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Mangfoldighed og inklusion på arbejdspladsen

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  • - om hjernens livskarriere og voksenlivets vækstmuligheder
    af Henning Kirk
    207,95 kr.

    Der er bud efter seniorerne!I en tid med økonomisk vækst er der behov for mere arbejdskraft. Og udbuddet af yngre arbejdskraft er utilstrækkeligt. Samfundsøkonomisk er der meget at vinde ved at fastholde de mest erfarne på arbejdsmarkedet – og eventuelt få dem til at vende tilbage, når de er gået på pension.I den situation er det vigtigt, at der samles viden om, hvorfor seniorer på arbejdsmarkedet udgør en helt særlig ressource. Der er brug for, at vi får udbredt den nyeste viden om, hvorfor ældre medarbejdere besidder kvalifikationer og kompetencer, som yngre medarbejdere (endnu) ikke har.Der er brug for kendskab til, hvordan man som arbejdsgiver kan få gavn af den mest erfarne del af arbejdsstyrken. Der er brug for viden om, hvordan man som enkeltindivid kan udvikle seniorkompetencer, som kan give én et righoldigt, inspirerende og givende liv langt op i årene. Der er brug for et overblik over den biologiske og psykologiske viden om hjernen og dens livskarriere, som er forklaringen bag fænomenet seniorkompetencer.Og først og fremmest er der brug for, at det bliver slået fast, at det for samfundet er spild at blive ved med at betragte seniorer som en arbejdskraftreserve, man til nød kan aktivere for at lukke hullerne på et arbejdsmarked, der efterspørger arbejdskraft.De aktive silverbacks er kommet for at blive. I fremtiden vil vi se mange flere 80-årige konsulenter, 90-årige virksomhedsledere og 100-årige faldskærmsudspringere med helbredet og hjernen i behold.

  • - 5 trin til at lede gennem bias
    af Sara Louise Muhr & Poornima Luthra
    447,95 kr.

    De fleste organisationer arbejder i dag strategisk for at skabe mangfoldige og inkluderende arbejdspladser. Det er imidlertid udfordrende at omsætte ambitionerne til praksis, og en af de helt store stopklodser er bias. Vi er alle biased og kan derfor ikke undgå bias. Men vi kan gøre et oprigtigt forsøg på at mindske bias’ diskriminerende effekt og skabe arbejdspladser, hvor alle trives og føler sig inkluderede.Den inkluderende leder giver dig viden om, hvad der skaber bias, samt alle de praktiske værktøjer, der skal til for at lede gennem bias.Gennem fem trin bliver du en inkluderende leder ved:• at lede med overbevisning, der er helhjertet opbakning til diversitet og inklusion som værdidrevet formål• at lede med klarsyn, som bunder i en dyb forståelse for bias og skaber evne til refleksion over egne bias• at lede med ansvarlighed, der handler om at blokere bias i systemer, strukturer, processer og politikker• at lede gennem allyship, som vil sige at blokere bias i sociale interaktioner• at lede med styrke, vise sårbarhed og udvikle dig gennem diversitet Bogen handler ikke om at ”fikse minoriteten”, men om at adressere ulige strukturer, kulturer og praksisser. Ved at lede gennem bias kan vi skabe mere inkluderende arbejdspladser, hvor diversitet bliver til alles fordel.

  • - Skab diversitet, inklusion og lige muligheder på arbejdspladsen
    af Joan C. Williams
    437,95 kr.

    ”Siger du, at hvide mænd har det let? Jeg føler mig ikke privilegeret.” ”Vi er en arbejdsplads, hvor de dygtigste og mest hårdtarbejdende kommer længst. Beder du os om at lave om på det?””Kvinders prioriteringer ændrer sig, når de får børn. Siger du, at jeg skal se bort fra det?”Ved hjælp af skarpe spørgsmål og direkte sprog viser biasekspert Joan C. Williams vej til fremtidens måde at arbejde med diversitet, inklusion og lige muligheder i organisationer. BRYD BIAS er bygget op om de spørgsmål, forbehold og bekymringer, som de færreste bryder sig om at stille eller udtrykke. Ud fra CEO’ens og hele organisationens perspektiv beskriver hun på en både empatisk og veldokumenteret måde, hvad der skal til, for at vi kan få diversitet, mangfoldighed og inklusion til at lykkes. Det sker nemlig ikke via de mange rundbordssamtaler og enkeltstående projekter til store summer, som kendetegner mange virksomheders indsats i dag, men ved at arbejde med udfordringerne på lige fod med al anden forretningsudvikling og med de værktøjer, vi allerede kender. Joan C. Willams, der er en af verdens mest citerede biasforskere og professor ved University of California, gør op med traditionel biastænkning og slår fast, at vi ikke kan slippe af med bias, men vi kan bryde dem, der står i vejen for, at alle får lige muligheder. Hun afliver myter og præsenterer læseren for ny forskning og en lang række tankevækkende eksempler og cases fra sine omfattende virksomhedsundersøgelser, der taler direkte ind i problematikkerne. Med de mange gode råd klæder hun lederen konkret på til biasarbejdet – til gavn for alle i organisationen. BRYD BIAS er en oversættelse af Bias Interrupted (Harvard Business Review Press 2021) med dansk forord af professor og ledelsesforsker Sara Louise Muhr fra Copenhagen Business School. Oversat af Via Christensen.Til bogen hører en engelsksproget værktøjskasse, som kan hentes på

  • - Forstå hvordan de unge Z'ere skaber vores fremtid
    af Emilia van Hauen
    237,95 kr.

    Generation Z, der er født mellem 1995 og 2010, er for alvor ved at etablere sig på arbejdsmarkedet. Det udfordrer både deres ledere og kollegaer, fordi den yngre generation er så markant anderledes end dem selv. Z’erne er nemlig opdraget til ligeværd og forhandling, de udtrykker deres kreativitet og følelser, de søger en meningsfuld karriere med god work-life-balance, og så er de den mest sårbare og fællesskabsorienterede generation, vi nogensinde har haft. Men hvorfor er Generation Z så forskellig fra andre generationer og hvad kan vi lære af dem?I denne bog giver kultursociolog Emilia van Hauen både en indgående analyse af de unge, der er ved at revolutionere vores arbejdsmarked og kommer med en personlig beretning om, hvordan hun selv har oplevet et samfund under hastig forandring. Med lune og nysgerrighed tager van Hauen et opgør med generationsbashingen og ser i stedet med optimisme på forskellene mellem generationerne og viser, hvordan vi bedre kan forstå hinanden og skabe en fælles verden, hvor alle kan leve godt og arbejde sammen på tværs af erfaringer, værdier og alder.

  • - Succesfuld generationsledelse, der skaber bedre arbejdskultur og resultater
    af Betina Liliendal
    287,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er boomer blevet et skældsord for mennesker, der er fyldt 55? Og snowflake en nedsættende betegnelse for unge mennesker?Hvad sker der, når generation Y og Z (GenYZ) skal lede generation X og babyboomerne, og hvad synes X’erne og babyboomerne om at have en ung leder?Hvad skal der til, for at fremtidens arbejdsplads kan motivere og rumme alle generationer?For første gang i historien samles vi 4-5 generationer i kantinen på arbejdspladsen. Det giver anledning til at undersøge, hvad det gør ved vores organisationsformer, kommunikation, motivation, samarbejde, læring, ledelsesstil og personalepolitik.Igennem teori og interviews med unge ledere fra GenYZ samt ældre medarbejdere fra babyboomer- og X-generationen får du indblik i generationsledelse og samarbejde på tværs af generationer. De unge ledere fortæller om modstand mod forandring fra deres ældre medarbejdere og om, hvordan de har skullet lære andre kommunikationsstrategier for at få de ældre med på nye tanker. Mens babyboomerne og X’erne savner respekt og anerkendelse for deres erfaringer og viden indsamlet over et langt arbejdsliv, når en ung leder sidder ved bordenden.Okay boomer – GenYZ er din nye chef er både til dig, der er ung leder, og som ønsker at forstå dine ældre medarbejdere, og til dig fra babyboomer- og X-generationen, som vil være klogere på din GenYZleder. Bogen er fuld af inspiration og idéer til, hvad der skal motivere medarbejderne – lige fra babyboomerne til generation Z – på fremtidens arbejdsplads, og giver et tankevækkende hint om, hvad den kommende Gen Alpha er for en størrelse.Med generationsledelse kan vi både skabe bedre arbejdskultur og bedre resultater til glæde for alle generationer.

  • - Der er også plads til dig på arbejdsmarkedet
    af Tina Marie-Louise Campbell
    227,95 kr.

    PLADS TIL ALLE I ARBEJDSFÆLLESSKABETTina Marie-Louise Campbell har med ”Find Arbejdsglæden” skrevet en vedkommende og relevant bog, som med garanti vil være til både inspiration, trøst og opmuntring for dig, der sommetider kæmper med at finde arbejdsglæden og som måske også indimellem tvivler på dit eget potentiale på grund af de bump, som du har oplevet på (arbejds)livets vej. Bogen er også til dig, leder, der ønsker at give flere en fair chance for at blive en del af arbejdsfællesskabet. Jeg kan varmt anbefale bogen til alle med interesse for trivsel og arbejdsglæde. Trivsel og arbejdsglæde er noget vi skaber sammen!Christian Borrisholt Steen, seniorkonsulent i Krifas Videncenter for God Arbejdslyst og tidligere medlem af Det Etiske Råd.Om forfatterenTina Marie-Louise Campbell er forfatter, foredragsholder og arbejdsglædeekspert. Med afsæt i sin baggrund som arbejdsleder, uddannet coach, karriererådgiver og egen vej på arbejdsmarkedet viser hun i ”Find Arbejdsglæden”, hvordan du får mere ud af dit arbejdsliv. I de sidste 20 år har Tina stiftet bekendtskab med forskellige former for arbejdsliv, lige fra lønmodtagerjob, fleksjob og sidenhen som iværksætter. Hun viser vejen til dit unikke arbejdsliv, hvor arbejdsglæden og trivslen venter på dig.

  • af Pernille Hippe Brun
    167,95 - 236,95 kr.

    On the Move is a timely book about Nordic Leadership and the relevance of this leadership approach in an ever-changing, fast-moving and intense business-world. The book tells the story of what Nordic Leadership is and how it can be applied even outside the Nordic Region. The book is an outcome of a conversational journey of discovery, which led the author, Strategic Advisor within Leadership and Organizational Culture, Pernille Hippe Brun to interview more than fifty Nordic business leaders all of whom have worked internationally for a number of years. The questions Pernille posed were sparked by a desire to learn more about the triumphs, challenges, and pitfalls of leading in a foreign culture. The book brings together personal anecdote, the stories and insights of interviewees, business literature, and examples from popular culture. It draws on these varied sources to explore the convergence between contemporary business theory and long-established Nordic practices, offering guidance that may benefit international leaders both today and in the future. Pernille Hippe Brun is a Danish entrepreneur and business consultant. She has extensive experience of Nordic Leadership gained both in her native country and overseas, in advisory, educational, change, leadership and board roles. She is the author of three books and currently acts as strategic advisor within culture, leadership and learning in the global company Tradeshift.

  • af Lisa Toth
    212,95 kr.

    In The Secrets of the Hidden Workforce, Lisa Toth tells readers her story of falling in love with a population of people often overlooked and under valued. Toth not only saw value in the differently-abled, but also their potential to bring something society needed to the table. Always one to root for the underdog, she saw a way she could help by identifying the right jobs and find onramps for them to join the workforce. Toth created a staffing agency to do just this - help this gifted group of people find work that they can be proud of and find fufilling. The book is written in a memoir style, full of stories and lessons learned. Be prepared to be inspired as you learn about the good, the bad and the ugly. Toth shares it all with refreshing honesty, while making a compelling case for embracing diversity and inclusivity for this often underemployed population.

  • af Marian Baird
    322,95 kr.

    Australia is at a much-needed turning point in work, care and family policy. Australian women, families and communities are struggling to manage the complex demands of work and care.Rapid social and demographic change, alongside new workplace, labour market trends and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, requires a policy revamp that will allow all Australians to work, care and be cared for.In seven chapters authored by leading scholars in the field, At a Turning Point: Work, care and family policies in Australia provides a comprehensive account of key policy areas that shape the experience of work and care across the life course. These include reproductive wellbeing, paid parental leave, early childhood education and care, flexible work, elder and disability care, and equitable systems of tax and transfer payments.At a Turning Point argues that a new social contract that puts gender equality, economic security and the well-being of carers and those they care for at the centre of policy design is essential to national productivity and prosperity.It is the foundation of a good society."Here are the voices of Australia's best experts on our work and care system. Their evidence-based research tells us how to improve the lives of working carers in practical ways that narrow socio-economic and gender inequality, and increase the wellbeing of those who rely on us for care. May their ideas be heard and - more importantly - may they be acted upon for the good of our communities, workplaces and our economy. We have never needed them more.""Contemporary work and family issues addressed in contemporary language.""From the leading Australian scholars in the field, this book serves as a well-informed call-to-action for achieving a new social contract that addresses the close connections across work, family and caregiving responsibilities. It is a must-read for policymakers in Australia, and indeed, around the world.""At a Turning Point is the ideal policy book: documenting current arrangements, distilling the debates shaping public discussion and directing our thoughts to avenues for change that will make Australia a better place for all.""It is time, the editors of At a Turning Point write, to remake our society, workplaces and care infrastructure. This important book provides invaluable guidance for this urgent task, offering deep insights into the whys and hows of new policy directions needed in Australia."

  • af Sandra Upton
    297,95 kr.

    With Make It Last by Sandra Upton, you can turn feelings of failure and frustration when it comes to DEI into realities of success.

  • af Doug Kirkpatrick
    212,95 - 262,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Verdin
    1.582,95 kr.

    The gender pay gap is economically irrational and yet stubbornly persistent. Focusing on the UK finance industry which is known for its gender pay disparity, this book explores the initiatives to fix gendered inequities in the workplace. Rachel Verdin crafts a unique framework, weaving extensive organizational data with women's lived experiences. Interviews uncover gaps in pay transparency, obstacles hindering workplace policies and the factors that are stalling progress for the future. This is an invaluable resource that offers key insights into gender equality and EDI measures shaped by legal regulations as well as corporate-driven initiatives.

  • af Sabine Meier
    642,95 kr.

    Die Beiträge in diesem Buch werfen ein kritisches Licht auf die Ausgestaltung, Verhandlung und Schaffung inklusiver Bedingungen. Die Autor*innen analysieren politische Programme und reflektieren über deren inklusive oder exklusive Auswirkungen in europäischen und außereuropäischen Kontexten. Trotz dieser globalen Effekte, die durch überlokal getroffene Entscheidungen zustande kommen und die Handlungsspielräume vor Ort beeinflussen, betonen viele Beiträge die maßgebliche Rolle der kommunalen Ebene für eine erfolgreiche Umsetzung von Inklusion.

  • af Paul Sarvadi
    322,95 kr.

    Chart a New Way Forward through Commonality, Equality, and Cohesion in the Workplace. Imagine a work environment where every person is appreciated. Every person. Where diversity, equity, and inclusion are more than admirable aspirations but instead clearly defined plans with proven methods of achievement. Where everyone is committed to pulling on the same rope, devoted to creating a culture with a strong sense of belonging, and unlocking new levels of business performance and success. Through Paul Sarvadi's thirty-plus years of running a multibillion-dollar company and Eli Jones' multi-award-winning career in publishing sales and strategy research, and teaching, plus scientific studies and real-world applications, the wealth of knowledge in Making Differences Work will show you how to: Implement a values based, culture driven, people centric approach of commonality, equality, cohesion, and belonging to achieve the original unifying goals of diversity, equity, and inclusion.Create a highly collaborative culture full of purpose, focused on what we have in common, not the things that divide us.Align core values between employer and employees for a greater ability to achieve dynamic business results by unlocking employee engagement.Develop discretionary effort from employees and team creativity resulting in high performance across the organization. Two sides of a coin with one goal: deepen employees' care and concern for one another and become a shining example of the best place to work for people of all backgrounds.

  • af Kirsty Duncan
    282,95 kr.

    As a newly minted Ph.D. in medical geography, Kirsty Duncan led an international expedition to remote Svalbard, Norway, to search for the cause of the deadly 1918 influenza. What should have been a rewarding intellectual adventure turned out to be an unwanted baptism into the unbridled sexism and privilege of the scientific community.She has devoted herself to the support of girls and women in scientific endeavors ever since. While women have come a long way in science, there is still far to go. They remain under-represented, under-paid, under-published, and under the shadows of male scientists who are assumed, without evidence, to have innate capacities that women lack. Duncan identifies systemic biases in the assessment of girls’ abilities and the teaching of science in the home, the classroom, our communities, and professional life. She makes a powerful argument for cultural and institutional change to ensure girls and women their rightful place in the scientific community.For readers of Melinda Gates’s The Moment of Lift, Caroline Criado Perez’s Invisible Women, and Margot Lee Shetterly’s Hidden Figures.

  • af Gary N Powell
    1.549,95 kr.

    Gender in Management by Gary N. Powell provides a comprehensive survey and review of the literature on sex, gender, and organizations, including research-based strategies for promoting an organizational culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

  • af Debasis Bhaumik
    177,95 kr.

    A unique perspective with personal experience as both a visible majority and a visible minority, the author also provides powerful ways to access, activate, and drive change.

  • af Harper by Design
    117,95 kr.

    Smart and inclusive life advice This uplifting collection celebrates diverse heroes the world over and their perspective on life, politics, education, representation and beyond. From writers, thinkers, activists and leaders, each of these quotes demonstrates the power of words and positive thinking in our everyday lives.-'What I am absolutely confident of is it will be easier for the next woman and the woman after that and the woman after that. And I'm proud of that.' Julia Gillard'You always learn a lot more when you lose.' Ash Barty'What keeps me motivated to keep going is, you look back, you can see that you are constantly moving forward. It doesn't feel like that at the time, but you are.' Rosie Batty'I've learnt that no one is too small to make a difference.' Greta Thunberg'We all need to be the role models we needed when we were growing up.' Benjamin Law'I don't want a cure for my disability, I want a cure for other people's ableism.' Carly Findlay

  • af Christiane Fath
    294,95 kr.

    Making women in architecture visible-that is the goal of Diversity in Architecture e. V. (DIVIA). Celebrating its debut in 2023, its international award for women architects and urban planners aims to help achieve this goal. Following the announcement of 27 nominees, selected by an international Advisory Board with experts form the six continents, a high-profile jury has chosen the five finalists: May al-Ibrashy, Marta Maccaglia, Noella Nibakuze, Katherine Clarke & Liza Fior and Tosin Oshinowo. Each of them is a pioneer in her field and an embodiment of DIVIA's philosophy, inspired by trailblazing architect Lina Bo Bardi that "architecture is a social discipline." This catalogue retraces their paths and portrays their work. In conversation with them we learn about what drives them, the obstacles they have face(d) along the way, and the opportunities that lie in female leadership. This publication is a tribute to their cultural engagement, ethics, and deep sense of community- it is a recognition of their efforts to create environments that positively affect others and celebrates them as role models for the next generation of female architects.DIVIA-DIVERSITY IN ARCHITECTURE E. V. was founded by UrsulaSchwitalla and Christiane Fath in 2021. The platform's aim is toincrease the visibility of women in architecture and urban planningand to promote equality.

  • af Nazir Afzal
    117,95 - 247,95 kr.

  • af Jennifer Brown & Rohit Bhargava
    382,95 kr.

  • af Nika White
    297,95 kr.

    UNRAVEL THE KNOT THAT BINDS HUMANITY TOGETHER. At a moment in history when institutions are collapsing, violence and injustice are skyrocketing, and the outcomes of systemic oppression go viral on a daily basis, Dr. Nika White's, Inclusion Uncomplicated has arrived at the perfect time. This book is the guide you have been waiting for: one that unravels the complexity of diversity, equity, and inclusion, teases out root causes of systemic oppression, and delivers simple, actionable tools for real change. Right now. When it's needed the most. The wisdom contained within these pages comes from Dr. Nika's twenty-plus years of helping companies across the globe create more inclusive, equitable, and sustainable cultures. Dr. Nika's philosophy is simple - DEI is a responsibility we all share. It's going to take each one of us moving from passivity to impact within our unique spheres of influence. That's why this book is written in a straight - forward, conversational style that speaks to the leader in all of us. From real-life, workplace scenarios, to the latest research on what works and what doesn't, to strategies for untangling the gnarled threads of bias - readers will find everything they need to become DEI allies, changemakers, and inclusive leaders, no matter where they are on the DEI journey.

  • af Adam Weber
    172,95 kr.

    Do you ever feel like you aren't living your fullest at work? Or that you have to pretend to be someone else just to be successful? Adam Weber has made it his life's mission to help people become their best selves and discover how their careers can become the answer to their purpose. As a thought leader on people solutions, he shows leaders how to get the best out of their staff and he's seen how, when employees bring their full selves to work, they unleash their true potential and do great things-both for themselves and for the organizations that employ them. How? Through a new approach to leadership that requires businesspeople to be authentic, to be vulnerable, to be themselves-to be human. In Lead Like a Human, Adam shares his unique perspective on leadership as well as practical tips on building and leading engaged teams of empowered employees. From creating an enduring culture to using data to pinpoint your organization's toughest problems, you'll learn how to engage your people in a way that drives innovation and real business growth. When you lead like a human, you unlock the potential in yourself and in your people, allowing everyone to do impactful work that is challenging, captivating, and, ultimately, inspiring.

  • af Michele Bailey
    262,95 kr.

    You may have heard that gratitude is good for your health and well-being, but did you also know that it's good for your business? Michele Bailey offers a moving and straightforward guide to enabling business growth using gratitude as your currency. The Currency of Gratitude is filled with stories about cultivating a business brand and business culture centered on expressing thankfulness. Bailey provides a unique approach to addressing people's need for meaningful acknowledgment and offers readers the opportunity--through reflection questions and goal-setting exercises--to get clear about whom and what they're thankful for--and how to transform their professional lives as a result.

  • af Amy A Pearl
    162,95 kr.

    TOOLS TO CREATE A WORKPLACE YOU LOVE Imagine, for a moment, a workplace where you and your co-workers: - Share a clear and common purpose.- Conduct open and respectful conversations.- Easily build commitment to new ideas and approaches.- Use simple tools to guide decisions, actions, and accountability.- Find opportunities to innovate, learn and grow.>This workplace does exist--a workplace where people think differently and achieve their goals, crush the competition, turn customers into enthusiastic fans, and love going to work every day. It's called a Collaborative Workplace and it starts inside this book. Follow the story of an almost fictitious finance grad as he experiences four different workplaces. You are likely to find your own workplace among them. Then, get the Breakthrough Tools you need to make the shift to a Collaborative Workplace wherever you are and regardless of your job title. Creating a Collaboration Breakthrough is not only doable, it is essential in today's highly chaotic, competitive, uncertain, and ever-changing business landscape. The only question is: Do you have the courage to make it happen?

  • af Bill Higgs
    262,95 kr.

    WHAT¿S YOUR CURRENT CULTURE COSTING YOU? Learn how to create and cultivate a championship culture in your business. It will increase your bottom line by attracting and retaining better people, better clients, and reducing rework. Practical tips and methods will help you maximize productivity, performance, and profit by increasing passion throughout your organization. 7 Steps to Scale & Succeed in Your Business: - Open Up the Communication - Create a Sense of Team - Establish a Repeatable Process - Use Hard Copy Communication - Sell While the Shop is Full - Continuously Recruit Top Talent - Give Back to Your Community Foreword by General Martin Dempsey, 18th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs

  • af Adam Witty
    212,95 kr.

    HOW DO YOU CREATE A COMPELLING BUSINESS CAPABLE OF HYPER GROWTH THAT CAN TRULY MAKE A DENT IN THE UNIVERSE? BUILD A TEAM OF COMPETENT, CAPABLE PEOPLE THAT LOVE WHAT THEY DO AND LOOK FORWARD TO MONDAY. Inside these pages, Adam Witty will show CEOs and executives how he made the culture of his company the top priority and won big, creating a profitably growing enterprise that has him and his team members looking forward to Mondays. Specifically, you will learn ... * Why a great company starts with you *How to craft a noble purpose, core values, and BHAGs that cause company-wide excitement and anticipation * How to translate your purpose into a comprehensive plan that creates buy-in and alignment for every employee * How to recruit and retain the best people * How to invest in your people and love 'em to bring out their best

  • af Chad M Peterman
    162,95 kr.

    Hire the Right People and Empower Them to Succeed Peterman Heating, Cooling & Plumbing of Indianapolis is a successful family business built on the belief that success would come from caring about people first over the company¿s bottom line. You Can¿t Stop the Growth is the story of how Pete Peterman and sons grew the family business by building a culture of caring and empowering both employees and customers to succeed. Chad Peterman tells the fascinating story and reveals the family¿s business secrets that any entrepreneur can use as a road map to realize their own dreams. ¿ Hire the right people ¿ Empower them to succeed ¿ Connect growth to winning for everyone ¿ Find a better way and make an impact ¿ Make the world a better place When a company can do these things, you just can¿t stop the growth.

  • af Erik Hatch
    212,95 kr.

    IN JUST A FEW YEARS, HATCH REALTY HAS RISEN INTO THE TOP FIFTY REAL ESTATE TEAMS NATIONWIDE¿ ALL FROM FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA. How? Erik Hatch writes that real estate has nothing to do with brick and mortar and everything to do with the people who are going to live in that house. At Hatch Realty, relationships matter. Team members are welcomed and encouraged to be their full selves and, in turn, are able to serve clients to the highest level. While most businesses ask people to be their buttoned-up resumes, Hatch Realty embraces transparency and vulnerability. Trust forms quickly, and team members thrive. An inspiring storyteller, Hatch traces his sometimes rocky path to success with honesty, humor, and the spirit of a servant leader. Playing for the person next to us, he writes, creates a more successful business and more purposeful life.

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