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  • - Håndbog i børnegudstjenster
    af Peter Nejsum, Annelise Søndengaard, Lena Kjems & mfl.
    497,95 kr.

    Gud flyver forrest er en uudtømmelig kilde af inspiration til den præst, der holder børnegudstjenester. Gud flyver forrest · er en håndbog i børnegudstjenester · er et uudtømmeligt inspirationskatalog · følger både kirkeåret og kalenderåret · er teologiske og pædagogiske overvejelser · over forkyndelse for børn · er spækket med fortællinger og liturgier · lægger stor vægt på salmevalget · er et kreativt værksted · har et omfattende register og en gedigen litteraturlistePressen skriver:Bogen er længe ventet. Og den lever til fulde op til forventningerne… En klar og overskuelig bog, der lægger op til refleksion og til egen videre planlægning, men også kan fungere som ”kogebog”, hvor man kan følge en opskrift. Den er værd at købe for både uerfarne, mellemerfarne og fuldbefarne!Præsteforeningens Blad Mangler du idéer, fortællinger eller bønner til en børnegudstjeneste, så er her masser af stof at gå i gang

  • af Ulla Morre Bidstrup, Ingrid Ank & Morten Kvist
    84,95 - 157,94 kr.

    Hvordan ser det rum ud, der dannes, når præsten træder ind ad døren til en familie, der skal have døbt deres barn? 8 præster reflekterer over dåbssamtalen og tager os med til den. Dåben klæder dig – både af og på. Otte forskellige præster tager os med til dåbssamtale. Med hver deres greb, men med det samme benspænd, nemlig at de ikke må støtte sig til formuleringer fra det teologiske arvegods, når de skal formidle dåben, men skal bruge egne ord og erfaringer. Dermed giver bogen otte forskellige bud på, hvordan der i 2018 kan tales relevant om, hvad dåb og kristendom er ind i de livssammenhænge, som nybagte forældre står i. Dåbssamtalen kender ingen udfaldet af på forhånd; som med enhver fortrolig samtale kommer det an på, hvor vi fører hinanden hen undervejs, hvad og hvor meget parterne hver især er villige til at give af sig selv. Forfatterne her lader os kigge med ind i samtalerummet med bud på, hvad der kan opstå, når folk og kirke mødes og rækker ud mod hinanden. Pressen skriver: Bogen kan bruges som et stort tag-selv-bord med tanker om og billeder på dåb. Man kan spejle sig i de forskellige forfatteres syn på dåben og måder at gå til samtalen på, og deres tanker kan bruges som klangbund for dåbssamtaler og som inspiration til dåbstaler. - Præsteforeningens Blad

  • af Birgitte Kragh Engholm
    197,95 kr.

    I gennemgang af 13 megatrends beskrives de drivkræfter, der vil påvirke Den Danske Folkekirke de næste 5, 10, 20 og måske endda 30 år.Vær med til at skabe den fremtidsgodkendte folkekirke!Hvis folkekirken også i fremtiden skal bevare sin position som folkets kirke, må den ruste sig til fremtiden og forsøge at lytte højere. Lytte højere til, hvad moderne mennesker i fremtiden vil efterspørge, hvilke behov, forventninger og ønsker, de har til deres kirke, og hvad der giver mening for dem. Lytte højere til, hvad fremtiden kommer til at betyde for folkekirkens medlemmer og den verden, de er medlemmer i, og kirken er kirke i.Denne bog er en praktisk og visionær håndbog for dig, der gerne vil være med til at fremtidssikre folkekirken. Bogen er særlig oplagt til folkekirkens menighedsråd, frivillige og ansatte, men alle, der holder af folkekirken og gerne vil have, at den også i fremtiden skal være folkets kirke fuld af værdi og mening, vil kunne finde motivation, inspiration, vision og arbejdsglæde i bogen. Bogen er et forsøg på for første gang nogensinde at implementere moderne fremtidsforskning i en folkekirkelig kontekst.

  • - Om omsorg for vort fælles hjem
    af Pave Frans
    147,95 kr.

    En veloplagt og populær pave med et stærkt og aktuelt budskab til verdens ledere, til kristne og ikke-kristne; til en planet, der har brug for at blive rusket op til en radikal ”økologisk omvendelse”. Pave Frans’ budskab er mere end bare en økologisk dagsorden. Det er en vision for menneskeheden, for den fremtid, vi alle skal dele. ”Det påtrængende behov for at beskytte vort fælles hjem indebærer, at menneskefamilien skal samles om at søge en bæredygtig og integreret udvikling, for vi ved, at der kan ske ændringer. Jeg opfordrer derfor indtrængende til en ny dialog om, hvordan vi skal forme fremtiden for vor planet. Vi har brug for en diskussion, som inddrager alle, for miljøproblemerne og deres menneskelige årsager vedrører og påvirker os alle. Vi har brug for en ny og universel solidaritet. Vi kan alle som Guds redskaber arbejde sammen om at værne om skaberværket, hver enkelt ud fra sin kulturelle baggrund og sine evner og erfaringer.” (Pave Frans)

  • af Dane C. Ortlund
    155,95 - 235,95 kr.

  • af Mads Djernes & Christine Toft Kristiensen
    287,95 kr.

    Hvordan lærer man konfirmander salmer? Med fortællinger om tekst og melodi præsenterer bogen femten salmer fra reformation til nutid. Til hver salme er der ideer til, hvordan man kan arbejde med dem på en mere kropslig måde. Har du oplevet at stå over for et hold konfirmander, som du næsten ikke kunne få til at slå op i salmebogen og slet ikke kunne få til at synge med? Og er du blevet mødt af en larmende tavshed, når du forsøgte at få en samtale i gang om en salme? Så er du helt sikkert ikke den eneste.Syng med konfirmander giver inspiration til, hvordan du med enkle tilgange og redskaber kan lære konfirmander salmer på nyemåder.Bogen er opdelt i tre hovedafsnit. Det første afsnit præsenterer forskellige praktiske øvelser (blandt andet icebreakers) med henblik på at oparbejde en kropslig bevidsthed, det andet indeholder fortællinger om 15 udvalgte salmers tekst og melodi samt aktiviteter (blandt andet bodypercussion) tildisse, mens det tredje introducerer en rækkeforskellige generelle lege til salmer. Tanken er, at man som underviser kan implementereaktiviteterne i bogens tredje afsnit for at skabe afveksling i undervisningen og variation i tilgangen til at lære konfirmanderne salmer.

  • - 30 tekster med inspiration fra Dietrich Bonhoeffer
    af Martin Lind
    137,95 kr.

    Biskop Martin Lind opdagede Bonhoeffer som nittenårig, og han er siden vendt tilbage til hans tekster jævnligt. I denne bog tager han afsæt i Bonhoeffers forskellige tanker og lader sig inspirere af dem.   Med Gud lever vi uden Gud indeholder tredive refleksioner efterfulgt af en bøn, og en længere indledning om Bonhoeffers liv og teologi. Som daglig andagtslæsning er bogen en god ledsager i en måneds tid. Pressen skriver:★★★★★I sine 30 andagter hjælper Lind os til at få øje for det hele: for tilværelsens dybder, for hinanden og for Gud.- Kristeligt DagbladEn fin lille bog.- Udfordringen

  • af Johannes Tefo
    177,95 kr.

    Uncover who you truly are in Christ with "Identity in Christ"! This book helps you see yourself differently, with stories and easy-to-understand lessons. It's like a guide showing you how loved and special you are to God. You'll learn to be confident and find your purpose, feeling free from doubts and fears. If you're unsure about yourself or want to feel closer to God, this book is for you. Get ready to be inspired and discover the awesome person you were meant to be. Dive into "Identity in Christ" now and start your journey to feeling whole and loved!

  • af Fulton J. Sheen
    175,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Riaan Engelbrecht
    191,95 kr.

    If we look at the life of Moses, we find numerous spiritual lessons that will benefit any disciple of Jesus. Is his life important? Most assuredly, as this volume of work explores. He was a murderer, yet God used him mightily. He was almost killed as an infant, yet survived to do great things for God, leading a life of worth and value for 120 years. He survived the harshness of two wilderness journeys, totalling 80 years, and rightly takes his place, even though human, as one of the great heroes of the Bible. Moses as a prophet played a vital role in pointing towards the life and the ministry of Jesus. Moses is of great importance in the Bible for he is recognised as a deliverer (Exodus 3:7-10), covenant mediator (Exodus 34:27), priest (Psalm 99:6), and ruler (Exodus 2:13-14; Acts 7:27). Moses's larger-than-life status as prophet was designed by God as a template from which all other prophets would be measured. Enjoy this journey as covered in volumes one and two to know more about Moses, and how we can spiritually grow on our journey with God.

  • af William Ashmead
    412,95 kr.

    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

  • af Bill Vincent
    177,95 kr.

    Step into the remarkable world of an individual who touched the boundaries of heaven and earth. "Heavenly Encounters: Extraordinary Journeys of Faith" invites you on a captivating exploration of a life and ministry that transcends time and belief.In these pages, you'll embark on an incredible journey guided by profound spiritual experiences and divine revelations. Although you may not have met this extraordinary person personally, their remarkable life will spark your imagination and deepen your understanding of faith and the supernatural.This book unveils a testament to the astonishing power of visions and revelations, central to their ministry. Discover how these heavenly encounters fueled their unyielding determination to impact countless lives.Through their own writings, gain unique insights into their world-a realm where visions unlocked destinies and foreign languages flowed as tangible evidence of divine intervention. In the face of skepticism and ridicule, they continued to minister with unwavering faith."Heavenly Encounters: Extraordinary Journeys of Faith" chronicles encounters with challenging crowds, notably in St. Louis, MO, where hostility met God's transforming presence. Experience moments when the most resistant hearts succumbed to the overwhelming power of divine encounters.Revel in the vivid recreation of the atmosphere at their meetings, where God's presence enveloped the room, leaving an indelible mark on all who were present. These encounters led to deliverance, miraculous healings, and profound transformations.As the church embraces an era of prophetic ministry, their legacy shines as a beacon of authenticity and purity. Their life and ministry serve as a reminder of the importance of discerning the fruit of encounters with the heavenly realm.Prepare to be inspired and uplifted as you journey through the extraordinary life and ministry of this remarkable individual. "Heavenly Encounters: Extraordinary Journeys of Faith" offers a compelling testament to the reality of the supernatural and a call to embrace the era of prophetic ministry within the church.Experience the power of genuine encounters with the third heaven and discover how these life-changing experiences can shape your own journey of faith. This book is an essential read for those seeking a deeper connection with the divine and a genuine encounter with the miraculous.

  • af Johnson Ambrose Afrane-Twum
    297,95 kr.

    Dr. Johnson Ambrose Afrane-Twum explores the history of African immigrant churches in the UK, offering suggestions for how black-led churches can partner with white-majority churches for greater impact in urban ministry and evangelism

  • af Philip Yeung
    185,95 kr.

    God never intends His calling for our lives to be a mystery to solve or a list of things to do. It's an open invitation to know Him intimately. The deeper we know God and dwell in His Word, the more naturally we discern His will. The secret is that there is no secret. This book will not teach you how to look for 'signs'. discover your gifts or hear a 'voice'. Nor will it tell you which career, ministry or marriage partner to choose. Rather, this book will take you on a journey through 24 Bible stories and examine how God calls His people and how people respond (or fail to respond). Drawing from four decades of experience in counselling and walking alongside seminary students in Hong Kong, Dr Philip Yeung uses Scripture powerfully and practically to address common misconceptions, questions and struggles expressed by Christians about discerning God's calling.

  • af Brian Dupor
    132,95 kr.

    Chosen For Conflict is one of the best leadership books and battleplan for believers with the passion to lead in their home, community, vocation, church or nationally. With a no nonsense approach, this book covers the importance of answering the call to lead and possible challenges leaders face. Each chapter carefully and concisely exposes the diverse tactics deployed by the enemy to weaken and destroy the mission, purpose, and calling of leaders. You will get a firsthand account of how to assess the enemy's threat, become fearless, guard against distraction, organize your team, honor God, frustrate the ememy and complete the work of God.

  • af Marcia Horne
    127,95 kr.

    In this third book of The Unseen series, our little lambs, Bobby and Archie, are making breakthroughs in their journey to learn more about Jesus and make him their real-life friend. Five more stories that include scripture. *As history has shown through God's Holy Word, Jesus existed before he came to earth. Prophets foretold of the Messiah's coming. *As the boys learn about the life of Jesus, they grow closer to his friendship being something they can see as real. *Belief enters the picture in earthly and spiritual situations. *As they learn about Jesus returning one day, they realize that God did not give us scripture to scare us, he gave us scripture to prepare us. *As the little lambs follow their shepherd, their friend, they know that God's plan is the best and most loving for all eternity.If you've not already read them, check out other books in The Unseen series: *A Child's View of the Spiritual Realm - book one in series. *How Cool is God! - book two in series.Get them at For more information on the authors books go to And God bless the children.

  • af Marcia Horne
    127,95 kr.

  • af Deborah Harrell
    232,95 kr.

  • af Padre Alberto Cutie
    252,95 kr.

  • af Tim Alberta
    344,95 kr.

    "The award-winning journalist and staff writer for The Atlantic follows up his New York Times bestseller American Carnage with this timely, rigorously reported, and deeply personal examination of the divisions that threaten to destroy the American evangelical movement."--Publisher's description.

  • af Christopher Meek
    227,95 kr.

    THERE ARE 52 WEEKS IN A YEAR.That's 52 times you start a brand new week.52 times you are faced with new choices.And 52 times where you absolutely need God.Life must have certain things in order for you to grow strong and healthy. Things such as food, water, sleep, exercise, school, a shower, and more.BUT WHAT ABOUT YOUR SPIRITUAL GROWTH?How are you growing in your relationship with God throughout each week? If you take time for games, friends and other things, how much more should you try to make time for God?THESE SHORT LESSONS CAN HELP!These lessons are taken from sermons that were written and presented to elementary aged kids at church services, kids camps and more! Inside each chapter kids will discover life applicable bible lessons, memory verses and even a place to write their thoughts to God all based on what they just learned!

  • af Harrison Perkins
    62,95 kr.

    What do Christians mean when they talk about 'Reformed theology'? And how does it affect how they live? Harrison Perkins, a senior research fellow for the Craig Center for the Study of the Westminster Standards, introduces us to some of the main themes of Reformed theology in this addition to the Track series. Starting with its principal foundations - the grace and love of God - Harrison goes on to tackle some of the trickier aspects of Reformed theology, like predestination, applying these doctrines to the life of the believer. Track is a series of books designed to disciple the next generation in the areas of culture, doctrine, and the Christian life. While the topics addressed aren't always simple, they are communicated in a manner that is. Chapter headings include: Why Study Reformed Theology? The Grace of God The Sovereign Love of God The Word of God The People of God The Experience of God's Grace Appendices include next steps, further reading and a glossary of terms. If you're looking to gain a clear understanding of the term 'Reformed', this book provides a concise and comprehensible explanation. Written for students, the short chapters and discussion questions can be used for individual reflection or group discussion.

  • af Robert McCarty
    212,95 kr.

    Discipleship is a great adventure, but at times we all need to nourish or rejuvenate our spirit. The Heart of a Disciple aims to help uncover the grace that keeps us moving forward in ministry and faith, even as the fire that first burned might become faint. Reflection, discussion prompts, and prayers invite pastoral leaders, faith-sharing groups, or solitary travelers to a renewed life and spirit.Endorsements"This is much more than a book about discipleship. It attends to the disciple's life and skillfully provides us with renewal in ways I have not seen before. Restorative. Real."--Dr. Mike Carotta, author of Teaching for Discipleship"A trail guide for the spiritual life. Bob's reflections and questions invite you to prayerfully ponder life and ministry, journeying deeper into God's grace."--Katie Zeigler, coordinator of adult faith formation, Office of Religious Education, Archdiocese of Los Angeles"Bob has produced a gift for ministry leaders. It is a wonderful tool for spiritual renewal that can be used personally or with a small group."--Marilyn Santos, Secretariat of Evangelization and Catechesis, United States Conference of Catholic BishopsBob McCarty, DMin, is a pastoral ministry consultant offering retreats, presentations, and training in ministry skills and assisting Catholic ministry organizations in mission assessment and strategic pastoral planning. Bob volunteers in catechetical and adult faith formation at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Fulton, Maryland.+

  • af John Edward Rawlinson
    297,95 - 452,95 kr.

  • af Ruth Lukabyo
    377,95 - 487,95 kr.

  • af Ope Banwo
    352,95 kr.

    The Pastor Meets ChatGPT - What Happens When A Seasoned Pastor Confronts ChatGPT Artificial Intelligence on matters of faith?In a world where faith and technology collide, journey alongside Pastor Creflo Olstine as he dives into the uncharted waters of AI and its impact on Christianity. In "Pastor Creflo Meets ChatGPT," discover a captivating exploration of how artificial intelligence is reshaping the landscape of faith, fellowship, and ministry.Through imaginary engaging dialogues with ChatGPT, an AI marvel, this book offers witty, illuminating, and motivational insights that bridge the gap between tradition and innovation. As the lines between the physical and the virtual blur, "Pastor Creflo Meets ChatGPT" equips readers with practical tools to harness the power of AI for the advancement of their faith, ministries, and communities. Prepare to be captivated by anecdotes, relevant examples, and biblical references that infuse each page with wisdom and insight. As Pastor Creflo navigates uncharted territories, readers will discover that AI isn't merely a novelty; it's a canvas upon which faith is painted in innovative ways.Step into the future. Embrace the possibilities. Discover the synergy of faith and AI in this groundbreaking narrative.

  • af Harold E. Miller
    257,95 kr.

    For over fifty years, Pastor Harold E. Miller has ministered to the members of the Honey Comb Church of God in Rosiclare, Illinois. One Man's Journey tells the story of Pastor Miller from his calling to preach the Word of the Lord at an early age, and his ongoing work in the church since 1972. It is an example of what God can do when we accept His plan for our lives, and the incredible journey available to those who take up the cross and follow the Lord.

  • af Daniele Luciano Moskal
    177,95 kr.

    L'autore di questo libro espone le malvagie abominazioni della bugiarda chiesa cattolica romana; le false affermazioni del Vaticano; e, cosa ancora più importante, le sciocche e controverse dichiarazioni non bibliche, create dall'uomo e folli di Papa Francesco utilizzando semplicemente l'autorevole Parola di Dio tratta dalle Sacre Scritture trovate nella Sacra Bibbia, che dimostrano che Papa Francesco e la sua chiesa cattolica romana sono impazziti come una scimmia che mangia una banana!

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