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Økologisk havebrug

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  • af Yen Frydensberg Egebak
    117,95 - 269,95 kr.

    Drømmer du om en køkkenhave med friske grøntsager både forår, sommer, efterår og vinter? I Dyrk grøntsager året rundt tager Yen Frydensberg Egebak læserne med ind i sit haveunivers og fortæller, hvordan man med enkle metoder, i både baljer, højbede og landbohaver, kan dyrke og høste sine egne friske grøntsager hele året.Dyrk grøntsager året rundt er et overflødighedshorn af viden og personlige beretninger formidlet med en detaljeringsgrad, der tydeligt reflekterer Yen Frydensberg Egebaks store erfaring med økologisk havebrug.Bogen er en køkkenhavealmanak, der indeholder praktiske guides og konkrete tips til, hvordan man nemt, og med naturlige virkemidler, kan være selvforsynende med en bred variation af friske grøntsager selv i januar og februar. Desuden er der en komplet såkalender, så du som haveejer på ethvert tidspunkt af året trygt kan kaste dig ud i dine egne køkkenhaveeventyr, ligesom der også er dyrkningsvejledning til grøntsager fra mere eksotiske breddegrader.Alt i alt er Dyrk grøntsager året rundt en bog for enhver eksisterende eller kommende køkkenhaveentusiast.

  • - Den nemme køkkenhave fra frø til høst
    af Signe Schrøder
    180,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Drømmer du om en køkkenhave, hvor du kan dyrke dine egne grøntsager? Med denne nye bog kan man få masser af haveglæde og succes i køkkenhaven, uden at det sluger alt ens tid.Dyrk er en ny, inspirerende køkken- havebog – ikke om den perfekte køkkenhave, men om den ægte køkkenhave, hvor haveglæden er i højsædet, også når noget går galt. Med de rigtige teknikker går det meste nu godt, og man kan nemt lykkes med at dyrke egne friske og gift fri grøntsager uden det store tidsforbrug.I Dyrk, der er skrevet i et let og levende sprog, giver haveekspert Signe Schrøders sine velafprøvede råd til, hvor man kan springe over, hvor gærdet er lavest, og hvor det kan betale sig at bruge tid og omhu.Signe Schrøder har en stor erfaring at trække på. Med fingrene begravet i mulden i mere end 20 år og et liv som selvstændig konsulent inden for vild natur og køkkenhavedyrkning, frivillig formand for Landsforeningen Praktisk Økologi og småbørnsmor kender Signe alt til at dyrke køkkenhave med et begrænset tidsforbrug. Gennem personlige historier deler hun ud af sine erfaringer, og bogen er derfor ikke kun en opskrift på perfekt dyrkede grøntsager, men også en beroligelse, når det går galt, og en opmuntring til at prøve igen.Udgangspunktet for Dyrk er at bruge de ressourcer, man har til rådighed i haven, til glæde for frodigheden, biodiversiteten og bæredygtigheden. Bogens første del har kapitler om design og opbygning, økologi, mikrolivets hemmelige liv og frøtagning. I andel del gennemgår Signe dykningen af grøntsagerne én for én og giver tips til at bruge dem i køkkenet.

  • af Maren Korsgaard
    207,95 kr.

    Sunde frugter og bær fra egen have Denne bog giver dig inspiration og viden til at dyrke dine egne frugter og bær på økologisk, naturlig vis. Bogen beskriver over 60 arter af frugt og bær, som kan dyrkes i haven. Nogle kræver megen plads, mens andre kan gro i en krukke på altanen. Succesen bliver størst med gode, robuste sorter, og her omtales over 250 sorter, så der er noget at vælge imellem. De sygdomme og skadedyr, der kan ramme frugterne eller træerne, bliver beskrevet, og her er vejledning til, hvordan du kan undgå dem eller bekæmpe dem med økologiske metoder. Bogen er skrevet af hortonom Maren Korsgaard, der selv er økologisk frugtavler med over 30 års erfaring som rådgiver for økologiske frugtavlere. Hun har desuden 12 års erfaring med frugtforskning på Københavns Universitet, hvor hun især har arbejdet med frugt- og bærsorterne på Pometet, vores nationale genbank. Frugtsorterne er illustrereret med de smukkeste akvareller, malet af Kirsten Tind samt en række fine fotos.

  • - Havernes kulturhistorie
    af Karin Esmann Knudsen
    347,95 kr.

    I haver foldes menneskers drømme ud som et 'anderledes sted' forskånet for tilværelsens sorger og bekymringer, et arkadien, et elysium, et levende paradis. Myten er velkendt, og dog må man undre sig: Hvorfor er paradisforestillingen specielt knyttet til en have?Meningen med at dyrke sin have har ændret sig gennem tiden fra middelalderens klosterhaver til nutidens urban gardening. Historisk har alt fra små rosenhaver til store romantiske landskabshaver været rum for religiøs fordybelse og kontemplation, for høvisk og erotisk kærlighed, for lærdom og anet sammenhæng mellem menneske og natur. Haven som begreb, dens historie og praktisk-sanselige dimension flettes i denne bog sammen med litteratur tilbage fra Augustins åbenbaringer over Jane Austins pittoreske landskaber og helt frem til moderne økopoesi og ny viden om planter i kunst, arkitektur og medieformidling, hvor herhjemme Søren Ryge Petersen, Signe Wenneberg, Rasmus Ejrnæs, Christian Yde Frostholm, Camilla Berner, Stig L. Andersson og andre inspirerer naturfølelse og hverdagsliv i haven. Det sker med visionen om et bæredygtigt samfund, der bygger på økologi, biodiversitet, grøn aktivisme og et genfortolket ideal om det aktive liv, vita activa.

  • af Rachel Siegfried
    344,95 kr.

    The Cut Flower Sourcebook, a mesmerizing journey penned by Rachel Siegfried, takes readers into the enchanting world of flowers. Published by FILBERT PRESS in 2023, this book is a treasure trove for flower enthusiasts and gardening aficionados alike. Siegfried, an acclaimed author in the genre, masterfully guides readers through the intricate details of cut flowers, their varieties, and their care. The Cut Flower Sourcebook is more than just a guide; it's an invitation to explore the beauty and diversity of the floral world. Immerse yourself in this captivating read and let the vibrant imagery and detailed descriptions transport you to a realm of delicate petals and enchanting aromas. FILBERT PRESS, renowned for its selection of high-quality publications, is proud to present this latest addition to its catalog. The Cut Flower Sourcebook is a must-have for those seeking to deepen their understanding and appreciation of the delicate art of flower arrangement.

  • af Alessandro Vitale
    185,95 kr.

    Rebel Gardening is a captivating read by the renowned author, Alessandro Vitale. Published in 2023 by Penguin LCC US, this book delves into the world of unconventional gardening practices. Vitale, known for his unique perspective on traditional subjects, takes the reader on a journey through the rebellious side of horticulture. The book falls under the non-fiction genre, providing readers with a fresh look at gardening. Vitale's Rebel Gardening is not just a book; it's a movement, a call to action for gardeners to break free from the constraints of traditional gardening norms. Published by Penguin LCC US, this book is a must-read for those who dare to garden differently.

  • - Økologi og biodiversitet i din egen have
    af Camilla Plum
    347,95 kr.

    CAMILLAS KØKKENHAVE handler om Camilla Plums livsprojekter. Den handler om skønhed, farver, smag og mad, om køkkenhave grøntsager og urter, om biodiversitet og økologi. Eller med et smukkere ord, den handler om mangfoldighed. I bogen får du alle Camilla Plums erfaringer og gode råd, historien om grøntsagerne, det basale om at dyrke jorden, om glæden, om at tage det roligt derude og ikke være for ambitiøs. Du kan læse om ukrudt som ikke kun er dårligt, om sorterne, om de gamle sorter, om grøntsager, du overhovedet ikke kan købe, men kun dyrke selv. Du kan læse om alt det, Camilla Plum har brugt en god del af sit liv på at arbejde med, fordi det simpelthen er endeløst dejligt og fascinerende at dyrke sin egen mad. Bogen er grundig nok til begyndere og avanceret nok for dem, der allerede ved en masse om at dyrke.

  • - Fortællinger fra den økologiske byhave
    af Bettina Gram & Mette Esmark
    197,95 - 230,95 kr.

    Midt i en rivende byudvikling opstår nye grønne fællesskaber i haver på byens tage og på små jordstykker bag boligblokke. Drømmen om at dyrke sine egne økologiske grøntsager udleves i små og store køkkenhaver landet rundt. Denne bog fortæller hvordan og inspirerer læseren til selv at gå i gang.Nyttehaven er en bog om passionerede havefolk, der gavmildt øser af deres viden og dyrkningstips igennem de fire årstider. For eksempel høster Sebastian og hans familie rabarber, som de fremstiller saft, marmelade og rabarbergin af, og Fritz fortæller om, hvordan han forer kartoffelkulen til vinteropbevaring af grøntsager.Nyttehaven skildrer et stykke velbevaret dansk havekultur midt i storbyen med omdrejningspunkt i nyttehaveforeningen N/F Sundvænget på Amager i København med små afstikkere til byhaver i Aarhus, Aalborg og Odense.Bogen er til alle, der glædes over og finder ro ved at se noget spire, men også kender ærgrelsen, når duerne eller sneglene har spist de nye skud. Samtidig er den en opfordring til at tage vare på byens frirum og grønne oaser og viderebringe en værdifuld havekulturarv til kommende generationer.Om forfatterneMette Esmark og Bettina Gram er begge nysgerrige haveejere i N/F Sundvænget. Den idylliske stemning og det inspirerende fællesskab blandt de over 175 havefolk i nyttehaveforeningen gav dem idéen til bogen. Mette er film- og tv-klipper af dokumentarfilm. Bettina er forfatter og redaktør af fagbøger.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • af Lene Beier
    72,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Aldrig før har så mange ønsket at få en mere vild have. Men hvordan kommer man i gang, og hvad skal man gøre anderledes?TV-værten Lene Beier elsker sin have, for her er plads til pindsvin, insekter, fugle, blomster og selvfølgelig ukrudt. Men alligevel vil hun gerne vide endnu mere om den vilde natur. Derfor tager Lene Beier os med rundt i Danmark for at se, hvordan forskellige haveejere griber netop det an.VILDERE HAVE er historien om Lene Beiers egen frodige have, fortællinger fra otte spændende steder og ekspertens råd om biodiversitet. Og så er bogen fuld af smukke, inspirerende billeder og tips til alle, der gerne vil have mere vildskab ind bag hækken.

  • - Året rundt i den klimavenlige have og det økologiske køkken
    af Birgitte Laurent Lund
    277,95 kr.

    En inspirerende have- og køkkenkalender til dig, der elsker at bruge og dyrke din have og tilberede og nyde lækre og sunde retter - og som drømmer om at blive selvforsynende med frugt, grønt, æg og honning. Hver eneste måned har sine særlige karakteristika og sine egne budskaber og muligheder, og der er en særlig glæde i at anvende egne råvarer og følge de skiftende årstider i have og natur.Bogen er fuld af opskrifter og tips til både have, dyrkning og dyrehold, og så gennemgår den årets gang i haven og køkkenet. Selvforsyning og klimavenlighed er i højsædet og vejen fra jord til bord kortest mulig, når forfatteren måned for måned guider dig til at få mest muligt ud af din have. Hvordan anlægger man en have, så den får de bedste betingelse? Hvordan sikrer man dyreliv og frodighed? Og hvad skal der til, for at jordens afgrøder får de bedste næringsstoffer og vækstbetingelser? Alt det og meget andet får du svar på i bogen om den naturlige have året rundt – og dertil får du et hav af skønne opskrifter direkte fra haven!

  • af Ben Falk
    437,95 kr.

    "A definitive twenty-first century permaculture manual for human flourishing in an age of disconnection, disease, and decline. Drawing from twenty years of experience as a land designer and site developer, in The Resilient Farm and Homestead, Revised and Expanded Edition author Ben Falk describes how he has transformed a degraded hillside in the frigid climate of Vermont into a thriving Garden of Eden that now provides year-around abundance and regeneration for his family and community. First published in 2013, The Resilient Farm and Homestead is a comprehensive how-to guide for building durable and productive land-based systems through the reciprocal interplay of humans and the natural world. In the ten years since he first published this seminal work, Falk has only deepened his wisdom in harnessing nature-based solutions for an increasingly perilous planet. Coming on the heels of the unprecedented upheaval of Covid-19, this new and expanded edition of The Resilient Farm and Homestead couldn't be more timely. More than just a collection of tricks and techniques for regenerative site development, the book covers nearly every strategy Falk and his team have tested at the Whole Systems Research Farm over the past two decades. The book includes detailed information on earthworks, gravity-fed water systems, soil fertility management, growing nutrient-dense food and medicine, fuelwood production and processing, agroforestry, managed grazing, and much more. The book presents a viable home-scale model for an intentional food-producing ecosystem in cold climates and beyond. Inspiring to would-be homesteaders everywhere, Falk is an inspiration for what can be done by working with and guiding natural systems and making the most of what we have by reimagining what's possible. Complete with full-color photography and detailed design drawings, The Resilient Farm and Homestead, Revised and Expanded Edition includes new information on: -Designing greenhouses and microclimates -Zone 4 permaculture -Reinvigorating human health -Raising children on a homestead -Top-performing plants -The power of woodchips -Efficient and resilient energy systems -Beekeeping -And much, much more!"--

  • af Jack Lazor
    394,95 kr.

    "The Organic Grain Grower is the best resource we've seen for small-scale grain growers everywhere. . . . [Lazor's] passion comes alive in this fine guidebook's depth of detail."--Mother Earth News The ultimate guide to growing organic grains on a small and ecological scale The Organic Grain Grower is invaluable for both home-scale and commercial producers interested in expanding their resiliency and crop diversity through growing their own grains. Longtime farmer and organic pioneer Jack Lazor covers how to grow and store wheat, barley, oats, corn, dry beans, soybeans, pulse crops, oilseeds, grasses, nutrient-dense forages, and lesser-known cereals. In addition to detailed cultivation and processing information, Lazor argues the importance of integrating grains on the organic farm (not to mention for the local-food system) for reasons of biodiversity and whole farm management. Including extensive information on: The history of grain growing and consumption in North America The twenty-first century and the birth of the local-food movement Considering your farm's scale and climate Understanding soil fertility and structure Planting your crop (including spring vs. fall cereals and preparing your soil) The growing and ripening process (reproductive, milk, hard-and-soft dough stages) The grain harvest Preparing grain for sale, storage, or end use (drying, cleaning seed, grain handling) Seed breeding and saving Machinery, infrastructure, and processing (both home-scale tools and larger farm equipment) Grinding grains for livestock rations (including how to put together a ration based on protein content) and sample rations for dairy cows, pigs, and chickens Processing grains for human consumption Additional resources and information for new grain farmers, and more... Beginners will learn how to grow enough wheat for a year's supply of bread flour for their homestead, and farmers will learn how to become part of a grain co-op, working alongside artisan bakers and mills. Never before has there been a guide to growing organic grains applicable both for the home-scale and professional farming scale. This will be a classic for decades to come and a crucial addition to any farmer's, homesteader's, gardener's, agronomist's, or seed-saver's library.

  • af Helen Atthowe
    394,95 kr.

    "The Ecological Farm is the go-to guide for ecological growing, with a unique focus on reduced tillage, minimizing farm and garden inputs, and pest control. Reflecting the wisdom that farmer, consultant, and educator Helen Atthowe and her late husband, Carl Rosato, gained during decades of farming experience, this book guides readers on how to reduce or eliminate the use of outside inputs of fertilizer or pesticides, even those that are commonly used on certified organic orchards and market gardens. In clear language and with color photographs, charts, and graphs throughout, the book emphasizes the importance of managing the details of an entire growing system over the full life of the enterprise. The Ecological Farm makes complex, sometimes messy, ecological concepts and practices understandable to all growers, and makes healthy farming, in which nature is invited to participate, possible."--

  • af Sophie McKay
    327,95 kr.

    The freshest and most delicious food possible is waiting for you... and you don't have to have any experience to get started. Permaculture is the answer to so many of our world's problems... and the best part is that anyone can quickly become a master of this craft. With the right insight, a bit of practical advice, and a detailed step-by-step plan of action, you'll soon find yourself feeding more than just your family.Transform your home into a self-sufficient haven, connect with nature, and learn new skills and effective strategies to nourish yourself and your family with sustainable living. Inside The Practical Permaculture Project, you'll discover: ¿ A brief insight into the history of permaculture and why it has escalated so profoundly to where it is today¿ Why permaculture is the future for the human race -- and how getting started today is going to empower every aspect of your life¿ The absolute importance of having a plan in place before you start your permaculture gardening -- and how you can create this plan today¿ Everything you need to know for success -- including garden design basics, water management techniques, how to improve the soil, and how to compost¿ The 7-step process to designing your very own unique permaculture garden¿ Detailed guidance on building your garden beds and optimizing the space you have -- no matter how small it may be¿ The 12 principles of permaculture... and why, if you follow these guidelines, you're sure to generate long term success¿ The most effective way to turn your extra produce into profit, allowing you to give back to the community and generate a little side income for yourself at the same time... and much more! When you focus on the step directly in front of you, things flow more naturally, you never become overwhelmed, and you can produce a bounty of fresh crops in a small amount of time. The only question is... are you ready to take that very first step?

  • af Roc Jane
    270,95 kr.

    Octavio and Amador are two young friends who uncover the secrets of organic farming and the power of teamwork. As they delveinto the mysteries of banana soil enrichment, they tried to discover if burying bananas can truly transform their struggling garden.Will they be able to prove the effectiveness of their revolutionary methods?Can Octavio and Amador save their garden, their community, and the planet from the clutches of pollution and greed?Find out in "The Smart Banana Gardeners," an engaging story of friendship, discovery, the transformative power of bananas in organic farming and the boundless possibilities of the natural world.

  • af James Yeager
    163,95 kr.

    We will provide clear and simple instructions that cover the entire process, from foundational plant biology to proper seed storage and successful propagation.Gardeners of all experience levels will discover the knowledge needed to maintain genetic diversity, save on costs, and extend the vitality of beloved plants for generations to come. Embrace the art of cultivating, preserving, and thriving as you embark on a journey that leads to sustainable practices, the marvel of nurturing life from a single seed, and the satisfaction of becoming a steward of nature's intricate design. Your gardening efforts will span beyond a single season, shaping a fruitful future for both you and the environment. Inside, you'll uncover:The Foundations of Seed Saving: Dive deep into the life cycle of seeds, the differences between various seed types, and the magic of pollination.Harvesting with Precision: Learn the art of collecting seeds, ensuring their viability, and preparing them for future planting.Storage Secrets: Discover techniques to store seeds effectively, ensuring they remain viable for years.Guides for Every Plant Type: From vegetables and herbs to fruits and trees, get detailed insights into seed-saving for a diverse range of plants.Get started with tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and melons, or chamomile, cosmos, sweet peas, and poppies-accompanied by beautiful photography from Libby Williams. Whether you're an experienced gardener new to seed starting and saving or a brand-new grower, you'll soon have healthy, productive, beautiful plants for your garden.

  • af Cullen Streich
    172,95 kr.

    Permaculture Gardening for Beginners: A Simple Step-by-Step GuideUnearth the secrets of sustainable living and cultivate your own organic oasis with "Permaculture Gardening for Beginners." This compelling guide is your ticket to transforming your backyard into a thriving, eco-friendly haven, providing a simple, step-by-step approach to growing your own organic food with confidence.**Key Features:**¿¿¿¿ **Your Journey to Sustainable Abundance:**Dive into the world of permaculture and discover a holistic approach to gardening that harmonizes with nature. From soil health to companion planting, this guide lays the foundation for a bountiful and sustainable garden.¿¿¿¿ **Step-by-Step Guidance:**Whether you're a novice or seasoned gardener, this guide offers easy-to-follow steps for creating your own permaculture paradise. Uncover the secrets of soil preparation, planting techniques, and organic pest management.¿¿¿¿ **Grow Your Own Organic Food:**Empower yourself with the knowledge to grow nutrient-rich, organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs. From seed to harvest, each step is designed to enhance your gardening skills and provide a plentiful yield of homegrown goodness.¿¿¿¿ **Eco-Friendly Practices:**Embrace eco-friendly principles and reduce your environmental footprint. Learn about water conservation, composting, and regenerative practices that not only benefit your garden but also contribute to a healthier planet.¿¿¿¿ **Companion Planting Wisdom:**Unlock the secrets of companion planting and harness the natural synergy between different plant species. Enhance biodiversity, repel pests naturally, and create a garden ecosystem that thrives with vitality.¿¿¿¿ **Confidence in Every Harvest:**"Permaculture Gardening for Beginners" instills confidence in your gardening journey. Arm yourself with knowledge, techniques, and a newfound appreciation for the interconnectedness of nature, ensuring successful and satisfying harvests.**Why "Permaculture Gardening for Beginners" is Your Ultimate Green Thumb Companion:**This book isn't just a guide; it's a manifesto for a sustainable, regenerative lifestyle. "Permaculture Gardening for Beginners" invites you to join a community of conscious gardeners, cultivating not just crops but a future of abundance and harmony.Ready to sow the seeds of sustainable living? Grab your copy of "Permaculture Gardening for Beginners" and embark on a journey towards growing your own organic food with confidence and eco-conscious flair._** ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

  • - Papers (1900)
    af Hermann Kolbe
    172,95 - 183,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Moreka Jolar
    252,95 kr.

    Garden-fresh recipes from an island retreat.

  • af Stephen Herrera
    222,95 kr.

    Most people have less than a week's supply of food in their home. A select few are more prepared and have a six month to one year supply of food, but even they aren't prepared to survive long-term without food. If you only have food on hand, but no way of growing food, you're woefully unprepared to survive a long-term food shortage. There are a number of looming threats to the global food supply and food could be in short demand in the near future. How long would you be able to live without easy access to food Survival seeds allow you to survive indefinitely by giving you the ability to grow and collect seeds from your own produce. In this guide you will find:Comprehensive and accessible books: this guide is designed for all skill levels, offering a clear, step-by-step approach that's easy to follow, regardless of your experience.Actionable tips and advice that you can apply to your garden, from the basics to advanced techniques.How to monetize your garden: discover how to turn your passion for gardening into profit by learning how to monetize your seed-saving efforts.And much more...!Even if you've never grown anything before, this book will give you the confidence you so much desire by breaking down the process in simple, motivating steps that will see you take action and unleash the farmer/gardener within you FAST!

  • af Jessica Fraser
    282,95 kr.

    Transforming your backyard into a functional home farm involves essential steps: soil preparation, crop planting, livestock care, and the integration of sustainable energy systems. Designing your backyard layout requires careful consideration of various factors such as crop and animal needs, sunlight exposure, and water availability. While this might sound complex initially, it's far more accessible than it appears! "The Backyard Homestead Bible" serves as an invaluable guide, leading you through each step with practical insights and valuable farm survival tips. Whether you're a novice or an experienced farmer, fear not! This comprehensive collection of 6 books covers diverse topics, featuring:- Designing Your Small Farm: Creative and inspiring projects and the importance of smart organization.- Homesteading Projects and Objectives- Home Vegetable Gardening: Tips on crop diversity, vertical and raised bed gardening, greenhouse organization, medicinal plants, and crop rotation.- Composting Techniques: Vermicomposting, troubleshooting, and solutions.- Livestock Management: Recommended species, breeding techniques, and goals.- Beekeeping: Constructing a beehive and hive setup.- Winemaking: The wine grape life cycle, from planting to bottling.- Storage and Preservation: Canning, freezing, boxing, brining, and smokehouse tips.- Grain Production: Cultivation and utilization.- Water and Renewable Energy: Assessing energy consumption, maximizing efficiency, and integrating solar panels.- Tips and Techniques: Planting methods, seed sowing, mulching, and planning advice for new homesteaders. Engaging in growing and producing your food proves to be both enjoyable and rewarding. This lifestyle offers numerous benefits to you, your family, and the community, serving as a fulfilling and satisfying way to spend time outdoors. Witnessing the fruits of your labor provides a profound sense of accomplishment and contentment.

  • - Food Security Through Biodiversity And Promiscuous Pollination
    af Joseph Lofthouse
    102,95 - 177,95 kr.

  • af All We Need Publishing
    227,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Alexander Blacksmith
    197,95 kr.

    In a world buzzing with screens and algorithms, how do you reclaim life's authenticity? "Homesteading Unplugged" unveils the blueprint to live sustainably amidst the digital chaos.Ever wondered how to balance modern convenience with a back-to-nature lifestyle? This guide unravels the art of harmonizing the digital age with self-sufficiency. It's like solving a mystery - the more you delve in, the more intriguing it gets.Picture this: cultivating your own food, crafting essentials, and embracing eco-conscious practices. Each turn of the page stitches together a narrative that resonates with your desire for a simpler, purposeful existence, blending nostalgia with innovation.This book isn't just a manual; it's a transformational journey. Discover the secrets to living sustainably in a tech-dominated world and redefine your relationship with nature, setting yourself apart in a crowd of conformity.Feel the yearning for connection in a disconnected world?This guide empathizes with the longing for a more authentic, meaningful life and offers tangible steps to achieve it.Doubting if sustainable living can fit your lifestyle? Learn adaptable strategies and practical advice suited to diverse circumstances, dissolving uncertainties about feasibility and practicality.As Thoreau said, "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately."Experts affirm that the path to a balanced life intertwines with nature, guiding us toward profound self-discovery.What you Learn Inside:Discover efficient gardening hacks for any space.Master self-reliant skills like preserving food and energy.Cultivate mindful consumption habits for a greener tomorrow.Design a sanctuary that harmonizes modern comforts with nature's rhythms.Embark on a journey where digital detachment meets sustainable serenity, unlocking the true essence of living in an interconnected world.Ready to embrace sustainability in a digital era?Grab your copy now and start your homesteading journey today!

  • af Huw Richards
    197,95 kr.

    Eat homegrown food all year round and save money on your weekly shop by following a simple plan for self-sufficiency. Huw Richards and Sam Cooper have spent the past two years planning and trialing their very own self-sufficiency garden in a 10x12.5m plot and now they've worked out the perfect formula. Grow five portions of nutritious veg a day for four people following their month-by-month growing plan, which is realistic and flexible with cost, space, and time in mind. - Learn about Huw and Sam's self-sufficiency ethos, goals and approaches - Create your garden and learn how to build all the growing spaces you will need, such as hot beds and polytunnels - Follow month-by-month planting plans with guidance on key tasks throughout the year - Discover useful kitchen tips meal prep, storage, and preserving ideas along with base recipes so you can make the most of your crops Follow Huw and Sam's tried-and-tested methods and save money while enjoying homegrown food all year.

  • af Sebastian Strauss
    267,95 kr.

    In today's fast-paced and ever-evolving world, the role of organic chemistry cannot be overstated. Understanding the principles of organic chemistry is crucial for students, as it has far-reaching implications in various fields and industries. From medicine and pharmaceuticals to agriculture and materials science, organic chemistry plays a vital role in shaping the modern world we live in.One of the most significant contributions of organic chemistry is in the field of medicine. Many life-saving drugs and treatments are derived from organic compounds. Organic chemists work diligently to develop new drugs and improve existing ones, ultimately saving countless lives. For instance, the discovery and development of antibiotics, such as penicillin, have revolutionized the treatment of bacterial infections. Without a strong foundation in organic chemistry, it would be impossible to make these breakthroughs.The importance of organic chemistry also extends to the agricultural sector. Organic chemists help develop pesticides and fertilizers that increase crop yields, ensuring food security for a growing global population. Additionally, they work on developing herbicides and insecticides that are environmentally friendly, minimizing the ecological impact of agriculture. By understanding the chemical reactions and properties of organic compounds, students can contribute to sustainable farming practices and help address the challenges of food production.Furthermore, organic chemistry plays a pivotal role in materials science and technology. From the development of advanced polymers to the creation of new materials with unique properties, organic chemistry is at the forefront of innovation. This field has led to discoveries such as lightweight and durable materials used in aerospace engineering, flexible and conductive plastics for electronics, and biodegradable materials that reduce environmental pollution.

  • af Dbugking
    372,95 kr.

    "The Organic Home" is a comprehensive and empowering guide that takes readers on a journey into the world of organic home production. From cultivating vibrant gardens to raising organic livestock, this book serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking a deeper connection to their food and a sustainable lifestyle.Key Features:A Holistic Approach: Explore every facet of organic home production, including gardening, livestock raising, food preservation, and community engagement. This book provides a holistic view of creating a self-sustaining and eco-friendly home environment.Practical Guidance: From soil testing to crop rotation, the book offers practical tips and step-by-step guidance for both beginners and experienced home growers. Learn how to maximize your garden's potential and overcome challenges through sustainable practices.Inspiring Case Studies: Delve into real-life case studies of individuals who have successfully transformed their urban spaces into thriving organic gardens. These stories provide inspiration and actionable insights for readers looking to embark on their own homegrown journey.Seasonal Planning: Navigate the changing seasons with a detailed organic gardening calendar and checklist. Understand the optimal times for planting, harvesting, and soil maintenance, ensuring a year-round bounty of fresh, homegrown produce.Culinary Delights: Elevate your culinary experiences with a collection of delicious recipes tailored to showcase the flavors of homegrown organic produce. From garden-fresh salads to hearty roasted vegetable medleys, discover how to savor the fruits of your labor in the kitchen.Sustainability and Community: Explore the broader impact of organic home production on sustainability and community engagement. Learn about joining local gardening communities, sharing surplus produce, and advocating for sustainable practices.Expert Insights: Benefit from the wisdom of experienced gardeners, farmers, and sustainability experts. The book incorporates expert opinions, research findings, and proven methodologies to provide a well-rounded and trustworthy guide."Harvesting Home" is more than just a gardening manual; it's a roadmap for individuals seeking a more sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or a novice with a passion for fresh, organic food, this book will empower you to create a thriving and environmentally conscious homegrown haven.

  • af Green Roots
    152,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af Albert Benjamin Prescott
    212,95 - 252,95 kr.

  • af Burt Laws Hartwell
    159,95 - 212,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

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