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Industriel brug af videnskabelig forskning og teknologisk innovation

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  • af Steffen Jacobsen
    127,95 - 166,95 kr.

    I dette femte selvstændige bind i serien om Michael Sander og Lene Jensen, får læseren endnu en gang udfordret hver en lille hjernecelle, når gåden skal løses. Serien begyndte med bogen "Trofæ", og i "Ghostwriter" bliver dystre hemmeligheder udfoldet, da direktøren for et af de største medicinalfirmaer findes død i sin bil. Ikke langt fra direktøren ligger den mand, som var hyret som ghostwriter til at skrive direktørens biografi. Han er blevet skudt i hovedet. Politikommissæren, Lene Jensen, får sagen, og da hun falder over en ellers forsvundet dagbog, får hun samtidig en viden, som skal vise sig at være farlig at være i besiddelse af. Denne viden peger i retning af en hun elsker, nemlig hendes egen mand, privatdetektiven Michael Sander. Mørke hemmeligheder udfoldes og Lene Jensen må atter vise, at hun har stålvilje og ben i næsen. 

  • af Inga Strümke
    187,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Selvom det føles nyt, kan videnskaben om kunstig intelligens spores tilbage til 1956. I bogens første del gennemgår Strümke historien om kunstig intelligens – en historie fuld af mærkelige anekdoter og sjove historier.Udviklingen i de senere år betyder, at StrChatbotten ChatGPT er på kort tid blevet et populært redskab verden over. Teknologien har taget et kvantespring. Men hvad sker der, når brugen af kunstig intelligens sniger sig ind i alle aspekter af vores liv, privat og på jobbet? Hvilke muligheder og hvilke konsekvenser har det?I Maskiner der tænker forklarer Norges førende AI -forsker, hvordan kunstig intelligens fungerer, hvordan mennesker udvikler kunstig intelligens, og hvordan muligheder og potentielle farer opstår ved maskiner, som i tiltagende grad kan tænke selv.Bogen er en indføring i tidens måske mest omdiskuterede teknologi. Forfatteren forklarer de centrale begreber med det formål, at læserne skal forstå, hvordan kunstig intelligens fremover kan præge vores hverdag.Strümke og en række andre forskere mener, at vi denne gang faktisk står på tærsklen til et gennembrud. Der er tegn på, at maskiner bliver klogere end mennesker, og at de snart kan løse problemer, vi i dag ikke aner, hvordan vi skal løse.

  • af Erica Thompson
    107,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Hina Shahzad
    156,95 kr.

    Discovering the Universe: A Primer on Gravitational-Wave AstronomyOver the course of the universe's long history, researchers have persistently sought out new explanations for the phenomena they find puzzling. Recently, gravitational-wave astronomy has emerged as one of the most revolutionary fields in astrophysics. To probe the cosmos, gravitational-wave astronomy looks for ripples in spacetime rather than the electromagnetic waves used by conventional astronomical studies.In his 1915 General Theory of Relativity, Albert Einstein foretold the possibility of gravitational waves, which are actually ripples in spacetime curvature brought about by the acceleration of large objects. But technology finally caught up with theory after nearly a century, and in 2015, gravitational waves were directly detected for the first time. By revealing cosmic events that had hitherto eluded conventional observational techniques, this great accomplishment ushered in a new age in astronomy.The Basics of Gravitational WavesLike ripples in a pond, gravitational waves are disruptions in the curvature of spacetime that travel at the speed of light. Merging black holes or neutron stars, which are large objects with enormous gravitational fields, accelerate and produce them. Gravitational waves are a kind of energy emission from moving or interacting celestial bodies. These waves carry information about the events that caused them to propagate.

  • af Paul A. Tipler
    844,95 kr.

    The Sixth Edition of Physics for Scientists and Engineers offers a completely integrated text and media solution that will help students learn most effectively and will enable professors to customize their classrooms so that they teach most efficiently. The text includes a new strategic problem-solving approach, an integrated Math Tutorial, and new tools to improve conceptual understanding.

  • af Günter Förster
    205,95 - 331,95 kr.

  • af Richard Hughes
    237,95 kr.

    THE  NEW GUARD, Book #9 in the Danger Dogs series, follows our intrepid safety, health, and environmental consultants into more international and national problems that require their expertise. In a unique genre of actual fiction, the consultants of Cape Safety, Inc. and their West Coast enterprise, Cliff Safety, Inc., chase headline incidents that may have made a single news cycle but were then quickly left behind for more breathtaking "Breaking News." THE NEW GUARD rekindles those events with details beyond the sound bite you possibly heard. You'll read unusual stories about:car carrier ship firesthe dark day in Boston in 1780blue economiesseed banksfast fashion frailtiesship breaking with waterrain forest destructionenergy storing concretesexual harassment solutionsAmazon delivery driver traininga fire on a New England islandamazing plastic-eating fungiFenway Park farmingliving seawallsarmoring Manhattanskateboard failuresCodfather matters, and much more.Any trip with a Cape Cod-based CSI consultant will prove interesting, educational, and informative.

  • af Steven Carnovale
    1.217,95 kr.

    Every industry has faced the tidal wave of "digital" that has either re-shaped or dramatically altered their modus operandi. Supporting technologies in the management information systems arena have given rise to increased end to end visibility, real time access to information, and tightly controlled monitoring of deployed assets. In many industries it is straightforward to see the impact that digital technologies have had. Finance is a great example, with cash payments becoming increasingly less and less common, and digital currencies increasing in prominence. Yet how has this impacted supply chain management? In a discipline that spans multiple industries, continents, and companies, are there examples that we can point to that explain how digital supply chains have become? Which aspects of supply chain management were transformed by the digital tidal wave, and which functions are lagging behind? This is what this volume seeks to address.

  • af Angelika Gebhard
    259,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Zipsner
    217,95 kr.

    Industriemeister-Technische und naturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen (NTG)Vorbereitung auf die IHK-PrüfungDas vorliegende Lehrbuch dient dem angehenden Industriemeister Metall oder Logistik zur effektiven Prüfungsvorbereitung. Es behandelt alle in der Prüfungsordnung angegebenen Themen kurz und prägnant. Es wird knapp die Theorie vorgestellt und diese anhand von ausgewählten Beispielen verdeutlicht. Die Lösungswege sind durchweg ausführlich und kleinschrittig angegeben. Am Anfang des Buches werden wichtige übergreifende Grundlagen wiederholt. An einigen Stellen finden sich "Warum-Fragen", welche wichtige Zusammenhänge nochmals abfragen.

  • af Eugene Hennebert
    297,95 - 432,95 kr.

  • af Basudeb Basu
    1.887,95 kr.

    Over the years, the uses and applications of rare earth elements (REEs) diversified in various fields such as catalysis, production of magnets, glasses, alloys, and electronics. This book consists of fifteen chapters, which present recent advances and outlook on REEs and their oxides/salts in catalytic organic transformations, biomedical applications, bioremediation and environmental impacts.

  • af Peter S. Pershan
    295,95 - 597,95 kr.

  • af Thomas Lager
    1.832,95 kr.

    This book puts management of product innovation in a corporate strategic perspective and argues that a company's competitive position is strongly related to an underlying unique and continually renewed product innovation work process, which drives innovation and delivery of new or improved products in the marketplace. The book will take the reader through a systematic examination of the necessary consecutive steps for companies' successful development of non-assembled products in the cluster of process industries.For readers in search of a seamless, easy-to-use, effective formal product innovation work process, from customer understanding to product launch, this book provides a guiding framework and "hands-on" advice for work process design. A novel five-phase structural process model of the product innovation work process is initially introduced in order to orchestrate a more dynamic interaction between product and process innovation and the integration of sustainability and product eco-design in product design.The reader will learn first about the importance of aligning new product ideas with the corporate business model and product innovation strategy during the contextualization phase and then how to transform product ideas into well-defined complementary product and process concepts. In the movement of product ideas from the conceptualization phase to industrialization, the use of pilot-planting and production trials for scale-up of product and process concepts is further explored. To secure a design for processability, a novel industrialization sub-process is introduced, and the integration of complementary development of product and service offerings is further examined. The deployment of application development throughout and after product launch is highlighted for an enhancement of product commercialization and a reduction of "time to break even" for new products.

  • af Dakeshwar Kumar Verma, Pramod Kumar Mahish, Rajendra Chandra Padalia & mfl.
    857,95 kr.

    Essential oils are simply the volatile oils of plants. These are concentrated liquids contain many terpenes, alkaloids and alcohols etc. Various compounds of essential oils have bioactive properties such as antimicrobial, anti-cancer, anti-diabetic, anti-viral and anti-fungal etc. This book describes the sources of essential oils, extraction and production method, characterizing tools, bioactivity, and various applications in the field of industries, daily usage, agriculture, health, and food.

  • af Gian Paolo Chiusoli & Peter M. Maitlis
    1.304,95 kr.

  • af R. M. Easterbrook
    237,95 kr.

    UFO: The Making of a Myth? asks pertinent questions about the nature and origin of UFOs. Whether they are real, and, if so, are they extraterrestrial in origin? Is the study of UFOs scientific? Or does any attempt to discuss UFOs necessarily involve myth making? How to sift through decades of distortion on the subject to arrive at fact?

  • af Mihalis Tsoukalos
    597,95 kr.

    Build and use the most popular time series index available today with Python to search and join time series at the subsequence levelPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookKey Features:Learn how to implement algorithms and techniques from research papersGet to grips with building time series indexes using iSAXLeverage iSAX to solve real-world time series problemsBook Description:Time series are everywhere, ranging from financial data and system metrics to weather stations and medical records. Being able to access, search, and compare time series data quickly is essential, and this comprehensive guide enables you to do just that by helping you explore SAX representation and the most effective time series index, iSAX.The book begins by teaching you about the implementation of SAX representation in Python as well as the iSAX index, along with the required theory sourced from academic research papers. The chapters are filled with figures and plots to help you follow the presented topics and understand key concepts easily. But what makes this book really great is that it contains the right amount of knowledge about time series indexing using the right amount of theory and practice so that you can work with time series and develop time series indexes successfully. Additionally, the presented code can be easily ported to any other modern programming language, such as Swift, Java, C, C++, Ruby, Kotlin, Go, Rust, and JavaScript.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to harness the power of iSAX and SAX representation to efficiently index and analyze time series data and will be equipped to develop your own time series indexes and effectively work with time series data.What You Will Learn:Find out how to develop your own Python packages and write simple Python testsUnderstand what a time series index is and why it is usefulGain a theoretical and practical understanding of operating and creating time series indexesDiscover how to use SAX representation and the iSAX indexFind out how to search and compare time seriesUtilize iSAX visualizations to aid in the interpretation of complex or large time seriesWho this book is for:This book is for practitioners, university students working with time series, researchers, and anyone looking to learn more about time series. Basic knowledge of UNIX, Linux, and Python and an understanding of basic programming concepts are needed to grasp the topics in this book. This book will also be handy for people who want to learn how to read research papers, learn from them, and implement their algorithms.

  • af Guanrong Chen
    925,95 kr.

    The topic of nonlinear systems is fundamental to the study of systems engineering. So extensive investigations have been carried out by both the nonlinear control and nonlinear dynamics communities, but the focus can be different - on controllers design and dynamics analysis, respectively. The last two decades have witnessed the gradual merging of control theory and dynamics analysis, but not yet to the extent of controlling nonlinear dynamics such as bifurcations and chaos. This monograph is an attempt to fill that gap while presenting a rather comprehensive coverage of the fundamental nonlinear systems theory in a self-contained and approachable manner.This introductory treatise is written for self-study and, in particular, as an elementary textbook that can be taught in a one-semester course to advanced undergraduates or entrance level graduates with curricula focusing on nonlinear systems, both on control theory and dynamics analysis.

  • - A poetic-scientific vocabulary
    af James Maguire & Brit Ross Winthereik
    177,95 kr.

    Reclaiming Technology: A poetic-scientific vocabulary aims to evoke ways of thinking about, and intervening in, technology worlds through a series of blended writing styles. Consisting of thirty-five short essays, contributors were asked to problematize some aspect of their research with technology – broadly conceived as artifact, process, craft, infrastructure, or concept – without being constrained by the more traditional repertoires of academic publishing. The result is a set of critical and experimental texts whose vocabulary speaks to the poetic, affective, and mundane modes through which technology can inspire and make anew.The ambition to reclaim stems from a collective desire to shift the grounds upon which exuberant technological claims making occurs. The book’s poetic-scientific approach is an effort at rendering technology otherwise so as to enable the emergence of alternate claims-making pathways towards more just and dignified socio-technical futures. The book should appeal to those who are curious about the technology-society nexus in more general terms. More particular audiences include anthropology and STS scholars, students (at all levels) interested in methods and writing, and practitioners looking for conceptual resources to think about technology differently.

  • af Miguel Alfaro Mercado
    312,95 kr.

    El libro Neuropsicología educativa del Dr. Miguel Alfaro Mercado PhD. logra explicar de manera accesible y completa la enorme complejidad de la investigación de vanguardia en la neuropsicología, lo que vuelve a este texto una herramienta fundamental para todo aquel que ejerza o está interesado en la educación. Con la explicación de temas en boga como la inteligencia, el desarrollo y su interconexión, el autor ha sabido plasmar su conocimiento en los campos científico y pedagógico en este libro que contiene tanto información teórica imprescindible para entender nuestra propia mente y la de los niños, como ejercicios y ejemplos didácticos que hacen de esta información asequible y aplicable en cualquier salón de clases, hogar o espacio en el que el desarrollo integral de los más pequeños es la prioridad.

  • af Konstantinos Simeonidis
    2.947,95 kr.

    Covering the intense research field of nanoparticle utilization as remediation agents for toxic pollutants, this book pays special attention to their post-application recovery, monitoring of their fate when released and life-cycle analysis.

  • af Erika Hall
    407,95 kr.

    Good research is about asking more and better questions, and thinking critically about the answers. Done well, it will save your team time and money by reducing unknowns and creating a solid foundation to build the right thing, in the most effective way.Erika Hall distills her experience into a guidebook of trusted research methods you can implement right away, no matter what size team you're on or budget you're working with. Learn how to discover your competitive advantages, spot your own blind spots and biases, understand and harness your findings, and why you should never, ever hold a focus group. You'll start doing good research faster than you can plan your next pitch.WHAT'S NEW IN THE SECOND EDITION?While the mindset and methods of research haven't changed, our digital climate continues to evolve-from the siren song of Net Promoter Score to the latest social media experiment gone awry. The second edition of Just Enough Research features a brand-new chapter on surveys (chock full of math and centaurs!), as well as updated examples throughout, to continue guiding web professionals on the ethics and effects of research.THIS BOOK EXPLORES:Frameworks for designing a thorough research process for your productApproaches to gain alignment around shared goals through stakeholder interviews How to conduct and build best practices for effective user interviews How quickly run affordable tests to clarify big questions Essential and methods for gathering and assessing quantitative data

  • af Brahim Aïssa
    1.432,95 kr.

    Harvesting biomechanical energy is a viable solution for sustainably-powering wearable electronics for continuous medical health monitoring, remote sensing, and motion tracking. This book discusses vibration-based piezoelectric, electromagnetic and hybrid energy harvesters, and addresses their modelling, fabrication and characterization.

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