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Graphic novels og tegneserier: for voksne (erotik, ekstrem vold)

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  • af Magnus Frederiksen
    98,94 kr.

    KINKY MALEBOG er en fræk bog, der både fornøjer og tænder. Udover maleopgaverne er der også alle opgavebøgers klassiker: Find [frække] ord, ligesom man kan Lære at tegne pikken, eller måske Finde og farvelægge alle kondomerne.ALLE ELSKER MALEBØGER FOR VOKSNE En stresset hverdag med en konstant kalden fra de digitale medier har skabt et nyt behov: At sidde stille og roligt og farvelægge smukke, sjove og fantasifulde billeder. Denne nye bølge vil Cobolt gerne ride med på, men med et twist.

  • af Ryuta Amazume
    215,95 kr.

    Nana & Kaoru is heralded as an erotic comedy classic. This long sought after coming-of-age BDSM story is finally getting an official English release in a 3-in-1 omnibus.

  • af Rikke Villadsen
    247,95 kr.

    Efter nogen tid får hun øje på en mand. Først dahan nærmer sig, lægger hun mærke til hans utålige grimhed. Hun væmmes ved atstå der ved rækværket med manden, der nærmer sig, men hun er ikke i stand tilat flytte sig. Det lyder som om han siger tatovøren og klitoris, men det eruklart.

  • af Kuro Itsuki
    135,95 kr.

    A GIRL’S GOTTA HAVE A HOBBY…Asumi-chan’s got a problem. Well, two. First off, she’s been desperately scouring the city in search of her childhood crush, Mai, who she knows works in a brothel. Now her search has dropped a whole new problem into her lap: she’s gone to so many brothels she’s broke! Fortunately, a friend from university, Nanao, has offered her a live-in job. But even then, work is only a temporary distraction from the ache Asumi feels to continue her journey of sexual experimentation.

  • af Simon Hanselmann
    297,95 kr.

    “Gradvist går det op for læseren, at der er en anden historie under al halløjet. Selvom Megg og hendes bande af slackere oplever lidt af hvert, er stofferne en slags selvmedicinering, der dog kun fører til apati og depression. Og her taler vi ikke om melankoli af den slags, der kan kureres med urtete og fodmassage. Megg får hallucinationer om sine venner som kadavere, og depressionen fylder hendes drømme med floder af sort mudder. (...) Steffen Rayburn-Maarup har oversat, som havde han førstehåndskendskab til miljøet.” ✭✭✭✭✭ - Kristian Lindberg, Berlingske "Den tasmanske tegneserietegner Simon Hanselmann er kult, transvestit og ustyrligt sjov. Hans tunge, psykedelisk-farvede mammuttegneserie er en af de særeste og sjoveste udgivelser, denne anmelder nogensinde har fået til anmeldelse." ✭✭✭✭✭ - Theis Vallø Madsen, Fyens Stiftstidende "Da jeg så den første erigerede uglepenis skulle jeg lige vænne mig til det, men jeg var frisk på det. (...) Det er friskt og nytænkende, og rammer nok så meget plet som en samfundssatire som det kunne. Og jeg kan fuldstændigt relatere til det, altså hvis jeg var totalt lowlife udskud af en heks, potvrag, og min kæreste var en kat, der ikke altid ventede på at jeg gav min tilladelse til sex…" ✭✭✭✭✭ - Karoline Dahrling, "Simon Hanselmans helt store kvalitet nemlig at han skildrer sine figurers liv med både nådeløshed og følsomhed, der forener humor og tristhed på en sårbar og ofte decideret klump-i-halsen-agtig måde." - Felix Rothstein, "Og så skal vi da heller ikke glemme, at det rent faktisk også er sjovt. Dialogen er skarp og føles autentisk – også i den virkeligt fine danske oversættelse, der på intet tidspunkt føles forceret. Den er også med til at skabe en oplevelse af, at man dykker ned i en verden og bliver hængende nede i dyndet sammen med persongalleriet. For bogens længde gør nærmest læseoplevelsen stærkere og forstærker indtrykket af et dagligt trummerum, der også fungerer som et fængsel for de stakkels tabere, som man så altså også både griner både af og med. Som det så ofte er tilfældet med rigtig god og effektiv humor, så gemmer der sig stor tragik ned på bunden af heksegryden med grove jokes." - Michael Lindal Larsen, (karakter: 5/6)Simon Hanselmans serier om Megg, Mogg og Ugle startede på Tumblr og blev i tornadofart et globalt fænomen. De er på kort tid udkommet i USA, Tyskland, Frankrig, Spanien, Italien – og nu også Danmark. Megg er en deprimeret, stofafhængig heks. Mogg er hendes kat. Deres ven Ugle er en antropomorfisk ugle. De er hovedpersonerne i en række korte historier, som er fortalt med en humor, der er plat, mørk og ikke sjældent inkluderer kropslige funktioner. På overfladen ligner det en stener-komedie for teenagere a la Jackass eller Beavis and Butthead. Men Simon Hanselmann forlener sit univers med en håndgribelig grad af depression, seksualitetsforvirring, fattigdom og generel uformåen til at få styr på tilværelsen. Han har selv udtalt, at hans tegneserier handler om ”tristhed og forsøg på ændre sig.” Man kan ikke lade være med at grine af personerne men føler samtidig med dem og håber på, at de vil blive i stand til at reformere sig. Livet er en fucking fest er med sine 360 sider den hidtil største Hanselmann-udgivelse på noget sprog og samler hele den hidtidige produktion i farver, hardcover og ekstra stort format.

  • af Aksel Studsgarth
    252,95 kr.

    "Man kan fortrænge sin fortid, men fortiden glemmer aldrig."København, 1954. Johan Crom fotograferer gerningssteder og pornografi og holder fortiden på afstand med piller og alkohol. Men det er svært. Fortiden er nemlig ved at indhente ham, og den er grusom. Det Geometriske Selskab er en hæsblæsende horrortegneserie, der tager os på en rejse igennem et okkult København, som starter under Anden Verdenskrig og ender under selve Kongehusets fundament. Aksel Studsgarth, der blandt andet har arbejdet på Hellboy 2, har sammen med Craig Frank, som blandt andet har arbejdet på mange animationsfilm fra A. Film, blæst tegneserieverdenen (og Troldspejlet) omkuld med "Det Geometriske Selskab".

  • af Haruka Isshiki
    195,95 kr.

    Im Schatten Ardenias, wo die Magie so dicht wie der Wald selbst ist, entfacht zwischen Elyndra, der elfischen Schönheit, und Caelon, dem dominanten Elfenjäger, eine verbotene Leidenschaft. Ihre Begegnung, gewoben aus Verlangen und dunkler Macht, droht, die Grenzen der alten Gesetze zu überschreiten.Elyndra, tief verwurzelt in den Geheimnissen der Natur, und Caelon, dessen Sehnsucht nach Kontrolle nur von seiner Fähigkeit, zu beschützen, übertroffen wird, finden in der Verbindung eine Herausforderung, die beider Schicksale für immer verändern könnte.Das Buch für ein Publikum ab 18 Jahren geeignet und enthält explizite Hentai - Illustrationen.

  • af Emily White
    203,95 kr.

  • af Emily White
    172,95 kr.

  • af Emily White
    172,95 kr.

  • af Emily White
    227,95 kr.

  • af Monique S.
    333,95 kr.

    Magalie Goldmann ist eine Frau, die mit fast 50 Jahren durch die Fügung verschiedener Umstände feststellt, dass sich in ihrem Leben grundlegend etwas ändern muss. So begibt sie sich auf eine Reise durch emotionale Erinnerungen aus ihrer eigenen Vergangenheit und die, der Menschen, deren Dasein ihr Leben grundlegend geprägt haben. Mutig stellt sie sich den bewegenden Herausforderungen der Gegenwart, immer auf der Suche nach dem richtigen Weg. Denn dieser soll sie zu der, ihr unvorstellbaren Geborgenheit dieser ganz besonderen skandinavischen Lebensart führen. Tauchen Sie mit dieser wunderbaren Frau in ein Wechselbad der Gefühle ein, was möglicherweise dazu führen wird, dass sich auch in Ihnen noch einmal der Mut zur Veränderung regt.

    247,95 kr.

    Part 4 of Olivia's adventures at a prestigious private school where she enjoys relations with both teachers and fellow students. Includes M/F sex, kink, and more!An ongoing furry comic series by Kadath

  • af Benni Bødker
    227,95 kr.

    I 2022 slog Copenhell Helvedes port op for Copenhell Con, hvor metalverdenen mødte nørdverdenen. Det danske tegneseriemiljøstillede op med klassikeren til tegneseriefestivaler – Tegnevæggen. Nu omdøbt til Copenhell-tegnevæggen. I fire dage kunne publikum se historien om Melissa, der brændes på bålet i 1622 og vækkes til livemidt under en koncert på Refshaleøen i 2022,blive tegnet live. Det var fire fede dage i Helvede for skaberne og de 27.000 publikummer, der kiggede forbi Copenhell Con.Historien er skrevet af Benni Bødker og tegnet af Peter Madsen, Karoline Stjernfelt, Mette Ehlers, Rune Ryberg, Fred Tornager, Thorbjørn Petersen, Simon Bukhave, Tue Sprogø, David Mikkelsen, Lena Nicolajsen, JP Ahonen, Mårdøn Smet, Anna Laurine Kornum, Søren G. Mosdal.

  • af Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen
    217,95 kr.

    I dagene 14. juni til 17. juni 2023 stod Helvedes porte igen på vid gab på Refshaleøen, hvor Copenhell Con fandt sted under metalfestivalen Copenhell. Det danske tegneseriemiljø stillede endnu engang op til at lave Copenhell-tegnevæggen live– men denne gang med det twist, at publikum kunne være med. Historien var skrevet af Vølvens vej-forfatteren Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen, hvis forkærlighed for den nordiske mytologiselvfølgelig blev en del af historien. I Ragnaroknatten vækkes Midgårdsormen til live ,og København havner i det rene Ragnarok. Skal verden reddes, er det op til en vis ulv på B&W-hallens vægbillede.Historien er skrevet af Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen og tegnet af Anna Laurine Kornum, Mette Ehlers, Angelica Inigo, Peter Madsen, August ”Poul” Niclasen, Simon Bukhave, Fred Tornager, Mårdøn Smet, Alba Sanko, Vigga Nissen, Søren Mosdal, Rasmus Bregnhøi,, Agnes Hertz Dahlgren, Thorbjørn Petersen, Rie Kristiansen.Med forord af Anne-Marie Vedsø Olesen og efterord af Thomas Schrøder og Dianna Lotus Ozol.

  • - Alle mine elskere
    af L. Sherman
    257,95 kr.

    Bangkok, 1974 Den 22-årige Alexa Wu arbejder som gogodanser, mens hun drømmer om at blive topmodel og rejse verden rundt. Hun har trodset sine konservative forældre i New York og leveret selvstændigt liv med skiftende elskere og løsslupne fester i den lyserøde villa. The Hamptons, 1995 Eks-model Alexa Wu har inviteret sine ungdomsvenner på besøg. De skal spise middag og genoplivegamle minder fra diskotidens Bangkok. Tror de. For hvad skete der egentlig dengang i halvfjerdserne, hvor kærligheden var fri? Alle er nysgerrige efter at høre sandheden om Alexa Wu og hendes elskere …Alle mine elskere er den første af tre tegneserier i en international kærlighedshistorie fuld af romantik, hemmeligheder og store drømme.

  • af Damian Draco
    132,95 - 212,95 kr.

    312,95 kr.

    Ben and Sandra engage in some light/awkward beginner BDSM and femdom.

  • af Birgit Weyhe
    227,95 kr.

    The white German graphic novelist Birgit Weyhe teaches at a US college through an academic exchange program. At a conference of American Germanists in the Midwest, she is accused of cultural expropriation. Is she exploiting her privileges as a white writer when she tells stories about Black people?She meets Priscilla Layne, an African American professor of German studies with Caribbean roots. Growing up, Priscilla is labelled an 'Oreo': too white for her Black classmates, and too Black for the white kids. Rebelling against everything and everyone all at once, she joins the skinhead movement and becomes a rude girl, only to discover a community where she feels valued. Music, clothes, hair, food, class, race, gender, education - her life and identity are a complex composite.But how should Birgit Weyhe tell a life story like Priscilla's? What mistakes does she need to avoid? The act of storytelling itself becomes its own narrative layer in this unique graphic biography.

  • af Emily Carroll
    182,95 kr.

    Like many before her that have never come back, she's made it to the Countess' castle determined to snuff out the horror... but she could never be prepared for what hides within its turrets, what unfurls under its fluttering flags. E.M. Carroll has fashioned a rich gothic horror charged with eroticism that doesn't just make your skin crawl -- it crawls into it. Originally published by Koyama Press, this beloved E.M. Carroll erotic horror comic is back in print with Silver Sprocket, featuring a new foil-accented cover.

  • af M. G
    242,95 kr.

    OMITUINEN SARJAKUVA. TODELLINEN EMÄMUNAUSOn kurkistus mieleni syövereihin. Tarkastelen ympäröivää maailmaa ja kummastelen minua askarruttavia asioita sarjakuvan keinoin.

  • af Tommy Collins
    987,95 kr.

    Introducing "Take This Girl," a captivating and emotionally charged novel that will transport you to a world of love, redemption, and the enduring power of human connection. Prepare to be swept away by a mesmerizing story of love, loss, and the unbreakable bonds that can heal even the deepest wounds.In this poignant and thought-provoking tale, author Tommy Collins weaves a narrative that tugs at the heartstrings and resonates long after the final page is turned. "Take This Girl" takes you on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery, as our protagonist navigates the complexities of life, relationships, and the pursuit of personal redemption.Follow the compelling journey of our resilient protagonist, a young woman whose past is marred by tragedy and heartache. Faced with the weight of her own mistakes, she embarks on a quest for forgiveness and a chance at a new beginning. As she grapples with her own demons, she finds unexpected solace and healing in the most unlikely of places.Prepare to be emotionally invested in the lives of the richly drawn characters who populate "Take This Girl." Their struggles, dreams, and desires come alive on the page, creating an intimate and immersive reading experience. From the depths of despair to the heights of hope, their journeys will resonate with readers of all backgrounds.With its evocative prose and poignant storytelling, "Take This Girl" explores the intricacies of human relationships and the power of second chances. It delves into the complexities of love, forgiveness, and the profound impact one person can have on another's life.Experience a range of emotions as you journey through the pages of "Take This Girl." From heart-wrenching moments of despair to tender and transformative instances of joy, the novel explores the full spectrum of human experience with grace and authenticity."Take This Girl" is more than just a novel; it is an emotional odyssey that will leave an indelible mark on your heart. It reminds us of the power of empathy, the resilience of the human spirit, and the transformative nature of love. Prepare to be moved, inspired, and forever changed by this captivating and beautifully crafted story.Don't miss out on this extraordinary novel that will touch your soul and leave you longing for more. Immerse yourself in the tender pages of "Take This Girl" and discover the transformative power of love and redemption in the face of adversity.

  • af Angel Gray
    1.107,95 kr.

    Introducing "Past to Face" - a scintillating and electrifying novel that will take you on a thrilling journey of passion, desire, and self-discovery. Brace yourself for a sizzling tale of love and seduction, where forbidden attractions and buried secrets ignite a fire that cannot be extinguished.In "Past to Face," the author masterfully weaves a tale of intense romance that transcends time and societal expectations. Set against a backdrop of opulent settings and simmering tension, this hot story will leave you breathless, craving for more.Follow the magnetic pull between two captivating characters as they navigate a treacherous dance of temptation and resistance. With every stolen glance and forbidden touch, their connection deepens, setting off a chain of events that will test their resolve and challenge their notions of love and loyalty.Prepare to be ensnared by the scorching chemistry between our protagonists, as their shared past resurfaces, forcing them to confront their deepest desires and the secrets they thought were buried forever. As the layers of their complex histories unravel, the stakes rise higher, leaving you on the edge of your seat, eagerly flipping the pages to uncover the truth."Past to Face" is not just a steamy romance-it is an exploration of the human heart and the complexities of relationships. It delves into the depths of passion, exposing vulnerabilities, and forcing the characters to confront their fears and insecurities. The novel is a rollercoaster ride of emotions, filled with tantalizing encounters, heart-wrenching dilemmas, and moments of pure, unadulterated desire.With its evocative prose and vivid descriptions, "Past to Face" transports you to a world of opulence and forbidden desire. It challenges societal norms and pushes the boundaries of convention, offering a thrilling escape from the mundane and inviting you to indulge in the electrifying power of love.This hot story is a guilty pleasure that will ignite your imagination, leaving you longing for more with each turn of the page. Whether you're a fan of passionate romances or simply seeking an escape into a world of seduction, "Past to Face" is a must-read.Don't miss your chance to lose yourself in this captivating tale of love, lust, and self-discovery. Order your copy of "Past to Face" today and let yourself be swept away in a whirlwind of desire that will leave you craving for more until the very last page.

  • af Casey Nowak
    62,95 kr.

    Nominated for the 2019 Eisner Award for Best Single Issue/One-Shot, No Better Words is a poetic and sexy exploration of the heat of a crush.

  • af Mia Amore
    136,95 kr.

    One thing nobody can take away from us... or why sex makes us want to live! Times are extraordinary! Every day we hear new bad news, no travel, no events, vacations are supposed to be shortened... but our longings grow with every day that we are isolated because of the Corona Pandemic. How good that we can dream about it! Dreams don't cost anything, in my dreams I don't have to do anything and can do anything, in these seconds I'm neither active, nor productive, nor effective; fall completely out of space and time and in our daydreams all our longings are fulfilled. In our imagination we can safely go to parties, sit by the sea, do extreme sports as a chair fart, find the unattainable dream man, even have the most extraordinary sex without very personal 'erotic cinema in the head' He who has more dreams in his soul than reality can destroy is really rich. (Hans Kruppa)Sex fantasies are mostly desires that don't have to be realized. They can be completely absurd and unworldly and do not have to live from the intention of acting, but they are the key to really good, hot sex. It is not for nothing that the brain is also referred to as the most important human sexual organ, because it is the control center for every good orgasm . If it is addressed by our 5 senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste), then it ensures good blood circulation in our sexual organs. This creates sexual tension. The tension is discharged through another process in the brain, which resembles neural fireworks and is accompanied by involuntary, rhythmic muscle contractions. Just at the moment of orgasm, this control center releases an extra dose of dopamine. This is a neurotransmitter that gives us a pleasant feeling of reward. At the same time, a large dose of oxytocin is released on command from the brain. This in turn is a messenger substance that awakens the desire to cuddle and strengthens the bond with the partner. During sex, our glands mix a cocktail of other substances that make you want to live, albeit in small amounts. These include the happiness hormone serotonin and the stimulating neurotransmitters adrenaline and noradrenaline. The sex hormone testosterone increases performance in men and women, while estrogen in women ensures that the antennae of their senses become even more receptive. The satiety hormone prolactin helps us feel full of happiness after sex. And finally, the unspeakable phenylethylamine makes the good mood in bed perfect. In short: the more you indulge in the power of all your senses, the more pleasurable sex is and the more you do for your well-being. My next book Summer Dreams should pick you up right there! Tickle your senses, escape the confines of your life, take your over-the-counter self-medication for recovery from everyday difficulties to instant physical relaxation and mental relief!Let me take you into a world of sexual fantasies with a book designed to make you dream too ... Let's dream life beautifully and enjoy the erotic short vacation, then life will be fun again!

  • af Chelsey Stacey
    397,95 kr.

    Introducing "What Really Matters," a captivating and thought-provoking novel that will sweep you away on an extraordinary journey of self-discovery. In a world brimming with distractions and superficial desires, this compelling tale reminds us of the true essence of life and the values that truly make a difference.As you immerse yourself in the pages of "What Really Matters," you'll meet our remarkable protagonist, Sarah, a young woman on the brink of losing herself in the chaos of modern living. Through a series of unexpected events, Sarah embarks on a quest to uncover the deeper meaning of her existence and find solace in the tumultuous world around her.Author (insert author's name) masterfully crafts a narrative that seamlessly blends richly drawn characters, evocative settings, and profound insights into the human experience. With every turn of the page, you'll be drawn deeper into Sarah's transformative journey, feeling her joys, sorrows, and the triumphs of her soul-searching quest."What Really Matters" serves as a powerful reminder that true fulfillment lies not in material possessions or societal expectations but in the connections we forge, the love we share, and the impact we make on others. It compels us to reflect on the choices we make and the priorities we set, ultimately challenging us to reevaluate what we hold dear.Through vivid prose and an enthralling plot, this novel explores universal themes of love, loss, redemption, and personal growth. It paints a poignant portrait of the human condition, reminding us to pause, introspect, and consider the profound question: What really matters?Whether you're a passionate reader seeking a tale that resonates on a deep level or someone yearning for a heartfelt reminder of life's true treasures, "What Really Matters" will leave an indelible mark on your heart. Prepare to be moved, inspired, and forever changed by this extraordinary work of literary artistry.Unlock the profound secrets of existence, dive into the depths of the human spirit, and discover the true essence of what really matters. Immerse yourself in this captivating novel today and embark on a transformative journey that will stay with you long after you've turned the final page.

  • af Igor Kryan
    457,95 kr.

    Year 3250 BCE. A well preserved frozen iceman body was found covered in 61 tattoos at the elevation of over 10,000 feet in the permanent glacier of Italian Austrian Alps 5250 years later. Same year 3250 BCE. Several Egyptian mummies covered in multiple tattoos were found in the Egyptian Valley of Kings 5 millennia after departing to the afterlife. Year 2000 BCE. A tattooing shop in the ruins of the temple in ancient Southern China was discovered 4,000 years after the earthquake destroyed it. As we can see various forms of body art were practiced by ancient humans for at least 6,000 years, perhaps, much longer. Yet for the last several centuries tattoos and body art became tabooed and were considered deviant behavior until making an amazing comeback in various vivid forms in the late 20th century. Today with help of Igor Kryan book Taboo Tattoo you can delve into the worlds of stunning body art stretching from the dawn of mankind tribal art to the future cyberpunk digital world.

    242,95 kr.

    Puzzle and Diamond are moving in together. A fun F/F erotic comic.

  • af Igor Kryan
    457,95 kr.

    Necromancy was around for 100,000 years and evolved from shamanism, which calls upon spirits such as the ghosts of ancestors with records of practices in ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Greece, Rome, and China. The oldest literary account of necromancy is found in Homer's Odysseus. Under the direction of Circe, a powerful sorceress, Odysseus travels to the katabasis (underworld) in order to gain insight about his impending voyage home by raising the spirits of the dead through the use of spells which Circe has taught him. The Odysseus passages contain many descriptive references to necromantic rituals: rites must be performed around a pit with fire during nocturnal hours, and Odysseus has to concoct a libation for the ghosts to drink while he recites prayers to both the ghosts and gods of the underworld. In Igor Kryan's Necromancer Book of Sex, Power & Wealth you will not only meet stunning goddesses of the underworld in person but encounter their celestial powers of both fury and blessings. Have a mind blowing journey.

  • af Ziggy Hateon
    112,95 kr.

    Dances with Almans ist der erste grafick Novel über das Leben in Deutschland als "Kanacke". Flucht, Ankommen und Hustlen geballt auf 66 Seiten, in der Sprache, die einem Ghetto Rapper gleich kommt.Interessant für Inländer und unterhaltsam für Ausländer! Oder anderes herum. Je nachdem für was man sich hält.Achtung Harte Sprache - nicht für Kinder geeignet!

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