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  • af Natasja Hjerrild Rosenquist
    227,95 kr.

    Giv dit tøj nyt liv med broderi og lær smuk og praktisk ”visible mending”, som skjuler småhuller og får tøjet til at holde sig smukt længere. At brodere er som at tegne med tråd – let, legende og frit.En introduktion til broderi og visible mending. I bogen gennemgås en række basis broderisting, som klæder dig på til at lave dine første broderier. Du finder også en masse tips, som er gode at kende, inden du går i gang, og et helt afsnit med inspiration til motiver og anvisninger til, hvordan du kan gøre dem efter. Bogen er lavet til begynderniveau, så alle kan være med, også dig som er øvet, da der er masser af inspiration og ideér til motiver. Med LILLE KLODE har Natasja Hjerrild Rosenquist skabt et kreativt og æstetisk univers med udgangspunkt i at vejlede, inspirere og opmuntre til at genoptage gamle håndværkstraditioner. På sin instagram profil og ved hendes ofte udsolgte broderikurser giver Natasja tøj og tekstiler nyt liv med broderi. Hun bruger også den populære teknik visible mending, hvor du, ved hjælp af broderi, dækker pletter eller lapper huller og dermed forlænger levetiden på tøj og tekstiler. Det er både godt for klimaet og pengepungen, og så inviterer det til fordybelse, ro og mentalt velvære.Natasjas mission er at inspirere til at give tøjet længere levetid. Og vise at broderi og lapninger kan være smukke og moderne. Det er både værdifuldt og enormt meningsfuldt.LILLE KLODE kan bruges af alle: Begynderen lærer det basale, mens den øvede kan hente inspiration og ideer til motiver.

  • af Jens Koldbæk
    257,95 kr.

    Denne nye og forbedrede bog om Windows 10 er din garanti for at få mest muligt ud af Windows 10. I denne udgave dækker vi nemlig alt det grundlæggende, samtidig med at vi introducerer et væld af avancerede funktioner. Med denne bog kommer du altså hele vejen rundt Windows 10, fra basis til ekspert. ”Det Windows du kender, bare bedre” er sloganet for Windows 10. Internet Explorer er blevet skiftet ud med den nye browser Edge. Startmenuen har udviklet sig og kombinerer den klassiske punktmenu med flise-menuen, vi kender fra Windows 8. Desuden indeholder Windows 10 masser af smarte apps, der taler sammen og gør hverdagen lettere – bla. Kort, Fotos, Mail, Groove Musik, Film & TV og OneDrive. Derudover gennemgår bogen installation og afinstallation af programmer, datasikring med automatisk backup, samt hvordan du holder hackere på afstand med gratis antivirus og firewall. Den erfarne bruger vil i bogen finde vejledning om: Windows PowerShell, den avancerede start menu, super administrator, GodMode, virtuelle maskiner, oprydning i registreringsdatabasen, avanceret virus og beskyttelse mod malware. Bogen er skrevet til dig, som skal i gang med Windows 10, eller som gerne vil videre med de avancerede funktioner - men som ikke ønsker at spilde tid på omveje og frustrationer. Windows 10 formidles ved hjælp af letforståelige og illustrerede vejledninger med én guide på hver side.

  • af Jørgen Koch
    127,95 kr.

    Få styr på dine e-mails, din kalender og dine kontakter med Outlook. Hæftet byder på en grundig gennemgang af alle basisfunktionerne, og du lærer brugerfladen godt at kende. Vi introducerer dig også for Microsofts cloud-tjeneste OneDrive (tidligere kendt som SkyDrive), hvor du gratis kan lagre op til 15 GB filer. Outlook er Office-pakkens mailklient, som du sikkert allerede kender fra din arbejdsplads, hvor det er en af de mest udbredte mailklienter.Du lærer, hvordan du føjer en mailkonto til Outlook 2016, og vi gennemgår den nye brugergrænseflade, der har fået et mere strømlinet og effektivt udseende uden unødvendige designelementer.Hæftet gennemgår de basale e-mailsfunktioner, samt hvordan du organiserer dine meddelelser og kontakter, hvordan du bruger kalenderen til at styre aftaler og opgaver, og mange andre nyttige funktioner i Outlook. Inklusiv gratis online adgang til hæftet.

  • af Simon Shuster
    172,95 kr.

    Acclaimed journalist Simon Shuster gives us the first inside account of the Russian invasion of Ukraine from the perspective of President Volodymyr Zelensky and his team, who granted him unprecedented access. Time correspondent Simon Shuster chronicles the life and wartime leadership of Volodymyr Zelensky from the dressing rooms of his variety show in Ukraine to the muddy trenches of his war with Russia. Based on four years of reporting; extensive travels with President Zelensky to the front; and dozens of interviews with him, his wife, his friends and enemies, his advisers, ministers and military commanders, The Showman tells an intimate and eye-opening story of the President's evolution from a slapstick actor to a symbol of resilience, revealing how he managed to rally the world's democracies behind his cause.The book's early chapters offer the first detailed account of Zelensky's life in a nuclear bunker in the opening weeks of the invasion and the circumstances of his wife's escape to safety with their children. Later, as the Russians retreat from Kyiv, we see Zelensky and his team emerge from the bunker and lead Ukraine in a series of crucial victories. The result is a riveting, up-close picture of the invasion as experienced by its number one target and improbable hero. Clear-eyed about the President's early failures as a peacemaker and his willingness to silence political dissent, the book offers a complex picture of a man struggling to break what he sees as a historical cycle of oppression that began generations before he was born. Even as the war drags on, Zelensky lays out his vision for its future course and, through his actions, demonstrates his strategy for countering the Russians and keeping the West on his side.The Showman, as a work of eyewitness journalism, provides an essential perspective on the war defining our age. As a study in leadership and human resolve, its appeal is timeless and universal.

  • af Jens Koldbæk
    127,95 kr.

    Windows 10 er skrevet til den erfarne bruger som gerne vil videre med de avancerede funktioner som eksempelvis Windows PowerShell, den avancerede start menu, super administrator, GodMode, virtuelle maskiner, oprydning i registreringsdatabasen, systemgenoprettelse, avanceret virus, multiple styresystemer og beskyttelse mod malware. Få mest muligt ud af det nye system og optimal ydeevne på din maskine. Vi guider dig igennem avancerede processer, indstillinger og præsenterer dig for de nye funktioner og finesser i Windows 10. Undervejs finder du masser af tips og tricks til, hvordan du arbejder smartest med computeren.

  • af John Sweeney
    127,95 - 278,95 kr.

  • af Bob LeVitus & Edward C. Baig
    225,95 - 312,95 kr.

    The iPhone boot camp for getting the most out of your device iPhone For Dummies is the ultimate user-friendly guide to the iPhone! Whether you're new to the iPhone or just want to get more out of it, this book will show you the essentials you need to know to take full advantage of the major features.

  • - En satirisk og filosofisk rejse i alle computerens ulemper
    af Carsten Graff
    98,95 kr.

    Hvordan forholder man sig til det moderne menneskes afhængighed over for computeren og andre medier?For at få ro til at finde svaret, opsøger forfatteren kirkegården. Her taler han problemerne igennem med et gammelt egetræ, som begejstret lever sig ind i beretningen om hans dag med alle dens impulser, tilbud og krav. Samtaler med et træ er et forsøg på at vise forskellen på verdens viden og træets visdom, på information og klogskab, og et opgør med myten om at information er god og nyttig til alle tider i alle sammenhæng. Bogen er en odyssé gennem alle de problemer, som det moderne samfunds opmærksomhedskrige starter, og ved forfatterens beretning forundres træet over computernes og informationshungerens magt over menneskers fantasi, deres vaner, deres liv. Bogen er fuld af humor, alvor, satire, ironi og ærlighed. Den er således en vigtig modgift mod den ureflekterede betagelse af teknologiens muligheder. Bogen er udgivet internationalt og har solgt mere end 12000 eksemplarer i Danmark. I Danmark har den modtaget en pris fra forfatterforeningen for at være årets mest interessante bud på en anderledes fagbog. Et uddrag af bogen kan læses på:

  • af Peter H. (AT&T Wireless Services Gregory
    225,95 kr.

  • af Mike Meyers
    443,95 kr.

    This bestselling on-the-job reference and test preparation guide has been fully revised for new 2022 exam objectivesThis fully revised and updated resource offers complete coverage of the latest release of CompTIA A+ exams 220-1101 & 220-1102. You'll find learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, exam tips, practice exam questions, and in-depth explanations. Designed to help you pass the CompTIA A+ exams with ease, this definitive guide also serves as an essential on-the-job IT reference.Covers all exam topics, including how to:Work with CPUs, RAM, BIOS, motherboards, power supplies, and other personal computer componentsInstall, configure, and maintain hard drivesManage input devices and removable mediaSet up, upgrade, and maintain Microsoft WindowsTroubleshoot and fix computer problemsInstall printers and other peripheralsConfigure and secure mobile devices>Connect to the InternetSet up wired and wireless networksProtect your personal computer and your networkImplement virtualization and cloud-based technologiesOnline content includes:Practice exams for 1101 & 1102 with hundreds of questionsOne hour of video training from Mike MeyersTotalSim simulations of performance-based questionsA collection of Mike Meyers' favorite shareware and freeware PC tools and utilities

  • af Jacob Mikanowski
    112,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Luke Harding
    127,95 kr.

  • af Andrey Kurkov
    117,95 - 165,95 kr.

    This journal of Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine is a collection of Andrey Kurkov's writings and broadcasts from Kyiv.

    245,95 kr.

    A celebration of Ukraine's rich cultural heritage bringing to light the country's most important works of art and architectural monuments from prehistory to the present.

  • - Where Big Tech Went Wrong and How We Can Reboot
    af Jeremy Weinstein, Rob Reich & Mehran Sahami
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.


  • af J. S. Walker
    367,95 kr.

    In July 1976 a new type of Integrated Circuit was released into the world and over half a century later it is still in production. This device is the Zilog Z80 processor and its longevity surely makes it one of the most successful electronic devices ever produced.This device spawned the rapid development of multitude of relatively low cost personal computer systems which would previously have been impossible to produce.This book is aimed at anyone who has ever wanted to design their own Z80 based computer system. From first principles to a fully working computer it delves into circuit design at the discrete logic level. Each circuit is fully described in detail and although this computer has many of the features found in many vintage computer systems it avoids the use of large scale integration devices. Each circuit is constructed using discrete logic gates to provide a fully immersive development experience.

  • af Andrew Harding
    127,95 kr.

  • af Jan Egesborg & Ulrich Busk Hoff
    87,95 kr.

    Der bliver talt og skrevet en masse om kvantecomputeren. Men ganske få forstår faktisk, hvordan den virker.Det kan du bliver klogere på i denne bog. Vi har nemlig forsøgt at gøre dette meget komplicerede emne mere forståeligt. Bogen er til nybegyndere inden for emnet og andre nysgerrige sjæle.God fornøjelse!

  • af Steven Goodwin
    165,95 kr.

    20 GOTO 10 — a book of numbers for computer nerds & deep technical wizardsWhether you''re interested in machines from the mainstream such as Sinclair, Acorn, Atari, Famicom, Sega, Nintendo, Sony, and Commodore, or the lesser known cabal of Dragon, Tandy, Oric, Amstrad, DEC, Jupiter, Vectrex, TI, and NewBrain (or even the virtually unheard of COSMAC Elf)20 GOTO 10 is a book of numbers that describes the many facets of computing history, focusing on the golden age of old computers and retro games and consoles of the 1980s and 90s. It covers the hardware, software, and social history of the era showing how they''re linked through numbers, such as 48K, C90, and 35899.Each entry starts with a number, and by choosing a related number you''ll create a unique adventure through the book and into a web of forgotten geek lore and incredible facts. With luck, you''ll find a way to arrive at the number used to grant infinite lives in Jet Set Willy!

  • af Volodymyr Zelensky
    92,95 - 117,95 kr.

  • af Kalani Pickhart
    105,95 - 145,95 kr.

  • af Serhii Plokhy
    210,95 kr.

    Despite repeated warnings from the White House, Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 shocked the world. Why did Putin start the war-and why has it unfolded in previously unimaginable ways? Ukrainians have resisted a superior military; the West has united, while Russia grows increasingly isolated.Serhii Plokhy, a leading historian of Ukraine and the Cold War, offers a definitive account of this conflict, its origins, course, and the already apparent and possible future consequences. Though the current war began eight years before the all-out assault-on February 27, 2014, when Russian armed forces seized the building of the Crimean parliament-the roots of this conflict can be traced back even earlier, to post-Soviet tensions and imperial collapse in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Providing a broad historical context and an examination of Ukraine and Russia's ideas and cultures, as well as domestic and international politics, Plokhy reveals that while this new Cold War was not inevitable, it was predictable.Ukraine, Plokhy argues, has remained central to Russia's idea of itself even as Ukrainians have followed a radically different path. In a new international environment defined by the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the disintegration of the post-Cold War international order, and a resurgence of populist nationalism, Ukraine is now more than ever the most volatile fault line between authoritarianism and democratic Europe.

  • af John Tinnell
    283,95 kr.

    "As a pioneer of ubiquitous computing-the embedding of technology in everyday objects from thermostats to doorbells-computer scientist Mark Weiser's descriptions of smart homes, now thirty years later, might seem to approach our reality. Weiser's views certainly influenced our technology's developers-his 1991 Scientific American article "The Computer for the 21st Century" was flagged a must-read by Microsoft's Bill Gates and then circulated among the day's digirati, including those Silicon Valley insiders who crowded his beer garden-based "office hours". Unlike many of his contemporaries, Weiser's vision was motivated by the philosophies of Michael Polanyi and Martin Heidegger, collaboration with anthropologists such as Lucy Suchman, and insights from artists including Natalie Jeremijenko. He hoped to realize "tacit computing" as an escape from a single attention-grabbing screen as a portal to work, entertainment, and education. When rivals such as Nicholas Negroponte at MIT's Media Lab championed the development of smart agents (the ancestors of Siri and Alexa) or pervasive sensing in wearable technologies (proto-Fitbits or Apple Watches), Weiser balked. Weiser wanted computers to be something closer to the white cane a person with low vision might use to navigate the world. Good technology, he argued, should not mine our experiences for data to sell or demand our attention. Technology should not rob its users of the hardships that establish their expertise, but instead give them the ability to conceive of the world in new ways. In this compelling biography of a person and idea, digital studies scholar John Tinnell shows Weiser, who died of cancer at 46, would be heartbroken if he had lived to see the ways we use technology today. Informed by deep archival research and interviews with Weiser's family and Xerox PARC colleagues, this book uses Weiser's life to offer a new history of today's technological reality, an inside view of Xerox PARC during its heyday, and a compelling vision of what computers failed to be"--

  • af Whurley
    207,95 kr.

    Comprehend the mysteries--and the amazing potential--of quantum computingQuantum computing has the promise to be the next huge thing in technology. How do we know that? Look at how much the big players in tech are investing in the technology. Quantum Computing For Dummies preps you for the amazing changes that are coming with the world of computing built on the phenomena of quantum mechanics. Need to know what is it and how does it work? This easy-to-understand book breaks it down and answers your most pressing questions. Get a better understanding of how quantum computing is revolutionizing networking, data management, cryptography, and artificial intelligence in ways that would have previously been unthinkable. With a Dummies guide by your side, you'll get a primer on the inner workings and practical applications of quantum computers.* Learn the difference binary and quantum computers* Discover which industries will be most influenced by quantum computing* See how quantum improves encryption and enables business* Take a look at how quantum is applied in big data and AIFor technologists and IT pros interested in getting on board the quantum train--plus anyone who's quantum-curious--this Dummies guide is a must-have.

  • af Yevhen Samuchenko
    395,95 kr.

    Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch Format: 23,5 x 30 cm , 192 Seiten Außergewöhnliche Landschaftsfotografie: modern, jung und auf das Wesentliche reduziert Eine Liebeserklärung des preisgekrönten ukrainischen Fotografen Yevhen Samuchenko an seine Heimat Durch den Blick von oben werden die Dimensionen der Ukraine als eines der größten europäischen Länder sichtbar gemacht Ein ästhetisches Meisterwerk der Formen und Farben Der ukrainische Fotograf Yevhen Samuchenko, geboren in Odessa, wurde weltweit für seine beeindruckende Reisefotografie und seine kunstvollen Aerials ausgezeichnet - weil er die zerbrechliche Schönheit unseres Planeten in poetischen Bildern festhält. Auch die seiner Heimat, die jäh in das Zentrum der internationalen Aufmerksamkeit gerückt ist und zerbrechlicher scheint denn je. The Beauty of Ukraine ist eine Liebeserklärung an die Landschaften der Ukraine und zugleich ein ästhetischer Hochgenuss. Yevhen Samuchenko zeigt uns etwa den Lemurianischen See aus der Luft, dessen ungewöhnlich pinke Farbe ihn wie ein Land-Art-Kunstwerk erscheinen lässt. Er nimmt einen Canyon bei Cherson so auf, dass er wie eine Grafik in der sattgrünen Landschaft wirkt. Mohn- und Lavendelfelder faszinieren mit ihrer kompromisslosen Farbigkeit, Winterlandschaften mit ihrer monumentalen Stille und Reduziertheit. Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch

  • - Creating and Managing Professional Collaborative Experiences
    af Charles David Waghmare
    402,95 kr.

  • af Mikhail Zygar
    112,95 kr.

    'History is made up of myths,' writes the renowned Russian dissident journalist Mikhail Zygar. 'Alas, our myths led us to the fascism of 2022. It is time to expose them.' Drawing from his perilous career investigating the frontiers of the Russian empire, Zygar reveals how 350 years of propaganda, bad historical scholarship, folk tales and fantasy spurred his nation into war with Ukraine.A noted expert on the Kremlin with unparalleled access to hundreds of players in the current conflict - from politicians to oligarchs, gangsters to comedians (not least Zelensky himself) - Zygar chronicles the power struggles from which today's politics grew, and digs out the essential truths from behind layers of seductive legend. By surveying the strange, complex record of Russo-Ukrainian relations, WAR AND PUNISHMENT reveals exactly how the largest nation on Earth lost its senses. A work of history can't undo the past or transform the present, but sometimes it can shape the future.

  • af Rick Weyenberg
    412,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey to becoming a cloud solution architect with a roadmap, expert insights, and practical knowledge to excel in your careerKey Features:Gain clarity on where to start your journey into cloud architectureDebunk common misconceptions about cloud platforms for informed decision-makingEquip yourself with strategies for career success, skill enhancement, and certificationsPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:In the fast-paced tech world where businesses rely ever more on cloud infrastructure, the role of a cloud solution architect serves as the backbone of operations. The Solution Architects Career Masterplan isn't just informative; it's an actionable roadmap to thriving in this role, providing the knowledge and strategies necessary to build a successful career in cloud computing.You'll dive headfirst into mastering the role's core principles, strategically charting your career trajectory, and expanding your network within the cloud community. As you advance to the practical aspects, you'll explore tailored education options, gain hands-on experience, and prepare to seize strategic opportunities. Finally, you'll prepare for success by arming yourself with interview strategies, staying updated with evolving cloud technologies, and actively contributing to the cloud community.By the end of this book, you'll be on your path to a rewarding career in cloud architecture with this trusted companion.What You Will Learn:Gain insights into the core responsibilities of a cloud solution architectDetermine the impact of different certifications on your career pathDevelop a compelling profile and resume strategy to elevate your professional presenceEngage with the community and contribute to open-source projectsEnhance your public speaking skills and receive guidance for advancing your careerMaster problem-solving and decision-making to achieve success as a cloud solution architectWho this book is for:If you're a self-motivated IT professional aiming to pursue a career as a solution architect, this book is for you. While a strong foundation in traditional software architecture is assumed, deep knowledge of cloud concepts and design considerations is not required.This book is also for professionals considering the solution architect role but uncertain where to get started. No experience in the cloud architect role is needed to get started.

  • af Oleksandr Zinchenko
    159,95 kr.

    Oleksandr Zinchenko's story is so much more than a typical footballer's story. He has shown heroism of a very different kind through his extraordinary campaigning in support of Ukraine throughout the ongoing war with Russia. Although his instinct was to join the fight, he decided - following the advice from close loved ones - that he could make the most difference by using his platform to spread awareness and raise money. A fan favourite at Arsenal and previously at Manchester City, Zinchenko, has been lighting up the Premier League with his fearless performances for many years. Although, his success has not come without its challenges. Having begun his career as a teenager at Shakhtar Donetsk, his world was upended when Russia invaded the Donbas region and he was stranded in Russia. But after he joined Manchester City in 2016 he would go on to experience exhilarating career highs, with four league titles in six years, before moving to Arsenal where he has played an integral part in their return to the top.Written with candour and bravery, Triumph & Tears is no ordinary tale of success on the pitch, but one of unwavering strength and integrity, tempered by sadness and anger. It provides unique insights into the methods of Pep Guardiola and Mikel Arteta. It is the story of a selfless man who prioritised his homeland's welfare before his own - delivering his best on and off the field.

  • af Dandotiya Nidhi
    339,95 kr.

    The Internet of Things(IoT) lets objects see, sense, decide, and act. IoT is a crazy, innovative era. Most techniques work on security and artificial intelligent implementation. Because people lead such busy and intelligent lives, they depend on IoT. IoT is an innovation that could benefit society. IoT reduces human data entry. As IoT grows, we need security to prevent intruders. The IoT is a collection of equipment that include sensors & actuators that contain the ability to integrate and disseminate computing capabilities. These characteristics make it more easier and accurate to compute the jobs, which leads to improved efficiency. Various research groups and organizations have defined IoT in recent years as "A world where physical objects are seamlessly integrated into the information network, and where physical objects can become active participants in a business process," according to one proposed definition of IoT. There is no single definition of IoT. IoT connects heterogeneous things, such as humans, sensors, and devices that can request or give a service. Cyber, cloud, device, and IoT security have risen in importance. IoT helps with computing, device security, system design, connectivity, daily comfort, device authentication, and encryption.Our responsibility is to present the information to the reader accurately, positively, and concisely. We must stay focused on IoT's expanding breadth because problems rise alongside devices, technology, and innovation hubs. rising scope and regular work in IoT security will help us deal with groundbreaking problems.

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