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Middelalderens filosofi

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  • - How to Prevail in the Age of Unreason
    af Douglas Murray
    105,95 - 192,95 kr.

    The brilliant and provocative new book from one of the world's foremost political writers

  • - Filosofi og kosmologi i middelalder og renæssance 1250-1650
    af Aksel Haaning
    152,95 kr.

    Naturens lys er en moderne klassiker i dansk faglitteratur. Bogen er både en kritisk gennemgang af den naturforståelse, der dominerede det 20. århundrede og samtidig en afdækning eller genopdagelse af en række forestillinger om natur, der er blevet afvist eller undertrykt op gennem historien. Det viser sig, at denne understrøm af forskellige natursyn og videnstraditioner er en del af filosofiens og videnskabernes historie og en stadig kilde til fornyelse og inspiration. Naturens lys er en fascinerende fortælling om en levende natur og mennesket som indfoldet heri med både krop og sjæl og ånd. Gennem bogens kapitler kommer den fortrængte historie til orde som en fortløbende fortælling, der lodder dybere og dybere og samtidig taler direkte ind i vores egen tid. Aksel Haaning (f. 1959) er uddannet som mag. art. i middelalderens latin fra Københavns Universitet, ph.d. i Science Studies fra Roskilde Universitet, hvor han er lektor i Filosofi- og videnskabs- historie. Naturens lys. Filosofi og kosmologi i middelalder og renæssance 1250-1650 er en medrivende fortælling om glemte verdensbilleder og fortrængte vidensformer, hvad man i digtning og filosofi, i videnskab og religion, kaldte verdenssjælen (anima mundi), kvintessensen, livets rod eller jordens ånd (spiritus mundi) og naturens lys (lumen naturae). Værket viser, at disse traditioner bestræber sig på at forklare og formulere en forbindelse mellem menneske og natur, mellem legeme og sjæl, og beskriver samtidig, hvordan alting er forbundet i et større hele; tankeformer, der gennem senere århundreder kom til at stå i skyggen af fortællingen om menneskets herredømme og naturen som råstof eller materiel ressource.

  • af Kai Sørlander
    157,95 - 206,95 kr.

  • af Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius
    267,95 kr.

    Filosofiens trøst er skrevet ca. 524 af en mand, som sad fængslet og ventede på at blive henrettet for forræderi mod kong Theodorik. Forfatteren Boethius var en fornem romersk senator og dybt fortrolig med hele antikkens filosofi og litteratur. I sin desperate situation fandt han trøst ved at forestille sig en samtale med Filosofien selv i skikkelse af en kvinde. Prosa veksler med digte i mange versemål og rap dialog med dybsindige udredninger af tidløse eksistensspørgsmål.Filsofiens trøst er blevet kaldt´tusind års bestseller´. Den var længe den mest læste bog i Europa efter bibelen og er kommet mange udgaver. I Danmark er den kun udkommet én gang før, i 1756. Det anonyme skrift Theoderiks historie skildrer goterkongens regeringstid - og giver Boethius´ baggrund i samtiden og beskriver hans henrettelse. Begge skrifter er oversat af Torben Damsholt.

  • af Lutz Spilker
    165,95 kr.

    Im Buch ¿Die Erfindung des freien Willens¿ taucht der Leser in eine faszinierende Reise durch die Tiefen des menschlichen Bewusstseins ein. Der Autor entfaltet eine akribische Untersuchung darüber, wie die Vorstellung des freien Willens in unserer Gesellschaft entstanden ist und welchen Einfluss sie auf unser tägliches Leben hat.Durch eine sorgfältige Analyse von philosophischen, neurologischen und psychologischen Erkenntnissen führt das Buch den Leser durch die komplexen Strukturen des Denkens und Entscheidens. Dabei wird die Frage nach der Existenz des freien Willens nicht nur als intellektuelle Herausforderung, sondern auch als kulturelle Konstruktion betrachtet.Der Autor präsentiert ein breites Spektrum an wissenschaftlichen Theorien, von der Determinismus-Debatte bis zu aktuellen Erkenntnissen der Neurowissenschaften. Dabei bleibt das Thema stets wissenschaftlich fokussiert und bannt den interessierten Leser.In einer Zeit, in der die Diskussion über den freien Willen zunehmend an Relevanz gewinnt, liefert dieses Buch nicht nur eine umfassende Bestandsaufnahme des aktuellen Forschungsstandes, sondern regt auch dazu an, die eigene Vorstellung von Entscheidungsfreiheit zu hinterfragen. ¿Die Erfindung des freien Willens¿ bietet somit nicht nur eine intellektuelle Entdeckungsreise, sondern auch eine Gelegenheit zur Selbstreflexion über die Grundlagen unseres Handelns in einer hochkomplexen Welt.

  • af Lutz Spilker
    165,95 kr.

    In ¿Die Erfindung der Bibel¿ tauchen Leser in die faszinierende und komplexe Welt der biblischen Entstehungsgeschichte ein. Dieses Sachbuch bietet eine tiefgründige, chronologisch aufgebaute Reise durch die Jahrtausende, beleuchtet die Wurzeln der biblischen Texte und enthüllt die vielschichtigen Prozesse, die zur Entstehung dieses einflussreichen Buches führten.Von den antiken Ursprüngen der Schriften im Nahen Osten bis zur Digitalisierung der Bibel im 21. Jahrhundert spannt der Autor einen Bogen über entscheidende Epochen. Beginnend mit den Frühformen der Bibel, erkundet das Buch die Rolle der Propheten, die Sammlung und Konsolidierung der Texte, und führt zu den bedeutenden Konzilen, die den Bibelkanon formten.¿Durch akribische Recherche und sachliche Darstellung entfaltet der Autor die Geschichte der Bibel in ihrer ganzen Komplexität¿, so die renommierte Religionswissenschaftlerin Dr. Anna Müller. Dabei werden auch kontroverse Themen wie die Apokryphen, die Reformation und die Herausforderungen der Bibelkritik eingehend behandelt.Die Leser entdecken, wie die Bibel im Laufe der Jahrhunderte die Geschichte der Menschheit beeinflusst hat ¿ von der Vulgata (Hieronymus) im Mittelalter bis zu aktuellen Debatten über ihre Interpretation. Das Buch wirft einen Blick auf die Bibel in interreligiösen Kontexten und untersucht, wie archäologische Entdeckungen den historischen Kontext der Bibel beleuchten.Mit einem Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Bibel und einer Zusammenfassung der zahlreichen Facetten ihrer Geschichte, bietet ¿Die Erfindung der Bibel¿ nicht nur eine fundierte Analyse, sondern auch eine anregende Lektüre für alle, die tiefer in die Geschichte dieses einzigartigen Werkes eintauchen wollen.Dieses Sachbuch vereint wissenschaftliche Präzision mit einfacher Sprache und regt dazu an, die Bibel in einem neuen Licht zu betrachten.

  • af Nasser Bovoleti Ayash
    352,95 kr.

    Sous la dynastie abbasside, les peuples du Moyen-Orient, malgré la diversité de leur patrimoine, formaient une culture identifiable, dotée d'une identité propre. Le développement des aspects culturels et politiques au Moyen-Orient permet de comprendre les raisons de certaines tendances, qui peuvent être appréhendées à travers le mouvement de la traduction, qui a joué un rôle essentiel. C'est à cette époque que s'établit la compréhension commune du ciel, point de départ de la tradition astronomique qui constitue un chapitre important de l'histoire de l'astronomie et de la science en général. Les principaux sujets qui montrent les étapes de la formation d'une perception plus unifiée du ciel sont la définition des demeures lunaires et le système arabe Anwa', ainsi que les influences qu'ils ont reçues. L'étude du folklore et des travaux d'astronomes et de scientifiques, tels que ibn Qutaiba et al Sufi, permet de comprendre les développements culturels de cette période. L'utilisation d'illustrations facilitera la présentation des phénomènes astronomiques les plus essentiels.

  • af Katherine Walker
    1.002,95 kr.

  • af Abdulhamit Arvas
    1.091,95 kr.

    This book is based on the postmedieval journal special issue Critical Confessions Now. These chapters on confessions exhibit great diversity and take up different disciplinary approaches by scholars who stand at various stages of their careers. They address not only different time periods but also various linguistic and cultural contexts. Contributors deploy a wide array of methods, critical approaches, and narrative voices, and contributors assumed the confessional voice with a whole host of affective responses ¿ from enthusiasm to cautious hesitation to outright discomfort. Previously published in postmedieval Volume 11, issue 2-3, August 2020.

  • af Gustavo Leite Neves Da Luz
    497,95 kr.

    The aim of this work is to demonstrate the great contribution made by Dante Alighieri to a universalist theory of international law, through his political work Da Monarquia (The Monarchy), analysing the elaboration of a universal monarchy as the only means of a possible peace between the entire human race, with the intention of dividing the power of the world into temporal and timeless, the former belonging to a monarch or emperor and the latter to the Church.

  • af Gustavo Leite Neves Da Luz
    382,95 kr.

    L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è dimostrare il grande contributo dato da Dante Alighieri a una teoria universalista del diritto internazionale, attraverso la sua opera politica Da Monarquia (La Monarchia), analizzando l'elaborazione di una monarchia universale come unico mezzo per una possibile pace tra l'intero genere umano, con l'intenzione di dividere il potere del mondo in temporale e atemporale, il primo appartenente a un monarca o imperatore e il secondo alla Chiesa.

  • af Pierre Duchat
    230,95 kr.

    Dive into the shadowy corridors of history and mystery with "The Priory of Sion and the Secret Spiritual War." Uncover the clandestine paths of the Gnostic Guardians, as author Pierre Duchat leads you through the labyrinthine tales of a brotherhood shrouded in legend and intrigue. From the mythological roots tracing back to King Solomon and the Knights Templar to the enigmatic connections with the Holy Grail, embark on a journey that spans centuries and challenges the very fabric of history.This riveting account doesn't just recount history; it invites you to decipher it. Duchat masterfully weaves a narrative filled with secret rituals, hidden codes, and contested historical assertions, urging you to question what you know about the past. As you delve into the layers of secrecy surrounding the Priory of Sion, you'll encounter a world where myth and reality blur, where ancient wisdom and modern conspiracy theories collide."The Priory of Sion and the Secret Spiritual War" isn't merely a book; it's an invitation to embark on an intellectual quest. It challenges you to explore the depths of human belief, spirituality, and the quest for truth. With each page, you'll find yourself drawn deeper into a world where the sacred and the secretive merge, where every clue and symbol could unlock age-old secrets.Are you ready to challenge the boundaries of history and uncover the secrets that have captivated scholars, conspiracy theorists, and spiritual seekers alike? Join Pierre Duchat on this exhilarating expedition into the heart of the Priory of Sion, and prepare to have your perception of history and spirituality transformed forever.

  • af Elizabeth S. Leet
    1.091,95 kr.

  • af Magnus Heindel
    245,95 kr.

    By reading "The Rosicrucian Quest for Universal Truth," you will be able to learn about the fascinating combination of history and mysticism that surrounds the Rosicrucians. Investigate the history of this mysterious brotherhood and the fabled tale of Christian Rosenkreuz, the man who established it.It is important to gain an understanding of how the Rosicrucians interpreted the search for the Philosopher's Stone, not as a simple material objective, but rather as a symbol for spiritual enlightenment and self-transformation. A deeper understanding and personal development can be attained through the use of profound allegories and symbols that are incorporated into their teachings and rituals.Give some thought to the ways in which the legacy of the Rosicrucians has spread throughout different cultures and influenced art, literature, and contemporary esoteric thought. Learn about the ways in which this ancient wisdom continues to motivate people who are looking for the truth and those who are yearning for a more profound connection with the universe.The book "The Rosicrucian Quest for Universal Truth" is more than just a historical account; rather, it is an invitation to a path of spiritual awakening and personal discovery. This is the beginning of your journey to enlightenment, which will be guided by the experience and knowledge of the Rosicrucian masters.

  • af Flávio Rodrigues Andrade
    782,95 kr.

    This work provides an in-depth analysis of the transition from the Templar Order to the Order of Christ between the 14th and 15th centuries, highlighting the astuteness of King Dinis of Portugal, who ruled between 1279 and 1325, in creating the heir to the Templars, the Order of Christ created in 1317, and his concern to protect it. The research takes a comprehensive approach that establishes links between the work of the Knights Templar in the crusades in the Middle East, in the War of Reconquest in the Iberian Peninsula, in the transition of the surviving Knights Templar from the persecution of the King of France; Philip IV the Fair to the Order of Christ and in the efficient work of these knights in Portuguese territorial expansion, where the commitment of Prince Henry to perfecting navigational techniques was also emphasised. The fourth chapter proposes a pedagogical discussion on this subject.

  • af Fabrizio De Falco
    1.002,95 kr.

    ¿Authors, Factions, and Courts in Angevin England: A Literature of Personal Ambition (12th-13th Century) advances a model for historical study of courtly literature by foregrounding the personal aims, networks, and careers as the impetus for much of the period¿s literature. The book takes two authors as case studies ¿ Gerald of Wales and Walter Map ¿ to show how authors not only built their own stories but also used popular narratives and the tools of propaganda to achieve their own, personal goals. The purpose of this study is to overturn the top-down model of political patronage, in which patrons ¿ and particularly royal patrons ¿ set the cultural agenda and dictate literary tastes. Rather, Fabrizio De Falco argues that authors were often representative of many different interests expressed by local groups. To pursue those interests, they targeted specific political factions in the changeable political scenario of Angevin England. Their texts reveal a polycentric view of cultural production and its reception. The study aims to model a heuristic process which is applicable to other courtly texts besides the chosen case-studies.

  • af Hans-Joachim Rudolph
    215,95 kr.

    With this book I address all the creative people that have grown tired of thinking within the framework of old paradigms. Instead, it outlines a radically new world view that is based on the teachings of the Indian philosopher and social reformer Shri Ranjan Prabhat Sarkar, without adopting an apodictic tone. Rather, I endeavor to present his innovative ideas in the light of modern rationality.

  • af Robert Miner
    981,95 kr.

    Thomas Aquinas's Questions on the passions form part of the Summa Theologiae, Aquinas's best-known work. This first standalone edition shows, through a translation that is both rigorously accurate and mirrors the rapid tempo of Aquinas's Latin, what Aquinas says in his landmark treatment of the passions. Aquinas sets the parameters and terms of debate for numerous later theorists of the passions, including Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza and Hume. Some have alleged that Paul and later Christians have (in Nietzsche's words) "an evil eye for the passions," judging them as 'dirty, disfiguring and heartbreaking'. Yet readers of the present translation will perceive that Aquinas regards the passions as part of created nature, and thereby good in their essence. As they encounter Aquinas's treatment, they will also deepen their knowledge of particular passions-including love, hatred, desire, aversion, pleasure, sorrow, hope, despair, fear, and anger.

  • af Pawe¿ Superat
    505,95 kr.

    The presented volume contains a critical edition of questions 8¿10 from Book II of the commentary on Peter Lombard¿s Sentences by Marsilius of Inghen (¿ 1396). Marsilius was a famous scholar and the first rector of the University of Heidelberg, educated in Paris. He influenced next generations of philosophers and theologians up to sixteenth century. In general, these questions deal with the problem of creation of the material world. In detail, question 8 addresses the issue of formless matter and the material nature of the heaven. Question 9 addresses the concept of light and some trinitarian problems. Finally question 10 explores the model of the universe and the approach to the relationship between faith and reason.

  • af Kazimierz Gry¿enia
    505,95 kr.

    In his book, Kazimierz Gry¿enia presents the changes which occurred in the understanding of analogy in modern scholasticism, with particular reference to the views of the leading representative of the period, Francisco Suárez. As a representative of the newly established Jesuit order, Suárez was not bound to any previous philosophical tradition and sought to develop a universal system of philosophy.This book acquaints the reader with the complexity of modern scholasticism, and presents Suárez¿s philosophy as a significant link in the consolidation of essentialist and ontological tendencies. It also poses the question of whether philosophy conceived and practiced in this way contributed to the later resentment towards philosophy as such, especially towards metaphysics.

  • af Jean Barthelemy Haureau
    347,95 - 497,95 kr.

  • af Fosca Mariani Zini
    1.051,95 kr.

  • af Jean th Cent Roscelin
    177,95 - 337,95 kr.

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