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Håndtering af mishandling/overgreb

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  • af Berith Siegumfeldt
    247,95 kr.

    Hvad gør man, når ens partner eller tidligere partner har en narcissistisk personlighedsforstyrrelse?En person, der lider af en narcissistisk personlighedsforstyrrelse, har brug for konstant bekræftelse. Derfor skaber vedkommende ofte en masse konflikter, manipulerer, nedgør og ydmyger andre for selv at føle sig stærkere.Det er aldrig nemt at håndtere en narcissist. og det kan være endnu sværere, hvis du har barn med én. Narcissister manipulerer med deres omgivelser, også deres børn, og hvis du har barn med en narcisssit, skal du hjælpe barnet med at håndtere den psykologiske manipulation, som det bliver udsat for.Denne bog indeholder indsigt, viden og redskaber til at blive opmærksom på og håndtere de forskellige former for manipulation, som narcissister typisk bruger, så du kan passe på dig selv og dit barn. Rigtig mange, der lever eller har levet i et forhold med en narcissist, ender ofte med at føle sig helt forkert og tvivle på sig selv, men når man først forstår, hvad det reelt er, der sker, er det både nemmere at håndtere både de ubehagelige situationer og konflikter, man kan havne i, når man har barn med en narcissist.Berith Siegumfeldt er sygeplejerske, foredragsholder, forfatter og psykologisk rådgiver. Hun har specialiseret sig i den narcissistiske og psykopatiske personlighedsforstyrrelse og i de eftervirkeninger, som psykisk vold og overgreb har på mennesker.

  • - Om seksuelt krænkede børn
    af Lisbeth Zornig Andersen & Tilde Kelp
    72,95 - 164,95 kr.

    Omkring ti procent af alle børn i Danmark oplever seksuelle krænkelser fra voksne eller andre børn. Men kun hver femte siger det til nogen og får hjælp. En væsentlig årsag er, at det er vanskeligt og tabubelagt at tale om både for barnet og den voksne. Når børnene ikke fortæller noget, får de hverken hjælp til at stoppe overgrebene eller hjælp til at bearbejde skaderne. I denne håndbog kommer livseksperterne – dem, der har oplevet overgreb – selv til orde med deres oplevelser og anbefalinger. Livseksperternes råd suppleres af fageksperters vejledninger. Den giver et indblik i, hvilke midler seksuelt krænkede børn bruger i forsøget på råbe voksne omsorgspersoner op, så de opdager overgrebene og hjælper med at få dem stoppet. Det kan både som fagperson og privatperson være svært at finde ud af, hvordan man skal gå til en situation, hvor man har mistanke om, at et barn bliver udsat for overgreb, ligesom det kan være svært at vide, hvordan man skal klæde børn på til at kunne sige fra på de rigtige tidspunkter. Derfor denne bog, der med konkrete eksempler kommer rundt om emnet og giver anvisninger på, hvordan man kan spotte signaler og handle.

  • - En søsters skam og stolthed
    af Søren Baastrup & Halima El Abassi
    118,95 - 297,95 kr.

    Jeg var 11, da min mor strammede tørklædet om mit hår.12, da mine forældre sendte mig på genopdragelse i Marokko.16, da de giftede mig bort til en voksen mand.Og 17, da jeg blev mor.Men jeg nægtede at leve en kuet kvindes liv.MIT INDRE ATLAS er en barsk, men også inspirerende historie om en rebelsk pige fra Roskilde, der ikke passede ind i sine forældres marokkanske glansbillede. Halima El Abassi fortæller om sin stjålne barndom i en familie fuld af forbud, skam og sanktioner. Om mulighederne, livet ikke byder en indvandrerpige, hvis hun bliver for dansk. Om kærlighedens ringe kår i et arrangeret ægteskab. Og om en forrykt skilsmisse, som truede Halima under jorden og sendte hende ud på en altomsluttende personlig nedtur.HALIMA EL ABASSIS historie er på en gang smertelig og forsonende – og den giver håb til den næste generation af danske piger og kvinder med anden etnisk baggrund, der har retten til at bestemme selv.

  • af Ramani Durvasula
    247,95 kr.

    "Healing and thriving after or even during a narcissistic relationship can be challenging, but it is possible. It's Not You shows that the first step is to stop trying to change the narcissistic person, stop blaming yourself, and start giving yourself permission to foster your autonomy and sense of self outside of this relationship"--

  • - Mit liv som stripper
    af Alessandra Gigi Staunstrup
    118,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Alessandra Gigi Staunstrups historie er en øjenåbnende rejse gennem det danske stripmiljø, men også en skæbnefortælling, der kryber ind under huden.Historien begynder i underklassens nødspor og slutter i overklassens overhalingsbane. Intet er normalt på Alessandras utraditionelle dannelsesrejse. Fra brændt barn og ung og vild på Vestegnen. Til champagnepige i et dansk jetset, hvor pengemænd i dyrt tøj hænger ud med unge kvinder uden nogen af delene. Bogen er en fordomsfri fortælling om miljøer, de færreste almindelige danskere kender. Bogen skildrer de sociale ekstremer i Danmark i én skæbne – og samtidig er det en bevægende, opdateret version af den evige historie om, at alt kan købes for penge, undtagen kærlighed.

  • af Tanja Fievé Eskesen
    167,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Kraften i Mørket. Om seksuelle overgreb og menneskelige rovdyrSenfølgerne af at have været udsat for seksuelle overgreb som barn eller ung er som en slyngplante, der snor sig ind i mange aspekter af vores liv. I årtier efter overgrebene vil det stadig påvirke dagligdagen, livskvaliteten og vores måde at være til stede i livet på.Når vi taler om seksuelle overgreb, taler vi primært om påvirkningen af seksualiteten, men senfølgerne undergraver også selvfølelsen og følelsen af eksistensberettigelse. Det kan præge forholdet til egen krop, troen på at kunne indgå i relationer til andre og retten til at sætte grænser.Det er mit håb, at du med bogen i hånden vil kunne rejse dig, børste støvet af dig og drage omsorg for dit indre, sårede barn.Det er mit håb, at du finder modet til at gøre op med følelsen af skyld og forkerthed og i stedet holder dig selv skyldfri.Det er mit håb, at læsningen vil hjælpe dig til gradvist at lade skammens kåbe glide til side og i stedet rejse dig i vær-dig-hed.Men du må favne din fortid. Du må opdage, at du er langt mere end det, der skete, og at du ved at møde alle dele af dig selv favner din kraft. Ikke i håbet om at nulstille senfølgerne, men ved at erkende, at det er noget, du skal lære at leve med og tage hånd om – resten af livet..............Til de børn, hvis grænser igen og igen er blevet overskredet og nedbrudt.Til de børn, som ingen har villet lytte til eller har orket at tage sig af.Til misfostrene, de udstødte og de fortabte børn.Til de glemte, de vildfarne og de mishandlede børn.Til de børn, som har mistet troen på sig selv og på Livet.Denne bog er til os./Tanja

  • - En øbropiges hemmeligheder
    af Gitte Søby Madsen & Jenni Maria Nielsen
    161,95 - 192,95 kr.

    Jenni er fra det andet Østerbro, langt fra spelt og snedkerkøkkener.Hun er født på antabus og opflasket med rejeost og discountcola, omgivet af fulde og dopede voksne.Kort efter sin mors selvmord er hun første gang udsat for jævnaldrende drenges overgreb. Hun er otte, og overgrebene bliver hurtigt hyppigere og hyppigere, drengene flere og flere.”Det bliver ligesom en Ydre Østerbro-ting,” fortæller Jenni i denne bog, der giver et uafrysteligt indblik i, hvad udsatte unge skal overkomme for at skabe deres eget liv.JENNI PÅ GADEN er en kompromisløs coming of age-fortælling om opvækst på stenbroens skyggeside. Om misbrug, vold og overgreb. Om hjemløshed. Om at kravle op fra bunden. Og om kampen for at blive en helt almindelig voksen.JENNI MARIA NIELSEN (født 1998) er pædagogstuderende og arbejder på et opholdssted for udsatte unge. GITTE SØBY MADSEN (f. 1988) er uddannet cand.mag. i dansk og er forfatter til bøger om børn og unge, der lever som udsatte.

  • af Mia Warren
    237,95 kr.

    Covert narcissists use nuanced manipulation to get what they want from others.Withholding information or giving false information is a common tactic that covert narcissists use to maintain control over a situation or bolster their own agenda.It is hard for people with this personality type to have healthy boundaries with others because of underlying feelings of guilt and excessive responsibility for other people's actions.It's easy to overlook what kind of person you're dealing with because they do not show their true colours right from the start.Covert narcissists are good at manipulating relationships with people who care about them. They put on a friendly social mask that hides their true intent.They also tend to be less obvious than overt narcissists who fly off the handle in anger or act out in public without thinking about consequences for othersThough covert narcissism may be less conspicuous than overt narcissism, yet it is no less damaging! They are experts at acting both joyful and upset with us at the same time. Or they make insulting compliments to us. By the end of the book you will discover: - History of Narcissism- How to spot a covert narcissist- Covert narcissists manipulation tactics- Strategies Before and After the Relationship- Stages of Narcissistic relationship- Effects of Covert Narcissistic Abuse- Dealing with a Covert Narcissist- ... and much more!

  • - Om børn og selvskade
    af Lisbeth Zornig Andersen & Karen Gjesing
    43,94 - 164,95 kr.

    Hver femte ung i 9. klasse har prøvet at skære i sig selv (det vi nu kalder cutting), mens hver fjerde pige i 9. klasse er i risiko for at udvikle en spiseforstyrrelse. Det er alarmerende høje tal og derfor nødvendigt at give disse fænomener eller forstyrrelser opmærksomhed. I Jeg gør mig ondt, når … kommer livseksperterne – dem, der lever med skaderne og forstyrrelserne – selv til orde med forklaringer og anbefalinger. Livseksperternes råd suppleres af fageksperters vejledninger. Hvordan skal vi forstå denne risikoadfærd? Hvordan forebygger vi og støtter? Hvor kan vi finde råd, indsigt og viden? Der er ofte ikke lette svar og løsninger. Denne håndbog er ment som en håndsrækning til både fagpersonale og pårørende – og naturligvis de mennesker, der er bekymret for, om de selv er ved at udvikle en selvskadende adfærd.

  • af Marina Murray
    105,95 kr.

    Marina Murray in her second book, Scars, takes readers on a journey into the past. A past where she endured the pain and suffering that an abusive marriage can produce. The scars are real, but Marina is a survivor. She wants to encourage her readers that there is hope as well as healing on the other side of abusive relationships. Marina is also the author of Rest for the Weary Soul.

  • af Baldip Kaur
    163,95 kr.

    I Can't Breathe is a fictional novel set during the time when a video showing George Floyd's final moments and his dying words, "I Can't Breathe," went viral. The novel depicts its global impact and how it empowered individuals to speak out against discrimination by organizing rallies and marches.Khushboo, the novel's main character and a lawyer, is empathetic to women's concerns and helps many women who are trapped in abusive and suffocating relationships. The novel also briefly depicts racism in its various forms, including sexual harassment at work, negligence in care homes, and so on. Although most people face this, the story shows that some individuals are strong enough to deal with it, while some, like Aadrika, a sensitive and fragile woman, cannot. The novel is set against a backdrop of events in Khushboo and Aadrika's lives, including how they are deceived, betrayed, and abandoned by Anil, her father, but even in the pit of darkness, there are hues of rainbow of love and hope that glimmer momentarily throughout the novel.

  • af Samantha Buttle
    198,95 kr.

    My Story, His Glory is a powerful autobiography of a woman's life marked by trials that test the limits of human endurance. Journey with Samantha as she navigates through abuse, heartbreak, battles addiction, as she confronts betrayal. Her controversial explorations into unconventional relationships paint a raw unflinching portrait of a woman determined to rise above her circumstances. Samantha's story is ultimately one of redemption and resilience. More than a memoir, it is proof of the human spirits capacity to heal, transform and find light in the darkest corners of life. Join Samantha on this intense and emotional journey and witness how she turns her trials into a narrative of strength and triumph.

  • af A G Hansell
    146,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Gurmay Effrige Fraser
    163,95 kr.

    Gurmay had a rough start in life. At three months old, she was poisoned by her 12-year old cousin. Burned and unable to swallow, she was in intensive care for several months, then discharged with a grim prognosis. But Gurmay survived, only to be raped at 4 years-old, violated as a teenager, experienced domestic violence, plus a variety of serous medical conditions and the removal of a large and extremely rare tumor. With the help of God, the Author and Finisher of her faith, she was able to embrace the experiences that shaped her and began her spiritual restoration. Now, you experience your own journey to spiritual restoration, and receive the radiance of God's anointing in, on, and through your life.

  • - før under efter
    af Sherin Khankan & Marie Brixtofte
    232,95 kr.

    Psykisk vold er den skjulte vold, der ikke efterlader fysiske ar på kroppen, men dybe ar på sjælen efter gentagen nedgørelse, ydmygelse, manipulation, kontrol og trusler.Ti trin ud af psykisk vold henvender sig både til dem, der aktuelt oplever psykisk vold i et parforhold eller i en nær familierelation og ønsker at komme fri – og dem, som tidligere har oplevet det, og prøver at forstå, hvad der skete. Og den henvender sig til alle, som ønsker at blive klogere på denne type udbredte vold.Bogen indeholder omfattende viden om, hvad psykisk vold er, et ti-trins program til at hjælpe den psykisk voldsramte ud af situationen samt redskaber til at håndtere eventuel stress, angst, depression og traumer.Begge forfattere har stor erfaring med at hjælpe mennesker, der er eller har været udsat for psykisk vold, bl.a. gennem arbejde i Exitcirklen.

  • af Chimene Suleyman
    197,95 - 317,95 kr.

    In this raw and searing memoir, one woman recalls her romantic relationship with a pathological liar who betrayed her and many other women, exploring the trauma he caused and the sisterhood that formed despite--and in spite of--him.In January 2017, Chimene Suleyman arrived at a women's health clinic in Queens, New York, to undergo an abortion, accompanied by her boyfriend, the father of her nascent child. After reluctantly going through with the procedure, she returned to the waiting room to find it empty. Her boyfriend had fled. It was the last time they were together. In an extraordinary sequence of events, she eventually discovered the truth: that the man she she'd loved had gaslit, lied to, stolen from, and painfully betrayed her and many other women like her.Spellbinding and soul-baring, The Chain explores the havoc one man wreaked on the lives of the many unsuspecting women who believed the stories he told, about his various illnesses, his dying mother, his career and professional prospects, and his undying love and commitment. It also chronicles how these women came together to both expose him and to support each other in the wake of his destruction.Examining how women fall prey to manipulative men, Suleyman questions society's complicity in allowing those who would do women harm to flourish and contemplates why others remain silent witnesses by accepting and normalizing shameless behavior towards women. She demonstrates how women themselves are acculturated to perform prescribed roles of giver and nurturer, to be self-sacrificing and subordinate, and to bolster the egos of others by remaining silent and ignoring their own protective instincts.Both a devastating personal testimony and a searing indictment of persistent misogyny, The Chain is a book for any woman who has questioned her relationship and buried her doubts and for any woman who has been sheltered by the fierce protection of her female friends.

  • af Susan Forward
    197,95 kr.

    Over the course of thirty-five years as a therapist, Susan Forward has worked with a large number of women struggling to escape the emotional damage inflicted by the women who raised them. Subjected to years of criticism, competition, role reversal, smothering control, emotional neglect, and other forms of abuse, women raised by mothers who can't love are plagued by anxiety, depression, relationship problems, lack of confidence, and difficulties with trust. But as Forward explains, it is possible to heal the mother wound and find help and validation.Filled with compelling case histories, Mothers Who Can't Love looks at the devastating impact unloving mothers have on their daughters and provides effective techniques to help them overcome the pain of their childhoods, reclaim their confidence and self-respect, and break the cycle of emotional destructiveness for future generations.

  • af Robin Stone
    197,95 kr.

    With a foreword by Joycelyn Elders, M.D., No Secrets, No Lies is a powerful and daringly honest resource guide for families seeking to understand, prevent, and overcome childhood sexual abuse and its devastating impact on adult survivors.An estimated one in four women and one in six men is abused by age eighteen, most often by someone they know. Most of these sexual assaults are never disclosed, much less reported to the police. No Secrets, No Lies demystifies the cultural taboos and social dynamics that keep Black families silent and enable abuse to continue for generations. Among them:• Fear of betraying family by turning offenders in to "the system"• Distrust of institutions and authority figures, such as police officers• Reluctance to seek counseling or therapy• A legacy of enslavement and stereotypes about black sexualityThrough compelling personal accounts from everyday people, Robin D. Stone, a sexual abuse survivor herself, illuminates the emotional, psychological and hidden consequences of remaining silent, and provides holistic, practical steps to move toward healing. No Secrets, No Lies candidly speaks to: survivors, telling them they are not at fault, not alone and how they can seek help; parents, guardians and caretakers, explaining how they can keep children safe and help survivors recover; and family, friends and other loved ones, showing ways to lend support.

  • af Tammy René
    227,95 kr.

    Abuse of any kind undermines our sense of self-worth and has a way of twisting reality, blinding us to the very light we need to see our way to healing.Miracles in the Dark: How a Childhood Cult and Abuse Survivor Reclaimed the Light is a compelling and raw story of overcoming the trauma of childhood abuse and finding hope and healing. In Miracles in the Dark you will gain insights about:How trauma affects our mental and physical capabilitiesThe power in accepting and processing the pain of abuseHow the kind acts of others -no matter how small- can play a key role in the healing journeyThe reality that healing from devastating abuse is possibleRegardless of the pains and heartache we are called to go through, all of us can find light and hope, ultimately thriving in a life that is uniquely our own.

  • af Alexandria Publications
    162,95 kr.

    Uncover the revealing truth about being the daughter of a narcissistic mother and how to overcome this challenge with our transformative guide: "Narcissistic Mothers"!Delve into the complexities of the mother-daughter relationship and discover powerful strategies to heal and recover from narcissistic abuse. This book not only sheds light on the realities of being a daughter of a narcissistic mother but also provides a clear roadmap to healing and restoring your emotional well-being. Why is this book essential for you? Impactful Revelation: Unravel narcissistic patterns and discover how they impact your daily life, providing crucial clarity for your healing journey.Personalized Healing Guide: Offers specific strategies and practical tools tailored to your unique experience, empowering you to move confidently toward recovery.Deep Understanding: Explore the complex dynamics of the mother-narcissist relationship and identify signs of narcissistic abuse. Gain a profound understanding that will empower you on your path to recovery.Inspiring Testimonials: Through touching stories and real-life testimonials, find inspiration and connection with others who have overcome similar challenges.

  • af Jennings Michael Burch
    107,95 kr.

    The heartbreaking, iconic true story of an abandoned little boy's horrific journey through the American foster care systemOne misty evening, Jennings Michael Burch's mother, too sick to care for him, left her eight-year-old son at an orphanage with the words, "I'll be right back." She wasn't.Shuttled through a bleak series of foster homes, orphanages, and institutions, Jennings never remained in any of them long enough to make a friend. Instead, he clung to a tattered stuffed animal named Doggie, his sole source of comfort in a frightening world.Here, in his own words, Jennings Michael Burch reveals the abuse and neglect he experienced during his lost childhood. But while his experiences are both shocking and devastating, his story is ultimately one of hope-the triumphant tale of a forgotten child who somehow found the courage to reach out for love and found it waiting for him.

  • af Alan Cumming
    197,95 kr.

    Dark, painful memories can be put away to be forgotten. Until one day they all flood back in horrible detail.When television producers approached Alan Cumming to appear on a popular celebrity genealogy show, he hoped to solve the mystery of his maternal grandfather's disappearance that had long cast a shadow over his family. But this was not the only mystery laid before Alan.Alan grew up in the grip of a man who held his family hostage, someone who meted out violence with a frightening ease, who waged a silent war with himself that sometimes spilled over onto everyone around him. That man was Alex Cumming, Alan's father, whom Alan had not seen or spoken to for more than a decade when he reconnected just before filming for Who Do You Think You Are? began. He had a secret he had to share, one that would shock his son to his very core and set into motion a journey that would change Alan's life forever.With ribald humor, wit, and incredible insight, Alan seamlessly moves back and forth in time, integrating stories from his childhood in Scotland and his experiences today as the celebrated actor of film, television, and stage. At times suspenseful, at times deeply moving, but always incredibly brave and honest, Not My Father's Son is a powerful story of embracing the best aspects of the past and triumphantly pushing the darkness aside.

  • af Alison Arngrim
    175,95 kr.

    For seven years, Alison Arngrim played a wretched, scheming, selfish, lying, manipulative brat on one of TV history's most beloved series. Though millions of Little House on the Prairie viewers hated Nellie Oleson and her evil antics, Arngrim grew to love her character?and the freedom and confidence Nellie inspired in her.In Confessions of a Prairie Bitch, Arngrim describes growing up in Hollywood with her eccentric parents: Thor Arngrim, a talent manager to Liberace and others, whose appetite for publicity was insatiable, and legendary voice actress Norma MacMillan, who played both Gumby and Casper the Friendly Ghost. She recalls her most cherished and often wickedly funny moments behind the scenes of Little House: Michael Landon's "unsaintly" habit of not wearing underwear; how she and Melissa Gilbert (who played her TV nemesis, Laura Ingalls) became best friends and accidentally got drunk on rum cakes at 7-Eleven; and the only time she and Katherine MacGregor (who played Nellie's mom) appeared in public in costume, provoking a posse of elementary schoolgirls to attack them.Arngrim relays all this and more with biting wit, but she also bravely recounts her life's challenges: her struggle to survive a history of traumatic abuse, depression, and paralyzing shyness; the "secret" her father kept from her for twenty years; and the devastating loss of her "Little House husband" and best friend, Steve Tracy, to AIDS, which inspired her second career in social and political activism. Arngrim describes how Nellie Oleson taught her to be bold, daring, and determined, and how she is eternally grateful to have had the biggest little bitch on the prairie to show her the way.

  • af Grace Lebow
    192,95 kr.

    Do You Have An Aging Parent Who --Blames you for everything that goes wrong?Cannot tolerate being alone, wants you all the time?Is obsessed with health problems, real, or imagined?Make unreasonable and/or irrational demands of you?Is hostile, negative and critical? Coping with these traits in parents is an endless high-stress battle for their children. Though there's no medical defination for "difficult" parents, you know when you have one. While it's rare for adults to change their ways late in life, you can stop the vicious merry-go-round of anger, blame, guilt and frustration.For the first time, here's a common-sense guide from professionals, with more than two decades in the field, on how to smooth communications with a challenging parent. Filled with practical tips for handling contentious behaviors and sample dialogues for some of the most troubling situations, this book addresses many hard issues, including: How to tell your parent he or she cannot live with you. How to avoid the cycle of nagging and recriminations How to prevent your parent's negativity from overwhelming you. How to deal with an impaired parent who refuses to stop driving. How to asses the risk factors in deciding whether a parent is still able to live alone.

  • af Kathryn Casey
    97,95 kr.

    Hero, Husband, Father . . . Monster?In Creekstone, Texas, a small, quiet suburb of Houston, football was king . . . and David Temple was a prince. A former high school and college gridiron star-turned-coach, he had a fairy-tale marriage to bright, vivacious Belinda Lucas, a teacher at the local high school who was so warm and popular her colleagues called her "The Sunshine Girl."The fairy tale ended savagely on January 11, 1999, when Belinda's lifeless body was discovered in a closet. Her skull had been shattered by a shotgun blast at close range. She was eight months pregnant.There was no damning evidence directly linking the brutal murder to husband David, who stood by emotionless and dry-eyed as police searched the crime scene. But a dogged eight-year investigation would expose a shocking history of cruelty and domination, infidelity and rage?ultimately resulting in an epic courtroom battle for the ages?as the scandalous truth was revealed about love betrayed and innocent lives . . . shattered.

  • af Allan Hall
    107,95 kr.

    Eight years of darknessOn March 2, 1998, while on her way to school, ten-year-old Natascha Kampusch was abducted. More than eight years later, on August 23, 2006, she escaped with a story that shocked and horrified the entire world. She spent the most delicate years of her life hidden in a cellar underneath an ordinary Austrian suburban home. How was she able to survive? What sort of woman had emerged? What kind of man was Wolfgang Priklopil, her abductor?and what demands had he made of her?Journalists Allan Hall and Michael Leidig covered Natascha's story from the beginning. The result of extraordinary investigative reporting, Girl in the Cellar gets to the heart of this very tragic case to reveal a truth no one would have imagined.

  • af Kathryn Casey
    97,95 kr.

    Sleeping with a monsterAt first, Linda Bergstrom's marriage to her husband James was idyllic. They were young and in love; he was about to enter the Navy and she was eager to start a family. But it wasn't long before the dream exploded. James became abusive and violent, prone to sudden bursts of anger, long silences, and unexplained disappearances. But Linda vowed to hold on, despite the pain and fear . . . and her disturbing suspicions about her husband's secret life.Then, not long after their move to Houston, Texas, she made a terrifying discovery: James's hidden cache containing duct tape, a ski mask, and handcuffs. No longer could Linda Bergstrom deny the hideous truth.The man she lived with, the man she married for love, was a dangerous psychopath. And there was no escape and nowhere to run. Because no one?not her friends, the Navy, or the police?would believe her.

  • af Torey Hayden
    165,95 kr.

    Six-year-old Sheila never spoke, she never cried, and her eyes were filled with hate. Abandoned on a highway by her mother, unwanted by her alcoholic father, Sheila was placed in a class for emotionally disturbed children after she committed an atrocious act of violence against another child. Everyone said Sheila was lost forever, everyone except her teacher, Torey Hayden.Torey fought to reach Sheila, to bring the abused child back from her secret nightmare, because beneath the rage, Torey saw in Sheila the spark of genius. And together they embarked on a wondrous journey?a journey gleaming with a child's joy at discovering a world filled with love and a journey sustained by a young teacher's inspiring bravery and devotion.

  • af Charlene Hanson
    297,95 kr.

    Do you find yourself feeling depressed or worthless with no hope that your life can change? Do you struggle with memories from your past or present sexual or domestic abuse and don't know where to go for help? Then Women of Courage is the workbook for you! It is a Christ-centered support group for survivors of abuse. You will find lessons on healing from shame and guilt, who is responsible, telling your story, and forgiveness, plus much more. You can heal and be empowered to change with Jesus by your side and others who have walked where you are and now are healed and free!

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