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Flytekniske færdigheder og pilotfærdigheder

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  • - Flystyrt i Danmark 1939-45
    af Ole Steen Hansen
    296,95 kr.

    Der styrtede mere end 1000 flyvemaskiner ned i Danmark under Anden Verdenskrig, britiske, amerikanske, tyske – og en enkelt dansk. Her er historien om en række af de vigtigste krigen igennem.Ole Steen Hansen tager os med på farefulde minelægningsoperationer i lav højde over danske farvande. På nedkastningsoperationer til modstandsbevægelsen og med bombefly på vej til mål i Tyskland.Læseren får overblik over krigen i luften, er med når nedskudte flyvere forsøger at flygte, og møder også de barske konsekvenser af de mange styrt. Bogen er rigt illustreret med historiske billeder og med nutidige fotos af mindesmærker, krigsgrave og historiske fly, som stadig kan ses i luften eller på museer.

  • - Bind 2
    af Ole Steen Hansen
    397,95 kr.

    Flyvningen er det 20. århundredes store eventyr, og Danmark har spillet en rolle i det. Ikke siden 30’erne er der kommet et samlet værk om dansk flyvning, hvilket ’Danmarks flyvehistorie’ retter op på i et gennemillustreret og lækkert trebindsværk. Danmarks flyvehistorie – De små fly er bind to.Ole Steen Hansen kender personligt de små flys Danmark og tegner et levende billede af piloterne og den passion, der driver dem. Mange af bogens flotte fotos er taget af forfatteren selv, når han har hængt ud ad åbne vinduer i små fly og fotograferet dem, der fløj tæt ved siden af.Historisk berettes om de små flys mangeartede anvendelse inden for fritidsflyvning, taxaflyvning, ambulanceflyvning, fotoflyvning og svæveflyvning mm. Og forfatteren tager os med på dramatisk forbryderjagt i åben dobbeltdækker, kighosteflyvninger med syge børn, dramatisk landbrugsflyvning en halv meter over kornet med 160km/t, kvindernes verdensmesterskab i svæveflyvning over den jyske hede, og omkring Roskilde-gruppen, der i hjemmebyggede fly med røg efter sig tegnede et hjerte på himlen over København for at hylde sundhedspersonalet under Coronakrisen. Bogen fortæller også om den vigtige danske flyproduktion omkring Anden Verdenskrig, om luftfotografering fra ballon over Tivoli i 1800-tallet og meget mere. Ole Steen Hansen (f. 1957) er forfatter, oversætter, fotograf, pilot og luftfartsjournalist. På baggrund af sit mangeårige virke blev han i 2019 tildelt Dansk Forfatterforenings faglitterære pris. Ole Steen Hansen har i mange år arbejdet med at fremme kendskabet til dansk flyvnings historie, når han i ord og billeder har skabt levende fortællinger med mennesket i centrum.

  • - Fortællinger fra luftrummet
    af Morten Knoth
    297,95 kr.

    I Cockpittets hemmeligheder løfter pilot og flyinstruktør Morten Knoth sløret for hvad der foregår bag den skudsikre cockpitdør. Han giver læseren et fascinerende indblik i det maskinrum, man ellers aldrig får adgang til, men som han selv har tilbragt de sidste 25 år i som både pilot og kaptajn. Morten Knoth har skrevet en bog fyldt med usædvanlige historier fra de højere luftlag og giver et helt unikt indblik i luftfartsbranchen - som aldrig før er skrevet om på dansk! I hans fly har der været alt fra udviste terrorister til solskoldede charterrejsende ombord. Knoth har fløjet privatjet ejet af rige og berømte mennesker, samt fået adgang til nogle unikke områder på jorden – lige fra golde forblæste klippeskær til ubeboede tropiske øer. Cockpittets hemmeligheder er altså også en utraditionel rejsefortælling fra pilotens sæde, hvor man som læser kommer vidt omkring. Morten Knoth er 46 år og Cockpittets hemmeligheder er hans første bog. Det er første gang, at en pilot fortæller om sit arbejde i bogformat på dansk.

  • - Bind 3
    af Ole Steen Hansen
    310,95 kr.

    I tredje og sidste bind af pragtværket om Danmarks flyvehistorie fortæller Ole Steen Hansen den spændende historie om dansk militær flyvning. Den spænder fra den allerførste militære flyvning herhjemme – med en ballon, der desværre endte i Øresund – til et kig ind i fremtiden, da den nye F-35 lander på Flyvestation Skrydstrup.Forfatter-fotografen har talt med en lang række mennesker, der gennem årene har fløjet i Flyvevåbnet samt Hærens og Flådens flyvetjenester, herunder vores første kvindelige militære piloter og radiooperatører.Vi kommer med på højdramatiske redningsaktioner i helikopter, flyver – helt bogstaveligt – højere, end vingerne bærer, med to gange lydens hastighed i Flyvestation Aalborgs Starfightere og kommer tæt på, når ulykken rammer. En tredjedel af Flyvevåbnets kampfly havarerede i løbet af Den Kolde Krig.Bogen indledes med den voldsomme beretning om evakueringen fra Kabul i 2021. Ole Steen Hansen (f. 1957) er forfatter, oversætter, fotograf, pilot og luftfartsjournalist. På baggrund af sit mangeårige virke blev han i 2019 tildelt Dansk Forfatterforenings faglitterære pris. Ole Steen Hansen har i mange år arbejdet med at fremme kendskabet til dansk flyvnings historie, når han i ord og billeder har skabt levende fortællinger med mennesket i centrum

  • af Doug Morris
    204,95 kr.

    The secret side of airplane travel, straight from the captain Captain Doug Morris has been writing for his airline's in-flight magazine for 24 years and answered a gamut of questions. This sequel to his bestselling book, From the Flight Deck: Plane Talk and Sky Science, explains everything you wanted to know about airline travel, such as: Do airliners have keys? What do aircrew get up to on layovers? Why the bumps? This Is Your Captain Speaking caters to the frequent flyer, the nervous flyer, aviation geeks, travel buffs, relatives to airline types, and that nosy neighbor who wonders what airline pilots do. Doug discusses how to become a pilot and the required training in the simulator, and shares passenger anecdotes about unsung heroes (flight attendants) and mile-high memberships. It's the A to Z of airline travel with a twist of humor. The flight deck door will always be closed, but Doug exposes the unique aviation world to the public. It's a must-read before or during your next flight.

  • af Headquarters Department of the Army
    201,95 kr.

    This publication is for skill levels I through 4 soldiers holding MOS 92R and for trainer and first-line supervisors. It contains standardized training objectives, in the form of task summaries, which can be used to train and evaluate soldiers on critical tasks, which support unit missions during wartime. Soldiers holding MOS 92R should have access to this publication. It should be made available in work areas, unit learning centers, and unit libraries. Trainers and first-line supervisors should actively plan for soldiers to have access to this publication. However, it is not intended that an individual copy be available for each soldier holding the MOS. All tasks in this manual are trained to wartime conditions for Active Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard Component soldiers.

  • af Cessna Aircraft Company
    147,95 kr.

    Cessna Pilot Operating Handbook for 1973 Cessna 172Table of Contents:Operating ChecklistDescription and Operating DetailsEmergency ProceduresOperating LimitationsCare of the AirplaneOperational DataOptional Systems

  • af Cessna Aircraft Company
    147,95 kr.

    Cessna Pilot Operating Handbook for 1970 Cessna 180H.Table of Contents:Operating ChecklistDescription and Operating DetailsEmergency ProceduresOperating LimitationsCare of the AirplaneOperational DataOptional SystemsIndex

  • af Cessna Aircraft Company
    177,95 kr.

    Cessna Pilot Operating Handbook for 1971 Cessna 177Table of Contents:Operating ChecklistDescription and Operating DetailsEmergency ProceduresOperating LimitationsCare of the AirplaneOperational DataOptional SystemsIndex

  • af Cessna Aircraft Company
    167,95 kr.

    Cessna Pilot Operating Handbook for 1975 Cessna 182Table of Contents:Operating ChecklistDescription and Operating DetailsEmergency ProceduresOperating LimitationsCare of the AirplaneOperational DataOptional SystemsIndex

  • af Cessna Aircraft Company
    147,95 kr.

    Cessna Pilot Operating Handbook for 1972 Cessna 172Table of Contents:Operating ChecklistDescription and Operating DetailsEmergency ProceduresOperating LimitationsCare of the AirplaneOperational DataOptional Systems

  • af Piper Aircraft
    197,95 kr.

    This is the Piper PA-28-151 Cherokee Warrior 1974-76 Pilot's Information Manual (761-563).This manual is applicable to Piper Model PA 28-151 aircraft having serial numbers 28-7415001 through 28-7615435.

  • af Federal Aviation Administration (Faa)
    212,95 kr.

  • af Federal Aviation Administration (Faa)
    262,95 - 317,95 kr.

  • af Federal Aviation Administration (Faa)
    262,95 kr.

  • af Federal Aviation Administration (Faa)
    162,95 kr.

  • af Cessna Aircraft Company
    147,95 kr.

    Cessna Pilot Operating Handbook for 1952-55 Cessna 170Table of Contents:DescriptionOperating ChecklistOperating DetailsOperating LimitationsOperational DataCare of the AirplaneIndex

  • af Cessna Aircraft Company
    127,95 kr.

    Cessna Pilot Operating Handbook for 1966 Cessna 150Table of Contents:Operating ChecklistDescription and Operating DetailsOperating LimitationsCare of the AirplaneOperational DataOptional SystemsIndex

  • af Cessna Aircraft Company
    127,95 kr.

    Cessna Pilot Operating Handbook for 1967 Cessna 150Table of Contents:Operating ChecklistDescription and Operating DetailsOperating LimitationsCare of the AirplaneOperational DataOptional SystemsIndex

  • af Denise Lunt
    162,95 kr.

    Coming from a privileged background, Blaise Viscount Sheringham served in the Royal Air Force, rising to the rank of Air Commodore. A man never without a woman, until he found his military career became entwined with the mysterious Gabriella Sky. A woman who held both him and his family under her spell, the only woman who rejected him until he nearly lost her. Set against modern RAF operations, accuracy confirmed by Squadron Leader Roy Handley, who served both a King and Queen during his 30 years in the Royal Air Force, the book traces a life of "Privilege Without Love" to one of contentment.

  • af D. M. Jackdaw
    252,95 kr.

    Starting with basic airmanship and progressing to drone employment in the field and equipment the drone operator should carry with them, this manual goes into detail about adapting drones for payload delivery, and commonsense tools for successful mission completion. "Necessity is the mother of invention"; Advancements made in sUAV design from the start of the war in 2022 to the summer of 2023, prove the pivotal role drones are playing in the Russo-Ukrainian war and the role they will undoubtedly play in both humanitarian and military missions in the future.This book was compiled and created by the author between the late Spring and Winter of 2022, while advising Ukrainian ground forces in drone piloting and operations. The author's intention was to create a framework and foundation for a much needed standardized training program for drone operators serving in Ukraine.Contents:Lift and WeightThrust and DragStability and ControlStallingGlidingHelicopter PrinciplesDrone Employment and OrganizationMeteorologyGeography, Communications, & ModificationsPatterns of Flight: Offensive & DefensiveEquipment, Drone Maintenance, Pre-Flight ChecksNavigation

  • af Hurmuz Ain
    282,95 kr.

    "Vanishing Flight MH370: Unraveling the Enigma" is an engrossing investigation into one of the most puzzling mysteries in the history of contemporary aviation, which is the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. This book provides a detailed and insightful investigation of the mystery that continues to perplex investigators, aviation specialists, and the global society. It goes deeply into the complexities of the event, presenting a complete and insight-filled look at the mystery.In the first chapter, which is headed "The Disappearance," the reader is completely submerged in the specifics of the tragic voyage that Flight MH370 will take. Beginning with the regular departure from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, the story follows the flight's path over the South China Sea until it abruptly stops communicating with the passengers and crew. The early search and rescue attempts are described, with an emphasis placed on the fact that the situation is both urgent and seriously serious.As the narrative progresses, the second chapter, titled "Theories and Speculations," provides the chapter's readers with an introduction to the numerous hypotheses and guesses that have surfaced in the aftermath of the disappearance. The investigation covers a wide range of possibilities, including pilot error, mechanical failure, and the contentious concept of purposeful conduct. This chapter provides a comprehensive perspective of the developing story by methodically navigating through the early days of doubt and confusion that occurred.In the third chapter, which is titled "Search Efforts and Frustrations," a comprehensive account of the exhaustive search operations that were carried out in the enormous expanse of the Indian Ocean is presented. As a result of reading this article, readers will obtain an understanding of the difficulties that search teams encounter, the implementation of cutting-edge technologies, and the frustrations that are experienced when searching for concrete evidence.Within the fourth chapter, titled "Unanswered Questions," an examination of the unresolved questions that surround the investigation is carried out. The absence of a distinct debris trail, the perplexing absence of black box signals, and the inconsistencies that exist within radar and satellite data are all dissected in this article. The reader is encouraged to engage with the disconcerting voids that continue to exist in the story of Flight MH370 by considering the contents of this chapter.The fifth chapter, titled "Conspiracy Theories," is when the story takes a compelling turn. In this chapter, the readers are introduced to the world of speculation and false information. The book investigates a number of different conspiracy theories that surfaced in the wake of the disappearance. It deconstructs the origins of these beliefs, analyzes their influence on public perception, and examines the role that skepticism plays in the formation of alternative narratives.In the sixth chapter, titled "The Human Element," the focus changes to the persons who were directly involved in the catastrophe. These individuals include the aircraft crew, the air traffic controllers, and the investigators responsible for the scene. The personal biographies offer a human perspective on the events that have transpired, highlighting the impact that the mystery has had on the lives of families and loved ones.The final chapter, titled "Moving Forward: Lessons Learned," is a reflection on the global response to Flight MH370 and the lasting influence it has had on aviation safety.

  • af Ashutosh Chopra
    637,95 - 797,95 kr.

  • af Jason Blair
    212,95 kr.

    "ASA's Oral Exam Guide Series is an excellent study tool for students and instructors alike. Arranged in a question-and-answer format, this comprehensive guide lists the questions most likely to be asked by evaluators during the practical exam and provides succinct, ready responses. FAA references are provided throughout for further study. This updated eleventh edition of the Commercial Pilot Oral Exam Guide aligns with the Airman Certification Standards (ACS), with new or expanded information on pilot qualifications, privileges and limitations, technically advanced airplanes (TAA), airworthiness requirements, weather information, airplane systems, emergency procedures, performance and limitations, cross-country flight planning and procedures, human factors, commercial flight maneuvers, and scenario-based training. This book is the complete resource to prepare applicants for the Commercial Pilot checkride and is valuable as a general refresher"--

  • af Ehsan Sheroy
    262,95 kr.

    Ethereal Expressive dance: The Workmanship and Study of Flight Transformations welcomes perusers on a dazzling excursion through the unlimited skies, investigating the sensational universe of airborne movement. In this charming investigation, the pages unfurl to uncover the complicated dance of nature's pilots - birds, bugs, bats - and the taking off desires of human flight. At the core of this dazzling story is the consistent combination of workmanship and science, where the class of flight variations is both a visual display and a logical wonder. From the perspective of avian greatness, perusers witness the development of winged ponders, their quills brushing against the material of the sky as the movement of flight unfurls. The book dives into the profundities of bug flying, where fragile moves and energetic varieties make a smaller than expected expressive dance of accuracy and elegance. The nighttime dance of bats, directed by the strange reverberations of echolocation, adds a bit of persona to the orchestra of flight. The Specialty of Human Flight becomes the overwhelming focus, from the legendary dreams of Icarus to the noteworthy developments of aeronautics pioneers. The story divulges the convergence of innovativeness and designing, where the journey to vanquish the skies turns into a material for mechanical inventiveness. Past the regular domain, the book presents the idea of biomimicry - a tribute to nature's plans moving mechanical advancement. From airplane wings displayed after bird plumes to independent frameworks reflecting the accuracy of bats, the book grandstands how the creativity of nature turns into a dream for human innovativeness. Elevated Expressive dance stretches out its wings to address the environmental effect of flight transformations, from the job of birds as biological system designers to the fertilization expressive dance performed by bugs. It explores the continuous journey for maintainable aeronautics and the moral contemplations that go with our desires to imitate nature's airborne expressive dance. In 300 words, Flying Artful dance arises as a scholarly work of art that enlightens the skies, welcoming perusers to observe the hypnotizing dance of flight variations - an embroidery woven with the strings of craftsmanship, science, and the timeless interest with the secrets that unfurl above us.

  • af Hans-Georg Rabacher
    162,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Edeltraud Lioba Miller
    283,95 kr.

  • af Federal Aviation Administration
    552,95 kr.

    This is the official 2023 Edition of the Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge FAA-H-8083-25C. Color Print.(This handbook supersedes FAA-H-8083-25B, Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge, dated 2016). This handbook provides basic knowledge essential for pilots. This handbook introduces pilots to the broad spectrum of knowledge that will be needed as they progress in their pilot training. A must-read in the process of becoming a pilot, useful to beginning pilots as well as those pursuing more advanced certificates.Written by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the pilot preparing for a Remote, Sport, Recreational, Private, Commercial, or Flight Instructor Pilot Certificate. This publication contains all the information necessary to fly an aircraft and to pass the FAA Knowledge Exam and Practical Test.Handbook Contents:Chapter 1: Introduction To Flying.Chapter 2: Aeronautical Decision-Making.Chapter 3: Aircraft Construction.Chapter 4: Principles of Flight.Chapter 5: Aerodynamics of Flight.Chapter 6: Flight Controls.Chapter 7: Aircraft Systems.Chapter 8: Flight Instruments.Chapter 9: Flight Manuals and Other Documents.Chapter 10: Weight & Balance.Chapter 11: Aircraft Performance.Chapter 12: Weather Theory.Chapter 13: Aviation Weather Services.Chapter 14: Airport Operations.Chapter 15: Airspace.Chapter 16: Navigation.Chapter 17: Aeromedical Factors.Appendix A: Performance Data for Cessna Model 172R and Challenger 605.Appendix B: Acronyms, Abbreviations, and NOTAM Contractions.Appendix C: Airport Signs and Markings.¿Features: High-quality color printing. 524 pages. Size: 8.5 x 11 in.

  • af Caroline Jensen
    257,95 kr.

    Thundermouse must find a way to help Finn overcome the separation when his mom is gone for her job: flying for the USAF Thunderbirds.

  • af Reynolds
    167,95 kr.

    A moving play celebrating the lives of 3 heroines: balloonist Dolly Shepherd, suffragette Constance Lytton, and explorer Violet Cressy-Marks.

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