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  • - grundforløb
    af Erling Østergaard
    871,95 kr.

    Tandklinikassistent – Grundforløb 4. udgave er skræddersyet til uddannelsen til tandklinikassistent og er revideret jf. den nyeste bekendtgørelse.Kapitlerne Arbejdsmiljø på klinikken, Ergonomi på klinikken og Mikrobiologi og praktisk klinisk hygiejne er bl.a. blevet suppleret med det relevante indhold fra grundforløbshæfterne Arbejdsmiljø, Hygiejne og Ergonomi. Der er desuden tilføjet to nye kapitler: Sundhedsfremme og forebyggelse samt Kost og oral sundhed. Bagerst i bogen findes en ordliste med fagudtryk og ”vanskelige” ord i alfabetisk rækkefølge. Der findes også en litteraturliste med supplerende litteratur, som er opdelt efter emne.Tandklinikassistent – Grundforløb indeholder:Arbejdsmiljø på klinikken af Erling Østergaard og Bo BentsenCariesbehandling af Jette Nedergaard Jørgensen og Helle HornhaverErgonomi på klinikken af Lea SørensenMundhulen af Jan HejleParodontologi af Connie Lutzke og Eva GisselbækMikrobiologi og praktisk klinisk hygiejne af Lillian Hansen og Erling ØstergaardRadiologisk assistance af Bo Danielsen, Inge-Lise Jensen og Kristine Kjeldmand HansenSundhedsfremme og forebyggelse af Hanne HvidKost og oral sundhed af Mette MøllerFørhen indgik e-læringsprogrammet Tandmorfologi i bogen Tandklinikassistent - grundforløb. Fremover kan adgang til e-læringsprogrammet købes her:æs evt. mere på

  • - The Scandinavian Approach
    af Gunnar Dahlén, Ingar Olsen & Nils-Erik Fiehn
    444,95 - 475,95 kr.

    This textbook is based on the curricula for dental students in the Nordic countries, and the authors teach the subject at three universities in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Although primarily for undergraduates, the book may also appeal to Ph.D. students and general practitioners. In addition, dental assistants and trainees may find it a useful source of reference. The contents are based on general microbiology and immunology. Oral microbiology is given particular attention, with examples relevant to oral infectious diseases.Each chapter opens with a relatively short pre-reading section, followed by a fact box containing most of the relevant basic definitions concerning the particular chapter. The body of the text is supplemented with more fact boxes and the essentials of each section are summarised in main points. It is the authors’ intention that each chapter should be read as a self contained unit. This has resulted in deliberate repetition and cross-reference within and between chapters.Bogen er en fælles nordisk lærebog i mikrobiologi og immunologi for tandlægestuderende, og teksten er sammensat så bogen passer til undervisningen i både Norge, Danmark og Sverige. Indholdet er fokuseret på en grundig gennemgang af oral mikrobiologi baseret på basal mikrobiologi og relevant medicinsk mikrobiologi. Odontologisk relevant immunologi gennemgås i et samlet kapitel. Der er arbejdet grundigt med tekstens pædagogik og tilgængelighed med en ensartet kapitelopbygning ud fra principper om mange overskrifter, korte afsnit, mange tabeller og oversigtsskemaer samt afsnitsnøglepunkter og kapitelresumeer. Bogen er skrevet på engelsk af forfattere fra alle tre lande.

  • af Randi Abrahamsen
    237,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Den første og eneste grundbog om hypnoterapi i tandplejen, baseret på forfatterens egen omfattende forskning og praksis, foruden gennemgangen af den internationale forskning. Bogen fortæller om hypnoterapiens brugbarhed i stedet for bedøvelse i den almindelige tandlægepraksis, også tandudtrækninger og operationer. Også kroniske smerter kan afhjælpes med hypnoterapi. Et andet stort felt er behandlingen af tandlægeangst hos voksne, som får mange patienter til at opgive at gå til tandlæge, og som derfor mister eller ødelægger deres tænder varigt. Endelig omhandler bogen også børns tandlægeskræk. Bogen indeholder en lang række cases og omhyggelige manuskripter til diverse behandlinger med selvterapi, så den enkelte tandlæge kan umiddelbart gå i gang emd hypnoterapien ved hjælp af bogen.

  • - Glade tænder giver glade børn
    af Carina Løvstad
    169,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Gør tandbørstningen til en leg! Små bisser indeholder alt, hvad der er værd at vide om tandpleje for børnefamilier. Grundig mund- og tandpleje på dit barn er en investering i dit barns trivsel og sundhed. Samtidig er det en økonomisk investering, da det mindsker risikoen for dyre udgifter til tandbehandling i voksenlivet. Små bisser er en bog til forældre om mund- og tandpleje til børn, små som store, baseret på forfatterens professionelle og personlige erfaringer, samt spørgsmål forfatteren har fået stillet igennem årene. Mange forældre er fx i tvivl om, hvornår mund- og tandpleje skal sættes i gang, og hvad de skal gøre, hvis barnet græder eller ikke vil børste tænder. Bogen er delt op i tre dele. Første del indeholder bl.a. viden om tandfrembrud, hvordan man kan komme i mål med tandbørstningen uden gråd samt valg af tandplejeprodukter. Anden del fokuserer på selve tandbørstningen og teknikker, der kan gøre tandbørstning til en god oplevelse for alle parter. I sidste del af bogen beskrives, hvordan tænderne kan bevares sunde hele livet, samt hvilke typiske mund- og tandproblemer der kan opstå, og hvordan de behandles. Denne nye udgave af bogen er gennemgribende revideret med en helt ny opbygning, nye kapitler og nyt layout. Den kan med fordel læses fra start til slut, men også anvendes som opslagsværk.

  • af Richard Van Noort & Michele Barbour
    592,95 kr.

  • af Stephen J Challacombe
    676,95 kr.

    The new edition of this award-winning book offers a systemised and objective approach to clinical diagnosis and contemporary non-surgical management of the most common disorders seen in oral medicine. It places a strong emphasis on practical issues such as history taking, examination and differential diagnosis, when clinical investigations are indicated, and how to identify and describe oral lesions. Fully updated with six new chapters and new photographs and artworks, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine 4e presents a straightforward, accessible but practical guide to the successful diagnosis and treatment of the most common and potentially serious disorders seen in oral medicine clinical practice. Maintaining a strong patient-centred approach throughout, the book also explores relevant systemic disorders and includes an updated but shortened recommended reading list. This clearly written book places a strong emphasis on practical issues and is beautifully illustrated with liberal use of tables, algorithms and clinical photographs. Senior dental students, dental practitioners and trainees and practitioners in oral medicine, surgery and pathology in particular, will find this book to be both an excellent source of reference and a thoroughly practical guide for clinical diagnosis and contemporary non-surgical management of conditions affecting the oral and maxillofacial region. The expert authors have completely revised and updated the content, making this an excellent reference source as well as a thoroughly practical guide. Clearly written and easy to follow Beautiful illustrations with a wealth of anatomical artwork and clinical photographs to support learning Treatment algorithms, tables, 'pull out' boxes and sample 'patient information sheets' provide practical guidance User-friendly format allows ease of access to information Shows the reader how to interpret the findings of routine clinical investigations and understand the potential implications for the patient Identifies relevant follow-up questions that may further clarify the findings of the clinical examination and refocus the history Shows the reader how to identify lesions and understand their potential implications for the patient Explains how to advise the patient about the nature of oral lesions and their predisposing factors Identifies a range of therapeutic options and new emerging therapies Completely restructured with grouping of disorders into 7 sections Completely revised and updated with additional text and illustrations and revised recommended reading sections. Six brand new chapters Expanded sections on clinical features and management, including emerging therapies, as well as additional information on drug interactions and contraindications Enhanced eBook version is included with purchase of the print edition

  • af Stephen P. Broderson DDS
    147,95 kr.

    A concise and informative book introducing a simple and unique cranial release technique that can be used to relieve head and neck pain, and to prevent cranial strains from developing after long dental appointments and especially after difficult oral surgery. This technique has been developed and utilized over the past forty five years and will also facilitate tooth and bone movement using removable light-wire orthodontic orthopedic appliances.Written by the acclaimed Dr. Stephen P Broderson, DDS, the book is aimed primarily at dentists, but will also be highly useful for other whole body practitioners to learn this technique of cranial manipulation for patients with pain and dysfunction, for orthodontic and orthopedic patients, and for post-treatment after oral surgery and any long appointments.

  • - et kompendium
    af Romario Jalal Gorgis & Christiane Elisabeth Sørensen
    197,95 kr.

    Oral biokemi – et kompendium giver grundlæggende indsigt i de biokemiske processer, der er relevante for udvikling af tandsygdommen dental caries. Tandemaljens fysisk-kemiske egenskaber og ultrastrukturelle opbygning beskrives, og mekanismerne bag pellikel- og dental biofilmdannelse gennemgås. Effekten af organiske syrer på emaljens mineral samt begrebet kritisk pH forklares, ligesom spyttets og fluorids funktioner i relation til beskyttelse mod udvikling af dental caries beskrives. Bogens primære målgruppe er tandlægestuderende ved de danske universiteter, hvor den er målrettet faget Oral biokemi. Bogen kan også med fordel anvendes af landets tandplejestuderende og andre sundhedsfaglige personer.

  • - The Scandinavian Approach
    af Asbjørn Jokstad, Bo Sundh, Einar Berg, mfl.
    453,95 - 502,95 kr.

    The aim of this book is to present the Scandinavian treatment philosophy of re­movable prosthodontics in which biology and function have priority over the more technical approach favoured by others. The Scandinavian treatment philosophy is largely based on periodontal and clini­cal prosthodontic research, which has demonstrated that the critical factor in tooth and abutment survival is estab­lishing and maintaining good periodon­tal health by plaque control, not by trying to reduce or distribute widely mechanical loading. Textbook of Removable Prosthodontics covers the need for dental students to ac­quire adequate knowledge and clinical skills within this field.Bogen er en unik og samlet præsentation af alle aspekter af emnet aftagelig protetik inklusive den tandtekniske del. En sådan komplet gennemgang af emnet har været savnet og meget efterspurgt i Skandinavien. Bogen kan betragtes som en bred grundbog, der kan benyttes både i selve tandlægeuddannelsen og på forskellige efteruddannelseskurser. Fagets traditioner og praksis ligger meget tæt på hinanden i hhv. Sverige, Danmark og Norge, og bogen er skrevet på engelsk af forfattere fra alle 3 lande.

  • af Adriana Neves Rigobello
    288,95 kr.

    The mandibular canal (MC) can present anatomical variations that are important to know when planning mandibular surgery. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is a current imaging exam with a high level of precision and detail. The importance of this work lies in informing and encouraging dental surgeons to seek knowledge of the anatomy and the precise diagnosis of its alterations, using three-dimensional CBCT images to facilitate the planning, diagnosis and resolution of clinical cases, providing greater comfort for the patient and minimizing the possibility of errors and complications.

  • af Hrishita Majumder
    643,95 kr.

    Forensic odontology is one the mainstay procedures for identification purposes. This book focuses on the historical aspect of forensic odontology and recent advances in techniques for identification. This book deeply delves into the role that radiographs, restorative materials and root canal filling materials can play in forensic investigations for victim identification and the technology and softwares available for the same.

  • af Ahmed Ghaith Ahmed
    626,95 kr.

    La résine de base pour prothèses dentaires en polyméthacrylate de méthyle (PMMA) est le matériau le plus couramment utilisé pour la fabrication de prothèses amovibles. Ce matériau n'est pas idéal à tous égards et c'est une combinaison de vertus plutôt qu'une seule propriété souhaitable qui explique sa popularité et son utilisation ; il est loin d'être idéal pour répondre aux exigences mécaniques de la prothèse, même s'il satisfait aux exigences esthétiques. Le principal problème associé au PMMA en tant que matériau de base pour les prothèses dentaires est sa résistance réduite, principalement en cas de rupture par fatigue à l'intérieur de la bouche causée par la force de morsure occlusale et en cas de rupture par impact à l'extérieur de la bouche lors de la chute des prothèses dentaires.

  • af Rudyard Dos Santos Oliveira
    288,95 kr.

    This book shows the prevalence of impacted third molars and the classification of their position by analyzing panoramic radiographs of patients aged between 18 and 28 years. The eruption of permanent teeth is part of a complex series of events through which a tooth germ develops and the tooth erupts into its functional position in the arch. In this process, there are numerous possible occurrences that interfere with tooth eruption, leading to inclusion. Preoperative radiographic assessment of third molars is essential for correct diagnosis, the use of follow-up therapies for associated neoplasms and appropriate surgical planning. Many of the factors that influence the decision to extract these teeth are revealed in this evaluation. It shows a higher prevalence of inclusion in the lower third molars and a slight presence of anodontia related to them. This book is aimed at dental students and professionals interested in oral surgery and the use of complementary radiographic examinations for diagnosis. Happy reading!

  • af Sruthi Sunil
    564,95 kr.

    Ce livre fournit des informations complètes sur les avancées récentes en matière de détection et de traitement des caries. Les caries dentaires et les maladies parodontales sont des problèmes de santé publique majeurs qui touchent tous les pays du monde. Au cours des dernières décennies, des changements ont été observés non seulement dans l'incidence des caries dentaires, mais aussi dans la distribution et le profil de la maladie au sein de la population. Ces changements ont conduit au diagnostic et à la prise en charge des lésions précoces, à la prédiction du risque de caries et à la mise en place de programmes efficaces de prévention et de prise en charge de la maladie.

  • af Shweta Bhayade
    606,95 kr.

    As a diagnostic medium, oral fluid had been neglected until recently. Oral fluid is now being systematically researched and the results of its analysis are being compared with other diagnostic media such as blood and urine. Saliva is being accepted as an excellent diagnostic medium and an indispensable tool in the field of diagnostics. We should look forward to the day when science will confirm the clinical applications of saliva for detection of dental caries and systemic diseases and to the time when dentists and organized dentistry will embrace salivary diagnostics and integrate it into clinical practice, thus advancing dentistry into primary health care.

  • af Harshada Shirsath
    469,95 kr.

    The complexity of human behaviour has led to changes in the management of child patients over the past thirty years. Dental professionals can adjust behaviour management and child development with the use of multidisciplinary research that combines psychology and dentistry. This allows practitioners to establish an atmosphere that promotes care acceptance and improves the caliber and productivity of their job. This book tries to cover all the theories related to child psychology and it's application in dental practice.

  • af Akriti Chauhan
    606,95 kr.

    The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recognizes that providing both primary and comprehensive preventive and therapeutic oral health care to individuals with special health care needs is an integral part of the specialty of pediatric dentistry. In the craniofacial team the pedodontist may need to assume an important coordinating role. The timing and integration of phases of general dental, minor oral surgical, orthodontic, periodontic and prosthetic treatment with plastic, ENT and maxillofacial surgery, speech therapy and audiology often become his/her responsibility. In addition, the provision of a high standard of preventive and general dental care for the cleft patient must be maintained. To carry out this coordinating role effectively, the pediatric dentist must know the patient and his/her family well; he must be aware of the current concepts, objectives, treatment and investigatory techniques used in all aspects of cleft palate management; and should be aware of the genetics of the clefting conditions, medical problems which may commonly be associated with clefts.

  • af Cristinne Andrade Melo
    237,95 kr.

    Radiopacity is a mandatory property for all dental materials. This characteristic allows the material to be distinguished from dental surfaces by radiography. Portland cement (PC) has similar physicochemical and biological properties to mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), except for the radiopacifier particle. The radiopacity of MTA, PC and PC with the addition of radiopacifiers: iodoform, lead oxide, zirconium oxide, bismuth subnitrate, barium sulphate and bismuth oxide in proportions of 15%, 20% and 30% was analyzed.

  • af Prawin Pawar
    676,95 kr.

    Krutqschij moment - äto wraschatel'naq sila, prikladywaemaq k zubu w processe ortodonticheskogo lecheniq. Jeto kriticheskij aspekt peremescheniq i wyrawniwaniq zubow. Krutqschij moment ispol'zuetsq dlq kontrolq naklona ili ugla naklona zuba w zubnoj duge. Prawil'nyj krutqschij moment neobhodim dlq dostizheniq optimal'noj okklüzii i garmonichnoj ulybki.Plany ortodonticheskogo lecheniq ochen' indiwidualizirowany, i uchet krutqschego momenta igraet wazhnuü rol' w dostizhenii zhelaemyh rezul'tatow. Dostizheniq w oblasti ortodonticheskih tehnologij i issledowanij prodolzhaüt sowershenstwowat' ponimanie i primenenie krutqschego momenta w ortodonticheskoj praktike.

  • af Praveen Pawar
    676,95 kr.

    Le couple désigne la force de rotation appliquée à une dent au cours d'un traitement orthodontique. Il s'agit d'un aspect essentiel du mouvement et de l'alignement des dents. Le couple est utilisé pour contrôler l'inclinaison ou l'angulation d'une dent dans l'arcade dentaire. Un couple correct est essentiel pour obtenir une occlusion optimale et un sourire harmonieux.Les plans de traitement orthodontique sont très personnalisés et les considérations de couple jouent un rôle important dans l'obtention des résultats souhaités. Les progrès de la technologie et de la recherche en orthodontie continuent d'affiner la compréhension et l'application du couple dans la pratique orthodontique.

  • af M K Sunil
    489,95 kr.

    La parola laser evoca nella mente molti aspetti della vita "moderna". Le parole "potente", "preciso" e "innovativo" completano la nostra concezione del mondo in termini di tecnologia, mentre i pazienti spesso associano le parole "magico" e "fulmineo" all'uso del laser nella pratica medica. Lo scopo di questa serie di articoli è quello di esplorare la storia e lo sviluppo dei laser, l'integrazione dei laser nell'odontoiatria clinica e le salvaguardie relative al loro uso regolamentato.

  • af Atulya Verma
    489,95 kr.

    Bei faserverstärkten Materialien handelt es sich um eine Gruppe nichtmetallischer Biomaterialien, die sich durch gute mechanische Eigenschaften wie hohe Ermüdungsfestigkeit und Bruchzähigkeit auszeichnen und in verschiedenen zahnmedizinischen Anwendungen immer beliebter werden. Die am häufigsten verwendeten Anwendungen von faserverstärkten Kompositen (FRC) sind herausnehmbarer Zahnersatz, minimalinvasiver festsitzender Zahnersatz, Parodontalschienen, Wurzelkanalstifte und kieferorthopädische Retainer. Das Buch behandelt ausführlich die Anwendungen von FRCs in der Endodontie, einschließlich Wurzelkanalstiften, Verstärkung von restaurativen Kompositen in Restaurationen und Stumpfaufbauten sowie Schienung von Zähnen bei Zahntrauma.Mit der Einführung neuer Technologien, Nanofüller, Harzmatrizen, Fasern, Haftprotokolle und Anwendungstechniken müssen die Konstruktionsprinzipien von FRC-Vorrichtungen besser verstanden werden, was neue Forschungsfelder sowohl in der Präklinik als auch in der Klinik eröffnet.

  • af Paula Vanessa Da Silva
    288,95 kr.

    Photodynamic Therapy, also known as PDT, has emerged as a promising antimicrobial therapy. Enterococcus faecalis has been the most prevalent species in cases of endodontic failure. Safe and effective photosensitisers have been studied by many researchers for the photoinactivation of microorganisms. Tannins, from the French tannin, are phenolic compounds, natural colouring agents that are among the major active constituents derived from plants, justifying the traditional use of plants as anti-inflammatory and healing agents. We therefore tested tannin as a photosensitiser associated with photodynamic therapy as an adjunct to endodontic therapy.

  • af Bindiya Narang
    564,95 kr.

    Ce livre est une revue complète de la fibrose de la sous-muqueuse buccale, avec un accent particulier sur les perspectives d'avenir et l'étiopathogénie. Chaque chapitre a été soigneusement revu et compilé pour faciliter la tâche des lecteurs. Il apporte des connaissances sur les perspectives d'avenir de la fibrose sous-muqueuse buccale en ce qui concerne l'aspect du traitement. Ce livre aidera les étudiants de troisième cycle en médecine dentaire dans leurs recherches sur la fibrose sous-muqueuse buccale. Le développement des connaissances est toujours le bienvenu, et le ciel est la limite.

  • af Paula Vanessa Da Silva
    414,95 kr.

    La thérapie photodynamique, également connue sous le nom de PDT, est apparue comme une thérapie antimicrobienne prometteuse. Enterococcus faecalis est l'espèce la plus répandue dans les cas d'échec endodontique. De nombreux chercheurs ont étudié des photosensibilisateurs sûrs et efficaces pour la photo-inactivation des micro-organismes. Les tanins, du français tannin, sont des composés phénoliques, des colorants naturels qui font partie des principaux constituants actifs dérivés des plantes, justifiant l'utilisation traditionnelle des plantes comme agents anti-inflammatoires et cicatrisants. Nous avons donc testé le tanin comme photosensibilisateur associé à la thérapie photodynamique comme adjuvant à la thérapie endodontique.

  • af Ilham Ben Yelles-Benmansour
    346,95 kr.

    Enamel anomalies affect the structure of dental tissues. Whether genetically conditioned or acquired, they remain rare diseases. These enamel anomalies exist as isolated entities, or are associated with the clinical picture as part of syndromes; these affections are correlated with the stage of development and biological processes underlying odontogenesis since the embryological origin of dental cells, Amelogenesis imperfecta is a rare hereditary genetic pathology, generally affecting the enamel of both temporary and permanent dentitions, . It affects the structure of the enamel, and these alterations may be either limited to the teeth, and thus called non-syndromic, or associated with anomalies of other systems, and thus called syndromic. Tooth shape and volume are affected, characterized by brittle enamel and normal dentine structure. Today, due to its highly heterogeneous nature (extremely variable macroscopic appearance), this pathology poses many diagnostic and management problems for many practitioners.

  • af Ilham Ben Yelles-Benmansour
    489,95 kr.

    Le anomalie dello smalto riguardano la struttura dei tessuti dentali e, sia che siano geneticamente condizionate o acquisite, rimangono malattie rare. Queste anomalie dello smalto esistono isolatamente come entità specifiche o sono associate al quadro clinico come parte di sindromi; questi disturbi sono correlati allo stadio di sviluppo e ai processi biologici alla base dell'odontogenesi, poiché l'origine embriologica delle cellule dentali, L'amelogenesi imperfetta è una rara patologia genetica ereditaria, che generalmente colpisce lo smalto dei denti temporanei e permanenti. Le alterazioni possono essere limitate ai denti e quindi definite non sindromiche, oppure associate ad anomalie in altri apparati e quindi definite sindromiche. La forma e il volume dei denti sono alterati e sono caratterizzati dalla fragilità dello smalto, mentre la dentina ha una struttura normale. Attualmente, a causa della sua grande eterogeneità (aspetto macroscopico estremamente variabile), questa patologia pone molti problemi diagnostici e gestionali per molti professionisti.

  • af Vitasta Game
    676,95 kr.

    Zahnbehandlungsangst und -phobie können sich negativ auf die Lebensqualität von Kindern auswirken. Daher ist es unbedingt erforderlich, diese erheblichen Hindernisse zu erkennen und zu beseitigen, um den Weg für eine bessere Mundgesundheit und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden des Einzelnen zu ebnen. Es ist die Pflicht und Verantwortung des Zahnarztes, auch diesen Patienten mit besonderen Bedürfnissen eine hervorragende zahnärztliche Versorgung zukommen zu lassen. Der Umgang mit diesen Patienten sollte integraler Bestandteil der klinischen Praxis sein, da ein erheblicher Teil der Bevölkerung unter Angst und Furcht leidet. Die Therapie sollte nach einer angemessenen Bewertung auf jeden einzelnen Patienten zugeschnitten sein und auf der Erfahrung des Zahnarztes, seinem Fachwissen, dem Grad der Angst, dem Intellekt des Patienten, seinem Alter, seiner Kooperation und der klinischen Situation basieren. Der Zahnarzt sollte mit dem Patienten kommunizieren und die Quelle seiner Angst und Befürchtungen ermitteln, wobei er ergänzend Angst- und Furchtskalen zur Selbsteinschätzung verwenden sollte, um eine Einstufung in leichte, mittlere oder extreme Angst oder Dentalphobie zu ermöglichen. Vielfältige psychologische Therapien werden eingesetzt, um die emotionalen, kognitiven, verhaltensbezogenen und physiologischen Dimensionen der Zahnarztangst und -furcht zu mildern.

  • af Paulo Henrique de Souza Castro
    288,95 kr.

    Oral cancer is the fifth most common type of malignant neoplasm worldwide. The best-known risk factors for the development of this lesion are tobacco, alcoholism, papillomavirus infections and, more recently, the use of pesticides, substances considered carcinogenic to human health. In the study presented in this book, we evaluated the occurrence of 132 cases of squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth in a public laboratory in the state of Mato Grosso using georeferencing from 2005 to 2011, profiling the cases according to gender, age and year of diagnosis. The cases evaluated came from 49 municipalities, with the most significant originating in Cuiabá, Várzea Grande and Rondonópolis. It was possible to conclude that the data evaluated did not allow us to find a cause and effect relationship between squamous cell carcinoma of the mouth and pesticide use.

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