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Økologi, biosfæren

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  • - Nature's Secrets to Longevity
    af Nicklas Brendborg
    147,95 kr.

    THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER: a deep dive into the science and nature of aging

  • - At skabe slægt i chthulucæn
    af Donna J. Haraway
    387,95 kr.

    Befolkningstilvækst, klimaforandringerne og Jordens sjette masseuddøen erbrændende spørgsmål for den, der vil blive i besværet med at fortsætte detjordiske liv. Der er behov for at tænke sammen på ny, på tværs af forskellemellem historiske positioner og videns- og ekspertformer. Haraway viser os en anden måde at fortælle videnskab på, billed- og metaforrig, tiltider underholderholdende, sprogligt sprudlende og altid dybt seriøs. Harawaykalder sin teoretisk og metodiske tilgang SF – snorefigur, science fiction,science fact, spekulativ feminisme, spekulativfabulering og so far. Mennesket er ikke centrum foralting. Chthulucæn fordrer sym-poiesis, at vi skaber-med, tænker-med ogbliver-til-med. Filosoffen, feministen og biologen Donna J. Haraway har brugt det mesteaf sit voksne liv på at skabe alternative perspektiver på de accepteredeideologier, der giver form til vores videnskabelige fortællinger om menneskerog natur. "At blive i besværet er en vidtfavnende bog, hvis gennemgående bestræbelse erat ruske op i vores forestillinger om verdens beskaffenhed, forstyrre vorestænkemønstre og skabe uro i vores forståelser af klodens tilstand og voresoverlevelsesmuligheder på en skadet planet på måder, der befordrer nye oganderledes overlevelsesfortællinger. Formålet er ikke en dommedagsprofeti - omend den aktuelle destruktion af arter og livsgrundlag for jordens mangfoldighedaf liv er bogens omdrejningspunkt - men at finde redskaber og begreber, sprogog fortællinger, der kan skærpe opmærksomheden og åbne for anderledes måder atskabe verdener på.” - Fra det danske forord vedLis Højgaard

  • af Felix Guattari
    147,95 kr.

    Den franske psykoanalytiker, filosof og semiotiker Félix Guattari udvider i sit essay De tre økologier definitionen af økologi til at omfatte sociale relationer og menneskelig subjektivitet, samt naturligvis miljøhensyn. I essayet argumenterer han for, at de økologiske kriser, der truer vores planet, er et direkte resultat af en ny udvidet form for kapitalisme, og at der må etableres en ny økosofisk tilgang, der respekterer forskellene mellem alle levende systemer. Bogen rummer en markant kapitalismekritik og er et manifest for en ny måde at tænke på. Desuden er bogen en ideel introduktion til en af Europas mest radikale tænkere. De tre økologier blev udgivet 1989, og er på 30 års afstand uhyggeligt vedkommende og profetisk, set i lyset af datidens økologiske kriser og de aktuelle problemstillinger i 2019.*De tre økologier — Félix GuattariappendiksEfterord — Anders AbildgaardEksistentielle territorier — Peter BorumMaskinel Animisme — Angela Melitopoulos & Maurizio Lazzarato

  • - Overordnede mønstre for individer, bestande og økosystemer
    af Kaj Sand-Jensen
    447,95 kr.

    Bogen handler om de store mønstre i den levende natur og beskriver bl.a.:Hvordan planters og dyrs livsprocesser er afstemt efter miljøetHvordan næringsstofferne og fødekædeomsætningen påvirker individernes udbredelse og økosystemernes opbygningHvordan evolutionen, miljøet og arternes biologi bestemmer den biologiske diversitetFungerer primært som lærebog i økologi og økofysiologi på universiteter og højere uddannelser, men kan også bruges af praktiserende biologer.

  • af Steve Brusatte
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • - Ti samtaler om naturens fremtid
    af Anders Dunker
    147,95 kr.

    Ti samtaler om mennesket i antropocæn med en række af verdens fremmeste tænkere, heriblandt Bruno Latuor, Ursula Heise, Dipesh Chakrabarty, Sandra Diaz, Vandana Shiva og Kim Stanley Robinson. Anders Dunker (f. 1975), norsk litterat, kritiker og oversætter. Han har skrevet for bl.a. Agora, Ny Tid, Samtiden, Vagant, Le Monde Diplomatique og Ny Jord – Tidsskrift for naturkritik. Via symposiets åbne og uafsluttede form forsøger han at bearbejde nogle af de spørgsmål, der kendetegner tidsalderen: Spørgsmål om teknologi, natursyn og aktivisme, overlevering og ansvar, multigeneration og hensyn, der varer længere end livet. Genopdagelsen af Jorden er hans første bog.

  • - Det levende som system. En syntese
    af Fritjof Capra & Pier Luigi Luisi
    280,95 - 387,95 kr.

    I denne bog tager Capra og Luisi et opgør med en af videnskabens grundantagelser – at verden er som én stor maskine, vi kan splitte i stumper og stykker. Siden den videnskabelige revolution, hvor denne mekanistiske verdens- og livsforståelse blev grundlagt, har vi forsømt at erkende livet på kloden som ét sammenvævet system. Med det systemiske syn på liv følger en dyb økologisk bevidsthed og en sans for den fundamentale gensidige afhængighed, der er mellem alle fænomener i verden. Det gamle adskillelsesparadigme er ved at falde fra hinanden, og det giver håb om en ny og bedre fremtid. Selvom bogen primært er skrevet til studerende, henvender den sig også til alle, der er interesseret i en forståelse af den nye systemiske livsopfattelse og dennes betydning for en bred række fagligheder – fra politik og filosofi til medicin, psykologi og biologi. FRITJOF CAPRA er stifter af Center for Ecoliteracy i Berkeley, Californien. Han er fysiker og systemteoretiker og har beskæftiget sig med en systematisk undersøgelse af videnskabens filosofiske og sociale implikationer i de sidste 35 år. PIER LUIGI LUISI er professor i biokemi ved universitetet i Rom. Han er kemiker og stod bag de interdisciplinære Cortona-uger, og han beskæftiger sig med eksperimentelle og filosofiske aspekter ved livets oprindelse.

  • af Poul Bjerregaard
    385,95 kr.

    "Økotoksikologi" giver en indføring i basale toksikologiske og økotoksikologiske begreber og arbejdsmetoder, og den beskriver udvalgte kemiske forbindelsers skadevirkninger i omgivelserne. I de tilfælde, hvor spredning af kemikalier i naturen har eller har haft skadelige virkninger hos mennesker, er de relevante humantoksikologiske aspekter inddraget i beskrivelsen. I kapitlet om hormonforstyrrende stoffer er derudover inddraget kemikalier, som mennesker udsættes for i omgangen med dagligdagens produkter. "Økotoksikologi" henvender sig især til studerende på lange og mellemlange videregående uddannelser. Dele af den vil også kunne bruges inden for ungdomsuddannelserne. Poul Bjerregaard er professor ved Biologisk Institut på Syddansk Universitet i Odense.

  • - En udlægning af Rudolf Steiners landbrugskursus
    af Nanna Juliussen
    247,95 kr.

    Velkommen til det moderne landbrugskursus og en indføring i Rudolf Steiners tanker, som stadig er lige aktuelle. Den filosofi, der ligger bag den biodynamiske dyrkningsmetode, blev udviklet af Rudolf Steiner. Steiners landbrugskursus fra 1924 består af otte foredrag om biodynamisk jordbrug, og netop det kursus har dannet grundlag for al snak om biodynamik i jordbrug lige siden. I denne bog bliver principperne gjort tilgængelige og forståelige for alle med interesse for den biodynamiske jordbrugs oprindelige principper. Steiner er evig aktuel, og aldrig har der været et større behov for, at vi tager vare på naturen, end der er nu. Hvorfor graver man kohorn ned i jorden, og hvilken indflydelse har planeterne på planternes vækst? Her får du masser af inspiration og svar på de store spørgsmål. Læs også om naturens fascinerende rytmer, det evige kredsløb og de mest intime sammenhænge. Bogen er relevant uanset om du blot har en lille have, er selvforsynende eller ligefrem landmand. Faktisk behøver du slet ikke selv at have fingrene i mulden for at interessere dig for naturen og dens dybere sammenhænge.

  • af Heidi Roop
    185,95 kr.

    "Every Action Matters will lay out the issues facing the planet and offer up 100 important actions that readers can take to help slow the adverse affects of climate change. Each action will get a spread and be accompanied by an infographic, statistic, or display quote to provide visual impact to the topic at hand"--

  • af Naomi Klein
    195,95 kr.

    Explains why the environmental crisis should lead to an abandonment of "free market" ideologies and current political systems, arguing that a massive reduction of greenhouse emissions may offer a best chance for correcting problems.

  • af David Harvey
    106,95 kr.

    Bogen er et røntgenbillede af kapitalen. Harvey dissekerer kapitalens indre for at afdække, hvordan den virker. Han viser i velskrevne essays, hvordan kapitalens modsætninger på mange områder fører fra krise til krise. Vi skal dog ikke tro, at kapitalismen bryder sammen af sig selv. Kapitalen kan fortsat finde veje til at overleve en tid men: ”det afgørende er ikke, om kapitalen kan overleve sine modsætninger, men at omkostningerne, ved at den gør det, bliver uacceptable for det store flertal.” Derfor skitserer han også principper for, hvilke ændringer i samfundet der er nødvendige.Harvey siger om sine to mål med bogen: ”Det første er at definere, hvad anti-kapitalisme kan indebære ... Selvom mange påstår, at de har en anti-kapitalistisk position, er det slet ikke klart, hvad de måske eller måske ikke mener med det. Det andet er at give rationelle grunde til at blive anti-kapitalistisk i lyset af den nuværende tingenes tilstand. ”

  • af Ole Frank Jørgensen
    127,95 kr.

    Kort fortalt indeholder bogen oplysninger om: Forskellige strandtyper og deres opståen. Hvordan strandene ændrer udseende i tidens løb. Hvad opskyl er og hvad du kan finde i det, bl.a. sære ting, som hverken ligner sten eller levende væsner. Almindelige planter og dyr, man kan møde på land i umiddelbar nærhed af vandet.

  • af Nélia Bispo Gonçalves
    288,95 kr.

    Wetlands are fragile ecosystems of great importance for biodiversity, nutrient cycling, flood control, sediment and nutrient retention, water purification and more. They have three clear characteristics: water level variation over a gradient of time, anoxic soils and vegetation typical of waterlogged environments. As these areas were considered unhealthy and difficult to access, they remained untouched for some time. The book describes the changes caused by anthropic actions in the areas flooded by the Açu River, in the municipality of Mata de São João, on the north coast of Bahia, where several hotel developments have been built. The study highlights the Timeantube lagoon, which resulted from the damming of the Açu River, a project intended to drain areas destined for hotel developments. Although the results of the physical-chemical analyses showed low concentrations of nutrients, it cannot be said that the area is not undergoing a process of eutrophication, highlighting the significant presence of aquatic macrophytes, which absorb large quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus in their biomass, reducing the concentrations of these nutrients.

  • af Richard Jefferies
    127,95 kr.

    "The Gamekeeper at Home: Sketches of Natural History and Rural Life" by Richard Jefferies is a captivating exploration of the natural international and rural lifestyles via the eyes of a gamekeeper. Published in 1878, Jefferies offers readers with vibrant and insightful sketches that depict the flowers, fauna, and the intricate stability of lifestyles in the English countryside. The author, recognised for his eager observations and deep connection with nature, takes the reader on an adventure via the seasons, describing the splendor of the landscape and the conduct of numerous natural world. From the delicate blossoms of spring to the tough realities of iciness, Jefferies paints a poetic image of the ever-converting herbal surroundings. Central to the narrative is the role of the gamekeeper, who serves as a parent of the land, answerable for coping with sport and wildlife. Jefferies portrays the gamekeeper now not simply as a figure of authority, but as a person in detail attuned to the rhythms of nature. The writer's prose is packed with reverence for the land and its creatures, showcasing his passion for the protection of rural lifestyles.

  • af Kazunobu Ikeya
    1.221,95 kr.

    This book primarily examines human-animal and human-plant interactions in Asian forests (Southeast Asiäand Japan) and inland waters (China). For comparison, cases from the Americas (whales in the Arctic, sea turtles in the Caribbean, and plants in the Amazon) and Central Asia are also included. The relationship between plants, animals, and humans in Asia is quite unique from a global perspective. For example, "satoyama" in Japan means ecotone area, or the boundary between a village and a forest. There, as the number of inhabitants declines, bears, wild boars, and other animals increasingly ravage crops, sometimes attacking humans as well.By showing the regional nature of human-animal and human-plant interactions in Asia, this book provides for the first time a framework for understanding the world's animal and plant-human relationships. It is assumed that the relationships between humans and animals and plants during this period were diverse, including hunting, taming, semi-domestication, and full domestication. At the same time, for regions outside of Asia, the extent to which these diverse relationships were adapted and how diversity was formed is explained from the perspective of historical ecology.Customers can expect to derive perspectives on the coexistence of human-animal and plant-animal relationships from this book in the near future.The conservation of rare species, diverse habitats, and biodiversity is a central theme in considering the relationship between modern civilization and the global environment. In post-industrial Japan, one focus has been the protection of iconic animals such as storks, crested ibis, dugongs, and sea turtles, while damage to crops and humans by deer, wild boars, monkeys, bears, and other common animals has become an important social issue. How can the world's 7.7 billion-plus people live in harmony with other species? We would like to get some hints on how to solve the problems we are facing.

  • af John A Vucetich
    640,95 kr.

    A foundational text on animal population conservation featuring practical applications and case studies.The study of animal populations is integral to wildlife ecology and conservation. Analyzing population biology data can help facilitate the recovery of threatened species, manage overabundant species, and ensure sustainable levels of harvest. But for many students, the complex math involved is a barrier to understanding the importance of the data's applications. The emphasis on solving mathematical problems in traditional population biology texts may also seem far removed from the heart of conservation work that students find most compelling. The Biology and Conservation of Animal Populations is built differently. It provides a thorough introduction to this fundamental science in an accessible context that centers conservation, not equations.This textbook, written by prominent conservation scientist, author, and wolf biologist John A. Vucetich, challenges students to think critically about big questions in conservation work--such as what does and does not count as an endangered species and why--and addresses these issues using practical examples and case studies. The crucial mathematics concepts needed to fully understand these issues are explained by directly connecting the equations with their use in efforts to conserve animal populations. Included in the text are explicit learning goals for each chapter, in-depth case studies, and step-by-step exercises demonstrating how to perform calculations and simulations in Excel, and online supplementary materials. Vucetich also gives substantive attention to the growing call for integrative learning by connecting population science to the ethical considerations that guide its application.

  • af Cândida Mews
    288,95 kr.

    Considering the total scarcity of technical and biological information on the use of hydrogel and fertilization in the production of seedlings and the urgent need to make forest recovery initiatives more precise and viable, the authors developed a study in a greenhouse located in Brasília-DF seeking to evaluate the effect of the Hydrogel Polymer incorporated into the substrate and nitrogen fertilization on the growth of seedlings of three native Cerrado tree species - Handroanthus ochraceus (Cham. ), popularly known as Ipê-amarelo Mattos, Handroanthus impetiginosus (Mart. ex DC.), Mattos, Ipê-roxo and Myracrodruon urundeuva, Aroeira. The Cerrado has an extreme abundance of endemic species and is suffering exceptional habitat loss. In this context, we recommend this book to professionals and students of Biological and Agricultural Sciences, as well as lovers of Brazilian flora and its applications who seek to conserve and restore the Cerrado biome through the production and propagation of its species.

  • af Cândida Mews
    414,95 kr.

    Compte tenu de la pénurie totale d'informations techniques et biologiques sur l'utilisation de l'hydrogel et de la fertilisation dans la production de semis et du besoin urgent de rendre les initiatives de récupération forestière plus précises et viables, les auteurs ont réalisé une étude dans une serre située à Brasília-DF pour évaluer l'effet du polymère hydrogel incorporé au substrat et de la fertilisation azotée sur la croissance des semis de trois espèces d'arbres indigènes du Cerrado - Handroanthus ochraceus (Cham. ), communément appelé Ipê-amarelo Mattos, Handroanthus impetiginosus (Mart. ex DC.), Mattos, Ipê-roxo et Myracrodruon urundeuva, Aroeira. Le Cerrado possède une abondance extrême d'espèces endémiques et souffre d'une perte d'habitat exceptionnelle. Dans ce contexte, nous recommandons ce livre aux professionnels et aux étudiants en sciences biologiques et agricoles, ainsi qu'aux amateurs de la flore brésilienne et de ses applications qui cherchent à conserver et à restaurer le biome du Cerrado par la production et la propagation de ses espèces.

  • af Catherine Badgley
    1.176,95 kr.

    This authoritative volume brings together decades of insights from one of the longest terrestrial fossil records on the planet.The fabled Himalayas have isolated and sheltered the Indian subcontinent for millions of years. The Siwalik sequence of sediments at their feet has been a treasure trove of visions into the past for generations of paleontologists, preserving an immense 20 million years of terrestrial ecosystems' fossil record. The Siwalik sequence reveals a unique forest wonderland of diverse animal species: from huge elephant relatives, great rhinos, and sabertooth cats, to mongooses, swamp rats, crocodiles, and catfish. Regional climate change eventually caused this forest ecosystem to unravel, as grasslands replaced the forests and established the habitats and animals of the modern ecosystems of the Indus and Ganges rivers.In At the Foot of the Himalayas, celebrated paleontologists Catherine Badgley, Michèle Morgan, and David Pilbeam bring together a collection of world-renowned scholars to present an interdisciplinary approach to documenting and interpreting this fossil record. By investigating changes in landscape, climate, and vertebrate species diversity, their analysis reveals insights into a central question about biodiversity: which evolutionary developments were influenced by changes in climate, and which were caused by interactions among the species themselves? This groundbreaking book illuminates for the first time a mysterious and vibrant paleontological past, bringing together more than 40 years of exciting international collaborative studies that forge invaluable knowledge pathways for the ecologists, evolutionary scientists, and paleontologists of the future, and pose important questions about our fragile ecosystems in the present day.

  • af Marchelle Farrell
    127,95 - 165,95 kr.

    What is home? It's a question that has troubled Marchelle Farrell for her entire life. Years ago she left Trinidad and now, uprooted once again, she heads to the peaceful English countryside - the only Black woman in her village.Drawn to her new garden, Marchelle begins to examine the complex and emotional question of home in the context of colonialism. As her relationship with the garden deepens, she discovers that her two conflicting identities are far more intertwined than she had realised. Full of hope and healing, Uprooting is a book about finding home where we least expect it, and which invites us to reconnect to the land - and ourselves.

  • af Débora Cristina Da Silva
    626,95 kr.

    Le zone umide possono avere un'influenza benefica sulla qualità e sulla quantità dell'acqua. L'occupazione delle paludi nel bacino idrografico del Rio dos Sinos potenzia gli effetti negativi delle inondazioni e aumenta la difficoltà di trattamento delle acque grezze per l'approvvigionamento umano. Ecosistemi che ospitano un'importante diversità di specie vegetali e animali, svolgono il ruolo di aree di sfioro per i corpi idrici, in grado di immagazzinare e filtrare l'acqua durante i periodi di inondazione. Questo libro fa parte di una tesi di laurea che sostiene la necessità di classificare le paludi come patrimonio, un'opzione alternativa alle leggi sulla conservazione dell'ambiente e sulla gestione delle risorse idriche, perché queste non vengono rispettate nella misura in cui garantiscono la conservazione delle paludi. Sono state prese in considerazione fonti in grado di tradurre il rapporto tra le persone e le paludi: documenti fotografici, musica, letteratura e, soprattutto, l'ascolto delle narrazioni di persone che hanno vissuto nelle paludi e che rivelano "le paludi in noi e noi nelle paludi".

  • af Gino Pereira
    498,95 kr.

    Like several other municipalities that make up the state of Ceará, the municipality of Baturité faces serious problems with water shortages. Notwithstanding this reality, there is the Quilombola Community of Serra do Evaristo, which is facing significant water shortage problems. This situation is the subject of this book: Analysing the process of community water management in the Quilombola Community of Serra do Evaristo. In order to gain a more detailed understanding of this process, it was necessary to diagnose: how the community is organised with regard to water management; how decisions are made; what the concerns are regarding the quality and quantity of water; which sources of supply and how they are used, the current state of conservation of cisterns and natural sources. This book seeks to provide an understanding of how residents establish water management via cistern storage, and that this provides an overview of the dynamics of community water management in the Brazilian semi-arid region, especially in the Quilombo Community of Serra do Evaristo in the semi-arid region of Ceará in the north-east of the country.

  • af Débora Cristina Da Silva
    433,95 kr.

    Wetlands are capable of having a beneficial influence on water quality and quantity. The occupation of the marshes in the Rio dos Sinos catchment potentialises the negative effects of flooding and increases the difficulty of treating raw water for human supply. Ecosystems that are home to an important diversity of plant and animal species, they play the role of overflow areas for water bodies, capable of storing and filtering water during periods of flooding. This book is part of a dissertation that argued in favour of listing the marshes as heritage sites, an alternative option to environmental conservation and water resource management laws, because these are not observed to the extent that they ensure the conservation of the marshes. Sources capable of translating the relationship between people and the marshes were considered: photographic records, music, literature and, especially, listening to the narratives of people who have lived in the marshes and who reveal "the marshes in us and us in the marshes".

  • af Sean B Carroll
    160,95 kr.

    One of today's most accomplished biologists and gifted storytellers reveals the rules that regulate all lifeHow does life work? How does nature produce the right numbers of zebras and lions on the African savanna, or fish in the ocean? How do our bodies produce the right numbers of cells in our organs and bloodstream? In The Serengeti Rules, award-winning biologist and author Sean Carroll tells the stories of the pioneering scientists who sought the answers to such simple yet profoundly important questions, and shows how their discoveries matter for our health and the health of the planet we depend upon.One of the most important revelations about the natural world is that everything is regulated—there are rules that regulate the amount of every molecule in our bodies and rules that govern the numbers of every animal and plant in the wild. And the most surprising revelation about the rules that regulate life at such different scales is that they are remarkably similar—there is a common underlying logic of life. Carroll recounts how our deep knowledge of the rules and logic of the human body has spurred the advent of revolutionary life-saving medicines, and makes the compelling case that it is now time to use the Serengeti Rules to heal our ailing planet.Bold and inspiring, The Serengeti Rules illuminates how life works at vastly different scales. Read it and you will never look at the world the same way again.

  • af Josiane Esther Jemima Alle
    489,95 kr.

    Spatial dynamics were analyzed using Landsat TM images from 1990, Landsat ETM+ from 2002, Landsat OLI from 2014 and Landsat OLI from 2021, remote sensing and a geographic information system (GIS), in the Séguéla classified forest in northwest Côte d'Ivoire. The aim of the present study is to determine the land-use types in the Séguéla classified forest, and to analyze the spatio-temporal dynamics of these different land-use types from 1990 to 2021. To do this, a field visit was made to the Séguéla classified forest, based on the color composition of the 2021 Landsat OLI image. Maximum likelihood supervised classification was applied. Three transition matrices were used to highlight the conversions undergone by the different land-use units. Mapping results indicated deforestation rates estimated respectively at 28.75% from 1990 to 2002, 23.46% from 2002 to 2014 and 5.70% from 2014 to 2021.

  • af Adingite Ndungi
    505,95 kr.

    Waste management is a highly topical issue. It is the subject of numerous scientific debates and publications around the world, but it is also a subject of everyday life in an urban environment. Here, we are confronted with waste management in the home, as well as in the workplace, symbolised by the mountains of open rubbish in wastelands and certain public squares. Poor waste management leads to pollution of the natural environment and nuisance. In general, hospitals should be clean and hygienic. These two essential characteristics of the hospital can be compromised by the waste produced by medical staff during their work in the consulting room, wards, laboratory, maternity ward, etc. Poor management of this waste poses risks to human health. It is therefore in our interest to treat it appropriately in terms of handling, packaging, storage and disposal, in the light of the legislation to which nursing staff must refer.

  • af Jean-Claude Génot
    498,95 kr.

    Naturalist trips awaken my instinct for nature and enrich my vision as an ecologist. They are an opportunity to observe and try to understand the relationship between man and nature. From Yellowstone National Park to Switzerland, from the forests of Belarus to those of the Balkans, and from the African wilderness to that of Costa Rica, all the examples presented in this book show the beauty of wilderness, underline the irreplaceable richness of freely evolving environments, and remind us of the difficulty of humans to live in nature without destroying it. These travelogues are the occasion of formidable lessons of ecology and lead to show humility in front of nature. This book is intended for naturalists, conservation professionals and beyond to all those who love nature and travel.

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