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Bøger af Christina Lamb

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  • af Malala Yousafzai & Christina Lamb
    72,95 - 99,95 kr.

    Tirsdag den 9. oktober 2012 trængte Taliban op i en skolebus og skød den 15-årige pakistanske pige Malala Yousafzai på klods hold. Hun overlevede det brutale attentat, og hendes historie gav genlyd over hele verden.Fra den ene dag til den anden blev hun et globalt symbol på fredelig protest og kravet om uddannelse til alle børn.Verden hørte første gang om Malala, da hun skrev en anonym blog om en skolepiges hverdag i en pakistansk by, hvor Taliban har sat sig tungt på magten. Bloggen blev modtaget som en sensation, og Malala og hendes far blev hovedpersoner i en amerikansk dokumentarfilm. Til sidst kunne deres identitet ikke længere holdes hemmelig, og de havnede på Talibans dødsliste.Nu fortæller Malala for første gang sin bemærkelsesværdige historie. 'JEG ER MALALA' er en inspirerende og gribende historie om en piges modige kamp og beslutning om ikke at lade sig intimidere af ekstremister. Efter skudattentatet og en nærmest mirakuløs overlevelse har Malala modtaget talrige priser. FN's generalsekretær har udnævnt 10. november til Malala Dag, og der er etableret en international Malala Fond, som skal støtte pigers uddannelse. Malala er modtager af Nobels Fredspris 2014. Nyt forord efteråret 2014

  • af Christina Lamb
    112,95 kr.

    'A wake-up call ... These women's stories will make you weep, and then rage at the world's indifference.' Amal ClooneyFrom award-winning war reporter and co-author of I Am Malala, this is the first major account to address the scale of rape and sexual violence in modern conflict.Christina Lamb has worked in war and combat zones for over thirty years. In Our Bodies, Their Battlefield she gives voice to the women of conflicts, exposing how in today's warfare, rape is used by armies, terrorists and militias as a weapon to humiliate, oppress and carry out ethnic cleansing.Speaking to survivors first-hand, Lamb encounters the suffering and bravery of women in war and meets those fighting for justice. From Southeast Asia where 'comfort women' were enslaved by the Japanese during World War Two to the Rwandan genocide, when an estimated quarter of a million women were raped, to the Yazidi women and children of today who witnessed the mass murder of their families before being enslaved by ISIS. Along the way Lamb uncovers incredible stories of heroism and resistance, including the Bosnian women who have hunted down more than a hundred war criminals, the Aleppo beekeeper rescuing Yazidis and the Congolese doctor who has risked his life to treat more rape victims than anyone else on earth.Rape may be as old as war but it is a preventable crime. Bearing witness does not guarantee it won't happen again, but it can take away any excuse that the world simply didn't know.

  • - The True Story of an English Gentleman and His African Dream
    af Christina Lamb
    127,95 kr.

    In the last decades of the British Empire, Stewart Gore-Brown build himself a feudal paradise in Northern Rhodesia; a sprawling country estate modelled on the finest homes of England, complete with uniformed servants, daily muster parades and rose gardens. He wanted to share it with the love of his life, the beautiful unconventional Ethel Locke King, one of the first women to drive and fly. She, however, was nearly twenty years his senior, married and his aunt. Lorna, the only other woman he had ever cared for, had married another many years earlier. Then he met Lorna's orphaned daughter, so like her mother that he thought he had seen a ghost. It seemed he had found companionship and maybe love - but the Africa house was his dream and it would be a hard one to share.

  • af Malala Yousafzai & Christina Lamb
    117,95 kr.

  • af Christina Lamb
    192,95 kr.

    Twenty-one-year-old Christina Lamb left suburban England for Peshawar on the frontier of the Afghan war. Captivated, she spent two years tracking the final stages of the mujaheddin victory over the Soviets, as Afghan friends smuggled her in and out of their country in a variety of guises.Returning to Afghanistan after the attacks on the World Trade Center to report for Britain's Sunday Telegraph, Lamb discovered the people no one else had written about: the abandoned victims of almost a quarter century of war. Among them, the brave women writers of Herat who risked their lives to carry on a literary tradition under the guise of sewing circles; the princess whose palace was surrounded by tanks on the eve of her wedding; the artist who painted out all the people in his works to prevent them from being destroyed by the Taliban; and Khalil Ahmed Hassani, a former Taliban torturer who admitted to breaking the spines of men and then making them stand on their heads.Christina Lamb's evocative reporting brings to life these stories. Her unique perspective on Afghanistan and deep passion for the people she writes about make this the definitive account of the tragic plight of a proud nation.

  • - A True Story of Love and Compassion Amid a Pandemic
    af Christina Lamb
    127,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Christina Lamb
    125,95 kr.

    A powerful and intensely human insight into the civil war in Zimbabwe, focusing on a white farmer and his maid who find themselves on opposing sides.One bright morning Nigel Hough, one of the few remaining white farmers in Mugabe's Zimbabwe, received the news he was dreading - a crowd were at the gate demanding he surrender his home and land. To his horror, his family's much-loved nanny Aqui was at the head of the violent mob that then stole his homestead and imprisoned him in an outhouseBy tracing the intertwined lives of Nigel and Aqui - rich and poor, white and black, master and maid - through intimate and moving interviews, Christina Lamb captures not just the source of a terrible conflict, but also her own conviction that there is still hope for one of Africa's most beautiful countries.

  • - From Afghanistan to a More Dangerous World
    af Christina Lamb
    143,95 kr.

    From the award-winning co-author of I Am Malala, this book asks just how the might of NATO, with 48 countries and 140,000 troops on the ground, failed to defeat a group of religious students and farmers? How did it go so wrong?

  • af Christina Lamb
    147,95 kr.

    Three writers. Two plays. One vital tale of power, sex and infighting at the top of the Washington establishment, and its far-reaching repercussions. As Barack Obama prepares to leave office, this world premiere double bill probes behind the scenes of America's controversial drone wars, and asks what they will mean for our future.

  • - I kørestol og på flugt fra krigen i Syrien
    af Christina Lamb & Nujeen Mustafa
    217,95 kr.

    Nujeen: I kørestol og på flugt fra krigen i Syrien Mens krigen raser i Syrien trodser en seksten-årig pige alle odds, og begiver sig ud på en livsfarlig rejse i håbet om et nyt liv. Bag sig efterlader Nujeen Mustafa sig alt: sine forældre, sit hjem og alle sine ejendele, og i seksten måneder risikerer hun sit liv på rejsen fra Syrien til Tyskland – bundet til en kørestol. Inden krigen startede boede Nujeen med sin familie i en lejlighed. Hun kunne ikke gå i skole på grund af spastisk lammelse, og tilbragte derfor dagene foran tv’et. For hende har den dramatiske flugt også været en mulighed for et nyt liv, en mulighed for at kunne rejse sig fra kørestolen og lære at gå. Med stort mod og en selvstændig stemme fortæller Nujeen sin historie. Det er et bevægende vidnesbyrd om en af de største humanitære katastrofer i vores tid. Mens krigen raser i Syrien trodser en seksten-årig pige alle odds, og begiver sig ud på en livsfarlig rejse i håbet om et nyt liv. Bag sig efterlader Nujeen Mustafa sig alt – sine forældre, sit hjem og alle sine ejendele, og i seksten måneder risikerer hun sit liv på rejsen fra Syrien til Tyskland – bundet til en kørestol. Inden krigen startede boede Nujeen med sin familie i en lejlighed. Hun kunne ikke gå i skole på grund af spastisk lammelse, og tilbragte derfor dagene foran tv’et. For hende har den dramatiske flugt også været en mulighed for et nyt liv, en mulighed for at kunne rejse sig fra kørestolen og lære at gå. Med stort mod og en selvstændig stemme fortæller Nujeen sin historie. Det er et bevægende vidnesbyrd om en af de største humanitære katastrofer i vores tid. Christina Lamb er en af ​​verdens førende udenrigskorrespondenter, hun har skrevet flere bøger, herunder bestselleren Jeg er Malala.

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