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Bøger af Mark Frost

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  • af Mark Frost
    245,95 kr.

    The crucial sequel to the New York Times bestselling The Secret History of Twin Peaks, this novel bridges the two series, and takes you deeper into the mysteries raised by the new series.

  • - Vardon, Ouimet and the birth of modern golf
    af Mark Frost
    125,95 kr.

    This fascinating narrative chronicles the birth of the modern game of golf, told through the story of Harry Vardon and Francis Ouimet. These men, in pursuit of their passion for a sport that had captivated them since childhood, lifted themselves out of their lives of common poverty and broke down rigid social barriers, transforming the game of golf into one of the most widely played sports in the world today.Vardon and Ouimet were two men from different generations and vastly different corners of the world whose lives, unbeknown to them at the time, bore remarkable similarities, setting them on parallel paths that led to their epic battle at Brookline in the 1913 US Open. This collision resulted in the 'big bang' that gave rise to the sport of golf as we know it. In THE GREATEST GAME EVER PLAYED, Mark Frost tells their story, including along the way over a dozen of the game's seminal figures, within the dramatic framework offered by the 1913 tournament where they finally met, which became one of the most thrilling sports events in history.

  • af Mark Frost
    118,95 kr.

    Paldain Profetien er en actionspækket fortælling, hvor fantasy og sci fi forenes i et nervepirrende plot bygget op af spænding, humor og mystiske ordener. Bogen er første bind i en trilogi, der er solgt til amerikansk filmatisering med forfatteren Mark Frost selv som instruktør.Stol ikke på nogen! Tilfælde findes ikke! Se ikke dit liv som en film, der sker for en anden - det sker for dig. Det sker lige nu!Hele sit liv har teenageren Will West fulgt sine forældres mange regler; især har han lært at undgå opmærksomhed. Da han ved et uheld klarer sig unaturligt godt i en intelligenstest, bliver Will imidlertid tilbudt et stipendium til en eksklusiv skole, hvor intet er, som det ser ud. Sammen med sine nye værelseskammerater opdager Will skjulte sider af sig selv og sin familie, der viser sig at have forbindelse til en urgammel profeti. Forfulgt af både løgne og fjender vikles Will ind i en livsfalig kamp om verdensherredømmet... Se booktrailer på Youtube.

  • af Mark Frost
    117,95 kr.

    "Originally published in hardcover in the United States by Random House Children's Books, New York, in 2014"--Title page verso.

  • af Mark Frost
    262,95 kr.

    Frost recreates what many consider to be the most exciting baseball game ever played--the match-up between the Boston Red Sox and the Cincinnati Reds in the 1975 World Series.

  • af Mark Frost
    232,95 kr.

    From the bestselling author of "The List of Seven" and "The Six Messiahs" comes this riveting World War II novel based on a shocking real-life German operation run by the most dangerous man in Europe.

  • af Mark Frost
    152,95 kr.

  • af Mark Frost
    97,95 kr.

    The ancient holy texts are missing.The death of the world approaches.Six extraordinary men have shared one vision of a black tower and a river of blood. Somewhere in the desert wastelands of America, the ultimate battle will be waged. The greatest experiment in evil since the beginning of time is under way, with all humanity its designated sacrifice.The future is in the hands of the Six.

  • - Book Three
    af Mark Frost
    97,95 kr.

    The third and final instalment of the epic Paladin series by Mark Frost, the screenwriter of Fantastic Four and co-creator of Twin Peaks. Will West is playing a dangerous game. Months after uncovering the sinister Paladin Prophecy plot, he continues to work with the mastermind behind the project none other than his own grandfather, Franklin Greenwood. Will cooperates in order to keep his friends safe. But are they really secure in the hands of a madman?Thrilling mystery and electrifying suspense abound in Mark Frost s action-packed Paladin Prophecy series, which is compelling to the very last page.

  • - Book Two
    af Mark Frost
    118,95 kr.

    After exposing the sinister underground society of students known as the Knights of Charlemagne, Will West stays at the Centre over the summer to explore his newly developing physical and mental abilities. Meanwhile, his roommates investigate the Knights' shadowy purpose and discover unsettling information about their own backgrounds. Will and his friends must quickly figure out what's going on and separate friend from foe as they prepare for the coming fight.

  • - Book One
    af Mark Frost
    92,95 kr.

    Will West is careful to live life under the radar. At his parents' insistence, he's made sure to get mediocre grades and to stay in the middle of the pack on his cross-country team. Then Will slips up, accidentally scoring off the charts on a nationwide exam, and he is recruited by an exclusive and mysterious prep school - the best school no one's ever heard of, with technology the likes of which no one's ever seen. At the same time, coincidentally - or not so - Will realizes he's being followed by men in dark hats, driving black sedans who pose a terrifying threat to his family. What follows is a series of events and revelations that places Will smack in the middle of a millennia old struggle between titanic forces . . .

  • - Bobby Jones, America and the story of golf
    af Mark Frost
    125,95 kr.

    In the wake of the 1929 stock market crash, an amateur golfer began a decade of unparalleled achievement, seeming a ray of light in an otherwise depressed America. Bobby Jones won the British Amateur Championship, the British Open, the US Open and the US Amateur Championship. A new phrase was born: The Grand Slam. A modest, sensitive man, a lawyer from a middle-class Atlanta family, Bobby Jones had barely survived a sickly childhood, and took up golf at the age of five for health reasons. Jones made his debut at the US Amateur Championship in 1916 and his genius was recognised by his inspiration, Francis Ouimet. However, his health was never good, and the strain of completing the Slam exacted a ferocious toll; the US Open, played in July in blazing heat, nearly killed him. Jones fought to keep his fragile condition a secret from a country suffering from the Depression, but at the age of twenty-eight, after winning the US Amateur, he retired. His abrupt disappearance at the height of his renown inspired an impenetrable myth, to this day still fiercely protected by family and friends.

  • af Mark Frost
    127,95 kr.

    The year: 1956. Eddie Lowery, once caddie to Francis Ouimet, now a wealthy car dealer and avid supporter of amateur golf, boasts to fellow millionaire George Coleman that two of his salesmen - US amateur champion Harvie Ward and up-and-coming star Ken Venturi - could beat any golfers in the world in a best ball match. Coleman asks Lowery how he plans to prove it. 'Bring any two golfers of your choice to the course tomorrow morning,' Lowery tells him, 'and we'll settle the issue.' Coleman shows up all right - with Ben Hogan and Byron Nelson, the game's greatest living professionals. In Mark Frost's peerless hands, complete with the recollections of all the participants, the story of this foursome and the greatest private match ever played comes vividly to life.

  • - The Day the Game of Golf Changed Forever
    af Mark Frost
    161,95 - 225,95 kr.

    In 1956, a casual bet between two millionaires eventually pitted two of the greatest golfers of the era -- Byron Nelson and Ben Hogan -- against top amateurs Harvie Ward and Ken Venturi. The year: 1956. Decades have passed since Eddie Lowery came to fame as the ten-year-old caddie to U.S. Open Champion Francis Ouimet. Now a wealthy car dealer and avid supporter of amateur golf, Lowery has just made a bet with fellow millionaire George Coleman. Lowery claims that two of his employees, amateur golfers Harvie Ward and Ken Venturi, cannot be beaten in a best-ball match, and challenges Coleman to bring any two golfers of his choice to the course at 10 a.m. the next day to settle the issue. Coleman accepts the challenge and shows up with his own power team: Ben Hogan and Byron Nelson, the game's greatest living professionals, with fourteen major championships between them. In Mark Frost's peerless hands, complete with the recollections of all the participants, the story of this immortal foursome and the game they played that day-legendarily known in golf circles as the greatest private match ever played-comes to life with powerful, emotional impact and edge-of-your-seat suspense.

  • - Bobby Jones, America, and the Story of Golf
    af Mark Frost
    216,95 kr.

    This Los Angeles Times bestseller takes a riveting look at the life and times of depression-era golf legend Bobby Jones. In the wake of the stock market crash and the dawn of the Great Depression, a ray of light emerged from the world of sports in the summer of 1930. Bobby Jones, a 28-year-old amateur golfer, mounted a campaign against the record books. In four months, he conquered the British Amateur Championship, the British Open, the United States Open, and finally the United States Amateur Championship, an achievement so extraordinary that writers dubbed it the Grand Slam. No one has ever repeated it. Mark Frost uses a wealth of original research to provide an unprecedented intimate portrait of golf great Bobby Jones. In the tradition of The Greatest Game Ever Played, The Grand Slam blends social history with sports biography, captivating the imagination and engaging the reader. The Grand Slam is a biography not to be missed.

  • - A Revisionary History
    af Mark Frost
    1.013,95 kr.

    This major new work, based on significant new material on Ruskin¿s Guild of St George, offers the first authoritative work on this important venture in Ruskin¿s late career in social, cultural, and environmental action.

  • af Mark Frost
    133,95 kr.

    Dewi is a very ordinary boy from a small village called Ystrad in South Wales. His primary school makes a visit to the big international cricket stadium in Cardiff and nothing is quite the same after. The visit both sets up many problems for him and also inspires him with help from others to make some bold decisions as he encounters at least three big challenges.Dewi finds that his love for cricket and Glamorgan takes him to new fields where he learns how to win in many more ways than he ever thought possible. Just in case you think this is just for boys, you're wrong as the real hero is a girl. Dewi also finds out about a dragon.An ideal read especially if your school has made a visit to Glamorgan Cricket's headquarters stadium … and if not why not?

  • - Paladin-profetien 3
    af Mark Frost
    72,95 kr.

    Paladin-profetien er en hæsblæsende trilogi om urgamle væsner, der truer med at tilintetgøre verden. Og om en alliance af teenagere, hvis skæbne det er at bekæmpe dem ... Eller slutte sig til dem.Will West leger med ilden. Måneder efter at have afsløret det foruroligende og ellers mørklagte formål med Paladin-profetien samarbejder Will stadig med hjernen bag det hele - hans egen bedstefar, Franklin Greenwood. Will gør det for at holde sine venner i sikkerhed. Men hvor sikre er de i hænderne på en gal mand?Under konstant overvågning pønser Will og hans venner i al hemmelighed på en plan, der kan fælde Franklin Greenwood én gang for alle. Men mens det uundgåelige opgør nærmer sig, afdækker alliancen gamle hemmeligheder, der truer med at splitte dem ad. Kan de med deres særlige evner beskytte Jorden fra dæmoner fra en anden tid og sted? Eller vil en stikker iblandt dem ødelægge dem og den verden, de lever i?Arven er tredje og sidste bog i serien af Mark Frost, forfatteren bag Twin Peaks.

  • af Mark Frost
    118,95 kr.

    Anden bog i Paladin-profetien – en hæsblæsende trilogi om urgamle væsener, der truer med at tilintetgøre verden. Og om en alliance af teenagere, hvis skæbne det er at bekæmpe dem ... Eller tilslutte sig dem. Serien er skrevet af Mark Frost, manden bag kult-serien Twin Peaks.For Will føles det som en evighed siden, han måtte flygte fra sit hjem forfulgt af mørkklædte mænd. Men faktisk er det ikke engang et år siden, han ankom til Centeret - en eksklusiv kostskole, hvor Will sammen med sine nye værelseskammerater både har nået at afsløre en mørk loge af ældre elever, men også opdaget nye sider af deres egne fysiske og mentale evner, som de ikke vidste, de havde. Will og hans venner bliver derfor på skolen sommeren over for at grave dybere i den århundredelange konflikt, som det snart viser sig, at ikke bare Centeret, men også de selv er forbundet til. Will må hurtigt lære at skelne ven fra fjende i forberedelserne på en kamp, der ikke kun rækker ud over skolens grænser, men også verden som han kender den.Amerikansk filmatisering af bog 1 er undervejs.Se også www.PaladinProphecy.comPressen skrev om Bog 1:»Knaldgod amerikanisering af Harry Potter.«- Henrik Dahl, Weekendavisen»Paladin-profetien er en fed blanding af fantasy og sci-fi, der skaber en verden fuld af spænding, mysterier og venskab, der smager godt og stærkt hen ad Harry Potter … Allerede fra de første sider er bogen så fængende, at man ikke kan andet end at læse og glemme verden omkring sig.«- Emil Blichfeldt, Weekendavisen»En utrolig spændende bog spækket med action, som med garanti vil efterlade dig med vidtåben mund … Bogen er som en skattejagt, et fantastisk eventyr, som jeg hjalp Will med at løse. Han slap først min hånd, da jeg var færdig med sidste side, og selv nu kører den rundt i mit hoved. Alt dette skete fordi Mark Frost skriver helt vildt godt. «***** - Kultur for Unge»Handlingen er fantastisk! Den starter stort set fra side ét, og vi får kastet nogle mysterier i hovedet, hvor man bare lige må læse lidt videre, for at se hvad der nu vil ske ... Og den der slutning ikke? Den giver mig så meget lyst til at læse fortsættelsen. Nu.«****** - Sabrinas blog

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