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Børn og unge: personlige og sociale emner: seksualundervisning og fakta om livet

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  • af Nina Lynggaard Jørgensen
    108,94 - 132,95 kr.

    Nogle gange føles det, som om folkeskolen er en endeløs forhindringsbane, og nogle af os har brug for et ekstra skub for at komme igennem den. Lær at finde retning i dig selv, dine venner og online. Der er ikke nogen, der kommer helt uproblematisk gennem folkeskolen. Uanset om du tager popularitetens vej, eller om du er en af de elever, der bliver holdt udenfor, vil du blive mødt med udfordringer, der er med til at forme dig. I takt med det stigende forbrug af telefoner og hyppigere diagnosticeringer af angst og depression, er det vigtigt at finde de vigtigste pejlemærker for sig selv at navigere efter.Nina Lynggaard Jørgensen forsøger i How to teen at give de unge en bog, der kan simplificere deres situation en smule og kaste lys over deres problemer.Nina fortæller selv om sin motivation for at skrive bogen: ”Da jeg selv gik i folkeskole, var jeg håbløst forvirret og følte, at der var en masse ting, jeg burde have vidst eller fået fortalt. Denne bog er skrevet for at hjælpe andre der, lige som mit 13-årige jeg, føler sig lost og forvirrede i denne noget kaotiske periode af deres liv. Når man er teenager, skal man begynde at lære sig selv at kende, og det håber jeg denne bog kan hjælpe med.”

  • af Kristine Tiedt
    197,95 kr.

    Næsten alle voksne mennesker har prøvet at få en, men hvad er en orgasme egentlig? Og kan det virkelig passe, at klitoris først blev opdaget i 1998? Orgasmebogen er en tegneserie, der handler om seksualitet og lyst. På satirisk og lettilgængelig vis belyser den emnet igennem en blanding af fakta og fiktion. Trods øget viden og fokus på sex generelt i samfundet er der stadig mange tabuer om emnet. For eksempel viser nyere undersøgelser, at to ud af tre kvinder ikke får orgasme med deres partner under sex, imens stort set alle kvinder gør, når de onanerer.Med udgangspunkt i bogens tre hovedpersoner inddrages historiske facts om særligt kvinders seksualitet, nyere forskning, videnskabelige data og centrale begreber og teorier.

  • - Et bidrag til udviklingen af sunde og velfungerende mennesker
    af Frida Nøddebo Nyrup
    105,95 - 372,95 kr.

    Bogen er en 2 i 1 bog, som i billedbogsform leverer en god fortælling til både børn og voksne, mens den i et fyldigt efterskrift leverer videnskabeligt baserede oplysninger om børns seksuelle udvikling. Bogen er et opråb, da vi som samfund ifølge "Styrelsen for Undervisning og Kvalitet" og ifølge "Amnesty" ikke giver den nødvendige plads til børns nysgerrighed i forhold til krop og seksualitet. Billedbogs-delen henvender sig primært til mindre børn og børn i indskolingen i form af en spændende historie, som gør udforskningen af seksualitet til noget naturligt. Pigen Elba spørger sin far: "Far vil du ikke nok nusse min tissekone?" Dette spørgsmål bliver starten på en længere historie, hvor Elba får kigget i en anatomibog sammen med sine forældre, der forklarer om både drenges og pigers kønsorganer. Elba leger også med andre børn i børnehaven, hvor de udforsker sig selv og hinanden, og finder ud af, at det kilder og føles rart at blive stimuleret på sine kønsorganer. Pædagogen Anton er både accepterende, vejledende og korrigerende i forhold til børnenes indbyrdes lege, og viser dem, at det ikke er farligt, selvom nogen har overtrådt en andens grænser. Det handler bare om at få snakket om det, på samme måde, som var det en konflikt i sandkassen. Børn overtræder jævnligt hinandens grænser, og har derfor brug for voksenhjælp. I efterskriftet, som er rettet mod den mere modne læser, leveres der videnskabeligt baserede oplysninger om børns seksuelle udvikling. Her argumenteres der for, at børns mulighed for gradvist at udvikle en medfødt spirende seksualitet har betydning for, hvorvidt der udvikles en sund og velfungerende personlighed, som evner både nærvær, intimitet og respekt. Som nævnt, er der i den proces - som i alle andre sammenhænge med børn - behov for, at voksne regulerer og hjælper børn på vej i forhold til at være lydhøre overfor hinanden og samfundets normer. Dertil nævnes det, at denne læring om egen krop sammen med en fortrolighed i forhold til at tale om seksualitet, også kan være præventiv i forhold til seksuelle overgreb. Endelig skal det nævnes, at bogen vil være egnet som læse-let læsning for lidt større børn, der gradvist også vil kunne trække mere forståelse ud af bogens anatomiske illustrationer og ud af efterskriftet til voksne. Det er nemmere at skabe sunde og velfungerende børn, end at afhjælpe, når de bliver voksne. Findes også som lyd- og eBog. eBog: ISBN: 978-87-93824-02-7 Lydbog: ISBN: 978-87-93824-01-0

  • af Marlene Qvist Simoni
    101,95 kr.

    Børnebøger om børns seksualitet.Her er bøgerne til børnene om netop børnenes seksualitet og ikke de voksnes, som de fleste andre børnebøger indenfor emnet seksualitet.Børn har brug for at få sat ord på de ting der sker med deres krop og deres egen seksualitet, som primært handler om nysgerrighed, kilderen og fornemmelser i kroppen.Begge bøger er til de store børn i børnehaven, så de kan få sat ord på de ting de mærker i deres krop. Det er vigtigt, at vi får givet børnene et sprog på det her område samt en viden om hvad der er helt normalt o hvad der ikke er.

  • af Marlene Qvist Simoni
    101,95 kr.

    Børnebøger om børns seksualitet.Her er bøgerne til børnene om netop børnenes seksualitet og ikke de voksnes, som de fleste andre børnebøger indenfor emnet seksualitet.Børn har brug for at få sat ord på de ting der sker med deres krop og deres egen seksualitet, som primært handler om nysgerrighed, kilderen og fornemmelser i kroppen.Begge bøger er til de store børn i børnehaven, så de kan få sat ord på de ting de mærker i deres krop. Det er vigtigt, at vi får givet børnene et sprog på det her område samt en viden om hvad der er helt normalt o hvad der ikke er.

  • af Margaret Haerens
    352,95 kr.

    Present your readers with a collection of essays that examines the issue of birth control from a variety of international perspectives. Readers will travel to China, Iran, Madagascar, Nigeria, Canada, Senegal, India, Afghanistan, Japan, the Philippines, and other places to understand new perspectives on birth control. Readers will learn about population growth, politics, social and religious factors, and the economics of birth control access. Essay sources include Martha Campbell, Tania Branigan, Palash R. Ghosh, Jing Zhang, and Raul Irani.

  • af Noah Berlatsky
    355,95 kr.

  • af Rachel Hs Ginocchio
    392,95 kr.

  • af Alex White
    177,95 kr.

    Let's talk about The Big Day-Ready or Not?Teens in today's world face a multitude of challenges in the way of social media, peer pressure, and academic expectations. Their bodies are changing, their minds are bombarded, and their hormones are racing until everything crashes and the tears start rolling uncontrollably.Maybe you're a teen and this all sounds too familiar. Perhaps you're a parent, and this rings true of your child. Be assured, in either case, that there is hope: hope to help children whose bodies are quickly becoming adults, and hope for the teens actively going through it. You'll make it through with the advice and information provided in this book.Most of the advice included is directed at teens, but as a parent, you will benefit from reading this book, too. It will help you gain perspective about what your child is going through. The "you" in most instances addresses the teen unless otherwise stated. Teens, you don't have to do any of this alone. The information in this book will guide you through one of the most exciting and equally stressful times of transition in your life. You're becoming an adult before the numbers in your age are able to keep up, and your parents just don't understand. Maybe your friends are reliable, but honestly, they're just going through the same tumultuous transition into adulthood, too. And no one seems to have the answers.We're here to give you all the answers.Features:Let's Talk About SexSafer SexBefore the Big DayThe Main EventAfterglow or Aftermath?Burning QuestionsSocially Awkward?...and much more...Order now, and by the end of the book, I'm sure you'll be ready for the big day.About the AuthorAlex White is a low profile author, who doesn't really like exposing themselves on social media. He has made it his life's mission to focus on the problems of adolescents, such as puberty and relationships, and provides insightful solutions on how they can overcome and conquer these challenges. Having experienced challenges of his own throughout his adolescent years, he came to realize what a lonely and tough journey it is without a helping hand or the wisdom of an adult to guide you.

  • af Tamara Thompson
    356,95 kr.

    A compendium of opinion on the issue of abortion, including moral justification, women's health, and width of access.

  • af Noël Merino
    371,95 kr.

    "Opposing Viewpoints: Abortion: Opposing Viewpoints is the leading source for libraries and classrooms in need of current-issue materials. The viewpoints are selected from a wide range of highly respected sources and publications"--

  • af Jayneen Sanders
    67,95 kr.

    This Activity Book reinforces the crucial body safety skills taught in the children's picture book 'My Body! What I Say Goes! KIAH'S EDITION'.

  • af Theo Valente
    167,95 kr.

    Are you feeling nervous about your first date? Don't worry, we have got you covered! Introducing "First Date FAQ" - a comprehensive guide for teenagers that provides practical tips and advice to help you navigate the world of dating.As a teenager, dating can be an exciting but also intimidating experience. With this guide, you'll have all the information you need to make your first date a success.Imagine having the confidence to approach your date with ease, knowing exactly what to say and do. With our helpful tips and tricks, you'll be able to create a positive and memorable first impression. Find the answer to some questions like:What exactly is "dating"?How do I know I'm really interested in someone?What should I do if I'm very nervous before the date?What's the ideal "look" for a date?What if the other person starts talking about ex-boyfriends/girlfriends?…. and more… About the authorTheo Meyer Valente is a renowned expert in adolescent matters, dedicating himself to understanding the complexities and wonders of this stage of life. With over a decade of experience in the field, Theo employs an empathetic and evidence-based approach, setting him apart as a leading figure in the area. His passion is to assist young individuals in navigating the challenges and triumphs of adolescence, providing them with the tools necessary to thrive.

  • af Maurice Alpheus Bigelow
    192,95 kr.

    Contains: - The Meaning, Need, and Scope of Sex-education- The Problems for Sex-education- Organization of Educational Attack On the Sex problems- Who should give sex-instruction?- Sex-instruction for Pre-adolescent Years- The problem of self-control for young men- Special Instruction for Maturing Young Women- Past and the Future of the Sex-education Movement

  • af Cristian Youngmiller
    82,95 - 107,95 kr.

    This bestselling book has been positively reviewed by Child Care Experts. It is appropriate for boys ages 8 and up and parents looking for the right words to discuss masturbation with their children.This bestselling book has been positively reviewed by Child Care Experts. It is appropriate for boys ages 8 and up and parents looking for the right words to discuss masturbation with their children.About the Story: Billy is a 10 year old boy with a big problem. His older brother just told him that he was going to grow hair on his hands. Now it's up to Billy's dad to explain to Billy that what he was doing was normal and OK.Respectfully Discusses: - What is masturbation - Why it feels good - Who does it - Where it's appropriate - Masturbation hygiene - and more

  • af C. P. Kumar
    167,95 kr.

    "A Comprehensive Guide to Human Sexuality" offers a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted dimensions of human sexuality. This indispensable guide covers a wide array of topics, commencing with the "Introduction to Human Sexuality: Importance and Scope," which sets the foundation for understanding the significance of healthy sexuality in our lives. From delving into the intricacies of human reproduction, puberty, and the impact on self-esteem and body image, to examining the intricacies of sexual orientation, gender identity, and the necessity of establishing healthy boundaries, each chapter provides valuable insights and knowledge. The book further navigates the complexities of sexual pleasure, intimacy, contraception, and managing sexually transmitted infections. Tackling sensitive subjects with empathy, it addresses topics such as pregnancy, abortion, and infertility, along with empowering individuals with disabilities and advocating for inclusive sex education. Moreover, it delves into vital aspects of online safety, technology, and the ethical considerations surrounding sexual behavior. Closing with a focus on comprehensive sexuality education in schools, the book highlights its benefits and effective implementation, making it an essential resource for individuals seeking to enrich their understanding of human sexuality and nurture healthy relationships in a rapidly evolving world.

  • af Julie Wilkins
    232,95 kr.

    This inclusive picture book celebrates the joy of preparing to welcome a child, with contemporary illustrations depicting diverse families and their communities of support.

  • af Heike Lorenz
    277,95 kr.

    Educational support in Europe across borders ¿ how can it succeed? Over the past 30 years, the field of cross-border individual support, which was mainly developed in Germany, has established itself as a multi-faceted and promising approach.However, the heterogeneous legal situation as well as the cultural differences in wonderfully colourful Europe require a high degree of effective cooperation in order to successfully manage and implement this form of support.The aim of this publication is to provide an up-to-date overview of the field of work. Above all, European stakeholders are to be addressed and invited with the intention of reviving the, on occasion, deadlocked dialogues.The publication is divided into three parts:The individual passages at the beginning of the volume, some of which are very moving, tell about the challenging work that carers do together with the young people in the project placements. They shed light on the microcosm of Individualised Social Pedagogy support measures and explain what Individualised Social Pedagogy work means in practice, how it is experienced by the people involved and what opportunities it can offer in individual cases.In another part, stakeholders from science, politics and organisations provide information on various overarching facets. These include, for example, schooling opportunities during stays abroad, qualifications for pedagogical professionals and cross-border cooperation models. The actual starting point of this publication is presented in the concluding part: In his legalopinion, Prof. Dr. Dr. Reinhard Wiesner takes a close look at the consultation procedure that decisively regulates the cross-border placement of minors within the EU. He relates the procedure ¿ better known as ¿Brussels IIä ¿ to the legal foundations of German child and youth welfare law and illuminates and comments on existing dissonances.The publication is supported and promoted by the two German umbrella and professional associations Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Individualpädagogik e.V. (AIM) [Federal Working Group for Individualised and Experiential Pedagogy] and Bundesverband Individual- und Erlebnispädagogik e. V. (be) [Federal Association for Individualised and Experiential Pedagogy].

  • - En historisk rejse
    af Elin Hägg
    357,95 kr.

    Tænkte bedstes oldemor virkelig på SEX? Følg med på en rejse, hvor vi møder kvidrende tissekoner, flyvende tissemænd, men også får indblik i århundreders kamp for rettigheder og selvstændighed. Denne bog handler om, hvordan vi her i den vestlige del af verden har set på sex, kroppe, køn og magt gennem historien. Sex er et emne omgærdet af normer og tabuer. Vores relation til sex har til alle tider påvirket synet på naturen, kulturen og os selv. Og en gang imellem glemmer vi, at ting, som i dag anses for naturlige, i virkeligheden er resultatet af årtusinders ideer, tanker og anskuelser. Tag med på en rejse gennem seksualitetens historie!

  • af Jayneen Sanders
    67,95 kr.

    This Activity Book reinforces the crucial Body Safety skills taught in the SECOND EDITION of the children's picture book 'My Body! What I Say Goes!'

  • af Stephanie Williams
    147,95 kr.

  • af Paula Briggs
    137,95 kr.

    A handy guide to every method of contraception, helping readers decide what works best for them. Covering how each method works, how to use it correctly and how effective it is, the authors expertly explain how life stage can affect choice, and how hormonal contraception can help other health conditions.

  • af Allison K. Rodgers
    117,95 kr.

    An illustrated guide to vaginas and vulvas from TikTok star Dr Allison Rodgers

  • af Joanna Cole
    82,95 kr.

    A sensible, reassuring guide to sex and growing up, revised with the most up-to-date information.What do you want to know about sex?Information about sex is everywhere. But what you learn from TV, movies, the internet, and friends is not always a healthy or accurate view of sexuality.This book is the perfect antidote. Formatted into a series of short Q&As, it is a frank, informative and open way to learn about changing bodies, sex, relationships, puberty and more. Children can use the book to explore and answer questions for themselves, or it can be used as a helpful starting points for conversations between adults and their children.Now revised and updated for the UK, Joanna Cole's Asking About Sex & Growing Up is the perfect book to provide answers to questions about sex.

  • af London Ford
    167,95 kr.

  • af Leeza Mangaldas
    172,95 kr.

  • af Karen Rayne
    182,95 kr.

    Sex Ed for the Stroller Set gives parents practical tools to proactively teach young children about sexuality and the confidence to use these tools.

  • af Shanicia Boswell
    217,95 kr.

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