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Børn og unge: personlige og sociale emner: misbrug, mishandling

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  • af Suzanne Collins
    107,95 - 152,95 kr.

    The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes will revisit the world of Panem sixty-four years before the events of The Hunger Games, starting on the morning of the reaping of the Tenth Hunger Games.

  • af Amber Smith
    125,95 kr.

    The Way I Used to Be, penned by Amber Smith, is an emotionally charged novel that will leave you in deep reflection. Published in 2017 by Simon + Schuster Inc., this book has established itself as a powerful narrative within its genre. The Way I Used to Be delves into the intricacies of change, resilience, and the human spirit. Smith, with her exceptional storytelling skills, takes you on a journey that's both heartbreaking and inspiring. This book is a testament to Smith's prowess as a writer and is a must-read for those who appreciate a well-crafted narrative. Published by Simon + Schuster Inc., this book is a testament to their commitment to bringing quality literature to readers. The book is available in English.

  • af Amber Smith
    112,95 kr.

    The Way I Used to Be, a compelling novel penned by Amber Smith, is a must-read for anyone who appreciates a well-crafted narrative. Published recently in 2023 by Oneworld Publications, this book is a testament to Smith's talent as a writer. The genre of the book is a blend of drama, emotion, and reality, skillfully woven together to create a story that will stay with you long after you've turned the last page. The Way I Used to Be is not just a book, it's an experience that will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions. This book is a testament to Amber Smith's ability to create a world that is both relatable and thought-provoking. Oneworld Publications, known for their selection of impactful books, have once again published a gem. Don't miss out on this extraordinary read.

  • af Kathleen Glasgow
    327,95 kr.

    From New York Times bestseller and author of the TikTok phenomenon Girl in Pieces comes a boxed set including all three of Kathleen Glasgow's critically acclaimed novels: Girl in Pieces, How to Make Friends With the Dark, and You'd Be Home Now."Impossibly moving...suffused with light." --Vanity FairA girl struggling to put herself back together after a lifetime of hardship. A daughter grieving the loss of her mother. A family broken apart by addiction, but hiding behind a perfect facade. For the first time ever, all three of Kathleen Glasgow's important and moving novels are collected in this three-book box set, which includes paperback editions of the New York Times bestseller Girl in Pieces, as well as How to Make Friends With the Dark and You'd Be Home Now. Girl in Pieces:Charlotte Davis is in pieces. At seventeen she’s already lost more than most people do in a lifetime. But she’s learned how to forget. Every new scar hardens Charlie’s heart just a little more, yet it still hurts so much. It hurts enough to not care anymore, which is sometimes what has to happen before you can find your way back from the edge.How to Make Friends With the Dark:Tiger's life changed with a simple phone call. Her mother has died. That's when darkness descended on her otherwise average life and her world is packed into a suitcase and moved to a foster home. And another. And another. Until hope surfaces in the shape of something Tiger never expected: a sister.You'd Be Home Now:Four months after a fatal car crash which killed one of her classmates and revealed just how bad her brother, Joey's, drug habit really was, Emmy's junior year is starting, Joey is home from rehab, and the entire town of Mill Haven is still reeling from the accident. Everyone's telling Emmy who she is, but so much has changed, how can she be the same person? Or was she ever that person at all?

  • af Tomas Lagermand Lundme
    241,95 kr.

    Stærk og kontant YA-roman om at være ung homoseksuel i Birkerød og om at bære på en hemmelighed, som de andre alligevel godt kender. Om fortielse, afsavn og om at blive sig selv.I ALTING BEGYNDER ET STED kæmper den unge jeg-fortæller med livet og de mange valg og følelser, der kan præge ungdomsårene.I en labyrint af søgen og rastløshed forsøger han at finde sig selv og mærke, hvad han vil, hvad der føles rigtigt. For det er svært at have en kusine, der insisterer på punk og eyeliner, når man selv er forelsket i Justin Bieber, Hjalte fra boligblokken og den nye dreng fra klassen. Det er svært at vælge!Det er til gengæld ikke svært at skjule mærkerne på hænderne. Dem lægger ingen mærke til, før det er for sent ...Meget vellykket young adult-roman om fortielser, seksualitet og at finde sig selv. Det korte og meget kontante sprog balancerer hele tiden mellem humor og alvor, hvilket er med til at give romanen lidt kant og gøre den både nærværende, intens og meget troværdig. Anbefales varmt!LektørudtalelsenTomas Lagermand Lundme har mange gange i sit forfatterskab bevist, at han ikke er bange for at gå ind i mørket og skrive om ungdomslivets særdeles skarpe kanter. I ALTING BEGYNDER ET STED gives der også plads til en forløsende humor og kærlighed. Elementer, der gør, at værkets rå tematikker ikke kommer til at stå alene men får modspil.

  • af Mindy McGinnis
    117,95 - 175,95 kr.

  • af Candace Bushnell
    137,95 kr.

  • - Min beretning om at overleve incest
    af Emilie Staach Hedemand
    147,95 - 172,95 kr.

    Det her er min fortælling om, hvordan jeg har udviklet mig, og hvordan jeg er vokset efter mine traumatiserende oplevelser. Som 12-årig udsatte min far mig for incest. Det har medført senfølger såsom angst og posttraumatisk stress. Jeg fortæller om ensomheden og forkerthedsfølelsen. Hvordan det er at bryde tabuet om at være udsat for incest. Jeg fortæller om min historie, om at udvikle mig fra at være offer og leve i offermentalitet til i dag at være en fighter med et stort F. Og meget, meget mere. Jeg har skrevet min bog til andre ofre, så de kan se, at det er muligt at udvikle sig i en positiv retning og leve et almindeligt liv trods en tung bagage. Min bog er også til pårørende, så de har mulighed for bedre at forstå. Og til fagpersoner eller andre interesserede, som ønsker mere viden om at leve med psykiske udfordringer og overleve overgreb. Uddrag af bogenDa dagen kom, var jeg fyldt med anspændthed. Jeg var nervøs. Ondt i maven. Anspændt helt ned til mine tæer og op igen. Onde sommerfugle i min mave. De rumsterede. Det har de gjort, lige siden han forgreb sig på mig. Det gør de stadig, når jeg har angst. Når jeg er bange. Når noget, jeg frygter, skal ske. Når jeg skal være midtpunktet. Når jeg får opmærksomhed. Det var første gang, at jeg skulle se ham, efter at han var blevet anholdt. Jeg havde næsten glemt, hvordan han så ud. Hvordan hans stemme lød. Om forfatteren Emilie Staach Hedemand (f. 1997) læser til socialrådgiver. Som 12-årig blev hun udsat for incest, og i slutningen af sin HF besluttede hun sig for at fortælle sin historie for at hjælpe andre ofre og oplyse pårørende.

  • af Camryn Garrett
    122,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Nana Klindt
    206,95 kr.

    Da Nana som 17-årig flytter hjemmefra, længes hun stærkt efter løsrivelse fra sin psykisk syge mor, som hun og søsteren har boet alene med i årevis. Hun hungrer efter stabilitet og ro, men træder i stedet ud i flere år med bulimi, OCD og svære depressioner. - Er du sur? bliver hun spurgt af folk omkring sig, når hun med en hård og vred skal forsøger at holde sammen på sit krakelerede indre. Nej, Nana er ikke sur på nogen. Vreden er et skjold i en uregerlig tilværelse, hvor hun mistrives og er usikker og ulykkelig. Bange for at være ved at gentage historien. Er hun simpelthen skizofren som sin mor?“Er du sur?” er en dramatisk og hjerteskærende, men også uhøjtidelig fortælling om at komme igennem en turbulent barndom. Det er en fortælling om at vokse op med en psykisk syg mor og en far, der er alkoholiker. Om at havne i en problematisk og depressiv ungdom uden identitet eller selvværd. Midt i alvoren er historien også livsbekræftende, hvor den beskriver morens kærlige og muntre sider eller farens til tider komiske optrin. Bogen er et vigtigt vidnesbyrd om, at det kan lade sig gøre at skrive sin egen historie om. At det kan betale sig at tage imod hjælp og blive ved med at kæmpe. Mange små fremskridt bringer efterhånden Nana den rigtige vej. Selvom hendes psykiske bagage indimellem føles tung, lever hun i dag langt det meste af tiden et godt liv.

  • af Christin Marie Guild
    207,95 kr.

    Evas fødder sætter gummistøvlemærker i nyfalden sne. Herude er tyst. Alting holder vejret. Små fodspor følger hende på højre side. Barnefødder uden sko. Hun har set det. For hvert skridt hun sætter, følger et lille sæt barnespor ved siden af hendes egne gummistøvlespor. Hun har set det. Alligevel ved hun det ikke. Ikke rigtigt. Som om de små spor, og spørgsmålene de burde rejse, hele tiden unddrager sig hendes bevidsthed. Hvem sætter de små spor? Da Evas søster dør, mister forældrene evnen til at se og høre Eva. Eva vokser op i et tomrum af savn og forladthed. Hugo, familiens nabo tilbyder sin hjælp og tager sig meget af hende. Romanen bygger delvist på virkelige hændelser med svigt, seksuelle overgreb og incest. Eva under isen er den gribende beretning om skyld og skam og den pinefulde kamp for at vinde et fodfæste i verden.Om forfatterenEva under isen er Christin Marie Guilds debut som romanforfatter.

  • af Lasse Løager
    157,95 - 197,95 kr.

    En dør, der er forseglet og aldrig forsøgt åbnet, lirkes med største forsigtighed på klem. Ud af den lille sprække vælter råddenskab, vold, afmagt – og frem for alt: en altædende ensomhed. ”De var bundet sammen med kæder, og længst ude, hvor blikket næsten ikke kunne nå, så han omridset af en færge, som trak byens både væk fra havnen. Der var ingen bevægelse i det, og måske, tænkte han, er det her et maleri, som jeg på én eller anden måde er fanget i.” Jacob, blandt venner kaldet Frost, er en ung dreng, hvis drømme, illusioner og håb forsvinder. Tilbage er et liv i skyggen med tæsk og overfald. Lys, kærlighed og venner der aldrig svigter siver også ud af den lille sprække, men er det sandt, at kærlighed kan overvinde alt? Er det nok til at holde livet i gang? Gespenst er en roman om, hvordan livet ser ud de steder, hvor ingen kigger, dér hvor få har adgang, og dér hvor håbet siver hen, når det forsvinder.

  • af Helene Uri
    101,95 - 112,95 kr.

    Frederik har verdens største smil. Han er tjekket, sjov og sød. Alle elsker Frederik. Og nu er han Elins kæreste. Tænk, at det overhovedet kunne ske! Det føles næsten som om, hun er hovedpersonen i en eller anden romantisk film … lige indtil sms’erne fra Bjørn begynder at tikke ind. Og det værste sker. ‘Fordi jeg elsker dig’ er Elins historie. En historie om forelskelse og kærlighed, manipulation, mishandling og svigt.

  • af Francine Prose
    107,95 kr.

    Did they, or didn't they?Did she, or didn't she?Something happened to fourteen-year-old Maisie Willard?something involving her three friends, all boys. But their stories don't match, and the rumors spin out of control. Then other people get involved . . . the school, the parents, the lawyers. The incident at the back of the bus becomes the center of Maisie's life, the talk of the school and, horribly, it becomes news. With just a few words and a touch, the kids and their community are changed forever.From nationally acclaimed author Francine Prose comes an unforgettable story about the difficulties of telling the truth, the consequences of lying, and the most dangerous twist of all?the possibility that you yourself will come to believe something that you know isn't true.

  • af Joyce Carol Oates
    117,95 kr.

    "Later, I would think of it as crossing over. From a known territory into an unknown. From a place where people know you to a place where people only think they know you." Sometimes Franky Pierson has a hard time dealing with life. Like when her parents separate and her mother vanishes, Franky wants to believe that her mom has simply pulled a disappearing act. Yet deep within herself, a secret part of her she calls Freaky Green Eyes knows that something is terribly wrong. And only Freaky can open Franky's eyes to the truth.

  • af Bethany Walker
    200,95 kr.

    "In a small house, in a large city, lived a girl named Lena." Lena lives a happy life until one day a terrible thing happens. The morning after the terrible thing happens, Lena wakes up to find a dragon asleep on her chest-- a dragon no one else can see.Everywhere she goes the dragon follows, wreaking havoc and getting Lena into trouble. The more Lena tries to ignore the terrible thing and the dragon, the more he grows. Will Lena get the courage to speak up about the terrible thing and learn to tame her dragon?Lena & the Dragon tackles childhood trauma in a way that children will find relatable and adults can use as a stepping stone to deeper conversation. With evidence based approaches for managing anxiety and trauma triggers, Lena & the Dragon can also be utilized in a therapeutic setting. Most of all, Lena shows us all that we all can be resilient in the face of terrible things.All proceeds from this book go to donating copies to nonprofits, children's advocacy centers, and other organizations that serve children who have experienced trauma.

  • af Lisa Heathfield
    107,95 kr.

    June's life at home with her stepmother and stepsister is a dark one--and a secret one. Not even her dad knows the truth, and she can't find the words to tell anyone else. She's trapped like a butterfly in a net. Then June meets Blister, a boy from a large, loving, chaotic family. In him, she finds a glimmer of hope that perhaps she can find a way to fly far, far away. Because she deserves her freedom. Doesn't she?

  • af Kate Mclaughlin
    212,95 kr.

    "Raw, unflinching, and authentic, Kate McLaughlin's thoughtful What Unbreakable Looks Like carefully crafts a story exposing the vulnerability of underage trafficked girls and what it takes to begin the process of healing from sexual trauma."-Christa Desir, author, advocate, and founding member of The Voices and Faces ProjectLex was taken-trafficked-and now she's Poppy. Kept in a hotel with other girls, her old life is a distant memory. But when the girls are rescued, she doesn't quite know how to be Lex again. After she moves in with her aunt and uncle, for the first time in a long time, she knows what it is to feel truly safe. Except, she doesn't trust it. Doesn't trust her new home. Doesn't trust her new friend. Doesn't trust her new life. Instead she trusts what she shouldn't because that's what feels right. She doesn't deserve good things. But when she is sexually assaulted by her so-called boyfriend and his friends, Lex is forced to reckon with what happened to her and that just because she is used to it, doesn't mean it is okay. She's thrust into the limelight and realizes she has the power to help others. But first she'll have to confront the monsters of her past with the help of her family, friends, and a new love.Kate McLaughlin's What Unbreakable Looks Like is a gritty, ultimately hopeful novel about human trafficking through the lens of a girl who has escaped the life and learned to trust, not only others, but in herself.

  • af Gary Paulsen
    97,95 kr.

  • af Noah Berlatsky
    350,95 kr.

    Editor Noah Berlatsky has compiled essays from international sources in order to provide your readers with a global perspective on sexual violence. Readers will evaluate the relationship between sexual violence and women, children, migration, and political violence. Primary sources, including speeches and government documents, join compelling essays that will intrigue your readers and activate their critical thinking skills.

  • af Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
    133,95 kr.

    A "New York Times" bestseller, this sequel to Bradley's Newbery Honor-winning "The War that Saved My Life" continues Ada's World War II journey as new challenges force her to figure out who she really is now that she's free.

  • af Zack Smedley
    117,95 kr.

    Includes an exclusive reader's guide from Zack SmedleyFrom the critically acclaimed author of Deposing Nathan comes an explosive examination of identity, voice, and the indelible ways our stories are rewritten by others.In the beginning, Owen's story was blank . . . then he was befriended by Lily, the aspiring author who helped him find his voice. Together, the two have spent years navigating first love and amassing an inseparable friend group. But all of it is upended one day when his school's administration learns Owen's secret: that he was sexually assaulted by a classmate.In the ensuing investigation, everyone scrambles to hold their worlds together.Owen, still wrestling with his self-destructive thoughts and choices.His father, a mission-driven military vet ready to start a war to find his son's attacker.The school bureaucrats, who seem most concerned with kowtowing to the local media attention.And Lily, who can't learn that Owen is the mystery victim everyone is talking about . . . because once she does, it will set off a chain of events that will change their lives forever.Heartbreaking and hopeful, this is a coming-of-age story that explores how we rebuild after the world comes crumbling down.

  • af Sally J Pla
    107,95 kr.

    Neurodivergent Maudie is ready to spend an amazing summer with her dad, but will she find the courage to tell him a terrible secret about life with her mom and new stepdad? This contemporary novel is a must-read for fans of Leslie Connor and Ali Standish. A Schneider Family Book Award winner!Maudie always looks forward to the summers she spends in California with her dad. But this year, she must keep a troubling secret about her home life--one that her mom warned her never to tell. Maudie wants to confide in her dad about her stepdad's anger, but she's scared.When a wildfire strikes, Maudie and her dad are forced to evacuate to the beach town where he grew up. It's another turbulent wave of change. But now, every morning, from their camper, Maudie can see surfers bobbing in the water. She desperately wants to learn, but could she ever be brave enough?As Maudie navigates unfamiliar waters, she makes friends--and her autism no longer feels like the big deal her mom makes it out to be. But her secret is still threatening to sink her. Will Maudie find the strength to reveal the awful truth--and maybe even find some way to stay with Dad--before summer is over?

  • af Shawn Goodman
    172,95 kr.

  • af Jaye Murray
    97,95 kr.

    Pip's desperate to escape his life—he's been skipping classes, drinking, getting high. Anything and everything to avoid his smug teachers, his sweet but needy little brother, his difficult home life. Now he's been busted by Principal Giraldi and given an ultimatum: either he shows up for all his classes and sees a counselor after school, or he's expelled. Pip's freaked out; not because he might get kicked out of school, but by the thought that Giraldi might call his father. Because Pip will do anything to avoid his father.

  • af Chris Crutcher
    107,95 kr.

    Dillon is living with the painful memory of his brother's suicide -- and the role he played in it. To keep his mind and body occupied, he trains intensely for the Ironman triathlon. But outside of practice, his life seems to be falling apart.Then Dillon finds a confidante in Jennifer, a star high school basketball player who's hiding her own set of destructive secrets. Together, they must find the courage to confront their demons -- before it's too late.

  • af Alex Flinn
    97,95 kr.

    I shouldn't have come back to Miami . . . I've been escaping cops' notice for a year now. I'm no longer Michael Daye, high school athlete with a promising future. Now I look like someone whit no future.When Michael saw a chance to leave town with a traveling carnival a year ago, he took it. Back then, his home life was spinning violently out of control. The carnival, with its "no questions asked" policy, seemed like a welcome escape. But now Michael's job has brought him back to Miami, where his mother is on trial for murder, making him wonder how much longer he can hide from his past . . . and his future.

  • af Sarah Dessen
    132,95 kr.

  • af Peg Kehret
    97,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Lynch
    177,95 - 247,95 kr.

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