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Skønlitteratur: mashup

Her finder du spændende bøger om Skønlitteratur: mashup. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 72 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Skønlitteratur, som kombinerer en eksisterende tekst, ofte en klassisk roman men en kontrasterende genre, som f. Eks.
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  • af Søren Kierkegaard
    417,95 kr.

    ’Enten-eller’ er ikke blot en klassiker inden for eksistentialistisk filosofi, men også et litterært værk man ikke kan komme udenom. Gennem sit smukke, finurlige og til tider drillende sprog peger Søren Kierkegaard på nogle helt essentielle aspekter af den menneskelige eksistens. Det er et værk, der både rummer humor og utrolig filosofisk tyngde. Eller som en af guldalderens største kulturpersonligheder, Johan Ludvig Heiberg’ formulerede det, så slog ’Enten-eller’ ned i ham som: "'Tankelyn, der pludselig opklare hele Sphærer af Tilværelsen'". ’Enten-eller’ er både et filosofisk og litterært mesterværk, og har siden sin udgivelse i 1843 været ét af de mest oversatte danske værker. "[...]'Enten-Eller' har fået klassikerstatus, fordi værket ikke blot var epokegørende ved sin fremkomst, men også siden har fået enorm betydning for blandt andet eksistentialismens udformning. Selvom bogen bestemt har litterære og filosofiske forbilleder hos blandt andre Heiberg, Sibbern og Poul Martin Møller – for nu blot at nævne nogle af de danske inspiratorer – så markerer bogen et nybrud, der gør det rimeligt at tale om tiden før og tiden efter 'Enten-Eller'." - Joakim Garff i Kristeligt Dagblad Gateway /title /head body center h1 502 Bad Gateway /h1 /center /body /htmlDen danske teolog og filosof Søren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855) regnes som eksistentialismens grundlægger og den største danske filosof nogensinde. "Enten-eller", "Begrebet angst" og "Frygt og bæven" er nogle af de mest indflydelsesrige værker, som Danmark har bidraget med til den internationale filosofihistorie.

  • af Jens Blendstrup & Lars Gundersen
    227,95 kr.

    Forfatter Jens Blendstrup og fotograf Lars Gundersen har rejst land og rige tyndt og taget billeder af havelåger og digtet om, hvem der mon bor bag dem.Mød den ganske almindelige familie, damen der samlede på diamanter, guds gave til menneskeheden, hende, der ville have ejet millioner, hvis tårer havde været guld, den listige hanrej, Keramikbitten, kørerlærer Ibsen og mange mange flere.

  • af Søren Kierkegaard
    227,95 kr.

    Søren Kierkegaards "Forførerens dagbog" er oprindeligt en del af værket "Enten – Eller" fra 1843, hvor den indgår som afslutning på bogens første del. Den unge, narcissistiske Johannes, skriver i en romanlignende dagbogs- og brevform om mødet med den skønne Cordelia, som han ved hjælp af intellekt og intriger gør til genstand for sin forførelseskunst. "Forførerens dagbog" bliver brugt som eksempel på den æstetiske livspraksis, som ifølge Kierkegaard står i modsætning til det etiske valg, og forskellen mellem æstetik og etik bliver på et højere plan gjort til forskellen på godt og ondt.Den danske teolog og filosof Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) er kendt verden over som ophavsmand til eksistentialismen og regnes som en af de vigtigste figurer i den danske guldalder. Han var fra 1840-41 forlovet med den ni år yngre Regine Olsen, og hun kom til at spille en stor rolle i og for det senere forfatterskab, som påbegyndtes i 1843 med "Enten – Eller". Kierkegaard skrev adskillige af sine værker under pseudonym – ikke fordi han ønskede at være anonym, men for på den måde at kunne lade forfatterskabets teologiske, filosofiske og psykologiske temaer spille dialektisk op mod hinanden.

  • af Margaret Atwood
    185,95 - 205,95 kr.

    Medrivende ny bog af forfatteren til "Tjenerindens fortælling" indeholder femten fortællinger, som alle dykker helt ned i familiedynamik, ægteskab, savn og hukommelse og – ikke mindst – hvad det betyder at leve et helt liv sammen.Centralt i syv af historierne følges Nell og Tig gennem deres årtier lange ægteskab, både de store øjeblikke og de små, som tilsammen danner et helt liv med usædvanlig kærlighed – og det der kommer bagefter.Den canadiske forfatter Margaret Atwood er en af verdens bedst sælgende forfattere, og med HBO-serien ’The Handmaid's Tale’ fra 2017 fik hendes forfatterskab fornyet international opmærksomhed. Hun er en fabelagtig fortæller og hendes store politiske og miljømæssige engagement skinner tydeligt igennem i hendes bøger.

  • af Tobias Cadin & Gitte Søby Madsen
    147,95 - 197,95 kr.

    Andet bind i den roste serie af rå, realistiske ungdomsbøger til læsemæssigt udfordrede børn og unge skrevet af eksperter på området.Danmarksgården er fortællinger fra blokken, fortalt med udgangspunkt i det sprog og den kultur, som de unge selv lever i hver dag i de udsatte boligområder. Igennem fortællingerne fra Danmarksgården kan de unge reflektere over deres egne valg og dilemmaer, mens de spejler sig i unge, som ligner og taler som dem selv eller nogen, de kender. Danmarksgården er skrevet i et simpelt og letforståeligt sprog med afsæt i det sproglige univers, som de unge selv benytter i deres hverdag i form af slang og ”ghettodansk”. Bogen er særligt henvendt til drenge, som mangler relevant litteratur til at afspejle deres livsverden, hvorfor de ofte forlader skolen med dårlige læsekundskaber sammenlignet med deres jævnaldrende. Historierne i Danmarksgården er rå og bedst egnet til udskolingen eller de første år af gymnasiet. Ishockey har altid været Niklas’ kald, men da en knæskade sender ham på bænken, bliver han rastløs. Han savner holdet og suset. Han gider ikke babysitte sine små søstre, og skolen har han givet op på. Han hænger ud med Kerem og de andre shababs fra Danmarksgården, men en dag er der pludselig noget nyt, der byder sig til: et nyt hold.Fra fængslet har Niklas’ far trukket i nogle tråde, og Niklas tilbydes en plads i et supporter-fællesskab bundet sammen af fodbold, stoffer og vold.Niklas er splittet: Er han en af Gårdens shabs eller en af farens rocker-supportere?Om DANMARKSGÅRDEN 1: ”En velskrevet, letlæselig, rå, men realistisk fortælling om at være ung i et ikke altid gunstigt miljø. En super vigtig bog, som både kan læses af læsesvage unge, men også af unge, der har brug for at kunne spejle sig i Daniel og Ardits verden og reflektere over deres dilemmaer og valg.” – Dansk Bibliotekscenter

  • af Claus Carstensen & Inger Enemark
    217,95 kr.

    Da Aldous Huxley kom til Sønderborg er en samling af erindringer,mundtlige fortællinger, fortalt af dem, der var aktive i Sønderborgshippiemiljø i halvfjerdserne, og hvis erfaringer fra den periode harformet og mærket dem for livet. Det er en fortælling om makrohistoriens nedslag i et mikromiljø, hvoren række af tidens store politiske og kulturelle bevægelser gennemsyrerdet lokale, men hvor det lokale også virker tilbage på eller bliver vævetsammen med en større global historie. Det er historier om møder medRote Armee Fraktion, det indoktrinerende Tvind­dynasti, venskaberpå tværs af alder og klasse, der afprøver stoffernes såvel som detåndeliges indgang til bevidsthedsudvidelse. En antipolitisk væren iverden, hvor flugten fra ondskaben også manifesterer sig i en løbeturhele vejen fra Danmark til Israel. Bogens grundstruktur er bygget op over en fraværende figur: Allebogens bidrag relaterer direkte eller indirekte til historien om HansTroj. Hans Troj er en søgende, sensibel og intelligent gymnasieelev,da han i starten af halvfjerdserne finder ud af, at hans far, som hanhar et meget konfliktfyldt forhold til, har mødt Aldous Huxley iforbindelse med et besøg i Sønderborg. Faderen interesserer sig for detokkulte og har formodentlig prøvet LSD. Hans Troj, der i forvejenhar et skrøbeligt sind, vil ikke stå tilbage for faderen og begynderat eksperimentere med LSD og andre bevidsthedsudvidende stoffertrods advarsler fra vennerne. Eksperimenterne udløser en psykose,der i årene efter sender ham ind og ud af det psykiatriske hospital iAugustenborg. En anden af bogens fortællere er den sidste, der ser ham,da Hans Troj i 1982 truer med at slå ham ihjel med en kniv. I midtenaf firserne forsvinder Hans Troj ud af historien og er formodentligdød i dag. Hans bidrag til bogen er en psykedelisk tegneserie på 16sider fra 1972 samt syv breve.

  • af Karen Møller Grothe
    147,95 kr.

    HÆVNEt grusomt drab - en mishandlet krop - bagbundet og sat på havbunden på den yderste kant af Danmark.En forbrydelse, der sker i naturen ved Vadehavet og mellem mennesker i Sønderjylland.En politikommissær, der havde håbet på en rolig tilværelse med tid til at komme sig efter et brud.En lille gruppe politifolk og en socialrådgiver, der arbejder hårdt på at opklare forbrydelser, begået af den dræbte.HÆVN er en krimi på kanten. En historie om hemmeligheder og selvtægt - og en historie om retfærdighed.Men hvem er hævneren?Det varer længe, før politikommissær Thomas Andersen ser sammenhængen i en grum historie, hvor regningen skal betales, og prisen er høj.

  • af Klaūs Rød Frederiksen
    247,95 kr.

    Institut for Venterettigheder blev grundlagt, da René Magritte en eftermiddag ventede på en sporvogn, der aldrig kom. Romanens fortæller, ETC, er arkivar på instituttet og beretter ved hjælp af indkomne, anonyme dokumenter om menneskets forsøg på at finde ro i verden og hvile for øjet.Klaūs Rød Frederiksen (f. 1965) debuterede som forfatter med den litterært eksperimenterende roman Henrik, Omkuld (2016) og senest er udkommet romanen En suite (2021); Magritteruten er hans til dato mest tilgængelige – men stadig eksperimenterende – tekst, udsprunget af bl.a. forfatterens fascination af og kærlighed til fotografiet som medie og René Magritte som poet.Måske er Margritteruten en erkendelsesfilosofisk kortprosa-essay-arkivroman om skønhed.

  • af Rob Kovitz
    345,95 kr.

    What am I going to say now? I'm going to ask myself, I'm going to ask questions: that's a good stop-gap. (Not that I'm in any danger of stopping. Then why all this fuss?) That's right, questions: I know millions, I must know millions.Samuel Beckett, The UnnamableThere are so many people asking questions¿¿¿¿¿everywhere.There is the bloody blindman, and the angry one, and thedisheartened one,and the wretch, the thorn tree,the bandit with envy on his back.Pablo Neruda, Ode to Federic Garcia Lorca (Residence on Earth)I was questioned several times immediately after my arrest. But they were all formal examinations, as to my identity and so forth. At the first of these, which took place at the police station, nobody seemed to have much interest in the case. However, when I was brought before the examining magistrate a week later, I noticed that he eyed me with distinct curiosity.Albert Camus, The StrangerRob Kovitz's eagerly awaited supercut extravaganza, Frequently Asked Questions, is an epistemological-ontological-metaphysical-montage-appropriation-detective-spy-mystery-thriller-courtroom procedure caper, in which every text selection includes the word question, but much funnier than that sounds (though not any shorter). In two volumes."The question at stake," said Epictetus, "is no common one; it is this:-Are we in our senses, or are we not?"Epictetus, The Golden Sayings of EpictetusMy lords, the judges find a difficulty to give a distinct answer to the question thus proposed by your lordships, either in the affirmative or the negative, inasmuch as we are not aware that there is in the courts below any established practice which we can state to your lordships as distinctly referring to such a question propounded by counsel on cross-examination as is here contained, that is ...T. C. Hansard, Parliamentary Debates: Official Report of the Session of the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, June 27-September 7, 1820The reason why I knew you had not read it is the reason why I call it "my" book. For the last ten or twelve years I have been recommending it. Usually I speak about it at my first meeting with a stranger. It is my opening remark, just as yours is something futile about the weather. If I don't get it in at the beginning, I squeeze it in at the end. The stranger has got to have it some time. Should I ever find myself in the dock, and one never knows, my answer to the question whether I had anything to say would be, "Well, my lord, if I might just recommend a book to the jury before leaving."A. A. Milne, Not That It MattersTreyf Books¿Keep Refrigerated

  • af Staci Morrison
    257,95 kr.

    Not all villains are created equal, and not all secrets stay buried forever."THIS one is my favorite. I say that about every book in The Millennium Series, but this one is a masterpiece. I felt the full spectrum of emotion. I laughed, cried, experienced every high and low. M6-The Royals weaves together all the previous books fantastically to showcase Staci Morrison's talent as a gifted writer." J. TownsendAs the world awaits Prince Josiah's ascension to the Alanthian throne, a series of unexpected revelations rocks the royal family, causing them to question everything they believed to be true. With the walls closing in, King Korah's ghosts rise out of the grave to torment him but to also remind him of the man he once was.The truth might undermine everything The Resistance is trying to do.Take a powerful journey into the heart of the heart of the royal family and discover what turned King Korah ben Adam into the villain he became.Brace yourself for the mind-bending revelations that will shake the very heart of Alanthia.Grab your copy today!

  • af Kevin Moffett
    192,95 kr.

    Propelled by a multitude of idiosyncratic voices, the stories in Kevin Moffett's Further Interpretations of Real-Life Events are tragic in their conception and comic in their execution. Moffett casts light on characters in transitional states, stalled and puzzled. In "In the Pines," a Civil War reenactor visits an elderly woman recently relocated to a retirement home. In "Border to Border," an immigrant working at an amusement park faces a disconcerting choice when he loses one of his dental crowns. In "First Marriage," a honeymooning couple is stalled in Arizona by the stink of dead animal in their rental car. Even as they bumble and disappoint their way through these stories, these characters elicit from us a sympathy?even a self-identification?that is something much stronger than pity. The result is an unsettling and unforgettable collection. Written with penetrating insight into our motivations and fears, Further Interpretations of Real-Life Events is a wise, funny, and haunting book that signals the emergence of a trailblazing talent.

  • af Mark Haddon
    143,95 kr.

    From the bestselling author of The Porpoise come eight mesmerising stories exploring what, ultimately, makes us human.Mark Haddon weaves ancient fables into fresh and unexpected forms, and forges new legends to sit alongside them. The myth of the Minotaur in his labyrinth is turned into a wrenching parable of maternal love - and of the monstrosities of patriarchy. The lover of a goddess, Tithonus, is gifted eternal life but without eternal youth. Actaeon, changed into a stag after glimpsing the naked Diana and torn to pieces by his hunting dogs, becomes a visceral metaphor about how humans use and misuse animals.From genetic engineering to the eternal complications of family, Haddon showcases masterfully how we are subject to the same elemental forces that obsessed the Greeks. Whether describing Laika the Soviet space dog on her fateful orbit, or St Anthony wrestling with loneliness in the desert, his astonishing powers of observation are at their height when illuminating the thin line between human and animal.

  • af Nancy Chastain
    122,95 kr.

    Things that go bump in the night are real.I'm Natalie Porter, and I have spent my entire life with the dead. I have always seen and helped the dead find their lasting peace...until now. Now, I'm watching the innocent die. I don't know how to stop him, and I'm not sure I can.The killer communicates with me. He haunts me with his deep, evil laugh, enjoying the torture he inflicts as he's preying on the innocent. He is trying to find the perfect way to make me suffer.I don't understand why he hates me or what I did to him. I know I have to find him, to stop him before more people die or I do. No one can help me; this is my destiny to face him. He wants me to die. I want him to look me in the eye and try to kill me. I want to see the face of the monster who inflicts such pain.I'm waiting for him to come. I have to face him alone. I'm drawing on all my abilities to be ready to fight. I know one of us will die. I pray that it's him, and I have the strength to survive.

  • af Stephen Rhoades
    162,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Nancy Chastain
    137,95 kr.

    Follow the breadcrumbs to the dark secrets of the city. The dead body behind the rec center brings a struggling community to its knees. No one believes the staged scene, especially not the people closest to the victim-the police chief's children. Corruption has embedded itself in the city, and something has to be done. Gina and Henry enlist the help of a long-time family friend and undercover cop to investigate. TJ, who can't resist helping his teenage love and his best friend, positions himself inside the safe haven, where he stumbles upon a little boy. The little boy who holds the key. When the clues lead them deeper into the bowls of the criminal underworld, no one is safe. The more they figure out, the less protected they become.

  • af T. K. Richards
    157,95 kr.

    Worlds collide in this romantic mashup by T.K. Richards! This second chance, instalove mashup of a sexy, cinnamon roll stranger meets a fiery, single mother delivers the holiday feels with a cute meet cute, and zero fade to black scenes where it is all laid out under the mistletoe for a grumpy sunshine romance.Guess Who's Coming To Dinner...Stranger to love Launa Davis, objects to the family celebrating Christmas in the warm temps of Hilton Head Island, now that her sister has relocated there for a fresh start. But this year, there's a chance she won't spend it as the grumpy fifth wheel.Divorced agent Levi King tends to business on the island during the slow season, and crosses paths with single mother Launa. Their holidate sparks a romantic chemistry neither of them planned for, turning their lonesome Christmas into a new friends with steamy benefits getaway.But one of them falls harder than the other, at least it seems that way on the surface, when a fallout led by secrets of the past reveal they come from different worlds.The season of giving lives on between the star-crossed lovers living worlds apart, but can the spirit of Christmas bring them back together?

  • af Tatiana Obey
    272,95 kr.

    This is no revenge story. I ain't got time for that. I've got errands to run and things to do and barely enough time to make it home before sundown. I don't care why folks are going around stealing ink. I don't care why the monks are acting kinda strange. I don't care that everybody is expecting me to save them. I might be a Sistah Samurai but those days playing hero were back when my knees didn't ache, and I wasn't the only one left. So leave me alone. All I want to do is get home, drink some green tea lemonade, and enjoy my peace. I'm not asking for much, so why are all these demons daring to get in my way? I am not the one. Not today. Sistah Samurai is an Action Fantasy novella that is an homage to the anime, Afro Samurai. Both works feature a feudal Japan-inspired setting that is rife with anachronisms. In the words of Samuel L. Jackson, "Is that a motherf-ing RPG?"--Provided by publisher.

  • af Cj Warrant
    167,95 kr.

    Hanging with the Boba Book Babes at the Pandemonium in Peoria book event is supposed to be fun... schmooze with her favorite authors, buy books, and take pictures with the sexy AF male cover models. What Gina DiCaprio didn't expect is to see her high school crush, Austin Blackmoor, and to find her favorite author dead with a phallus sucker shoved down his throat. Not only is she a suspect, but another murder occurs right under her nose and now more than one attendee is on the suspect list. With the missing assistant who might have the answers to the murders, Gina and the Boba Book Babes stumble onto clues that might help clear her name and uncover the killer. Austin Blackmoor didn't count on a murder-least of all two, happening at the Pandemonium event. But reconnecting with his first love is the only highlight of the weekend. With each passing hour, they rekindle their attraction while the killer is on their heels. Austin will have to do everything to save the woman he's not willing to lose again. Can the Boba Book Babes uncover the killer before someone else dies? Will Gina and Austin get a second chance at love? Stick around for the after-party to discover the truth behind the Pandemonium in Peoria.

  • af Sylvester Barzey
    142,95 kr.

    Teen fans of a Rock n' Roll God go on a hunt for a lost song that even the Devil doesn't want to be found. A woman builds a trap for a deadly serial killer with the help of a Doctor, who is skilled in the art of madness... these are just some of the tales of terror that are waiting for you deep in the blood-soaked pages of "Stitches" Sylvester Barzey has scoured the darkest reaches of his mind and ripped his favorite twisted tales from five anthologies to create this one collection of genre-blended horror. Stitches is one collection that won't only get under your skin it will bury itself in your flesh! The five tales that make up this collection are: Blood Note (First Published In Descent Into Darkness)Lisa (First Published In 7 Sins Of The Apocalypse)Unfit (First Published In Mad Like Me)Adam (First Published In Undead Worlds)Shades Of Blue (First Published In Voices Of Romance) Go beyond your comfort zone and find out what's really under your skin. Read "Stitches" today! WarningThis Collection Contains Subject Matter Such As: SuicideHarm To ChildrenMental illnessDomestic ViolenceElderly AbuseKidnappingDruggingBullyingCheatingSexual Assault

  • af Ava J. Thompson
    282,95 - 401,95 kr.

  • af C. A. Mitchell
    161,95 kr.

    A crime is still a crime even if it's not reported, but when it is, it can be investigated...Cecelia, a journalist struggling with her own mental health, is approached by Angelina, a nurse at a fertility clinic who claims the facility is involved in unethical practices. When Angelina dies suddenly, Cecelia investigates, risking her own safety as she delves deeper into the clinic's secrets. As she uncovers the truth, Cecelia realizes she's stumbled upon a dangerous world of criminal activity run by powerful, corrupt individuals. Will she be able to expose the truth before it's too late?Will Cecelia find the truth before they find her?

  • af Space And Time
    137,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Kimberley
    212,95 kr.

  • af Virginio M. G.
    182,95 kr.

  • af Elaine Marie
    207,95 kr.

    While away at college, Joelle finds herself the victim of an abusive boyfriend. After barely escaping his clutches, she finds herself three states away where the owners of JJ's Diner help her. With Jake and Carly's help, she learns to cope with her past and starts a new life.Over time, Joelle undergoes an internal makeover-one that leaves her stronger and more confident. With her new life and friends, she moves forward…happier than ever.Just as she begins to breathe easier, her past comes back to haunt her when she runs into Nathan, her abusive ex. Has he come back to claim her? Will her past undo her when she learns her childhood wasn't as she thought? Will she put her past behind her for the final time, or will her discovery scar her for life?

  • af Debbie Mitchell
    192,95 kr.

  • af Dea Sofie Kudsk
    177,95 kr.

    Vi er i Danmark i tiden, hvor hekseforfølgelserne begyndte. Silvia Mareningesdatter bor i udkanten af en lille landsby, frygtes af landsbyboerne, men kan samtidig ikke undværes. I drømme og visioner lærer Silvia om ukendte planter, og hun ser de forbrydelser, der vil blive begået, når menneskets videbegær fører til ønsket om at herske over planteriget.»Hun kender/ kimblade småblade bønner men selv bønner/ er noget nyt den gamle verden/alt det, hun hendes mor kender kendte, bedstemor/ og kvinder før dem mens nogle mænd/ fandt et andet kontinent.«En kvinde plukker ikke bare en plante er anden udgivelse i serien Epikur Pastiche. Med Epikur Pastiche retter Forlaget Epikur fokus mod en genre med et stort æstetisk, kritisk og dialogisk potentiale: Pastichen er en parasitisk litteratur. En genre, der har andre kunstværker ikke bare som genstandsfelt, men som primus motor. Pastichen er et kunstværk og en fortolkning; et spørgsmål og en ny begyndelse. Bøgerne i serien er selvstændige udgivelser, der på forskellig vis efterligner og gentænker tidligere litterære værker.Dea Sofie Kudsks langdigt er vokset ud af alle de navneord i Inge Eriksens roman Victoria og verdensrevolutionen (1976), som betegner planteverdenen. Kudsk er født i 1990. Hun debuterede i 2017 med den autofiktive, lyriske roman Bogotana og har siden fået udgivet romanerne fjorden kysten (2018) og Udstrakt landskab (2020).

  • af Arthur Conan Doyle & Redaktion Gröls-Verlag
    142,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Elizabeth Randall
    187,95 kr.

    "e;Set in Central Florida, the story kicks off with online death threats and the disappearance of Truly and his wife's cousin Jay who have taken Truly's boat out to sea to scatter the ashes of Truly's father. Weeks pass without any sign of the two. Questions arise; how do the death threats figure into the mystery? Why does Truly pass out in the boat? And why did the two insist on leaving the port in bad weather? Randall examines the ripple effect the mishap has on Truly's family, Jay's girlfriend, and various friends and acquaintances. Secrets are spilled. The plot includes stolen marijuana, a tragic fire and splintered relationships as people get on with their lives without their two friends. Randall keeps the answers well hidden until the twisting climax. A fun read about gain, loss, and dark family roots."e; -Dana Summers, syndicated cartoonist and award-winning mystery writerTwo men in a flimsy boat disappear at sea and a saga rich in humor and pathos is born. Meet Truly, Sara, Jay, and Link. They're just a few of the residents of Lake Ann, Florida, where sex, drugs, and murder set the stage. It's anything but your typical suburban neighborhood.Fire is the Test of Gold is a sexy and suspenseful novel luring the reader into the mysteries of New Orleans' voodoo to Florida's New South, where the characters, scarred from the past, are willing to do anything for a better future. Through a bizarre twist of fate, the unexpected truth is delivered.

  • af Christa Tillman
    187,95 kr.

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