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Bøger af Mary Shelley

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  • af Mary Shelley
    57,95 - 85,95 kr.

    Frankenstein is the classic gothic horror novel which has thrilled and engrossed readers for two centuries. Written by Mary Shelley, it is a story which she intended would 'curdle the blood and quicken the beatings of the heart.' The tale is a superb blend of science fiction, mystery and thriller. Victor Frankenstein driven by the mad dream of creating his own creature, experiments with alchemy and science to build a monster stitched together from dead remains. Once the creature becomes a living breathing articulate entity, it turns on its maker and the novel darkens into tragedy. The reader is very quickly swept along by the force of the elegant prose, the grotesque, surreal imagery, and the multi-layered themes in the novel. Although first published in 1818, Shelley's masterpiece still maintains a strong grip on the imagination and has been the inspiration for numerous horror movies, television and stage adaptations.

  • af Mary Shelley
    97,95 - 215,95 kr.

    With an introduction from Haifaa al-Mansour, director of Mary Shelley.There is something in my soul, which I do not understand.Written by a teenage girl, Frankenstein is one of literature's greatest Gothic horror stories.Now with a striking new cover, discover one of the books considered to be a pioneer of YA.-----Victor Frankenstein has made a terrible mistake. In his desperate pursuit to create life, he has created a monster.A monster which, abandoned by his master and shunned by everyone it meets, follows Dr Frankenstein to the very ends of the earth with horror and murder in its recycled heart.Shelly takes the reader on a journey through St Petersburg, to the beautiful Swiss Alps, to the desolate waste of the Arctic Circle, in a story that has sent a chill down the spines of generations.

  • af Mary Shelley
    189,95 kr.

    Mary Shelleys klassiske gyser- og science fictionroman fra 1818 i en helt ny oversættelse af Jakob Levinsen.Victor Frankenstein er en ung og ærgerrig videnskabsmand, der drømmer om at skabe sit eget levende væsen - af rester af lig! Han har opdaget, hvordan det kan lade sig gøre og forestiller sig at skabe noget smukt, men sådan går det som bekendt ikke. Han skaber et monster, som han ikke kan holde af, og så går det løs. Monsteret flygter, lever som udstødt og indleder en uhyggelig vendetta for at påkalde sig Frankensteins opmærksomhed.Pressen skriver:**** - Politiken»Mary Shelleys roman kan helt uden problemer bidrage til underholdningen i 2014. Det er en glimrende bog.«- Folkebladet

  • af Mary Shelley
    73,95 - 205,95 kr.

    I sorg over sin mors død begraver den unge videnskabsmand Victor Frankenstein sig i et vanvittigt eksperiment og stykker et væsen sammen af kropsdele fra lig. Ved hjælp af lyn i natten gnistrer han liv i skabningen, men da han ser den åbne sine døde øjne, flygter han i rædsel, og det forladte væsen er overladt til sig selv, mens det vandrer rundt i verden i en desperat søgen efter venskab og forståelse. Overalt møder det afsky og frygt, og verdens afvisninger og dets egen ensomhed ender med at gøre dets indre lige så ondt og ækelt som dets ydre."Frankenstein" er ikke bare en gruopvækkende og hjemsøgende gyser. Det er også historien om et væsen, der fødes med potentiale for det gode, men som en uforstående verden forvandler til et hævngerrigt monster, og om et skæbnesvangert bånd mellem skaber og skabning, som ingen af dem formår at bryde.Den engelske forfatter Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851) er bedst kendt for sin roman "Frankenstein" og sit ægteskab med den store romantiske digter Percy Bysshe Shelley, som hun stak af med som 16-årig og levede sammen med frem til hans tragiske død i 1822. Mary Shelley var kun 20 år, da Frankenstein udkom anonymt, og mange antog, at det var hendes mand, der var den egentlige forfatter. Selvom Mary Shelley fortsatte med at skrive gennem hele sit liv, nåede ingen af hendes værker samme succes som "Frankenstein", og efter Shelleys død ernærede hun sig hovedsageligt ved at udgive hans efterladte værker.

  • af Mary Shelley
    195,95 kr.

    This harrowing tale has held readers spellbound ever since it was published almost two centuries ago. This edition features a new Introduction by Clegg and an Afterword by preeminent literary critic Bloom. Revised reissue.

  • - Noveller fra Novellix
    af Lev Tolstoj, Mary Shelley, Oscar Wilde & mfl.
    157,95 kr.

    Novellix – Stor litteratur i et lille formatDette er en æske fyldt med fortællinger om kærlighed: om stor forelskelse og hjertesorg, om forfængelighed og ondskab, omtanke og skuffelse. Fire noveller skrevet af nogle af vores mest elskede forfattere gennem tiderne.Æsken indeholder fire bøger:Oscar Wilde – Nattergalen og rosen & Sfinksen uden hemmelighederVirginia Woolf – ArvenMary Shelley – Kærlighed på prøveLev Tolstoj – Efter ballet

  • - eller den moderne Prometheus
    af Mary Shelley
    43,94 - 189,95 kr.

    Victor Frankenstein er en ung og ærgerrig videnskabsmand, der drømmer om at skabe sit eget levende væsen - af rester af lig. Han har opdaget, hvordan det kan lade sig gøre og forestiller sig at skabe noget smukt, men sådan går det som bekendt ikke. Han skaber et monster, som han ikke kan holde af, og så går det løs. Monsteret flygter, lever som udstødt og indleder en uhyggelig vendetta for at påkalde sig Frankensteins opmærksomhed. Mary Shelleys klassiske gyser- og science fictionroman fra 1818 foreligger nu i en ny oversættelse af Jakob Levinsen.

  • af Mary Shelley
    67,95 - 117,95 kr.

  • af Mary Shelley
    52,95 kr.

    Presents an apocalyptic fantasy of the end of human civilisation. Set in the late twenty-first century, this novel unfolds a sombre and pessimistic vision of mankind confronting inevitable destruction. Interwoven with a futuristic theme, it incorporates portraits of Shelley and Byron, yet rejects Romanticism, and its faith in art and nature.

  • af Mary Shelley
    162,95 kr.

  • af Mary Shelley
    167,95 kr.

    The best-selling student edition on the market, now available in a Second Edition.

  • af Mary Shelley
    97,95 kr.

    Resurrect this horror classic by Mary Shelley with this completely unabridged edition of Frankenstein.

  • - Original 1818 Uncensored Version
    af Mary Shelley
    117,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Mary Shelley
    172,95 kr.

    Working from the earliest surviving draft of Frankenstein, Charles E. Robinson presents two versions of the classic novelas Mary Shelley originally wrote it and a subsequent version clearly indicating Percy Shelley's amendments and contributions. For the first time we can hear Mary's sole voice, which is colloquial, fast-paced, and sounds more modern to a contemporary reader. We can also see for the first time the extent of Percy Shelley's contributionsome 5,000 words out of 72,000and his stylistic and thematic changes. His occasionally florid prose is in marked contrast to the directness of Mary's writing. Interesting, too, are Percy's suggestions, which humanize the monster, thus shaping many of the major themes of the novel as we read it today. In these two versions of Frankenstein we have an exciting new view of one of literature' s greatest works.

  • af Mary Shelley
    117,95 kr.

  • - The Best Fantasy Short Stories 1800-1849
    af Mary Shelley & Dickens
    132,95 kr.

  • af Mary Shelley
    82,95 kr.

    This timeless gothic novel presents the epic battle between man and monster. In trying to create life, the young student Victor Frankenstein unleashes forces beyond his control, setting into motion a long and tragic chain of events that brings Victor to the very brink of madness. How he tries to destroy his creation, as it destroys everything Victor loves, is a powerful story of love, friendship, scientific hubris, and horror.

  • af Mary Shelley
    125,95 kr.

    In trying to create life, the young student Victor Frankenstein unleashes forces beyond his control, setting into motion a long and tragic chain of events that brings Victor to the very brink of madness.

  • af Mary Shelley
    72,95 - 95,95 kr.

    Determined to make his mark on Science, young student Victor Frankenstein fabricates a creature out of old body parts. His dreams are crushed, however, when he realizes he has created a monster. He runs to the streets, horrified, but when he returns the monster is gone. In time, their paths will cross again, at the price of several innocent lives. Mary Shelley famously started writing ‘Frankenstein’ (1818) for a contest when she was on a rainy holiday with other writers in Lord Byron’s villa in Switzerland. Two years later at the age of 20 she had it published. Since the novel's publication, the name "Frankenstein" has often mistakenly been used to refer to the monster itself, who is, in fact, nameless.Mary Shelley (1797-1851) was an English author, best known for her classic novel ‘Frankenstein’ (1818). She got the idea for the novel at the age of eighteen when she was on holiday in Switzerland with Lord Byron and John William Polidori.

  • af Mary Shelley
    104,95 kr.

    Makes scoring higher so easy, it's scary! Millions of readers have enjoyed Mary Shelley's original 1818 edition of Frankenstein for its dark and gripping plot. But did you know that it's also packed with words you need to know to score higher on tests? Learning words by reading them in context is one of the most effective ways to expand your vocabulary and improve your scores on the SAT, ACT, AP exams and more! Classic novels are taught throughout high school and can now be read to learn vocabulary words that frequently appear on exams. Barron’s Score-Raising Classics: Frankentstein is designed for easy use and features The complete text of the original 1818 edition of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Hundreds of vocabulary words in bold typeface throughout Definitions for each highlighted word on the facing page Pronunciation, part of speech, and synonyms for defined words A complete index to help you quickly find the words you need to know Barron’s Score-Raising Classics provide students with an invaluable learning tool to score higher on exams and an enjoyable reading experience.

  • af Mary Shelley
    88,95 kr.

    A graphic retelling of Mary Shelley's gothic masterpiece is bought back to life with incredible illustrations!Mary Shelley's classic horror story is bought back to life in this contemporary graphic novel, featuring atmospheric illustrations and electrifying explorations of the cultural impact of Shelley's gothic masterpiece. The novel follows the obsessive scientist Victor Frankenstein as he robs graveyards and gathers body parts to build a monster of superhuman strength. But as he begins to develop his own mind, consciousness and agency, how will the creature react to being left alone in the world by his creator?Perfect for reluctant readers and visual learners, this faithful, fast-paced adaptation brings Frankenstein to vivid life with full-colour artwork and speech bubbles to enhance the retelling. Alongside the novel, this edition includes a biography of Mary Shelley, explorations of scientific discoveries at the time, a listing of Frankenstein in film, and footnotes to explain difficult words and ideas.

  • af Emily Bronte, Knut Hamsun, Mary Shelley, mfl.
    697,95 kr.

    GYLDENDALS KLASSIKERKASSE Fem seje, uhyggelige, banebrydende, skræmmende, tankevækkende, rystende og rørende klassikere skrevet af nogle af verden største forfattere. For første gang samlet i en kassette. Læseoplevelser, du aldrig kommer til at glemme.Alle er med nye omslag. Stormfulde højder”Han er mere mig, end jeg selv er. Hvad vores sjæle end er gjort af, så er hans og min den samme.”Dristig kærlighed, hæmningsløs lidenskab og sønderrivende ulykkelighed.Catherine og hittebarnet Heathcliff vokser op sammen på en gård i de stormomsuste højdedrag i 1800-tallets England og nærer en voldsom, lidenskabelig og næsten dæmonisk kærlighed til hinanden. Men da Heathcliff ydmyges af Catherines bror, planlægger han en grusom hævn for sine lidelser. Frankenstein”Hvis jeg ikke kan fremkalde kærlighed, vil jeg skabe frygt.” Når mennesket leger gud.Den unge videnskabsmand Victor Frankenstein plyndrer kirkegårde, besat af idéen om at skabe liv ud af ingenting. Da han opdager, at han har skabt et monster, er det allerede for sent. 1984”KRIG ER FREDFRIHED ER SLAVERIUVIDENHED ER STYRKE”Big Brother is watching you.Winston Smith lever i det totalitære Oceanien, hvor Partiet kontrollerer alt – selv folks tanker. Men Winstons længes efter frihed, og da han indleder et risikabelt forhold til sin oprørske kollega Julia, bliver han et farligt mål for den altseende Store Broder. Sult”Det var på den tid, hvor jeg gik rundt og sultede i Kristiania, denne mærkelige by, som ingen forlader, før han har fået mærker af den.”Det moderne menneskes flakkende sind.En ung, sultende kunster vandrer hvileløst rundt i Kristianias gader. På randen af sultedøden, forsøger han at opretholde en anstændig facade, mens maven knurrer og hallucinationerne tager til. Mrs. Dalloway“Det er synd og skam, at man aldrig siger, hvad man føler.”Ethvert øjeblik kan rumme et helt liv.En sommermorgen 1920’ernes London forbereder Clarissa Dalloway et selskab, mens hun mindes dem, hun engang elskede. I en anden del af byen lider krigsveteranen Septimus af granatchok. Deres liv flettes sammen på forunderlig vis, da Clarissas fest når sit strålende klimaks.

  • af Mary Shelley
    153,95 kr.

    Deep dive into internationally renowned Romantic novelist and author of ‘Frankenstein’, Mary Shelley’s collection. Beyond the Gothic novel and sci-fi tale of Victor Frankenstein, the gifted scientist who succeeds in giving life to a being of his own creation, this selection features her breath-taking works ‘Falkner’, ‘Mathilda’, ‘Valperga’, and ‘The Last Man’. Dealing with themes such as suicide in the face of romantic love, incest, death, and a dystopian plague pandemic, Shelley’s stories urge readers to question and explore some of literature’s - and life’s - most timeless and trying themes. Transcending genres whilst providing an early expert example of the novel as we know it today, the 'Selected Mary Shelley' is a must-read for dark academia fans of ‘Northanger Abbey’, ‘Kill Your Darlings’, and Disney+’s ‘Tolkien’.Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797-1851) was an English novelist, celebrated for her early example of science fiction in her widely read Gothic novel ‘Frankenstein’. Adapted into countless films and stage plays, such as the 1931 ‘Frankenstein’ film starring Boris Karloff, Shelley is credited with spawning a complete genre of horror across arts and culture. Her other works include ‘Falkner’, ‘Mathilda’, ‘Valperga’ and ‘The Last Man’. Shelly also edited and promoted the literary works of her husband, Romantic poet and philosopher, Percy Shelley. Her father was the political philosopher William Godwin, and her mother was the philosopher and feminist activist Mary Wollstonecraft. She remains today an internationally renowned novelist and a constant presence in pop culture with ‘Frankenstein’ today.

  • af Mary Shelley
    72,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Matilda, en ung kvinde på tyve år, ligger for døden, og på sit dødsleje beslutter hun sig for at fortælle sandheden om sit korte liv. Hun skriver om sin barndom på et isoleret gods i Skotland uden sin mor, der døde i barselsseng, og uden sin far, der ødelagt af sorg rejste bort. I sin ensomhed fortabte Matilda sig i dagdrømme om sin far, hun forestillede sig hans rene, uskyldige kærlighed og drømte om det øjeblik, hvor de skulle se hinanden igen. Men da faren efter seksten år endelig vendte hjem, blev drømmen snart til et mareridt."Matilda" af Mary Shelley udkommer for første gang på dansk."Matilda" udgives i Gyldendal Lunar - serien for litteraturhistoriens mørke klassikere. Det er værker, der sprænger normer og former, fra alle tider og alle dele af verden. Gyldendal Lunar er serien for de skæve, de dystre, de vilde, de dunkle og grænsebrydende værker. Gyldendal Lunar er undergrundsværker, der lyser op i mørket.

  • af Mary Shelley
    164,95 kr.

  • af Mary Shelley
    92,95 kr.

    The Everyman Paperback Classics series offers the latest scholarship on the works of the world's greatest poets, writers and philosophers. Each edition includes a comprehensive introduction, chronology, notes, appendix, critical responses, and a text summary. Presented in an affordable edition with wide format pages for generous margins for notes. Contact your sales rep or call Tuttle for a complete list of available titles.

  • af Mary Shelley
    159,95 kr.

    "e;Dover hits a homerun with this slick edition. Frankenstein has never looked so beautiful."e; — Horror Novel ReviewsGenerations have thrilled to Mary Shelley's 1818 novel, the suspenseful tale of a well-intentioned doctorwho dares to play God and the misbegotten monster who wreaks a savage revenge on his creator. Combining elements of Gothic novels and Romantic sensibilities, Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus poses enduring questions about ambition, responsibility, the quest for scientific discovery and immortality, and the fate of social outcasts. Acclaimed as both the first modern horror novel and the first science-fiction novel, the story has inspired countless writers and artists as well as numerous film, theatrical, and television interpretations. Newly designed and reset, this handsome hardbound edition reprints all of Nino Carbé's starkly beautiful pen-and-ink drawings and endpieces from one of the earliest illustrated editions of Frankenstein. Bonus images include five full-color paintings created by Carbé, a noted Walt Disney artist, in the 1980s. The artist's daughter, Elizabeth Carbé, provides a new Foreword

  • af Mary Shelley
    96,95 kr.

  • af Mary Shelley
    82,95 - 467,95 kr.

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