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Kolonialisme og imperialisme

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  • af Rosa Luxemburg
    77,95 kr.

    Den tyske socialist Rosa Luxemburg nyder stigende anerkendelse. Hendes samlede værker er nu næsten færdige i en tysk udgave og en engelsk udgave er på vej, langsomt. Der er tale om et stort materiale – hun skrev på tysk uafbrudt i 20 år. På dansk findes hendes hovedværker: Kapitalens akkumulation, Socialreform eller revolution, Massestrejke, parti og fagforeninger og Den russiske revolution. Men næsten ingen af hendes artikler.Det udvalg, vi her bringer, stammer fra tiden omkring 1. Verdenskrig, hvor kampen mod imperialismen og krigen stod i centrum. Altså analyse af imperialismen og forslag til arbejderklassens kamp, herunder kvindekamp. Men centralt står de fem artikler om krigen, dens oprindelse og kampen mod militarisme og ufred. Tilsammen giver de et godt billede af, hvordan hun sammen med Karl Liebknecht formulerede den tyske venstrefløjs holdning til krig.Bogen har et forord af Peter Hudis om Luxemburgs to sider: Luxemburgs holdning til den antiimperialistiske og den demokratiske kamp. Den afsluttes af Judy Cox, der detaljeret går ind på Luxemburgs imperialismeopfattelse.Luxemburgs essays udsendes på dansk til minde om 100-året for hendes død den 15. januar 1918 ved fascistiske morderbander.

  • af Jamaica Kincaid
    197,95 kr.

    Den caribiske teenagepige Lucy kommer til New York for at arbejde som au pair hjemme hos Lewis og Mariah og deres fire børn. Parret lever på over- fladen et velsignet liv, de er smukke, rige og fremstår glade. Men alligevel fornemmer Lucy fra starten revner i facaden. Med en blanding af vrede og medfølelse gransker Lucy fejlslutnin- ger og sandheder i sine arbejdsgiveres tilværelse og sammenligner dem med virkeligheden hvor hun kommer fra. Lucy har ingen illusioner om sin fortid, men er heller ikke indstillet på at blive ført bag lyset af den amerikanske drøm. Selv bærer Lucy på en fortælling om opbrud fra hjemmet og et stærkt ønske om at skabe sin egen skæbne – en fortælling som ingen andre end hun selv kender til. Lucy er en af Kincaids mest læste romaner, et stærkt og originalt portræt af en ung kvinde som opdager og opfinder sig selv.Lucy er smukt oversat af Camilla Christensen og udkom første gang på dansk i 1993.

  • af George Orwell
    117,95 kr.

    'Shooting an Elephant' is Orwell's searing and painfully honest account of his experience as a police officer in imperial Burma; killing an escaped elephant in front of a crowd 'solely to avoid looking a fool'. The other masterly essays in this collection include classics such as 'My Country Right or Left', 'How the Poor Die' and 'Such, Such were the Joys', his memoir of the horrors of public school, as well as discussions of Shakespeare, sleeping rough, boys' weeklies and a spirited defence of English cooking. Opinionated, uncompromising, provocative and hugely entertaining, all show Orwell's unique ability to get to the heart of any subject.

  • af Birgit Thiim Stricker
    247,95 kr.

    En almindelig kvindes ualmindelige liv. - Den 9-årige pige Frederiche Johanne bor med sin mor, moster og en storebror på Kronborg slot. På slottet bor også kommandanten, hans hustru og hans voksne børn. De bor alle i samme fløj, kaldet Nordre Længe. Fortællingen begynder omkring det for Danmark så skæbnesvangre år 1801, hvor englænderne angriber København ved Slaget på Reden. Så følger Københavns bombardement i 1807, tabet af flåden og Napoleons hær af spaniolere i Danmark, dernæst 1813 statsbankerot og 1814 fredsslutning i Kiel, hvor Danmark mister Norge. Meget af dette, men også en opblomstring af kulturlivet i Danmark, bliver den unge pige vidne til gennem sin mor, som er meget tæt knyttet til kommandanten. Herefter følger anden del af hendes liv, idet hun efter at være blevet gift med en nær slægtning rejser med ham og deres førstefødte til den danske koloni Trankebar. Her bliver hun indført i en vældig stor familiekreds. I den nye tilværelse møder Frederiche Johannes spændende og fremmedartede oplevelser.

  • af Palle Lauring
    347,95 kr.

    Palle Lauring fortæller den spændende historie om de Dansk Vestindiske Øer, hvordan de blev opdaget og koloniseret, om det mørke kapitel i danmarkshistorien, hvor vi slavebandt de indfødte, om hvordan vi i sidste ende måtte give afkald på øerne, og ikke mindst om øernes historie før koloniseringen.idden /title /head body center h1 403 Forbidden /h1 /center /body /htmlPalle Lauring (1909-1996) var en dansk forfatter og historieformidler, der skrev dusinvis af bøger om dansk og europæisk historie. Palle Lauring er blevet tildelt adskillige legater og hædret med prestigiøse priser. I 1960 modtog han De Gyldne Laurbær for Historiske portrætter.

  • af David Harvey
    106,95 kr.

    Bogen er et røntgenbillede af kapitalen. Harvey dissekerer kapitalens indre for at afdække, hvordan den virker. Han viser i velskrevne essays, hvordan kapitalens modsætninger på mange områder fører fra krise til krise. Vi skal dog ikke tro, at kapitalismen bryder sammen af sig selv. Kapitalen kan fortsat finde veje til at overleve en tid men: ”det afgørende er ikke, om kapitalen kan overleve sine modsætninger, men at omkostningerne, ved at den gør det, bliver uacceptable for det store flertal.” Derfor skitserer han også principper for, hvilke ændringer i samfundet der er nødvendige.Harvey siger om sine to mål med bogen: ”Det første er at definere, hvad anti-kapitalisme kan indebære ... Selvom mange påstår, at de har en anti-kapitalistisk position, er det slet ikke klart, hvad de måske eller måske ikke mener med det. Det andet er at give rationelle grunde til at blive anti-kapitalistisk i lyset af den nuværende tingenes tilstand. ”

  • af Amilcar Cabral
    104,95 - 185,95 kr.

  • af Stanley Mwangi Wanjiru
    471,95 - 1.464,95 kr.

  • - Governance, Surveillance and Political Culture in British Hong Kong, C. 1966-97
    af Florence Mok
    273,95 - 971,95 kr.

    This book fills the long-standing void in the existing scholarship by constructing an empirical study of colonial governance and political culture in Hong Kong from 1966 to 1997.Using under-exploited archival and unofficial data in London and Hong Kong, it overcomes the limitations in the existing literature which has been written mainly by political scientists and sociologists, and has been primarily theoretically driven. It addresses a highly contested and timely agenda, one in which colonial historians have made major interventions: the nature of colonial governance and autonomy of the colonial polity. This book focusing on colonialism and the Chinese society in Hong Kong in a pivotal period will generate meaningful discussions and heated debates on comparisons between 'colonialism' in different space and time: between Hong Kong and other former British colonies; and between colonial and post-colonial Hong Kong.

  • af Steven Evans
    418,95 kr.

    Critical Geography examines the power structures, inequality, and the dominant ideologies that shape physical space. By critically analyzing these forces, the publication stimulates conversations about social justice, environmental sustainability, and transformative change. The artistic practices featured in the book shed light on systemic oppression, violence, and pressing environmental issues, and encompass a wide range of image-based practices that make inequality visible in both colonial and postcolonial contexts, including mapping, social media, and technology. FOTOFEST is a Houston-based contemporary arts organization co-founded by photojournalists Frederick Baldwin and Wendy Watriss. The use of photography or related media to examine social, cultural, and political histories as well as contemporary life is central to FotoFest's mission. In addition to year-round programming, FotoFest organizes a city-wide biennial project that includes large-scale central exhibitions, curated lectures, performances, a symposium, and a film program.

  • af Einar Ourlove
    97,95 kr.

    A Peaceful Version for the Future of People on Earth. People of Earth Living in Harmony Together!Embark on an extraordinary journey with "PEOPLEIZE," a groundbreaking manifesto that serves as the prelude to a transformative concept envisioning a future where collaboration eclipses competition, and empathy reigns supreme. This series challenges the conventional societal order, advocating for a governance model where the reins of power are not clutched by a privileged few but distributed among the populace. Within this paradigm, justice transcends its traditional form, with courtrooms presided over not by judges but by randomly chosen citizen juries, and punitive measures evolving into rehabilitative counseling and therapy. The economic landscape undergoes a seismic shift with the audacious proposal of equal salaries for every individual globally, dismantling historical economic disparities and challenging the exploitative mindset that has plagued societies for centuries.More than a mere book, "PEOPLEIZE" is a call to action, urging readers to question the status quo and actively contribute to a vision of a harmonious and inclusive world. Recognizing that our only natural enemy on Earth is ourselves, "PEOPLEIZE" emphatically advocates for humanity to unite, urging us to cease working against each other and, instead, collaborate due to the limited resources of our Earth. This prologue lays the groundwork for upcoming volumes that will delve into the intricate details of how each facet should work, presenting a comprehensive exploration of a future where humanity thrives in unity. Join the movement, immerse yourself in "PEOPLEIZE," and become part of the narrative that dares to dream of a world where people, not power, dictate our collective destiny. It's time to shape a future where every voice resonates, every contribution is valued, and humanity thrives in a harmonious and sustainable unity. PEOPLEIZE - because it's time to reshape our world for the better.

  • af Einar Ourlove
    91,95 kr.

    In "Decolonizing Agriculture," we embark on a profound exploration of the interconnectedness between humanity's fundamental needs and the pervasive disparities perpetuated by colonial legacies. Delving into the quintessential requisites for human survival, water, food, shelter, clothing, and healthcare-the narrative navigates through the intricate fabric of global inequalities, particularly within the realm of agricultural development. A compelling analogy likening life's journey to a 400-meter race unfurls, vividly illustrating the inherent injustices ingrained in societal structures. Just as runners are positioned at various starting points around the track, our lives unfold with stark differences in privileges and opportunities. The metaphor serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring impacts of familial inheritance, birthplace, and socio-economic status on individuals' trajectories.Central to the discourse is the revolutionary concept of PEOPLEIZE, a call to dismantle the hegemony of colonial constructs that dictate the trajectory of human lives. With a meticulous examination of the monetary systems engineered by colonial powers, the narrative lays bare the insidious mechanisms that perpetuate inequality and disenfranchisement. Highlighting the genesis of nations forged through European exploration and colonization, the narrative confronts the brutal legacies of dispossession and exploitation endured by indigenous populations. From the shores of South Africa to the hinterlands of Tanzania, from the urban landscapes of Germany to the verdant fields of Thailand, the book traverses diverse terrains to illuminate the multifaceted dimensions of agricultural sustainability and indigenous empowerment.As we confront the specter of colonial inheritance and chart a course toward equitable futures, "Decolonizing Agriculture" emerges as a manifesto for transformative change. It beckons readers to reimagine agricultural paradigms rooted in justice, sustainability, and community empowerment, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring quest for liberation.

  • af Phoebe Boswell
    214,95 kr.

    Five Alchemists. One book. A constellation of ideas.The second annual Alchemy Lecture was presented in November 2023 at York University to a sold out in-person audience and nearly one thousand live online viewers. Moderated by Dr. Christina Sharpe, the Alchemists—agile thinkers and practitioners working across a range of disciplines and geographies—convened to discuss their radical visions of the beautiful world, and the manifestos that may help to guide us there. Their treatises have been captured and luminously expanded in the pages of this book.Cherokee Nation citizen and professor Joseph M. Pierce asserts that “[f]or this decolonial future to become possible, the guiding force must no longer be capital but relations.” Informed by her practice of “curation as care,” Brazilian film curator Janaína Oliveira evokes music and movement as a means toward this relationality: “it's almost by falling that you live. . . . The beautiful world dances the stumbles. The beautiful world dances dancing.” Kenyan-British visual artist Phoebe Boswell uses the space of a virtual gallery to ask, “If we burn down the institution, what happens next? Do we trust ourselves to know?” and gestures toward the possibility of this “as yet unlived, unexperienced thing.” Professor and MacArthur fellow Saidiya Hartman asks us to consider our capacity to burn, stating that “[P]ragmatism yields a profound tolerance of the unlivable.” And Mexican-American author Cristina Rivera Garza gives us the language of the future in the subjunctive, which “lays the groundwork for the irruption. . . . The subjunctive is the smuggler who crosses the border of the future bearing unknown cargo.”Each Alchemist is intimately concerned with the shape of this cargo and our ability to bear its weight, together. Through these expansive, transformative essays, new ways of being are threaded and proposed, illuminating our path towards this possible beautiful world.

  • af Susan E Hamen
    107,95 kr.

    Explores the Indian Removal Act and its effects. Authoritative text, colorful illustrations, illuminating sidebars, and a "Voices from the Past" feature make this book an exciting and informative read.

  • af Nandita Haksar
    257,95 kr.

    The ethnic clashes that broke out in Manipur in May 2023 were ostensiblydue to Kuki opposition to the demand by the dominant Meiteis for ScheduledTribe status. Kukis, and other tribal groups, claim that this would eat into theirmeagre entitlements. In turn, the Kukis as a group have been branded 'illegalimmigrants', blamed for the proliferation of poppy cultivation, and accused of'narcoterrorism'.Conflicts between ethnic groups are not new in Manipur. But the violence in2023, which killed hundreds and displaced tens of thousands, was shocking forthe sheer viciousness on display. Any effort to find explanations to this conflictonly throws up more questions.Why is there such anger in the people of the state? Is this a religious or an ethnicconflict? Why were the police and paramilitary forces-of which huge numbersare deployed in Manipur-unable to stop the violence? What role did chauvinistMeitei organizations like Arambai Tenggol play in the violence? Why did it takeseveral months for India's national leadership to break their silence on the issue?Is there really a problem of illegal immigration into Manipur from Myanmar?Who are the Kuki-Zo people? Are they to blame for the drug menace in thestate, as claimed by the Meiteis? What have the state and central governmentsdone to prevent drug trafficking in the region? Does anyone benefit from what ishappening?In this urgent book, Nandita Haksar explores with clarity and insight, and alsocourage, a complex geopolitical problem, exposing the hypocrisy of identitypolitics in Manipur, never losing sight of those that have suffered-and continueto suffer-the most in this conflict.

  • af Fang Yu Hu
    312,95 - 1.037,95 kr.

    In Good Wife, Wise Mother, female education and citizenship serve as a lens through which to examine Taiwan's uniqueness as a colonial crossroads between Chinese and Japanese ideas and practices. A latecomer to the age of imperialism, Japan used modernization efforts in Taiwan to cast itself as a benevolent force among its colonial subjects and imperial competitors. In contrast to most European colonies, where only elites received an education, in Taiwan Japan built elementary schools intended for the entire population, including girls. In 1897 it developed a program known as "Good Wife, Wise Mother" that sought to transform Han Taiwanese girls into modern Japanese female citizens. Drawing on Japanese and Chinese newspapers, textbooks, oral interviews, and fiction, Fang Yu Hu illustrates how this seemingly progressive project advanced a particular Japanese vision of modernity, womanhood, and citizenship, to which the colonized Han Taiwanese people responded with varying degrees of collaboration, resistance, adaptation, and adoption. Hu also assesses the program's impact on Taiwan's class structure, male-female interactions, and political identity both during and after the end of Japanese occupation in 1945. Good Wife, Wise Mother expands the study of Taiwanese history by contributing important gendered and nonelite perspectives. It will be of interest to any historian concerned with questions of modernity, hybridity, and colonial nostalgia.

  • af Daniel J. Feather
    1.127,95 kr.

    This book analyses the British government¿s use of cultural diplomacy in South Africa from 1960 to 1994. Previously, scholarship on UK-South African relations has focussed mainly on political, economic, or military links; this book makes an important and original intervention by emphasising how the British government sought to use cultural ties as part of its diplomacy in South Africa. The book also highlights the controversy these links generated owing to broader international efforts to ostracise South Africa owing to the racist apartheid system in the country at the time. By examining British policy towards educational exchanges, performing arts tours, radio and television broadcasts, and sporting contact, this book provides a dynamic case study from which to analyse Britain¿s use of cultural diplomacy during a period of relative decline, while also adding a new layer to the well-established literature on the UK-South African special relationship.

  • af Léa Lacan
    977,95 kr.

    Explores the ways in which human and forest futures are interdependent, and the need to recognize its multiple meanings equally with its wealth of natural resources.

  • af Nicholas Terpstra
    205,95 - 617,95 kr.

  • af Anna Marisa Schön
    257,95 - 766,95 kr.

  • af Colette Le Petitcorps
    914,95 kr.

    Taking a multidisciplinary and global approach, this edited book examines the dynamic role of plantations as productive, socio-political and ecological forms throughout imperial and post-colonial worlds spanning multiple and broad temporalities. Showcasing an expansive range of case studies across different geographies, the collection sheds light on the heterogeneity of plantations and offers insights into the afterlives, spectres and remnants of systems that have been analysed as schemes of production, extraction and authority. Focusing on the expansion of plantation systems throughout various political-economic and ecological projects, and across the modern (and post-modern) period, allows the authors to move beyond analyses that often deal with individual empires through human-centered lenses. The contributors explore resistance to the mechanisms of extraction and control that plantations and their afterlives demanded, shedding light on their excesses, contradictions, failures and deviations. Offering a comprehensive treatment of global plantations, this book provides valuable reading for researchers with an interest in the socio-political and environmental effects of colonialism and imperialism in their various guises.Chapters 1, 8 and 11 are available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

  • af Andrew Gumbel
    145,95 kr.

    The "heartfelt" (Shelf Awareness) story of how Georgia State University tore up the rulebook for educating lower-income students Published to wide acclaim, Won't Lose This Dream is the "illuminating" (Times Literary Supplement) story of a public university that has blazed an extraordinary trail for lower-income and first-generation students in downtown Atlanta, the birthplace of the civil rights movement. "A powerful story of institutional transformation" (bestselling author Beverly Daniel Tatum), Won't Lose This Dream shows how Georgia State University has upended the conventional wisdom about low-income students by harnessing the power of big data to identify and remove obstacles that previously stopped them from graduating--an earthshaking achievement that is reverberating across every college campus today. "Drawing on extensive on-the-ground reporting" (Kirkus Reviews), Andrew Gumbel delivers a thrilling, blow-by-blow account of visionary leaders who overcame fierce resistance, and the remarkable students whose resilience and determination inspired the work at every stage. Their success shows how the promise of social advancement through talent and hard work, the essence of the American dream, can be rekindled even in an age of deep inequalities and divisive politics. "A superb work for anyone interested in higher education" (Library Journal), Won't Lose This Dream "lays out a persuasive vision for reform" (Publishers Weekly) and a concrete vision of higher ed that works for all Americans.

  • af Saumitra Basu
    471,95 kr.

    This book explores the interaction between science-society and the development of forensic science and analyses the historical roots of crime detection in colonial India.

  • af Hichem Karoui
    222,95 kr.

    "Angry Africa: A Study on Post-Colonialism and How France-Afrique Policy Led to Anti-French Coups" presents a comprehensive analysis of the complex relationship between France and its former African colonies. Authoritative and meticulously researched, this book delves into the historical, political, and economic factors that have shaped the post-colonial landscape in Africa.With a keen focus on the neocolonial France-Afrique policy, the author painstakingly examines how France's interference in African affairs has perpetuated instability, corruption, and anti-French sentiments across the continent. Drawing on extensive primary sources and scholarly literature, this study offers valuable insights into power dynamics, exploitation, and resistance in the post-colonial era.A compelling and thought-provoking work, Angry Africa illuminates colonialism's enduring legacy and underscores the urgency of reevaluating international relations between Africa and its former colonizers.

  • af Mary Noel Menezes
    707,95 kr.

    These selected documents reveal the reaction and responses of the Amerindians to European values.

  • af Cullen Goldblatt
    471,95 kr.

    Beyond Collective Memory investigates the elisions of "memory," and invites an exploration of the African pasts and imaginaries that exist beyond it.

  • af Sörine Gejl
    269,95 kr.

    Denne bog handler om konsekvenserne af tvivlsomme anbringelser af grønlandske børn, som stod på i tiden op til indførelsen af Grønlands Hjemmestyre i 1979. Det grønlandske fænomen gavebørn – en slags midlertidig adoption uden myndigheders indblanding – blev gennem tre årtier “koloniseret” af danske gæstearbejdere i Grønland, og stribevis af grønlandske børn blev sendt i pleje i danske familier, ofte uden deres forældres formelle samtykke.I dag er gavebørnene voksne – og flere er mærket af traumatiske opvækstvilkår. I Danmark var de eksotiske indslag. I Grønland var de paria, fordi de ikke talte deres eget sprog. Deres liv har været splittede – i umulig Atlant-spagat.I bogen står syv gavebørn frem og fortæller deres historie.Atlant-spagat(i) er en udgivelse med to tekstspor og kan læses på både dansk og grønlandsk.---Atuagaq una meeqqanut kalaallinut, 1979-imi Hjemmestyreqalernissap tungaanut apeqqusernartumik angerlarsimaffiup avataanut inissinneqartarsimasunut tunngavoq. Kalaallit Nunaanni arsigisaqartarneq – oqartussat avaqqullugit meerarsianngorallartitsinermik oqaatigineqarsinnaasoq – ukiut 30-it sinnerlugit danskinit Kalaallit Nunaannut suliartorlutik tikittartunit “qallunaanngorsarneqarsimavoq”, tassanilu meerarpassuit kalaallit ilaqutariinnut danskinut meerarsianngortinneqartarsimapput – amerlanertigut angoqqaajusut allakkatigut akuersissutiginngisaannik.Meeqqat taakku ullumikkut inersimasuupput – arlallillu inuunerminni misigisapilutik maanna kingunerlutsitsissutigivaat. Danmarkimi nutaarsiaallutik alutorsaataasimapput. Kalaallit Nunaanni ajattugaapput, kalaallisut oqaatsitik tammarnikuugamikkit. Inuunerat marlunnik avinneqarnikuuvoq – Atlantikulu qulaallugu allaassimasaraat – Atlant-spagaterlutik.Atuakkami arsigisaasimasut arfineq marluk sassarput, inuunertillu oqaluttuaralugu.

  • af Banu Subramaniam
    292,95 - 1.037,95 kr.

    Colonial ambitions spawned imperial attitudes, theories, and practices that remain entrenched within botany and across the life sciences. Banu Subramaniam draws on fields as disparate as queer studies, Indigenous studies, and the biological sciences to explore the labyrinthine history of how colonialism transformed rich and complex plant worlds into biological knowledge. Botany of Empire demonstrates how botany¿s foundational theories and practices were shaped and fortified in the aid of colonial rule and its extractive ambitions. We see how colonizers obliterated plant time¿s deep history to create a reductionist system that imposed a Latin-based naming system, drew on the imagined sex lives of European elites to explain plant sexuality, and discussed foreign plants like foreign humans. Subramanian then pivots to imagining a more inclusive and capacious field of botany untethered and decentered from its origins in histories of racism, slavery, and colonialism. This vision harnesses the power of feminist and scientific thought to chart a course for more socially just practices of experimental biology.A reckoning and a manifesto, Botany of Empire provides experts and general readers alike with a roadmap for transforming the colonial foundations of plant science.

  • af Jon Stobart
    392,95 - 552,95 kr.

    Global goods - Indian textiles, Chinese porcelain - were central to the material culture of 18th-century country houses. They tied wealthy property owners in Europe, America and Asia into global systems of supply and the processes of empire. This book offers fresh insights into the multi-directional flow of goods and culture of the time.

  • af Nikolay Zakharov
    1.127,95 kr.

    ¿This book assesses the nature and extent of the project of deracialisation required to counter the contemporary dynamics of racialisation across four varieties of modernity: Sweden, South Africa, Brazil and the UK, based on original research on each of the four country contexts. Since racism began to be recognised or identified as a problem, an assemblage of supra-national initiatives have been devised in the name of combatting, dismantling or reducing it. There has been a recent shift whereby such supra-national bodies move toward embedding strategies against racism within the framework of human rights and devolving such responsibility to other bodies at a national level.The authors bring together a team of international experts in this field, in order to compare the priorities and effectiveness of current strategic approaches in each national context, examining their relationalities and connecting these cases within a joint theoretical and methodological framework. Thus, this book contributes to theoretical knowledge on racialisation and deracialisation, produce a new data set on contemporary interventions and institutions and establish new principles and practice for national projects of deracialisation and anti-racism, building on cross-national learning.

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