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Fagbøger for børn og unge: vilde dyr og levesteder: ørkener

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  • af Anne Rooney
    189,95 kr.

    Tag med på en rejse gennem kontinenter og verdenshave, og mød nogle af de utrolige dyr, vi deler planeten med i dette smukke dyreatlas fra Lonely Planet. Bogen indeholder masser af illustrationer, imponerende fotos og tekster med fakta, der fortæller om dyrenes liv, levesteder og adfærd. Mød fx blåhvaler, sommerfugle, pandaer, pingviner, skorpioner, hajer og alle mulige andre kendte og mindre kendte dyr. Bogen indeholder mange billeder i naturlig størrelse, der viser detaljer fra dyrenes verden - fra en myreslugers tunge og en ørneklo til en lille babyskildpadde. Farverige kort viser dyrenes levesteder. Kortene kan foldes ud, så man kan udforske hver dyreart i detaljer. Undervejs er der masser af flapper med spændende fakta, som man kan gå på opdagelse i.Fra ca. 7 år

  • af Cari Meister
    412,95 kr.

    Planterne finder næring i sandet, dyrene spiser af planterne, andre dyr spiser disse dyr og bliver måske selv spist. I sidste ende dør alle – både planter og dyr – og bliver omsat til mikropartikler, som igen kan indgå i kredsløbet af næringsstoffer, hvor fødekæder på kryds og tværs danner et FØDENET.Hvem lever af hvad i ørkenen? Hvem spiser hvem, og hvordan hænger det hele sammen, så alle arter fortsat kan vokse, formere sig og bestå?

  • af Lisa Maria Burgess
    212,95 kr.

    In spring, the Sonoran Desert of Arizona is full of activity. Look beneath the cacti, and you will find holes in the ground. So, what's in the hole? Join the animals, birds, insects, and reptiles to figure out the puzzle.

  • af Deb Mercier
    114,95 - 177,95 kr.

    Identify suspects, gather clues, navigate puzzles, and solve the mystery in this interactive Choose Your Path thriller.When your parents surprise you with a solo trip to visit your cousin in the Desert Southwest, you pack your bags and prepare for adventure. Spending time exploring the sun-baked scenery sounds like a perfect vacation.On a hike through Vulture’s Point, you’re horrified to discover graffiti scrawled across the park’s iconic rocks. Each occurrence of vandalism is marked by an ominous symbol of a scorpion. Authorities believe the graffiti is destructive but not dangerous—the work of a few delinquent teens—but you’re not so sure. The more clues you uncover, the more convinced you are that something major is about to go down. You’re pulled into a twisted plot that threatens to destroy the entire park and take countless lives. The stakes are high, the danger is real, and the countdown has begun. You’re the detective in this puzzling mystery by Deb Mercier. As you work your way through the story, it’s up to you toidentify suspects and gather clues,make choices that affect what happens,navigate challenging puzzles—from riddles to secret codes—anduse deductive reasoning to determine what the crime was, how it happened, and whodunit.Interactive books for kids are more popular than ever. Create your own adventure with the Detective: You book series for boys and girls. You’re the main character. You make the choices. Will you solve the case?

  • af Alexandra Martinez
    162,95 kr.

    "Winner of the regional 2021 Hillary Gravendyk Prize, Alexandra Martinez's Our Lady of the Perpetual Desert sings out to an America that is both foreign and home, a place where the gold of citrus is tarnished by sacrifice, where to be American is to cast off who you really are. "America": "While you were asleep me and your dad sang all of American Pie him in the front seat me in the back and it made me want to cry because I wanted him to know how much I wanted to be what he wanted me to be but all he says is bye bye miss American Pie I wanted to tell him about the girl with skin browner than me and how we'd drive around in her little blue scoot scoot with this exact song playing loud and all the windows down to let winter remind us that we were still walking along the edge of a levy of the mind but all he said was bye bye miss American Pie and I am trying to explain to him that there were plenty of us girls raised on tortillas y los Beatles and that we love this goddamn country eternally we love the frost on the pines and we love the desert needles and we'd seen so much more of America than he would ever see that we've been on all the highways and ran out of cars screaming like banshees about how much we loved these stars but I can't say any of this so instead I bake him the goddamn best American Pie he eats it all and still says bye bye"--

  • af Kate Riggs
    392,95 kr.

  • af Bärbel Oftring
    387,95 kr.

    Billedordbog med alverdens vilde dyr. Bogens otte opslag viser et verdenskort med placeringen af de seks kontinenter: Nordamerika, Sydamerika, Europa, Asien, Afrika og Australien. Dyrelivet i de nævnte kontinenter og dets leveområder får hvert et opslag, mens sidste kapitel beskriver det mangfoldige dyreliv i have og oceaner.Traditionel præsentation af alverdens vilde dyr.

  • af Connor Stratton
    97,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Rebecca Kraft Rector
    332,95 kr.

    Explore the past, present, and future of the Sahara Desert. Beautiful photos, fact-filled text, and engaging infographics help readers learn all about this natural wonder and how to protect it long into the future.

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