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Muskelsygdomme og knoglesygdomme

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  • af Svend Schulze, Jannik Hilsted, Henning Beck-Nielsen, mfl.
    985,95 kr.

    Basisbog i medicin og kirurgi udgør en overskuelig dansksproget introduktion til de to centrale kliniske fag på medicinstudiet: intern medicin og kirurgi. I bogens indhold og opbygning er der lagt vægt på hyppige og almindelige sygdomme samt på mere sjældne tilstande, hvor manglende viden om sygdommen kan få fatale konsekvenser for patienten. I denne 5. udgave er det grundlæggende koncept justeret og videreudviklet på baggrund af kommentarer fra bl.a. studerende og læger. For at sikre fornyelse og foryngelse er en del af forfatterne blevet udskiftet, hvilket har betydet store og væsentlige ændringer i mange af kapitlerne. Som en ekstra nyskabelse suppleres bogen af en hjemmeside med mange spændende og interessante cases. Basisbog i medicin og kirurgi er først og fremmest en basal lærebog for medicinstuderende, men bogen henvender sig også til andre inden for sundhedsvæsenet, der har brug for en overskuelig og opdateret viden inden for intern medicin og kirurgi.

  • - Hvad kan vi selv gøre ?
    af Kirsten Magdavius
    197,95 kr.

  • - en kogebog
    af Ellen Møller
    581,95 kr.

    De fleste gigtformer kan helbredes uden brug af syntetisk medicin. Nøglen til at løse gigtens gøde er et samspil mellem kostens syre-basebalance og den rigtige sammensætning af fedtstoffer samt vitamin- og mineraltilskud. Bogens madopskrifter indeholder den rigtige syre-basebalance og afstemte fedtstoffer.

  • af Lars Hyldstrup & Jens Erik Beck Jensen
    260,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Op mod 650.000 danskere lider af osteoporose – langt størstedelen uden selv at vide det. Osteoporose har ingen symptomer, før det første brud indtræffer. Denne bog om en af de store folkesygdomme i Danmark er skrevet til alle, der har osteoporose inde på livet – som ramt, påvirket eller fagperson – og som ønsker at blive klogere. Bogen igennem tages der udgangspunkt i de spørgsmål, som forfatterne Lars Hyldstrup og Jens-Erik Beck Jensen i årevis har fået fra osteoporosepatienter, og de svar, man aktuelt kan give herpå. Bogen er rigt illustreret af uddybende faktabokse, forklarende figurer og visuelle grafer, der hjælper med at formidle al den data og forskning, som ligger til grund for den aktuelle viden om osteoporose.Bliv fx klogere på:Knoglernes biologiForskellige typer af knoglebrudÅrsager og risikofaktorerSymptomer og differentialdiagnoserDiagnostik og undersøgelsesmetoderRåd til knoglesund livsstilMedicinsk behandlingVejledning om fysisk aktivitetForsknings- og patientmiljøerBogen er opslagsvenlig, så man nemt kan finde svar på specifikke spørgsmål, men den kan ligeledes læses i sin helhed for en grundig indføring i sygdommen. Gennemgående i bogen findes derudover henvisninger til relevant litteratur, der giver mulighed for at dykke dybere ned.

  • af Kieran Barnard & Dionne Ryder
    592,95 kr.

    Together with its companion volume, Petty's Principles of Musculoskeletal Treatment and Management, this invaluable book provides a comprehensive overview of all aspects of musculoskeletal practice for undergraduate physiotherapy students. This volume will help you competently examine and assess patients with a variety of issues. Each region is covered in detail, including muscles, nerves and joints. It offers an up-to-date, person-centred approach, based on clinical reasoning and latest evidence, with numerous learning aids, case studies and illustrations to help you apply theory to practice. Petty's Musculoskeletal Examination and Assessment is edited by leading experts Dionne Ryder and Kieran Barnard, with contributions by highly regarding physiotherapists from across the country, making this set a must-have for all students of physiotherapy. Petty's set follows the patient journey from assessment right through to treatment and managementEach chapter is written by leading physiotherapists in their fieldDesigned for students - logically structured and easy to readCovers each region of the body in detailUpdated evidence and research knowledge that underpins practiceFocus on communication, clinical reasoning and painDrawings and photographs enhance understandingReflective exercises to consolidate learningAncillary resources now include an image bank and a question bank New chapter on the power of communication New case studies for each regional chapter to consolidate learning Addition of learning outcomes and reflective exercises throughout the text

  • af Joseph E. Muscolino
    343,95 - 513,95 kr.

    Offers coverage of musculoskeletal anatomy and helps you develop the working knowledge of muscles you'll need for successful manual therapy practice.

  • af Anne Grethe Jurik
    337,95 kr.

  • af Anne Brigitta Holde
    167,95 kr.

    Hvad sker der efter et mirakelkursus på en græsk ø? Hvordan kan en pakistansk lufthavnsmedarbejder lære en at bede om hjælp, og kan man tale med sin mad? Forfatteren giver sin beretning om at tackle svære livsvilkår, når kroppen bliver udfordret af en uforudsigelig og katastrofal, kronisk sygdom.En sclerosediagnose gav anledning til at tænke livet anderledes og indføre nye rutiner. Hjertets forvandling – tårernes vækkeur tager dig med på en rejse af små fortællinger ud fra et holistisk livssyn. Indre stemmer i kroppen taler og gør sammen med tårerne opmærksom på, at der er ubalance i kroppen. Livet bliver aldrig det samme igen og med en smule humor krydret med hårdt arbejde, kan meget forandre sig.Bogen giver dig inspiration til, hvordan du som et aktivt, nysgerrigt og engageret menneske kan påvirke din egen livskvalitet. Efter år uden balance og kræfter har forfatteren igen fundet cyklen frem.ForfatterenAnne Brigitta Holde er født i 1961. Hun er uddannet socialrådgiver fra Aalborg Universitetscenter (AUC) i 1987. Hun har arbejdet i forskellige kommunale institutioner med udsatte børn og familier og har i mange år arbejdet som familiekonsulent. Hjertets forvandling – tårernes vækkeur er hendes første bog.

  • af Thanthullu Vasu
    215,95 kr.

    Back pain is the single leading cause of disability worldwide; the World Health Organization regards back pain as a condition for which the greatest number of people may benefit from rehabilitation. It is estimated that low back pain alone affects 619 million people globally and this is estimated to rise to 843 million people by 2050. Up to 60% of the adult population will have low back pain at some point in their lifetime; 5-7% of adults over 45 years of age are estimated to have >Healthcare professionals see people with back pain routinely in their clinical practice and so education and awareness of back pain and the various treatment options are vital for an effective outcome in these situations. Research has shown that healthcare professionals have a considerable and enduring influence upon the attitudes and beliefs of people with back pain. This book will help clinicians to positively influence the outcome of people suffering from>This book discusses back pain in great detail and is written in an easy-to-understand style, while keeping an evidence-based approach. Doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, medical students, and other healthcare professionals will find this book informative. People who suffer with back pain will also find the information useful to expand their knowledge in order to successfully >This book is of immense use to candidates preparing for examinations conducted by the Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Royal College of Anaesthetists, UK (FFPMRCA), American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA), Royal College of General Practitioners, UK (MRCGP), College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland (FFPMCAI), American Board of Pain Medicine (ABPM), European Pain Federation (EFIC) (European Diploma in Pain Medicine [EDPM]), Faculty of Pain Medicine of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists (FPM), and the >The authors are both senior consultants in pain medicine practising in the United Kingdom and are consulted by thousands of patients every year. They have lectured at many international, national and regional meetings and are invited lecturers to public and patient groups on various health topics. They have organised workshops, meetings and seminars for the national anaesthetic and pain societies. They have published many articles, research and textbooks on pain medicine. Their aim is to create an awareness of chronic pain conditions among other healthcare professionals and the public.

  • af Gordon Bosworth
    167,95 - 272,95 kr.

  • af Yingxiong Feng
    152,95 kr.

    Traditional Chinese bone-setting is a conventional Chinese medical practice primarily used for treating fractures, dislocations, muscle and ligament injuries. This method combines the holistic concepts of traditional Chinese medicine with unique therapeutic techniques. In this book, the author discusses the Key Principles of Bone-Setting in in the context of traditional Chinese medicine. These are the core principles or essential techniques in traditional bone-setting or orthopedic practices in ancient China. The discussion is mainly based on the clinical practice by Dr. Wu Qian, imperial physician in the Imperial Court of the Qing Dynasty, and the translation of his "Zheng Gu Xin Fa" or Essentials Of Orthopedic Techniques.

  • af Volker Musahl
    960,95 kr.

    In this issue of Clinics in Sports Medicine, guest editors Drs. Volker Musahl and Al Getgood bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Precision ACL Reconstruction. Top experts in the field cover key topics such as the timing of ACL surgery; non-operative ACL injury treatment; avoiding graft failure: lessons learned from the STABILITY trial; the role of osteotomy in ACL reconstruction; revision ACL reconstruction and associated procedures; and more.Contains 15 relevant, practice-oriented topics including comprehensive clinical examination of ACL injury; value-based sustainable ACL surgery; complications in ACL surgery and how to avoid them; evaluation of outcomes after ACL reconstruction; rehabilitation and return to sport after ACL reconstruction; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on precision ACL reconstruction, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    117,95 kr.

    "The Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis Management" is a groundbreaking guide designed to empower individuals and families navigating the complexities of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA). From unraveling the scientific intricacies of JRA to dispelling myths and addressing the global impact, this book provides a comprehensive understanding. It explores the emotional impact, diagnosis process, and the crucial role of rheumatologists in medical management. Innovations in JRA treatment and the significance of regular monitoring and clinical trials are highlighted. The guide delves into the nexus of nutrition and JRA management, emphasizing the anti-inflammatory diet, supplements, and practical meal planning strategies. It addresses the challenges of dietary restrictions and provides insights into navigating social situations. Recognizing the importance of physical activity, the book outlines safe exercise practices, customized regimens, and the role of strength training, aquatic therapy, yoga, and mindfulness in managing pain. Holistic and alternative therapies, including acupuncture, herbal remedies, massage therapy, mind-body techniques, and energy healing, are explored. The guide encourages a holistic approach by integrating complementary therapies with medical treatments. Whether you're a patient, caregiver, or healthcare professional, this book offers a blueprint for mastering life with JRA.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    142,95 kr.

    "The Gout Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Gout Management" is a comprehensive guide designed to empower individuals facing the challenges of gout. From understanding the fundamental science of uric acid to identifying symptoms and risk factors, this book unravels the complexities of gout progression. It dispels common myths, delves into the emotional toll of gout, and explores nutritional strategies, including an in-depth look at an anti-gout diet. Readers will gain insights into medical interventions, from first-line medications to surgical options, and learn how to navigate potential side effects while integrating medication with lifestyle adjustments. Lifestyle topics cover the impact of weight, exercise, sleep, and stress on gout management, emphasizing the importance of personalized plans. The book goes beyond conventional approaches, discussing holistic and alternative therapies, including herbal remedies, supplements, acupuncture, and mind-body techniques. It addresses gout complications, comorbidities, and strategies for managing multiple conditions. With a focus on building support networks and leveraging online communities, the book provides valuable guidance on navigating healthcare systems. Looking towards the future, it explores innovative medications in development, advancements in medical technology, gene therapy, and the role of personalized medicine. This comprehensive guide prepares readers for the evolving landscape of gout care, offering a holistic approach to mastering gout management.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    142,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey of understanding and empowerment with "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide." This comprehensive guide sheds light on the intricate world of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), providing a detailed exploration from its definition to the anatomy of the wrist and early warning signs. Delve into CTS statistics, understanding who is at risk, and the progression of the syndrome, including its daily impact on those living with it.Unravel the misconceptions surrounding CTS and embrace the Biopsychosocial Approach, delving into biological factors, psychological influences, and social and environmental aspects. With case studies highlighting biopsychosocial success stories, gain insights into the challenges of adopting a holistic approach.Navigate ergonomic solutions, exercises, and nutritional strategies for CTS prevention. Learn the role of rest, sleep, and stress management techniques in reducing CTS risks. Adapt hobbies and explore technology for prevention. Understand the diagnostic process, from when to seek medical attention to tests and procedures, providing a foundation for informed decision-making.Explore non-surgical treatment options, from wrist splints and physical therapy to medications and alternative therapies. Delve into surgical solutions, understanding the pros and cons, types of procedures, and postoperative care. Navigate the emotional aspects of diagnosis, cope with CTS through pain management strategies, and adapt to workplace and personal life adjustments.The book unveils the science of healing, encompassing cellular repair, psychological aspects, nutrition, and physical therapy. Discover long-term care and prevention post-recovery, with insights into monitoring progress and adjusting expectations. Whether you are navigating the complexities of CTS or seeking preventive measures, this guide empowers you with knowledge and strategies for a comprehensive approach to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    132,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey of understanding and empowerment with "Avascular Necrosis Demystified: Doctor's Secret Guide." This comprehensive guide takes you deep into the intricacies of avascular necrosis (AVN), unraveling its definition, the anatomical landscape of affliction, and the journey from symptoms to diagnosis. Delve into the causes, risk factors, and the emotional toll that AVN imposes on individuals. Navigating healthcare, the guide dispels myths surrounding AVN and introduces biopsychosocial approaches. Explore the three pillars of health-biological, psychological, and social-and discover strategies for AVN management. From complementary therapies to self-help techniques and lifestyle modifications, the guide provides practical insights for daily life. Understand the role of nutrition, stress management, and the impact of sleep on recovery. Uncover the importance of weight management, a supportive home environment, and the interplay of smoking and alcohol in AVN. Navigate medical interventions, pharmacological treatments, and surgical options, including core decompression and joint replacement. Rehabilitation after treatment and emerging research are explored, offering hope and knowledge. The guide extends beyond the physical, addressing psychological coping strategies, cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and building mental resilience. It sheds light on the power of positive thinking, dealing with depression and anxiety, and the value of peer support. Dietary considerations, anti-inflammatory foods, and supplements for bone health are demystified, providing a holistic approach to AVN management. Whether you're facing AVN or supporting someone on this journey, this guide is an invaluable companion, offering insights, empowerment, and a roadmap to navigate the complexities of avascular necrosis.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    107,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey towards mastery with "The Compartment Syndrome Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Compartment Syndrome Management." This comprehensive guide unveils the intricacies of compartment syndrome, providing a holistic approach to understanding, diagnosis, and effective management. Explore the various types of compartment syndrome, recognize symptoms, and gain insights into causes and risk factors. Debunk myths surrounding this condition and uncover the facts that matter.Delve into the world of surgical interventions and medication for pain management, followed by post-surgery rehabilitation, monitoring, and essential follow-up care. Navigate healthcare systems with confidence and prepare for emergencies with practical insights. Understand the crucial role of physical therapy, stress management techniques, and the potential benefits of herbal remedies and supplements. Embrace the power of mind-body practices and integrative medicine approaches, creating a personalized wellness plan tailored to your unique needs.This guide goes beyond medical interventions, addressing sleep and recovery strategies, daily activity management, and considerations for travel. Explore adaptive clothing, ergonomic practices for home and work, and the importance of cultivating relationships and social support. Whether you're facing compartment syndrome or seeking preventative measures, this book empowers you with knowledge, tools, and a comprehensive blueprint for mastering compartment syndrome and living a fulfilling life.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    162,95 kr.

    "The Osteomyelitis Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Osteomyelitis Management" is a comprehensive guide that empowers readers to navigate the challenges of osteomyelitis with knowledge and confidence. From understanding the anatomy of infection to identifying symptoms, risk factors, and prevention strategies, this book covers every aspect of osteomyelitis. Delve into diagnostic procedures, the role of immune response, and explore medical treatment strategies, including antibiotics, surgery, and emerging therapies. Discover pain management techniques, rehabilitation after treatment, and holistic approaches emphasizing the power of physical activity, stress reduction, and complementary medicine. Tailor your management plan with insights on assessing individual needs, adapting treatments for comorbidities, and integrating medical and holistic approaches. The book addresses the psychological impact of osteomyelitis, offering coping strategies for chronic pain, overcoming stigma, building a support system, and exploring mental health therapy options. Dive into the significance of diet and nutrition, exercise and physical rehabilitation, lifestyle and environmental adjustments, and preventive measures to minimize recurrence and complications. With a focus on community resources, healthcare navigation, and patient advocacy, this guide provides a comprehensive roadmap for individuals facing osteomyelitis.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    162,95 kr.

    "The Osteoporosis Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Osteoporosis Management" is a comprehensive guide designed to empower individuals in navigating the complexities of osteoporosis. Dive into the nature of osteoporosis, exploring risk factors, causes, and the importance of early detection. Gain insights into bone biology, debunk myths surrounding osteoporosis, and discover the nutritional foundations essential for bone health. The book covers a wide array of topics, from exercise and physical activity tailored to bone density to lifestyle adjustments, hormonal health considerations, and fall prevention strategies. Delve into medical treatments, innovations, and alternative therapies, including herbal remedies, yoga, and mindfulness. Mental health and coping strategies are explored, emphasizing the role of family, support groups, and building resilience. Customize your osteoporosis plan with practical advice on goal setting, tracking metrics, and adapting plans for age and gender. Explore recipes for bone health, and glimpse into the future of osteoporosis care with discussions on genetic research, personalized medicine, stem cells, and the potential for a cure. This guide not only imparts knowledge but provides a holistic roadmap for living life to the fullest while managing osteoporosis.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    117,95 kr.

  • af Effie Koliopoulos
    392,95 - 447,95 kr.

  • af Uma Srikumaran
    1.295,95 kr.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    162,95 kr.

    "The Hernia Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Hernia Management" is a comprehensive guide designed to empower individuals facing the challenges of hernias. Beginning with an in-depth exploration of hernia anatomy, types, and causes, the book provides a solid foundation for understanding this common condition. It delves into the often-misunderstood world of hernia diagnosis, offering clarity and guidance for those navigating their healthcare journey.The book's comprehensive approach extends to both medical and holistic treatments, covering surgical options, post-surgical care, and alternative therapies. Readers will discover the power of nutrition, herbal remedies, and mind-body techniques in the healing process. Addressing the complexities of hernia management, the book offers personalized care plans, including assessments, goal setting, and the integration of medical and holistic approaches.Beyond physical aspects, the book recognizes the importance of mental health in recovery, providing insights into stress management, coping strategies, and building emotional resilience. Practical advice on preventing hernia recurrence, lifestyle modifications, and exercise plans tailored for hernia recovery adds a proactive dimension to the reader's toolkit.The book also delves into dietary considerations, with healing foods, nutritional supplements, and hydration playing crucial roles in hernia management. From exercises designed for hernia prevention to navigating emotional well-being and day-to-day living, this guide covers the entire spectrum of living with a hernia.In anticipation of the future, the book explores advancements in surgical techniques, non-invasive treatment options, and the role of technology in hernia care. Patient advocacy and personalized medicine are emphasized as integral components of the evolving landscape of hernia treatment."The Hernia Mastery Bible" is not just a guide; it's a companion for those seeking a comprehensive and empowering approach to hernia management, offering practical strategies for physical, emotional, and holistic well-being.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    162,95 kr.

    "The Arthritis Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint For Complete Arthritis Management" is an empowering and comprehensive guide designed to assist individuals in effectively managing arthritis. From uncovering the fundamentals of arthritis, its impact on daily life, to the intricacies of medical and holistic approaches, this book is a valuable companion on the journey to wellness. Covering arthritis basics, medical treatments, and alternative therapies, the book goes beyond to explore holistic approaches like nutrition, exercise, and stress management. Readers will learn to customize their arthritis management plan, set realistic goals, and incorporate holistic practices into their daily lives. Lifestyle modifications, emotional well-being, and the role of relationships are addressed with sensitivity and practical advice. The book extends its guidance to the workplace, leisure activities, aging, and end-of-life considerations. Focused on a holistic approach, it encourages readers to reflect on their journey, embrace lifelong commitment to arthritis management, and provides a wealth of resources for ongoing support. This mastery bible is not just a guide; it's a comprehensive blueprint for living a fulfilling life with arthritis.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    107,95 kr.

    "The Ankylosing Spondylitis Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint For Complete Ankylosing Spondylitis Management" is an empowering guide for those navigating the complexities of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). From unraveling the definition and pathophysiology to exploring early signs, symptoms, and diagnostic procedures, this book offers a comprehensive understanding. Delving into the impact on the spine, joints, and the often-overlooked psychological and emotional effects, it sheds light on the quality of life implications. Medical management is explored in detail, covering non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), biological therapies, physical therapy, and surgical interventions. What sets this guide apart is its holistic approach, integrating nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep optimization, and mind-body techniques. Readers will learn to create personalized management plans, set realistic goals, build a support network, and develop self-care techniques. The book empowers individuals to adapt to flare-ups, monitor progress, and adjust their management plans. More than just a guide, this mastery bible is a blueprint for living a fulfilling life while mastering the challenges of ankylosing spondylitis.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    107,95 kr.

    "The Fractures Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint for Complete Fractures Management" is a comprehensive guide designed to empower readers with the knowledge and tools necessary for navigating the challenges of fractures and ensuring optimal recovery. Starting with a foundational understanding of fractures, including the anatomy of bones, types of fractures, and the intricacies of the healing process, the book serves as an invaluable resource for anyone dealing with fractures or supporting someone through the healing journey. Delving into both immediate care and medical management, the book covers first aid techniques, diagnostic imaging, casting, splinting, surgical options, pain management, and rehabilitation through physical therapy. Embracing a holistic approach, it explores the role of nutrition, herbal remedies, mindfulness, sleep, yoga, acupuncture, and energy healing in the healing process. Readers are guided in customizing their recovery plan, assessing needs, setting realistic goals, and building a support team that integrates medical and holistic therapies. Practical advice on adapting the home environment and navigating insurance and financial aspects ensures a comprehensive approach to recovery. This book is a must-read for those seeking a blueprint for managing fractures effectively, promoting holistic healing, and achieving a successful recovery.

  • af Joel Stein
    809,95 kr.

    In this issue of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics, guest editors Drs. Joel Stein and Joan Stilling bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Innovations in Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation. Top experts in the field discuss motor rehabilitation therapies which can be delivered across the acute, subacute, and chronic post-stroke stages; the secondary sequalae of stroke associated with impaired functional outcomes, and much more, helping readers understand the complexities of current stroke rehabilitation techniques and delivery of care.Contains 15 relevant, practice-oriented topics including mechanisms of motor recovery post-stroke; rehabilitation level of care determination and transitions in care; post-stroke exercise training: intensity, dosing, and timing of therapy; technological advances in stroke rehabilitation: virtual reality and robotics; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on innovations in stroke recovery and rehabilitation, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Harvey Chim
    890,95 kr.

    In this issue of Hand Clinics, guest editors Drs. Harvey Chim and Kevin Chung bring their considerable expertise to the topic of Advances in Microsurgical Reconstruction in the Upper Extremity. Top experts in the field discuss techniques, outcomes, and new developments such as perforator mapping, thin flaps, and functional muscle transfers, providing surgeons with expert guidance and resources in order to maximize function.Contains 14 relevant, practice-oriented topics including recent advances in upper extremity microsurgery: from traditional to perforator flaps; evolution and application of ultrasound for flap planning in upper extremity reconstruction; functional free muscle transfers for reconstruction of the paralytic limb; functional free muscle transfers for reconstruction of brachial plexus injuries; and more.Provides in-depth clinical reviews on advances in microsurgical reconstruction in the upper extremity, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.

  • af Ankita Kashyap
    132,95 kr.

    Discover empowerment and resilience with "The Fibromyalgia Mastery Bible: Your Blueprint For Complete Fibromyalgia Management." In Chapter 1, delve into the science behind fibromyalgia, recognizing symptoms and understanding its prevalence. Chapter 2 explores medical interventions, from medications to physical therapies. Holistic approaches in Chapter 3 encompass nutrition, sleep hygiene, stress management, and complementary therapies. "Customizable Management Plans" in Chapter 4 guide readers in creating personalized strategies for daily life, tracking progress, and adapting as needed.Navigate the emotional landscape in Chapter 5, addressing stress, anxiety, depression, and fostering resilience. Chapter 6 emphasizes building a supportive network through communication, professional support, and joining groups. "Enhancing Quality of Life" in Chapter 7 offers insights into pursuing meaningful activities, setting goals, and embracing self-care. Chapter 8 provides tools for overcoming challenges and flare-ups, maintaining resilience, and seeking support during difficult times. Empower self-advocacy in Chapter 9, navigating healthcare systems and building a supportive healthcare team.In Chapter 10, explore stories of resilience and triumph, finding purpose, and cultivating a mindset for success. Chapter 11 delves into future research and innovations, advancements, promising treatments, and patient perspectives. The journey concludes in Chapter 12 with a wealth of resources, online support, community forums, and recommended readings. This blueprint is a comprehensive guide for those navigating fibromyalgia, offering not only practical strategies but also inspiration for thriving in the face of challenges.

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