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Kosmetik, hår og skønhed

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  • af Anette Kristine Poulsen
    167,95 kr.

    ”Jeg frygter mere ikke at blive gammel end at blive det. For det er et privilegium af de storeat være her. Og derfor giver det for mig aldrig mening at sætte anti foran age. Men hit gerne med den bedste hud.” Skønheds-anmelder Anette Kristine Poulsens nye bog er en no-nonsens vejviser med rækkefølger og konkrete bud på, hvordan du pleaser og plejer det sejeste og mest personlige hus, du nogensinde kommer til at bo i: Nemlig din hud. Muligvis har du, som forfatteren selv, trådt på din hud, branket og solsmadret den, så ar, pletter og kraterdybe porer står i vejen for den fugtmættede glød, der gør alle så godt. Heldigvis er det aldrig for sent at forbedre sin hud markant. Første skridt er at vende ryggen til kaos og målrettet gå efter fakta. Derved undgår du forvirring, frustration og fejlkøb og i får i stedet det konkrete overblik med de rutiner og rækkefølger, der kan ses og mærkes på din hud: Hvad skal på hvornår og hvorfor? Konkret bliver du klogere på det, der uvildigt og dokumenteret gør indtryk på alt fra sart rødme til forstørrede porer og hud, der krøller tørt, og ikke mindst de solpletter, der stjæler lys fra ansigtet. Suppleret med hudkærlige kost-tips og Anettes alternativer til Botulinumtoksin (bedre kendt som Botox) og fillers. Endelig bliver alt fra appelsinhud til nødvendigheden af øjencreme sendt en tur igennem løgnedetektoren. ”En samlet cocktail der vil klæde dig på til at træffe de bedste beslutninger for lige præcis din hud”, lover Anette Kristine Poulsen, skønhedsredaktør på Børsen og flittig gæst i Go’ morgen Danmark. Bogens faglige indhold er afstemt med hudlæge, professor dr. med. Christian Grønhøj.

  • - Håndlavet uden kemi – til krop og hjem
    af Pia Brixved & Nina Amanda Hjort Jensen
    137,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Aldrig har vi haft så mange rengørings- og skønhedsprodukter til rådighed – og aldrig har der været så mange folk, der får allergi af deres omgivelser og de produkter, de bruger i hverdagen. Der er meget at vinde ved at tage sagen i egen hånd. Med andre ord: Do-it-yourself. DIY er kommet for at blive. Vi finder i stigende grad glæde ved at fremstille ting til eget brug, og fordelen er til at tage at føle på, når det gælder vores krop og vores hjem. Denne bog vil på en nem og overskuelig måde bringe opskrifter på, hvordan man med ganske få ingredienser og en smule tid til rådighed kan minimere kemikalierne i hverdagen, spare penge og få hyggeligt og kreativt samvær med familie og venner. Hovedvægten ligger på produkter til kropspleje som fx shampoo, hårkur, solcreme, makeupfjerner og tandpasta. Men der vil også være et afsnit med miljøvenlige husholdningsartikler som fx vinduesrens, skurecreme og rengøringsspray, der kan være med til at skabe et renere indeklima i hjemmet. Alle projekter kommer med udførlige anvisninger, indkøbslister, angivelse af varighed og anvendelse. Og opskrifterne kræver ikke, at man skal købe sig fattig i diverse specialprodukter fra særlige butikker – ingredienserne, som fx kokosolie, eddike og natron, kan alle fås i et velassorteret supermarked. Om forfatterne Nogle kommer fra et hjem med klaver. Nina Amanda Hjort Jensen kommer fra et hjem, hvor alt blev lavet fra bunden – og med respekt for naturen. Det er noget, hun har taget med sig igennem hele livet. Når Nina ikke sylter, bager eller laver DIY, arbejder hun som støttepædagog i Gladsaxe. Pia Brixved er ‘sætningskonstruktør’, iværksætter, praktisk blæksprutte og tovholder på bogen.

  • af Jessa Hastings
    112,95 - 147,95 kr.

  • - sund kost- sund hud
    af Morten Fenger & Christian Grønhøj
    166,95 - 227,95 kr.

    Huden er et utroligt komplekst organ,og for at kunne fungere optimalt har den brug for at få tilført næringsstoffer. Det er derfor ikke helt lige meget, hvad vi spiser. For kost har stor betydning for hudens sundhed, og hvordan den ser ud. Om den virker usund og slidt, eller om den ser sund ud og har en naturlig glød.Denne bog handler om, hvordan du holder huden sund, så den ser frisk ud og får masser af glød, men også hvordan du forhindrer inflammation, der får huden til at ældes hurtigere og kan forværre hudsygdomme som fx akne og psoriasis.Bogens forfattere kommer fra to forskellgie verdener. Christian Grønhøj er dr. med og hudspecialist. Han arbejder som hudlæge og har forsket i immunsystemet og dets betydning for inflammatoriske hudsygdomme. Morten Fenger er kok, har en ph.d. i økonomi og en alsidig mad-baggrund og har arbejdet på storts set alt fra Michelin-resturanter i udlandet til institutionskøkkener herhjemme og har været med til at udvikle grønne færdigretter.Bogen er inddelt i to dele. I bogens første del kan du læse, hvordan du passer på din hud, og hvorfor kost er den bedste hudpleje, og i bogens anden del er der de lækreste opskrifter, som er rige på både nærringsstoffer og smag.

  • af Anette Kristine Poulsen
    167,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Tro ikke på, at alder er en hudtype, der kræver særlige anti-age-produkter. Ny bog giver opskriften på en række enkle rutiner, baseret på dokumenterede ingredienser, der holder huden på toppen livet igennem.Ét ord kan få skønhedsspecialist Anette Kristine Poulsen på vingerne: plejeindustriens buzzword anti-age. Hele tankegangen om, at vi alle før eller siden havner i en stor kundegruppe, hvis hudplejebehov udelukkende defineres ud fra årstallet på dåbsattesten. Den kan nemlig spærre vejen for, at ens hud får den behandling, den reelt har brug for, mener hun."Din alder siger intet om din hudtype, men din hud siger alt om, hvad du får brug for gennem livet. Faktum er, at du hudmæssigt kan have mere tilfælles med en 18-årig end en jævnaldrende nabo, for alder har aldrig været nogens hudtype. Så du skal kende den direkte rute gennem reklamefloskler og indholdsfortegnelser – den, der passer til din hud,” siger Anette Kristine Poulsen. Det er hendes mærkesag, både som skønhedsredaktør på Børsen, fast skønhedsekspert på Go’ Morgen Danmark, platform og som forfatter. Hun er kendt for at skære igennem, når plejeindustrien opfinder behov, som ikke er i hudens interesse – og for at give insidertips om mere veldokumenterede metoder. I denne nye bog Bedre hud med årene præsenterer Anette Kristine Poulsen præcise og enkle trin-for-trin-rutiner baseret på ingredienser, der har dokumentation for at kunne holde huden frisk og fugtspændstig. "Man kan gøre rigtig meget mod rødmeudfordringer, solpletter, pigmentpletter, tørre linjer og sarte hotspots – helt uden at fejle eller overbehandle med produkter, man ikke har brug for,” lover hun.

  • - Fletninger og Flettepigernes favoritter
    af Laura Arnesen & Marie Wivel
    177,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Fletninger er et håndværk, der i århundreder er blevet overleveret fra den ene generation til den næste. Det er yndigt, kunstfærdigt, det koster ikke noget – og så er det hyggeligt at være sammen om at lave en flot sildebensfletning eller en romantisk fransk flettet knold.Laura Arnesen og Marie Wivel tog hele Danmark med storm, da de kun 14 år gamle udgav deres første bog med fantastiske fletninger. 10 år senere er de tilbage med FLETTEBOGEN, en samlet udgave af de to superbestsellere Fletninger og Flettepigernes favoritter – for fletninger går aldrig af mode.

  • af Esha Khamo
    157,95 - 215,95 kr.

    Denne bog handler om, hvordan frisør Esha Khamo udøver hverdagsmagi på kundernes hår i sin salon. Det er en rejse rundt i spændende viden om hår, kultur og skønhed. Bogen kombinerer kunst og kulturelle facts om hår med anvendelige tips fra en af Danmarks allerbedste frisører. Bogen henvender sig til alle, som har interesse for indre og ydre skønhed, og som ønsker finurlige input om hår, stil og mennesker samt tips til en god hårdag. I bogen får læseren inspiration og en guide til at finde sin helt egen hårstil. Bogen er et bidrag til en fælles forståelse for forskellige typer af mennesker og hår. Læseren får indsigt i frisørens univers, og hår sættes i kulturelt, historisk og populært perspektiv, mens Esha deler ud af sin enorme viden. Bogen illustrerer Eshas hårmagi gennem smukke, kunstneriske og tidløse portrætfotos taget af Thomas Cato. Om forfatterenEsha Khamo er født i Bagdad, kom til Danmark som flygtning og er i dag bosat i København, hvor han har sin egen frisørsalon. Efter fire års frisøruddannelse modtog Esha sølvmedalje både fra Frisørskolen og Haandværkerforeningen i Kjøbenhavn for sine faglige kompetencer. Esha har de seneste år gjort sig bemærket på den danske frisør- og skønhedsscene med en nomineret SPA-serie og sine egne hårprodukter. Denne bog er Eshas første, men han er allerede en succesfuld forfatter og content creator på sociale medier med over 3.000 medlemmer i sit onlineunivers Let’s Shine Together. Se mere på er lavet i fixed format

  • af Steven Jones
    222,95 kr.

    This book will empower you to take control of your Life and body from a different perspective your fascia system is the gateway to enrich your life on many Levels! You will learn about the superpower strength that lies within your fascia, which will leave you in complete awe! Your fascia is the only system in the human body that connects and interacts with every other system of your body. Your fascia is your very own superhero. It will enable you to feel better, look younger, feel younger, and heal emotionally, mentally, and physically whether you're dealing with chronic pain, looking to heal from mental/emotional/physical trauma.You'll discover:How to calm the all-important vagus nerve to ensure your organs Natural ways to decrease panic attacks Reasons why you should keep your adrenal glands Methods for pushing past survival mode to live a life of drive and vigorWhole-body strategies to lose weight, be more flexible, stay in touch with yourself, And much, much more!Many of us are limited in our movements, hunched over, or tight. Ideally, we would move in a variety of ways throughout the day, keeping our bodies fresh and youthful. However, office jobs and sofas can lead to bodies that are imprisoned in a cage of tension, whose tissue is dehydrated and stuck together, with some areas that are very weak or tight. Normal stretching is not strong enough to break us out of that state.

  • af Bambi Staveley
    172,95 kr.

    If you've walked away from a doctor's appointment almost in tears wondering where to now. If your doctor couldn't offer you any decent advice or dismissed your hair concerns, then this is the book for you. Former Registered Nurse, hair loss expert and creator of Boost N Blend, Bambi Staveley has answered every question you could possibly ask about female hair loss in her second book.This book is a complete life changer. Every possible cause and every possible solution is comprehensively covered in this must-have book. Not only does Bambi cover her personal journey with hair loss, and her road to complete recovery, including exactly what she did to get her hair back (no there are no miracle products involved!) she provides you with the benefit of over 10 years of painstaking research. Her knowledge picks up where most medical practitioners leave off. If you are not satisfied with the medical advice you are getting, then you need this book. Bambi's research and her wisdom as an RN ensures that this comprehensive book answers every conceivable question you may have.

  • af Sali Hughes
    145,95 - 255,95 kr.

  • af Elise Hu
    155,95 kr.

    One of Porchlight's Business Books of the Year | One of Vox's Best Books of 2023 | An NPR Book of the Day | Required Reading from New York Post | One of Nylon's 13 May Books to Add to Your Reading List | One of PureWow's 14 Books to Read for AAPI Heritage Month | One of W Magazine's 14 Books to Dive Into This Summer | One of Betches' Best Summer Reads of 2023An audacious journalistic exploration of the present and future of beauty through the lens of South Korea's booming "K-beauty" industry and the culture it promotes, by Elise Hu, NPR host-at-large and the host of TED Talks Daily K-beauty has captured imaginations worldwide by promising a kind of mesmerizing perfection. Its skincare and makeup products—creams packaged to look like milkshakes or pandas, and snail mucus face masks, to name a few—work together to fascinate us, champion consumerism, and invite us to indulge. In the four years Elise spent in Seoul as NPR’s bureau chief, the global K-beauty industry quadrupled. Today it's worth $10 billion and is only getting bigger as it rides the Hallyu wave around the globe. And fun as self-care consumerism may be, Elise turns her veteran eye to the darker questions lurking beneath the surface of this story. When technology makes it easy to quantify and optimize ourselves—from banishing blemishes, to whittling our waistlines, even to shaving down our jaws—where do we draw the line? What are the dangers for a society where a flawless face and body are promoted and possible? What are the real financial, physical, and emotional costs of beauty work in a culture that valorizes endless self-improvement and codes it as empowerment?   With rich historical context and deep reporting, including hours of interviews with South Korean women, this is a complex, provocative look at the ways hustle culture has reached into the sinews of our bodies. It raises complicated questions about gender disparity, consumerism, the beauty imperative of an appearance obsessed society, and the undeniable political, economic, and social capital of good looks worldwide. And it points the way toward an alternative vision, one that's more affirming and inclusive than a beauty culture led by industry.

  • af DK
    294,95 kr.

    Immerse yourself in stories and pictures of these useful plants, from herb gardens to remote wildernesses. Herbs have been used by humans throughout history - for cooking, medicine, rituals, and more. They are also a huge part of the modern world, from gardening, food, and cosmetics to medicines fighting diseases such as malaria. With vibrant illustrations and expert knowledge, The Herb Book takes a close-up look at a wide range of herbs from around the world, showcasing their botanical characteristics, medicinal, cosmetic, and culinary properties and uses, and cultural impact on the lives of humans. Dive deep into the pages of this horticultural handbook to discover: - Detailed original photography combines with historical and contemporary images to create a compelling visual mix.- Provides a global view of herbs and their culinary, medicinal, and cosmetic uses around the world.- Contains in-depth coverage of over 80 herb species.- Continues the warm visual aesthetic of The Tree BookFeaturing key scientific facts along with historical and mythological stories, this book provides a rich blend of information on these extraordinary plants and their role in our world. Proving a must-have volume for gardeners, horticulturalists, and amateur herbalists alike, as well as anyone interested in natural remedies, cookes and foodies too!

  • af Annette Collin
    162,95 kr.

    Annette Collin is a hairdresser and make-up artist and active Viking from Denmark. This is her third book about the beautiful Viking braids in her three-book series; "Vikingeflet"Viking Braids Viking Braids 2Oldnorse Braids - in a new way Annette Collins' books can be seen on the shelves of Viking museums in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, as well as at authentic Viking markets and festivals in the Nordic countries. In this book, Annette Collin has returned to the Danish ancient oldnorse times and was inspired by the art of braiding in the 3 ages of ancient oldnordse times; Bronze Age, Iron Age and Viking Age - and once again created a brand new unique braiding book, so that beginners and experienced people can learn to braids their hair like the Vikings and their ancestors. But also with new inspiration, with new braids inspired by Old Norse traditions and symbols.This book contains 22 brand new, unique and beautiful braids with easy step-by-step instructions on how to braid your hair like a Viking and their ancestors. The book is divided into the 3 ages of ancient oldnorse times:Bronze AgeIron Age Viking AgeIn each section there are instructions for braiding a historical reconstruction and a number of modern interpretations. Richly illustrated with many beautiful images of women and men in authentic clothing and braided hair, the book gives you inspiration and easy-to-understand instructions for braiding both historical braids and new braids based on ancient Nordic traditions, symbols and ornaments from antiquity. In addition to many exciting ideas for elaborate braiding, the book also provides you with inspiring examples of other types of headdresses that are based on the Old Nordic tradition. And so the old Nordic aesthetic in the categories mentioned above can live on in the hair of our day - in a new way. In addition, the book contains historical fact pages with the authentic findings of the proud Nordic hair braiding craft. The book is a beginner's book for women, men, boys and girls. The book is also a fantastic textbook for any teacher or facilitator looking to create a workshop for students and audiences. Each braid is characterized by its level of difficulty; “Easy”, “Medium” and “Difficult” and how long it takes to braid and the things you need. On the historical fact pages you can read which historical sources Annette Collin used as inspiration for her Viking braids; the over 2,000 year old “Arden Twist,” based on a discovery of hair twisted in 2 spirals on the top af the head, The hair was reddish-brown and originated from a woman from the Iron Age, found in Denmark in the municipality of Store Arden.The fantastic discovery of Iron Age “Vingmose braided knot” was discovered in a small bog called Vingmose in Jutland, Denmark.Additionally, you can also read about the beautiful discovery of the "Vimose comb"on the island of Funen in Denmark; a rune decorated comb. Have fun ❤️ Annette Collin

  • - Auf eine neue art
    af Annette Collin
    200,95 kr.

    Annette Collin ist Friseurin und make-up artist und aktive Wikingerin.Dies ist ihr drittes Buch über den wunderschönen Flechtfrisuren der Wikinger in ihrer aus drei Büchern bestehenden Serie „Vikingeflet“;Wikinger FlectfrisurenWikinger Flechtfrisuren 2Alte Nordische Flectfrisuren - auf eine neue ArtIn diesem Buch ist Annette Collin in die Antike Zeit der Vorfahren der Wikinger zurückgekehrt und hat sich von der Flechtkunst aus die 3 Antiken zeiten; Bronzezeit, Eisenzeit und der Wikingerzeit inspirieren lassen und erneut ein einzigartiges neues Flechtbuch erstellt, das Anfängern und Erfahrene können lernen, ihre Haare auf altnordische Weise zu flechten, aber auch mit neuen Flechtfrisuren inspiriert von altnordischen Traditionen und Symbolen.Dieses Buch enthält 22 nue wunderschöne einzigartigen Flechtfrisuren mit einfache step-by-step Anleitungen zum Flechten Ihrer Haare wie ein Wikinger und ihre Vorfahren.Das Buch ist in die 3 altnordischen Antike zeiten eingeteiltBronzezeitEisenzeitWikingerzeitJedes Kapitel enthält Anleitungen für eine historische rekonstruktion und eine Reihe moderner Interpretationen. Das Buch ist reich bebildert mit vielen schönen Bildern von Frauen und Männern in authentischer Kleidung und geflochtenem Haar und gibt Ihnen Inspiration und leicht verständliche Anleitungen zum Flechten sowohl historischer Zöpfe als auch neuer Zöpfe, basierend auf alten nordischen Traditionen, Symbolen und Ornamenten aus Antike.Neben vielen spannenden Ideen für aufwendige Flechtarbeiten liefert Ihnen das Buch auch inspirierende Beispiele für andere Kopfschmuckarten, die auf der altnordischen Tradition basieren.Und so kann die alte nordische Ästhetik in den oben genannten Kategorien in den Haaren unserer Tage weiterleben – auf neue Weise.Darüber hinaus enthält das Buch historische Faktenseiten mit den authentischen Erkenntnissen des stolzen nordischen Haarflechterhandwerks.Das Buch ist ein Einsteigerbuch für Frauen, Männer, Jungen und Mädchen.Das Buch ist auch ein fantastisches Lehrbuch für alle Lehrer und Vermittler, die einen Workshop für Schüler und Publikum gestalten möchten.Jeder Zopf ist durch seinen Schwierigkeitsgrad gekennzeichnet; „Einfach“, „Mittel“ und „Schwierig“ und wie lange es dauert, den Zopf zu flechten und die Dinge, die Sie brauchen.Auf den Seiten mit historischen Fakten können Sie nachlesen, welche historischen Quellen Annette Collin als Inspiration für ihre Wikingerzöpfe verwendet hat; Der über 2.000 Jahre alte "Ardener Kordelzopf", einem Haarfund von 2 Spiralen am Oberkopf aus rotbraune Haaren aund stammen von einer Frau us der Eisenzeit. Gefunden in Dänemark in der Gemeinde Store Arden.Der ertaunliche Fund aus der Eisenzeit „Geflochtener Haarknoten aus Vingmose“ aus der Eisenzeit. Gefunden in Dänemark, Jutland in einem kleinen Moor namens Vingmose.Darüber hinaus können Sie auch über die wunderschöne Entdeckung von den "Vimos-Kamm" aus der Eisenzeit. Gefunden in Dänemark er auf der Insel Fünen; ein mit runen verzierter Kamm.Viel Spaß und weiter flechten❤️Annette Collin

  • af Farnaz Bordbar
    361,95 kr.

    Farnaz Bordbar is a model with a unique sense of style...

  • - En danmarkshistorie i striber 1949 - 2024
    af Dorthe Chakravarty
    269,95 kr.

    Fortællingen om MATAS er et stykke danmarkshistorie i striber og farver om en virksomhed, som danskerne har et nært forhold til. Gennem 75 år har generationer af mænd og kvinder over hele landet handlet og arbejdet i deres lokale, ofte familiedrevne materialhandel. Vi får historien om de berømte striber og den unikke beretning om en virksomhed, der tidligt uddanner kvinder til handel, drift og ledelse. Matas er grundlagt i 1949 af en række foretagsomme materialister - alle mænd. I dag er butikkerne i overvejende grad drevet og ledet af kvinder.Den stribede danmarkshistorie er samtidig et strejftog gennem Matas’ mange varer, der spænder fra citronsyre over high end kosmetik og helseprodukter til sexlegetøj. I dag er Matas Danmarks største detailkæde og har en medlemsklub, der tæller mere end 1,8 millioner danskere. 99% af alle danske kvinder har kendskab til kædens varer.Bogen er rigt illustreret med farverige reklamer, plakater, tegninger og fotos fra danmarkshistorien fra 1940'erne og frem til i dag.Bogen udgives i efteråret 2024 i forbindelse med Matas' 75-årsjubilæum.

  • af Lutz Spilker
    198,95 kr.

    Die Erfindung des Träumens - Illusion, Sehnsucht und TrugIn ¿Die Erfindung des Träumens¿ entführt uns der Autor auf eine faszinierende Reise in die tiefsten Sphären des menschlichen Bewusstseins. Mit wissenschaftlicher Akkuratesse und gleichzeitig einer erzählerischen Leichtigkeit entfaltet sich eine umfangreiche und bahnbrechende Untersuchung über die Natur und Bedeutung von Träumen.Der Autor nimmt den Leser an die Hand und führt ihn durch die neuesten Erkenntnisse der Neurobiologie, Psychologie und Traumforschung. Der Leser erfährt, wie Träume im Gehirn entstehen, welche Rolle sie für unsere psychische Gesundheit spielen und welchen Einfluss sie auf kreative Prozesse und Problemlösungsstrategien haben.Doch ¿Die Erfindung des Träumens¿ ist mehr als eine bloße wissenschaftliche Abhandlung. Durch geschickte Verknüpfung von fundiertem Fachwissen und einem mitreißenden Erzählstil entsteht eine Dokumentation, die den Leser von Anfang bis Ende in ihren Bann zieht. Im Zentrum steht nicht nur die Analyse von Träumen, sondern auch die Frage nach ihrer evolutionären Funktion und ihrer kulturellen Bedeutung.Der Autor wirft dabei einen Blick auf eindrucksvolle Fallstudien, historische Perspektiven und interkulturelle Unterschiede im Verständnis von Träumen. Das Buch regt nicht nur zum Nachdenken an, sondern öffnet auch Türen zu neuen Denkansätzen über die vielschichtige Welt des menschlichen Geistes.¿Die Erfindung des Träumens¿ ist ein intellektuelles Abenteuer, das die Grenzen zwischen Wissenschaft und Fiktion aufhebt. Mit einer beeindruckenden Verbindung von Tiefgang und Zugänglichkeit lädt dieses Buch dazu ein, das Mysterium des Träumens in all seinen Aspekten zu entdecken und zu verstehen.

  • af Victoria Moran
    162,95 kr.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful to love your life through every age and stage of it? Appreciate yourself every step of the way? And have such vitality that, even though you're perfectly proud of the age you are, people routinely think you're several years younger? This happy state is the promise of Younger by the Day, a one - year program for aging in reverse with results that start as soon as you do -- and you can start any day of the year.Victoria Moran was baffled when midlife seemed to change everything, from the shape of her body to her visibility in society. She began a four - year journey, asking these questions: Why do some women blossom with age while others wither? How can you accept yourself as you are and still nurture yourself into becoming the best you can be? How can you draw from your inner wisdom everything you need to deal with the un-certainties of life as well the certainty of growing older?Victoria found the practical answers, and they are distilled here for you to put into use, one day at a time.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    357,95 kr.

    "Wellness Wisdom for Women: A Comprehensive Self-Care Guide" is a transformative book that empowers women to prioritize their health and well-being through self-care practices. Written with compassion and expertise, this comprehensive guide offers a wealth of knowledge and practical advice tailored specifically to women's needs and lifestyles.From managing stress and emotions to nurturing relationships and finding purpose, each chapter of this book is filled with insights, tips, and strategies to help women navigate the complexities of modern life with grace and resilience. Whether you are looking to improve your physical health, boost your mental well-being, or enhance your overall quality of life, this book provides the tools and guidance you need to create a personalized wellness plan that works for you.Drawing on the latest research in psychology, nutrition, and holistic health, "Wellness Wisdom for Women" offers a holistic approach to self-care that addresses the unique challenges women face. With practical advice, inspiring stories, and actionable steps, this book is a valuable resource for any woman looking to prioritize her health and well-being in today's fast-paced world.Whether you are a busy professional, a dedicated mother, or simply seeking to improve your health and happiness, "Wellness Wisdom for Women" offers a roadmap to a healthier, more fulfilling life. Empower yourself to take charge of your well-being and discover the transformative power of self-care with this essential guide.

  • af Raquel Symone
    257,95 kr.

    In the labyrinth of life, it's easy to lose sight of ourselves and the path we once envisioned. Take a moment and ask yourself: does my current reality evoke joy or doubt? Am I self-medicating my troubles? Am I in charge of my emotional, physical and spiritual health? There are moments in our lives when we need to pause and take stock of our journey. Such introspection is essential, for it is in these moments of reflection that we sharpen our focus and rekindle our passions. Now ask yourself: "Am I happy with my life right now? Have I given up on my dreams? Am I working towards the life I want?" Be honest with yourself. Reflect on what you want in life, and identify the barriers that are holding you back. If your answers fill you with ebullience, then bask in that bliss! You are a beacon of self-care and contentment, and we celebrate your journey. But for those who have stumbled and strayed from their paths, who yearn for the warmth of self-love, but can't seem to find it, take heart. Love Myself: A Road Map for Women offers healing for the weary souls who are anxious, overworked, and burned out. It is a road map to self-love, and a guide to piecing yourself back together and embarking on a path to inner peace. In this journal, Raquel Symone's words will be your steadfast companion, helping you navigate the winding road of self-care. Love Myself: A Road Map for Women is a love letter of tips, tools and recipes for success, self-discovery and love. Within its pages, you will shed those things that no longer serve you, and emerge in better alignment with the happiness you deserve. So take a deep breath, and commit to this journey towards self-discovery and self-love. It is a path worth traveling, and you will emerge from it renewed and revitalized.

  • af Devarajan Pillai G
    337,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey to discover the radiant and authentic beauty that resides within you with 'The Art of Glow: Strategies to Boost Your Natural Beauty.' This comprehensive guide is not just a book; it's an invitation to cultivate a timeless and sustainable approach to skincare, well-being, and self-care.In this illuminating volume, you'll explore a holistic array of strategies designed to enhance your natural radiance. From the foundations of skincare to the nurturing power of nutrition, mindfulness, and sustainable practices, each chapter is a stepping stone on the path to authentic and sustained beauty.Embrace eco-friendly and ethical practices that align with the principles of timeless radiance, considering the long-term impact of your choices on the environment and future generations.Your Beauty Arsenal: Craft a personalized collection of strategies, products, and rituals that form your beauty arsenal, ensuring that your routine is both effective and enduring.With each turn of the page, 'The Art of Glow' unfolds a wealth of insights, practical tips, and empowering guidance to help you unlock your natural beauty potential. Whether you are a skincare enthusiast or someone looking to embark on a holistic beauty journey, this book is your companion in cultivating a radiant and authentic glow that transcends time.Prepare to be inspired, informed, and empowered as you delve into 'The Art of Glow.' Your journey to natural beauty begins here - a journey that celebrates the unique glow that makes you beautifully and authentically you.

  • af Matthew Petchinsky
    147,95 kr.

    This is your guide to personal hygiene in every stage of life, from childhood to adulthood. Hygiene is important to your health. Hygiene is perfect to healthy living, without hygiene, we will all smell bad and become sick.

  • af LaTasha Yvette
    267,95 kr.

    Introducing the ultimate guidebook for women with curly hair - the Curly Girl Guidebook. Say goodbye to bad hair days and endless experimentation with hair products. This guidebook is designed to help you embrace your natural curls and achieve beautiful, healthy, and well-defined curls.The guidebook is packed with expert tips and tricks to help you manage your curly hair with ease. From curly types to recommended haircare routines, the Curly Girl Guidebook covers everything you need to know to unleash the full potential of your curly locks.You'll learn how to choose the right products for your hair type, how to style your curls, and even how to maintain your curly hair while you sleep. With step-by-step instructions and detailed illustrations the Curly Girl Guidebook is an essential tool for every woman with curly hair..

  • af Elena Sinclair
    132,95 kr.

    Unlock Your Radiance with "Radiant Wellness"! Embark on a transformative journey to unleash the power of your inner radiance with "Radiant Wellness: A Woman's Guide to Transformative Self-Care and Empowerment." Discover the Radiant You: This book is your compass to holistic well-being, empowering you to embrace the radiant woman within. Transformative Self-Care: Dive into a world of self-love and care, where each page unveils practical strategies for nurturing your mind, body, and soul. Empowerment Unleashed: Uncover the keys to empowerment, with stories, insights, and practices tailored for the extraordinary woman you are. Mindfulness Magic: Learn the art of mindful living, weaving tranquility into your daily routines and enhancing your overall well-being. Healthy Relationships: Navigate the nuances of building and maintaining enriching connections, fostering a life filled with love, support, and authenticity. Your Radiant Future Awaits! Turn each page with excitement, embracing the journey of personal growth, resilience, and purposeful living. Say yes to radiant wellness, say yes to the empowered you!

  • af Elena Sinclair
    132,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey with the "Wellness Babe Revolution: Navigating the Path to a Vibrant, Healthy Life"! Unveil the secrets to holistic well-being as you explore the vibrant tapestry of mind, body, and spirit. This isn't just a book; it's your guide to a radiant, empowered, and healthier YOU! What Awaits You:Holistic Wellness: Dive into a holistic approach that nurtures every facet of your being.Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Discover the transformative power of aligning your mind, body, and spirit.Resilience & Overcoming Challenges: Learn the art of resilience and turn challenges into stepping stones for growth.Personalized Wellness: Tailor your wellness journey to your unique needs and goals.The Future of Wellness: Envision a future where well-being is personalized, integrative, and sustainable.Culinary Medicine & Sustainable Living: Explore how mindful choices impact your health and the planet. Why Wait? Start Your Wellness Revolution NOW! Dive into a world where wellness is not a destination but a vibrant journey!Empower yourself with holistic self-care rituals and resilience-building practices.Embrace the future of wellness-personalized, mindful, and inclusive.Your vibrant, healthy life awaits. Let the Wellness Babe Revolution be your guide! #WellnessBabeRevolution #HolisticLiving #EmpowerYourself

  • af Shahaan Merchant
    217,95 kr.

    Ever dreamt of creating your own line of cosmetics? Imagined having your brand, your products, making a mark in the beauty industry? Well, guess what? Your dreams are within reach, and this book is your golden ticket to stepping into the world of homemade organic cosmetics. I believe in the power of every woman to transform her passion into a successful brand. That's why I'm here, cheering you on and offering you the tools you need to kickstart your journey. Wonder ladies, it's time to be courageous, to take that leap and start your own brand. In this book, we've compiled a treasure trove of recipes covering all major cosmetics categories. From dreamy mascaras that make your lashes flutter to luscious lipsticks that paint your smile, from soothing lip balms to dazzling nail polishes and precise eyeliners-this book has it all. Here is the list of recipes categories: MascaraLipstick & Lip BalmNail PolishNail Polish RemoverPrimerFoundationConcealerBlushEyeliner & HighlighterBronzerSetting SprayEyeshadowLip ScrubSetting PowderMakeup RemoverTinted MoisturizerBody GlitterFace Mist But it's more than just a collection of recipes; it's a destination of your dreams. It's a call to action for every woman who dreams of entrepreneurship, of making her mark in the world. It's a reminder that one product has the potential to start a successful business and brand-yes, just one product!Each recipe is a piece of empowerment, an opportunity for you to embrace your creativity and start something incredible.I'm a firm believer in woman empowerment. I believe that behind every successful woman is a story of determination, resilience, and unwavering strength. And I'm here to support you in creating your own success story. So, wonder ladies, join me on this journey. Let's unleash your creativity and turn your passion for cosmetics into a thriving brand. It's time to embrace the power within you, to take that courageous step, and to start your own brand.Remember, you have the potential to create something amazing. Let this book be your guide, your inspiration, and your gateway to a world of endless possibilities.

  • af Whitney Port
    197,95 kr.

    Whitney Port shares personal stories, beauty and fitness secrets, and tried-and-true advice on everything girls need to know to start their lives out with styleFashion trendsetter, MTV reality star, and clothing designer Whitney Port learned to navigate her new independent life in New York with grace, style, and a sense of humor. From backstabbing coworkers and bitchy bosses to long-distance boyfriends and a daring new career in fashion, Whitney managed to handle it all. Intimate and honest, Whitney opens up about everything from fashion and beauty to romance and careers. She dishes on: her experiences working at Teen Vogue, People's Revolution, and Diane von Furstenberg; finding love and trying to make it work; and life in front of the cameras. Whitney shares her unique style philosophy, including when to break the rules, her family's influence on her sense of style, and her perfect outfits for any occasion?from meeting your guy's parents to wowing an interviewer for a job. Whitney also details what young women really want to know, like what to eat when the mid-afternoon munchies strike, how to throw an impromptu party, and how to hide a hangover.With hundreds of photos and chock-full of must-have lists and style favorites, this colorful scrapbook features pics from Whitney's personal photo albums and from major moments in her life, including on the runway, at her private birthday bash, and out on the town with friends. And for the first time, Whitney shares the true reality of an emerging fashion designer, highlighting her creative process, sketches, and fabrics.Through personal stories and private snapshots, fans will get to see a side of her that the cameras don't capture. This is Whitney Port revealed.

  • af Rachel Roy
    287,95 kr.

    ?This book is written for the person who knows she has a destiny but may need a little help creating the life she's always imagined having. When I design for a woman, I'm designing an idea that will take her to the next level in any capacity. I want what she's wearing to help her achieve her dream job?even create one. . . . Emit good energy, certainty, and joy?that's what I want my clothes to do for me.?Internationally renowned designer and entrepreneur Rachel Roy has a unique perspective on how fashion defines who we are?and who we want to be. Growing up in a low-income neighborhood in California, Rachel would draw the clothes and accessories she longed for, envisioning the life she wanted to create for herself. Today, she is the head of her own fashion business: a successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, and working mother who believes that through style, we can design the lives we want to live.Design Your Life is the embodiment of Rachel's ethos?a style guide to inspire and motivate every woman to focus on the person she wants to be, and define her look based on where she wants to go and what she wants from her life. Rachel offers experienced advice on developing personal style while staying true to yourself, with hands-on tips for using and updating what's in your closet and adding essential pieces to your wardrobe. Throughout, she shares stories and insights from her own life, showing the vital role that fashion and style has played each step of the way.Filled with her passion, vision, and commitment to empowerment, Design Your Life takes fashion one step further?from looking great to becoming great.Praise for DESIGN YOUR LIFE?Who better to help you channel your inner Audrey Hepburn or Rihanna than Rachel Roy? Her passion for fashion and her remarkable story, told here with such charm, will help you finesse your own style and stride out with confidence, unleashing your power in ways you cannot imagine.??Joanna Coles, editor in chief of Cosmopolitan?As a businesswoman, entrepreneur, and designer, Rachel truly understands the role that fashion plays in designing the life you want to live and becoming the woman you want to be. Like her designs, this book inspires and empowers you to be your best self?to find your passion and make things happen, and look good while doing it all.??Bobbi Brown, founder of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics and author of Pretty Powerful?Design Your Life shares Rachel Roy's keys to living up to your potential. She highlights how surrounding yourself with what you love allows you to build the life that you wish for. Rachel is about empowering women to create a stronger community, and this book exemplifies that.??Kim Kardashian West?Design Your Life reflects the depth and introspection of Rachel Roy deftly juggling her roles as entrepreneur, single mom, and philanthropist. I have long admired how the stunning and statuesque Rachel has competed in fashion's major leagues. In Design Your Life, Rachel shares her thought process for creating innovative designs that her fans love to wear.??Teri Agins, veteran Wall Street Journal fashion industry writer, ?Ask Teri? columnist, and author of Hijacking the Runway and The End of Fashion

  • af Elizabeth L Block
    301,95 kr.

    "Establishes the cultural power of hair in the 19th century through critical interpretation of the significant space and time devoted to it as an important sociocultural symbol"--

  • af Lalitha Kumari
    257,95 kr.

    Internal light definition and its benefitsInternal light is light that is produced by the own brightness of an object. It is not light that is reflected off the surface of an object, but light that is produced from the inside of the object.Objects that produce internal light are called internal light sources. Some of the internal light sources are:· Sun: The sun is an internal light source. Light is produced by thermonuclear reactions in the center of the sun.· Light bulbs: Light bulbs are a type of internal light source. Light is produced when the filament in the bulb is heated.· Stars: Stars are also internal light sources. Light is produced by thermonuclear reactions in the center of stars.· Candles: Candles are a type of internal light source. Light is produced when the wick in the candle is heated.Internal light has many benefits. Internal light sources can be used to illuminate a place. Internal light sources can also be used to produce heat. Internal light sources can be used to see objects.Here are some of the benefits of internal light:· Brightness: Internal light sources can be used to illuminate a place. For example, light bulbs and candles are used to illuminate a house.Heat: Internal light sources can also be used to produce heat. For example, the sun provides heat to the earth.Visibility: Internal light sources can be used to see objects. For example, a flashlight is used to see in the dark.In addition to these benefits, internal light can also be used to create a sense of ambiance or mood. For example, candles can be used to create a romantic atmosphere.I hope this translation is helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions

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