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  • af Pelle Hvenegaard
    97,95 - 206,95 kr.

    "Kære Zoe Ukhona" er en fantastisk fortælling om hvor lykken og meningen med livet ligger, når man har været igennem en følelsesmæssig rutsjetur. Pelle Hvenegaard er på blind date med Caroline en smuk dansk sommeraften. En date som faktisk var tæt på at blive aflyst, men hvor noget som ligner skæbnen alligevel lader daten finde sted. Pelle Hvenegaard ved med det samme at Caroline - HUN skal være mor til hans børn!En stormende forelskelse gør det til en selvfølge, at de to skal stifte og skabe en familie sammen. Men som for flere og flere par - kom denne familie ikke så let endda. De var ufrivilligt barnløse! Efter flere mislykkedes fertilitetsforsøg, tager Pelle og Caroline beslutningen om at adoptere - en beslutning som skulle føre dem videre på den følelsesmæssige rutsjetur. Pelle Hvenegaard beskriver i bogen, på den mest ærlige, komiske, sørgelige og hjertevarme måde, hvordan han og hans kone skal igennem et adoptionshelvede, inden de kan låse op for døren til deres hjem på Christianshavn, med deres lille datter Zoe Ukhona på armen. Vigtigst fortæller bogen om partnerskab og hvordan man tackler livet når det ikke går som planlagt, men også hvilken ubeskrivelig glæde og lykke det er, når meningen med livet viser sig - når man endelig bliver forældre. Pelle Hvenegaard blev som barn verdensberømt for sin rolle som Pelle i Billie Augusts film " Pelle Erobreren". Pelle Hvenegaard er udannet journalist og har gennem flere år arbejdet som en fast del af TV-branchen på flere forskellige TV-kanaler. 

  • - Yoga, der booster din fertilitet
    af Thilde Vesterby
    222,95 kr.

    FRUGTBAR er til dig, der gerne vil være gravid. Bogen er særligt til dig, der har villet være gravid i et stykke tid og måske har erstattet intimiteten derhjemme med kalendersex og grænseoverskridende lægeundersøgelser eller fertilitetsbehandlinger. Bogen er til dig, der i takt med de negative graviditetstests eller graviditetstab er endt med bekymringer og afmagt dér, hvor der skulle have vokset en baby.FRUGTBAR handler om, hvad du selv kan gøre for at få din krop og dit sind ud af det konstante alarmberedskab, du måske befinder dig i, mens du kæmper for de to streger og i stedet styrke din krop og gøre den klar til en graviditet. Bogen bygger på forskning om stress, forbindelsen mellem krop og sind og på afprøvede programmer med resultater, der viser en forbedret graviditetschance efter blot 10 uger. I bogen finder du yoga, der øger blodcirkulationen til de reproduktive organer, mindfulnessmeditationer og restorativ yoga, der hjælper dig med at slippe stress. Du får mental førstehjælp, som kan hjælpe dig med at bevare forstanden og være i livet, når det hele bliver alt for svært at håndtere. Bogens beretninger fra kvinder, der kender til det brændende ønske om at få et barn fortæller dig, at du ikke er alene. Med bogen får du støtte til at komme igennem din fertilitetsrejse med dig selv, din sjæl og din forstand i behold.Bogen akkompagneres af farvefotos, der hjælper en til at lave øvelserne derhjemme.

  • af Rebecca Fett
    412,95 kr.

  • af Marie Hougaard
    138,95 - 177,95 kr.

    Hannah er i midten af trediverne og hun og kæresten Johan har i noget tid forsøgt at få et barn. De er ved at indse, at de nok har brug for hjælp, hvis det skal lykkes. Der er i det hele taget ikke meget i livet der går, som Hannah havde forventet. Og da Mina i den røde jakke dukker op, bliver det hele kun mere forvirrende. Marie Hougaard skriver med humor og ømhed om livet i midten af 30erne. Vi troede vi skulle er hendes debutroman og handler om familierelationer, om venskaber i forandring og om de forventninger, vi har til hinanden og til livet. Forventninger som kan være svære at indfri, når det hele ikke går, som man troede det skulle.

  • af Emilie Pine
    189,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Lysende beretning om kvindeliv i det 21. århundrede. Emilie Pine er en af de irske forfattere, der puster nyt liv liv i essay-genren. I denne prisbelønnede debut skriver Emilie Pine om de oplevelser, der har formet hendes liv. Hun skriver med radikal ærlighed om liv og død, om sorgen ved barnløshed, om at passe sin syge, alkoholiserede far, om kvindekroppens tabuer, om barndom, skilsmisse, misbrug og overgreb. Noter til mig selv består af seks dybt personlige essays – rå, modige, bevægende og forunderligt opløftende. Tilsammen tegner de et portræt af et moderne kvindeliv, som med sit personlige udgangspunkt har ramt en hel generation. En indsigtsfuld og vedkommende bog, som alle kvinder vil genkende sig selv i, og alle mænd bør læse for bedre at forstå dem. Emilie Pine (f. 1977) er kritiker og lektor i moderne drama på University College i Dublin. Noter til mig selv er hendes skønlitterære debut. Bogen udkom oprindeligt på det lille indie-forlag Tramp Press i 2018, men blev på få uger en ægte word of mouth-succes. Den blev siden en bestseller, vandt syv priser og blev kåret både til årets debut og årets bedste bog. Pressen skrev: ”Læs ikke denne bog offentligt: Den får dig til at græde.” - Anne Enright “Mageløs, modig, fuldkommen brillant.” - Financial Times “En bog du har lyst til at forære til alle.” - Irish Times

  • af T.W. Sadler
    557,95 kr.

    Bogen er en oversættelse af den nyeste udgave af den klassiske Langman’s Medical Embryology. Bogen koncentrerer sig om de vigtigste og mest relevante kliniske aspekter af embryologien. Målet er at bibringe læseren en forståelse for principperne i fosterets udvikling, som kan anvendes i diagnose, behandling og forebyggelse af medfødte misdannelser. Bogen er forsynet med et enestående billedmateriale, og er fuldstændig opdateret mht. den nyeste viden om genetiske og miljømæssige faktorers betydning for udviklingen af misdannelser hos fosteret. Bogen er pensum i faget embryologi for de medicinstuderende ved alle tre universiteter samt for de veterinærstuderende. Denne 3. udgave indeholder en opdateret tekst samt forbedrede illustrationer. Ændringer i forhold til tidligere danske udgiver og oversættelser af de nye afsnit er lavet af professor Jørgen Tranum-Jensen, Panuminstituttet.

  • - en guide til behandling og selvbehandling - 3. udgave
    af Anne Marie Jensen
    223,95 kr.

    Uanset om du ønsker at blive naturligt gravid eller om du forbereder dig på at skulle i medicinsk fertilitetsbehandling, så vil du i denne bog finde interessant og brugbar viden om reproduktiv sundhed og fysioterapi, som vil kunne hjælpe dig på vej mod en sund og vellykket graviditet og fødsel. Forfatteren, Anne Marie Jensen, tager dig med på en spændende rejse gennem årtier og over kontinenter for at introducere dig til, hvordan fysioterapeutiske metoder gennem historien har været anvendt - og i dag stadig anvendes - til at behandle nedsat frugtbarhed i forskellige kulturer verden over. Bogen henvender sig først og fremmest til par og enlige, der allerede kæmper med fertilitetsudfordringer, men den er også anvendelig til dig, der ønsker at forebygge. Den giver en grundig vejledning til, hvordan du ved hjælp af øvelsesterapi, arvævsbehandling, ergonomi, massage, afspænding, laserterapi og kost- og motionsvejledning kan mere end tredoble dine chancer for at opnå graviditet - og ikke mindst nedbringe risikoen for at abortere. Bogen indeholder et træningsprogram og et selvmassageprogram, du kan tage i brug med det samme, og giver dig en masse praktisk råd og vejledning til blandt andet kost- og motionsomlægning, vaginal hygiejne og stresshåndtering.”Fertilitet & Fysioterapi” tager udgangspunkt i en grundig, videnskabelig dataindsamling samt forfatterens egne erfaringer fra mere end 400 behandlingsforløb med sub- og infertile patienter i ”Klinik SundFertilitet” i København. Du vil derfor også som sundhedsprofessionel kunne finde inspiration til dit daglige arbejde med par og enlige, der ønsker at blive forældre.

  • af Maisie Hill
    149,95 kr.

    Maisie Hill turns her attention to our stress hormones and nervous system - and how women can revolutionise the way in which they interact with the world to harness our inner power and live our best lives. How we're wired has a lot to do with why we worry about the same things. We need to stop beating ourselves up and find the tools to thrive. Are you a habitual people-pleaser that leaves you feeling resentful and pissed off - with them and yourself? Do you lose all your time and energy because you're unable to say ?no'? Do you struggle to express your feelings, needs and desires - experiencing an irritability and rage that's eroding your career and relationships? Maybe you're struggling to do things that will make a difference to your health, such as over-drinking, over/under-exercising, and dietary and other lifestyle changes. Sound familiar? Then this is your chance to deal with that beautiful brain of yours. Starting now. It's time to do things differently. Find a new way to feel connected to your cycle and the wisdom of your body. Become full of emotional resilience so you can stop holding back and crack on with your life. And more than anything, become that person who ? calmly and unapologetically ? makes herself and the things you need a priority in your life. And who listens the inner whisper that brought you to this book for no other reason that you know?deep down?how important it is. Maisie shows us the simple and effective ways to get unstuck and change things with wise words and case studies from her own coaching practice, tried and tested on women who have struggled with the same issues. It's the essential guide to how to be human.

  • af Dr. T.W. Sadler
    579,95 kr.

  • af Ulrikka Nygaard, Kjeld Schmiegelow & Nadja Vissing
    432,95 - 1.047,95 kr.

    Det danske standardværk i pædiatri foreligger hermed i 3. udgave. Bogen er gennemgribende revideret, samtlige kapitler opdaterede, ligesom der er kommet nye figurer, bokse og tabeller til.Lærebogen er grundigt bearbejdet til danske forhold af børnelægerne Ulrikka Nygaard, Nadja Hawwa Vissing og Kjeld Schmiegelow.Pædiatri har en omfattende mængde illustrationer, bokse, tabeller og cases, der gør stoffet nemt at orientere sig i og let at tilegne sig. Pædiatri dækker pensum og svarer til målbeskrivelserne på medicinstudiet i både Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg og København.Bogen er desuden velegnet til og relevant for yngre læger, alment praktiserende læger, andre speciallæger og andet sundhedspersonale, der har kontakt med børn.

  • af Tom Sullivan
    252,95 kr.

    A first of its kind, functional lifestyle guide for PCOS, complete with personal stories and nourishing recipes

  • af Ida Bruhn Bull
    126,95 kr.

    Romanen Det er lettest, hvis jeg holder kæft med, hvordan jeg har det af Ida Bull omhandler en kvindes ufrivillige barnløshed og kamp for at blive mor. Vi følger i romanen et kvindeligt jeg, som føler sorg og vrede over ikke at kunne blive gravid, følelser som ikke altid bliver mødt med forståelse fra hendes omgivelser. Det er en fortælling om en splittet kvinde, som oplever, at hun udadtil skal udvise glæde på sine gravide veninder og bekendtes vegne, samtidig med at hun skal håndtere sine altopslugende følelser af sorg og vrede alene; hendes oplevelse af at være ensom og misforstået af sine omgivelser vokser i takt med, at hendes barnløshed ikke længere kun påvirker hende selv men også hendes relationer og særligt forholdet til hendes kæreste. Ida Bulls værk Det er lettest, hvis jeg holder kæft med, hvordan jeg har det giver sprog til de følelser og erfaringer, som følger med det at være ufrivilligt barnløs, og åbner op for refleksion over et emne, som mange kvinder oplever som tabubelagt. Værket er nemlig også en historie om en kvindes indsigt i, hvordan hendes ufrivillige barnløshed ikke er en kamp, som hun skal kæmpe alene i stilhed, og at det ikke altid er bedst, hvis man holder kæft med, hvordan man har det.

  • - Anticipatory Regimes of Assisted Reproduction
    af Chia-Ling Wu
    1.092,95 kr.

    Human beings have been producing more twins, triplets, and quadruplets than ever before, due to the expansion of medically assisted conception. This book analyzes the anticipatory regimes of making multiple babies. With archival documents, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and registry data, this book traces the global and local governance of the assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) used to tackle multiple pregnancy since the 1970s, highlighting the early promotion of single embryo transfer in Belgium and Japan and the making of the world's most lenient guidelines in Taiwan.

  • af Amy Medling
    197,95 kr.

    A proven 21-day diet and lifestyle plan to help women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) take back control of their health and resolve their symptoms from a certified health coach and founder of the large PCOS Diva online community.PCOS is one of the most common hormonal disorders, and the most common cause of female infertility, affecting roughly five million American women. Because it's symptoms are widespread?including stubborn weight gain, acne, mood swings, abnormal hair loss or growth, and irregular menstrual cycles?women suffering from PCOS are often misdiagnosed and treated with "Band-Aid" pharmaceuticals with uncomfortable side effects that only mask PCOS's root causes. While there is no cure for PCOS, women can learn to control their symptoms naturally. In this welcome guide, Amy Medling shows how to combine an anti-inflammatory and hormone-balancing diet, daily movement, and stress-reducing self-care to successfully treat their PCOS.Grounded in the latest medical research and filled with the knowledge she's acquired dealing with PCOS herself and working with thousands of women, Healing PCOS offers women small, manageable steps that help alleviate their symptoms and control the inflammation, hormonal imbalance, and insulin resistance that underlie the condition. Amy's revolutionary program consists of:A 21-day anti-inflammatory, hormone-balancing and gluten-free meal plan, including meal prep and plan-ahead tips to make eating this way simple and fast85 delicious recipes?half fan favorites and half new dishesDaily self-care exercises, including meditation and journaling promptsAmy has helped tens of thousands of women with PCOS take back control of their health and their lives through lasting, healing, and sustainable lifestyle change. Whether you're newly diagnosed or have struggled with PCOS, her revolutionary program can now work for you.

  • af Melody Rosecrans
    126,95 kr.

    An embryo donation story about one tough bird who wouldn't give up until she had a You and it did not matter how her baby looked.

  • af Liza Mundy
    212,95 kr.

  • af Zev Rosenwaks
    941,95 - 1.274,95 kr.

  • af Igor Grabovac
    1.077,95 - 1.107,95 kr.

  • af Gene de Haan
    692,95 - 941,95 kr.

  • af Markus Schmechel
    620,95 kr.

    Die Kryokonservierung ermöglicht es, Keimzellen, 2-PN-Zellen und Embryonen einzufrieren und über Jahrzehnte zu lagern. Ihre Bedeutung für die Kinderwunschbehandlung wächst stetig. Dennoch bedürfen viele Aspekte vor, während und nach der Kryokonservierung rechtlicher Klarheit. Dies betrifft neben dem rechtlichen Status des Kryogutes vor allem die Entscheidungsrechte der intendierten Eltern. Weitere Problemfelder bilden die zulässigen Handlungen im Umgang mit dem Kryogut, die fehlende zeitliche Höchstlagerungsdauer, die Kinderwunschbehandlung post mortem und der Umgang mit überzähligem Kryogut. Der Autor arbeitet die rechtlichen Grundlagen der Kryokonservierung heraus. Hierbei zeigt er auf, an welchen Stellen ein gesetzlicher Regelungsbedarf besteht und unterbreitet konkrete Regelungsvorschläge.

  • af Yu Sun
    1.127,95 kr.

    This is the first book to focus on robotic reproductive cell manipulation. It provides readers with the fundamental principles underpinning robotic manipulation of reproductive cells, including sperm, oocytes, and embryos, state-of-the-art technical advances in actuation, sensing and control for cell manipulation, and emerging automated systems for reproductive cell manipulation. The methods presented in the book are generic and can be translated to manipulating other types of cells, such as cancer cells and cardiomyocytes. Robotic Manipulation of Reproductive Cells will be an essential reference for graduate students and researchers working on small-scale robotic systems for cell manipulation and characterization, healthcare professionals interested in nanoscale, microscale, milli-scale robotic techniques for clinical cell surgeries and assisted reproduction, and engineers developing small-scale robotic systems for biomedical engineering, biology, and medicine.

  • af Yetunda Dixon
    327,95 kr.

    In the midst of the deeply personal and often painful journey of infertility, "Grace in the Waiting" serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for women. Author Yetunda Dixon shares her heartfelt experiences and faith as she navigates the challenging path of infertility alongside her husband, Tennison Dixon.This poignant and relatable devotional provides not only spiritual guidance but also personal testimonies that resonate with those facing similar struggles. Yetunda combines her deep-rooted faith with her diverse expertise to create a unique perspective on finding purpose and joy amidst the trials of infertility."Grace in the Waiting" offers hope and encouragement through personal stories, scripture, and practical tips, making it an essential companion for women who are determined to maintain their faith, discover joy in unexpected places, and trust in God's perfect timing during their journey through infertility.

  • af Lily Starbright
    107,95 kr.

    This book is about a long, sad, relentless journey to become a parent. The journey is not something I would wish for anyone; but, unfortunately, lots of people go through it. However, seeing the rainbow at the end of the journey is what I wish for everyone who longs to have children.

  • af Alessandra Piontelli
    1.179,95 kr.

    This book discusses many aspects of fetuses and motherhood from fields as wide as sociology and medicine. It examines changing perceptions of the fetus over recent decades, comparing western ideas with those of non-western countries; examining maternal mental health during COVID-19 and charting the ascent of the 'fetus' to a cult phenomenon, which has currently reappeared in the courts. This work, given its multifaceted approach, will be of interest to a varied and wide range of people, from parents to doctors and nurses, to anthropologists and ethnologists, to scientists, to students of various disciplines, to psychologists and psychoanalysts, to lawyers dealing with the topic and to a general public simply interested in these fundamental themes.

  • af Marie White
    167,95 kr.

    "A modern, inclusive guide to plant-based reproductive medicine: herbal remedies and collective care for conception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum, and beyond"--

    347,95 kr.

    Adolescence is a phase of life where transformation fromchildhood to adulthood takes place. Puberty, as the marker of thisphase, presents a significant opportunity to lay a foundation forreproductive health of young people. Pubertal development affectsfemale adolescents differently to their male counterparts. Withinthis period, the young female will experience significant changes inher body and will start her reproductive journey. It is essential thatyoung females are prepared to ensure a smooth transition and apositive puberty experience. However, little is known about youngfemales' knowledge of reproductive health during puberty or theirsources of information about reproductive health during this criticaltime. Globally, research focuses on adolescents aged 15 years andabove, and there is limited data on early adolescents, specificallyyoung female adolescents age 12 to 15 years. Studies conducted withIndonesian adolescents tend to focus on sexual behaviour as a poorreproductive health outcome and fail to consider the importance ofexploring adolescents' knowledge of reproductive health duringpuberty. This PhD study was designed to address these gaps in theliterature by providing an exploration into young females' knowledgeof reproductive health and the sources of information regardingreproductive health during puberty.

  • af Amirah F. Smith
    192,95 kr.

    Journeys, good or bad, are experienced by every woman.We don't mind sharing the tranquil, pleasant expeditions because they illustrate that all is well in the world and happiness is on full display. But what about the journeys that leave us wondering, "Why me?" and "How did I get here?" We may often choose to suffer in silence or hide from our friends and family when our situation doesn't resemble a pretty, picture-worthy social media post.The Journey examines the elephant in the room that many women face while managing their careers and family planning and provides valuable insights into creating safe spaces for spouses, partners, family, and friends-a necessary tool for living a life that is fully transparent and free from the shackles of fear, shame, or embarrassment.

  • af Kavindra Kumar Kesari
    1.307,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

    This book discusses the role of oxidative stress in human reproduction with a focus on men's health. The physiological roles of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in male fertility are the focus in this book. This topic is important because oxidative stress is a result of the imbalance between ROS and antioxidants in the body which may lead to sperm damage (DNA or count), deformity, and eventually, male infertility. Therefore, for a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms related to male genotoxicity and its regulation in infertility, this book provides an up-to-date view on the impact of oxidative stress factors in male reproduction .The main aim of this book is to collect a series of research articles and reviews from a diverse group of scientists to share their research work on the role of ROS or oxidative stress in physiological and pathological states in relation to (in)fertility in the male. This book presents various state-of-the-art chapters of the recent progress in the field of cellular toxicology and clinical manifestations of various issues related to men's health and fertility. Topics include cell signaling, DNA damage and infertility, the pathophysiology of disease instigation and distribution, immune toxicity and prevention.

  • af Sherif A. Shazly
    941,95 - 1.274,95 kr.

    Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS), an obstetric emergency associated with significant maternal morbidity and mortality, has increasingly become a global challenge with the rising trend of cesarean deliveries. This book provides a comprehensive review of basic science-related to PAS, discusses modern practice in diagnosis and classification of PAS disorders, and appraise current recommendations on PAS management in view of recent studies, guidelines, and expert opinions.In the last few years, there have been many new updates to practice guidelines including ACOG, RCOG, and FIGO guidelines in addition to several new studies, some of which were unusually multicenter and of large sample size, that are eligible to make major changes in our PAS practice. In addition, the book aims at providing more comprehensive review of all aspects related to PAS from experts, including topics that are deficient in similar books e.g., vascular anatomy, risk reduction, adjuvant treatments.The book provides a single source that provides academic knowledge for researchers and investigators, and clinical guidance to best practice and recent updates in management of women with PAS.

  • af Bruce M. Carlson
    688,95 - 712,95 kr.

    Bruce Carlson¿s Human Embryology and Developmental Biology is one of the most detailed texts available for those who want to truly understand both the morphological and molecular aspects of human embryological development. Fully updated in its seventh edition, the book provides a thorough grounding in all aspects of embryology. It presents in detail the molecular and cellular basis for embryological processes, from early development through to development of body systems. It covers examples of congenital malformations and their underlying mechanisms, and comes complete with clinical vignettes and review questions to support learning. This book will suit medical and science students taking embryology courses as well as scientists and clinicians who find themselves returning to this topic throughout their careers. Clear and consistent writing style ¿ highly readable and well-focused Extensively illustrated to demystify complex topics Good selection of original photographs of congenital anomalies to assist with identification Review questions and suggested readings for further learning Series of animations of complex embryological processes to accompany the text explanations Clinical correlation boxes, vignettes and summary boxes for quick revision An enhanced eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud Many new drawings and photographs Thoroughly updated with recent research to advance understanding Expanded treatment of newly understood molecular pathways. Major updates on gametes, body axis formation, placental pathology, adipose tissue, intestinal and facial development

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