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Medicinsk diagnose

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  • af N. N.
    218,95 kr.

    A book for men and women from middle age to advanced years who have suddenly and unexpectedly become confronted with the huge effects that the male prostate can have on the body. It is a tale of what can happen to both men and women when the prostate transforms over time as the body changes, free of any of the minor or major taboos surrounding those involved.The book presents both a subjective and an objective account, from a female and a male perspective, of what the prostate is and of the physical, psychological and social effects that changes to the prostate can bring as one ages or reaches old age. The latest medical, psychotherapeutic and social measures available to help men with prostate issues and their partners are discussed. It also addresses the therapeutic taboos that have previously prevented us from attempting a systemic approach to the physical, psychological and social transformation that men and women undergo when they reach middle age and beyond.

  • af Hemachandran Kannan
    3.629,95 kr.

    Within the context of global health challenges posed by intractable neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, the significance of early diagnosis is critical for effective intervention, and scientists continue to discover new methods of detection. However, actual diagnosis goes beyond detection to include a significant analysis of combined data for many cases, which presents a challenge of several complicated calculations. Deep Learning Approaches for Early Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases stands as a groundbreaking work at the intersection of artificial intelligence and neuroscience. The book orchestrates a symphony of cutting-edge techniques and progressions in early detection by assembling eminent experts from the domains of deep learning and neurology. Through a harmonious blend of research areas and pragmatic applications, this monumental work charts the transformative course to revolutionize the landscape of early diagnosis and management of neurodegenerative disorders. Within the pages, readers will embark through the intricate landscape of neurodegenerative diseases, the fundamental underpinnings of deep learning, the nuances of neuroimaging data acquisition and preprocessing, the alchemy of feature extraction and representation learning, and the symphony of deep learning models tailored for neurodegenerative disease diagnosis. The book also delves into integrating multimodal data to augment diagnosis, the imperative of rigorously evaluating and validating deep learning models, and the ethical considerations and challenges entwined with deep learning for neurodegenerative diseases.

  • af B. K. Tyagi
    1.307,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

    This book comprehensively reviews the disease dynamics, distribution, surveillance, epidemiology, diagnosis, control strategies, and management of the desert malaria. It highlights the potential risks of unstable but often exacerbated malaria conflagration as epidemics in the middle of duned desert, a desert oasis, and desert-fringe regions. Further, it reveals the factors inveigled into desert environments due to extensive anthropogenic activities such as canalized irrigation projects, high-yielding new agriculture practices, human concentration, and increased trade. It addresses the impact of irrigation on the malarial dynamics and its coupling to the climate forcing. The book also offers a model for desert transformation into malaria heaven under the changed climatic conditions including high rainfall, humidity, and depletion in temperature. Lastly, it offers insight into malaria epidemiology and disease control in the desert¿s arid environments. This book is an essential resource for medical entomologists, parasitologists, epidemiologists, and public health researchers.

  • af Valérie Taly
    2.727,95 kr.

    This detailed volume explores a wide range of microfluidic-based approaches that exploit the unique features of microfluidic devices, which hold significant potential in the field of diagnosis. Beginning with a section on microchips for sample preparation, including cell-free DNA, exosomes, and cells, the book continues by covering protein marker analysis and detection, single-cell analysis, analysis of bacteria and viruses, as well as human cell-based culture and analysis. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step and readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, Microfluidics Diagnostics: Methods and Protocols serves as an ideal guide for researchers investigating how microfluidics can shape the future of diagnosis.

  • af David Tarin
    2.362,95 - 2.367,95 kr.

  • af Devika Sharma
    327,95 kr.

    Challenges of Traditional Crop Disease DiagnosisTraditional crop disease diagnosis is a process used to identify diseases in crops. It is typically done by visually inspecting crops, or by using laboratory tests. Traditional crop disease diagnosis has a number of challenges, which can lead to reduced crop yields.ChallengesSome of the major challenges of traditional crop disease diagnosis include:· Time: The traditional crop disease diagnosis process can be time-consuming, which can lead to not having enough time to control the disease.· Technology: Traditional crop disease diagnosis technology is often expensive and not readily available.· Experience: Traditional crop disease diagnosis requires experience, which is not available to all farmers.SolutionsThere are a number of ways to address the challenges of traditional crop disease diagnosis. Some of these include:· Automation: By automating the traditional crop disease diagnosis process, time and costs can be reduced.· New technologies: By developing new technologies, traditional crop disease diagnosis can be made more accurate and easier.· Training: By providing farmers with training in traditional crop disease diagnosis, their skills can be improved.

  • af Wilfried Friedwill
    270,95 kr.

    Der kleine Wilfried will endlich Frieden. Selbst ins Gefängnis würde er dafür gehen, so unerträglich ist seine Situation inzwischen. Seit seiner Geburt musste er große Herausforderungen bewältigen. Aufgrund der eklatanten Familienverhältnisse und einer komplexen Verletzung seiner oberen Halswirbelsäule wurde sein Leben letztendlich ein Kampf ums Überleben.Sein Klagen über die schmerzhaften und schwer einschränkenden körperlichen Symptome stieß ausschließlich auf Belächeln und Missachtung. Bis er scheinbar willkürlich in den Wahnsinn getrieben wurde. Das Inhalieren seiner Kräutermischung empfand er nämlich eindeutig als medizinisch wirksam zur Linderung der Symptome.Dennoch scheiterte er beruflich. Infolge wurde er von seiner Omi und seiner Mutter, die ihn so sehr liebten und für ein kleines Genie hielten, durch öffentliche Diffamierung zerstört. Die regelrechte Verfolgung durch die Elektroindustrie, klein Wilfried war offenbar ein gefragter Ingenieur, brach ihm letztendlich sein bereits angeknackstes Genick. So groß und verrückt wurde die Aktion.Im Laufe der Jahre konnte er sein Leiden letztendlich begreifen. Begann Literatur und Beschwerden zu studieren, und versuchte alles Mögliche um diese zu kurieren. Längst wollte er einen Rechtsanwalt finden, um endlich diese Zerstörung seiner Person zu unterbinden. Doch vorerst gab es keine Alternative als die erneute Flucht vor diesem folgenschweren Fluch, und so verfasste er dieses autobiografische Buch.

  • af Tomas Jarzembowski
    1.737,95 kr.

    A urinalysis is a simple test that can help find urinary tract-related problems such as kidney disease. It can also pinpoint other serious problems not so closely related to kidneys, such as diabetes, liver disease, or even various cancers. Simply put, urine analyses may provide huge amounts of information to monitor a potential patient¿s condition. The history of analysis of urine for diagnostic purposes is quite long. It includes the detection of microbes as etiological agents of infection and the estimation of biochemical parameters such as glucose and protein concentration. Furthermore, the increase in the number of patients suffering from chronic kidney disease or other ¿civilization diseases¿ such as diabetes, hypertension, or obesity manifests the need for effective tools for specific and sensitive diagnosis. This book summarizes the state of the art in diagnosing infectious and non-infectious diseases based on urine analysis. Additionally, it focuses on novel techniques and applications used in everyday laboratory urinalysis. The history of analysis of urine for diagnostic purposes is quite long. It includes the detection of microbes as etiological agents of infection and the estimation of biochemical parameters such as glucose and protein concentration. Furthermore, the increase in the number of patients suffering from chronic kidney disease or other ¿civilization diseases¿ such as diabetes, hypertension, or obesity manifests the need for effective tools for specific and sensitive diagnosis. This book summarizes the state of the art in diagnosing infectious and non-infectious diseases based on urine analysis. Additionally, it focuses on novel techniques and applications used in everyday laboratory urinalysis.

  • af James Mackenzie
    348,95 - 387,95 kr.

    As one of the pioneers of modern cardiology, Sir James Mackenzie was a master at interpreting the symptoms of heart disease. In this classic work, he lays out the principles and practices of symptom interpretation, guiding readers through the diagnostic process and demonstrating the clinical acumen that made him one of the most respected physicians of his time.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Hisako Sato
    1.654,95 kr.

    This book provides the reader with the latest research on vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectroscopy including its useful features and applications to many fields. The book starts from an unresolved question in gel chemistry of how component molecules are organized in the flexible fibrils of gels. VCD spectroscopy was successful in giving a clear answer to this mystery. The book also describes a key aspect of this technique lay in the fact that VCD signals were remarkably enhanced when chiral molecules formed a stereoregular molecular array over a few hundred nanometers. VCD spectroscopy was also applied to other topics involving chiral molecules such as the chiral discrimination mechanism in heterogeneous asymmetric catalysis and the build-up of supramolecular chirality in molecular crystals. Furthermore, the book covers the recent instrument developments leading to multi-dimensional VCD measurements with the coordinates of wavenumber, space and time. This progress has opened up new biological and medical applications such as the heterogenous distributions of protein domains in insect wings and the quality control of chiral drugs. The last part of the book presents the possibility of medical diagnosis of Alzheimer¿s disease through multi-dimensional VCD analyses. This book appeals not only to researchers and students who study spectroscopy but also to ones in catalysis, biology and medicine as users of the VCD methods.

  • af Manashjit Gogoi
    1.307,95 - 1.651,95 kr.

  • af Mark Crislip
    197,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Bläsius
    213,95 kr.

    Mein Freund Beuys - Das Buch zum Film¿Ich schreibe meine Biografie selbst, um Lügen und Täuschungen aus dem Weg zu gehen.Ich dachte ein Maler ohne Biografie gibt es nicht.¿ ¿ Claude Jaté.Claude Jaté wurde 1955 unter seinem bürgerlichen Namen Klaus-Dieter Schneider geboren und schon relativ früh entdeckte er die Kunst für sich. Wie er sagt, ist er bereits mit 14 oder 15 Jahren nach Paris gefahren und hat sich in ein Künstlerviertel gestellt, etwas gekritzelt und seine ersten Werke an Passanten für ein paar Franc verkauft. Nach angefangenen Ausbildungen und einer Phase, in der er sich viel ausprobiert hat, wurde er schließlich Taxifahrer in St. Ingbert. Das war auch die Zeit, in der seine Psychosen immer stärker wurden und er schließlich in die Psychiatrie eingewiesen wurde. Da sein Herz schon immer an Kunst hing und seine Kreativität ein wichtiges Ventil war, um sich ausdrücken und seinen Gefühlen sowie Gedanken einen Freiraum geben zu können, wurden Maltherapien ein wichtiger Bestandteil während seinem Aufenthalt in der Psychiatrie. Seine Gemälde waren Ausgangspunkt der therapeutischen Gespräche, die als Visualisierungen von Unbewusstem, als ¿Urbilder¿ der menschlichen Seele, gelten. In dieser Zeit nahm er auch mit Briefen Kontakt zum deutschen Aktionskünstler Joseph Beuys auf, von dem er schließlich seinen Künstlernamen ¿Claude Jaté¿ erhielt. In den folgenden Jahren musste er immer wieder in Psychiatrien behandelt werden, da ihn auch immer weitere Persönlichkeiten ausgemacht haben. Doch die Kunst wurde zur zentralen Liebe in seinem Leben, die ihn festigte.

  • af Sunil Kumar
    1.559,95 kr.

    This book will explore the knowledge of current diagnostic automation techniques applied in the field of clinical microbiology, tropical diseases, POCT, etc. There is no such type of book related to this topic. This book will help clinicians, microbiologists, and researchers to make diagnostic algorithms for infectious diseases and help them in early diagnosis. Automation in clinical microbiology has revolutionized routine practice in diagnostic cum research in medical microbiology. This book covers the recent updates and advances in diagnostic microbiology and provides new techniques related to Genomic, Proteomic, and metabolomics in microbiology. This book will intensely discuss the new and innovative automation techniques available for diagnosis in the microbiology laboratory. This book is more focused on automation techniques, which are used in the early detection of infectious diseases even caused by rare microorganisms. Furthermore, this book has complied with the chapters that provide insights to readers with comprehensive and usable knowledge on automation techniques in diagnostic microbiology.

  • af Shuichi Shinmura
    1.748,95 kr.

    This book deals with the first discriminant theory of linearly separable data (LSD), Theory3, based on the four ordinary LSD of Theory1 and 169 microarrays (LSD) of Theory2. Furthermore, you can quickly analyze the medical data with the misclassified patients which is the true purpose of diagnoses. Author developed RIP (Optimal-linear discriminant function finding the combinatorial optimal solution) as Theory1 in decades ago, that found the minimum misclassifications. RIP discriminated 63 (=26¿1) models of Swiss banknote (200*6) and found the minimum LSD: basic gene set (BGS). In Theory2, RIP discriminated Shipp microarray (77*7129) which was LSD and had only 32 nonzero coefficients (first Small Matryoshka; SM1). Because RIP discriminated another 7,097 genes and found SM2, the author developed the Matryoshka feature selection Method 2 (Program 3), that splits microarray into many SMs. Program4 can split microarray into many BGSs. Then, the wide columnLSD (Revolution-0), such as microarray (n5) models, including BGS, become LSD among (219¿1) models. Because Program2 confirms BGS has the minimum average error rate, BGS is the most compact and best model satisfying Occam¿s Razor. With this book, physicians obtain complete diagnostic results for disease, and engineers can become a true data scientist, by obtaining integral knowledge ofstatistics and mathematical programming with simple programs.

  • af Gourdas Choudhuri
    1.654,95 kr.

    The book aims to be a handy compendium to the very voluminous texts of gastroenterology and hepatology existing in the knowledge market and provides the reader with an easy understanding of the bench knowledge (basic sciences) as they apply to bedside practice (clinical gastroenterology). With introduction and contributions from Prof Eamon Quigley, Former president of World Gastroenterology Organization and American College of Gastroenterology, the book covers the recent advances in the basic sciences that form an important pillar of the knowledge, thereby linking basic sciences such as anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, molecular medicine, etc. to clinical conditions, diseases and new therapeutic approaches in gastroenterology and hepatology. The book is written in a simple easy to read format, with a lot of diagrams and flowcharts, making it a handy guide. It also discusses in-depth about very common clinical conditions encountered in hospital settings such as ulcerative colitis, pseudomembranous colitis, colonic cancer, amebiasis, and various other syndromes and diseases. This book is a useful read for fellows and trainees in Gastroenterology and Hepatology, as well as gastroenterologists, hepatologists and physicians interested in digestive disorders.

  • af richard
    197,95 kr.

    Infectious diseases have been a constant threat to human health throughout history. These diseases are caused by pathogenic microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, or parasites, and they can easily spread from person to person. As students, it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of infectious diseases in order to navigate the world around us and protect ourselves and others from potential harm.This subchapter aims to provide students with a solid foundation in understanding infectious diseases. We will explore the different types of pathogens, their modes of transmission, and the factors that contribute to the spread of these diseases. Additionally, we will delve into the importance of early detection, prevention strategies, and the role of vaccinations in controlling and eradicating infectious diseases.To begin, let's explore the various types of pathogens that can cause infectious diseases. Viruses, such as the flu virus or the common cold virus, are tiny infectious agents that can only replicate inside living cells. Bacteria, on the other hand, are single-celled organisms that can multiply rapidly and cause diseases like tuberculosis or strep throat. Fungi, including molds and yeasts, can cause infections such as athlete's foot or thrush. Lastly, parasites such as malaria-causing Plasmodium or intestinal worms can also lead to infectious diseases.Understanding the modes of transmission is crucial in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. Some diseases, like the flu or COVID-19, can spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Others, like sexually transmitted infections, can be transmitted through sexual contact. Poor sanitation and contaminated water sources can also contribute to the spread of diseases like cholera or dysentery.Prevention strategies play a vital role in reducing the risk of infectious diseases. Simple measures such as hand hygiene, proper disposal of waste, and maintaining a clean environment can go a long way in preventing the transmission of pathogens. Vaccinations are one of the most effective ways to combat infectious diseases. They stimulate the immune system to recognize and fight specific pathogens, providing immunity against future infections.Early detection is also paramount in managing infectious diseases. Recognizing the symptoms and seeking medical attention promptly can help prevent the spread of contagious diseases. Many infectious diseases can be treated with antibiotics, antiviral drugs, or antifungal medications, but early intervention is crucial for successful treatment outcomes

  • af James Rae Arneill
    372,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af J. Macbraire
    187,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af Ludolph Krehl
    342,95 - 457,95 kr.

  • af María Enfermera
    327,95 - 422,95 kr.

  • af Ramesh K. Gupta & Pallav Gupta
    1.024,95 - 1.440,95 kr.

  • af Herbert Thomas Brooks
    342,95 kr.

    This practical guide provides step-by-step instructions and best practices for common clinical procedures, including physical exams and laboratory tests. Whether you're a medical student or a practicing physician, this comprehensive resource is an invaluable tool for providing high-quality patient care.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Kirstine Lærum Sibilitz & Britt Borregaard
    197,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Når man er blevet ramt af en hjertesygdom, skal man reorientere sig og finde en ny måde at leve på. Det handler ikke kun om at lære diagnose og medicin at kende, men også om at tilpasse sig alle de forandringer i hverdagen, der ledsager en hjertesygdom. Med HVAD ER HJERTESYGDOMME? får du, hvad end du er patient eller pårørende, en hjælpende hånd til at tilpasse dig din nye virkelighed.Bogen er rigt illustreret og inddelt i 18 velformidlede kapitler, som byder på både faktuel viden, bonusinformation og fun facts. Bliv f.eks. klogere på:Hvad hjertet er, og hvordan det fungererForskellige hjertesygdomme, bl.a. iskæmisk hjertesygdom, hjertesvigt, hjerteklapsygdom og hjerterytmeforstyrrelserForebyggelse af hjertesygdomSymptomerUndersøgelser, procedurer og behandlingerRehabiliteringPsykiske følgerRollen som pårørendeI flere af bogens kapitler finder du løbende samtaler med mennesker, der deler deres relevante perspektiver på emnet, f.eks. patienten, den pårørende, hjertelægen, psykiateren og psykologen.

  • af Edna Almodin
    1.398,95 - 2.367,95 kr.

    Keratoconus is a progressive disease of the cornea which can lead to blindness as irregular astigmatism increases. The study of the ectasic diseases of the cornea has evolved considerably in the last several years and this has brought new tools for the keratoconus diagnosis and treatment. A better understanding of treatment options can enhance visual rehabilitation and prevent blindness in these patients.This book provides the reader deeply and updated information on keratoconus treatment. Written by experts from worldwide, the book presents clinical, genetic, metabolic and biomechanical aspects in the development of the disease, the proper intervention time, the imaging tests used for diagnosis and keratoconus monitoring, as well as details on new surgical procedures (as contact lenses and laser technologies) using modern methods with wide technological application. Two pioneers in the keratoconus treatment bring their valuable contribution in specific chapters.Ophthalmologists will find a practical and useful approach of new technologies to get the best results for their patients. This book will really impact changes in the therapeutic conduct of corneal surgeons.

  • af Lei Zheng
    941,95 kr.

    This book introduces the various urinary formed elements comprehensively, mainly including exfoliated cells, crystals and casts. Since the urinary formed elements are affected by various factors and their morphology may change, these components are identified by combining a variety of staining techniques. Various kinds of clinical classic cases are introduced, which are illustrated by richness high-definition colour pictures.

  • af Nicolas W. Shammas
    858,95 kr.

    This book examines new technologies (device and pharmacologic) that have evolved over the past few years in treating peripheral arterial disease. Chapters offer optimal strategies to treat PAD, supported by peer-reviewed data. The pillars of this strategy will focus on (a) changing vessel compliance to allow better lumen expansion, (b) less recoil and dissections, and (c) less bailout stenting. Chapters also review embolic protection devices and apply the adjunctive use of anti-proliferative therapy to maintain good long term outcomes. In addition, the book reviews drug coated balloons and drug eluting stent technologies and other means of drug delivery into the vessel wall. The goal of this book is to discuss all these emerging technologies under the strategy of treating patients with the focus on both acute and long term outcomes. Featuring world renown experts, this book offers a critical and comprehensive overview of the current data and future directions that would pave the way for optimal PAD management.Peripheral Arterial Interventions is an essential resource for physicians, residents, fellows, and medical students in cardiology, radiology, vascular surgery, primary care, and health promotion and disease prevention as well as internal and vascular medicine specialists.

  • af Makarand Vaidya
    1.647,95 kr.

    The authors have produced an invaluable resource that connects the fields of AI and bone treatment by providing essential insights into the current state and future of AI in bone condition diagnosis and therapy, as well as a methodical examination of machine learning algorithms, deep learning approaches, and their real-world uses. The book explores the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the diagnosis and treatment of various bone illnesses. The integration of AI approaches in the fields of orthopedics, radiography, tissue engineering, and other areas related to bone are discussed in detail. It covers tissue engineering methods for bone regeneration and investigates the use of AI tools in this area, emphasizing the value of deep learning and how to use AI in tissue engineering efficiently. The book also covers diagnostic and prognostic uses of AI in orthopedics, such as the diagnosis of disorders involving the hip and knee as well as prognoses for therapies. Chapters also look at MRI, trabecular biomechanical strength, and other methods for diagnosing osteoporosis. Other issues the book examines include several uses of AI in pediatric orthopedics, 3D modeling, digital X-ray radiogrammetry, convolutional neural networks for customized care, and digital tomography. With information on the most recent developments and potential future applications, each chapter of the book advances our understanding of how AI might be used to diagnose and treat bone problems. Audience This book will serve as a guide for orthopedic experts, biomedical engineers, faculty members, research scholars, IT specialists, healthcare workers, and hospital administrators.

  • af Kyle C. Rossi
    257,95 kr.

    "Easy to understand and richly illustrated, this essential guide introduces the basics of critical care EEG, including continuous EEG monitoring, to acute care providers of all backgrounds and skill levels, enabling them to harness the full potential of this technique for the benefit of patients"--

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