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Bolig og ejendomme for private. Køb/salg og juridiske spørgsmål

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  • - Bolighandlen
    af Carsten Munk-Hansen
    627,95 kr.

    Bogen er det andet af tre bind om fast ejendom: I Overdragelsen (2015), II Bolighandlen (2016) og III Ejerbeføjelsen (2015). Fremstillingen belyser reguleringen af bolighandlen, dvs. ejendomsformidlingsloven og forbrugerbeskyttelsesloven. Det er en samlet fremstilling om bolighandlen og dens udfordringer, men navnlig de spørgsmål, der giver anledning til tvister er opprioriteret. Behandlingen af forbrugerbeskyttelsesloven omfatter en række vanskelige spørgsmål om risikofordelingen mellem ejerskifteforsikringen, sælgeren og køberen. Med henvisning til 396 ankenævnskendelser og 141 domme påvises, at loven har en række svagheder, og at ankenævnspraksis bevæger sig væk fra retspraksis på en række områder. Endeligt argumenteres der for løsningsmodeller af vanskelige tilfælde.Om forfatterenCarsten Munk-Hansen, cand.jur., ph.d., er beskæftiget som lektor ved Aalborg Universitet inden for formueret, retsfilosofi og metode.IndholdsfortegnelseForord Kapitel 1. Afgrænsning og begreberKapitel 2. Udbud og overdragelsesaftaleKapitel 3. Introduktion til mangelshæftelse i forbrugerbeskyttelseslovenKapitel 4. Huseftersynsordningens betingelserKapitel 5. Ejerskifteforsikringens hæftelseKapitel 6. Ejerskifteforsikringens erstatningsudmålingKapitel 7. Sælgerens hæftelseKapitel 8. Køberens risikoKapitel 9. »Risikofordeling« i svære sagerKapitel 10. Den bygningssagkyndiges hæftelseKapitel 11. Forbud mod omgåelseKapitel 12. Direkte kravBILAG I. BILAG II.BILAG III. Litteratur Forkortelser Love Afgørelser

  • af Chris Voss & Steve Shull
    257,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Sandy Flores
    175,95 kr.

    El Arte de Comprar tu Casa Propia" es tu compañero imprescindible en el emocionante viaje hacia la adquisición de tu Casa Propia. Escrito con pasión y conocimiento por Sandy Flores, Broker/Realtor, este libro te sumerge en el proceso de la compra de tu vivienda, ofreciéndote consejos prácticos y estrategias inteligentes para navegar el mercado inmobiliario con éxito. Desde la búsqueda inicial hasta la firma del contrato final, cada página te acerca un paso más a convertirte en propietario. Descubre cómo maximizar tu presupuesto, evitar trampas comunes y aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades que se presenten en el camino.Conviértete en el héroe de tu propia historia de compra de vivienda y haz que tu sueño de tener un hogar propio se convierta en realidad. Sumérgete en las páginas de "El Arte de Comprar tu Casa Propia" y prepárate para un viaje inolvidable hacia la compra de tu vivienda y la independencia. Cada paso que das te acerca más a la realización de tus sueños.Adquiere tu copia del libro y únete a un viaje emocionante a través del mercado inmobiliario, lleno de descubrimientos y oportunidades..

  • af Chatelain Avoré
    764,95 kr.

    Eine Reihe von Krisen in der Zentralafrikanischen Republik hat zu groß angelegten Bewegungen von Menschen und Gütern innerhalb und außerhalb des Landes geführt. In Kamerun halten sich derzeit etwa 30.000 Flüchtlinge in den östlichen Regionen auf. Die Anwesenheit dieser Flüchtlinge wirft das Problem des Zugangs zu Land für den Bau von Unterkünften und für überlebenswichtige landwirtschaftliche Praktiken auf. Wie begünstigen vor diesem Hintergrund Migrationsbewegungen den Erwerb von Land für die Errichtung von Flüchtlingsstandorten? Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht, diese Frage zu beantworten, indem sie von der Hypothese ausgeht, dass Migrationsbewegungen die Errichtung neuer Flüchtlingslager nach einem recht strengen Auswahlverfahren für die Standorte, die die Flüchtlinge beherbergen sollen, begünstigen. Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, zu zeigen, wie Migrationsbewegungen die Schaffung von Standorten für Flüchtlingsunterkünfte beeinflussen. Die Theorie des Institutionalismus, die eine der Haupttheorien unserer Arbeit ist, hebt die Beteiligung internationaler und nationaler Institutionen am reibungslosen Funktionieren des internationalen Systems hervor.

  • af Chatelain Avoré
    527,95 kr.

    A series of crises in the Central African Republic has led to large-scale movements of people and goods in and out of the country. In Cameroon, some 30,000 refugees are currently settled in the eastern regions. The presence of these refugees raises the problem of access to land for the construction of shelters and the agricultural practices essential to their survival. With this in mind, how do migratory movements encourage the acquisition of land for the installation of refugee sites? This study attempts to answer this question, based on the hypothesis that migratory movements encourage the creation of new refugee camps, following a fairly strict process for selecting sites to house refugees. The aim of this study is to show how migratory movements are a factor in the creation of refugee sites. The theory of institutionalism, which is one of the key theories of our work, highlights the participation of international and national institutions in the smooth running of the international system.

  • af Ben Souchek
    192,95 kr.

    Expert Advice for Downsizing and Moving with EaseDownsizing and moving to a new home can be overwhelming-but it doesn't have to be. The Home Downsizing Concierge can be your guide to navigating this major life transition with ease.Through this book, you'll discover a network of trusted professionals-from caregivers to attorneys-who specialize in senior downsizing and transitions and can customize a stress-free solution for you.Additionally, you'll find tips for decluttering, preparing your home for sale, smart strategies for maximizing your sale price, how to compare options for selling, and more. To guide you, this guide is complete with checklists to keep your move on track from start to finish.If downsizing is in your future, get the insider guidance you need and the personalized support you deserve. This book illuminates the path forward, so you can move onto your next chapter with confidence.

  • af Vaibhav Ashar
    693,95 kr.

    Redevelopment scheme in Mumbai is essential as it provides the improvised residential to the inhabitants of the housing society. At global level, wherever city is crowded with huge population then it creates burden of land on economy as it is not possible to equip such population in scarce land. Countries like Japan and some European countries faced this problem. As India rank 2nd in the world for the huge population but the land for survival is very small. Density of population per sq.ft. is very high in Mumbai, this high pressure is on the residential land of Mumbai city and suburban. Old aged buildings, dilapidated condition and trespassers who have acquired land illegally in the city are the disadvantages to the residents of housingsociety in Mumbai suburban. The researcher has made it possible to find solution which will be of help not only to Developers, Inhabitants, Legal agencies, Government for making rules and regulations.

  • af Paul Baird
    102,95 kr.

    Follow real estate investor Paul Baird of 1-800-BUY-HOUSES as he leads you through nine important steps to successfully sell your home for cash. Paul will give you the inside information other investors don't want you to know. Step by step, he will take you through the process of identifying the most common pitfalls that make cash offers fall through. Learn how to:¿ Know what a legitimate cash buyer looks like and why it matters.¿ Identify Real Estate Wholesalers¿ Limit contingencies to strengthen your sales agreement.¿ Challenge a buyer's offer of low or no earnest money.¿ Negotiate a timeline that works for you.¿ Understand how your cash sale translates into your fi nal proceeds.¿ Sign a purchase agreement with confi dence.¿ Acknowledge the emotional cost involved.Considering selling your home for cash? This is your guide to a pain-free closing. Go into a purchase agreement with confi dence that you got the best deal possible as smoothly as possible.

  • af Lutz Spilker
    194,95 kr.

    In ¿Die Erfindung des Astralkörpers¿ begibt sich der Leser auf eine faszinierende Reise durch die schillernde Welt des metaphysischen Phänomens, das seit Jahrhunderten die menschliche Vorstellungskraft beflügelt ¿ den Astralkörper. Von den alten Weisheitslehren bis hin zu modernen esoterischen Strömungen untersucht dieses Buch die vielschichtigen Aspekte und Interpretationen dieses geheimnisvollen Konzepts.Der Astralkörper, als immaterielle Hülle des Selbst, wird als Träger von Emotionen, Gedanken und spirituellen Erfahrungen betrachtet. Doch wie real ist diese Vorstellung? Basierend auf fundierten Erkenntnissen und wissenschaftlichen Diskursen bietet dieses Buch eine umfassende Analyse der kulturellen, religiösen und spirituellen Überzeugungen, die die Existenz des Astralkörpers prägen.Entdecken Sie die kontroversen Standpunkte von Gläubigen und Skeptikern und tauchen Sie ein in die Diskussionen über die Möglichkeit außerkörperlicher Erfahrungen und Reisen durch verschiedene Ebenen der Realität oder des Bewusstseins. Mit einem kritischen Blick auf die vorhandenen wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse und den aktuellen Stand der Forschung lädt Sie dieses Buch dazu ein, die Grenzen zwischen Glauben und Wissen zu erkunden und die Natur des Menschseins neu zu definieren.Für alle, die sich für spirituelle Erfahrungen, Bewusstseinsforschung und die Verbindung zwischen Körper und Geist interessieren, bietet dieses Werk eine fesselnde und erhellende Lektüre. Tauchen Sie ein in die Mysterien des Astralkörpers und lassen Sie sich von den faszinierenden Erkenntnissen dieses Sachbuchs verzaubern.

  • af Jackie White
    129,95 kr.

    In The Upsides to Downsizing, seasoned Denver area Realtor Jackie White demystifies the cathartic journey of simplifying life and embracing a new chapter. Your home is a repository of cherished memories and symbolizes a lifetime's work and experiences, but health considerations or the burden of home maintenance can often prompt the decision to downsize. After facilitating nearly 300 home sales, Jackie empathizes with empty nesters and retirees seeking a shift toward simplicity and convenience. With compassionate guidance, she illuminates the positives of downsizing, demonstrating that it doesn't have to be overwhelming. This invaluable how-to guide reassures readers that navigating the process merely requires the right knowledge and a trusted Realtor. Discover the liberating upsides, celebrate newfound freedom, and learn why downsizing could be the best decision of your life. Let Jackie White be your guide as you embark on this journey toward a more fulfilling and manageable lifestyle.

  • af Marek Kmiotek
    372,95 kr.

    The book Buying a House Easier Than You Think is a ready plan from Experts on purchasing Property for Living or Investment and it includes:- Valuable knowledge and practical tips that will help you achieve the goal of owning your property in the UK.- Explanation of the property purchasing process, from setting a budget to negotiations and finalising the transaction.- Methods for searching for properties on both the open market and "off market".- Fundamental analysis and market research to assess investment potential.- Improving creditworthiness and managing finances in the context of properties.The book excellently guides through the entire process of buying a home , from the idea to renovation after the purchase for everyone who wants to buy their first property or better prepare to buy another.It was written by immigrants who treat the UK as their home and believe that everyone can buy a house in the UK regardless of their origin.It is a perfect read for native English people as well as immigrants.Don't waste time on experiments and uncertainty! This book is a complete guide that will lead you through the property purchasing process in the UK, whether you plan to live in it or buy for investment.Take advantage of expert knowledge and build your future now by reading Buying a House Easier Than You Think.

  • af Marcy Alves
    317,95 kr.

    Sustainable Living Simplified Sustainable Living Simplified: Practical Strategies for Eco-Friendly HomesAre you looking to make a positive impact on the environment while improving your financial well-being? Look no further! "Sustainable Living Simplified" is your comprehensive guide to achieving both eco-friendly living and financial stability. Dive into this groundbreaking thesis, which examines the effects of workplace financial education on employees' subsequent financial behavior, conducted with employees of the State of Rhode Island.Why Choose "Sustainable Living Simplified"?Discover the Connection between Sustainability and Financial WellnessResearch-Backed InsightsPractical Strategies for Eco-Friendly HomesEmpower Yourself to Make Positive ChangesWhat You'll LearnThis book offers valuable insights and practical guidance, including:Take the First Step Toward a Sustainable and Financially Secure FutureIf you're eager to make a positive impact on the environment and your finances, "Sustainable Living Simplified" is your go-to resource. Gain insights from real research and unlock practical strategies for a more eco-friendly and economically sound lifestyle.Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life for the better. Start your journey towards sustainable living and financial wellness today with "Sustainable Living Simplified."

  • af Scott Bolinger
    172,95 kr.

    This book is written to help create or expand contract jobs, expand into housing inspections and help diversify ones portfolio. This book consists of chapters on Property Preservation and the many ways you can build a business in Property Preservation and inspections. I have over 20 years experience as a contractor and business owner. In my 5th edition, i added a chapter on Politics. this goes through some of the bills that i have written to help decrease Tax liens and foreclosures, as well as a analysis on the housing and banking industry to help reform the system to help our housing problems and create more jobs.

  • af Bruce Kellogg
    172,95 kr.

    This is a book of wisdom "for the times". Since the Great Recession of 2009, many new investors have come into real estate. Prices and rents have increased steadily. Interest rates have declined to forty-year lows. Loan money has been abundant. Success, even wealth, have been readily available to those who apply themselves. Times are changing now, and many investors are unprepared for less prosperous times. This book aims to help that. The author has combed through his forty-four years of experience to present the techniques that investors will need to succeed in the challenging markets ahead.

  • af Andan Maharma
    152,95 kr.

    In the dynamic world of real estate, success requires a deep understanding of market cycles and the wisdom to navigate their ebb and flow. "Real Estate Market Cycles: Navigating the Ups and Downs of Property Investment" is your essential roadmap to mastering the art of property investment across all phases of the market. Drawing on expert insights, historical lessons, and cutting-edge strategies, this comprehensive guide equips both seasoned investors and newcomers with the knowledge needed to thrive in every market condition. From the exhilarating expansion phase to the challenges of contraction and the opportunities that arise in the trough, this book provides a holistic view of the real estate landscape. Inside, You Will Discover: Foundations of Market Cycles: Learn the historical context, economic indicators, and pivotal factors that shape real estate cycles, enabling you to anticipate market shifts and make informed decisions.Strategies for Every Phase: Dive into proven strategies tailored to each market phase, whether it's maximizing profits during peak times, staying afloat during contraction, or turning adversity into advantage in the trough.Technology's Transformative Role: Explore how innovative technologies, data-driven insights, and sustainable practices are reshaping the real estate industry, and how you can harness these trends for your advantage.The Cycle of Wisdom: Uncover the timeless principles that guide successful investors, from continuous learning and adaptability to ethical practices and long-term thinking.Real-Life Stories and Case Studies: Gain inspiration and learn from the triumphs and tribulations of investors who have weathered market cycles, including their innovative approaches, strategies, and lessons learned. Whether you're an experienced investor looking to refine your approach or a novice eager to enter the world of real estate, "Real Estate Market Cycles" provides the tools, insights, and guidance needed to navigate the complexities of property investment with confidence and success.

  • af Mike Ross
    197,95 - 262,95 kr.

  • af Peter Levinson
    317,95 kr.

    There's a lot more to being a competent, professional residential real estate agent than simply passing the state licensing test. That's just the beginning. If you don't establish firm business practices, you'll soon find yourself in over your head. Enter Peter Levinson, broker for the Levinson Real Estate Team in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. From the smallest of starter homes to million-dollar mansions, they've risen to the top spot in Oklahoma real estate.Here's how they did it: they established firm procedures for every conceivable activity a real estate agent performs. Peter teaches these processes and offers these scripts to his own team, and now he's giving them to you. The purpose of this book is to guide you through easy-to-perform activities that will produce a consistent income year after year. In this book, you'll the steps to generate business, to execute on a lead, to establish yourself as a professional, to work well with others, and to protect your time, so you can earn more money.

  • af Reinair White
    162,95 kr.

    Imagine if you can buy a house. Rehab this house. Rent out this rehab house to a qualified renter. You then go to the bank and refinance this beautiful house. Pull some equity out, lower the APR, and then guess what? Repeat. Do it again. This may sound too good to be true but believe me, it's happening every day. This book will be an eye-opener. It has the side effect of making you lots of money.

  • af Sven Frank
    320,95 kr.

  • af Andan Maharma
    152,95 kr.

    Inside, you'll discover:The power of negotiation: Understand why negotiation skills are critical to your success as a real estate professional and how they can impact your bottom line.Researching the market: Learn how to conduct thorough market analysis, identify target properties, and assess their potential to make informed negotiation decisions.Building your negotiation strategy: Define your goals and leverage points, and discover how to assess your position for maximum advantage.Effective communication techniques: Master active listening, empathetic communication, and non-verbal cues to build rapport and influence outcomes.Financial analysis for negotiations: Gain insights into evaluating property value, potential return on investment, and analyzing market trends to make informed financial decisions.Handling challenging personalities: Develop techniques for dealing with tough negotiators, managing difficult individuals, and fostering a productive negotiation environment.Overcoming language and legal barriers: Learn how to navigate international real estate negotiations, understand cultural differences, and overcome language and legal challenges.But that's not all! "Real Estate Negotiation 101" also provides valuable lessons from successful real estate negotiators, case studies, and practical advice on adding value to your client service through negotiation expertise. You'll gain the skills and knowledge to navigate any negotiation scenario with finesse, professionalism, and ethical integrity.

  • af Steve Shull
    192,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Brian Mahoney
    187,95 kr.

    End Money Worries! Texas Tax Lien and Deed Investing BookBuying Real Estate Investment Property for Beginners Imagine you can have the knowledge you want, to start your business and live the Hassle Free All-American Lifestyle of Independence, Prosperity and Peace of Mind. Discover ... * The benefits of Tax Lien or Deed Investing in Texas * How to Find the best Tax Lien or Deed and Wholesale Real Estate in Texas * How to Find the best Tax Lien or Deed and Wholesale Real Estate for Nationwide Investing * How to Find Wholesale Land, SUVs, Mobile Homes, & more from the Government * All about Wholesale Real Estate Investing * The top Real Estate Investing Agents in Texas * How to Rehab Real Estate Investment Property Step by Step * The top Handymen and Sub Contractors in Texas * The best Real Estate Photographers in Texas * A How to Guide to Flipping a House * How to Sell your Investment Property... Fast! and Much Much More! You have the right to restore a culture of the can-do spirit and enjoy the financial security you and your family deserve. People are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Get the knowledge you need to start living your business dreams! "An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." Benjamin Franklin Don't wait. You'll wait your life away...

  • af Stephen Nalley
    107,95 - 212,95 kr.

  • af Sandra Allensworth
    187,95 kr.

    Research of well over one hundred titles about being a Landlord has not revealed a single one that deals with the everyday problems and solutions that are addressed in this book. The Roller Coaster Landlord explains strategies to deal with the kind of things that arise in the course of buying properties, navigating the legal maze and engaging with tenants. Sandra Allensworth uses humor and a unique insight into the human condition to explain the day-to-day events that successful landlords deal with on a regular basis. Whether you are already a Landlord or thinking about becoming one, this book will provide an insider's view of an interesting and profitable market. "After many years in the business, a friend of mine, who owns a Real Estate Company, said to me, 'I have watched you for several years and I still can't figure out how you did it.' This is how I did it." Sandra Allensworth

  • af Brian Mahoney
    157,95 kr.

    End Money Worries!For less than the cost of 1 movie ticket...Discover the secrets to a lifetime of passive income!California Tax Lien and Deed Investing BookBuying Real Estate Investment Property for BeginnersImagine you can have the knowledge you want, to start your business and live the Hassle Free All-American Lifestyle of Independence, Prosperity and Peace of Mind.Discover ... * The benefits of Tax Lien or Deed Investing in California* How to Find the best Tax Lien or Deed and Wholesale Real Estate in California* How to Find the best Tax Lien or Deed and Wholesale Real Estate for Nationwide Investing* How to Find Wholesale Land, SUVs, Mobile Homes, & more from the Government* All about Wholesale Real Estate Investing* The top Real Estate Investing Agents in California* How to Rehab Real Estate Investment Property Step by Step* The top Handymen and Sub Contractors in California* The best Real Estate Photographers in California* A How to Guide to Flipping a House* How to Sell your Investment Property... Fast! and Much Much More!You have the right to restore a culture of the can-do spirit and enjoy the financial security you and your family deserve. People are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Get the knowledge you need to start living your business dreams!"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." Benjamin FranklinDon't wait. You'll wait your life away...

  • af Walter Ccoicca
    136,95 kr.

    ¿Te gustaría aprender como las grandes empresas desarrolladoras realizan proyectos de urbanización? ¿Te interesaría como comprar hectáreas de terrenos y desarrollar proyectos exitosos de habilitación urbana? Entonces acompáñame hasta el final. Yo hace un tiempo veía a las empresas desarrollar proyectos de lotización, habilitación urbana y me preguntaba. ¿cómo lo hacen? ¿Se necesitará una cantidad enorme de dinero para poder realizarlo? La respuesta a estas preguntas es un gran rotundo NO, sólo necesitas aprender todo de ello y tener una gran determinación y perseverancia. En este libro aprenderás. Aprenderás desarrollar proyectos de lotización y habilitaciones urbanas con técnicas y estrategias comprobadas que te revelare a través de este libro.Aprenderás cómo comprar hectáreas de terrenos con ciertas estrategias de compra. Con mínimo capital.Aprenderás como un proyecto de habilitación urbana tiene que nacer vendido para que sea un proyecto de éxito.Aprenderás ciertos contratos, licencias y todo lo que tiene que ver con las habilitaciones urbanas, para llevar a cabo un proyecto ganadorSi tu quieres dar saltos cuánticos en tu vida, y aprender este tipo de negocios para alcanzar la libertad financiera en corto tiempo y cambiar tu estilo de vida y la de tu familia, entonces este libro es para ti. ¡Descarga tu copia hoy haciendo click en el botón COMPRAR AHORA en la parte superior de esta página!

  • af Alex Thompson
    1.377,95 kr.

    Unlock the Secrets to Real Estate Investment Success!Are you eager to venture into the world of real estate investment or seeking to elevate your existing real estate portfolio? "Mastering Real Estate Investment" is your comprehensive guide to building wealth through savvy property investments.Inside this book, you'll delve deep into the art and science of real estate investment, discovering time-tested strategies, navigating emerging trends, and gaining valuable insights from real-world success stories. From residential to commercial properties, this book equips you with the knowledge and tools to make informed decisions and thrive in the dynamic real estate market. Explore key topics, including:Property Valuation Methods: Learn how to evaluate properties using appraisal, income, sales comparison, and cost approaches.Financing Strategies: Discover the ins and outs of real estate financing, including mortgages, loans, and creative financing options.Risk Analysis and Mitigation: Identify and manage risks associated with real estate investments to protect your assets.Investment Strategies: Choose the right investment approach, whether it's rental income, capital appreciation, or development projects.Market Trends: Stay ahead of the curve with insights into technological advancements, sustainability, and global market dynamics.Exit Strategies: Plan your exit to maximize returns and achieve your financial goals.Real estate investment is a journey filled with opportunities and challenges. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced investor, this book provides you with the essential knowledge and guidance to thrive in the world of real estate.Embark on your path to real estate investment success today!

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