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  • - Antipatterns and Patterns for Business Agility
    af Jonathan Smart
    195,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • - Effektiv talentudvikling og innovation
    af Lene Tanggaard & Tue Juelsbo
    232,95 kr.

    Lær! handler om, hvordan man kan arbejde med talentudvikling, med specialisternes viden, med oplæring og videreuddannelse, med udviklingens af en læringskultur, med innovation og ikke mindst med de læringsfælder, som vi risikerer at snuble i.I dagens samfund er det en forudsætning, at mennesker såvel som organisationer er i stand til at lære. Man taler om den lærende organisation. Men hvad skal der til for at etablere forudsætninger for læring på en arbejdsplads? I Lær! – Effektiv talentudvikling og innovation af Lene Tanggaard og Tue Juelsbo kan du læse om mesterlære, kreativitet og håndværk.Forfatterne argumenterer for, at kreativitet er noget, vi lærer, at vi har alt for stort fokus på potentialer og alt for lidt fokus på håndværk, og at vi synes at have glemt læring som en vigtig strategisk faktor i moderne organisationer. De taler for, at virksomheder og organisationer skal opbygge stærke talentmiljøer.

  • - Sådan bygger du software uden at programmere
    af Jacob Bøtter
    330,95 kr.

    NO-CODE er for dig, der er ekspert i alt andet end kode. Du mestrer måske Excel, men ønsker at gøre en større digital forskel. Bogen introducerer dig til 25 måder at bygge software eller automatisere arbejdsgange uden at skrive en eneste linje kode.

  • - Tænk med dine medarbejdere og led med succes
    af Torben Juul Andersen, Kjeld Fredens & Carina Antonia Hallin
    247,95 kr.

    En hjerneforsker og to økonomer diskuterer, hvordan vi kan bruge organisationens samlede netværk af hjerner til at nå vores mål.I disse år forandrer den teknologiske udvikling grundlaget for vores forretning, og vi kan ikke længere være sikre på at nå de mål, vi har sat os. Præcis planlægning hører fortiden til.Men hvis vi tænder for det netværk af hjerner, som organisationen råder over, kan vi sætte en kurs ogjustere den, mens vi bevæger os fremad. Vi skal skabe intelligente organisationer, der er mere omstillingsparate end traditionelle top-downorganisationer. Vi skal trække på organisationens netværk af hjerner, når vi indsamler viden og erfaringer, og når vi træffer beslutninger. Og vi skal skabe kloge organisationer, der kan overleve fremtidens skiftende krav.Bogen er en inspirationsbog, der sætter gang i diskussionen om, hvordan fremtidens organisationer ser ud, og hvordan de skal ledes.

  • - Sådan arbejder I med netværk
    af Susie Agerbo Lynge
    182,95 kr.

    Mange steder i danske organisationer er der behov for at arbejde mere praksisnært med videndeling og opkvalificere den videndeling, der allerede foregår i dagligdagen, så det bliver meget mere værdiskabende. Undersøgelser viser at vidensnetværk naturligt nedbryder siloer, mentale barrierer, giver større helhedsforståelse for forretningen og understøtter at best practice spreder sig. Men succesfulde netværk opstår ikke af sig selv. Videndeling handler om at skabe resultater hurtigere og bedre sammen end vi kan hver for sig. Det handler om bedre bundlinje og masser af hard core økonomiske tal – men det handler i høj grad også om øget arbejdsglæde og personlig og faglig udvikling for den enkelte medarbejder. Ved at vi deler viden, samarbejder på tværs og har fokus på helheden og fællesskabet, så løfter vi hinanden til nye højder, og oplever derigennem også en højere grad af glæde ved at gå på arbejde. I denne bog får du i første del af bogen praksisnær inspiration, tips og gode råd, til hvordan I konkret styrker jeres organisation til endnu mere videndeling i dagligdagen. I anden del af bogen vil du få viden om, hvordan I specifikt arbejder med interne netværk som en effektiv metode til videndeling på tværs, der virker.

  • af Andreas (ESCP Business School Paris Kaplan
    228,95 - 608,95 kr.

  • af Gene Kim
    344,95 kr.

    Gene Kim and Steven J. Spear, DBA, combine their decades of experience and research to offer a new business dynamic in the digital age.

  • af Alexander Loth
    225,95 kr.

  • af Chirag Shah
    571,95 kr.

    A self-contained and practical introduction that assumes no prior knowledge of programming or machine learning.

  • af Donald O. Case
    497,95 kr.

    Looking for Information explores human information seeking and use. It provides examples of methods, models and theories used in information behavior research, and reviews more than four decades of research on the topic. The book should prove useful for scholars in related fields, but also for students at the graduate and advanced undergraduate levels. It is intended for use not only in information studies and communication, but also in the disciplines of education, management, business, medicine, nursing, public health, and social work. This second editon of "e;Looking for Information"e; reflects a vastly increased literature on the topic of information behavior.Among the additions are over 400 new citations to relevant works, most of which appeared between March, 2002, and January, 2006. Many new studies are described in the section reviewing research findings (Chapters Eleven and Twelve), Chapter Nines examples of methods, and a widely expanded discussion of theories applied in information behavior research (Chapter Seven). This title reviews over 1,100 works - 60 per cent more than the first edition. It adds many new studies conducted from 2002 to 2006. It provides expanded coverage of models and theories of information behavior. It includes many new examples of occupations and roles - the contexts of information seeking.

  • af Bianca Szasz
    325,95 - 470,95 kr.

  • af Ope Banwo
    280,95 kr.

    Info Marketing Income Genesis is a comprehensive guide that teaches you how to maximize your income from selling informational products, with minimum risk. The guide is designed to provide you with a step-by-step blueprint for building a successful and profitable information marketing business.In today's world, the demand for information is growing at an unprecedented rate. People are constantly seeking new knowledge and ways to improve their lives, and they are willing to pay for high-quality, valuable information. This presents a unique opportunity for individuals to start their own information marketing businesses, and create a passive income stream by selling informational products.

  • af Peter F. Drucker
    317,95 kr.

  • af Ken Blanchard
    192,95 kr.

    From the bestselling co-author of the legendary The One Minute Manager®, and a former Twitter executive, comes the ultimate guide to creating powerful mentoring relationshipsWorking within a mentoring relationship is a powerful way to grow in your career. Whether you're learning from a seasoned pro or passing along your wisdom, mentoring offers a host of benefits?from increased knowledge and skills to elevated energy and deep satisfaction.But how do mentoring relationships begin, develop, and thrive? And what are the guidelines for keeping a mentoring relationship on track? The answers can be found in this engaging business parable.Josh Hartfield, twenty-seven, has been in the same sales job for five years. He's burned out, his career has stalled, and he isn't even sure he wants to work in sales anymore. A chance encounter leads Josh to Diane Bertman, a high-performing sales executive about to turn sixty.Stretched too thin by a relentless schedule, she's beginning to wonder if she should retire. From their first meeting, Josh and Diane know they each have much to learn from one another. As their relationship develops, they discover the power of mentorship: Josh as he transitions to a new career path, and Diane as she reignites her passion for meaningful work. One Minute Mentoring provides practical tools for developing successful mentoring relationships. One Minute Insights at the end of each chapter and the MENTOR Model at the end of the book guide readers step-by-step to create lasting, beneficial mentorships.

  • - A Student's Guide to the Technology of Business
    af John Young
    1.422,95 kr.

  • af Daniel W. Rasmus
    352,95 kr.

    In today's rapidly evolving business and technology landscape, staying ahead of the curve is not just an option; it's a necessity. "Empower Business with Generative AI" is your definitive guide to unlocking the potential of artificial intelligence and using it as a strategic advantage to propel your business forward.Unleash Efficiency: Discover how Generative AI can streamline your operations, automate repetitive tasks, and supercharge productivity across your organization. Say goodbye to inefficiencies and hello to optimized processes.Enhance Decision-Making: Gain unprecedented insights by leveraging AI-driven analytics and predictive modelling. Make data-driven decisions with confidence and transform your business strategies for success.Innovate with Confidence: Harness the creative power of Generative AI to develop cutting-edge products and services. Explore new frontiers and deliver solutions that resonate with your customers in ways you never thought possible.Inside this book, you'll find:- Decide the Use Case: Explore a range of practical applications and use cases for Generative AI, enabling you to tailor its power to your specific business needs.- Practical Strategies: Learn how to implement AI solutions effectively, from choosing the right technology stack to managing data and ensuring compliance.- A New Organizational Model: Discover how to upskill your organization to integrate AI into your company's DNA, helping employees to jump into this new transformational journey.- Ethical Considerations: Navigate the ethical and societal implications of AI, and discover how to deploy it responsibly.Empower your business to thrive in the era of AI. Whether you're a business decision maker, seasoned entrepreneur, a technology enthusiast, or a curious innovator, this book will equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to make AI work for your business!

  • af Stanley Bing
    232,95 kr.

    Since the latter part of the century just past, Stanley Bing has been exploring the relationship between authority and madness. In one bestselling book after another, reporting from his hot-seat as an insider in a world-renowned multinational corporation, he has tried to understand the inner workings of those who lead us and to inquire why they seem to be powered, much of the time, by demons that make them obnoxious and dangerous, even to themselves. In What Would Machiavelli Do?, Bing looked at the issue of why mean people do better than nice people, and found that in their particular form of insanity lay incredible power. In Throwing the Elephant: Zen and the Art of Managing Up, he offered a spiritual path toward managing the unruly executive beast. And in Sun Tzu Was a Sissy, he taught us how to become one of them, and wage war on the playing field that ends in a dream home in Cabo. Now he returns to his roots to offer the last word on the entity that shapes our lives and stomps through?and on?our dreams: The Crazy Boss. Students of Bing?and there are many, secreted inside tortured organizations, yearning for blunt instruments with which to fight?will note that he has walked this ground before, looking for answers. In 1992, he published the first edition of Crazy Bosses, which was fine, as far as it went. Now, some 15 years and several dozen insane bosses later, he has updated and rethought much of the work. Back in the last century, Bing was a small, trembling creature, looking up at those who made his life miserable and analyzing the mental illness that gave them their power. Today, while still trembling much of the time, he is in fact one of those people his prior work has warned us against. His own hard-won wisdom and now institutionalized dementia make this new edition completely fresh and indispensable to anyone who works for somebody else or lives with somebody else, or would like to. In short, Bing is back on his home turf in this funny, true, and essential book, peering with his keen and frosty eye at the crazy boss in all his guises: the Bully, the Paranoid, the Narcissist, the Wimp, and the self-destructive Disaster Hunter. If you loved the original, classic Crazy Bosses, you'll be thrilled to plunge back into the new, refurbished pool. If you are new to the book, strap yourself in: it's going to be a crazy ride.

  • af Riina Koris
    1.534,95 kr.

    This book channels the debate on the relevance, value, and future of business schools. Could the Business School be like the Titanic, thought to be unsinkable, but ultimately doomed? And if it sinks, what of it? Or is it a ship which can adapt to the changing waters it sails in? In this book, authors from around the world debate the current and future legitimacy of the Business School from different contexts and perspectives. While some see very little or no hope at all to the future of the Business School as a legitimate centre for research and education, others remain critical, but see a way forward to rectify today¿s concerns, such as around sustainability and inclusivity. This book highlights to readers thought-provoking complexities on the Business School playground and its legitimacy.

  • af Svein Bergum
    1.534,95 kr.

    This book examines how Human Resource Management and leadership have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, what organizations can learn from this, and how these new experiences could be applied in the ¿New Normal¿.The editors of this book have compiled the new knowledge that exists around remote leadership and organizational practices, relative to pre-COVID-19 studies, and the experiences learned during the pandemic. Key discussion themes focus on the role of distance in leadership, organizations and HR, the sustainability aspects involved, innovations and knowledge development achieved, the role of digitalization and new requirements and possibilities for management post-COVID-19. The editors conclude by investigating the strategic processes and factors influencing the ¿New Normal¿.This book will be of great importance for academics, students and practitioners in the fields of Management, Leadership, Human Resource Management, Sustainability, Change Management and CrisisManagement.

  • af Philippe J. Giabbanelli
    1.191,95 kr.

    This book starts with the rationale for creating an FCM by contrast to other techniques for participatory modeling, as this rationale is a key element to justify the adoption of techniques in a research paper. Fuzzy cognitive mapping is an active research field with over 20,000 publications devoted to externalizing the qualitative perspectives or ¿mental models¿ of individuals and groups. Since the emergence of fuzzy cognitive maps (FCMs) back in the 80s, new algorithms have been developed to reduce bias, facilitate the externalization process, or efficiently utilize quantitative data via machine learning. It covers the development of an FCM with participants through a traditional in-person setting, drawing from the experience of practitioners and highlighting solutions to commonly encountered challenges. The book continues with introducing principles of simulations with FCMs as a tool to perform what-if scenario analysis, while extending those principles to more elaborated simulation scenarios where FCMs and agent-based modeling are combined. Once an FCM model is obtained, the book then details the analytical tools available for practitioners (e.g., to identify the most important factors) and provides examples to aid in the interpretation of results. The discussion concerning relevant extensions is equally pertinent, which are devoted to increasing the expressiveness of the FCM formalism in problems involving uncertainty. The last four chapters focus on building FCM models from historical data. These models are typically needed when facing multi-output prediction or pattern classification problems. In that regard, the book smoothly guides the reader from simple approaches to more elaborated algorithms, symbolizing the noticeable progress of this field in the last 35 years. Problems, recent references, and functional codes are included in each chapter to provide practice and support further learning from practitioners and researchers.

  • af Cristal Glangchai
    182,95 kr.

    From an engineer and entrepreneur, a conversation-changing parenting book about how to engage young women in science, technology, engineering, and math, filled with practical advice for both parents and educators. As the female CEO of a tech startup, Dr. Cristal Glangchai was outnumbered twenty to one. At Google, Twitter, and Facebook, women currently fill just ten to twenty percent of technical jobs. While career opportunities in science, technology, engineering, and math have increased dramatically in the past twenty years, the achievement gap between men and women has only grown wider.In VentureGirls, Glangchai offers a unique solution based on her own experience as an engineer and entrepreneur as well as the founder of the VentureLab, an academy of entrepreneurship and technology for girls. Practical, accessible, and filled with success stories, VentureGirls argues that a key part of raising strong, confident young women is giving them the tools of entrepreneurship to engage in STEM. Entrepreneurship isn't just about starting companies, Glangchai writes, it is a skillset and a way of thinking that is particularly useful in the fields of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. Entrepreneurship involves identifying needs, brainstorming creative solutions, innovating, and taking calculated risks. In short, it's about having a vision and making it a reality. The true value in learning and practicing entrepreneurship, Glangchai argues, lies in nurturing and growing an overall mindset?the ability to learn from failure and to work well with others to bring your ideas to life.Deeply informative, warm, and grounded in real-world experience, VentureGirls includes a plethora of activities and lessons that focus on strengthening kids' ingenuity and resilience. VentureGirls is essential reading for anyone who wants to raise girls and young women who realize their strength, engage in the world, and feel empowered to make a positive impact.

  • af M. Lacity
    1.096,95 kr.

    A new look at nearly 20 years of theoretical and practical research on IT outsourcing. The book explores how good IT outsourcing theories shape practice and how effective IT outsourcing practices inform theory. It highlights the importance of examining theories borrowed from economics, strategy, and sociology to study IT outsourcing.

  • af Scott Blanchard
    242,95 kr.

    leverage (lev'r ij) The power to act or influence.ditch (dich) Slang, to get rid of; discard.Finally, you hold in your hands a powerful tool that will show you how to take full advantage of -- Leverage! -- your strengths and most positive qualities, while at the same time discarding or getting around -- Ditch! -- whatever gets in your way.Scott Blanchard and Madeleine Homan, co-founders of, share their groundbreaking program, honed by fourteen years of high-level executive coaching and consulting. They offer new perspectives on how to spend your precious and limited resources, time, emotions, passions, and energy to generate the best results.The three-part process begins with a twenty-five-question self-assessment, then moves on to the Three Perspectives -- major life queries that focus on how you are perceived, your own self-image, and self-imposed limitations. The final step, the Seven Leverage Points, offers fresh insight into the choices you make and how you conduct yourself in business and in life. You will find immediately applicable tools to appraise and manage your work environment and personal gifts. You will be guided to make tiny but crucial shifts in getting needs met and drawing boundaries.Leverage Your Best, Ditch the Rest eliminates the stupid stuff that distracts you and gets in your way. It shows you how to capitalize on what you've got going for you and how to invest in yourself like a hot new stock.*****In addition, we have built a Web site,, for those who have made a commitment to their own coaching journey. Coaching is a dynamic tool and you are a work in progress---technology makes it easy to track growth. Leverage Your Best readers can use the Web site, the first of its kind, to work through exercises in the book electronically, keep a personal record of progress, communicate with other readers in an online coaching experience, and give feedback to the authors. A collaborative effort, the Web's online coaching community defines the site experience, adding new dimensions to professional development...all for the price of the of the book . Visit the world's only online coaching Web experience and see what has people everywhere jumping in their cubicles. Enjoy!

  • af Parves Sultan
    1.627,95 - 1.758,95 kr.

    This book explores theories and brings empirical evidence of innovations in learning and teaching and practice-driven leadership and governance of higher education institutions across developed and developing countries aiming to recover and sustain during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic. A fresh managerial approach to identifying the critical challenges, opportunities and strategies of higher education services management is the fundamental essence of this book. The book includes unique chapters, and these are carefully designed. This book has original scholarly contributions, including case studies, and explains how higher education institutions can deal with the challenges of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The cross-cultural insights of both public and private sector higher education institutions across the globe are a helpful guide for academics, researchers, advanced students, and practitioners to identify and understand the best practices about what worked well and what did not during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The chapters help formulate a strategic recovery plan for higher education institutions to mitigate the challenges of the post-Covid-19 Pandemic.

  • af Gavin Jack
    2.232,95 kr.

    This edited book is the second in the book series ¿Managing the Post-Colony¿. The book series is co-edited by Nimruji Jammulamadaka (IIM Calcutta, India) and Gavin Jack (Monash University, Australia). The book series seeks to present cutting-edge, critical, interdisciplinary, and geographically and culturally diverse perspectives on the contemporary nature, experience, and theorisation of managing and organising under conditions of postcoloniality.This book specifically presents voices and perspectives from Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia, and The Pacific, locations with shared and distinctive histories and present-day experiences of colonisation and imperialism. Ways of managing, organising, and doing business in these places demonstrate cultural continuity and change in such histories, present sites of postcolonial struggle, and diverse prospects for self-determined future-making. The book explores struggles and prospects of managing in the post-colony through qualitative empirical cases, historical and legal studies, conceptual essays and provocations, and interviews with Indigenous business leaders. It contributes to the ongoing diversification, provincialisation, and decolonisation of management and organisation studies and practice. A strong focus is placed on diverse Indigenous knowledges and experiences, including those of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Pasifika, and M¿ori peoples, and insights into the capacity for Indigenous culture-specific modes of business to offer decolonising futures.

  • af Prabuddh Kumar Mishra
    1.127,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Robert Laurini
    858,95 - 1.191,95 kr.

  • af Pauline Mattsson
    369,95 - 454,95 kr.

  • af Mohammed A. Al-Sharafi
    1.392,95 kr.

    This book explores current and future trends in adopting intelligent technologies, such as the metaverse, social technologies, FinTech applications, and blockchain, among individuals and organizations. The edited book includes empirical and review studies primarily focusing on these issues. This focus aids scholars in conducting future research in the domain and identifying possible future developments of emerging technologies. The empirical studies in the book utilize recent and advanced analytical techniques for data analysis.

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