases is a hall of famer's look at how Major League Baseball has lost its way and how it can head back home.

  • af Gotham Chopra
    185,95 kr.

  • af Charlotte Branchu
    1.127,95 kr.

    This book presents a critical rethinking of assumptions that have informed our understanding of women¿s engagement in contact sport, based on an in-depth ethnography with an English rugby team. Looking at the day-to-day concerns of women who play rugby, this work provides a refreshing perspective on different ways of doing femininities in postfeminist times. Women¿s rugby is one of the world¿s fastest growing sports, yet it is also a physical game that is traditionally the preserve of men. Tackling Stereotypes reveals the cultural and symbolic stigma that ¿sticks¿ to women¿s rugby players and the tactics they use to carve out space for themselves and fight for legitimacy. It also argues that players engage in pragmatic politics, informed by their participation, that aims to enact realistic change. Branchu develops a situational sociology that furthers debates in the understanding of gender, belonging, becoming, embodiment, resistance politics, and the sociological study of sport.

  • af Thomas Busset
    1.127,95 kr.

    This book combines pieces of work on Europe and Latin America, the two continents where football arouses the most ardent passions among its spectators. Curiously, an undertaking to compare on a large scale the forms extreme fandom takes in these two geographical areas is still lacking. A situational analysis of the scientific literature devoted to the subject over the last two or three decades represents a step in this direction, making a scattered store of knowledge accessible. It thus answers a need to clarify regional differences in identities and in the practices of supporters.

  • af Manolis Tzanakis
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book provides a historical-sociological analysis of recreational scuba diving practices. Starting from a national case study, Greece, the book analyzes the gradually evolving global institutional arrangements of this version of underwater recreational activities. Based on the author¿s experience as a former diving instructor and on an historical and sociological research of scuba diving in Greece, the book examines the stages of institutionalization of scuba diving as a leisure practice on a global scale, from 1945 to the present day. It combines two traditions: the phenomenological approach of underwater multisensory embodied experience and tourism studies. The two main research questions that the project answers are (a) how scuba diving has historically been shaped as a leisure activity, (b) how has underwater experience been conceptually shaped as a leisure activity. This case is an excellent example for exploring the relationship between society, technology, body and modern practices of self in the late modernity world, under a phenomenological and historical perspective.

  • af Scott Raab
    272,95 kr.

    In 2010, when LeBron James announced to the world that he was leaving for Miami, he broke the collective heart of his native city and destroyed the hopes of an entire tortured generation. As LeBron headed south, unofficial spokesman Scott Raab sent him off with a middle-finger salute of his own?a deliciously obscene aria of sports fandom, Jewishness, and weight gain that becameinfamous as The Whore of Akron. Four years?and two NBA championships?later, LeBron came home to the Rust Belt faithful who had vilified him mercilessly, none more so than Raab. You're Welcome, Cleveland is the story of both LeBron's and Scott's redemption as they pursue the one thing they crave more than anything in life?an NBA title for the city that made them men.LeBron is back. So is Scott Raab. It's a great story.

  • af Joe Posnanski
    238,95 kr.

    A moving celebration of the history of American football from the New York Times bestselling author of Why We Love Baseball After his bestselling home run books Why We Love Baseball and The Baseball 100, Joe Posnanski turns from the national pastime to the number one sport in America. Why We Love Football is Posnanski’s newest must-have deep dive into the archives and legends of the sport, and the result is a rousing tale of the 100 greatest moments in football lore. This is the best kind of sports writing. Entertaining, enlightening, heartbreaking, hilarious, and always fascinating, these stories of the sport offer a panoramic look across its history. From hidden gems and classic tales to famous moments told from previously unheard perspectives, this book is the football book for even its most ardent fans. From Patrick Mahomes's magic to the Ice Bowl, from Doug Flutie's Hail Mary pass to a plethora of football "miracles," Why We Love Football is an unforgettable, conversational masterpiece you won’t ever want to end, and a can't-miss take on football from one of the greatest sportswriters of our time.

  • af Craig Hotchkiss
    317,95 kr.

    The Mindful Athlete: Achieving Peak PerformanceDiscover a game-changing approach to sports and community building with "The Mindful Athlete: Achieving Peak Performance." This groundbreaking book introduces you to the world of disc golf, a sport that transcends the boundaries of traditional athletics, promoting sustainability, environmental reverence, and personal growth. Key Highlights:"The Mindful Athlete" is your comprehensive guide to understanding the potential of disc golf, not only as a sport but as a catalyst for sustainable, environmentally responsible communities. Whether you're an enthusiast, an advocate for sustainability, or a community leader, this book equips you with the knowledge and inspiration to make a positive change in your community.Get ready to unlock the secrets of peak performance through disc golf and join the movement towards healthier, more mindful communities.

  • af Longxi Li
    1.179,95 - 1.207,95 kr.

  • af Alexandre Faure
    472,95 kr.

    This book offers a comprehensive overview of current debates on the influence of the Olympic Games on cities, urban policies and the governance of global cities, making a valuable contribution to the fields of Olympic studies and urban studies. Historically, Western cities such as Paris, London, and later Los Angeles, have been the primary hosts of the summer Games. However, the link that existed between the world metropolises of the last century and the Games has deeply changed. Growing concerns about the Games' costs and environmental impact have prompted a shift in the expectations of candidate cities and the International Olympic Committee (IOC). This evolution favours more modest bids, and a resurgence of global cities and historical Olympic host cities within the Olympic landscape. This book is an essential resource for researchers in Olympic studies, urban studies, and all those involved in the planning of these events.

  • af Cori Jakubiak
    1.227,95 kr.

    This edited volume extends current voluntourism theorizing by critically examining the intersections among various forms of work-leisure travel and language learning/teaching. The book¿s contributors investigate volunteer tourism and its cognates such as working holidaymaking, international internships, and gap year labor, as discursive fields in which powerful ideas about language(s), their speakers, and pedagogical practices are propagated worldwide. The various authors¿ chapters shed light on the hegemony of global English, the social consequences of linguistic commodification and neoliberal rationalities, the ways in which speaker identity positions can alter the exchange value of languages, and how language competencies are tied to power in the labor market, among related topics. This volume will be of interest to readers in Applied Linguistics, Critical Sociolinguistics, Educational and Linguistic Anthropology, Tourism and Leisure Studies, Migration and Mobility Studies, and Language Teaching and Learning.

  • af Robert A. Stebbins
    369,95 kr.

    This short book discusses the relatively new concept of project-based leisure in leisure research, and relates it to individual and community well-being and quality of life. The book defines PBL as a short-term, reasonably complicated, one-off or occasional, though infrequent, creative undertaking carried out in free time, or time free of disagreeable obligation. Such leisure requires considerable planning, effort, and sometimes skill or knowledge. The book discusses how PBL contributes to subjective well-being, though doing so more modestly than serious leisure and occupational devotion. The book surveys existing field research of the author¿s own and other studies, and provides original insights on how PBL activities can be used to generate community involvement and subjective well-being.

  • af Dustin Grinnell
    242,95 kr.

    A writer uses the same adventurous spirit that took him all over the world to look inward and embark on a journey of self-discovery.If there was one thing Dustin Grinnell craved, it was adventure. From running the Paris marathon, to bungee jumping in New Zealand, to watching the sunrise at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro, Grinnell spent his twenties and thirties traveling across the globe in search of new experiences. But as he indulged his wanderlust, he noticed he seldom looked inward to explore himself: What did he want, and where was he really going?In this insightful collection of twenty-five memoir essays, Grinnell discovers amazing places-and bit by bit, himself. Whether he's exploring his relationship with his father, trying to find satisfaction in Corporate America, or searching for love, Grinnell's essays offer readers a window into the complexities of human relationships and the natural world, with insights that are both deeply personal and universally resonant. «Few writers have Dustin Grinnell's ability to tell a great story while imparting sociopolitical insights.»(Bruce E. Levine, author of Resisting Illegitimate Authority)«Dustin Grinnell's essays explore how to live. He presents the unvarnished truth of his 'evolution from magical to critical thinker' in vivid, precise language that left me hungry to keep reading. I jogged beside him through a tunnel during the Paris marathon and felt the lurch of a bungee cord in New Zealand. Although a marketing writer for many years, there's no crafting of the best possible image here. His subjects lead him to inspect how he came to his beliefs and his actions. Dustin reads deeply, to study traditions across culture and setting, and then to examine his life through the lens of philosophers, artists, adventurers, and psychotherapists. This is a thoughtful and rich collection of essays that inspires, challenges, and ultimately satisfies.»(Penny Kittle, author of The Greatest Catch: A Life in Teaching)«Lost & Found is a poignant, dark, and moving work that captures the deepest moments of introspection, doubt, and, ultimately, perseverance and acceptance. Dustin Grinnell has opened up his own skepticism about who and what he, and perhaps all of us, really are and what we each wish to pursue. His essay collection raises the question of what will become of us if we simply forge onward, ignoring the whips and scorns of our lived experience in the blind pursuit of some undefined progress. It demands instead that we reflect on the most challenging portions of our lives so we can find, through that rockiness, a sense of who and what we truly are.»(Trevor (T.H.) Paul, author of The Legacy Chronicle series)

  • af Ana Costa
    1.127,95 kr.

    The chapters in the Women¿s Football in Latin America two volumes will look at the social and historical means of the embodied representation of gender differences that has been deeply embedded in the history of Latin American women and football. The authors identify and analyse how, in a range of ways, Latin American women have found in-between spaces, amid severe macho structures, to establish and play their football. As a result, the book will be of interest to researchers and students of sport sociology, football studies, gender studies, comparative sports studies, sports history, and Latin American sporting culture.The first volume of this edited collection brings together a variety of high-quality research investigating women¿s football in Brazil to an international, English readership. The complex issues surrounding women and sport have attracted the attention of Brazilian academics since the early 1980s, and this book seeks to update that scholarship to themodern day, with chapters on sports media, 2019 FIFA Women¿s World Cup, grassroots women¿s football, women¿s football fans. The book also indicates the forthcoming research and political challenges for gender equity in Brazilian football.

  • af Kyle Bandujo
    203,95 kr.

    "A highly illustrated analysis of fictional sporting events from twenty-six popular movies, including imagined tickets to the competitions, play maps, and other ephemera"--

  • af Francisco Javier García-Castilla
    392,95 kr.

    El ocio de las personas y las dimensiones que lo confi guran son cada vez más importantes para construir la felicidad y el bienestar social. El derecho a la práctica del ocio, en el caso de los colectivos con menos recursos y oportunidades, debe ser garantizado desde las diferentes políticas, instituciones y profesionales que trabajan y promueven la inclusión social.En este libro participan expertos e investigadores en la temática del ocio. En los diferentes capítulos se presentan prácticas de ocio valiosas que permiten una socialización, especialmente en la juventud, con mayores garantías y que no depende tanto de la capacidad de acceso a las actividades y espacios de ocio.Esta obra tiene interés al promover alternativas de ocio valiosas e inclusivas en las que la participación es una vía de aprendizaje dentro del proceso de socialización a lo largo de la vida de las personas. También, se realizan propuestas que pueden inspirer a representantes de instituciones y entidades sociales, profesionales e investigadores interesados en la intervención socioeducativa en diferentes contextos sociales. Estas propuestas se basan en resultados de investigación y contribuyen a adaptar espacios de ocio desde el rigor de la innovación que implica la transferencia social del conocimiento.

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