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  • af Charlene Hanson
    307,95 kr.

    Do you find yourself feeling depressed or worthless with no hope that your life can change? Do you struggle with memories from your past or present sexual or domestic abuse and don't know where to go for help? Then Women of Courage is the workbook for you! It is a Christ-centered support group for survivors of abuse. You will find lessons on healing from shame and guilt, who is responsible, telling your story, and forgiveness, plus much more. You can heal and be empowered to change with Jesus by your side and others who have walked where you are and now are healed and free!

  • af John Washburn
    197,95 kr.

    Boys are our country's future. Boys are our future leaders. Boys are valued, needed, loved, and are wonderful people. Therefore, it is important to help the boys grow and develop into a healthy man. Boys learn, and the boys learn quickly. What you teach a boy, that is what the boy will do. Every boy is different and diverse, in their unique, personality ways. We see that the boys need healthy attention, to learn healthy good things in their life, as they grow into a man. Some boys are abused, and some are sexually abused. This book provides ideas and principles to help protect the boys. The boys are simply boys, and need care, respect, love, support, and qualified professional counseling when abused, to recover in a healthy way. This book provides ideas for enjoying life with your boys. Make some paper airplanes with your boys. Go to a museum with your boys. Go to a hamburger and milkshake shop with your boys. This book is written for parents, teachers, educators, caretakers, and people that help bring up boys. Our country needs good healthy men to help work, and help serve our country, including our people. The boys that learn are where these good men arrive from. May our God Almighty bless you all in rearing up boys, and also girls, to help serve our people.

  • af Maurice Heffernan
    242,95 kr.

    A compelling and poignant memoir about the struggles and triumphs of survivors, and for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of life within the Residential Institutions. Prepare to be moved by this powerful and unforgettable story.

  • af Sandip K Patel
    547,95 kr.

    Arriving in the UK in the early 1970s, my parents and siblings were in for a total shock. Everything changed; the weather, the people, the attitudes towards each other and it was the start of a fight to be seen as an equal in this foreign country. There's no denying it; life was a real struggle. I saw and heard things no child should see. My early teenage years were horrendous and I felt a social outcaste. Through grit, determination and an incredibly hard working and resolute mother, we all survived - just. So there you are. We all need to take time out and take a nostalgic look at our past - we all have to Rewind.

  • af Kate Hamilton
    238,95 kr.

    "In this electrifying literary memoir, Kate Hamilton deftly traces her complicated journey from loving wife to gaslit victim to furious feminist with an urgent goal: to expose how women are pressured to uphold the institutions of marriage and family, no matter the cost. In the tradition of Know My Name and The Argonauts, Hamilton braids her own story with cultural criticism to argue that we must face the misogyny lurking in the shadows of marriage in the 21st century. She examines the beliefs and conditioning that held her in an increasingly destructive marriage and unflinchingly documents what she did to keep her family together-therapy, unwanted sex with her husband, swinging, affairs, an abortion-without always knowing what she freely chose. And she considers the damage that was done, to herself and others, until she could acknowledge that to save herself and her sons, she had to destroy her marriage. Emotionally intense and timely, Mad Wife interrogates how marriage and the institutions that support it provide the perfect ecosystem for abuse of women and children, endangering their lives and denying them autonomy-all in the service of men's desires"--

  • af Alan Cumming
    175,95 - 276,95 kr.

    "An intimate look at the making of a man, an actor, an advocate?and most importantly?a happy human being. A wonderful book that is funny, honest, fearless, and generous in its vulnerability." ?Douglas Stuart, Booker Prize-winning author of Shuggie BainThere is absolutely no logical reason why I am here. The life trajectory my nationality and class and circumstances portended for me was not even remotely close to the one I now navigate. But logic is a science and living is an art.The release I felt in writing my first memoir, Not My Father's Son, was matched only by how my speaking out empowered so many to engage with their own trauma. I was reminded of the power of my words and the absolute duty of authenticity.But...No one ever fully recovers from their past. There is no cure for it. You just learn to manage and prioritize it. I believe the second you feel you have triumphed or overcome something ? an abuse, an injury to the body or the mind, an addiction, a character flaw, a habit, a person ? you have merely decided to stop being vigilant and embraced denial as your modus operandi. And that is what this book is about, and for: to remind you not to buy in to the Hollywood ending.Ironically maybe, much of Baggage chronicles my life in Hollywood and how, since I recovered from a nervous breakdown at 28, work has repeatedly whisked me away from personal calamities to sets and stages around the world. It is also about marriage(s): starting with the break-up of my first (to a woman) and ending with the ascension to my second (to a man) with many kissed toads in between! But in everything, each failed relationship or encounter with a legend (Liza! X Men! Gore Vidal! Kubrick! Spice Girls!), in every bad decision or moment of sensual joy I have endeavored to show what I have learned and how I've become who I am today: a happy, flawed, vulnerable, fearless middle-aged man, with a lot of baggage.

  • - En psykologisk forståelse af senfølger efter overgreb
    af Lislotte Jørgensen
    223,95 kr.

    Drømme kender hjertets slag – En psykologisk forståelse af senfølger efter overgreb er en bog af Lislotte Jørgensen. Det er en spirituel performancebiografi. Den er både faglitteratur og skønlitteratur. Poesi og prosa. Og ikke mindst drøm og virkelighed. Bogen henvender sig til drømmere i alle aldre. Den henvender sig også til mennesker, der er interesserede i at forstå, hvordan overgreb sætter spor i både krop og sind. DRØMME KENDER HJERTETS SLAG er en poetisk prosafortælling. Den giver et medfølende indblik i, hvordan man kan håndtere overgreb med bevidsthed og intuitiv styrke gennem en narrativ praksis.Vi følger Almas udvikling fra hendes himmelske undfangelse op gennem barndom og ungdom. I hendes søgen efter at forstå sammenhængen mellem alt liv. Omdrejningspunktet er at skabe mening i den lille personlige fortælling ved at forstå den som en del af en større kulturel fortælling.Fortællingen knytter et personligt overgreb i barndommen sammen med hele den nutidige kulturs overgreb på naturen og på de mennesker, der lever i pagt med naturen.Barndommens gordiske knuder af sammenfiltrede tråde af følelsesmæssigt kaos bliver i ungdommen systematisk redt ud, forarbejdet og brugt til at væve nye livsmønstre med fine tråde af psykologisk, spirituel og naturvidenskabelig viden sammen med både personlige oplevelser og almenmenneskelige erfaringer.Fortællingen bæres af en aldrig svigtende tro på at finde følelsesmæssig og spirituel klarhed i det kaos, der til tider eksisterer i et sind som følge af overgreb i barndommen.Vores tankemønstre er en social konstruktion. Og den delvis selvbiografiske roman er en fortælling, hvor hovedpersonens projekt er at dekonstruere den kulturelt indlærte erfaring for i stedet at lytte til sanserne, drømmenes, kroppens og poesiens sprog i labyrinter af lys.

  • af Faith Eurie-Turner
    237,95 kr.

    This book is a personal journey of saying no to family trauma and yes to God's blessing. My testimony is as a first hand witness of his goodness and miraculous works in my life.

  • af Lea Steinberg
    345,95 kr.

    Eine Mutter ist schwer psychisch krank - sie hat Borderline und ist narzisstisch persönlichkeitsgestört. Was bedeutet das aber für das Kind, das in dieser Familie heranwächst? Wie geht man mit einer Bezugsperson um, die nicht gesund ist? Das Buch "Die Fremde im Haus - Überleben mit der Borderline-Mutter" schildert anschaulich den Alltag der jungen Tochter einer Borderlinerin und wie sie es geschafft hat, ohne fremde Hilfe ein eigenständiges Leben aufzubauen.

  • af Torey Hayden
    142,95 - 197,95 kr.

    The first new book from beloved therapist and writer Torey Hayden in almost fifteen years?an inspiring, uplifting tale of a troubled child and the remarkable woman who made a difference.In a forgotten corner of Wales, a young girl languishes in a home for troubled children. Abandoned by her parents because of her violent streak, Jessie?at the age of ten?is at risk of becoming just another lost soul in the foster system. Precocious and bold, Jessie is convinced she is possessed by the devil and utterly unprepared for the arrival of therapist Torey Hayden. Armed with patience, compassion, and unconditional love, Hayden begins working with Jessie once a week. But when Jessie makes a stunning accusation against one of Hayden's colleagues ? a man Hayden implicitly trusts ? Hayden's work doubles: now she must not only get to the root of Jessie's troubles, but also find out if what the girl alleges is true.A moving, compelling, and inspiring account, Lost Child is a powerful testament once again of Torey Hayden's extraordinary ability to reach children who many have given up on?and a reminder of how patience and love can ultimately prevail.

  • af Roxane Gay
    282,95 kr.

    In this valuable and timely anthology, cultural critic and bestselling author Roxane Gay has collected original and previously published pieces that address what it means to live in a world where women have to measure the harassment, violence, and aggression they face, and where they are ?routinely second-guessed, blown off, discredited, denigrated, besmirched, belittled, patronized, mocked, shamed, gaslit, insulted, and bullied? for speaking out. Highlighting the stories of well-known actors, writers, and experts, as well as new voices being published for the first time, Not That Bad covers a wide range of topics and experiences, from an exploration of the rape epidemic embedded in the refugee crisis to first-person accounts of child molestation and street harassment. Often deeply personal and always unflinchingly honest, this provocative collection both reflects the world we live in and offers a call to arms insisting that ?not that bad? must no longer be good enough.

  • af Torey Hayden
    142,95 kr.

    Torey Hayden faced six emotionally troubled kids no other teacher could handle?three recent arrivals from battle-torn Northern Ireland, badly traumatized by the horrors of war; eleven-year-old Dirkie, who only knew of life inside an institution; excitable Mariana, aggressive and sexually precocious at the age of eight; and seven-year-old Leslie, perhaps the most hopeless of all, unresponsive and unable to speak.With compassion, rare insight, and masterful storytelling, teacher Torey Hayden once again touches our hearts with her account of the miracles that can happen in her class of ?special? children.

  • af Cheryl Martin Ede
    657,95 kr.

    Description of book:Family was always Juanita's top priority. She was known for her empathy, generosity, and cheerfulness. Until the last nine months of her life, Juanita rolled with the punches and made the best of whatever life presented.Ede weaves together the psychological peculiarities of each member of the Juanita & Rodney nuclear family that ultimately led to Juanita's premature & cruel death. The peculiarities include Ede's trust of her sister.Juanita's fate was sealed when a probate judge chose which attorney would win in his courtroom, rather than what was in her best interests.Get a look into the so-called justice system in the U.S., as viewed inside one probate courtroom. Do you think you have rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, as stated in the Declaration of Independence? Do you think you would be protected by authorities if you were kidnapped? Ede cautions - not so fast.Readers can meet Juanita as she attempts to let the judge know her various reasons for wanting to go home to San Diego by visiting the Remembering Juanita website - The website also provides access to the court reporter's official transcripts of the six Juanita Martin guardianship hearings.

  • af Erika Silverman
    212,95 kr.

    Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a little girl named Isabel. It was Isabel's dream to become a fairy to help others with her magical powers, so she applied to a school that specialized in teaching little girls how to find their inner powers and strength to do good in the world. It was Isabel's first day in class, and she met her fairy godmother professor named, Lily. Lily was a kind and nurturing person who always tried to encourage her students to do their very best. Today, Lily said, we are going to learn one of the most important concepts in becoming a fairy, and that is how to fly. I will sprinkle fairy dust over each one of you, and with this dust, if you truly believe in yourself, then you will be able to do anything, including fly. All of the other students closed their eyes as the fairy dust was gently being sprinkled in the air by Lily. I can fly said Martha, one of the students. I can fly said Melinda, another one of the students. After a short time period, all of the students in the class were flying all the way up in the sky. Lily was so proud of all of them. That is all of them except for Isabel.

  • af Cheryl Lockett Alexander
    287,95 kr.

    Maggie dreamt of the day she would leave her abusive husband. She was always afraid of what he might do if he caught her trying to get away with their children. Where would she go? How would she survive? Staying seemed to be her only option for years until one day she'd had enough. Cheryl Lockett Alexander, Author of several MY HERO IS A DUKE...OF HAZZARD Editions turns the table toward becoming an advocate against domestic abuse. "It's time for the violence to stop. You don't have to take it anymore!"Introducing:Co Author: K.R.

  • af Cj Scarlet
    197,95 kr.

    Do you love your kids and loathe bad people who want to harm them? If you've ever lost sleep worrying about your kid's safety, you're not alone. You may want to wrap your tween/teen in a protective bubble and defend them from every harm but doing so could emotionally cripple them and make them more, not less, vulnerable to bullies and other predators.In Raising Badass Kids, danger expert CJ Scarlet teaches you how to empower your kid from 10 to 18 to avoid predators and handle themselves in scary situations ranging from bullying/cyberbullying and online dangers to sexual abuse and sex trafficking. Here's some of what the book covers:Who the predators are and the sneaky but effective lures they use to groom kids.How you can teach your kid to spot and avoid predators so he doesn't become their next victim.Easy and effective ways to "bully-proof" your child.The types of dangers your kid might encounter online and how to flag and block inappropriate activity that could endanger her.Sexual molestation and assault-signs, symptoms, and what to do if your kid is a victim.How to empower kids with disabilities to keep them safe. (An entire chapter!)Why You Need to Read This Book NOWThis super informative, unputdownable book (with TONS of downloadable bonus content!) is the new bible for parents looking to raise safe, savvy, confident kids.Not teaching your child how to protect themselves makes them less safe and puts them at risk! You (and your kid) have more power to protect them than you think. Raising Badass Kids is a genuine lifesaver, so read it now and be the parent your child deserves!

  • af Lisanne Murphy
    197,95 - 342,95 kr.

  • af Patricia Lee
    317,95 kr.

    Shattered Innocence: Unveiling the Lifelong Impact of Childhood Sexual AbuseDiscover the profound insights that "Shattered Innocence" brings to light as it delves into the long-term repercussions of childhood sexual abuse. This groundbreaking study, meticulously conducted by [Author's Name], unravels the complex relationship between early traumatic experiences and their enduring impact on the lives of college women.Key Findings1. Psychosocial Challenges:2. Social Support Disparities:3. Academic Performance Dynamics:4. Learning Styles and School Perceptions:Implications and Recommendations"Shattered Innocence" not only uncovers critical insights into the lifelong effects of childhood sexual abuse but also highlights the pressing need for attention, awareness, and targeted interventions. The findings contribute to the existing body of research in this crucial area, paving the way for a better understanding of the challenges faced by survivors.Future Directions and LimitationsThe book doesn't stop at revealing the impact; it goes further to discuss future directions for research and acknowledges the study's limitations. This comprehensive approach ensures that readers gain a holistic understanding of the subject matter.Act NowEmpower yourself with knowledge and contribute to the dialogue surrounding childhood sexual abuse. "Shattered Innocence" is not just a book; it's a catalyst for change and a beacon of support for those affected.Order your copy today and embark on a journey of enlightenment and advocacy.

  • af Olga Shelbourne
    147,95 kr.

    Looking for a way to put it on the market for more and pay less? Need to create a listing and expand your client base? Want to gain reputation and increase client satisfaction? If you answered yes to any or all of these questions, the joint task advertising and marketing is for you. Joint task advertising and marketing is an excellent way to increase awareness, grow your business, and maximise your earning potential by collaborating with other businesses. You can save money and time by pooling resources, purchasing and selling services, and sharing your lists.

  • af Francis M. Fisher
    273,95 kr.

    "Manipulated: Recognizing and Escaping the Barnum Effect's Tricks" by Francis M. Fisher is an eye-opening journey into the subtle art of psychological manipulation through the Barnum Effect. Fisher invites readers to a world where vague, general statements influence our decisions and perceptions in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to political discourse. This book reveals how these all-encompassing statements can be used to sway opinions and elicit agreement, often without our awareness. Fisher's personal encounters and insightful analysis uncover the hidden mechanics behind this effect, emphasizing the importance of critical thinking and self-awareness. Packed with practical exercises, the book equips readers to recognize and resist manipulative techniques in everyday life, enhancing their decision-making process. "Manipulated" is not just a book; it's an empowering guide to understanding and overcoming the subtle forces that shape our beliefs and choices.

  • af Caroline Strawson
    147,95 kr.

    Reclaim ownership of your life, heal your inner child, and learn to thrive beyond narcissistic abuse with the guidance of trauma-informed coach and somatic therapist Caroline Strawson. How To Heal After Narcissistic Abuse will support you to release inner shame, heal at a deep nervous system level, and reconnect with your true self. This book integrates trauma-informed practices with positive psychology to educate and inspire you to heal from trauma, turn pain into purpose, and step into your strength. You will learn: · to understand your core emotional wounds and begin to heal from your past · practical tools and exercises for engaging with the impact of narcissistic abuse, such as nervous system regulation, internal family systems theory, and the SELF Navigation Map · regulation techniques to mitigate any potential triggers and develop compassion and kindness towards your inner child, such as grounding practices, somatic self-leadership, and meditations · how to grow in strength and resiliency with positive psychology interventions How To Heal After Narcissistic Abuse is a practical toolkit full of education, inspiration, and hope. It will remind you that you have the power to successfully process and integrate your experience into your own powerful story of personal growth and resiliency.

  • af Daniel Roth
    107,95 kr.

    While there are many books about reaching children and controlling behaviors none of them are effective without the power of gentle connection. This book explains how we can reach hurting or scared children by promoting gentle connections. What children want most is empathy, compassion and to be heard. True growth can best occur within a relationship based on gentle connections

  • af Rose Anne Martin
    282,95 kr.

    SO MANY QUESTIONS - WERE THERE ANY ANSWERS?Rose existed in dark, painful confusion. Who was she? Was she a part of the human race? If so, why couldn't she be normal like other people? Why did she need so many beatings? Why was she so stupid? Why couldn't she remember her early childhood?Almost half a century later, the darkness began to lift, and the mysteries of her childhood unfolded; liberating light pierced through the shadowy past, revealing horrific memories. This is a true story of redemption and healing from overwhelming trauma; a story of hope for those in despair.

  • af Mary Walsh
    107,95 kr.

    If you think you might need this book, you do. Are you in a relationship where you feel disrespected, unwanted, and/or belittled? If so, you need this book. Following a traumatic and abusive relationship, Mary Walsh has written a book to address the issues that come with it. This book will help readers step out of their own darkness and into the light. After reading this book, readers will experience a newfound sense of self-love and respect, and will have the courage and tools to make positive changes in their lives.What this book includes:The power to recognize the signs of an unhealthy relationship and the courage to leave it Emotional healing to help readers gain closure and move forward in their lives A roadmap to help readers create a better, more positive future This book contains real-life advice, step-by-step guidance, and inspiring stories to give readers the confidence to make the changes they need to make. Start your journey to a healthier and happier you.

  • af Arianna Griffith
    162,95 kr.

    "This exploration of coercive control and physical abuse emerges from my personal healing journey. It stems from the profound realization of a recurring pattern that has significantly shaped my life. Growing up with an exceedingly controlling father, whose behaviors at times escalated into outright abuse, provided the unsettling backdrop against which I unwittingly navigated relationships in adulthood. Unaware of the insidious pattern I was following, the situation only worsened with each new relationship. It wasn't until later in life, after escaping the most mind fucking circumstances of my life (explored in my book, 'The Sociopath's Puppet'), that I began my journey of healing. This book aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of both coercive control and physical abuse, examining their interconnections, individual characteristics, and the collective impact on victims. It serves as a resource for those experiencing or supporting individuals facing these challenges, offering insights into recognition, reporting, and the path to healing and prevention.

  • af Melody Dixon
    212,95 kr.

    If you want to break free from being the narcissist's scapegoat and restore your self-respect, then keep reading...Are you constantly targeted by abusive individuals who exploit your kindness?Do you find yourself in a maze of confusion and conflict after a relationship crumbles?Imagine being caught in a web of toxic interactions, where your worth is constantly diminished, and manipulation is the norm.The person you once adored has turned into a puppeteer, dictating your life, and leaving you powerless and drained.In reality, the narcissist in your life sees you merely as a tool for validation and ego boost, disregarding your true value.If you've been a victim of narcissistic abuse, you probably feel isolated and helpless - thinking no one will understand you...But there's hope!"Narcissist Abuse Recovery" was written by someone who's walked in your shoes, who's felt the agony, confusion, and yearning for a change.Drawing on real-life stories and experiences, this book delves deep into understanding narcissism, its detrimental effects on relationships, and the abusive cycle it perpetuates.Equipped with potent strategies and actionable advice, it's a roadmap to liberate yourself from narcissistic abuse and reclaim your joy and autonomy.Here's just small a fraction of what you'll discover:¿ Uncommon traits that make you the perfect target for narcissists¿ How to decode the language narcissists use to mask their true identify¿ A crucial element to withhold from a narcissist to weaken their power over you¿ A simple technique for silencing your abuser and taking control of any situation¿ The terrifying abuse cycle stages narcissists funnel you through like a chew toy¿ Subtle tactics abusers will use to linger in your life long after you've dismissed them¿ Hidden weapons an abuser plans to use against you when trying to leave the relationship¿ Successful methods for recovering from abuse and healing psychological trauma¿ How to combat the inescapable narcissism that exists in your family¿ And much much more!Special BonusAdditionally, you'll get our comprehensive blueprint for escaping the clutches of your abuser, with detailed strategies for a secure and independent future.The journey towards recovery and freedom from narcissistic control is more accessible than ever.Join the ranks of countless individuals who have successfully freed themselves from the shadows of narcissists using the effective techniques in this book.If you're determined to break free from the chains of narcissistic dominance and eager to regain your self-worth and freedom, don't hesitate - take the step forward today!

  • af Matthew Petchinsky
    177,95 kr.

    This book is about the trauma I went through, please enjoy it, I am closing a chapter in my life that needs to be out in the world because of the damage that has been done to me. I know that my parents will try to discredit it, but it is all the truth.

  • af James Butler
    177,95 kr.

    Narcissism in romantic relationships is often understood to be gender specific-with the man perpetrating the abuse and the woman on the receiving end. While this is certainly the case in many instances, Releasing Your Need to Please is written to explore the growing phenomenon of women who perpetrate narcissistic abuse-and the men who try to please them. Narcissism is a disorder that stems from childhood trauma. A narcissistic female (a girlfriend or wife) is an extremely wounded personality who, at her core, feels empty, powerless, unlovable, and entitled. In order to soothe her deep insecurities and aching needfulness, she requires a love partner to make her feel better about herself. A narcissistic woman sees her partner as a means to an end-an external source of validation and love-to fill her emptiness and internal feelings of powerlessness. Given their self-absorbed nature, narcissistic women always attract a specific personality type-people pleasers. Pleasers, too, have childhood trauma and low self-esteem in romantic relationships, and as a result, bend over backwards to make their narcissistic counterpart happy. Often compromising themselves to gain approval (or stop the abuse), pleasers lose themselves in the process-and end up living a false, inauthentic life. Putting their feelings and needs on the back burner, they internalize the anger and manipulation of their mate. By the time male partners seek counselling, they are exhausted-second-guessing themselves-and feeling as though they might be going crazy. Some do not recognize the control and manipulation they are experiencing. Others know they are being abused, yet do not wish to do anything productive about it. Yet all pleasers feel trapped inside the abusive relationship-often feeling too weak or defeated to make any changes. Staying with a narcissistic woman is the result of the pleaser's low self-esteem and unresolved childhood trauma. Pleasers are terrified to make the courageous decision to separate-and doubt they have the strength to stay away. Hence, they seek to fix the abusive relationship by accepting responsibility for the abuse. While pleasers justify staying in the relationship, they lose themselves in the process. Throughout the book, the message is clear. While the pleaser has been victimized by narcissistic abuse, he can choose to see himself as a victim without choice-or choose to empower himself, develop self-esteem, and permanently escape. Releasing Your Need to Please teaches the reader how to put himself first-by learning to like, trust, and respect himself. This process begins with accepting he has no other reasonable choice-but to escape his chains of abuse. This book will take the reader on a courageous, empowering, and rewarding journey-and help him gradually (and powerfully) release himself from his own chains (his need to please)-while, at the same time, break his mate's chains of control, anger, manipulation, and exploitation.

  • af Branden Maynard
    222,95 kr.

    Many people suffer from emotional abuse and end up having their life and future destroyed because have been victimized by a manipulative controlling person in their life. Many people do not even realize how serious of a problem this is, and are unable to free themselves because they've been conditioned to believe that the abuse is normal and that their abuser has their best interest at heart, or is motivated by love for them. But the fact that you are interested in this book means that you are ready to take back your life. Do the following symptoms sound familiar?Ruined self confidenceDoubting yourself and your sanityMood swingsSleeplessnessExtreme weight loss or weight gainUncharacteristic jealousy/ insecurityFeeling like you don't know the difference between right and wrongExtreme paranoia (being turned into an obsessive detective)Endless, repetitive obsessive thinking about your ex In this book, we invite you to enter a complex and often turbulent world: the world of anxiety. It's a journey that explores the depths of the human mind, delving into the choppy waters of an experience common to so many of us.

  • af Wiley K. March
    182,95 kr.

    Carissa Locke's tumultuous life, marred by abandonment and abuse, reaches a critical juncture as she faces an investigation into the aggravated assault of her lifelong friend Danielle. Behind Carissa's hardened exterior lies a vulnerable soul, shaped by manipulations, violent acts, and the quest for justice that may be intertwined with personal motives. The narrative unravels the complex web of her relationships, losses, and the haunting influence of those who once supported her. Carissa grapples with the ghosts of her past, questioning whether their love and lessons are enough to save her from a destiny that seems set on her demise. Seeking deliverance and forgiveness, she embarks on a soul-searching journey, confronting the rage that once served as her survival tool. As Danielle lies on the brink of death, Carissa implores forgiveness, unraveling shocking secrets beneath Danielle's facade. The story unfolds as Carissa battles the bully within herself, realizing that the most formidable adversary is the one staring back in the mirror.

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