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Skønlitteratur for børn og unge: steampunk

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  • af Philip Reeve
    127,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Højt over den rullende isby Anchorage falder et lille luftskib fra himlen … Tom og Hester blev bragt sammen under dramatiske begivenheder. Begge har de mistet deres hjem, venner og familie. Nu strejfer de omkring på luftskibet Jenny Haniver, taknemmelige over at være sammen og lykkelige for at være i live. Men fjenderne ligger stadig på lur. Så Tom og Hester må søge tilflugt i en by hærget af pest, hjemsøgt af spøgelser og fuld af dødelige hemmeligheder … "Mortal Engines"-bøgerne foregår i et fantastisk univers, hvor verdens byer er blevet mobile. På gigantiske hjul kører de største byer rundt og forfølger de små i en evig jagt efter brændstof og ressourcer. Drengen Tom bor i London og arbejder med "byfangst". Da han møder flygtningepigen Hester fra en af de byer, han har "skraldet", ændres hans liv drastisk. Første bog kommer som biograffilm instrueret af Peter Jackson – manden bag RINGENES HERRE og HOBITTEN.

  • af Philip Reeve
    Stream i AppenFysisk bog

    London har længe gemt sig for de større, hurtigere og mere sultne rullende byer. Men nu er det tid til at komme ud i lyset igen og finde nye, svagere byer at jage og fortære. Under en hektisk jagt på en mindre by bliver Tom Natsworthy kastet ned fra Londons gigantiske stålkonstruktion. Sammen med Hester Shaw – en pige med et morderisk temperament og ar på både krop og sjæl – må han nu kæmpe for at komme tilbage til byen. Det bliver en skæbnesvanger rejse, og Tom erfarer snart, at det ikke er helt ligetil at skelne ven fra fjende … Læs bogen – se filmen! Første bog kommer nu som biograffilm med PETER JACKSON – manden bag RINGENES HERRE- og HOBITTEN-trilogierne – bag roret. Anden bog i Mortal Engines-serien udkommer efterår 2018. Tredje og fjerde bog er under forberedelse.

    Stream i AppenFysisk bog
  • af Philip Reeve
    127,95 - 187,95 kr.

    Hester og Tom har slået sig ned i den statiske by Anchorage, langt fra deres ungdoms farefulde trækbyer og højtflyvende luftskibe. Deres datter, Wren, drømmer om at følge i forældrenes fodspor og rejse væk på eventyr. Så da en charmerende pirat dukker op, griber Wren chancen for at slå en handel af. Hvis hun får en plads om bord på piratens ubåd, vil hun hjælpe ham med at stjæle en mystisk bog fra Anchorages bibliotek. En bog, der kan blive meget farlig i de forkerte hænder … SE FILMEN - LÆS FORTSÆTTELSEN HER!

  • af Philip Reeve
    127,95 - 187,95 kr.

    "MEDRIVENDE OG INTELLIGENT." THE SUNDAY TIMES I trækbyernes storhedstid var London både frygtet og beundret. Nu står byen tilbage som et ensomt, ødelagt vrag … Tom Natsworthy og hans datter, Wren, flyver omkring på Fugleruten og prøver at glemme Hesters svigt og bedrag. Deres rejse fører dem til London, og her gør far og datter en enestående opdagelse: en hemmelighed, som kan vende op og ned på kampen mellem trækbyerne og de statiske byer. Hester hjemsøges af fortidens spøgelser og må stå ansigt til ansigt med en fjende, der truer med at udrydde hele menneskeheden … Se filmen – læs fortsættelsen her! Byernes kamp er fjerde og sidste bog i Mortal Engines-serien. Bog 1, De rullende byer, er filmatiseret af Peter Jackson, manden bag Ringenes Herre-filmene. Læs også bog 2, Forrædernes fest, og bog 3, Helvedesmaskiner.

  • - Mekaniske Hjerter
    af Stine Bahrt
    58,95 - 246,95 kr.

    Med tilbageholdt åndedræt rører jeg ved den næsten usynlige cirkel. Det summer i fingerspidserne og i mit hoved. Evnen ligger efterhånden som en forlængelse af mine tanker, og jeg behøver ikke engang koncentrere mig. Portalen åbner sig.Splittelsen mellem urværkere og evneløse vokser. Nil er fanget i konfliktens midtpunkt, og hvis hun skal redde dem, hun elsker, må hun få kontrol over sine feyevner.Dorian har lært, at han må passe på sit hjerte, selv hvis det betyder, at han må give slip på Nil. Og da menneskehedens overlevelse trues, står han over for en skæbnesvanger beslutning.Men Kuppelbyens fjender er langt farligere, end nogen af dem kunne forestille sig.Mekaniske Hjerter er andet bind i den dystopiske steampunkserie URVÆRKERNE.Første bind i serien blev nomineret til Årets Danske Fantasydebut 2022.

  • - Kuppelbyens hemmelighed
    af Stine Bahrt
    73,95 - 206,95 kr.

    Jeg ligger på ryggen i græsset og studerer mit værk, en lille kobberfugl med blågrønne vinger og en elegant nøgle til at trække den op med. Urværksfuglen flyver over mit hoved. Den pipper i takt med de klikkende tandhjul, som får vingerne til at bevæge sig. Jeg lukker øjnene og prøver at lade, som om fuglen ikke er der, at det ikke er mig, der har samlet den, og at jeg stadig er normal. 15-årige Nil bor under en gigantisk kuppel, som beskytter de sidste mennesker på Jorden mod en ødelagt verden. Befolkningen i Kuppelbyen er opdelt i evneløse og urværkere, for i Kuppelbyen er moderne teknologi bandlyst, og alt drives i stedet af mekaniske urværker. Da Nil opdager, at hun har urværksevner, må hun forlade sin familie og begynde på Urværkerskolen. Men noget er helt galt i Kuppelbyen, og snart er Nil hvirvlet ind i begivenheder, der truer det lille samfunds skrøbelige eksistens. Samtidig skal hun forholde sig til sine første svære oplevelser med kærligheden og en voksende forvirring omkring sin seksualitet. URVÆRKERNE er første bind i en medrivende steampunk-serie, hvor tandhjulene drejer og fortæller om kærlighed, at finde sig selv og opdage, at man har skjulte evner i en forunderlig og dystopisk verden.

  • af Stine Bahrt
    58,95 - 287,95 kr.

    Forfatter Stine BahrtForsideillustrator Betina DrewsDa skyggedæmonen lægger sine hænder over mit håndled, tiltager den pulserende fornemmelse.”Hvad vil det koste?” spørger jeg og forsøger igen at trække hånden til mig.Denne gang slipper han ikke. I stedet ser han sultent på mig, og et gådefuldt smil kruser om hans læber. ”Ingenting.” Penny efterlades ubeskyttet på himmelskibet, da hendes forældre forsvinder i Londals tågede gader. Hun og barndomsvennen, James, forsøger at skaffe mandskab, men ingen vil flyve under en kvindelig, uvelsignet kaptajn. Samtidig ånder Skyggeparlamentet dem i nakken med forældede krav, trusler og skæbnesvangre hemmeligheder. Desperation tvinger Penny til at indgå en farefuld alliance, som vækker ukendte længsler og rykker hendes forestillinger om rigtigt og forkert. Vinger af skygger & torden er første bind i en dark fantasyserie fyldt med steampunk og romantik. Her kæmper attenårige Penny for at navigere i et net af mystik, lidenskab og væsner fra underverdenen.

  • - Bogpakke
    af Stine Bahrt
    567,95 kr.

    Forfatter: Stine BahrtForsideillustrator Rasmus JensenLæs de første to kapitler på forlagets hjemmeside mellem urværkere og evneløse vokser. Nil er fanget i konfliktens midtpunkt, og hvis hun skal redde dem, hun elsker, må hun få kontrol over sine feyevner.Dorian har lært, at han må passe på sit hjerte, selv hvis det betyder, at han må give slip på Nil. Og da menneskehedens overlevelse trues, står han over for en skæbnesvanger beslutning.Men Kuppelbyens fjender er langt farligere, end nogen af dem kunne forestille sig.Første bind i serien blev nomineret til Årets Danske Fantasydebut 2022. Om bogenTidsrejser, mysterier, kjoler og korsetter, cyborgs, feer, dystopisk steampunk og forvirrende kærlighedHvis du kan lide ”Urværksprinsen” og ”Doctor Who” vil du også kunne lide Urværkerne AnmeldelserBibliotekernes materialevurdering: "Historien er både spændende og medrivende. Forsiden er indbydende og man har virkelig lyst til at tage den op og begynde at læse. Anbefales til bredt indkøb."Himmelskibet: "Mekaniske hjerter er den fine opfølger til Kuppelbyen Hemmeligheder fra den dystopiske steampunk ungdomsserie Urværkerne. Jeg har altid elsket genrebending – og det gør Stine Bahrt mesterligt." @boegernes_verden : "Den havde alle de ting jeg værdsætter ved bøger."★★★★★ Youlooklikeabook: "Hold på hat og sixpence for i denne bog kommer du virkelig på den vildeste portalrejse. Forfatterens fantasi, kreativitet og opfindsomhed er mind-blowing. Hun har formået at skabe et univers, som jeg aldrig har set mage nogle steder før. Det er en bog om ægte sammenhold, venskab og kærlighed samt hvor langt, man er villig til at gå for at redde hinanden. Urværkerne 2 er en hjerteskærende, nervepirrende, romantisk og imponerende steampunk dystopi. Bogen har en superflot forside. Jeg ser meget frem til at læse videre i serien." ★★★★★ Forestilling om paradis: "Forfatteren har virkelig formået at skrive en kompliceret historie med mange informationer, tidslinjer og ja, nærmest hovedbrud over hvad der kan lade sig gøre og hvad der ikke kan. Det er rigtig godt fundet på – og endnu vigtigere, rigtig godt udført! Cadeau for det! Jeg håber ikke at dette er sidste bind i serien – jeg er i hvert fald klar på flere eventyr!" ★★★★★ @bookworm_dk: "Jeg er vild med det lidt skæve persongalleri, og deres amaze personligheder." ★★★★★ Gizmoamh: "Denne serie er en skøn steampunk-serie fuld af magiske væsner, mysterier, personlig udvikling og skræmmende rejser."★★★★ @bogormens_verden: "Stine Bahrt skriver fabelagtigt og fortryllende."

  • af Armand Baltazar
    168,95 kr.

    For fans of Rick Riordan and Brian Selznick, author-artist Armand Baltazar introduces Timeless: Diego and the Rangers of the Vastlantic, the first in a new science fiction/fantasy series that explores a world painted new by the Time Collision. Integrating art and text, this epic and cinematic adventure features more than 150 full-color illustrations.You've never seen Earth like this before: continents reshaped, oceans re-formed, cities rebuilt, and mountains sculpted anew. Dinosaurs roam the plains alongside herds of buffalo, and giant robots navigate the same waters as steam-powered ships. This is the world Diego Ribera was born into. The past, present, and future coexisting together. In New Chicago, Diego's middle school hallways buzz with kids from all eras of history and from cultures all over the world. The pieces do not always fit together neatly, but this is the world he loves.There are those, however, who do not share his affection. On his thirteenth birthday, Diego learns of a special gift he has within, a secret that is part of something much bigger?something he cannot understand. When his father, New Chicago's top engineer, is taken by the Aeternum, Diego must rescue him and prevent this evil group from disrupting the fragile peace humanity has forged.

  • af Megan Mackie
    232,95 - 317,95 kr.

    One parent is a superhero. One parent is a supervillain. Aqua Marine is a work in progress.

  • af Delia Soto
    108,95 kr.

    Join The Pipps, a lovable family of furry friends, as they share heartwarming tales that unveil each member's unique personality. Discover the extraordinary love story of Mr. & Mrs. Pipps and follow along as the family comes together to create a harmonious blended household. These enchanting stories celebrate the bonds of family, acceptance, and the warmth that fills their furry hearts. "A Blended Family" is a touching story that highlights the importance of acceptance, love, and embracing differences in the journey of forming a diverse and harmonious family. This heartwarming narrative teaches valuable lessons about family, unity, and the power of love in creating a blended family full of warmth and laughter. ¿¿ "Mia's Heart of Gold" is a heartwarming and relatable story that teaches valuable lessons about empathy, kindness, and the power of small acts of compassion in making the world a better place. It serves as a touching reminder of the impact of simple acts of kindness on others. ¿¿ "Jax, The GOAT" is a heartwarming tale that emphasizes the significance of family support, pursuing one's dreams, and the love that binds them all together. It showcases the joys and challenges of following one's passions and celebrates the accomplishments of a young soccer enthusiast within the Pipps family. ¿ "Dazzle, The Fashionista" is a story that inspires readers to embrace their uniqueness, follow their dreams, and believe in the support of family and friends. It encourages creativity, self-expression, and the pursuit of one's passions, reminding us that amazing adventures await when we stay true to ourselves. ¿¿ "A Tale of Love" is a heartfelt love story of Mr. & Mrs. Pipps, the founding members of this extraordinary furry family. Their journey through life's adventures reinforces their enduring love, which transcended miles and continents, serving as a touching reminder of the profound strength of love. ¿¿

  • af J. M. Frey
    242,95 kr.

    A Saskwyan flight mechanic with uncanny luck, seventeen-year-old Robin Arianhod grew up in the shadow of a decade-long war. But the skies are stalked by the Coyote-a ruthless Klonn pilot who picks off crippled airships and retreating soldiers. And as the only person to have survived an aerial dance with Saskwya's greatest scourge, Robin has earned his attention. As a pilot, Robin is good. But the Coyote is better. When he shoots her down and takes her prisoner, Robin finds herself locked into a new kind of dance. The possibility of genuine affection from a man who should be her enemy has left her with a choice: accept the Coyote's offer of freedom and romance in exchange for repairing a strange rocket pack that could spell Saskwya's defeat, but become a traitor to her country. Or betray her own heart and escape. If she takes the rocket pack and flees, she could end the war from the inside. All she has to do is fly.Filled with intrigue, forbidden romance, and a touch of steampunk, The Skylark's Song soars in this new duology from the award-winning author of The Accidental Turn Series.

  • af J. M. Frey
    242,95 kr.

    Robin Arianhod is on the run. Trapped behind enemy lines, her only choice is to lose herself in the sprawling capital of Klonn. But hiding in the shadows is a disservice to the rocket pack she escaped with, and to the man she once considered foe. Instead, she'll enact his plan, harness the incredible power of the pack, and stop the war from the inside.Wanted posters stalk her every move as rumor fuels the Skylark's rise, and her attempts at vigilantism attract the attention of more than just the city guards. Robin finds herself embroiled in the machinations of a mysterious underground rebellion-Klonnish citizens as tired of the war as she is. But are they really her allies, or are they using the Skylark as bait? And can she really trust that her former archnemesis turned his coat? Or will the secret of his true identity lead Robin, and her newfound friends, to their deaths?Rife with high-flying action, subterfuge, and deception, The Skylark's Sacrifice is the explosive conclusion to the saga of war-torn Saskwya, and the one pilot who can change it all.

  • af Lauren H. Brandenburg
    142,95 - 177,95 kr.

  • af Susan Dennard
    107,95 kr.

    New York Times bestselling author Susan Dennard delivers a mix of supernatural forces and intense romance in this spellbinding sequel to Something Strange and Deadly. Perfect for fans of Cassandra Clare's Infernal Devices series.With her brother dead and her mother unwell, Eleanor Fitt is alone. Even the Spirit-Hunters--Joseph, Jie, and the handsome Daniel--have fled to Paris. So when Eleanor hears the vicious barking of hounds and sees haunting yellow eyes, she fears that the Dead, and the necromancer Marcus, are after her.To escape, Eleanor boards a steamer bound for France. There she meets Oliver, a young man who claims to have known her brother. But Oliver harbors a dangerous secret involving necromancy and black magic that entices Eleanor. If she can resist him, she'll be fine. When she arrives in Paris, she finds a whole new evil lurking--forcing her to make a deadly decision that will go against everything the Spirit-Hunters stand for.In Paris, there's a price for this darkness strange and lovely, and it may have Eleanor paying with her life.

  • af Mike Bates
    162,95 - 257,95 kr.

  • af Lisa Karon Richardson
    197,95 kr.

  • af Dana Fraedrich
    162,95 kr.

    "Absolved Former Criminal Announces Plans to Open New Business-Varick Hollow (né Pendragon) has officially applied for and been granted a business license by the Springhaven Chamber of Commerce. Given Mister Hollow's past, special dispensation was provided by Magistrate Gwenael Allen. Lord Allen declined to comment, but Mister Hollow granted us a full interview. In regards to Magistrate Allen's decision, he said, "I'm new to trade, but Sir Allen clearly sees something great in me to have been so generous." The full interview can be found on page B3.D9 of the CloudY11 of the New AgeSpringhaven Newssheet"Herein lies the stories that happened between the stories. And sometimes during as well. From an encounter between Calandra and some mischievous Fae in the time of the Old World, before magic was destroyed; to the harrowing hardships faced by Felicia and Lowell as children; and the never-before-seen first meeting between Kieran and Dmitri-you'll see why Rook never got to hear about that disastrous evening. This book gives Broken Gears fans more of what they love about the series: hijinks and heart. Thank you for reading.

  • af Peter Van den Ende
    337,95 kr.

    ”En smuk, omhyggeligt udarbejdet episk drøm. Vidunderligt mærkelig og mærkeligt vidunderlig” – Shaun Tan En papirbåd bliver søsat langt ude på et ocean, hvor den møder de mærkeligste væsener, navigerer igennem tårnhøje mangroveskove og trodser en frådende storm. Den passerer en enorm olieboreplatform, leger med sæler, reddes fra at synke af en ubåd og ender ved en by, hvor dens passager træder ud på molen … Undrestrøm er en spektakulær, ordløs fantasi over menneskelivet og samhørigheden med kloden. Bogen er flamske Peter Van den Endes debut; han arbejder som naturguide på Caymanøerne, hvor han har fundet inspiration til denne drøm af en bog, der emmer af betagelse over og kærlighed til havet og dets uendelige mangfoldighed – og hvor han har brugt år på at skabe det ekstremt detaljerede sort-hvide værk, der giver mindelser om fx kunstnere som M.C. Escher – men er helt sit eget. Vinder af priserne Zilveren Penseel; Premio Strega Ragazze e Ragazzi; Catalan Premis Junceda; American Dilys Evans Founder’s Award / shortlisted til The Yoto Kate Greenaway Medal / nomineret til Prix Sorcières; The American Golden Kite Award.

  • af Gemini Gibson
    187,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af E. A. Purle
    162,95 kr.

    "When the sands of time shift, I Will be your portal."In a world of secrets, the fate of the New World rests in the hands of three unlikely heroes. Hugh Geber, Barrington Delphin and Emily Le Fey are in hiding under the protection of the Collins family at the University of Science and Progression after returning to Portis-Montis with the lore book of magic. The unexpected arrival of Adelia Geber, Hugh's sister-in-law, has only added to the complicated mix. With tensions rising across the New World, and the battle for Skellig-Krieg against forces loyal to the Elf King looming, Hugh, Barrington and Emily find themselves torn between joining the fight or pursuing the books of lore. When the news reaches them that the Elf King and Robert Smithson are already on the trail of the next book, the group must face their fears and make a decision that could decide the fate of the world.Will they join the fight and risk losing those they love, or will they pursue the books, which in the wrong hands, will spell disaster?

  • af Jennifer M Zeiger
    197,95 kr.

    Explore All 14 Possible Endings!You're a steel dragon with marble eyes, strong claws, and long-plated wings that promise to carry you to new and exciting places. All of that would be fantastic except for one persnickety defect: You unexpectedly zap people when they touch you. And now you've been thrown out and are hiding behind a dumpster.You watch three street boys searching for parts to sell. If they catch you, they'll take you apart for scraps. Hiding won't be an option for much longer, but do you fight them or make a run for it?Choose wisely, Dear Shocking Dragon, for the world may be at your wingtips depending on your next move.

  • af M. E. Champey
    102,95 - 147,95 kr.

  • af Jamie Sedgwick
    162,95 kr.

    Events are spiraling out of control inside Dragonwall, as Shayla's enemies seek to turn the tables on her, and Kale finds his position as the knights' commander challenged. When the queen asks Kale to report to a nearby village that has been raided, he jumps at the chance to get away from the politics and intrigue. Little does he realize he's about to uncover a terrifying secret that may change the course of history…Meanwhile, the Iron Horse makes a surprise stop when Socrates and his team discover a train wreck filled with the mummified remains of an ancient crew. While studying the site, they make another unexpected discovery: The crater beyond Dragonwall is home to a previously unknown civilization; a race of humans living in a city of pyramids and possessing strange, powerful new technologies.The crew's excitement is soon tempered by the realization that these timid farmers are not just shy of strangers… they are in fact slaves. Worse yet, their overseers are a race of creatures unlike any the crew have previously encountered. They are dangerous. They are powerful. And they are legion.Clockwork Legion is Book 4 of Sedgwick's "Iron Horse" series, a follow-up to the best-selling steampunk series "The Tinkerer's Daughter."

  • af Jamie Sedgwick
    172,95 kr.

    It's the end of the line for the Iron Horse!The unthinkable has happened. The Iron Horse is destroyed, the crew disbanded, and war is once again on the horizon. Refugees pour into Astatia and Danaise. Resources are running low.Kale and Shayla remain in Dragonwall, Kale sworn to wed Queen Aileen and take Dane's place, while Shayla has survived an attempted murder only to find her life permanently changed. The future hangs in the balance, and everything just may rest on the shoulders of one small halfling named Micah. Is this the end for the crew, once and for all?Thankfully, Socrates has a plan. All that remains is to discover the Clockwork Legion's weakness and exploit it. But will Socrates find the right strategy in time? Will he be able to convince the other civilizations to join and defeat this new enemy? Will Breeze and Tinker answer the call one last time, or is it already too late? Only one thing is certain: after this adventure, nothing will be the same.

  • af Miss Claire Reads
    97,95 kr.

    More steampunk style... where futuristic gadgets and Victorian fashion unite!28 eye-catching designs of dramatic punk ladies and gentlemen, post-apocalyptic city blocks, and antique technology. Each page is unique and will spur your imagination of a futuristic and by-gone era. Decorate retro steampunk fashions and artisan clockwork gears to create your own personal artwork. Each retro character is identified with a stylish Victorian name popular in the 1800's along with its origin and meaning. The art of coloring is fun and relaxing. This artistic workbook is perfect for releasing stress and exploring your creative talents. Choose your art supplies and lose yourself in bringing these distinctive scenes and fashions to life. Makes a great gift for the one-of-a-kind vintage punker!The Anime Art Victorian Steampunk Anime Coloring Book Vol. 2 features:Personalization pageTest page included to try out your art supplies and practice your coloring style before you begin creating your artwork 28 realistic and high-quality pages to color (no duplications)Easy to color attractive designsCreate frameable art with colored pencils, gel pens, and even watercolor paintsSingle-sided pages that reduce bleed through and can be removed for displayEach guy and girl's popular Victorian name and their historical meanings are displayed below the pictureHours of fun, imaginative play, and creativityA great gift for birthdays, Christmas, Valentine's Day, travel, role-play game nights, renaissance festival events, and much more!

  • af Laura Helena Pimentel da Silva
    117,95 - 147,95 kr.

    Once there was a time when humans and aliens lived separated from each other. Now, soccer has united them. After beating Neptune, Team Earth travels to Mars. The second match of the Solar System Championship is going to take place, however, the boys are challenged by the climate of Mars which is very different from that of Earth. Will Ronni-Romario and his team mates be able to beat the horned aliens from Mars?Ronni-Romario and the Soccer Planets - Mars Versus Earth is the second book in a space adventure series about soccer, team spirit and friendship.Ronni-Romario and the Soccer Planets are the coolest soccer books in the universe. – Robinio, 11 years old

  • af Vashti Hardy
    92,95 kr.

    "Run!" cried Grace. "It's a ... snow tornado!"It's the height of summer in Moreland, and Grace Griffin and her fellow warden Tom Eely are sweltering in the heat until they answer a strange call for help that comes through on the amazing Griffin map.After teleporting to Oakwell, they find the town paralysed by a freezing snowstorm, which is ruining the famous summer market that brings in visitors and trade.Using their mystery-solving skills and amazing inventions, can Grace and Tom find the cause of the weird weather and restore summer from the snow?

  • af Domnul Tesh
    207,95 kr.

    Past and future collide as a mysterious power source reaches its limit. Two hundred years post apocalypse, a storm is brewing over the Appalachian mountain range as a young woman plagued by elusive memories leaves home to pursue a career as an airship stewardess. Captured by the pirate crew of the Defiant Joy, Maggie Piper is imprisoned in a cell where she begins to realize the lies surrounding her past, and her father's connection to "the Coil," an ancient power source that generates electricity without the need of fuel-but at an ultimately devastating price. Inspired by the Joy's captain and crew, Maggie finds the confidence to face enemies on all fronts, but a dreadful decision lies on the horizon. To save the entire world from a plague of insanity, she must choose to destroy the Coil. Pursued by the captains of industry and a frivolous queen, who have no desire to face the facts of their situation, can Maggie find a way to save civilization?

  • af E. M. Peterson
    212,95 kr.

    Welcome to Terraltum, the invisible continent floating above our world, which teems with strange creatures and people who can harness magic from the five schools of Intention. Jamie has a unique ability to read human and animal emotions, despite living in the non-magical surface world. When his guardian goes missing and he learns of his deep connection to Terraltum, Jamie suddenly finds himself caught in the crosshairs of a plot to destroy all non-magical humans. If he is to save the only family he's ever known (not to mention his world), he will have to develop his Mind Intention and team up with Nikki, the heir to one of the most powerful families on Terraltum. Nikki wants nothing more than to compete in Terraltum's conjuring arena. But then she and Jamie identify the triple threat commanded by Nikki's family rivals: an army of werebeasts, a resurrected deity out of Terraltum myth, and an opposing team of teenagers purpose-made for destruction. Their only hope is to join the Skysent, a found family that no one would ever believe are heroes, but who together might have just enough magic to save both their worlds.

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