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Spinding og vævning

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  • af Joanne Soroka
    195,95 kr.

  • af Kerstin Neumüller
    145,95 kr.

    Simple Weave opens up the world of weaving beyond gigantic looms and inaccessible patterns with 15 weaving projects and four tool projects to make. Learn to make beautiful things with tools small enough to fit in your pocket.

  • - Lær at væve til dig og din bolig
    af Vibe Munck
    217,95 kr.

    I Rammevævning lærer Vibe Munck dig, hvad det vil sige at væve på en rammevæv. Her får du en grundig introduktion til, hvad en rammevæv er, hvordan du sætter væven op og bruger den, og hvad du kan lave med lærredsvævning. Du får design, idéer og inspiration til projekter, som du kan bruge i dit hjem eller til dig selv. I bogen får du 20 moderne projekter fordelt på otte teknikker/metoder med et spektrum, der strækker fra flotte tørklæder og tasker til puder og plaider til dækkeservietter og hynder. Når du har færdiggjort et projekt i bogen eller draget inspiration af ét til at designe dine egne ting, kan du med det samme nyde følelsen af at kunne bruge din kreation i din hverdag. Bogens smukke billeder er taget af fotograf Allan Trolle.

  • - Kom godt i gang
    af Kerstin Neumüller
    237,95 kr.

    Vævning er det nye store hit blandt kreative personer i Danmark. I 'Båndvævning- Kom godt i gang' får læseren en udførlig, men enkel introduktion til, hvordan man let kan komme i gang med at væve. Teknikkerne i bogen bliver suppleret med flotte billeder og letforståelige illustrationer. Når man tænker på vævning, forestiller man sig ofte store tungevævemaskiner, der fylder en halv stue. Men sådan behøver det ikke at være. I Kerstin Neumüllers nye bog om båndvævning åbner en ny væveverden sig. Hun viser, hvordan man væver med redskaber, der er nemme at lave selv, og som ofte ikke er større, end de passer i en bukselomme. Her er inspiration både til dem, der aldrig har vævet, men er ivrige efter at prøve, og til erfarne vævere, der gerne vil arbejde med fleksible værktøjer til at lave bånd, vægpynt, grydelapper og andre praktiske og fine ting.Kerstin fortæller også om sin rejse fra tekstil til træhåndværk og viser, hvordan man laver sit eget væveværktøj i lommestørrelse af træ eller sågar af en mælkekarton. Først vandt broderiet frem i Danmark. Nu vokser også interessen for vævning blandt danskerne. Kerstin Neumüllers bog er derfor en kærkommenintroduktion til en vævemetode, hvor man ikke behøver den store investering i en væv.

  • af Susan Iverson
    364,95 kr.

    A respected fiber artist teaches a technique that allows weavers to create shaped and three-dimensional tapestries, on any kind of loom.

    403,95 kr.

    Born in 1972 in Osaka, Japan, Chiharu Shiota has been living and working in Berlin since 1997.

  • af Liesbeth Decan
    403,95 kr.

    This book is a comprehensive tribute to the Polish-Belgian artist Tapta (Maria Wierusz-Kowalska). Her work transcends traditional artistic boundaries, captivating audiences with her innovative exploration of fluid spaces and dynamic interactions. Her work, an important contribution to twentieth century sculpture, is essentially divided into two major sections: the textile works of the 1960s to 1980s and the subsequent neoprene works of the last years of her life. Her practice moved away from traditional weaving through experimental techniques and evolved into three-dimensional works-first made of cords, then of neoprene sheets-that interacted with the space and the viewer. TAPTA (*1926-1997) was born in Poland and came to Belgium as a political refugee with her husband, Krzysztof Wierusz-Kowalski, after taking part in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. She studied weaving at the La Cambre National School of Visual Arts, Brussels, from where she graduated in 1949. Shortly afterwards, the couple moved to the Belgian Congo (now Democratic Republic of the Congo), where they lived from 1950 to 1960. On their return to Belgium in 1960, until her sudden death in 1997, she worked in Brussels as an artist and-from 1976 until 1990-as a professor at La Cambre.

  • af Susan Kesler-Simpson
    273,95 kr.

    This collection of hand towel patterns is just the reference you need! With 43 designs in a variety of weave structures, from easy to advanced patterns, for both 4- and 8-shaft looms, there are plenty of patterns to explore and learn from while you make practical towels.

  • af Ulla Mannering
    236,95 kr.

    Tøj og tekstil i Danmarks oldtid er et samlet overblik over udviklingen og produktionen af det tøj, oldtidsmennesket i Danmark gik med lige fra den ældste stenalder til og med vikingetiden. Hvad enten det er lavet af skind eller fremstillet af vævet stof. Til fortællingen om dragten i oldtiden hører også bælter, huer, sko og hårmode.Tekstiler og skind har i tusindvis af år beskyttet os mod vejr og vind, og i Danmark findes en af verdens mest enestående samlinger af forhistoriske tekstiler og dragter. Forskningen i disse samlinger har de seneste 20 år givet mange overraskende og nye resultater. Vi ved derfor nu meget mere om de materialer, farver og dragter, som man gik klædt i i oldtiden. Det fortæller en masse om vores forfædre, og derfor også en masse om os. Ulla Mannering er forhistorisk arkæolog med speciale i nordeuropæisk dragt- og tekstilproduktion. Fra 2005-2016 arbejdede hun på Danmarks Grundforskningsfonds Center for Tekstilforskning, som hun var medinitiativtager til. Fra 2010 var hun samtidigt ansat som seniorforsker ved Nationalmuseet og har siden 2020 været forskningsprofessor her.

  • af Shashank Jain
    167,95 kr.

    Have you always dreamed of creating a Home that is the Talk of the Town and like none other? Do you want a Home that drips Unparalleled Luxury & Elegant Design yet feels Warm and Welcoming to guests? Do you want a Home as Unique as YOU? If YES! Hurray, you are holding the right book in your hands! This book reveals all the inside Interior Design Secrets that no Interior Designer will ever share. So go ahead and design a Signature Home like a pro! A sought-after "Luxury Home Design Specialist", Shashank Jain has travelled the world and is known for combining modern and historical design sensibilities seamlessly. He has worked with numerous clients to create spaces that are as luxurious as they are unique and welcoming.

  • af Noémi Speiser
    592,95 kr.

    Die international renommierte Textilkünstlerin und Forscherin Noémi Speiser beschäftigt sich seit 1948 mit textilen Techniken. In diesem Buch veröffentlicht sie ihre lange erwartete Klassifikation der textilen Techniken, welche sie in drei Hauptkategorien einteilt: "Die Arbeit mit einem Faden", "Das Verarbeiten eines Fadensatzes" und "Das Einarbeiten von Fäden in einen vorbereiteten Fadensatz". Der Fokus von Noémi Speiser liegt dabei auf dem Arbeitsprozess, also der Herstellung der textilen Struktur.Von Hand gezeichnete Illustrationen der Autorin begleiten die Systematik mit ihren zahlreichen Subkategorien und vermitteln einen profunden Überblick über die Vielfalt der textilen Techniken.

  • af Lucy Rowan
    217,95 kr.

    Weaving with Natural Dyes is a comprehensive guide to the art of weaving with eco-friendly, natural dyes. Authored by textile designer and weaver Lucy Rowan, this book features 12 stunning woven projects with step-by-step imagery that will inspire and guide weavers of all skill levels.This book takes you on a journey through the seasons, exploring the beauty of natural hues found in leaves, flowers, and vegetables. Each project is designed to highlight the colors of the season, from the warm oranges and browns of autumn to the bright pinks and yellows of spring.With this book, you'll learn everything you need to know about using natural dyes in your weaving projects. You'll discover how to dye yarns with materials found in nature, using eco-friendly methods that are as beautiful as they are sustainable. The projects in this book range from easy to advanced, so whether you're a beginner or an experienced weaver, you'll find something to inspire you.The step-by-step imagery and detailed instructions make it easy to follow along with each project, ensuring that you'll be able to create beautiful woven pieces that reflect the changing seasons. Lucy Rowan's passion for natural dyes and weaving shines through in every page of this book, making it a must-have for anyone interested in weaving, natural dyeing, or sustainable crafting.

  • af Dorothea Katharina Schmidt
    232,95 kr.

    "Originally published as Paper Baskets, copyright 2021 Christophorus Verlag; Christian Verlag, Munich, Germany"--Colophon.

  • af Violet Virginia Cavana
    162,95 kr.

  • af Philip Gilbert Hamerton
    342,95 kr.

  • af Gurjot Singh Gulati
    132,95 kr.

    This amazing book is something every household needs. Many of us overlook the importance of the CHIMNEY in a kitchen; however, if we genuinely care for the health and wellbeing of the Homemaker or those who spend time in the Kitchen, a Chimney is essential.A Chimney is essential not only to eliminate the toxic fumes and smoke but also helps keep your interiors clean, grease-free.The right Chimney will save you tonnes of money and hassle in terms of health and cleaning bills.However, it is unfortunate that most people choose the wrong Chimney, and their dream of achieving a smoke &odour free Kitchen gets shattered rudely.This book functions as your Kitchen Chimney Expert and helps you choose the Chimney with the best results.Gurjot Singh Gulati, though a Chartered Accountant by qualification, is backed by a family legacy and 40 years of family experience in Home Appliances. Having joined the family business today, he is an expert in adding value to customers' lives. Working with the best of Interior Designers & Architects throughout the nation, he has been adding significant value to every Kitchen that they design & execute with his expertise in the ""MODERN GADGET'- ""KITCHEN CHIMNEYS'' & BUILT-IN-HOBS.

  • af Claire Gelder
    117,95 kr.

    Get started and learn the basics with this miniature, no-nonsense guide to weaving! From best-selling author and crafting queen Claire Gelder, this gorgeous mini guide is packed full of weaving know-how, practical illustrations and comes with four simple-but-stunning projects.>It is structured as a simple 3-step course that will help you progress from bronze to gold as your skills and confidence grow. Before you know it you'll be weaving wall hanging, place mat and coasters on a rectangular loom, and a cushion and bag on a circular loom. Filled with positive affirmations and beautifully illustrated, this wonderful book is the ideal introduction to weaving for a complete beginner.

  • - Teknikker og mønstre
    af Julie Robert
    247,95 kr.

    Denne bog er kulminationen af et samarbejde mellem DIY-elskeren Émilie Guelpa og garnkunstneren Julie Robert. I denne bog introducerer de dig for vævning på ramme, hvor du ved hjælp af lidt garn, eller måske noget stof, et stykke træ, en nål og en saks – og selvfølgelig en væv – kan skabe de smukkeste vævekreationer. Du bliver ledt igennem skønne mønstre, der på en nem og overskuelig måde forklarer trin for trin, hvordan du kommer i gang. Det er alt, hvad du har brug for for at kunne kaste dig ud i vævningens kunst. Bogen indeholder mere end 25 idéer til DIY projekter, der leger med forskellige teknikker og materialer – lige fra fascinerende mønstre med snoninger og frynser til vævning med stof og chunky uldgarn. Du lærer at lave smukke vægophæng, udsmykninger, tæpper og meget mere. Hvert projekt indeholder nemme trin-for-trin vejledning, hjælp til teknikker, og tips og tricks.

  • af Veronica Warwick
    182,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Christine K. Miller
    316,95 kr.

    Weave with wire and fiber to produce metal fabric--an entirely new art material that can be used for jewelry, sculpture, basketry, and more.

  • af Anita Osterhaug
    314,95 kr.

    An abundance of step-by-step fiber art projects to bring Scandinavian style to life in your home

  • af Francine McCabe
    337,95 kr.

    A fascinating look at the world of small-scale textile farms along the Salish Sea and their pivotal role in sustainable, artisanal textile production and the slow fashion movement.Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands are a part of a unique geographical region that can grow and process its own raw textile materials with transparency. This book explores the region¿s vibrant fleece and fibre community and introduces the public to this growing land-based textile economy. Richly illustrated with captivating photography, Fleece and Fibre presents the many fibre types produced along the Salish Seäincluding sheep wool, llama, alpaca, mohair, cashmere, linen, flax, and hemp¿and explains where and how they are currently being grown, processed, and used. At a time when the global textile industry is one of the most unsustainable and exploitative industries on the planet, the public is looking for local alternatives to fast fashion. Part sourcebook, part stunning coffee table book, and part call to action, Fleece and Fibre creates new connections between farmers, raw materials, makers, designers, dyers, and wearers.

  • - Din visuelle guide til 12 kreative og lærerige projekter på begynderniveau
    af Vivi Mailund
    176,95 kr.

    Vævning kan være et uoverskueligt projekt at kaste sig over, men ikke med denne bog ved hånden. Alle 12 projekter er vævet på væveramme, hvilket er den mest simple form for vævning. Vivi Mailund formidler her en stor glæde ved håndarbejde og masser af ideer til at slippe kreativiteten løs – og endda på en bæredygtig måde ved brug af garnrester.VÆV MED VIVI er bogen for enhver, der har lyst til at komme godt i gang med at væve – både nybegyndere og let øvede. Vævning på væveramme kan tilpasses alle aldre og niveauer. Børn fra 5 år vil have brug for støtte fra en voksen de første par gange, hvorefter de hurtigt vil blive selvhjulpne.Vivi er uddannet tekstilformidler og har siden 2018 drevet webshop med salg af væverammer og tilbehør samt afholdt vævekurser for børn og voksne. Det er netop på baggrund af mødet med kursisterne, at indholdet i bogen er nøje udvalgt og formidlet. Missionen er at gøre op med vævningens traditionelle regelsæt og gøre det både nemt og sjovt.Trin for trin beskrives opsætning, teknikker og afmontering. Teknikker, der alle ind- går i ét eller flere af bogens 12 projekter, som bevæger sig inden for de to kategorier vægdekorationer og accessoires.Om forfatterVivi Mailund er uddannet tekstilformidler og har siden 2018 drevet webshoppen med salg af væverammer og vævekurser. Forfatterens mission er at gøre op med vævningens traditionelle regelsæt. Et regelsæt, som hun selv havde svært ved at gennemskue under sin uddannelse til tekstilformidler. Passionen for vævningen opstod først for alvor på et lille loftsrum i Århus. Det var her den første stak væverammer blev købt ind og det første vævekursus afholdt. Foruden sit selvstændige virke har Vivi siden 2020 været fastansat på Kjellerup Væveri.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • af Akshat Bansal
    132,95 kr.

    Nothing in the world is more important than the safety and security of your loved ones at home and the protection of your hard-earned assets at your place of work!!!Are you doing enough to keep your family and business safe???The difference between sleeping safe and losing everything is the RIGHT LOCKING SYSTEM!This book is your personal security expert and will help you choose the most secure lock without having to compromise on stylish design for your spaces.Leading Architectural Hardware Expert. Bansal's expertise was handed down to him as a family legacy and was fortified by an Engineering Degree. This expertise has been further honed by his 18 years of experience working with leading Architects and Interior Designers across the country.

  • af Akshat Bansal
    107,95 kr.

  • af Pandita Lal Chaman
    212,95 kr.

    The Bhagavad Gita is the best known and most famous Hindu texts, with a unique pan-Hindu influence. This first edition of the Gita in Urdu language is an attempt written in an easily readable language for those who can read it in bi-lingual language, both Sanskrit and Urdu.I consider this a great blessing which may inculcate interest in the devotees of Lord Krishna to read, recite and learn some ways of living a simple life of surrender in the lotus feet of Lord Krishna.I come from a humble family of Village Wakura, District Ganderbal. I have completed my education in Kashmir valley, living in Jammu since 1967, served Department of Telecom for 40 years, After my retirement in 2007, I served community through Kashmiri Pandit Sabha, Jammu and continue to serve society in the service of Lord Krishna.It is my sincere hope that this work will touch many souls, transform their lifestyle and help them advance in their spiritual life.

  • af Anna A. Gill
    232,95 - 372,95 kr.

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