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  • af Natalia Francisca Frazão
    433,95 kr.

    This book aims to understand the historical process of the collective actions of the deaf of the São Paulo Association of the Deaf (ASSP) between 1950 and 2011, a period that includes the foundation of this institution and the creation of the Municipal Schools of Bilingual Education for the Deaf in the capital of São Paulo. In this context, with the theoretical reference of Alberto Melucci, collected documents and interviews, the author seeks to understand how these collective actions emerged and how they were maintained. It can be seen that the collective actions culminated in the founding of ASSP in 1950, based on the interest of deaf people in having a space to socialise and practise sport. This space, in continuous interaction with other social actors, ended up favouring the strengthening of a collective identity and the political formation of many deaf people, a fact that motivated other collective actions that were decisive for the foundation of institutions for the deaf. In this network of relationships that were established throughout history, ASSP played a leading role in the deaf movements aimed at recognising Libras and defending bilingual education for the deaf.

  • af Adriane de Deus
    389,95 kr.

    This book will lead Physical Education teachers and teachers who work with Youth and Adult Education to re-read the students' representations of their bodies, their desires in the learning process, their views on school, giving them a voice. Considering teachers and students as parts that come together in learning and teaching, it is worth remembering that it is necessary to review what is based on truths so that new possibilities for constructing learning today can take place. Mediate, interact, understand, intervene - words that represent the teaching and learning process.

  • af Adriane de Deus
    564,95 kr.

    Ce livre amènera les professeurs d'éducation physique et les enseignants qui travaillent avec l'éducation des jeunes et des adultes à relire les représentations que les élèves ont de leur corps, leurs désirs dans le processus d'apprentissage, leurs points de vue sur l'école, en leur donnant la parole. En considérant les enseignants et les élèves comme des parties qui se rejoignent dans l'apprentissage et l'enseignement, il est utile de rappeler qu'il est nécessaire de revoir ce qui est basé sur des vérités afin que de nouvelles possibilités de construire l'apprentissage aujourd'hui puissent être réalisées. Médiation, interaction, compréhension, intervention - des mots qui représentent le processus d'enseignement et d'apprentissage.

  • af Eliane Ferreira de Sa
    714,95 kr.

    Ce livre relate l'expérience d'un groupe de formateurs et les processus de signification autour de l'expression enquiry teaching adoptée comme nom d'un cours de formation, au sein duquel les sujets de recherche ont établi des tensions et des consensus, non seulement sur cette expression mais aussi sur les possibilités et les limites de l'enseignement des sciences. Le cadre théorique adopté est basé sur Bakhtin et son cercle, ainsi que sur la distinction de Bruner entre pensée paradigmatique et pensée narrative et la manière dont cet auteur caractérise les modalités de la pensée humaine. Pour comprendre les significations attribuées à ce terme, nous avons parcouru les énonciations des sujets de recherche dans les espaces collectifs du groupe, dans les entretiens avec eux et dans tous les textes écrits à l'appui du cours. Les significations que les sujets construisent du monde sont liées à leurs expériences et sont médiatisées par une grande variété de textes. C'est pourquoi il y avait beaucoup d'histoires et de tensions dans le groupe. Sur la base de ces tensions, un mouvement s'est mis en place pour rechercher la stabilisation des significations et le consensus.

  • af Robson Antônio Tavares Costa Tavares
    414,95 kr.

    Après la révolution industrielle, un nouveau monde capitaliste a émergé face à des formes de production dépassées. Avec le temps et l'expansion de la mondialisation, un secteur d'activité très fort est apparu, dont le potentiel et l'importance pour les organisations modernes n'avaient pas encore été imaginés : les ressources humaines. La question se pose de savoir ce que l'on entend par ressources humaines. Il ne s'agit de rien d'autre que de l'ensemble des employés qui composent une organisation, mais cela peut également faire référence à un département spécifique chargé de la sélection, de l'embauche, de la formation, du contrôle des activités réalisées et de la rémunération des travailleurs.

  • af Shulammite Idowu Adefokun
    676,95 kr.

    "50 Practical Ways to Motivate Teachers For Effective Display of Professional and Personal Qualities" est un texte complet sur la manière d'améliorer l'efficacité des enseignants dans notre système scolaire.Il adopte une vision holistique de la motivation des enseignants en ce qui concerne leurs qualités professionnelles et personnelles.Le LIVRE "Golden Apple" est composé de cinq chapitres et de quatorze annexes. Ce livre est recommandé à tous les enseignants en exercice ou en devenir.

  • af Elsy González
    676,95 kr.

    Ce livre intéressant est le résultat d'une enquête qui a émergé d'un problème perçu dans un établissement d'enseignement où les gestionnaires exercent un leadership traditionnel, caractérisé par l'autoritarisme et la coercition, qui n'est pas très proche des caractéristiques du leadership transformationnel, si nécessaire pour le changement que les organisations exigent en ces temps postmodernes. La vérification scientifique a conduit le chercheur à mener cette recherche descriptive, soutenue par une étude sur le terrain, dans laquelle un instrument de type Likert a été utilisé. Les résultats ont montré qu'en général, les managers de l'institution étudiée présentent de sérieuses faiblesses dans leur performance en tant que leaders transformationnels, en tant qu'agents de changement, préparés à modifier positivement la culture organisationnelle par le biais des cinq actions de base étudiées : communication, motivation, prise de décision consensuelle, gestion des conflits et délégation de fonctions, et qu'ils doivent donc se transformer eux-mêmes pour le bien de l'organisation. D'où les recommandations formulées dans le cadre de la recherche.

  • af Elsy González
    676,95 kr.

    Questo interessante libro è il risultato di un'indagine nata da un problema percepito in un'istituzione educativa in cui i dirigenti esercitano una leadership tradizionale, caratterizzata da autoritarismo e coercizione, che non è molto vicina alle caratteristiche della leadership trasformazionale, così necessaria per il cambiamento che le organizzazioni richiedono in questi tempi postmoderni. La verifica scientifica ha portato il ricercatore a realizzare questa ricerca descrittiva, supportata da uno studio sul campo, in cui è stato utilizzato uno strumento in formato Likert. I risultati hanno mostrato che, in generale, i dirigenti dell'istituzione oggetto di studio presentano gravi carenze nelle loro prestazioni di leader trasformazionali come agenti di cambiamento, pronti a modificare positivamente la cultura organizzativa attraverso le cinque azioni di base studiate: comunicazione, motivazione, processo decisionale consensuale, gestione dei conflitti e delega di funzioni, e che quindi hanno bisogno di trasformarsi per il bene dell'organizzazione. Da qui le raccomandazioni formulate nella ricerca.

  • af Shulammite Idowu Adefokun
    676,95 kr.

    "50 Practical Ways to Motivate Teachers For Effective Display of Professional and Personal Qualities" (50 praktische Wege, Lehrer zu motivieren, um ihre beruflichen und persönlichen Qualitäten wirksam zur Geltung zu bringen) ist ein umfassender Text darüber, wie die Effizienz und Effektivität von Lehrern in unserem Schulsystem verbessert werden kann.Es betrachtet die Motivation von Lehrern in Bezug auf ihre beruflichen und persönlichen Qualitäten aus einem ganzheitlichen Blickwinkel.Das BUCH "Goldener Apfel" besteht aus fünf Kapiteln und vierzehn Anhängen. Dieses Buch wird allen praktizierenden und angehenden Lehrern empfohlen.

  • af Lee Elvis Siqueira de Oliveira
    433,95 kr.

    Over the years, school drop-out rates have been alarmingly high in the country's educational institutions. In the subsequent technical courses at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IF-SC), the high dropout rates have attracted attention. In addition to wasting public resources, the institution is not fully meeting its main objective, which is to raise the level of education of the population, demonstrating that action is needed to reverse this situation. With this in mind, the aim of this study was to understand the reasons that lead students to drop out of subsequent technical courses at IF-SC - Campus Criciúma. The specific objectives were to analyse the socio-economic profile of the students who dropped out and the profile of the students who remained; to identify the different reasons that lead students to drop out and that are not included in the Institutional Development Plan (IDP) and to present elements for the institution and staff to rethink the potential for change in their practices.

  • af Elenice de Brito Teixeira Silva
    302,95 kr.

    This book reflects the desire to highlight the trajectories of teachers and to demonstrate, in dialogue with these subjects, that teaching in Early Childhood Education involves dimensions that escape scientific objectivity and tension the discourse of technical rationality that permeates many discussions in the field of the teaching profession. Affections, relationships, care, values, aesthetics, commitment, the moral and ethical dimension of the work of teachers of babies and young children help to make up ways of being in the teaching profession and should not be considered unprofessional elements, as can be inferred from the narratives discussed throughout the chapters.

  • af Shulammit Idowu Adefokun
    676,95 kr.

    Kniga "50 prakticheskih sposobow motiwacii uchitelej dlq äffektiwnogo proqwleniq professional'nyh i lichnostnyh kachestw" - äto polnyj text o tom, kak powysit' äffektiwnost' i rezul'tatiwnost' raboty uchitelej w nashej shkol'noj sisteme.V nej daetsq celostnyj wzglqd na motiwaciü uchitelej, swqzannuü s ih professional'nymi i lichnostnymi kachestwami.KNIGA "Zolotoe qbloko" sostoit iz pqti glaw i chetyrnadcati prilozhenij. Kniga rekomenduetsq wsem praktikuüschim i buduschim uchitelqm.

  • af João Baptista Machado Sousa
    606,95 kr.

    This manual systematizes, updates and deepens the main contributions of texts on the use of technology in mathematics teaching, mainly in Portuguese and Spanish. In this context, the first chapter contributes to raising general culture by addressing the relationship between technology and society. The second reflects on ICT in the teaching and learning process. The third deals with teaching and the place of the computer in this category. The fourth deals with the use of computers in the teaching and learning process. The fifth section briefly analyzes the use of the Graphmatica software in teaching mathematics and the sixth deals with the derive software as a powerful tool in different operations. The seventh deals with Geogebra, the eighth with the internet in teacher training and, finally, the ninth deals with contemporary conceptions of the use of computers in teaching.

  • af Elsy González
    676,95 kr.

    This interesting book is the result of a research that emerged from a problem perceived in an educational institution referred to the fact that managers exercise a traditional leadership, characterized by authoritarianism and coercion, not very close to the characteristics of a transformational leadership so necessary for the change that organizations demand in these postmodern times. Scientific verification led the researcher to carry out this descriptive inquiry, supported by a field study, in which a Likert format instrument was used. The results showed that in general, the managers of the institution under study present serious weaknesses in their performance as transformational leaders as agents of change, prepared to positively modify the organizational culture through the five basic actions studied: communication, motivation, consensual decision making, conflict management and delegation of functions; therefore, they need to transform themselves for the good of the organization. Hence the recommendations formulated in the research.

  • af José Nilton Leite de Oliveira
    288,95 kr.

    The aim of this research is to take a critical view of the learning assessment instruments used in distance learning higher education courses. The aim is to find out whether the assessment instruments used to monitor and measure the learning of students on distance learning higher education courses meet the objectives of the teaching-learning process. The circumstances surrounding assessment have aroused the interest of several researchers. Assessing is a complex act that has to be done with responsibility and ethical and moral commitment. The search for answers is investigating the following points: What is the importance of assessment in the teaching-learning context? What methods do teachers usually use to assess distance learning students? Does the way in which students are assessed in distance learning contemplate the purposes of the teaching-learning process? Assessment is part of the educational system. The interaction between the players in this process - teacher and student - makes education happen and the difference is the degree of commitment on the part of the teacher.

  • af Manuel Espartaco López Sáenz
    606,95 kr.

    In the face of uncertainty and global changes, educational innovation emerges from the perseverance of all teachers involved in appreciating their professional practice as a legitimate act of what it means to be a teacher and its scope in any action of social relevance. The theoretical and methodological value is combined to put into practice all that knowledge, which from the results of the research, transcends the professional practice as an inherent aspect of decision making, problem solving and creativity for the development of education. Thus, from the perspective of technology and didactics, a series of dissertations and innovative, pertinent and assertive proposals to intervene in contexts of vulnerability are materialized, which propitiates a process of construction of systematic actions from a scientific representation, for the construction of new learning, through a genuine form of interaction and relationship between subjects. Throughout the text, alternatives for continuous improvement are integrated, an aspect that seeks to investigate, guide and delineate from educational innovation and its own actors.

  • af Manuel Espartaco López Sáenz
    877,95 kr.

    Face à l'incertitude et aux changements globaux, l'innovation éducative émerge de la persévérance de tous les enseignants impliqués dans l'appréciation de leur pratique professionnelle en tant qu'acte légitime de ce que signifie être un enseignant et de sa portée dans toute action de pertinence sociale. La valeur théorique et méthodologique est combinée pour mettre en pratique toutes les connaissances qui, à partir des résultats de la recherche, transcendent la pratique professionnelle en tant qu'aspect inhérent à la prise de décision, à la résolution de problèmes et à la créativité pour le développement de l'éducation. Ainsi, du point de vue de la technologie et de la didactique, une série de mémoires et la mise en ¿uvre de propositions innovantes, pertinentes et affirmées pour intervenir dans des contextes de vulnérabilité, qui favorise un processus de construction d'actions systématiques à partir d'une représentation scientifique, pour la construction de nouveaux apprentissages, à travers une véritable forme d'interaction et de relation entre les sujets. Tout au long du texte, des alternatives d'amélioration continue sont intégrées, un aspect qui cherche à étudier, guider et délimiter l'innovation éducative et ses propres acteurs.

  • af Lalit Mohan Nainwal
    643,95 kr.

    This book brings together a unique insight into the multifaceted nature of cancer. From the fundamental biology of diverse cancer types to the intricate molecular landscapes that govern their behaviour, the chapters within this book serve as a comprehensive guide, illuminating the path toward a deeper understanding of this complex disease. The title, "Cancer Unveiled," reflects our commitment to peeling back the layers of uncertainty and ambiguity surrounding cancer. Through meticulous exploration and analysis, this book aims to provide readers with a clear and informed perspective on the latest developments in cancer research and treatment. The journey begins with an exploration of the underlying biology of various cancer types, offering readers a foundation upon which to comprehend the subsequent discussions on molecular pathways and targeted therapies. The chapters are organized to serve as a roadmap through the intricate terrain of cancer research.

  • af (Dr. Pawan Kumar
    346,95 kr.

    Welcome to "The Essentials of Academic Writing", a comprehensive guide designed to empower readers with the fundamental skills necessary for effective scholarly communication. In the dynamic landscape of academia, the ability to articulate ideas with clarity, precision, and authority is paramount. This book emerges as a beacon, offering a roadmap for navigating the intricacies of academic writing.Through carefully curated chapters, we delve into the foundational elements that constitute exceptional academic prose. From understanding the nuances of academic discourse to honing research skills, crafting compelling theses, and refining writing style, each section is crafted to instill confidence in writers at all levels of their academic journey.Our approach transcends the mechanical aspects of writing, emphasizing the cultivation of a writer's unique voice within the scholarly community. As you embark on this literary voyage, may "The Essentials of Academic Writing" be your trusted companion, illuminating the path to articulate, impactful, and sophisticated academic expression.

  • af (Dr. Pawan Kumar
    346,95 kr.

    In the journey of intellectual exploration, the pursuit of critical thinking stands as an indispensable guide for undergraduate students navigating the complexities of academia and beyond. "Critical Thinking: A Guide for Undergraduates" is born out of a fervent commitment to empowering learners with the cognitive tools essential for success in the diverse landscape of higher education. This book transcends the traditional boundaries of disciplinary confines, offering a holistic approach that encourages active engagement with ideas, challenges assumptions, and cultivates the skills necessary for rigorous analysis. Structured into five distinct chapters, this guide unfolds a narrative that begins with the foundational principles of critical thinking and progressively extends to its practical applications in research, communication, and diverse academic disciplines. From unraveling the nuances of effective reading to fostering a lifelong habit of critical inquiry, each chapter is meticulously crafted to inspire curiosity, promote intellectual autonomy, and instill a sense of responsibility as global citizens.

  • af Roy T P
    469,95 kr.

    Welcome to "Python for Internet of Things (IoT)," a comprehensive guide designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills needed to harness the immense potential of IoT using the Python programming language. The Internet of Things represents a ground breaking technological revolution that is reshaping industries, improving our daily lives, and enabling a future where everything is interconnected.In this book, we'll demonstrate how Python's strengths can be leveraged to create IoT solutions that are not only efficient and scalable but also accessible to a broad audience. Whether you are interested in building smart home devices, industrial automation systems, environmental monitoring solutions, or any other IoT application, Python can be your trusty companion on this exciting journey.

  • af Sucharan Reddy Rekulapally
    346,95 kr.

    The book titled ¿Plan vs Reality¿ is a modest attempt on the part of writers to provide a supporting system for English language teachers working in low resource conditions across India. It intends to help teachers give practice to their students in describing whatever students feel like with ease and confidence. This book aims at explaining the importance of planning in life and career. To achieve goals and aspirations one needs to set realistic and feasible goals. To set realistic and feasible goals one needs to know one's strengths and weaknesses well. In a competitive environment, one should one ¿X¿ factor well. The book also discusses having alternative plans along with different mindsets. Certain important aspects like the impact of a wrong circle on planning, how to avoid procrastination of plans, creating vision boards, plan vs plan of action, appraisal of plans and plan vs reality are all discussed in brief to give an overall idea of how to plan and make plans a reality, rather than just plan and expect the results haphazardly.

  • af Ednilson Souza
    433,95 kr.

    This book aims to investigate David Hestenes' Modeling Theory and its application in physics classes. Modeling Theory considers that people create mental models to plan and to guide their interactions with the real world. However, mental models created from everyday life experiences are generally incompatible with the conceptual models of school. Thus, it is argued that the fundamental problem in learning and understanding in science and mathematics is coordinating mental models with conceptual models. Based on the empirical results, it is possible to conclude that Modelling Theory has important implications for the classroom, especially for organizing subject content around general models, for using different representations to communicate thoughts and actions and for encouraging discussions and debates between groups of students. However, it was found that its application demands some challenges, especially in choosing problems that can be modeled and in carrying out investigations.

  • af Fernanda Raíssa Souza Fernandes
    317,95 kr.

    The theme of this work is: "Religion and Education: traces of Kardecist Spiritist elements in the Religious Education curriculum proposed by the Montes Claros City Council and the Institutional Teaching Incentive Scholarship Programme/PIBID of the Religious Sciences course, based on the Permanent National Forum for Religious Education/FONAPER, in 2012 for 8th and 9th grade primary school classes." My interest in the subject was born when I started studying Religious Studies, and was strengthened in the Supervised Internship course, which revealed the horizon of the school field. It materialised in the light of the epistemology of the Sciences of Religion provided by the PIBID subproject of the Sciences of Religion course, entitled "Religious Education and Religious Diversity" in 2011. The aim was to evaluate the Religious Education curriculum proposals of the Montes Claros City Council and the PIBID subproject of the Religious Sciences course, based on Fonaper, in order to find out if there are elements of the Kardecist Spiritist Doctrine in these proposals.

  • af Dieison Prestes Da Silveira
    288,95 kr.

    This work is the result of the Supervised Curricular Internship in the Biological Sciences Degree Course at the Instituto Federal Farroupilha - Campus Júlio de Castilhos. As a token of my gratitude, I dedicate it to the management team of the following institutions: Frei Galvão Municipal Elementary School, Mãe de Deus State Institute of Education and the Farroupilha Federal Institute - Júlio de Castilhos Campus. I would also like to thank the following teachers: Josiana Scherer Bassan and Paulo Ricardo Weissbach for their attention and credibility. As a teacher, I corroborate the importance of having a condor vision of the educational environment, reaching new ideologies and building moments of meaningful learning. The internship is a time for exchanging knowledge and expertise, so I'd like to emphasise the need for differentiated initial and continuing training that is perennial! It is understandable that there are difficulties in writing an internship report, so much so that this book provides examples of how to write a report. However, trainees should be aware that their reports, derived from their experiences, have a unique and subjective character. Shall we try to understand the methodology of an internship report?

  • af Inês Teixeira
    433,95 kr.

    Starting from the concept of identity, we reflect on the teaching identity and its articulation with the process of learning to be a teacher, embodied in the professional internship, the object of multiple perspectives, which are explored in their evolution throughout the professional experience of six former interns. The commitment to professional identity was rebuilt through actions, values and dispositions to learn, always in an attitude of reflection-action, to which the intervention of the cooperating teacher within the community of practice greatly contributed. The personal and professional development of the new teachers had a solid and consistent start, which proved to be proficient for the exercise of the profession in other contexts. During the internship, conditions must be met to provide trainees with emotional support (proximity or scaffolding measure) and to promote the achievement of growing autonomy (distancing or fading measure). Only in this way will trainees be able to properly prepare themselves for the difficulties and uncertainties of the profession, demonstrating the capacity for agency to intervene in the context and promote transformation.

  • af Mariana Pessoa Mascarenhas
    353,95 kr.

    The aim of this study is to analyze the perception of the teaching staff and students on the Business Administration courses at the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the RMBH - MG regarding teaching and learning in the training of the new generation of Sustainability Administrators. It will also present the perception of course coordinators, teaching strategies and the characterization of these HEIs as a set of categories that influence the teaching-learning relationship. The theoretical model used was based on research by Hart and Milstein (2004) and Sgarbi et al. (2008) defining 47 sustainable jargons present in studies related to Administration. Thirty-two HEIs with sustainability or sustainability-related subjects were selected for this analysis. It's worth checking out the results!

  • af Ilana Carneiro Lisboa Magalhães
    288,95 kr.

    With life becoming increasingly urbanised, society is faced with diseases that used to be characterised as mainly rural, where mosquitoes and other animals are also migrating to urban areas. Dengue, as a re-emerging virus in Brazil, has returned with greater force, where new serotypes have been discovered and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever has emerged. The aim of this study was to assess the approach to dengue with 5 teachers from 3 public schools in Districts IV, II and VI of Fortaleza, according to the low, medium and high incidence of the disease, respectively. Initially, the schools were visited. Subsequently, the contents of the textbooks used by the schools participating in the research were analysed, followed by the application of a questionnaire with open and structured questions to Science and Biology teachers from the same institutions.

  • af Valéria Mattos
    389,95 kr.

    The thesis that gave rise to this book sought to identify the specificities of the research participants' trajectories and advance the understanding of the process of professional insertion of young adults with at least a master's degree, in its multideterminations. The analysis, enhanced by the methodological choice of biographical interviews, sought to understand the phenomenon under investigation not in terms of cause and consequence, but rather to understand the specificities of the factors that characterise the different paths taken by these young people.

  • af Daniel Serey Araneda
    527,95 kr.

    Coaching in the field of school coexistence seeks to develop the potential of students and teachers to improve their performance and treatment. It focuses on increasing self-awareness, discovering the current situation and exploring possibilities for improvement. Through a process of action-reflection-action-reflection, coaching seeks to strengthen listening and communication skills, and facilitate change to reach the maximum potential for improvement. It uses questioning as the basis of its work and promotes a culture of positive coexistence in the educational community. The participation of all members of the community in activities to improve coexistence is fundamental, promoting student collaboration and the transmission of skills that foster positive coexistence in the school.

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